^.^l' r C. - Ayer 3 Par Diseases of the Throat and Durum such as COuglui, Colds, Whooping . Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, , • - - Jold VOnsuntption. Among the great iscoveries of modern ience, few • are of we , rent value to . inkind than this ef thud remedy for. all 'eases, of the Thtiont id Lungs. Avast ' ittl, of ifs virtues, - irougliont this and ' her. countries, has . that . it. does , eur.ely , mid effectually tontrol them. The. testimony, of our, best ,eit I .of all ,classes,_ establishes the lact,_ that Outimg,NOVORAL will and does, ielieve en& - :Mire the afHicting' disorders of the Throat nod Lungs beyond nny:other: medicine. The most dangerous affections of •tlirs•Pulmonary Organs +yield to its•power; and cases of Consumption, 'awed by. this preparation, are publicly known, .to remarkable as- berdly to lie believed, Were they not proven 'beyond dispute. Awn remedy, 'lt fs adequate, on which the public may -stew • -for full protection. Dv curing Cougha r ibe -forerunners of more:serious disease It saves un-. slumbered • lives,Mul no amount of'sufferingstot Acv be- computed. It challenges trial, and con- • vineen the most sceptical. Lvery-finuily should Iceep it on hand as a protectionagninst the early end unperceived attack of tnlmonary A free -tions, which are easily met at first, but which -become incurable, and ton often fatal, if ring lected. Tender lungs need this defence; And ,it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid. the distressing diseases orhich beset the Throat and Chest °tell Ildbooil, Concave PEcronm. is invaluable: for, by its timelyaise, multitudes are rescued from premature graves, and sated to the love and affection centred. on •them. Itacts speedily and surely against ordi- . nary colds; securing sound and lionith-restoring sleep. ,No one will suffer troublesome Intim, dean and painful Brondtills, svlwa they.know 1 1kow aisily they can be cured. Originally the product'oflong, laiseriousentid .successful chemical. investigation, no easter toil •is spared. in- conking every'bottle Au the, inmost 'possible perfection. It mayibe coididentlytelied •cmon as possessing all the --virtues it has•ever rexhisited. and capable of .producing -cures as .mer.torahleon the greatest it has over effected. PREPAAND-BT :Dr, J. C. AVER & C0.,.L0we11,-Mass:, .I'ractla9 apd.4palytical Chemists. MOLD•PT.44l.:DBvaqssrs EvicurrivnEßA. .NEARNEYPS .F,LUID,EXT_RUT is-the-only-kno'vn-remedy-fo BRIGHT'S DISEAS E, _mid a positive remedy for Gout, Gravel, ;IStrivtures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Dropsy, Female Complaints, Non-Retention or Inconstinence of Urine, :Iritation, Infltunmation,or Ulceration of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, Spermatorrhoen, Leueorrlmea or IVltites, rregular or Painful Menses, Bearitr, Down, chlorosis, Steillity and all complaints inci dent to females. "ZEAENEY'S EXT. BUCHU for stone in the Bladder, Caleuhist Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Dis eharges,and diseases of the Prostrate (iland KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU .rures diseases arising from imprudences, )whits of dissipation. etc., in all their stagns, at little expense, little or no change in diet 310 inconvenience,and no exposure. It cans ,es a frequent desire, and . gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstruct ions, preventing and curing Strictures of the 'T roth:A. allaying : pain and inflamation, and .expelling all poisonous matter. Used by persons in the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains, Prof Steele says: 'One bottle of Kearney's Extract Buchn is worth more than all other ,Buchus combined.' :KEARNEY'S BITCHU permanently cures all alleenons of the blad der, kidneys, and dropsical swellings exist jag in men, women and children. no mat ter what the age. Ask for Keitrney's..Yuke 110 other. 3.'rice One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Five Dollars. DEPOT, 104 DUANE STREET, IN. Y. A physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. Send ; stamp for pamphlets free. For Sale by Druggists everywhere .avoid Quacks& Imposters: No Charge for Advice or Consultation. .Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefferson Medical College; Philadelphia, author of -several valuable works, can he consulted on all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs I which he has made an especial study)eith er in male or female, no matter from what .cause originating or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat di veases with success. Cures guaranteed.— :Charges reasonable. Those at adistance can •forward letter describing symptoms and en ,closing stamp to prepay postage. Send for Guide to health. Price 10 ell. DYOTT, M. D., Physician & Surgeon, 10-1 Duane street, New York. augl3 1 y NEW STOCK . BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECiAIiTY ! PRICES LOW ii °GOODS UNSURPASSED IN QUAL ITY. MILLER BROS. P.O. Building., Wawl.eA- Pa., wo uld respectfully cull the attention of Le public to the lime stock of BOOTS, Si - TOMS •Sv 0 - ..ATTRIMS oc, all the various styles for men and boys Is ales, misses and children, which they sal FOR cmk.ss 32E at prices that cannot fail to give satioiliel ion. `rimy also have on hand a lot. of Boors and shoes of their own manufacture hi which they offer • EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. Boots and Shoes made to order from FIRST-CLASS MATERIAL and warranted to give satisfaction. Repair ing neatly done. ALL REPS SEWED GRATIS. apr .23tf CLOVER. and Timothy Seed bgaght and fold all the time at J. ELDEN'S, nnp.o , Waynesboro', Pa. • - •". ••• " NEW GOODS ! Ffit ,ANIY WINTER 8111,ChT! AMBERSON, lIENEDICT SD CO'S. lALTE have 'just reedlyed a -s - erF ;heavy 71" stock of Dry Goods, .to which we_eall theo,tonfion of all who mfish•to buy good goods..at low figures. We nre selling all kintls.of,goods er prices than they bnyetiseeti.sold for say ieralyean. Oer-steel:-embraces DRY GOODS, !FLOOR OLLteIitOTII, i-ROG-FiR-IV-I-N-DGIV OIL ,C.MTIIS- HARDWARE, IMPORTED CARPET, QUEENSWARE, RAG CARPETS, NOTIONS, MATTING, &c Give us a call, and we will guarantee sat isf.tetion. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. Oct 15 FOR MET, DOB AND CHILDREN ; More than One Hundred different styles and colors of ' HATS AND CAPS to suit the old, the middle-aged and the young—in goods better than the best and prices cheaper than the cheapest, maintain ing onr reputation as leaders for all kinds of Head 6ear. The largest variety of NEGII-TIES„ BOWS„ COLL&ELS Cuffs, 'Bosoms, Shirt' Studs and Sleeve But tons, Gents Underwear in great variety, SHIRTS, DRAWERS and Stockings, Umbrellas, Canes, Satchels, Pocket-books, &c. O s our own manufacture of. Buck, Sheep, Rid, Dog Kid and Custom Gloves to lit rill sorts, rues and shapes of hands. HORSE COVERS, .1.11 ; OGY SPREADS, ROBES AND BLANKETS For the Ladies, all the popular styles of Furs, Collars, Boas,. Muffs and Fur Trimmings, of all descriptions.— Our ladies $2 Dog hid Gloves fit as neat— look as well and will outwear a half dozen imported Kid, while our domestic and mow kids at $1.50 and $1,60 will outwear a half dozen of the imported dollar kids. UPDEG RA ET 'S Hat, Glove and Fur Fact'y Opp. Washington House, Hagerstown. oct 22 — if. PUBLIC SALE. MBE subscriber, Assignee of Peter G is cr, will expose to public sale, on the premises, os SATCRDAY THE 212 NT DAT No vinuma, 1874, a valuable homestead, situa ted on Fancy Bill, Waynesboro', Pa. The house is a large Brick over two stories high and has connected with it by a large double porch a large two-:tort' Wash and Bake House, (brick) including in the same build ing three pure hydrants, large butteries, 2 ,complete cellars, one of which is arched.— Also in immediate connection a large two story Frame Wood and Coal house with Work Shop, &c, The surroundings of these buildings are conveniently arranged, wit h paved walks, sodded yards, choice shrub be, &c. THE LOT (Y)NTAINS 2 ACRES, and is set with choice fruit trees and the soil is in a high state of cultivation, lying on the sunside of the hill, and is particu larly adapted to the quick growth of both early and late vegetables. The situation of this property in all respects is perhaps un equaled in the county. It is especially de sirable on account of its elevated location and the fine surrounding scenery. At the same time will be offered for sale 8 shares of stock in Geiser 'Manufacturing Company. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known. SAMUEL B. RINEHART, Assignee. oct22 - 4t George V. Along, :met. Aglo 'Wasted TAT - for on s DAYS' ocirzet AA7I " TUE .11113:1A This book gives the very create of Sci ence, making its thrilling realities, beauties wonders and sparkling gems a hundred fold mare interesting titan fiction. Every man, woman and child wants to read it: It.is en dorsed by the press, and ministers of all denominations. Sales immense. Agents report 5.'-45—if,-BU-8i and thf copies per week. Great inducements to Agents. En-f -ployment for young men, ladies, teachers and clergymen in every county. Send for circular. Also Agents wanted for the PEO PLES STANDARD EDITION of the HOLY MIME. finely illustrated. Fine bindings for Holiday Presents. Canvassing honks free. P. W. _ZIEGLER & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. .octls 'Jut ApVER.TISEDIgN„TS.. DAUCUY: & CO's. cottaty. • . A GENTS WANTED, for the Peorna's ,I.ounicAn. Four numuificent' Cromos free. 'The hada lihe'ralootlee ever instio.— Send 3 cent stitnip .forcircular-and sample:. P. W. Znica.rat •Sr.Co._sl3.Arch St Phila...Pa. novl2 4w g 7 .( INSTANT EMPLOYMENT—At home or. Female, $3O a week livarranted. No capital required. Particulars cml valu able samples sent - free.. 'AddrassoVitli G et. return stiunp, C,llOSS,Waltliamsburg,N. Y. t i novl2kr' , „ . g4IIIIFitCAPOMANCY, or, (XF. TI , INC 4." gex May. ha:lmmo and gain. the love and affections of - any per son they choose instantly. This simple Mental acquirement.all can possess, free.by mail, fur 25c, together with a marriage ankle, Egyptian Oracle*. Dreams, tHints to Ladies, Wedding Nigh t.Flii rt, &c." A queer hook.- Addwess.T. WI LLIAMS & Co. Pubs Phila. • novl2 4w A DII.NTS WANTED! DIPLOMA As A HOED fur 110T2dAN'S' - I ' lOlOlllU 'BIBLES NEW • I:3oolllustratinne. Address ihr eircnlars nouthuit &Go. 930 Arch St. Phila. diovl2 4Nr. R.Y.LA NVEYE A. NO EA R:INSTITUTE 66 N.• Charles Streetattaltimare, 111 d. GR .RGE:MULINci, zI):, Late Prof. of Eye and Ear Surgery in the Washington Universityi, Surgeon:in Charge. The large handsome residencemf the late CirAnt.y : s Qtartomillas been fitted up with all the 'improvements - adopted in the latest Senooi.s.or EunorE, for the special treat ment of nib" class of diseases. Apply by letter to GEORGE 'REULING, D.,' novl2 4w] Surgeon in Charge. LIFE OF DR. LIVMATOISTE, A new book, complete authentic and relia ble, containing Ins explorations and dis coveries in the wilds of Africa, sells rapid ly at low prices to suit the 1 imes, also the "DIFSSIAII, by Rev. Win. M. for nil denominations, an excellent work issued in a handsome style. Oen FAMILY BIBLES are unequaled for style and prices. AMIN UNTO at t work or! these - books o once, liberal terms. A ddre4s Quaker City Publishing Co., Phila. Pa. novl2 4w rim COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, . WELTS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, ITT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Remedy. Sold by Druggists. n0v12 . 4w AGESIMM ,Y4NI : TRUE HISTORY • OTP TZZICI BROOKLYN SCANDAL The astounding revelations and startling disclosures made in this work are creating the most - intense desire in the-mbuh-orthe pcome to obtain it. It gives the whole in ne- history of the Great Scandal, and is the only full and authentic work on the subject. It sells at sight. send for terms to agents and full description of the work. Address National Publishing Co., Phila., Pa. novl2 9w FIRST GRA.'“) GIFT CONvERT. Montpelier Female llumane ASSUCrATION, AT ALT,FAXDRIA, VA NOVEMBER '23, 1874: LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Grand Cash Gift, $lOO,OOO 1 Grand Casli Gift, 50,000 1 Grand Cash Gift. 25,000 JO Cash.(3ifts, slo,oou each, 100,000 15 Cash Gifts, r.1,U( 1 0 each, 75,000 50 Cash Gifts, .140.00 each, 50,000 100 Cash Gifts, 5011 each, 50,000 1,000 Cash Gifts. 100 each, 100,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each, 50.000 20,000 Cash Gifts, 20 each, 450,000 22,178 Cash Gi Rs. amount .u; to $1.000,000 NUMBER OF TICKETS, 100A00. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets, ...—. $20.00 Halves, 10.00 Quarters, 5.00 Eighths or each coupon, 2.00 5/ Tickets for, 100.00 The Montpelier Female Humane ASSOCi ation, chartered by the Legislature of Vir ginia and the Circuit Court of Orange Co., proposes by a Grand Gift Concert to estab lish and endow a "Home for the Old, In firm, and Destitute Ladies of Virginia," at Montpelier, the former residence of Presi dent James Madison. GOVERNOR'S OFFICE, RICHMOND, July ' '74.. It affords me pleasure to say that lam well acquainted with a large majority of the officers of the Montpelier FeMale Humane Association, who reside in the vicinity of my home, and 1 attest their intelligence and their worth and high reputation as gentle men, as well, as the public confidence, influ ence and substantial means liberally repre sented among them. JAMES T. KEMPER, Goy. Virginia. ALEXANDRIA. Va.. July 8. 1874,--A . * 11 I commend t hem as gents of honor and integ rity, and fully entitled to the confidence of the public. * * * * * * * H. W. 111)61 . 1ES, U. S. Judge"East'n Dist. of Va. Further references by permission : His Excellency Gilbert C. Walker, Ex-Govern or of Va.; Hon. Robt. E. Wit b ers,Lieut.-Goy. of Va. and U. S. Senator elect; senators and Members of Congress from sea. Remittances for tickets may be made ex press repaid, post-office money-order on Washington, D. C., or by registered letter. For full particulars, testimonials, ac., send for Circular.ddress, . lion. JAM ES BARBOUR, Passer M. F. 11. A. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Reliable ag'ts wanted everywhere. noyl2 POSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSIBLE ---$2O--- WILL Dry A FIRST MORTG PREMIUM BOND OF THE N. Y. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY authorized by the Legistuture of the State of N. Y. • 2d Premium Drawing, 3d Series Drawing, - Every bond will be redeemed with a pre mium, as an equivalent for Interest CAPITAL PREMIUM. $lllO,OOO. Address. for bonds and full information. Alorgenthau, Bruno & Co., Fmnucial Agents, 23 Park Row, New York. Post Office Drawer 29. novl2 2w _Post OWN PHYSICIAN by C. W. GLEASON, hl. D. A magnificent vol ume of 4SB octavo pages—bmutifully, illus trated and.ele,...onntly bound. Contains mat ter just adapted to-the wants of every fam ily Oyer 250 engravings. One agent sold 100 copies in one week,another36 in three days, and another 25 in four days. Annsas WANTED. Address at once, 11. N. .I%lcKm. Nev & Co., 725 Sansom St., Phila. novl2 4w WATERS' NEW SCALE PIANOS, sgrAuE ANn mutton; are.the best made. The touch elastic, the tone powerful, pure and -c von through the entire scale, yet mellow and sweet. WATERS' CoxcEtrro OrmAxscannotbi excel led in tone or beauty ; they defy competition. The Concerto Stop is a fine Imitation of the Human Voice. Warren ted for 6 years. Pram ExTmnurE LY Low for cash or part cash, and balance in monthly payments. Second-hand instru ments at great bargains. AGENTS WASTED. A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches,Sch °QIN Lorlgea,etc. Illustrated Cat alogues mailed. 110 R-ACE WATERS & So; 481 Broadway New York. P. 0. Box 3367. novl2 4w .- 4f*. 12kOtivirs wArriv i ; ritilatitTELL - IT ALL • • .T:r ettfthonso of Salt Lake City, ftr 25 yeses the wife of a. Mormon hi g h Oudot:lion by Stns. Stowe.- This story of a iMperienee lays toro.the "hkltten r ysterles.secmt dolmas. rterof.tl:e Itnemons as a sonte.suorater sototoun troy nom' • Bright. Pura' , • end Good, it 12, the MS 11111, book nut. actually trrflowfue with growl things for all. It is popular every. u Ore with everybody, and outsells arlotber books Three to oar.,Milkhokl• an Y Got: Algot O." , Embeent women cooln! Ditto Everypeoy onmts.lll4 -en4 -agents me selling 'om e', dor 2Oth Otomottoft rota in pees., We - lint Alftfo ware twist; Intents NOW—men nr WOnteß n- dud mall Owilla nee to them who will salmon. ion.` pamphlets :with full portieulans. Itame._ete. *retiree to .4 Ndresigte .D. WOUT/IMUTUS $ t CO. /Oaten , . chnni. 11..-WE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA ARE YOU WEAR:, "NERVOUS, OR DEBILITATED.? Are you so Languid that any overtion re quires.more of an effort than you feel capa ble of making? Then try Juruheba, the Wonderful tonic and' iiiiignnitor, •whi^h acts so•beneliicially on the seer etive•mgans as to impart vigor to all the vital forms. issio.alealiolie appetizer, which slim ulates.for-a-shert-thne, only- to let-the suf ferer fall to.a lower depth of misery,.butit is a vegetable-tonic acting directly on the liver and rpleen. It•re:gulatesthe Bowels, quiets thenerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system sato soon mink& theinvtilid feel like a nen person. Ds operation is not violent, but is charity iced by great gentleness; Ihe patient expo- , riences - sio sudden change, no +marked-re-; sults, lint gradually this troubles "Fold tlieir tents, like the Arabs, And silently steal away," This is no new and untried discovery,but ha's been long used with wonderful reme dial results, and is pronounced by the high-. est medical authorities, "the most power ful tonic and alterative known." Ask your druggist for it. For sale by JOHNSTON', HOLLOWAY rt . CO., Philadelphia, Pa, nov 12 FRE VSAAIPLE to Agents. Ladies Combina- Needth-book, with Chromos. Send stamp, DEAN & Co., New Bedford Mess. n0v.12 4 w ITORK FOll. ALL—At home, male or fe male ; s3li per week, day or evening. We send valuable paol,:age of goods by mail free. Address with ten cent return stamp, M. York, 173 Greenwich St., N. Y. novl2 - 4w - WANTED—AGENT:3 for the Best Selling Prize Stationary Package out. Bample Package, post-paid, for 25e. Circulars free. J. Nuns, 767 Broadway, New York. novl2 4w DR. D. W. JONES, ~NJya MAN AND SURGEONt Consulting Office, No. 32 West King St. a few doors from the Court House. Observe the sign on the side of the door. Office hours from 10 A. 31. to 12 n., and from 2 to to 4 r. n., and 6 to S in evening. The Doctor's long and successful practice -at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five years at Martinsburg, W. Va., and nearly four years at the bedside in the different Hospit als of the large cities enables him to give full satisfaction to the afflicted, without the use of ilia deadly poison Mercury, and oth er powerful Minerals that. annually send thousands to a premature grave. All Nervous lliseases speedily cured. Let the weak and nervous bear in mind that when they have symptoms indicating .ma ny other inseams, it originates principally from the, nerves. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. This dreadful scourge of suffering human ity, brought on from unnatural habits of youth, or learned from evil companions at school or while alone. Both sexes, old and young, are guilty of it, and it is hastening thousands to that bourne from whence no trat eler returns. For all such Pr. Jones• has discovered a never-failing treatment that will soon bring about new life and ful ly restore enfeebled manhood. • SYPHILIS. • This disease strikes with terror to the boldest heart, where it is soon discovered in the roof of the mouth and throat, with• discoloring blotches or-er the head and bo dy, fast betraying the unhappy victim,dcath ending the suffering. Make an early application, and be cured without any change of diet or hindrance from business or detection of friends. G RAVEL CUR ED Without the dangerous medium of an oper ation. •of every form speedily cured. Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder, and all kinds of Chronic Diseases, no mat ter how long standing, speedily restored. Dr. Jones • can be consulted by letter de scribing symptoms, age,and how lo ng stand ing. All letters-strictly confidential. The completion of the Cumberland Val ley Railroad to Martinsburg will make it convenient for patients from Maryland and Pennsylvania to call and consult with the Doctor. Dr. Jones will not visit patients except where they are not able to consult him at hii office. Ms family practice at Martins. burg is sufficient evidence of his success.— Allietters must be addressed to D. W. JONES, M. P., . may2l I y Martinsburg, W. Va. 1874. 1874. NE WFAIL &WINTER ECUS !Mil; DAPS AND NiOTWNS JACOB SNIDER announces to his custo -61, mers and the public that ho has return ed from the East and opened out au unusu ally large stock of BOOTS AND SIIOES, HATS, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, for the Fall and Winter Trade, at Oellig Building, corner public Square, Waynesho- LADIES' ROOM. Dec. 7, 1874 Jan. 4, 1874 He has opened an additional room in the same building exclusively for the ladies.— To.this department of the business particu lar attention will be given. His stock eon . sists of MEN' S 800 IS, CHILDRENS WEAR lITIIICII- WILL FOR THE CASK. done to nrdor, and all work from ALL RIPS SEWED , GRA TIS oct .t. 3 MARTINSBURG, W. VA. FEMALE COMPLAINTS &HOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND OF ALL KINDS, BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Also manufacturing Isis establishment vitt be guaranteed WHEN YOU WANT A COOK•STOVE, DINING ROOlll COOL PARLOR. COAL STOVE, FIRE-PLACE H EATEH,POR TABLE RENTER, BRICK 'SET HEATER, 'NINE PLATE STOVE THE VERY BEST AND LATEST IMPROVED et all kinds, we have on our floor and Wa rranted to give satisfaction. We have also Tinware, Hardware,- Ilrassware, Japantxmlware, Tubs. Buckets, Knives anti Forks, Butcher Knives, Spoons, Ladles, tin, Brass and copper, Extra Iron Pots for cook stoves, Tin-lined Iron •Pots, PORCELAIN KATTLES, LAB GEIRON KETTLES AND BRASS KETTLES. We have also for sale CRONE'S PATSTEA - M — C..'oolo - ING — A - PPARATUST MILLER & IRON'S PAT. FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH ER, rufr nit N'S •PAT. CLOTHES WRINGER, TAYLOR & Cu $. CUCUMBER WOOD,PUMP. ("Special attention is given to the man ufacture of our Tinware, House and Barn Spouting and Tin. Roofing. always securing the best material in the market, and always warrant to give satistitct ion. Thankful for past favors from the Public, •we hope for a continuance of the same by dealing justly with all. n. B RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the Big Rut Horn. apr 2.3—tf N. MOB FAIIRNEYI FAMILY NEDIVITIL -0- T"E proprietor of this medicine is a grad uate of Telferson Medical College, of Philadelphia of 1833; since then he has made chronic diseases his special study— has had good success in the treatment of such diseases, which has induced him to put out this medicine before the public, A medicine which ought to be in every fam ily-in the land. Those who have used it speak of its great merit. Is composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the M:deria Mediea, -and compounded with great care by the proprietor, under his own supervision and made in a scientific manner. The DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a short lime it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE Acts on the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys Good for the following diseases, such as Liver Complaint, Scrofula, Siellietulaelie, Constipation, and Chronic. Diseases generally; very good for children in -mall doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your fa iends. Also makes:his celebrated 'FAMILY BIT TERS which have stood the test for a num ber of years. Good for `lndigestion, Low ness of Spirits, Dyspepsia; Foul Stomach, Cramp, Colic, &c. Try it. Prepared only by JACOB 'FAIIRNEY, M. D., Office and Residence, 1337 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, Pa. ,AGENTS WANTED. • Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, Waynesbo ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Pa., J. S. Nix on Cham'Jersbarg, Pa. may2S-ly PRICE & 110EFLICII'S Popular Dry Goods House! 1874. FAIII AND IYIXTEII. 1874. An immense stock of Imported and Do mestic DRY GOODS, at satisfactory prices. Rare inducements in all modern styles of Ladies' Dress Goods! Our stock of Men's wear IN CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES is large and fine. All the Novelties or the Season in endless variety. Watch for the frequent opening of "job lots" of Auction Goods. An inspection of our stock is solkitea. • PRICE ik 110EFLICH. oct 1 .1253. Uri T • P 'l l \ k \ Main St., Waynesboro', Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in 'DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEM- PAINTS,4OILS. VARNISHES, DYE- S2'UFFS, PERFUMERY AND . FANCY - ARTICLES, _rine _Toilet So vsjlair and Tool h Brushes, ,TOBACCO AND SEGAIIS, and everything generally. .kept in a :FIRST CLASS . DRUG STORE Compounding and dispenhing department under An experience of over 20 years as Apoth ecary is a guarantee that all PR VSCRIPTIONS entrusted_to-his-care-will-be -C Alt ;F • L I.•Y FI 1, - 15 — E 1) and according to the rules of art compound ed. ;COLD, SPARKLING SODA WATER on draft during the-summer months. june:Th tf NEW CO 3DS! V/11411 111 2454 _ TUST opened at the Town hail :Store a IPS full line of all the late styleb of fol. Men and Boys, 1= S HOES AND BOOTS' AND GAITERS, A large lot of Ladies, Misses :mil Children's Button & Lace Shoes, Gaiters ainlSlipporsof all kinds, a lull and complete stock of LINEN - ANT) PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK BOWS, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Mi — The public are respectfully uvited to call and examine my stock beforo pur chasing elsewhere, as no charge wi be ,made for showing, goods. apr IG-tf JOHN H. COOK'S STEAMCRACEER FACTORY Rheumatism, Dispepiia, Consumption, 'l'U ter, ' Manufactures every variety of CEACECERS, SNAPS, &C., FRESH GROUND FLOUR. My stock is always new and fresh. Yours Respectfully, july3otf JOHN H. COOK Cr HE undersigned, auditor, appointed by the Common Pleas Court of Franklin Co., Pa., to distribute the, balance in the hands of D. B. Russell, assignee of Fred'k Lesher, hereby gives notice to all that he will sit for the purpose of his appointment at Joseph Douglas' otlice, in Waynesboro', at. 10 o'clock, A. M., on Tuesday the Ist day of December, 1874, when and where all in terested can attend, have their claims pre sented, or be debarred from share of the fund in hand. E. J. BON]; E, novs 4t Auditor. It is really the only illustrated chronicler of fashion in the country. Its supplements alone are worth the price of the paper.— While fully maintaining its position as'a mirror of fashion, it. also contains stories, poems, brilliant essays, besides general and personal gossip.—Boston Saturday Evening Gazette. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $l.OO Per Year. Ite„..Tor further particulars, &c., Address HARPER & BROTHEUS, New York. jan 22—tf Administration Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration upon the estate of Jno. Null late of Waynesboro, dec'd., have been granted to the undersigned. .All persons Indebted to rsa!d estate are tequested to make / immediate payment, and those bay ing claims against the same to present• them properly authenticated, for settlement. JOSEPH WOOLARD, H. R..GAFF, oct29 CA] Adm'rs. 11 will sell the Royer Farm, near Stouffer's 11. MM, now occupied by Jacob C. Stonifer The fu'm has good improvements an7d-con, ?airs 40 acres good -la Ed. For further formatiou please view the oropertY:;" 16.1:1C SLIOCKEY, • 74, .ect2C tf •ICALS, : PATENT IkIED/CIN-E, PERSONAL DIRECTION. C=:= :IX .416 'X' El a full line of Men Men's CuEtani Made (HEISER'S MAKE.) Your Respectfully, M. 11. JACOBS 11AGERSTOWN, manufactured from Nerliaße Harper's Bazar. A REPOSITORY OP FASHION. ,t:C; Farm at Private Sale 1 gar Bitters are a purely Vegetable yreparation, made chiefly from the native - - found on the — lnver - rar. Sierra Nevada mountains of California, ,the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without the use, of Alcohol. The question is almost daily .asked, "What is the cause of the unpar alleled success of VINEGAR BrrrEfts " fOur answer is, -that they remove the cause of disease,. and the-patient recov .ors his -health. They are the. great blood purifier and a life-giving prinel ...pie, a perfect Renovator andlnvigorator .of the system. Never hefore.inthe:bis ..tory of the worliLlias Tuedicine boon •compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of VINEGAR BITTERS in healing the sick of every disease man is heir tG. They are a gentle Purgative as well es a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases. The :properties of Dn. WAL3reit's VINEGAR 'Arun' are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative,'Nutritions, - Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific,.Altera tire, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vrx- WAR BITTERS, the most woud.rfhl luviger ant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long - T unwell-provided-their-borms-are-not-de--- 7 - strayed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious,_ Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prev alent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those,of-tbe lUissouri, Illinois; Tennessee; Cumberland, Arkan sas„Red, Colorado, Brazos,Rio Grande, .. Pearl, Alibmna, Mobilo, Savannah, Re- . anoko, James, and many others, -with. their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during til - 0 Sunnier and -- Autumn; and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, £lli3 invariably _accompanied by extensive _ demagementsef the Rornach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. AVAmtEn's VEKEGAR BITTERS, as they will -speedily , remove the dark colored -viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, • and generally restoring the -healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify tho-bod y against disease by purifying all its f luids. ith "VINEGAR No,epideniie , can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation Of the-Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in tho region of the'Ridneys,• and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oflbprings of Dyspepsia. One bottlo will prove a better guarantee cf its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, I,7lcers„.Erysipelas, -Swelled , Neck,. C oit re,. Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inchrunnations,Afercurial Mee lions,•Old -Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In thew, as in all other constitutional Diseases, WA LICER'S VINEGAR, BITIEns have shown their great curative powers in the most ob stinate mid intractable cases. and Boy's heavy ,GAITERS For Inflammatory and Chrcuie Rheumatism; Gent, Bilious ' Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad do no equal. Sneh Di eases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals; such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Cold-beaters, and Miners, as They advance in life, aro subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against, this, take a dose of WAIN.- ER'S VINEGAR BErrros occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tot ter, Salt-Rheum, Blotches, Spots. Pimples, Pustules, Boils, earbtmeles, BMA-worms, Scald-head, Soro Eyes ' Erysipelas, Itch, ..turfs, Disco!orations of -the •Skin, Humors e.r.d Diseases of the ,Skin of whatever name or nature, aro literally-dog up and carried out of the system. in a shoat time by the use of these Bitters. • Pin, *Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so many thousands, arc effectually dostloyed and removed. No system of medicine, no vortnifuges, no an thehninitics will free tho system from wonus like those Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic llit ters display . so decided au influence that im provement Is soon peiceptible. Cleanse the V itiated Blood when ever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell yon when. Seep the blood pure, and the health of the sfSteux will follow. • It. 11. MeDONALD R CO, 426 Prnggists and Gen. Agin.. San Francisco, enlifornia. and rm. of Wasldngtoll and Charlton Sts.. N. Y. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of Hanitivr LACNENS, late of Washingtnn township. de ed, bare been granted to the undersigned. All person= indebted to said estate will make payment, and those hexing claims will pre sent them properly u t hentiratedfor settle ment. CHAS. WEST, Adler. oct22 Gt WTOTICE is 'hereby .given that letters of IN administration on the estate of Alexan der Ilundit on, Late of Wavneshoro', dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned by the negister of Franklin County. All persons knowing themselves to boin debted to said estate must make immediate payment, and all persons having claims a gainst the same must present them to the underMgned,properl v authenticated forset tlement. JOHN B. HAMILTON, oettit Adner. LUMBE -ft-R-T-,ff15)1- "subp.eriber will pay the higheqt •market price 'f0r,.1A,(1 1 :14 feet of - Poplar rind Walnutihmuher cleltiteretin Wayncs 'bore.. • tc Cs/s 1 / I A °-•; -11 1 ,4 1 4 ( 3 0lus_tafd;tio'rps and - or. Rpiccc wit* or -ground. , • nF If - On 4 i rneary IVATER. • Crackgre, ginger snags,Wait fluto.lzaekere' 4 al: Reid larocary Achninfistrator''s Natioa. diaministrzto.V.s Vetiose