The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 10, 1874, Image 2

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    M,apishoro'-.4).illajjg gtiord.
Thursday, 'bomber 10..44.
. .
mi.- , Eleven pereons were buried in the
snow last week , in ascending the Great St.
Bernard, on the, Alps mountain, and it is
supposed all have perished:
astir. Clark; of St. Peterilfino., up
on hrpating aneegg found therein ' a ser
pent five inches long. The lien that laid
that egg must have' Lad the delirium tre
mens. •
tdat•T. T. Brooks, the defaultiug'Pres•
ident of the Merchants' National Bank
4 . 4 Petersburg, Va., buts_been sentenced to
five years' imprisonment in the Albany
' ittirWesley • Underwood, who was to
/have been hanged at Palmyra, Missouri,
l tm Friday Last, for the murder of Richard
Menifre, in 1871, hanged himself in jail on
Thursday night previous.
xm.-Twelve-States have - adopted the
principle of compulsory education, New
HampshireNermont,Massachusetts, Ken
lucky, Rhode island, New York, (to g 9
'into operation Jan. 1,18'G), New!Jersey,
Michigan, Kansas, Texas, Nevada, and
im.llllr. Geo. W. Steinmetz, of Clay
Township, Lancaster county, has a, well
which has no bottom. The pump is sus•
pended by chains, and it is said a stream
of water flows underneallt whicbis inex,
SirAt a public sale recently held in
Napier township,' Bedford county, horse
flesh was at a fearful discount if we are
to judge from the following prices at which
that "noble animal" was knocked down :
one brown hors; 10 cents ; one bay horse,
15 cents ; one brown horse, $2,25 ; one
dapple grey,s7,so ; one black horse, $1.2,-
25; total for 6ve horses, $22,25,
tra"The case of the Itev.John_S—Grlen,
dewing, of Jersey City, who was accused
of the seduction of Miss Pomeroy, has
been on trial before the Jersey City Pres
bytery for two months past, and a vast
amount of conflicting evidence offered.—
The trial was conclwled on Thumciay by
a vrrilict of acquittal.
lair/I. New York correspondent de
clares that the reported delays in the tri
al of the Tilton-Beecher damage case, are
caused by the effort of , Beecher's counsel
to have Moulton tried ftntt, and if possi
ble convicted, thus putting out of the way
the principal witness against their client.
The delays, whether caused for - this rea
ern, or not, have certainly had a damag
ing effect on Mr. Boechcr's case, as view
ed by the people of the country.
Pri - The most serious labor strike of the
year is that of the men in the iron mills
at Pitt6burg Ishieh was to have taken
place on Monday last. Forty thousand
1611 stop work, nearly all the mills will
be compelled to suspend operations, and
the blow will disastrously Affect the min
ing interests. The cause of the trouble is
the same old thing—the millowners think
they are compelled to' reduce wages and
the workmen refuse to take the lessened
v.. William F. Havemoyer, Mayor of
New York city, • died suddenly in his of
fice in that city, on Monday a week, about
amen; Ho had been to visit a sick friend
on Long Island, and upon his return, the
engine having broken down, he walked
several miles briskly against a, strong wind.
Arsving at the City Hall at 11:40 A. M.,
be proceeded at once to business, but soon
complained of difficulty of breathing.—
He walked the floor, slapping his breast,
for a short time. Then, seating himself,
he again began his pork. After writing
a letter, be arose again and paced the
floor. Tottering, he fell to the floor, and
In a few momenta was dead. Thirty-five
minutes had elapsed since he entered the
City Hall. An inquest rendered a ver
dict that he died from disease of the heart.
Flags were displayed at half mast on all
the public buildings, and unusual sorrow
The late election in Louisiana reveals
the sad fact that more than three-fourths
of the voters cannot write their names.--
While a greater part of this illiteracy be
longs to the , negroee, in some sections the
whites muke a had show. In St. Landry
it is discovered that 1,715 while voters, or
vine-ballot the white voters, of the parish,
'were unable to sign their names ; and
that 1,406, or five-sixths of the regrow,
were unable to write. The total amounts
to thrce•fitths of the voting population of
the paris. The N. 0. Picayune says at a
timely moment "If our Prosperity is
to be lasting, it will not do to hide any of
4lime troubles. There will have to be
viotoe determined action on many ques
tions...and on this question in particular."
PENN 3474`4211A RAILROAD.-The Semi
. Annual Report furnishes the following
, facts and figures 1 After paying all ex
lenses for the put. ix months, there is
balance left amounting to $5,141,856.
Of this amount islield for contingent ex
penses $876,333,' - and , 84,255,533 as a
wash's for dividends on the .capital
stuck of $64,448,300.
totirPmsons who' ave become thorough
ly chilled from any cause, may have their
circulation at ouoerestored by taking into
the- stomach s teaspoonful' of Johnson's
iissitSee4 -mixed lira little cold
pater, well7tamtemi.
affirThe oldest man in Worth Amtri.
ea, George Le Baire, of Middle Smith
near Stroudsburg, Monroe county,
Pa., died at his residence last Saturday
night, at the extreme age of 112 years.—
He was born in Permylvania under col
onial rule, had shaken bands, with Gener
al Washington, Seen the, gallant Lafay
ette and the patriotic. (3,eral Sullivan,
and was 'deemed a tory in revolutionary
days. He was too old for service in 1812
but he was still a hale old man till with
in the last two weeks. He had never
been sick but three times in his life , --once
with yellow fever, once with camp fever
and once,witli • ty - nbold fever. He used
tobacco very freely - all his life, both smo
king and chewing, but was very moder
ate in his use of liquor of all kinds. He
took daily exercise in the woods, among
which he had grown up, felling trees and
chopping railroad ties, up to within the
last two or three years. It is recorded
of him that 1869 when one hundred and
seven years old, he felled trees and peal
ed three wagon loads of bark, which one
of his young'st sons, a young chap of six
ty hauled to market for him.
A PAMILY POISONED:-.4. whole fami
ly were found poisoned in bed in Carbon
dale, at noun en Friday. The victims
are a family named Ludwig, his wife and
a beautiful child about a year old. Some
of the neighbors shortly' before noon, see
ing that none of the family were astir,
forced open the door, and on going up
stairs beheld a horible spectacle. The
features of a-man and wife were distort
ed by the throes of death, while the in
fant was at its mother's breast unconscious
of the awful fate of its parents. Medical
aid was promptly called, and after the
application of restoratives husband and
wife rallied a little, but the latter died
withie an hour. The husband, being of
a powerful constitution , struggled_o. -
til the evening,when he also died. When
the—husband_was.partially restored to con
sciousness he said that somebody gave
himself and wife a draught from a bottle.
"We both diank it," ho added, but ho
could not be induced to say any more.—
Up to a late hour that evening no clue to
the mystery could be obtained.
19.. A letter of Gov. Dix to Mayor
Havemeyer, written last - week,:in relation
to William M. Tweed, is made public.—
The Governor alludes to the information
which has come to him of Tweed's privi
leges, Such as the use of a room furnished
with all the conveniences and comforts of
life, his wearing of ordinary dress, liber
ty of the penitentiary grounds, and his
exemption from testraints of prison disci
pline. This, the Governor declares, is .
disgraceful to the State, a criminal viola
tion of duty, in utter contempt of the law,
and cannot fail to bring lasting discredit
on all by whose official interposition the
abuse may be corrected, and he deems it
his duty to call the mayor's attention to
the subject, as the parties who are thus
making the administration of justice a
mockery are within his immediate author
se Scranton Penna., must be a terrible
place to live, if what the New York Her
ald and Scranton Republican says is only
half true. A Herald correspondent rep
resents matters. iu the neighborhood of
that 'place, in a locality called "Shanty
Hill," as in a fearful condition. rivalling
the noted "Five Points" of New York in
misery and wretchedness. The Republi
can denies what the Herald correspondent
says, but publishes to the world the hu
miliating fact that the Mayor of Scran
ton has been arrested for perjury, and the
chief of police is in durance for murder.
In its despair the Republican says : "We
don't know what shall befall us if the of
ficers of the city are taken away one by
one in this summary manner. Now the
chief of police and mayor aro gone, and
we suppose the next thing in order will
be to gobble up the "City Fathers."
;The Present law in regard to pos
tage on newspapers should be entitled :
A Law for the suppression of newspapers
and the promotion of .ignorance among the
people of the rural districts. The member
of Congress who will on the very first day
of the nest session introduce a bill to re
store the old law of free„exchanges among
newspapers and free papers to subscribers
residing indite counties where they are
published,will en title himself to the thanks
and gratitude not only of the newspaper
press, but of hundreds of thousands be
sides. It will be the most popular move
with the people that has ever been .mane.
Who will put the ball in motion.—Mary
r.The Philadelphia Tclegrcph says
stated on the highest authority that
the parties who endeavored to purchase
the Press through the agency of Colonel
McClure are now seeking to gain posses
sion of another prominent journal in the
city, with .a view to establish an indepen
dent political newspaper• .
ift-Every farmer who owns a good
'stock of horses, cattle and sheep, and in
tends to keep them through the winter,-
should get at once a good stock of Sher: 7
don's Cava/ry Condition Powder. Oue
dollar's worth will save at least a half
ton of hay. -
v4.lkir. John Murdock has purchased
thai'Maria Es,ctlory" property,uear Boons
boro: W 44116,000 coliuty, for $2,001.
— ShlPPeasbgrg has Sena beer clubs
Joint atiirs..
rOn all accounts, of
810 upwards paid
at this . office before the
ist Jan:uaky, 187.5, ;a de
will beAifiide Aftei that
date costs .will be, added
without' respect to - per-
,—Cheap grain makes dull times.
,Christmas is drawing nigh.
—Winter begins Deeetgber 22d, the
shortest clay is the 21st. •
--The days are now about 9 hours and
30 minutes in length.
—Pig,F,—old_enougb_to_crack_corn, will
be taken for dues at this office.
• —Let us hear from that man who kills
the heaviest hog this season.
—John Miller, auctioneer, is seriously
ill at his reshlene3 in Chambersburg.
—For clocks, flue jewelry, etc. go to
E. Elden's. "
Po - mt.—Several hundred pounds prime
will be taken in trade at this office.
—A man East of town—broken prom
ises in reference to the delivery of wood
considered—is Tom Pepper's peer.
—The H. & P. R. R. is completed and
trains are running to Williams' Mill, 1
mile east of the Dogwood.
gigt..Charles Oresler, of Chambersburg,
has a young alligator which was sent him
—The .assignees J r qhn Ruthrauff,
have sold his Real Estate near Greencas
tle, for $14,500.
$25,00 REWARD.—The Washington
District School Board offer the above re
ward for the arrest and conviction of the
parties who recently attempted to fire
Fairview School House, near this piece.
OvsTnns.—Mr. P Corbett has placed
us under obligations to him for a quart
of very superior Oysters. Petie is never
without the best article tho Baltimore
market al:cords. In this respect he takes
pride in serving his customers, and conse
quently is driving a brisk business.
ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual busi
ness meeting of the Y. M. C. A. will be
held in the room of the Association on
Monday evening, 14th inst., at which time
there will bo an election of officers for the
ensuing year. A full attendance is re
inst., Messrsißalsley' & Raby, assignees
of A. S. Mono, sold to Mrs. Dinah Monn,
Seven Acres more or less, prime land,
with the improvements, at Snow Hill, for
the sum of .$1475,00. Good sale, the
times considered.
ton wit - 1101.TDAYS.—The customary
supplies of, goods for the Christmas holi
days have becti opened out among our
dealers. The little ones are enjoying the
sights, and of course will thenceforward
await with impatience the coming of that
mythical personage, Stints. Clause, with
his stores c.f toys and dainties.
eirCamp Stambaugh, Wyoming, of
which our friend Capt. D. S. Gordon, is
at present Post Commander, is about 8000
feet above the level of the sea, the high
est post in the United States, except Ft.
Harlan. New Mexico. At last accounts,
according to a 'correspondent, the Fort
was walled in by snow drifts from two to
fifteen feet deep.
„.Mr. E. G. Etter had one of his
Fountain Gas Lamps on exhibition on the
Diamond on Monday evening. As a street
light it seems to answer the purpose most
admirably, surpassing in the estimation
of many persons even the regular gas
light. We think our "town fathers” will
act wisely by at once negotiating for a
sufficient number to light our streets of
dark evenings. Neighboring towns are
thus to be illuminated. Let Waynesboro'
not be behind.
POSTAGE LAW.—On the first of Janu
ary the new postage law, passed by Con
gress the 23d of June last, goes into op.
eratico, which will require the pre-pay
meat of postage on every copy of the Rec
ord sent out of the county. This pre•pay
meat must be made by publishers, other
wise the paper will not be forwarded. To
avoid difficulty in regard to this new reg
ulation we make subscribers this proposi
tion: To all who shall have, on the first
day of January, paid their subscriptions
in ADVANCE, the paper will be sent free
of postage. Those failing to make ad•
vance payments will be charged.with the
postage. •
barn Mid outhnildings, on the
farm of Mrs. John - Royer, near Westm in
`ster Carroll county, together , with all this
season's crop, farming implements and
three bead of cattle, were consumed by an
incendiary fire last Monday a week.
—The Oakville Enterpa•ise is to be re
moved to Newville.
—Wheat has an upward tendency.
. Rcethyis.—i:The following is a list of
our subscription ieeciPfs . for November :
Mrs. Mary Dayhdff, • $2,00
Daniel H. Oiler. 6,00
Peter.Reuzer,. 5,00
John E. • • 2,00
John B. Smith, 7,00
'Dr. Jet. Hess, ' 5,00
Mr5.,,D.,A14,11 ugh, • 2,00
Ja c ob Sommers, sen., . 2,00
'J. S. Harper,. - -
Geo. J. Balsle t y, .
E. L. Taylor,
Isaac B. Spreukle,
A. N. Ryder,
J. Heffner,
Daniel IVleiksell,
John D. Benedict;
A. D. Crilly, .
D. E. Pricer, •
Geo. Royer,
Geo. Sarbalnh sen
C. K. Myers,
Wm. Fleagle,
Geo. WiSe; • -
IVirr. - Scar4rean,
H. 9:.4010; •
S. Bl.34tdrve," •
Geo. -K - eag . r :
Henry Rioelinr4 - •
DEcaAsi:n.:L=HOn. David Oaks, Asso
ciate Judge of the courts of this county,
and well known to many of our citizens,
expired at his residence in Chamberburg;
on the evening of the 2d inst., in the 74
year of his age. Of the deceased the Re
pository says t—He lived in Chambers
burg. more than half a century and few
men were more generally known in this
community, than he. He was engaged
most of his life in mercantile pursuits in
Which *tic ityhe established a repute.
tion for probity and honor by a long course
of fair and honorable dealing.
Twenty years ago he served a term as
Register ttnaßceorder of the county, and
in 1872 h!1 , 3, Arp . p . ._elected Associate Judee
for the" tern 4, five years. He was an
active memher .41:1f the United Brethern
Church, in which Communion he will be
greatly missed.
DESTRUCTIVE FIRE.—At an early hour
on Monday morning last a fire broke out
at the Mt. Alto Works, destroying two of
the company's stables. The light caused
by the burning buildings was unusually
brilliant and was noticed by many of our
citizens. The Public Opinion says:—Six
head of horses, about 30 tons. of hay, 30
tons of straw, several wagons, &e.,—hero
consumed. The loss is estimated by our
informant, H. E. Wertz, Esq., (to whom
we are indebted for these particulars) at
$lO,OOO. Four 'Of the horses, the only
individual property, belonged to Mr. John
Brown. The size of the stables were, re•
speetively, 24k90 and 48x90, frame struc
tures, recently erected. Very effective
work was performed by the two• Babcock
fire extinguishers, by which a third stable
and other valuable property was saved.—
The origin of' the fire is not definitely
ilerThe Franklin County Teachers le
stittite closed its sessions at Clam berSburg
on Friday last. It is said to have been
more numerously attended by teachers
than at:any . former ennui meeting and
that the proceedings were more than or
dinarily interesting. We annex a list of
the teachers in attendance from this town
ship and•Quincy: . -
Quincy—Ezra Wile, Maggie Hemel
baugh, E. S. Mannel, J. C. Shafer, J. Mc-
Ferret), G. Beatty. W. Worthington, Jas.,
E. Gordon, 'C.._Kepner, D. B. Rhea,
Sarah Wineirutp, • Henry Hager, D. B.
Row, H. M. Benedict, A. R. Bomberger,
Franklin Stabler.
Washington—S. M. French, S. G Hol
linger, G. S. Gelwix, Geo, Waddle, Miss
R. M. Gaff, Abraham Miller, A. B. Sto
ler, Jno. A. Potter, W. H. Pope, Daniel
Price, J. S. Miller, Miss H. B. Millor,A.d
am Baker.
Waynesboto'—P. H. Bentz,Mrs. Funk
Mr. Miller, I. B. Sprenkle, Mrs. Smith,
Miss L. Wilson.
tel-On Wednesday a week the heavi
e3t man in the state, if not in the coun
t y, died at Douglassville, Berks county.
Although but twenty-one years old he
weighed 450 pounds. The calf of his
leg measured twenty-nine . inches in cir
cumference.. He was five feet eight inch
es iu height and, , had a handsome face.—
The name of this marvel was Williain
Kupp. The young man's death AT'as
den,he having retired to bed in good health
the night preceding the morning on which
he breathed his last.
iteir The Williamsport Pilot says the prop:
osition' of the "Baltimore and Western
Maryland Railroad Company," to the ci
ty of Baltimore, asking that tLe city re
lease to that company all its right title
and interest in the Western Maryland
Railroad, except certain first mortgage
bonds,. has been withdrawn. The new
ampany stating that they bad concluded
to withdraw their proposition, as the mat
ter had . not
, been received by the public
or the city authorities with the favor that
had beet. anticipated.
- -
rtai.The , secoattland last session of the
Forty-third Congress commenced on Mon
day last, and the President's Message was
read in both Houses. Among other top
ics of interest the President suggests free
banking and a resumption of specie pay
ments, and bcnsequently favors a repeal
of the Legal-tender act. A synopsis of
its most important featura will be given
in our nest issue.
TRESSPASSINO.—It is supposed bisome
persons that it is necessary for farmers
and others to advertise that gunning and
hunting is forbidden on their lands. The
act of April 9, 1790, provides fast if a
ny person shall presume to bunt or carry
a gukon any inclosed or improved lands
of auk: inhabitant of this state without
permission of the owner, or shall there
fore -be convicted before any justice of
the-.peace, he shall for every offense for
feit- the "sum of forty shillings. This act
the supreme court of Pennsylvania deci
ded, May 11, 1869, to be still in force,
and that offenders may be summarily con
victed:upon inferipatiOn laid before any
justice •of the peaco . Farmers are not
obliged, to advertise, but-it ie well to do
83, as it saves the annoyance of resorting
to legal proceedings in many cases,because
gunners' will know that hunting will not
be permitted on such properties, and will,
therefore, give them a wide berth.—Sun
bury Daily.
' 2,00
• 3,00
_ How_To CATCH-:COLD-:—An-exchange
says: . One way is to. "bundle up" in furs
or mufflers tight about the , neck, take a
.brisk.walk,'go into a warm room or con
cert—sit with your things all on,get warm
perspire freely, breathe vitiated air for an
hour or two, and when thoroughly relax
ed, the pores of the skin all open, go out
into the cold, damp'air, and you will be
gin to shiver. After having a chill send
for the doctor and be will give y.ou some•
thing hot, then go to bed ; then if let a
lone long enough you may get up in a
'day or two, and in a 'fortnight or so you
may repeat the imprudence.. We don't
.believe in furs, clos'e unventilated, over
heated rooms, nor' in stupid carelessness
generally. There are several other ways
to 'take cold. We will 'minion but one,
and that is to "over-eat.".. • Stuff the stom
ach with improper food, more than it can
digest, and you will soon find yourself
"all..clogged up with a cold". You will
cough or. sneeze, blow your nose, and
" worider'liow it the world you took, a
cold:' . •
SUDDEN DEATy.—Leonard C. Jordan
of rafrs township dropped dead uhile
standinT in his front door on Sunday
morning last, at 9 o'clock. Two or three
years ago he received a fall off a load of
grain in the barn, from the effects of which
he never fully recovered. He was more
cheerful than usual on Sunday morning,
and had just taken breakilist and went to
the door to direct a tramp to the road,
and as he pointed in the direction, he fell
for ward. Dr. Brownson says he thinks
he never breathed alter lie fell. , Heart
d isease is supposed to have been the cause
of his dent h.—Repository.
B.lnx BURICT.-A barn belonging to
Mr. W. P. Eckles, hr Silver Spring town
ship, Cumberland county, was Consumed
by fire, on the morning of the 30th ult.—
The Volunteer says that beside the barn
four cattle, nine hogs, the entire crop of
grain, straw, hay and fodder and all the
farming inn lements, excepting one wagon
were burnt. The barn was insured for
e3 0 5C0, but $6,000 will hardly cover the
1 oss. The fire is supposed to have been
caused by a "tramp" who lodged in the
barn during the night.
tegl,Fish Commissioners T. B. Fergu
son and P. B. Downs. placed in the Marsh
Run, a tributary of the Antietam Creek,
near Hagerstown, Washington co, 4,000
young salmon. They were hatched out
in Baltimore county from spawn obtained
from fish caught in .MeLcod River, Cali
Ildderzook vas a total abstainer from
ntomea tiog drinks aryl inbaceo,
See pub lk sale notiecs by T. J. Fil
—A choice article of New Crop N. 0
Molasses, just received.
declo Fri s co & Hoeflich.
—New Millinery Goods just received
at Mrs. Rester's. The latest iu felt hats.—
Call and examine her stock. dec3 Sw
FOR SALE.—Hay, Corn and Apples in
arge and small quanties.
dec3 tf
—A fresh lot of Storm Caps for men
and boys at the Town Hall Store.
—A large lot of Ladies' Furs "cheap,"
'ust received at the Town Hall Store.
—Wool.lined overshoes for ladies and
gentlemen at the Town Hull Store.
—The highest market prices paid for
all kinds of raw• furs, at the Town Hull
—A fine assortment of Gents and Boy's
Hats, at the Town Hall Store, dec3 2w
has arranged to have his fine boots manu
factured in Philadelphia. Persons prefer
ring this plan will be promptly furnished
by leaving their measures with him.
GLovrs AND llosmaY—All kinds at
the Bout and Shoe Store of Jacob Snider,
cheaper than ever.
11475tAND Cirs.—A full line and new
assortment at Snider's Store,.oellig Build-
• MEN'S UNTAR-CLOTHING.--A full line
at Snider's. Store,
ANOTHER LOT.—Boots and Shoes best
styles and material in market, at Snider's
cheap Boot and Shoe Store. Call and see
them. •
GarrEns.—Misses Kid-button Gaiters
as low as $l.lO, at Snider's Store.
dee3 3w
Nonows.—Anottter supply, all kinds,
at Snider's Store, Oellig, Building.
—Black Cashmeres, French Mennos,
Silk Poplins, Double Warp Alpacas, and all
the popular Dress Fabrics of the season in
great variety, just received at Price & Hoe
—For the • next thirty days, we wil
sell a large stock of Knit Goods at and be
low cost. Nos' for bargains at Price 44: Hoe
—Another heavy invoice of Wool
Blankets at auction figures. Call and see
them at Price * Hoeflich's Store.
—Silk Laces, Gimps, Bugle Braids,
all the novelties, in Ladies' Dress Trim
mings, in full assortment at Price & Hoe
-dec3 3w
LosT.—Was lost between Waynesboro'
and Ringgold, on Saturday evening last a
Sable Fur Cape. The same kind of a Cape
was lost on Main street on Saturday even
ing. The tinders will be rewarded by leav
ingthe m at this office. dee3 3w
A MAN IN RUINS.—One of the, sad
test-spectacles in the world is a human
being shattered and broken down by the
use of ardent spirits. But the damage
may be repaired, the ruin restored to per
fect soundness, by a course of that most
powerful of all invigorants, DR. WALK
cult's VINEGAR BITTERS. Beware of those
"tonics" of which rum is an element.—
They aggravate disease and promote de
cay. dec3 4t
received a large lot of Ready-made Cloth
ing, consisting of Overcoats and full suits.
cverconts also low as $6; good heavy weight
Oita as low as $B.
On hand the largest stock of Cloths,
Casiimeres, Vestings and OvercOatings to
be found in this part of the county. Goods
sold to be made up at home, cat free cf
charge. Call and gee as I will not be under
sold. GEO. BOERNE R,
Merchant. Tailor,
S. E. Cor. Square, Waynesboro.'
dec3 3w
S T.LLING AT COST. —lntending to go
out of business, I am now"offerring a fine
Stock of Qaeensware, Glassware and Sun
dries, in connection with my stock ofro
ceries, at first cost, for CASII. The public
are invited to call and examine goods and
dec 3 2w
-150 pair Ladies and Misses Rubber
Sandals for sale at E. ELDEN'S at 30 cents
por pair. nov26 St
Ms That dry hacking cough is the herald
of approaching consumption. To check the
swift progress of the destroyer, prompt and
decisive measnres must be restored to. A
dose of Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher.
ry and Horehound, taken when the cough
ing spells come on, will afford immediate
relief and eventually effect a thorough cure.
It will be found equally beneficial in all
forms of throat and lung disorders. In cases
of croup it is of inestimable value. Call at
the drug store of F. FORTIMAN, and inquire
about it, they will furnish you with a sam
ple bottle. sept 24-10 w
On the 2Cth ult., by the ltev. Abraham
Golly, at his residence, Mr. Jacob-Weng
ert, to Miss Susan Heller, both of Wash
ington Township.
On the 3d inst., by Wm. B. Raby
Mr. Henry Stull to Miss Elizabeth Heist,
both of Quincy township.
On the 12th ult., at' the U. B. Parson
age, Alto Dale, by Rev. J. P. Anthony,
Mr. David Bitt:nger to Miss Collie Grace
Barr, all of Fayetteville, Pa.
In Allegheny city, Pa., October 2Gth,
1874, Mary Catharine, daughter of Philip
and S. C. Funuuiry, aged G years, 5 mos.
and 12 days.
"Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade,
Death came with friendly care,
The opening bud to heaven conveyed,
Anil bade it blossom there."
In Chamber burg*, on the 2d inst., Hon.
David Oaks, aged 73 years, 7 mouths and
28 days.
On the 4th inst., Mrs. Susan Seibert,
aged 43 years, 10 months and 22 days.
Near Orestown, on the Ist inst., Mr.
Daniel Sweigert, aged 56 years, 7 months
and 10 days.
On the 29th alt at Welsh Run, John
St ate, in the 74th year of his age.
-BACON 11. e.
HAMSi 20
8UTTER........ ......
EGGS , 22
LARD . 32
APPLES—num 05
HARD SOAP ............ ....... ..5
J. B. H.V41LT01.7
FLOUR —Howard street at $4.90 ;
spring do. at. $5,15 ; Howard street and
Western Family
.at $5,50, and spring
Family at $5,75 per bbl.
WHEAT.—White at 130(§,140 cents
for good to choice; amber at 135@136
cents; prime red at 125@133 cents.
CORN.—;Dry white at 83(q)84- cents; good do. at 80@82 cents.
OATS.—Southern at 65@69 cents.
RYE.—Sales good at log cents.
7.—57a7,50 for extra Pennsylvania and
Western Steers ; $5,50a6,50 for fair to
good. Hogs firmly held ; sales $10,25a
10 50.
THE subscriber - offers•his services to the
j citizens of Waynesboro' and the public
generally as an Auctioneer. Having had
considerable experience at calllngt sales,
etc., he hopes to able to give general satis
faction to all who may be pleased to favor
him with a trial. Residence near the Re
formed Church. . H. J. WOLF.
declo 3m
WANTED-1000 Bush. Clover Seed, for
V T which the highest cash price will be
dec3 5w Leitersbnrg, 3ld.
M.A. - IR.,RI_A_G-ES_
FkTar4-vvt.;- - -40nivii=11
BALTIBLORE, December 7, 1874
PITRRIANT•to an order of the Orphans
of Franklin County-,.• Pa., there
will be sold at PubligSale,
Ou Saturday the 26th day Pecernher, '74,,
in front of Stoner's Hotel; a loetif ground',
thereon erected, situated on west side of
31echanie Street, in- Waynesboro'. adjoin ,
lug lot of Isaac Sprenkle, being the prop
erty of the estate of John A.Btrealy, dee'd.
The*house is almost new, and with good
sized pleasant lot attached.
Terms made known on the day of sale
by , THOMAS J. FILBERT, Adm'r.
deelo 3wr • G. V. Mong, Suet.
tu ILL be sold at Public Sale, in 'front of
V V Stoner's Hotel,
On Saturday; 26th of - December, - 1874, --
a lot of ground, situate on west side of Lei
tersburg Street, in Waynesboro', adjoining
lot of Joseph Eiden, with a very comforta
with a good Basement, belonging to assign ,
ed estate of - Noah - Snider — and wife. The
lot is well stocked with choice fruit i tzeeg
and the house is well built and arranged
for two families.
Terms made known on the day of sale by .
T. J. FILBERT. Assignee.
G. V. Mong, auct.
declo 3w
\ cirri Rig
63-15 1,50 ANEV:m
nexcellecl by any Weekly Literary Publi
ctition, East or West. '
The most liberal Premiums and Chit)
Rates ever offered by any newspaper.—
Write for a circular 'containing full mfor
etcz--Specimen copies furnished on
application. Address
declo 4w
825,00 REWARD ! •
. '
THE above reward will be paid for the
I arrest and conviction of the person or
isergt irig - VVliirMkT3b - pen and 'nails an at
tempt to fire Fairview . School House, •on
Sunday night, the 6th.irwt.
(lea° St]
HE undersigned will offer at PUblie Sale
in Waynesboro'„
On Saturday, 19th day December, 1874,
the following described Real Estate, viz:
situated near Pikesville, now in the occu
pancy of Thos. 3. Cunningham, with good
Stabling, Slaughter House and other ne
cessary out-buildings. There is a well of
good water in the yard. On the lot which
contains an acre, more or less, there aro a
. of choice fruit, trees. The house is
convenient and all in good repair.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day
when the terms will be Triode known by
G. V. Moiig, amt.
, More than Ono !lunched different stylea
and colors of
to suit the old, the middle-aged and °the
young—in goods better than the best and
prices cheaper than the cheapest, nrtintain
jug our reputation as leaders for all kinds
of Head Gear. , The largest variety of
Cuffs. Bosoms, Shirt Stials and Sleeve But. ,
tons, Gents 'Underwear in great variety,
and Stockings, Umbrellas, Canes, Satchels,
C3* IJ 0 - sr
our own manufacturo•of Buck, Sheep, Kid,
Dog Kid and 'Custom Gloves to fit all sorts,
sizes and shapes of hands.
For.the Ladies, all the popular styles of
FUrs, Collars, Boas, Muffs
and Fur Trimmings, of all descriptions.—
Our ladies $2 Dog Kid Gloves fit as neat=-
look as well and will outwear a half dozen
imported Kid, while our domestic and mow
kids at $1.50 and s[,6o will outwear a half
dozen of the imported dollar kids.
UPDEGRAFF'S Hat, Glove and Fur Fact'y
Opp. Washiggton House, Hagerstown.
oct 22—tf.
1 1 11 E subscriberannounces to his runner
one friends and the public generally
that he continues the Cabinet-making bu
sineas at the old furniture stand on East
Main Street. Way nasboro', Pa. All articles
offered in his line of business will be man-.
ufuctured out of the beet material and ac
cording to the latest styles. He also an.
nounces that he has
Tie will pay special attention to thelinder.
taking business, and is prepared to furnish.,
Coffins of all grades at very moderate pri-,
cos. He is also provided with a ' reezer.
He hereby tenders his sincere thanks to
his friends and the public generally for
past favors and asks a share of the same
in the future. JACOB BENDER:
THE subscriber announces to his ens
-1 tomers and the public that he has re
moved to a. shop erected at his residence
on the old Hagerstown road, where he will
continue the boot and shoemaking business.
Persons wanting boots or shoes made to or
der, or repairing done, will at al: times be
accommodated at short notice and upon
reasonable terms. His prices are ;• Fine
Boots, $7 ; 75 Cents; lialkol
ing and Heeling, $1,00; Ladies' - wear n:tade
to order at stove prices.
Persons wanting repairing done can leave
such work at tin shop of C. 31. Frey if they
prefer doing so.
novs If
HEREBY notify the public that Mathew
A Metcalf holds a note against Jacob'Stull
with my name on that I will not pay as it
was gotten on under false pretense'
Pocket-books, &c.