BN" W. BLAIR. VOLUME 27. ,*eiect pain!. GT IS THE STrEETS. • The following Ones are so beautiful, pa ghet4,. and entirely human, that we can :mot forbear giving them a place in our col ;limns. The refrain is beautifully brought in, and the pathetic tones of the ruined girl cannot,.fail to appeal to the hearts of all.—Editor. Theo:light is shining tbro' the window-pane: isoalaughingogroup that aide the glass, Within, all light ; without, pitch-dark an rain: I see, but feel no pleasure as I pass, Out in, the streets. Another casement,within the curtain drawn There the light thrOws the shadow of a form— • A woman's, with n chilii—a man's: all gone! ney with each other. I am with the storm Out in the streets. There at the open window sits a man, His d•iy's toil over, with his pipe alight ; His wife leans over him,with her tale began Of the days doings. lam with the night, Out in the,streets. All these have homes and hope and light and cheer. And those around who love them. Alt! ;fur me, Who, have no home, bat wander sadly here, Alone with night, and storm and misery, Out in the stre4r. The rain soaks through my clothing to the slain; So lot it. Curses on that cheery ligh ' There is no light with me and shame and I wander in the night raid of the night, Out do the streets. Yon who betrayed me with a loving kiss, • "Whose very touch could thrill me throw' and th rou'— When you first sought me, did you think of this? •My curse. • But why waste time in cursing you, You are beyond my hatred now. You stand Above reproach; you know no wrong nor guile ; ; Foremost among the worthies of the•land. You are all good, and I a wretch all vile, Out in• the streets. Yon lave a danghtE r, young, and innocent ; You love her doubtless. I was as pure as she refbre my heart to be your lacky wont. Gol guard her Never let her roam, like ft was a father's darling long ago; 'Twas well he died before my babe was born ; And that's dead too—somo comfort in my woe Wet. cold and hungered, homeless, sick, forlorn, „How the cold rain benumbs my weary limbs! What makes the pavement heave?' Ah 1• wzt and chill, I bear the little children singing hymns • In the village church—how• peaceful now and still, Bnt why this vision of my early days? Why cornea the church-door in the pub- Be way? Hence with this mocking sound of prayci and praise! 1 have:no cause to pra:., I dare not inn, Oat in Me streets. What change is here? The night again grows warm ; The air is fragrant as an infant's breath, Why, where's my hunger.? .Left me in the storm?— sow, God forgive my sins? this, this is death, Pistellaurous Pading. GOOD STORY, TRUE OR NOT. We take this from the Washington cor respondence of .the Pittsburg Leader : Chandler's great hobby is kis skill ns pugilist. Roscoe Conkling is also a great hexer. He has aprivate gymnasium in his residence at Washington, where after t'inner he invites such of his friends as .are gymnastically inclined for a friendly little bout with the gloves. Conklin; is a very good amateur boxer, and as he is a very large, powerful man, he generally has it his own way with the guests who are bold enough to put en-the gloves with him. For some time it was an open dis pute between Chandler and Cenkling Nvhich was the better boxer of the two.— :Chandler would, aftkir every dinner party of which he was a member, calmly assert that he could lick any man of his weight in the United States. One day last win ter Chandler dined with Conkling, and the-latter inveigled the great war Senator into the private gymnasium. The gloves were donned, and the two doughty cham pions began to make graceful Senatcrial passes toward one smother, according to the most approved rules of the P. R. The bout, however, was of very short dura tion. Chandler suddenly received a blow :between the eyes, which caused - the huge Out in the streets Out in the streets Out in the street: Out in the streets Out ;n Mr ,ftreett •Senatorial-form-to go or. .b.acli_v_tai_±d_; his ztrusty legs failed him, and then he sat down so hard that tears came out of his eyes. It took four men to get the war -Senator on his legs, but he threw up the , sponge at once, withal t any further effort to punish Conkliiii.. — The only remark he was ,heard to make was, "Damn stranger and "PHfIN. him yet:" Conkling and Chandler mere ranch to-, gether in a social way, and it was not long after the above occurrence when : Chandler ..received another invitation to come•up to his house and spread his legs under Conkling's social board. Chandler sent back word that he regretted very much. bie inability to be present, but he had a his house, a valued consti tutent from Michigan, and he could not leave him. Conkling .sent back word, "Bring your friend along." With this form of invitation Chandler consented to come up. He brought his friend with him, and introduced him as Mr, froward, of Detroit, Michigan. Howard was a sad-eyed man of diffident manners, who contented himself with paying a very close attention to the themes of the bill - ot fare rathbr than to join in the general conver sation of the dinner table. Conkling was in great glee during the dinner. He told over and over again the story of Chand ler's discomfiture as a boxer, and never seemed to tire of as mg um what be thought about his ability to lick any man in theArnited States. Chandler took all these remarks in an absent-minded way. as . if, suddenly, he had become lifted a bove any such pstty ambition of consider ing himselfa fine athlete. After dinner Conkling led his guests into the gymnasi um for a general smoke and chat. "Come," said he, pleasantly to Chand ler, "don't you want another bout with the gloves?" and then Conkling laughed again in his ;nost cheerful, turkey-gobbler style, as he put on.a pair of gloves. "• • '.vast to liox.rsallChand ler ; "but' perhaps my friend here would consent, to amuse, you." ,Turn'ng to Mr. Howard, Chandler remarked, "You box do you not?" Dlr.:Howard still looked sad-eyed and absent minded. He did once know some thing about it, but it was such a long time ago. "Come,, come," said Conkling, "let's have a friendly bout I won't hurt yon." Evidently the great New York Senator was pining to knock some one down. The sad-eyed Mr. Howard, evidently flattered at the prospect of being knocked down distinguished a man, began slowly to put on a pair of gloves. As he was drawing on the gloves Chandler was ob served to walk down a little to the back ground. A contented look was on his face, and every now and then he would raise his huge right foot up under his swaying voluminous coat tail and give himself a congratulatory kick, expressive of :rapture. The sad-eyed man now came forward, and the round began. Con k 1 ing was for. .proceeding at once to knock his opponent down, and he would have done so had he not found great difficulty in getting any where near the sad-eyed man The afflar culminated by the sad-eyed man's sud denly rushing forward and landing a thunderbOlt of a fist between Conkling 's eyes. The Senator went over like a big tree, and rolled into a corner of the room, where he.lay for a moment stunned by the concussion. He was heard to say af terward that he thought a house had fat= len on him. .Conk ling had •cuough of - boxing for once. .Chandler made several pleasant little remarks about the skill of his friend Conklin, which were not received in the most. cheerful way. Judge of Conkling,'s feelings the next .day when he learned Chandler had played a joke on him by giving Mr. Howard 8100 to come up and bounce Mr. Conk ling. The Mr. Howard, of Detroit, Michigan, was none other than Jem Mace. AUTUMN AND REmr.cmotst.—Untlettbt eßy external circumstances and Witten. cies have much to do with moods of mind. The Spring is full of hope; the intense heat of Summer leavt.s little room for any thing else but the the desire to keep com fortable ; while Autumn is especially the season for reflection. Our thoughts be come grave and solemn. We are draw ing :time, and perceptibly, towards the (Awe of another year, and we involunta .riry.ask ourselves what life consists of, for what purpose we live, and to what the journey so rapidly being traversqd is to lead ? • Yes, we ask, not alone what life is, but what death is, about a future life, and where and when that future life is to be? Autumn speaks to the soul in a voice to which it cannot but listen. It acorns as if all the dead whom we have known are silently beckoning to us new ; but it is in -vain that we sigh or strive for an intelli ble communicat;on with them.' We can only submit to the inevitable melancholy mood, and wait patiently for the day of great knowledgt. GIVING DIRECTIONS.-It may seem a odd for a dead person to give directions for his.or her own resuscitation. but that is what fleet-It-red a short time ngn, in the case of a young lady in a Masgtchusetts town, mad stranger still the directions were obeyed and the enepse revived, at up and conversed cheerily, apparently recognized no one. A few minutes after the body again fell back on the bed ap parently lifeless. .llowever, a voice again preceded from her throat, and she again recovered. This dying and coming to life was repeated at intervals for two or three days, when the girl died for good. The fact that the voice was that of a gruff' man, and that the girl was spoken of in the ; third person, persuades the relatives that she was possessed with.spirits. A FAMILY NEWSPAPER--DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND'GE ZRAL NEWS, ETC. The Boy Astronomer. The first transit .of Venus-ever seen by a human 'eye' was predicted by a boy, and was observed by that boy just as he reach ed. the age of manhood. His name was _Jereraiah_Horrox.----He-lived—in-an—ot scure village near Liverpool, England.— Ha was a lover of books of science, and before he reached the age of eighteen he 'had mastered the astronomical knowledge of the day. He studied the problems of Kepler, and he.-made the discovery that the tables of Kepler indicated the near approach of the period of the transit of .Venus across the sun's centre. This was about the year 1635. —Often on midsummer nights the boy Herrox.might have been seen in the fields watching the planet Venus. The desire sprtme• b up within him to see the transit of the beautiful planet. across the disc of the sun, for it was a sight that no eye had , ever seen, and one that would tend ,, to solve some of the greatest problems ever pre sented to the mind of' an astronomer. So the boy began to examine the. astronomi cal tables of. Kepler, and by their aid en deavored to demonstrate at what time the next transit would occur. .He found an error in the tables, and then he_ , being the first of all astronomers-to make the pre cise carculation, discovered the exact date when the next transit would take,place. He tohtliis secret to one intimate friend, a boy, who, like himself, loved science.— The young astronomer then awaited the event which he had predicted for a num ber of years, never seeing the loved plan-, et in the shaded evening sky without dreaming of the day when the transit should fulfill the beautiful vision be car ried continually iu his mind. • The memorable year came at 1a5t— .1639. The predicted day of the transit came too, at the end of the year. It was Sunday. It found Horrox, the boy as tronomer, now just past twenty years of age, intently watching a sheet of paper in a, on which lay the sun's reflected image. Over this reflection of the sun's disc on the paper he expected, moment by moment, to see the planet pass like a moving spot or shadow. Suddenly, the church-bells ring. He was a very religious South, and was ac customed to heed the church-bells as a call from Heaven. The paper - still was spotless ; no shadow broke the outer edge of the sun's luminous circle. Still the church-bells.ring. Should he go? A cloud might hide the sun before his return, and the expected disclosure be lost for a century. But, Horrox said to himself: "I must not neglect the worship of the Creator, to see the wonderful things the Creator has made." So he left the reflected image of the sun on the paper, and went to the sanctuary. When he returned from the service, he hurried to the room. The sun was still shining, and there, like a shadow on the bright circle of the' paper, was the image of the planet Venus!• It crept slowly a long the bright centre, like the finger of the Invisible. Then the boy astronomer knew that the great problems of astrono my were correct, and *the thought filled his pure heart with religious joy. Horror died at the age of twenty-two. Nearly one hundred and thirty years af terward, Venus was again seen crossing -the sun. The whole astronomical world was then interested in the event, and ex peditions of observation were fitted out •by the principal European Governments. It was observed in this country by David Rittenhouse, who fainted when he saw the vision.—Hezekiah Butterworth, in SC Nich olas for December. What .to Do When in Trouble Don't try to quench your sorrow in rum or narcotics. If you begin ybu must keep on with it till it leads you to ruin ; or, if you pause, you must add physical pain and the consciousness of degradation to the sorrow you seek to escape. Of all wretched men, his condition is the most pitiful who, having sought to drown his grief in drink, awakes from his debauch with shattered nerves, aching head, and depressed mind, to face the same trouble again. That which was at first painful to contemplate will, after drink, seem un bearable. Ten to one the fatal drink will be again and again sought till its victim sinks a pitiful wreck. Work is your true remedy. If reisfor tune hits you hard, pitch into something with a will. There's nothing like good, solid, absorbing, exhausting work to cure trouble. If you have met with losses, you don't want tolie awake thinking a bout them. You want sweet, sound sleep and to eat your dinner with appetite.— Bnr. you can't unless you work. If you don't feel like work, end go a loafing all day to tell Tom, Dick and Harry the sto ry of your woes, you'll awake and keep yaur wife awake by your tossings, spoil her temper and your own breakfast the nest morning, and begin to-morrow feel ing ten times worse than you do to-day. There are some great troubles that on ly time heals, and perhaps some that can never be healed at all,tatt all can be help ed by the great panacea, work. Try it, you who are afflicted. It is not a patent medicine. It has proved its efficacy since first Adam and Eve left behind them with weeping their beautiful Eden. - It is an official remedy. All good physicians in regular standing prescribe it in cars of mental and moral disease. It .overates kindly and well, leaving no disagreeable sequel. It will cure more complaints than any nostrum in materia medico., and come nearer to being a "cure all's than any drug or compound of drugs in the market, and it will not sicken you if you do not take it 'Auger-coated. Gray hairs are like the light of n soft moon, silvering over the eveningof life. ' Saratoga trunks are noir for rut 3•LABTITS LONELY DESERT. In earth's lonely desert, In regions, above, To mortals and angels T - w 'King like love It brightens the landscape Wherever we go, ,And beams like a star • On our pathway of woe. When the myrtles of Love Breathe their odors around, Their nirsie of hope Gires to silence a sound. Ohl dear is the spot, Where our glances first met; There sorrow may linger, Though joy forget. All melody breathing, All sunshine and bloom, Love sings to our cradle. And garlands our tomb. , Far away—far away, Where the blight planets roll, Oh I there is love's home, In the land of the soul ! About the Hair. Men become bald I Why ? Because they wear close hats and caps. Women are never bald. Sometimes, from long continued headache, heat in the scalp, bad hair-dressing and some other causes, women may have bare spots here and there ; but with all these causes combined, you never see a woman with a bare, shiny, bald head. And you never see a man lose a hair below where the hat touches , his scull. It will take it off as clean as you can shave it down to exactly that line, but never a hair below, not Who was bald fifty years. ' The common black stiff hat, as impervious as sheet iron, retains the heat and perspiration. The little hair. glands, which the same relation to the hair that the seed wheat does to the plant above ground, become weak from the presence of, the moisture and heat,and finally become too weak to sustain the hair. It falls out, and baldness exists.— A fur cap we have known to produce complete baldness in a single winter. A men with a good head of hair needs very little protection when the hair grows. Women who live much within doors, and who are therefore peculiarly susceptible to the cold, oil their hair and plaster it down hard and flat upon their sculls, so as to destroy nine-tenths of its power as a non-conductor, have worn -for yeari3 post age-stamps of bonnets stuck on the back of their heads, exposing the whole tops of their sculls, and then going out of furnace heated parlors, have ridden for hours in a very cold temperature without taking cold and without complaint. Man, with his greater vigor and hab its of out-deor life, and with his hair not plastered down, but thrown up loose and light, could no doubt go to the north,pole, so far as that part of his person is con-• cerned, without any artificial covering.— And yet we men wear immensely thick fur caps, and what amounts to sheet-iron hats, and do not dare step out in a chilly atmosphere a moment lest we take cold.— It is silly, weak, and really a serious er ror. The Creator kenew what he WS a -bout when he covered a man's scull with hair. It has a very important function in protecting the brain. Baldness is a se rious misfortune. It will never occur in any man who will wear such a hat as we do—a common black high silk hat with five hundred holes through the top, so that there shall be snore hole than hat. This costs nothing; the hatter will do that for you when youpurchase your bet. If the nap be combed back the wrong way, and if after the• holes are made it be combed the right way, no one will ever observe the peculiarity.. The bat will wear quite as long—the hatters say con siderably longer—because it is dry instead of moist ; in brief, there is not a single ob jection to it, while it will certainly pre vent baldness and keep the top of the head cool and prevent much headache. CALIFORNIA'S GREAT lit/LLIONAME.- The public were startled last summer when the statement was given that James Lick, of California, had given several millions of dollars for various charitable and other purposes, and placing his en tire estate in the hands of trustees, even placing himself on the list of his own beneficiaries. Among the things provid ed for in Mr. Lick's deed of trust is $750- 000 for a powerful telescope for the State of California, $300,000 for a California School of Arts, $250,000 to be spent in it building as a memorial of the history of California, and $150,000 to be devoted to a bronze monument to Francis Barton Key, author uf the 'Star Spangled Ban ner.' There are many other benefactions not necessary to mention at this time., A portion of Mr. Lick's immense estate was sold last Tuesday, in San Francisco, at public auction, and xealized two millions of dollars, a sufficient sum to accomplish all the specific purposes contained in the extraordinary deed by which this public spirited citizen reduced himself frotnipp ttlence to a position of ,simple ease. Mr. James Lick ,is a native of Fredericks burg, Pa., who learned the trade of piano making in Philadelphia in the early part of this century. He was an adventurous man ; was at one time engaged in mer cantile business in Pent, South America and went to California in 1848. He °made his immense fortune in mining and careful real estate operations. He is now 78 years of age. China Las streets paved with granite blocks said over three hundred years neo, ns good as new. The contractors Are •dead. Ice For Diptheria. Since that 'dreadful disease, diptheria, .has made such ravages in New York,and other cities, it may not be out of place at Ahiailine,to-call-atteaticrto - a - Tecerttlet- - tor, written by Dr. George Cragin, of the Oneida Community, which thus explains a novel but very successful treatment of diptheria : "Recognizing as we do the spiritual na ture of disease, as well as its physical characteristics, our first efforts were to a rouse the spirit of the patient by means of criticism to resist the power and lead en influence of disease, which enveloped him like a cloud,stuperying and befogging every mental faculty , ' and effort of the I will to repel the intruder. The invaria ble effect of criticism was to stir up the patient in mind and heart to make a stout :defence against the attack, to resist the influenee of the disease with might and main, and to throw him into a sweat,thus at once relieving the fever. "The next thing was toprepare a quan tity of ice broken into small bits, which could be easily taken into the mouth-and swallowed or allowed to melt, letting the piece slip as far back as possible around the roots of the tongue, tonsils., and up per pert of the throat. This application of ice was made every ten minutes, day. -and might, until every -vestige of the can ker had disappeared and the inflamma tion bad subsided. During the day the pa tien ts,unless very sick ,could help them selves to the ice if a supply. were placed 1 at the bedside or near at hand ; but du ring the might watchers were required to give necessary lump of ice every ten min utes, one nurse attending to several pa -1 tients. This course of treatment was faith- Sullyalloxved-as-longaa-there - were - Imy traces of the disease about, and although we had over sixty cases during the fall and winter,and many of them very severe we lost not a single patient after adopt-' ing the ice criticism treatment. "Of course the application of criticism would he difficult if not impossible under the ordinary hospital routine or private practice, even if desired by the patient, but the application of ice can be made under any circumstances, and there must. be but few who cannot afford a few pounds of a medicine so cheap, so pure, and so powerful. "The efficacy of the ice treatment lies' in its being applied continuously until every trace of the fungus growth has dis appeared and the swelling and inflamma tion has subsided. Acids and alkalies • and fashionable gargles will in some mea sure. check the morbid growth but they cannot allay the fierce heat and reduce the inflammation of the swelled throat.— Ice will do both and not injure the pa tient." RAIN ONCE IN FITE YEAES.—The tract of country known as the State Range Valley is probably one of the most curious that Boutherpi California can boast of. It is there the immense deposits of borax were discovered something like a sear ago , and at the time the whole low er or central portion of that basin was• covered with a white.deposit, breaking a way in some places in large solid reefs, in others resembling the waves of the ocean,. and in still others stretching out for miles' in one unbroken level, from which the sun reflected its rays with a glare almost un endurable. But one of the most singular features in connection with this district was the absence of rain or moisture; the days were ever sunny and hot, the nights with out dew ,and generally warm. For more than five years, it is said by those who claim to -know, there has been no rain there, until some three months since the spell was broken. Suddenly and with scarce any warning, and unceasingly, un accompanied by wind, but a thorough drenching rain. For two or three days it remaindpleasant, when suddenly a wa ter-spout was seen wending its way thro' the valley. It came in a zig-zar , 4' course across the upper end of the lake, striking the range of hills on the cast side and courseing rapidly along them. The ra vines and gorges were soon filled with wa ter, which poured from them in fearful volumes and spread itself upon the bot tom. In a short time it was over, and the denizens of the place now look for a nother dry season of five years. General Jackson, when President, said to one of his fiercest newspaper opponents, "Send me your newspaper. I know that you are opposed to me, but then I should like to see your paper every week. I want to see limy many lies you can tell of me.' "General," said the editor, "I think I do right in opposing you, and shall continue to do so with all the chili ty of which lam master." Here was a man alter Jackson's own heart, and he replied with an oath, "Sir, send me your paper, for aside from your abuse of me your paper is a good one. Besides, I nev er saw a newspaper in which I could not find something worth reading." Just so. No than can pick up any newspaper with out finding something of interest. "You ma take the paper and tear it into frag ments, and in each fragment you will see something to amuse or instruct you. Glorious •California. the land of gold and of wheat and ."old rye," and oranges, figs and olives, and of the litt cattle on a thousand bills, and of the big trees of Mariposa and .Calaveras., and of the won ders•of Yosemite, and of the premium griz• zlies and sea lions, is yet of all lands the premium land for the vine and grape Juice. For instace, the wine mop in a :single county in the Golden State, the county of Napa, this year, is estimated at a million gallons, or nearly t wo gal km of genuine wine for every inhabitant of the State. With such developments rho Ivan estimate the xesou re; s of California ? ~f► Strange Dream Fulfilled. ' Rev. L. W. Lewis, in his Reminiscen ses of the war, published in the Texas Christian Advocf:4o,_reLates_thei__annex - ed remar able instancess literally true. The battle referred to was that of Prairie Grove,in Northwest Arkansas, foughtDe comber 7,1862. . ""A curious fulfillment of a dream 'Oc curred at the. battle trader .roy own eye. A man by the name of Joe. Williams had told a dream to many of his fellow soldiers, some-of :whom.had related it to me months previous to the -oeourrence which I now relate : "He dreamed that we crossed a river, marched over a mountain, and camped near a church located in a woods. near which a terrible battle ensiled, and in a charge just as ye crossed the ravine he was shot in the breast. On the ever memorable 7th of December,lB62, as we moved at double quick to take our place in the lice of battle, then already hotly engaged we passed Prairie Grove church a small frame building, belonging to the Cumberland Presbyterians. I was rid ing in the flank of the command, and op- . posite to Williams as we came iu view of the house. "That is the church, colonel, I saw in my dream," said he, I made no reply, and never thought of the matter again until in the evening. We had broken the enemy's line and were in full pursuit, we came upouAct dry ravine in•the•wood, and Williams said : 'Just on the otherside of the hollow I was shot in my dream, and I will stick my hat under my shirt,' suit ing the action to the word as he ran along, he doubled it up and crammstl•it.into his bosom. Scarcely had he adjusted it. be fore a minie ball knocked him out of line; Jumping up quickly he pulled out his hat, waved it over his head and shouted : 'l'm all right !' The hall raised a black spot about the size of a man's hand just over his heart and dropped into h , i-s shoe." A VISIT TO THE MODOCS.-A party of of three gentlemen and nine ladies paid . a visit recently to the camp of the few survivors of the Modoc tribe. The Indi ans Were found to be quite contented, tho' their reservation is very scanty and some of their lodges are very comfortless. Bo gus Charlie is now recognized as chief.— He is intelligent, speaks - English fluently and can read slowly. Captain Jack's young widow, Lizzie, has ceased to mourn for her late lord, and havioc , b washed the looksblack paint from' her face; no more unconsolable than some "pale faced" wid ow of a years standing.. Two ladies of the visiting party had the novel experience of playin a game of croquet with Bogus Charlie and i ' Shacknasty Jim, each of the Modocs having a lady partner. How must the fair companiont of the red play ers been impressed by the contrast between that picture and the bloody scenes of the lava beds, the fatal rendezvous, and the death of the gallant Canby ! It seems that even the stoicism of the red midis not proof against the excitement of the balls and mallet. Charlie having made a bad play, Jim said to him tauntingly, "You make bad medicine." Presently li Jim made a poor stroke, and Charlie cried exultantly, "You make much bad medicine." "Ugh," retorted Jim, "take some you made." And thus these -red warriors, who so long defied the military power of the nation, find amusement in playing croquet and their chief occupa tion is making_ baskets and shooting at nickles at. the Neosho Fain—Boston Ad vertiser. BE A AJAN.—What a noble thing it is to be a man. The world is full of coun terfeits. It is a grand thing to stand up right in defense of truth and principle.-- When persecution comes, some hide their faces until the storm passes by, others Can be bought for a mess of pottar , e. From such, turn away. Stand by a friend. Show 'thyself ft man. Do not run away when• danger threatens to overwhelm him or you. Think for yourself. Read books and read men's faces. Remember the eye is the window of the soul. Use•your aye and hold your tongue, when men court favors. . Select some eallino• b to make It honora ble. When . sou have espoused a cause maintain it at all hazards. Make up your mind to succeed by all means and good will ; brush the difficulties away one at a time. If opposition comes, meet it manfuly. If success crowns your efforts, hear it qui etly. hasten not into a quarrel, but when you are compelled to accept an alterna tive, stand up and show yourself a full grown man. Do your own thinking, keep your own secrets; worship no man firs his wealth, or illustrious lineage. Pine feath ers do not always make line birds. Do not live for yourself alone. The world needs reformers as much to day as aver.— If you have .a new idea endeavor to de velop it into words and deeds. Be sober; be honest.; he true. Policy men are dan gerous. They will sell you for money, or popularity—don't trust them. Wear but one face and let that be an honest one. Many thousand stars are burning Brightly in the vault of night;. Many an earth-worn heart is yearning Upward with a fond delight. • • • Stars of beanty'stars of glory, Radiant wanderers of the sky ! Weary of the world's sad story Ever *quail we gaze on High. • „ .4 Cocihe. A Minister - 6nee _"Those nice roung men who stand outekin the thumb - doors, waiting for the girl.44.ixiinme opt will some clay stand - tirdunillWO of Lel re doors waiting for and lave n Inn' , wait. • 1 ;. • - z' • 82mo E'ER YEA R NUMBER 25. Wit and Tumor. am,indeedr_veq-mueh-ifraid-oflight ning, said a pretty lady. And well you may be. replied adespairing lover, when your heart is made of steel. It is said that one green tarletan dress contains arsenic enough to kill a roan'; and yet men don't seem afraid to go nlar green tarletan dresses. We are told that "the smallest lair throws a shadow." And so it. does. It throw a shadow over your appetite when you feud - it inyour Vietttals.. - Prof. Tyndall is exhibiting a fireman's ma* which enables the wearerdo remain in on atmovhere of heat and smoke wit-h -ont:darnger".. If a fellow could only take the thinnOt trds world , along when :ie dies! An 'lndian came to a certain agent in the northern part of lowa. to procure some whiskey fOr a young warrior who had been bitten by a rattlesnake. 'Pour quarts" repeated the agent 'with surpri.te, "as much as that ?" "Yes," replied the Indian, "four quarts, —snake very big." A couple quits advanced in age were at the Union depot, Milwaukee, with their baggage, to go West, but before train time they had a dispute and the woman said she wouldn't move another rodun til her husband apolgized. refused to apologize, and both sat in the waiting room and sa-w-the train move oil', carrying their trunks along. There are some old people living in th 3 zinterior of. New Jersey—two sisters and a brother—who practice an economy not recorded of any of the famous miseN.— They have a comfortable house, and are especially rich in bed clothes, made by The hands of the sisters, and accumulat ed through many years. But they ha bitually set up and sleep in their chairs. so as not to wear out the 43 Jenny June got a hat that turneil up on one side, and her husband criticised it 'so severely that she wore her old bonnet when she went to see the Srhinx, and it was the only one there. Everybody had 'on a new hat, and every one bad it turned up high on the sides. Sabi her husband, "Good heavens 4 have-all won►- .en gone crazy ?" "Yes replied she,meek ly, "and why can't I go crazy too ?" "My dear," said he, "you may: it would be ridiculous to be the only sensible woman in the world." So hereafter she is going to wear her gr► -felt, turned up on one side; iu peace. How ,Day n WAEL—An horieit mer in an adjoining county gave his rec collection. of a long hot spell as follows:: "It was so dry we couldn't spare water to put in-our whisky. The grass was so dry that every time the wind blew it flew around alike ashes. There wasn't a tear ehed at a funeral for n month. The sun dried urtrii the cattle, and burnt off the )inir until they looked like Mexican dogs, • and the sheep looked like.poodle puppies; they shrank up so. We . had -to soak, our, hogs to -make 'cm hold swill, , and if,any cattle were killed in the morning, they'd be dried beef at dark. The woods dried up so that the farmers chopped seasoned timber all through August,' and there ain't: been a match through"the country— in fact, no wedding since widow Olefin married old Baker, three months_ - What Tow grasshoprers were left were , all skin and logs, and I dlin't hear a tea-. • kettle sing fiir six weeks. We ate our potatoes baker], they being altcady,an , i we couldn't spare water to boil' thedf. All , the red-holdall girls -Were afraid to stir' - out of the hous in. daylight,-and Melt you, I was afraid the rkvil had, moves! tint _ of his old home and settled down with, us for life, Why, tra had to haul water all summer to keep the tbrry running, and— say, it's getting dry, let's-take stabil)." A Bangor washerwoman, who went to California. some years ago, had two or three thousand dollars deposited in Meig's 'Frisco California hank Olfore he "burst up." After he went to &mai America this woman heard of his success in spec ulation, shippad to and one day turned un in 11Ir. Meigs's °lnca. The re sult of the interview was that he not only pail her the principal and interest of her acenont, bat also paid the entire expeuse of her trip. The "Science of Health" thug calls at tention to a Ihet which eau not toe fre quently be enthreed on people's minds: "The pernicious habit•vf breathing thro' the mouth while sleeping or walking is very hurtful. There ate many persons who sleep with the mouth open and do 41ot know it. They may go to 'sleep with it closed, and wake with it closed, but if -the mouth is dry and parched ou wak ing, it is a sign that it has been onendu ring sleep. Sanriug is another sure sign. This habit should he overcome. 'At all times, except- when eating. drinking or speaking. keep . the mouth firmly dwelt, / and breathe through the nostrials; and i.e.' tire with a litM determination to conqu'er.• The nostrils 'are the proper breathing ap paratus, not the mouth. A man may it. poisonous gases through the month ithout being aware of it, but uvt through :the nose."' There is no doubt that it is better to keel? . one's own connsel too strictly than to tr the keepingotothers too - gen- ' erously. What we have, and while we have it, we know where to find it ; when. we give - it away lost to our control.= `!A.-'garrtiloris tongue, if' not checkcpings -* . 4'ten to its own harne 'says a vine .proverh : -`ltv .Iyiii/aCoafinitsONL, .a.isafe heid;' says EcrEinihrone.=,,,---= ". A a‘,"