The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 03, 1874, Image 1

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:BY Wit. , rtiwat.
voLuNE '27 • .
',71,ER. 1 14:1-L.Two..Dollars per:Annum if paid
- • ~ with in the year; Two Dollars and
' __Nifty cents atter the' expiration_
:of the"s , Onr.'
! ,'AfIIVEIIi,TISEII.IEI4TS-=-One Square (TO
%lines) three insertiens, $1,50 ; for
. eaelisubseAnent insertion, This -
. • _ five Centaur Square. A liberal
diaconut trade to, yearly adver
• - • • tiseis,
LOtAll.s.=—Btidnees Locals Ten Ceittsper
- • " litteoiihe first insertiqn;Seven
.Centslor ettbsiefieentinsertioni
prptioignal Olards.
DR. M.L.
• Offers -his .prolessional cervices to the
, citizens of Qulney. f and yieinity.Offiee near
,the Burger 'Hotel. npr9-tf
W A T'N.E,S 0 PA.
--Offire—al—his-resitience,—nearly opposite
he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf.
:Practices in the severaCourts of Franklin
,and adjacent Counties. '
N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and
Pi reinsurance effected f* reasonable terms.
IrENRY BOWLS (formerly of Vir
ginia) announces to the citizens of
Waynesboro' and the public generally that
'.be•isprepared to treat the different discus
stA which horses are subject, including
lock-jaw. Thorough shady and many years
practice are the best recommendations he
man offer. Persons requiring Ids •services
_will find him at Minters Hotel. ,may2l tt•
.4 *
Pince at his residence, N. E. Cor..of the
, Public Sqnare, Waynesboro', P.
• apr 9-tt
IDR. BE J. FRANTZ has removed to the
new Office building, adjoining his dwell
ing on West. end of Main street, where he
can always be found, when not engaged on
professional visits.
OFttcr: I I fleas :—Between Rand 10 0%102k,
A. M., and 12 and `land 6 and 9 P. M. Spec
ial.attention given to all foi nis t a chronic
;disease. An eNperience of nearly thirty
years enables him to give satisfaction. The
most approved trusses applied and adjusted
to suit the wants of those:abided with her
nin or rupture. , apr 23-tf
41 1=ii '
For the Best and most Popular Organs 4n tse
Organs always on exhibition and for sale
at his office.
We being acquainted with Dr. Branis
liolts socially and professionally recommend
„him to all desiring the settled; of a Dentist.
Drs. E. A. HERI:sIG, J. M. Rterts,
" A. S. BoseintAxs, I'. 1). FRENCH.
j 7—tf
a. H. FORNSFIr & CO.
:France Novi/ants
Pay particular attention 16 gna sale of
Flour, Grain, Seeds, lke.
, 'Liberal adv4nces made on consignments.
TIE sul)settler living leased this well.
known 11tel property, announces to
the public that he, has refurnished, re-pain
.ted and papered_it;and ip naw amply pre-
Tared to accommodate the traveling public
;and ethers who may lio pleased 'to favor
hint_ with their 'patronage. Ali attentive
hostler will at all times be in attendance.
' 23-tS SAM'L P. STONER.
THE subscriber informs the public that
he haiippencd n new livery Stable, on
West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.—
.Speedy horses and first class convey
ances furnished at all times. An attentive
hostler will always be found at the stable.
A share of tlielmblites patronage is respect
fully tl °Hefted. JOHN S. FUNK.
july3o tf
TILE subscriber announces to his old ens•
twirlers and the public that he has again
taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and
will be pleased to ; receive a share of public
patronage. His place of business is on Lei-
Aersburg street, nearly opposite Bei.'s Pot=
fiery. • JOS. ANDEIt.c.O.N.
may l-tf
• I
subscriber - not ifies the public That
f lie has .coMineliiCed The. Dairy business
siimily citizens regularly every
morning with Milk Or - CfeTim 3t low rates.
Ile will, also leak, a supply itt..l4;..'Oeiser's
Ntore where persona can obtain either at a
lly hour during the day.
BENJ. Frick. -
• no-,
. /
A rEli. t..rarKei>, gipger minai.N,
fanev.cracizeis (.1 4..,; rueery
elctt portrg.
There is no time like the old,
'When youltad I were young, •
• When the,htids of April blossomed,
And the birds of spring -time sung.
The garden's b:ightest glories
By summer suns are nursed,
ilut oh, thlhweet, sweet violets,
The flowers that open first. • •
There. is nn 'place-like-the old-place, *-
Where you and I were born,
Where we lifted first our eyelids
On the splendor of the morn,
From the milluishite breast thatwarmed
From the clinging nrms,that bore; •
Where the clear eye glistened o'er us;
That will look on us no more.
There is no like the old friend
That has shared our mourning days,
Nogreeting like hiS welcome,
• No homage like his praise;
Paine is the slentless,sunflower,
With gaudy crown of geld;
tut friendship is the breathing rose,
With sweets in every fold. •
There is no love like the old:love
•That we courted in our pride;
Though our leaves are fldling, falling,
And we're fading side by side;
There are blossoms 141 around Us,
With the color's of our dawn,
And we livein borrowed sunshine
When the light of day is gone.
There are no times like the old times
- They shall never be forgot!
There is no place like the old place—
Keep green the dear old spot !
There are no friends like our old friends-
May heaven prolong their lives !
There are no loves like our old loves=
God bless our loving wives!
A great many farmers and farm labor
ers are greatly in the habjt of complain
ing of hard times and low prices of farm
products and labor, for the past few years
they are continually harping ab ut the
good old times of our fiirclathers, and
sighing for a return of those happy days.
In our opinion flumers and laborers are a
great deal ,better off now than they were
eighty years ago. At the present tire
farmers live in hetter houses, have better
furniture. live better, and haVe better ear
riages ,a d more time to ride in them than
they had 'eighty years aga. At that time
it was only the very rich that could aflird
a riding carriage at all, common farmers
rode to church on horseback with their
wives or children seated behind them, or
in a cart. Now every farmer has his
riding carriage, and his son as soon _as old
enough; must have his buggy and fast
horse, while in the house the daughter
must have her' piano, costing from $5OO
to $lOOO, nearly the price of a good farm
eighty years ago. Perhaps a brief account.
of the thrillers' farming, products, prices
and wages of eighty years ago, when
Washington was President of the United
States, , would be interesting to our read
ers. Pennsylvania was at that time one
of the most populous Sta•es in the Union,
and contained a population of 434,373. It
was also one of the best agricultural
States, a proportion of its land was a rich
virgin soil, the greater part heavily tim
bered and - when cleared produced heavy
crops of the different varietica of grain.—
It had also the greatest variety of 'manu
factories and varied industries of any oth
er State, made the greatest variety and
quantity of manufactured goods, both for
hoMe con•iumption'aud exports to other
States.. Philadelphia was then the most
populous,. Wealthy, and also the greatest
comm..rcial city in the Country.- Its pip
utation, including suburbs, was 42,520.
;New York at that time only, contained a
population of 33,000 and was reckoned
the second State in the Union; while,
Boston, the intellectual "hub" of the
nited States, could boast only about 18,-
',OOO souls. These figures compared, with
those of the present day, show more for
vibly than the Most-elaborate rhetoric of
words, the unparalleled and amazing three
and "rapidity Of American progress.—
, Farming!: in that day wasindced hard and
constant work ; farmers in that day clear
ed the land by first girdling the trees, and
then as they rotted or fell down rolled
them into heaps and burned them. For
the hardest kind of farm work, such as
clearing and grubbing land,.a good hand
was paid, eighty
. years ago, 40 cents per
day and his 4. vittils." with a dram of
whisky or rnm'two or three times-a day.
I The cost of- elearive—timbered laud gas
from five .to ten
.dolrars per acre, and the
ieropS raised the first few years did not
average over 12 to 18 bushels per acre;
rye about the same, ones 15 to 20. ,The
wages of good fam.hands was from five
to seven dollars per month ;- per day, _3O
to 35 cents, except in harvest time, and
then 40 co is per day, and extra good vic
tuals, with a - pint of whisky. to each man.
In wheat harvest, on which occasion the
female portion of the community finned
out strong,, the women received the same
pay as the men, Mintis the whisky. 'yen
who boarded themselves and found their
own whisky, or done withMit it were ,
hmed. GO cents per day, it, ty:II thus
„: rimLir .zr=CPSPAivErtrDEItOTED TO UTER./14*OkT.,,x,oghii A,*i)4ixaszw'itsms, ZTC.
seen that bea.rdand "whisky were valued
at 20 cents z perday, juitthe • pride of two
",nips" In these. degenerated .days, but
then whisky was,cheaper as well as bet
-ter. 1040, etrych ne,and Jersey light
ning- had not'then heen , invented. This
was the regular rate of wavipaitiJa the
agricultural -. distriettiaf -Pennsylvania-4i
those days,and there was not much .vari
ation from,priees in other States.. Farm.;
ing iathose days.was o iadeed hard and
constant work. There was no winter idle
ness then, atter working all spring,' 'sum
mer and fall to plant, harvest and bowie
his -crops. the farmer had , to spend the
greater • part.of the winter ,in threshing
them out with a flail.
'The accomplished farmer -tif eighty
years ago was a‘than,whe understood -the
rudiments, at least, of various arts and,
trades. Almost; everything he wore,from
the top of his-head to the soles of hisfeet,
was made from the raw material, in his
own field s, flocks and herds . The female
portion- othefaMily worked as hard as
the men in these days, spinning, weaving,
bleaching. dying, and making all tlie,va.-
Heys kinds of fabrics needed to properly
.clothe the different membecS of the
ly,-also providing an abundant 'supply of
quilts 'blankets, table linen and all the
numberlessartieles that go to make up a
properly appointed domestic household.—
Thealusic of the spinning wheel and loom
took the Place of the modern piano and
organ. The farmer was, when necessary,
carpenter. wheel-Wright, harness maker,
and often blacksmith. Sonietities he ex
celled in ,the shoemaking line, and, then
visited, around in winter time, from house
to house, making f regch family a Tear's
stock of shoes, that would wear three
times as long as.modern shoes. There
was no winter idleness then for the farm
er, the sound of the flail ceirld-he heard
from fall 'until spring. They had no
threshing machines to do up the work in
a few days as we have at the present day.
Their only hollidays was during _Christ
mas times, and right jolly times they were,
according to all accounts. Those old'ilish•
imed Christmas festivities - mhooting, match
es, great dinners. tte..
Eighty years ago, as now, the product
ive enterprise and industrid of the 'Uni
ted States were devoted to agriculture,
manufactures fin!' commerce, the essen
tial supports of natural wealth and pros
perity ; but at least two-thirds of the pco-'
ple were occupied in agricultural pursuit.
In those days the rural youth were al
tte4st universally farm bred, and compar
atively Xew of them became impatient of
the healthy, robust and independent call
ing of their fathers, or sought in towns
and cities, those attractions which have
been so alluring daring.the last score of
years, often fatally so, to the manhood of
farmers' sons, of these were the brave,
hearty, handy, ready pioneers of our free,
broad, varied and enterprising Western
A Government .Clerk Reforms.
Robert J. Walker, Secretary of the
Treasury from 1845 to 1849, was a con
stant visitor to my office. lie was one of
the most interesting' men I ever knew;
was fond of fighting over his old battles
in the Treasury, and fought them elo
Once, as we were standing in the lower
hall of the Treasury building, he related
the ease of one of his clerks, who was then
still in office, but, who, like Walker him
self, is now'dead.
"This clerk. sir," &aid the ex-Secretary,
"was appointed by me . some twenty odd
years ago, but he had not been in office a
year before it was discovered that he*was
given to drink. Upon looking into the
case as reported to me I decided to dis
charge him. So I sent for him, told him
the charges that had "been made' against
him, and asked him what he had to say
is his defence. Wherei - in he admitted
the truth of the charge, but pleaded in
tention to reform, and alluded to his pov
erty and the dependence upon him of a
family. After reading him a moral les
sm,whichil dare say was quite supererega
to-v, for the fellow waq intelligent enough
to know better, told him that,"under the
circumstances, and in consideration of his'
family, I would withhold his discharge
lbr tne present, and, if he reformed and
abAsined from drink for six months,
would cancel it altogether. This compact
he agreed t). Some two or three month's
afterward the man waited on me again;
and told me that, so far, he had religious-,
ly kept his agreement, but that the desire
of drink was so strong, that he felt he
could no longer keep his faith unless
Would permit him to take 'just one,' when
he thought he could go on without ever
transgressing again. •The case was so
noire' and ludicrons, and the man was so"
earnest about the matter, that at last r
consented, not doubting that, once the
harrier was let down, the colt would run
wild beyond all reclamation, and that I
should be obliged eventually to discharge
him-as incurable." Well, sir, to make a
long story short, the man got awfully
drunk, then recovered and went to work
again,Aindy from that day to thiq, he hasn't
tasted a drop. He is in the Treasury now
' won't mention his name —and is high
lyrespected,by all who know him, as an
- honest and faithful man and a strict tee
Saying this, the old ex-Secretary turn
ed around and affectionately clasped the
hand of a man who had been listening to
his story with a fats covered with know
ing smiles. The ex.Secretaiy never men
tioned the name of the reformed clerk,
but I. had no difficulty in guessing that it
was the very man who had been listening
so intently to the story. And a good and
faithful man he was too.
Careful estimates rut 'the yiehi of the
precious metals • this .year iu 'Pah, at
$5,000,000. . • • .
Po the best you dm
Daily Life.
Is our daily life what it ought to be—
what it might be? • Po we not allow pet
ty vexations and• trivial thiuo to sour
-our temper and darken our brow—the im
pulsive nature to got the better of us?-
-chat impatient word just now ; you were
fretted,-but did - it - make you feel anymore
pleasant? Those light and trifling the'ts
'-f--they-,heve give theirnecont
gitiustyou. That witticism at, another's
expense -lop meanlto'harm, but was it,
after all, quite right, and ,doing just as
you would be done•by?
And then the words that are unspoken,
the opportunities. neglected which might
he productive of so much good How
much evil Ave do when wernight do goodl
How much reproach we bring ppon our
selves by our inconsistenclesH How little
we practice what we preach! How little
we do unto others what we would that
they should do unto war How selfish we
arc, and ready to listen to the promptings
of self-interest! How :we permit little
jealousies and animosities to rankle in
our heart, and pride, vain and'impotent,
to fill it ! Hotlittle of charity do we feel
-for an erring brother or sister, as if we
never erred ourselves I How imperfect • and
incongruous are our lives!
And yet we 'alight makeof life a most
beautiful thing, but at must be our daily
life that will do it.
," Little drops of water,
tittle grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean,
And a pleasant land."
So loving words and deeds of kindness,
tender sympathies and, gentle ministra
tions, constantly and daily expressed, will
make our lives majestic.
Did you never see those that have ap
peared the very .embodiment of goodness,
in whose presence there was an attraction
irresistible, magical ? They have seemed
to you like an oasis in a dreary deSert,
land, like 'green and fertile spots in a bar
ren.wtiste. You have sighed to be like
them, as good and , beautiful. You can
he, : if you will only make the endeavor;
you can adorn your soul with such grace ;
you ran make tour lite so attractive,..that
you Will carry with you, wherever you
go, the charm most potent.
To many, daily life seems dull and pro
saic, but there are passages in ,it of sur
passing loveliness. Did you reply kindly,
just ni,w, when spoken harstriv to ? Did
you rei eive 1 h ' tter upbraitling meekly
and sik.ptly ? Is was a beitutiftil thing.—
Did you dell yourself that others might
he happier Thereby ? It was laying up
treasures for heaven. 'Did you speak
words of sympathy and hopeful cheer to
that poor and despondent soul? God will
remember and reward you. Did you ligh
ten 'the burden of that weary brother or
sister? Then shall assistance come - down
to vou from above when yo l t are "weary
and heavy laden."
Would that we treasured These oppor
tunities of doing good, and prized them'
more highly, for, they are
,jewels with
which we may adorn our souls with rich
est grace—goblets_ from which we quail'
the delicious waters of happiness.
When you have st riven earnestly, and
felt at its close that • the day had been
made better by these'strivin ; when you
have overcome some mighty temptation;
when you have accomplishe something
for the good of those around; you what a
flood'of happiness has filled 'Your soul to
overflowing ; And in the still watch CS of
the night, as we live over ,in thought the
shnrtcomings t of the day, we promise earn
estly and with tears that we will do dif.
•Let us strive to live that our "life s lit
tle acts shall have no remor3eful•shadows
hanging over them." Life will then have
a . new meaning fa. us ; it will become a
reality to us, f►r only as we grow nobler
and•better do we really live; only as the
heart advances in that which is good do
the spirits' chariot wheels move on to
ward towards the celestial city.
LIKED rim PLACE.—A :good story is
told at the expense of a somewhat inex
perienced housekeeper in this village who
found herself one morning without a ser
vant to cook or wash: A few hours' tri
al convinced ber that she must have help,
and she started out in search of a girl.—
. callingfit several places without
success, she was passing one of the best
residences in the town, awl observed a
,woman cleaning the a •vard.—
Hal ting,she iuvirod of the woman wheth
er she knew of a girl that could be hired.
The answer was in the negative. The la
dy had by this time become desperate,
and resolved to hire the woman before her,
although sheknew it was wrong to covet
her :neighbor's servitut. : In a low tone of
voice she began to relate her troubles,
and wound up by *urging the %vellm' to
leave,Mr4---!-4—,-and come with her, of
fering her a dollar.raore a week than sbe
was then receiving. ;The woman answer
ed that she liked her plate, and could not
be induced to giveit up. Awl she addeil :
'”Besides, I generally sleep with
and I don't th,itik he would allow one to
go away." . . • '
The-ladydeparted,. utterly astonished
at wbat she had heard. her feelings may
ho imagined when she afterward learned
that she bad been talking with the-mis
tress of the mansion, and the - wife of one
of our most estcented citizens.—Fort Rain
(N. Y.} Register.
A cane nowadays is about as much a
sign of rheumatism as xt masculine hair
parted in the center is a,sign of genius.
4 .
FS by is a bed the ground work of end=
less falsehood? You way lie artd relie'
on it.
A clean skin is as necessary tel good
health as Loud.
It is. better. to be (lush in the pocket
than in the :lace.
Time still moves on, with noiselets pace,
And_we are loiterers by ihe way ;
Few win and nuns , - lose„the race
For which they struggle-day by day ;
And even when the goal is gained,
-How seldom- worth the,toil it-seetna,l,-
How lightly valued, when obtained,
The price that Battering-Hope eiteeixts.
Submissive to the winds of chance, ,
We toss on Lifo's inconstant sea;
This billow may our bark advance,
And that may leave it on the lee t
This coast, which rises far to view,
May thick be s.t-with-rocky mail,
And that, which beetles, o'er the - bine,
Be safest for the shattered sail.
The cloud that like a little hand, •
Slow lingers when the morning 03,ines,
Expands,its vqiume o'er the land,
Dark as a forest sea of pines
While, that which casts a vapory screen
Before the azure realm of day
,Rolls upward from the lowland scene,
410 from the mountain-tops away.
Oh, fond deceit I to think the flight
Of time will lead to pleasures strange,
And ever bring same nen.' de, light,
To minds that strive and sigh for change;
Within ourselves the secret lies,—
Let seasons vary as they will,
Our heart would murmur, though our skies
Were bright as those of Eden still t
A Wife's Sarcasm.
Hannah• Jane Wood writes from Rey
noldsville to theWatkins,(N. Y.) Express
in regard to, a card which recently ap
peared in that paper, representing, her as
having left her husband's bed and board;
and Warning the people_ not to harbor or
'trust her on that bereaved gentleman's
account. , Hannah says:
"First; as to the bedi we bad none ot
`cept the one • mylfailtei , gave me, and up
on -which I have allowed him to lodge his
poor, drunken, worthless carcass already
quite too long; and as to board, he has,
not furnished enough for the last two'
years to pay for his salt. He talk of
hoard ! why the • children have always as
slated me in
. buying bread to keep his
poor soul and drunken body together.—
He caution people not trust me It world
have been.more eating that I should have
posted him ; but that would have been
superfluous, as no one who 'knows him
would have trusted him, or possibly we
could have kept the family together Jong
ei flan we " -
"One tbilig—ani only one—in his pub
lication is -true, and that is that I have
left the miserable man. When, by the
use of whiskey, the once Milton Wood
transformed himself into .evervtliing con
temptible and vulgar, forgetting every'
pledge of earlier lifer-f. mgetting his obli
gations to me and his chudren-forgetting
himself, and at last forgetting God, and
still, not sated with havoc, he pursues me
with the malevolence of a drunken fiend
leave him I did. Oh, liquor! How ma
ny homes bast thou made desolate? Hew
many broken-hearted wives and homeless
children host thou cast upon the, cold
charities of an unfeeling world ? Oh,thou
mighty transformer of intellectual man
into everything devilish ! Rot lam tres
passing too much upon your space, and
will close, wishing Ur. Wood all the
health, happiness and comfort he can ev,
er expect to flow from h:s drunken car
' If Milton Wood is not now extinguish
ed he certainly has given to the world
what was the matter with Hannah. For
a scathing and eloquent exposition of the
sufferings of a drunkard's. wife Hannah
Jane's advertisement .cannot well be par
The late John .11g.rclay thoug h
not a lawyer of the first-class, was a very
able man and in constant' employment,
and was brought in frequent collision
with- O'Connell. Mr. Scrivener had the
misfortune of being a very ugly man,but
he was as good natured as ho was ill-fh
vored. Oa one occasion, after he and
O'Connell had been sparring in court for
their respective clients, Striven said, as
they were leaving the,eoprt;
O'Conner, Wish you and I'
were better friends than we are."
"Why so?" asked O'Connell.
"Because I wish to go to Killarny."
"And what have I to do with your go
ing there,r
"Just this, that if you found me down
in your own couLtry you wituld get some
of your followers to throw me into the
"Indeed I would not," said O'Connell,
with a polite bow, "and for this simple
reason, you would frighten the
pm.—Live for something! Yes, and
for something worthy of life and its capa
bilities and' opportunities for noble deeds
and achivements. Every man and every
woman has his or her assignment in the
duties and responsibilitiesof daily life.—
We are - in - the world to make the world
better,;, to lift it up. to higher levels_ of
enjoyment and progress, to make its hearts
and homes brighter aud happier by. devot
ing to our fellows'our best tl►ougbfe, ac
tivities—and influences: It is the motto
of - every true heart and the genius of eve•
ry noble life, that "uo man liveth to him=
self"lfves chiefly for his own selfish
good: It is a law of our 'intellectual and
moral being that we promote our own hap
piness in the exact proportion, we contri
bute to the comfort ,and enjoyment of 007
ers. Nothing worthy .of the name of hap
pines.s -is • possible in the 'experience of
those who lire onlv for themselves, all
Oblivious. of the welfare of their fellows.
The test irt"*.y to'rise iu a Jady's eatjnett,
.lion is ilut b. stores. .
Adam ,Atid , Eve .Over
There was•ansld couple who earned a
poor living ,, yorkiug =hard all day in.the
"See how hard we work all , day," said
the wife, "an 0 it, all comes of the foolish
- curiosity of A.dain and We. if, it had
=not•been- for- that; --we shouhf.have-been
living now in beautiful garden,- with no
thing to do nil day long."
"Yes" said the husband,; "if you ; and
I had been there, instead of "edam and
Eve, all -the human family had -beep in
paradise." ,
The Count, their master, overheard
them talking'ia: this way, and he came
to them and said ;,
"How ivould,you like it if I took you
into iny - paJazzo there, to live, and gave
you servants to,wait on you, sad }~leuty
,to eat and drink?"
:`Oh, that would be delightful indeed!
That would be as good as paradiseitselfr
answered husband and wife together. •
you may come up thereof you
think- so. Only remember, in paradise
there was one tree that . was not to be
touched; so at my table there will be one
dish not to be . touched. You musn't
mind that," said the Count. '
. "Oh, of ,course not," replied the old
peasant; frtbat's just what .1 - 84 when
„Eve had all the .frults in the'garden,what
did she want with just that one, that was .
forbidden ; ? And if we Ailui are used to
the scantiest -victuals,._are ~supplied with
enough' to lice vell, , what slop. it matter
to us__Whether_ther_e_ia .an • • dish or
not.ri the table ?"
' "Very well reasoned," said the Count.
"We quite understand each other, then?"
"Perfectly," replied both husband and
"You come to live at my palace,and
have everything you can want there, so
long-as you don't open - orie dish,-which
there, will be in the centre of the' table.—
,you open that,.you go.back to your for.
iner may of life:"
"We" quite understand," , answered - the
peasant. -
The Count went in and called his ser
„yank and told; him to aive the ,peasants
nu 'apartment to themselves,; with.93 , 037:i
thing they ,cauld Want, and a sitniptuoui
dinner.; in the An;ddle of the table was to
be an earthen dish, into . WhiCh he was to
put a little bird alive, so.that if onelifted
the cover, the bird would fi r out: - He
was to stavAn the room.and Iv* on them,
and report' te,,him what happened
The old people sat down to dinner, and
praised everything they StIYX,BO delightful
it ail seemed.
• "Look 1 that's .ote • dish we're not to
touch," said the wife.
"No; better not look at .it;",said the
"Psbaw I There's no danger of want
ing to open it when we - have Bu6ll a lot - of
dishes to eat our fill out of," returned the .
wife. • - „
So they set to and made such a repast
as they had never dreamed ofleforn._ By
degrees, however, as the novelty
thing wore off, they grew more and.'more
desirous for something newer and newer.
still. Though when they at ,first sat down
it seemed that two dishes would be tun*
to satisfy then, .they had now •seven.or
eight, and they were wishing there might
be others coming. There is an end to all
things human, and no Other came. •There
only, remained the earthen dish in . the
middle of the table.
"We will just lift the lid up a little wee
bit," `said the wife,
"No , don't talk. about it," said' the
Pie -wife sat still for five minutes, and
then she said:
one just lifted,up_one.corner of the
lid, it would seareelDfeieitilted
you knew .". ' • • -
."Better leave it aline, altogether,, and
'pot think about it at a 11.7 -
The .wife sat still another ftve.minutes;
and then she said ; "If one peeped in
the least in the world. it would not be a
ny lurranrandi should So • like to know
what can ,the. Count have put. in that
"I am sure I emit guessin the least,"
said the husband, "audb9ustsay,l e.Wt
see What it cau signify to, hiin if vie did
look at it."
"No; that's what I think; and besides
how would he knew if we did peep in ? 7 ---
It would not hurt him," said the wite.
"No, as'you say, one could just lake, a
look," said the husband:
The wife did not want more.encourage
ment than that.. But when she lifted one
side of the lid' the, least mite, she could
See nothing. SJ►e opened-it the least mite
more, and the bird flew out: The Servant
ran and' told his' master, and the•Cotint
came down and drove' 'them out, bidding
them -never to complain of Adam and,Eve
Any more, , • - -
• A mother -pas aitused'ilie other dfly
hear this bit of "argument" from her lit-
tle boy. "Mamma, I don't ACe how Sa
tan could have turned out to-be such a
bad fellow—thPre irasn'•t any devil to*Put.
him .up to it l" " • • - . •.
11 . has an oyster shell
thst weigh§ ninety-one pOuudsv • It is two
feet and eight inches in: I enth,..• and, twen
ty-one inches in breadth.' It came 'from
the South Sea Islands. -
Father Gerdetnan. has been held. in.
$lO,OOO ta stand trial for embezzlement
including the funds of the churcand the
lady organist. ,
"Irortnatiy ; people ; " says ihiemy-Tay
lor, "are Busy in Om world 'gathering ton
getheta . lnkndfnl•of ,thorns, to eii upon I"-
~ • . . ,
-In Cjiri*.e; i t Mll9 the custom' at meals
A'pr:tii *tit° ,
.Be.lear 'always to cat seOarixte- -
52,00 PER; YEAR
61.i# a t d nmor. .
.Whyis the letter S fatal to royalityl, makes those who reign .resign.,
Wiwills a clock cm the stairs danger.
oust When it runs down. . „:
A warning to fashionable assemblies— .
look out fur paint.
liebraskalls.s i tor so lazy. that lie
spells wife, yr. • .
• An ugly disease in Vnales—the,wrig
kles. ,Common sence itlhe only-remedy.
W 1 -
Why handkerchief
like an old .aldpil because it , has expe
riei.iced many a hard tom.' . .
- .
A gentleman, deseribivfi a lady's
king dress, said it was liMeeekeci.a4l:
en-"naoro so." -
. ,
AO Illinois young ~WOIXIIIII is going out
as a Missionary because The present style
of bonuet4s not becoming to .her. _
Why do they "do -up" so much more
of pears, peaches,- add Small .fruits now
awl formerly? Why because they can.
An Irishman, havin returned from
his -travels,. gallantly compared his land
lady to ,Vesuvips, becuse !dile was a fine
old grater?'
An old man when dangerously sick, Was .
rgerLto_taike the advice pf a physician, -
Imtobjected; saying, "I wish to dic s a nat. ! ' •
ural death."
. .
__- • .
.A, younglady *n .I diana !lam . eil.l . ..
cy•Pratt, ,was ace tidy vaccinated in. :
the nose. Ib tonk,,ii her bugle is ajn,./
,k i l ti
forever. • - - ' ' -*' -- .
"Thera is a female student at Wooster . ,
0.,.wh0 can - jump:over a brootn-hapdlti
ban fisfik,feet „from the ground':
wonder husi far her,husbaud be able
to jump 'infore a bronto:bitndle
Hera is a congeal mit ertisement: -":To
the, credit drapery tratie. WantedA young
Man to be partly out' eftdoer.s Anil partly
behind 'the - counter. What. mill
result wheu the door slams?: -
,‘ "A GOOD SnoT.=-A. geutleman•remark
ed in an hotel that he had shot a hawk , at
:ninety yards with N 0.6 shot; another re
" Must lake ibeen a gond gun, but Un
cle Dave here hits ono that beats ' •
"Ab," saitHie first, "how Eir ieilhit
kill a hawk with 'Nit& 6 'shot?"
"I don't use shot or ball either." an
swered Uncle Dave himself ,
"Then what do you:use, Uncle Dave,?"
,shoot salt altogether. / I kill my
game so' Ihr with 'iny gun ;that the'game
Nottld spile before I could" •
. _ .
DricrtuntilA STo thinglianS,
yOU may, talk-So.finiCh nP pe port amind
to, about. to hogs pen .te contrariest '.ene
nal; pin I
n hen is se•lnuck more 'contrary
it. 4 a coot teal. , no baker aco as t-it
totor day, I dry as ;to make-te hen set-1
.pOot to eggs enderher, I make - to nest up
so coot, poet to hen on—aulier she 'oft
right up. Den. I make one leetle pox,
poutso pig one vay; (theitstiring with his,
hands,) 'ad 'pout •so pig to toiler cay—
tien I put' to'hen on ta and yost
, dakes and poots.toleetle Imx right Aber
her. , Yen 1 yust.raise. von gourner oh to
hietle pox as do see as veder she pe."'Sett
ing, I pe tangt if Ititent fun to clang hen
sate% stautend •
~, A sunday-school teacher-in ; :Indiantrp'
oils, while c ttechisiug a cho of six:bright
eyed boys, had oecusion to tipeak of the ,
:tiro - roads, one lendinito heaven and the
, - -'4lter to bell, and stated . that - ,Ged had
--.lititeed the Bible in our hands td di).ectifs
in the 'right road and warn; uS
in; in the road which, leads:AO n.; =•;;.
WiShing to illustrate the, importanee , A7',.
the fingerlioard, he askell'i "Bels;i4l-0
you ever been in the country r 2
"Did you ever come to it place where two : :: r
roads met, und found no Anger-hoard-10 ,
direct von?" "Yes sir.'_', "What road dirt
you tike
,7"•lThe 'road that ,had
most walnuts on," israti the - quick.fejili by •
, • •
one of,the'hright lads. ' •
A Hari pre:teller,bring
forth a goil4;'iillusCrlttion. as he ss thonght,
and hence he took a ‘wartint.;# he Fall
:el it, into the pulpit with '.iiiyr, - and some:
thing to crack it with.' Chi yrdding it up''
in the:eiutrse Of his sertniiit; he Said.; .
'My friends, you see thhi waritut—,Well
this outer
„hull here is like the'llethedists,.
soft and, spongy, with no strength in it
see, I .eiets lireak it 'with inyAngers!
. A nd'suiting the action - ,t..b . the Ward
disclosed the inner hulk anti saktf •-;
'This is like the missionary Baptist,
liardßufl dry, with no suhstance,in
But the liernel 7 -the kernel,_ my friends,_
is like therbpd itld PritititiVe," full of
ncess and. stweetnese? ,-•-
He then..'proceeded- -
not,' and give his heareta,fiii.ottlar 41127
'castration of his .illustrition r -when. lie
hold; .rotteil; - :and-:tO the. 13 tier ,1/3,
tunisinent. of . ; 11i$ hearer:: he eried,,
I . 3y)ings,.it's ,;
If 41:mtin'iviilfai to kticilv the iitiengtii;
of evil. iht him Ll* to abandon 4., ,„:. 4 t;, • ,
He that wtalld• liaiielt , wifi3 without;ft ,
,fault must raniaia a baUlleloi. , t., ~.. . „
. .. , gives tini ' . • food ; but tbey , 'Y
ily or in• • ...., . : - ' •:•.:- ~, --. , ~. •.: : • . , -
~ 7. ,
Pools and o tinate.ppeple 'make law.
yen 3, Oa.. '
,'•; : : • - , ' . , '
, .
If you alwaysilive with .thase whoa*
lame, you. wtll,you*lf lan
4 4
Whoevei kap_ h044 , a . itok in the
chain of ir,ul: l 4 hits. '4U lakiFdless