The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 03, 1874, Image 2
• itilaontsboro',l3iititgi_ gaud; Tiinratlayi -1,14;7: 'The York. , Pow hobi.: . eixteen .miilioa's of dollars u hove the legal - • terEveq, - -ont' of _the empioyefs of the NeW Jsnefeefittal—Railpa&;Comimoy svas girTcctyturkej aniliantegiving itik.Ex-GovOrnor Curtin is suggested nethe Deni - Ocratie:Crindidate for GOvern:: or in thontentof 11375.: , • sen The "oldest inhabitant" of gitroudr burg, .Pa., died on Saturday. George ibar Wm-the i 'woe of the venerable man, and ;bis' age . was 113 years. 1 Hon . John M. Read, ex-Justice of the Stipreme_Court of Fenn.sylvania. died ____haildiadelphia on Suqay, nged seventy eight years. ROD..The Citizens' Oil Refinery,of Pitts his suspend e d_ payment. The lia bilities are about $300,000. The assets neon t yet be given. -ills-Five colored men have been elected to . thinext Congress, all new man. Two are from SOuth Ca.rolina,7 s ene from Ala- Inman. and one from Louisiana. rThe National Life and Trust Com . I)any of New _Haven; Conn.,-iCin an em bairassud condition; its assets , fall - ing'short •of its liabilities, by over ' qual ter of a million dollars. - - • 1t The writ of habeas corpus is again invoked in behalf of Wm. M. Tweed.— petition.raises the old point on Which his counsel exhausted themselves during his trial, namely, that the Court in which lie was convicted had no jurisdiction in his case:. 119. The recent mild weather has hatch ed out the grasehoplier . eggs in the Weit, and the fields swarm with young insects.— The farmers in many places exult in the thimght that the winter will kill them, and they wilLbeiree_from_the:pest ,next summer. Writ appears.that the appeal taken by Mr. Beecher's.counsel from the ruling of the Brooklyn City Court denying the motion for a bill of particulars, will not materially delay the pending suit: The Court of. Appeals will consider the matter immediately, and give a decision on De cember Bth. rar The iron bridge on the Northern Central Railrood, near Baltimore, and North of the Relay House,. about 5 o'- clock on Monday-evening - gave way, pre eipitating two paisenger trains into Swan Lake,• killing, one passenger, mortally wounding a second, and seriously injure ing many others. NYWheat is cheaper in England just now than at any other thus within the memory of living "men. The average price is forty-four shillings per quarter of vight bushels. England will consume / . 30'000,000 bushels more that she produ fees, the deficiency will be supplied from California, the Atlantic slope of. the Uni ted States and France and Russia. Mr - Two hundred and forty-two Mm nnnites arrived in Philadelphia on Satur day by the steamer Vedul. They are in charge of the Mennonite Executive Aid Society, and will be forwarded to Safe Harbor, Lancaster county, where they will be sheltered in about one hundred houses belonging to the Phosnix Iron Company. There,they will remain dar ing; the winter, and in the meantime loca- Cops for 'a settlement will be selected in tho Western States and Territories. itrl:The hundred and fifty-eight thou nand acres of land in Kansas that in the nummer promised bountiful crops became a barren Waste before the season was over. Only., grasshoppers went over that vast tract`—'that cns all, but that was enough. Not a green thing was left And now the people of seventeen enUntles are not - able to get through the winter without 443istance. Dearly eighteen thousand per sons is the number-needing relief. ite,..A special to the New York Times from Wilmington, Delaware, November 21, says,: "The usual lan whipping took place at New 'angle Saturday, eight per sons being punished in that manner.— &men were colored men, one tvbite.— Their offens wens larceny of various grades, from a horse to a bae of corn,ansl they varied in age from. Clayton Earle, an old man of eixty five yearn, to Shad rock Trusty, a little negro lad. The pun ishment was inflicted by a sheriff, sworn into office a fe 7 W.l:lays ago and, was wit nessed by severalliundred persons,among them some women." ESVile now have a real, live Ring on Armorials soil, Ralakana, monarch of Enniwich Islands, arrived at Sari Fran visco on 'Saturday evening in the steam ship Benicia, and was formally received any the, municipal authorities on Sunday- Its royal Highness and suite are now quartered at the Grand Hotel. In a .few days they will arrrive at Washington,and sifter icvikio President Grant, will make the tour florogh the principal cities of • . . the: geet:- , ' • , gSrThefe are over 24;63tildiots in the United 'gates, acknowledged as such; be: pidni the 'rellotini that haiig around.: ntir Church dome cui.cohl Melts. A attrxt 'Fannin:— Our exchanges have given an account of a most destruct ive storm Which occurred on Monday a week extending _Over the entire country 'East of the - Mississippi. -The wind in some places wits so\strong that it amount ed to a hurricane Inthe North-western portion of the city ~of Baltimore-,about one hundred -building were a greater or less' ,extent, the loss.amount logltoAxemt.-.01.18:4,z st!fr_ fering various Keyser; W. Va., a railroad buildiniwas wrecked,two men killed and several injured. lAt cambia; Alabama,-one-third of the resi 'dencei were destroyed' ; twelve persons Lill e:l and Many,others _injured. A.t Phila delphia,Trenton and Camden, N.J., build ing were .unroofed , and. fences - and trees prostrated. COvington and 'NeWport, Ky.,- were damaged 'slightly, the storm_ passing from there acrosithe Ohio up , the Little Miami Valley,with abated strength unroofing only . a Poi houses and prostrat.: ing fences. _ Iu Westminster, Md. the new School House in course' of erection was blown down and the buildings on the Carroll Co. Agricultural Fair Grounds. were considerably injured. lerThe Pyrenologi6l Joitiniqfor De cember is an admirable closing number for the,present -year ; it abounds in profit able suggestions and pleasant reading.— There are portraits and sketches ef Mr. John S. Bender of Indiana, and 'of Fred erick the Great, Prince Eugene, Gust a- Adelphus, Wullenstein, and the Old 'Dsauer (Also, good hits at Modern Pro gress in the Advancing and Retreating Races, and National Types—both illus trated. Character Three-fold ; a ' scien tific exposition of mental phonomena.— spiritual Evoluthin, an excellent essay on the growth of moral thought: Sex in Education, put in klight,•aa logical' as humorous, some of the main points in this great controversy. Only Trifles Of fers admonition of general application.— The Labor Problem is an encouraging view of that great paradox. Agriculture as_related_to Civilization is true: Liter ary Sharks shows up the plagiarists in a strong lig h t. Several good' Poeins are sandwiched among the prose articles.— Jerome Pringle's Pay-day is also worth mention, as a lively,. social story. The Mentorial Department is unusually full, and the whole number creditable to the publisher. Price ao cents. Subscriptions for 1875 are now in order, at $3,00. Vg..ti clergyman in a communication to the New York Tribune inches the fol lowing very just and appropriate sugges tion. He says : "i believe that I express the judgment of the great mass of the clergy of this country, and most certainly the judgment of all with wl:om I have conversed upon this subject, in saying that Mr. Beecher should either interpose no bar to an im mediate trial, or else abstain from preach ing until after trial and acquittal. For Mr. Beecher, in view of the terrible nature of the charges against him, to refrain from demanding an an ecclesiastical trial, to postpone by appeal a civil trial, and at the same time to continue to preach is au outrage upon decency. Air The infant and only child of Allan Goss, of Preemansburg, Pa., was stolen during Wednesday right. , Some person or persons entered the dwelling, which is a one-and-half story front, situated on the borough line, and took the little in• fant out of the cradle, which stood beside the bed in which lay the mother, uncon scious of the abduction of her baby. The excitement is great, and many are the theories, but the:case is a mystery, and baffles the skill of the police:and others, who have been unremitting in the search for the Inisising one. A body was discovered in the Lehigh River on Thursday,.which was recognized as that of the missing child. The evidence went to show that the mother threw it in. She was placed in Easton jnil. Vir - Wm. Ogle Key, a native of Mary land. but for the last fifteen years a citi zen of Alabama, was found dead in his roam at the Rennert House in Baltimore Monday morning. The testimony taken at the Coroner's inquest clearly shows that he committed suicide by taking a poisonous dose of morphia. He was a cousin to the author of the "Star Span gled Banner." For some years he was proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel at New Orleans. He was at one time a man of great wealth, but the war swept away greater part of his property. Pe cuniary troubles brought on depression of spirits and intemperate habits which cul minated in suicide. A FortrunE sl2s,ooo.—The Har risburg Patriot of the 24th inst., contains the following : Yesterday the wife of Ja cob Wellielm, a nailer employed at the Chesapeake works, in the lower cud of the city, received the sad intelligence that her father had died in California. with the information, however, was the an.: nouncement that, he had left her a fortune of SLAM itiirlf your horse is lame, sore ar gall ed, you should use .Tohnson'a Anodyne Liniment: wash the part with eastile soap and warm water, rub dry, with a clean cloth, then apply the Liniment, rub in well with the hand. —Cabbage are high in the Ease. Look .out for a - rite in cigars. latki --Three ryeekBlioin Friday me* t uuil Christinas. . - • • • FOrglruan,Druggist, is now East making purchases for the .lEioHasp. a ftT- .damag --71).. la moie 'refipeitiai;to—wiwkjir ball' wages; tTiaA loaf tor -nothing.' —The squeal of thelly big ,Vorker,* breaks upon the learning air::- _ .1 • - —The latest. ladies' hats .tire called Chimney ,-• „ . e Niers: A - tuber:ion, 11eneclict & Co. w)11 receive Itseemlici supply of new 'goods nest week. „ - .• , The ereditors'Cif Gee. Lech-ins'cini call on 11. M. gibbet end receive their 'div id rids. .. . , . taiLOAtr "black list" is approaching completion aed presents a rather Impos ing appearance. A' Pikesville district de linquenticads the van. . . . PUBLIC SALE.—We call special atten tion to the house and lot-near Pikesville, advertised at public sale in to-day's paper by Mr. Geo. Middour. • ifirDon't throw" away your money on Christmas presents _until ,after December 11, which date is definitely fixed for the end of the world by the "Adventists" of Maine. - FAIZMSOLD.—On Saturday last 'Messrs. Simon Lecron Wand •J. 0. Besore @old the farm near this place belonging to the es tate of Henry Besore, dee'd, for the sum of $41,00 per.acre. Purchaser, Rev. Geo. B. Rtissell, Pittsburg, Pa. CHRISTMAS "FtsrtvAL.—The Sunday School connected with Trinity Reformed Church of ,this place wilt hold its Festi val on Christmas the inten tion to make this the most interesting En tertainment ever given by them in Way nesboro'. The public are cordially - invi tel to attend these exercises. _BUSINESS OPENING.-. 11 Will ; . be seen by reference to a business local in this is-; sue that Mr. W. A. Reid is closing out his stock of groceries, etc, at cost. This is the oldest or first established grocery in our town and may be regarded as a first class opening for some enterprising man wishing to embark in business. FLNF HOGS.—On the 24th ult. Mr. H. C. Miller near Ringgold, slaughtered two Chester White hogs 14 months old, pur chased of Mr. Mathias Hoffman when 6 weeks old. One netted 448 pounds, the other 381 pounds. Lewis L. Bechtel, slaughtered two of the same litter, one weighing 381 and the other 386 pounds. These stock specimens entitle Ringgold to a front rank in the pig line at least. FINE SATs•..—The public sale of per sonal property of John B. Hamilton, ad ministrator of Alex. Hamilton dec'd, on Friday last was perhaps more numerous ly attended than any similar sale ever held in our Borough. The bidding was spirited from the commencement to the closing of the hale, and the result highly creditable to the good management of Mr. H. and the efficiency of his auctioneer, Mr. Mong. TirA xxsorvisa.—Thanksgi ving day was observed as usual in our town by a general sessat ion. of business. In the morn ing Union services were held in the M.E. Church, at which the several town minis ters were in attendance. The sermon ou the occasion, a very able and appropriate one, was delivered by Rev. W. C. Schaef fer of St. Paul's Reformed Chapel. In the evening the anniversary services of the Y. M. C. A. was held at the same place. In the morning appropriate religious services were also held in the German Baptist Church of this place. Sernicii by Rev. Jacob Snider. SiNGING CLASS.—Prof. D. R. Knight will meet those who have subscribed their names to a paper f►r the purpose of be coming members of a class in Vocal Mu: sic at Miller's Hall, Friday evening, this week,.at 7 o'clock. P. M. A general in vitation is extended to all interested in Vocal Music, present, when an op portnnity will be given for those to join the class who may wish to do so: It is a fact generally admitted that the young folks of our town are very deficient as to a knowledge of vocal music. Prof. Knight comes to us highly recommended 'as a teacher; and we trust this class of de community will not let this opportunity pass, unimproved. RAILROAD ConottnATtox.—We learn from the Herald that the stockholders of the Hanover Branch Railroad Company held a meeting at the company's office.on Thursday. The object was to obtain the sense of the stockholders on-the proposed consolidation of this company and the Susquehanna, Gettysburg and Potomac Railroad company. The whole number of votes cast was 2093, out of a total cap ital of 2337 shares: Only 17 votes were cast against the consolidation,making the decision in its favor nearly unanimous.— The name decided upon for the new corn .putty is "The Hanover. Junction, Hano ver and Gettysburg Railroad Company." —Congress trims on Monday nest. :L i puT.'77-70n . • Friday. t r y E. 9,:g4TExt;exilibited , n - thci;s.orner of a pe Pia.: s unusually brilliant; and was ItiOh or Illis-Turpose . we under- FOUNTAIN: e - vening?ast - 41t this new light: mOud, which iv _us , * strbet 14 our citizens. statidiE ' veryienerally .intradue:. e4 r being,now' - it:_toejdliarrisburg,.Car, .Ville and:: oilier*iiis....l4agerstown Teoice 4. Week prononnees it therbestaszwelins ;oleapest.street light now. in Use. :We un -derstami the members of our Council are favorable to Otis lighting the town and. ifilie - cilizens - Will - give.their assent by pe-. litlon they will at, oncoS t p rocure a couple dozen lamps, which are said to cost $lOO per dozen.,,,,,The cost of fluid per hour is about of scent. :We trust citizens will see the importance of this' much needed -want - inour 'town and, ati — accordinglf.- 7 - The present.rate of taxation, five mills,, being the limit,the eipense thus iricurred• cannot increasethe WO. Ina few dajs a petition will be presented for their sig :natures. All who are favorable to hav ing our streets beautifully lit up of dark evenings will of - tours° sign it. • A FATAL AccfnOr..-012 . Tuesday, the 17th an accident :occurred in the .barn . on tle farm belonging to the late lames G: Rhoads, in Montgomery Township, by which a young man nam ed John A. Wolford lost his life. The; particulars, as we have been able to learn them, are about as ,follows : The deceased, in company with Mr. Clem. Rhoads, were unloading some corn-fodder from off a wagon. Mr. Rhoads was on the mow and the deceased on the wagon ; cverhead was a moveable joke, and the. two were en deavoring to move it to the one side so as to give them more room in the handling of the - fodder: 77 ,wbesi it slipped from the frame•upon Which . it- rested. Mr. Wol ford was precVitated from :the wagon to the barn floor; the heavy stick striking him on the head, crushing the skull ; it was also found:upon examination that his neck was broken this is supposed; to hatre,occurred in ilia fall from off the wag-, 'on:. *Death enspedalmost instantly. The deceased was a young man, and leaves a wife and one child' to mourn his untimely demise.—Journal. Darn) work has been dono on •the _York springs Railroad for some months, but we understand that there is a pros pect of work being resumed - next spring and of its being pressed to completion.— The Harrisburg and Potomac Railroad Company, which. -.undertook to build the road, has felt the:-effects of the panic, in common with other railroad companies.— This Company, however, is now arranging for the sale of Bends, and expects to rea lize on them the money necessary to com plete their enterprise. A mortgage has been executed in favor of the Provident Life and Trust\ Com pa ny of Philadelphia in trust for $1,00,000 bonds, to be issued iti sums of sloo i ;and $l.OOO, to run thir years, (from 1474 to 1904,) and bear sev en per cent. itiercst, free of all taxes,pay able sew iannaally. The mortgage in• eludes the Harisburg and Potorime rail road, its roliiug i sloek, corporate franchis es, real estate, and all other property now owned or hereafter to be acquired by it ; also alien constructed "a branch road from a point at or near Littlestown, pa., via Mk Epris gs to intersect the main line leading froth the• Susquehanna river or White Hall to Waynesboro-the mort gage to be recordbitin Camberland,York, Adams and natant counties.—Gettysburg Star. -' ITArtn Trams.-7-We give a receipt for keeping the times hard. Let' everybody talk .depressiugly. When anyone fails in business, put• it in all the papers. Let business men keep, up ptrpet ua I:complaint Let us have occasional editorials inciting breadr•iots, and political speeches on the wrongs of the lal)oring tliss. Let eve rybody prophesy a hard winter, an awful hard winter. Let us ^all talk down in stead of up. Let us take no account of the fact that flour is cheap, and that the harvests are large, and God is good. We shall in this way he able to take another fagot front the poor man's hearth and knock :Mother patio of glass out of his window, and hinder ,the manufacturers from employing him., All together now —ministers, editors capitalists and labor ers—let us give a long, deep groan, and keep it going till next spring, and the times will be as hard as we could reason ably expect.— Talmage. tas.Last Saturday morning a week a man named Piudell, a carpender, who hail been for several weeks at work on the firm of Gen. Thos. J. licKaig, be tween Hagerstown and Sharpsbure, Wash ingtori.county, went into Nancy Bowers' saloon on the canal, near Bakcrsville,and called for a pint of whiskey. He drank the whole pint, and was in the act of pay ing for it when he dropped dead. • iterA Washington , dispatch states ne gotiations have resulted in the transfer of the controlling interest in Forney's Phila. Press to Col. A. K. McClure. The price paid by Col. McClure is - 8250,000, and this comprises only one *Share more than half the stock, Col. Forney retaining the balance. The Baltimore American says the .a bove announcement is a canard. VWNext fall Pennsylvania votes for Governor. Gov. Hartranft will doubt less be zenomirated by the republicans. MARYPAND STATE S.' S: CONVENTION. Rev. F. A. Smeltz, State Superin tendent of Maryland Sabbath School Un itin, called a State . Convention at. Freder crick city,'Md. on the 17th. of November which continued in session for three days. It was-presided-over-by Dr. C. . H;Lease :of BaitiMore city. . The sessione.weieye 7-interest:jugend instructive,-werelarge, ly t ' delegates from most of-the Counties - of the State and by the citizens of Frederick city and adjoi fling 'districts. Many interesting topics relative to the Sunday School :work were discussed dur ing the business sessions. Among the dis tinguished persons who addressed the large audiences at the night sessions were Drs. Barclayand Grammar,R,ev. Latrobe and others of Baltimore city. The dele- gates attending the ConVention were very pleasantly entertained at, comfortable Ironies- among the citizens, provided for them by the . Comtaltteeaf Arrangerner q The convention in a body visited . the Fe male Seminary and the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, located in that city ; at the lat they had the pleasure of Witness ing an examination of the pupils of the institution which Was very interestingand at the same time veryaffeeting: Among the exercises were the recital _in_Pa. I mime by a little'irl ofeight years,the lit; tle S. S. hymn; "I want to be an Angel ;" a larger girl sang the Missionary hymn, "From Greenland's Icy Mountains ;" others the history of Abraham offering Isaac, and Christ stilling the Tempest; a small boy described his experience in fishing, an amusing scene. The most won derful part of the exhibition was learning the mutes to articulate sounds. One boy of about 14 years of age read in an audi ble and distinct voice the 23d Psalm and part of the 14th Chap. of St. John. The Asylum isik Stet institution supported and maintained by the . State and is free to all within its limits. The buildings are large and commodious, ecursisting,-of the main edifice and two large - wings four stones in height. The rooms are all ele gantly furnished. including Parlors, Dor mitories, Dining Hall, Ste. Wotkmen are engaged in beautifying the grounds, which already present a . very attractive appearance. J. W.* B. ms.Benjaniin Prather, a Washington Butcher, died on the 17th inst., from burns inflictedly the explosion of a coal oil lamp a few days previous. He blew into the lamp to extinguish the flame; when the explosion took place. oar Have the readers of the Record ever used any of Parsons' Purgative Pi lls? if not, why not ? they are the best family physic, besides being the greatest anti bilious remedy there is in this country. 1e• Col. D. V. Ahl has stocked the Yellow Breechers,at Boiling Springs, with a large supply of fine black bass, received from the Potomac. BUSINESS LOCALS. —New Millinery Goods just received at Mrs. Koster's. The latest in felt hats.— Call- and examine her stock. dec3 3w Pon SALM—Hay, Corn and Apples in largo and small.quanties. dee3 tf J. B. HAMILTON. • —A. fresh Jot of Storm Caps for men and boys at the Town nail Store. 3 —A large lot of Ladies' Fitrs."eheap," just reeeived'at the Town Mill Store. • —Wool-lined overshoes for ladies and gentlemen at the Town'Hall Store. —The highest market prices paid for all kinds of raw furs, at the Town Hall Store. • —A fine assortment of Gents and Boy's Hats, at the Town Hall Store. dec3 2w NEW AERANGEMENT.—Jacob Saltier has,arranged to have his fine boots manu fitctured in Philadelphia. Persons prefer ring this plan will be promptly furnished by leaving their measures with him. GLOVES AND HOSIERY—AII kinds tt the Bout and Shoe Store of Jacob Snider, cheaper than ever. HATS AND CAPS.—A full line and new assortment at Snider's Store, Ocilig Build- MEN'S UNDER-CLOTHING.—A full line at Snider's Store, Oellig Building. ANOTITER LOT.—Boots and Shoes best styles and material in market, at Snider's cheap Boot and Shoe Store. Call and see them. GAITERS.—Misses Kid-button Gaiters us low as $1.40, at Snider's Store. dec3 3w Nonows.—Another supply, all kinds, at Snider's Stoic, Oellig Building. • —Black Cashmeres; French Mennos, Silk Poplins, Double Warp Alpacas, and all the popular Dress Fabrics of the season in great variety, just received at Price & Hoe- —For the next thirty days, we will sell a large stock of Knit Goods at and be low cost. Now fur bargains at Price 4k, Hoe s. —Another heavy invoice of 'Wool Blanketf ,at. auction figures. Call and see them at Trice 4S: Hoeflich's Store. - , '-, • —Silk Laces, Gimps, Bugle Braids, all the novelties, in Ladies' Dress Trim mings, in full assortment at, Price 4f. Hoe filch's. dge3 3w Losr.—Was lost between Waynesboro' and Ringgold;on Saturday. evening last a Sable Fur Cape. The same kind of a Cape was lost on Main street on Saturday even ing. The finders will be rewarded by leav ing them at this office. dec3 3 w - A Max - Rulss.-- One of the sad dest spectacles is the world is a human being shattered and broken down by the use of ardent spirits. But the damage may be repaired, the ruin restored to per fect 'Soundness, by a course of that most powerful of all invigorants, DR. WALK r.n.'s VINEGAR BrrTERs. Beware of those "tonics" of ; which rum is an element.— They aggravate disease and promote de cay. dee3AL r Connitunieated.'. READY-MADE CLOTIIING.—I have just received a large lot of Ready-pade Cloth ing, consisting of 'Overcoits and full snits: Overcoats also low as VI; good heavy weight suits as low as $B. On hand the largest stock of Cloths, Casdmeres, Vestings and Overcoatings to be found in this part of the county. Goods sold to be made up at home, cat free a charge.-Call a lind-see-asi - will - not - be - under - sold. GEO. BOERNER, Merchant Tailor, S. E. Cor. Square, Waynesboro.' . "1,1 6- I go out of business, I am now offerring a fine Stock of Queensware, Glassware and' Surt 7 dries, in connection with my stock of Gro ceries, at first cost, for CAM The public are invited to call and examine goods and prices. W. A.. REID. dec 3 2w 41 —l5O pair-Ladies aud Misses Rubber • .114x7 - for - sale - trt - R7ELnax's at 30 cents per pair. nov26 3t Itek..That dry hacking cough is the herald of approaching consumption. To check the swift progress of the destroyer, prompt and decisive measures must be restored to. A dose of Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher ry and Horehound, taken when the cough ing spells come on, will afford immediate relief and eventually effeda thorough cure. It will be found equally beneficial in all forms of throat and lung disorders. In cases of croup it is of inestimable value. ' Call at the drug store of F. FORTEMAX, and inquire about it, they will furnish you with a sam ple bottle. sept 24-10 w . At the residence of the bride's mother, Nov. 18th; '74, by the - Rey. J. F. Oiler, Mr. - Jacob Burkst to Mrs. Lizzie MoDou gle, all of Waynesboro', Pa. At the residence of the brides parents, on the 19th of Nov. '74; by the same, Mr. Frank H. Unclesby, of Leitersburg, Md., to Miss. Cornelia Dowlin, of Pikesville Pa. At the residence of the brides parents, on tha 19th of Nov. '74, by the same, Mr. Philip T. Click, of Etnmittsbutg, Md., to Miss -Ann Marie Fitz, near Waynes boro', Pa. On the 26th of Nov. '74, by the same,' Mr. Cyrus Sites of Pikesvil le, Pa., to Miss Kate Laugh, of Greensburg, Md. On the Ist inst., at the house of the bride's parents, by the Rev. D. F. G00d, ,, Mr. Ezra M. Senseny, of Carroll Co., Md.,to Miss Clara E. Welty,eldest dreugh ter of Samuel Welty,Esq., near this place. On the 26th ultimo, in Mechanicstown, by Rev. J. Summers, Mr. Thomas B. Winters to Miss Mollie Ilammaker, all from Washington county: In Chaiubersburg Nov. 27th, Mrs. 141ar tha Crosson,aged 81 years,and 6 months. At the residence of her son, in Cham hersburg, on the 25th ult., Mrs. Ev.e Heefner, aged 82 years 8 months and 8 days. On the 23d of November, 1874, at her residence, Double Pipe Creek, Mrs. Sar ah Sayler, wife of Rev. D. P. Sayler, aged 75 years, 3 mouths and 2 days. - BACON • - HAMS BUTTER. ..: ....; ..... EGGS • LARD POTATOES APPLES—PIuEn...... APPLES—Gxu HARD 50AP....... ... BAtatmonE, November 23, 1874. - FLOUR.—Western extra at $4,75a5,- 25 ; Family at $5.50a6,25. IVHEAT•-132 eents higher. Amber at 135a137 ceuts ; good to prime red at 125a133 cents. CORN.—Prime dry %dike at 80a82 cents; prime dry'vellow, at 80a81. OATS.—Mixed Western at 63u64 ets. RYE.-100 to 105 cents fur good to prime. PHILA. CATTLE MARKET, November 30.—57n7,50 for extra State nntl Wes•• tern Steers. Sheep at $4a6,25. Hogs low er; sales at $10a10,25. CI-CM — FAR) SEED. WANTED -1000 Rush. Clover Seed, for which the highest cash price will be paid by JOSEPHUS GROUND, dec3 Erw, Leitersburg, Md. .HEREBY notify the public that Mathew Metcalf holds a note against Jacob Stull with my name.on that I will not pay as it was gotten on under falsepretense* . dec3 3w PATER ROUZER.. Administration Notide. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration upon the estate of Jane.). Shank,late of Wash. twp., dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are teguested to make immediate payment, and those hav ing claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOSEPH H. CHEBS, DAVID SHANK, Adminiqtratorn. , dee3 at PUBLIC SALE. ?THE undersigned will offer at Public Sale in Waynesboro', On Saturday, 19th day December, 1874, the following described Real Estate, viz:' A TWO-STORY STONE DWELLING . situated near Eikesville, now in the occu pancy of Thos. J. Cunningham, with good Stabling, Slaughter Rouse. and other ne cessary out-buildings. - There is a, well of good water in the yard.., On.the lot which contains ansacre,moreor less,- there are a variety-of choice-fruit trees. The house is convenient and all in good repair. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by GEORGE 31IDDOU ft. • MA.RJRI.A..CiI-MS. 13P,A.r1'13S- WAY NESBORO' MARKET. (CORRECTED WEEKLY.) NOWICM. T will sell the Royer Faini, near Stouffer's now occupied by JaeolrC: Stouffer. The farm has goodiroprovements and con tains 40 acres good land. For further' in formation please view the nropetty. _ISAAC.BLIOCKEY, As:iiiteee. • G. V. nong, =w I t. oct tf - FOB MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN • More than One flundred different 'etyles and colors of - HATS. AND "CAPS to suit the old, the middle-aged and the young—in goods better than the test , And prices cheaper than The cheapestAnitintaiii ing our reputation as leaders WAIL Ainds of Head Gear. The largest vatilelpit te,,TtEsS3v-BOWSi Cuffs. Bosoms, Shirt Staclaaild,Sleeve Bitter. tons, Gents Undetwearii*gee4 SHIRTS, DRAWS- - and Stockings, Umbrellas, Caiies,ASatifigi, -. Pocket-books, ac." • G- 2-1 0 V' E S-- our own manufacture of Buck, Sheep, Kid, Dog Kid and Custom Gloves - to tit siLsorts sizes t - ib - a - Pes of Lauda. - ; HORSE 'COVERS, BUGGY SPREADS, .ROBES AND "BLANKETS. For the Ladies,.all thO popular, styles of urs, Goadis, Boas, Muffs and .1 - Atr Trimmings, of all descriptions.— Our ladies $2 Dog•• Gloves fit as neat— look as well and will outwear a half -dozen imported Kid, while °lir domestic and mow kids at $1.50 and $1,60 will, outwear a half dozen of the imported dollar kids. 14PDEGRAFF'S Het; Glove titid'Fiiiract*y Opp. Washington House, Hagerstown. oct 2T—tf. STILL IT TIE OLD BIJSINESS; rrilE subscriber announces to his numer oust hien& and the public generally that he continues the, Cabinet-making bu-' sinews at the old furniture stand on East Main Street, Waynssboroi, Pa. All articles offered in his line of business will be man ufactured out of the best material and ac cording to the latest' styles. Ile also an nounces that he has . A FIRST CLASS HEARSE: He will pay special attention to the Under taking business, and is prepared to furnish Coffins of all grades at very moderate pri ces. He is also provided with a Freezer. ' He hereby tenders his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for past favors. and asks a share of the same in tlie future. .JACOB BENDXR. novlfllf , TALMAGE'S PA_PMR.I.; THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK. • 'THE BEST RELIGIOUS WEEKLY. A choice of Two )44aTirtm :Ptmihums., An Illustrated Portfolio o .. . Twelve Gems by Hendschol, each BixlOrin., or the su perb Chromo, "The twinsi' 22x28 in., after, I.andseer. Price $3.25, including postage: No extras of any kind. Without premium • $3 per annum. , ATTENTION, !-Liberal commission and exclusive territory. Samples •and cir culars free. Send Postal Card at once to HORATIO C. KING, Publisher, nov2o tf Box 5105, New York. REMOVAL!, T . HE subscriber announces to his cu tomers and the'public that he has r e. moved to a shop erected at his residen ro on the old Hagerstown road,yhere hem in continue the boot and shoemaking busine go. Persons wanting boots-or shoes made to or. der, or repairing done, will at al: times 1 ,, accommodated at short notice and u - non reasonable terms. His prices are : 1 ,.,...,- Boots, $7 • Half 7 soling, 75 Cents; Hil -..„/"° F ing and 'Heeling, LOO; Ladies' wear lf- - ' to order at store rites. Persons wahti g repairing done.can leave such work at tin shop of C. M. Frey if they, - prefer doing so. Tilos. 11. HOLLINGSWORTH. nova - tf ~ - . AuDiroar 6 NOTICE. r r FIE Auditor appointed by the Court of "- Common Pleas of Franklin county, Pa., to distribute the balance in the hands of John Wiles, assignee under deed of volun tary assignment of Jacob Wiles and wife, to and among the creditors of said assig nors—will, for the purpose of appoint ment, meet tbe parties interested on 1 hurs day; NovembPr 12th, at his office in the Repository Building in the Roronot o f Chaznbersburg. tiEO. W. WELScI, 0r122 St Auditor. ...11c 20 ..... .25 12 JOHN H. COOK'S STEAMCRACEER FACTORY HAGERSTOWN, MD. Manufactures every variety of CRACKERS, SNAPS; manufactured from FRESH GROUND FLOUR. . My stock is always new and fresh. Yours'Respectfully, JOHN H. COCK j uly3otf SO TIDE. THE undersigned, auditor, appointed by J. the Common Pleas Court of Franklin Co., Pa., to' distribute the balance in the hands of D. B. Russell, assignee of Fred'k • Lesber, hereby gives notice to• all that he will sit for the purpoqe of his aPpointmeht at Joseph bonging WIRT, in Waynesboro', at 10 o'clock, A.. 111., on Tuesday the. Ist day, ; of December, 1/374, when and where nfl in terested can attend, have their claims pre sented, or be debarred from share of the fund in hand. E. J. BONDRAKB, novs 4t - • Auditor. WINTER MILLINERY MISS KATE STICKEL announces to her lady customers that she hasjust re turned from the East with a complete as - sortment of the latest styles of • 'WINTER MILLINERY GOODS ! Bonnets, Hats, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Laces, Ribbons and . Dowers, Braids,&c. Thankful to the ladies for their past pa tronage she invites them to "call and esam ine her now winter selection of goods. novl2 tf Executors' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters tes tamentary on the estate of John Bench hoof, late of Washington township, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned, All persons knowing themselves Andebt ed to said estate will please make payment, and all having claims will preset t them properly authenticated fir settleturnt.-- DAVID D. BuctwooF, WM. F. 13)E/sTMILIOOF; Pfecutors.,. Farm at. Private Sale!