The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, November 12, 1874, Image 1

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    BY W. BLAIR.
I.ERUS'—Two Dollars per Annum if paid
, ' within the year; Two Dollars and
: • Fifty cents after the expiration
of the year.
, ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square• (10
lines) three insertions, $1,50; for
each subsequent insertion, Thi r
five Cents per Square. A liberal
discount made to yearly adver
LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Centsper
line for the first insertien,Fie.ven
Cents for
professional (iards.
Offers his professional services to the
citizens of Quincy and vicinity. Office near
the Burger Hotel. aprO-tf
• ce a his resittewneaiiy - oppusite
he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf.
Practices in the several Courts of Franklin
and adjacent Counties.
N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and
— Firelurance effected on reasonable terms.
December, 10 1871.
13111 H'NRY BOWLS (fc
ginia) announces to the citizens of
Wil,yneslicro' and the public generally that
lie is prepared to treat the different diseas
es to which horses are subject, including
lock-jaw. Thorough study and many years
practice arc the best recommendations he
can offer. Persons requiring his services
will find him at Mintei's Hotel. may :11 tf
1 .1 . S T 2 .
1 0 .
Office at his residence, N. E. Cur. of the
Public Square, IVityliciburu', Pa.
apr 9-ti
1111. BENJ. FRANTZ has removed to the
new Office building, adjoining his dwell
ing on West end of Main :m•itet, where he
can alwaYs be found, when not engaged on
professional visits. •
OFFICE It ores :—Between Rand 10 o'clock,
A. 31., and 12 and land li and i I'. M. Spec
ial attention given to all foims of chrouie
disease. An experience of nearly thirty
years enables him to give satisfak ion. The
most Approved trusses applied and adjusted
to suit the wants of those afflicted u ith her
nia or rupture. apr 23-tf
For the Best and most Popular Organs in Use
Organs always on exhibition and for sale
at his olhcg.
We bein. , acquainted with D. Branis
bolts socialry and professionally recommend
Ling to all desiring the services of a Dentist.
Drs. E. A. ' J. M. Eteei.c,
" A.'6. Boxrant.Axn, T. D. FRENCII.
r. H. FORNEY & CO.
Produce' agicanissimitrentants
No. 77 Nom' STREET,
• Pay particular attention to the sale of
Mout`, Grain, Seeds, &e.
Liberal advances made on consignments.
may 29-tf
`TIE subscrlber having leased this well
, known 1-I,tel property, announces to
the public that he has refurnished, re-pain
ted and papered it, and is now amply pre
pared to accommodate the traveling public
aired ethers who may be pleased to favor
him with their patronage. An attentive
hostler will at all times be in attendance.
May 23-tf SA M'f, I'. STONER.
Fr HE subscriber informs the public that
I be has opened a new Livery Stable, on
West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.—
.Speedy horses and first class convey
•ances furnished at all times. An attentive
hostler will always be found at the stable.
A share of the public's patronage is respect
fully solicited. JOHN S. FUNK.
july3o tf
THE subsCriber announces to his old cm
touters and the public that he has again
taken up his residertce in Waynesboro' and
will be pleased to receive a share of public
patronage. His place of business is on Lei
tersburg street, nearly opposite Bel.'s Pot
tery. JOS. ANDEItsON.
may 1-tf
tr HE subscriber notifies the:public •.hat
.1 he has commenced the Dairy business
.and will supply citizens regularly every
morning with Miik or Cretin at low rates.
Ile Will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's
&ore where persons can obtain either at a
ny hour during the day.
nov 27-tf
WATER Crackers, ginger snaps, and
V.V fancy crackers ui Reid's Grocery
seuuent insertion
The acorn slips to its mossy tomb;
The beech-nut falls; the wild black broom
Is creaking in the woed ;
The vine, like some tired Mtened lies
Thiratino for rain with weary eyes,
Soft mists at times float down the hills
Before the wind that lightly -fills
The purple gorge above ;
And creep along the flood, the vale,
And die in sunlight fair and frail
As human life or love.
And darker shadows kiss the stars
And mount upon the shining bars
of summer's waning light;
While gusts of mournful music break
From hollow winds, that stir and shake
The sounding halls of night.
The November afternoon was darken
ing into night as Florence and I drove
back from the cemetery where we had
scan our lather laid to rest. I was twen
ty-two, that summer; and the affianced
bride of Alden Freeman; but since my
'father's failure and death, I had not seen
him, and my heart told me only to plain
ly, the love which had .en given to Ma
rion Wilbur, the fliVor fortune had
not been transferred to Marion Wilbur,
the homeless orphan.
Florence. though younger than I was
married; had her home and her husband,
and could ailhrd to look upon my father's
failure calmly ; but I—what was I to do ?
I mmt begin the world, and earn a living
for myself
We stopped before the mansion that
had so long been home—that after to
night v‘ouhr he home no longer.
,"I wish to speak to you, Marion," Flor
ence said. I led the way into the library.
"Well ?" I said, sitting down in the
gloom, "What is it, Florence ?"
• '•lt is this, Marion. What do you mean
to do ?"
"I don't know," I said, drearily enough.
"It is time you did," said Florence.—
"Yon must earn your own living. .1 tell
you frankly' that I cannot • offer you a
flow, and you must get sonic situation.
'fo-morrow you must leave this house.—
You have no money. Where are you go
ing ?"
I drool e I my hetid on the table and
burst into tears. Oh the unspeakable des
olation and misery I felt at that moment !
Ely sister had never b3en over-stocked
with affection f br her fttntily, and thoughts
of the world had always filled a large place
iu her heart ; but it did seem as if she
might at least give me time to bury my
fitther before thrusting me into it—and
not my hailer only, but my lover, for was
he not dead to tue also, and must I not
bury him out. of my sight ?
"I have been more thoughtful for you
than you have been fur yourself," pursu
ed Floreime. "I have found you a tem
porary home. Mrs. Brown is iu want of
a seamstress. I have spoken for you ; her
terms are liberal, and you are to go there
at once."
Marion Wilbur go out as a seamstress!
How cooly she talked of it ! It is aston
ishing how people will talk of disemutbrt
when they are not the parties concerned.
I made no answer—l did not lift my head
out cried on, silent, wretched tears as ev
er a woman wept..., I__
"You will go therajo-morrow morning,
when you leave here, and while there you
can advertise for another place. I must
be going now. Good by.
I did not answer, and she was gone;
then I sank down in my loneliness, pov
erty and misery, and cried until I could
cry no longer.
"0 Alden, Alden !" I cried in my great
wretchedness, "Is this the love you pro
fetsed for tie?"
And so that long night passed, as all
nights must; but the morning found me
a changed woman. It seemed as if in that
one night I had given up everything that
had been dear to me. It did not break
my heart, either ; Alden Freeman should
never do that; when my heart broke it
should be for a worthier object. No! I
thanked God that I had learned Alden
Freeman's unworthiness so soon. -
Atint pottrg.
We can learn a useful lesson
. From a single drop of dew,
For it sparkles to remhict us
ow-toerhole • ife true;
We should never waste our moments,
They are passing quiekl• •
To improve them is a duty—
We can do it, if we try.
Let us drop a gentle Warning
By the wayside as we go,
And, perhaps, the germ of kindness
In a careless heart may grow;
Let our seed be sown at morning,
For the night is drawing nigh ;
There's a harvest for the faithful,
We may share it, if
we try.
As the bee is never idle,
And the brool: is never still,
In the pleasant field of labor
There's a place we all may fill;
Then be ready for the Master ;
He is coming, by and by ;
There are starry crowns in glory,
We may wear them, if we try,
Stained by her own bright blood
Diurila twits iteading.
With no choice left, I took my way to
m rs. Brown, and remained for .t hree
Months a member of her family. '
• One Morning, an advertisement in the
paper attracted my attention*and I deter
mined to answer. _lt was for a copyist.—
A few hours later I knocked at the office
door of Edwin Grahm. He was a law
yer, and one of the most talented men at
the New York bar.
"You advertised' for a copyist," I said,
"and I called to seo if I could do what
you require."
"Will you write Something fort me ?" he
said, placing Writing materials before me.
wrote several lines, which be examin
ed and then said the' "would do."
I - found their terms liberal, And - carried
home quite a large roll of papers. It was
arranged' that after this the office boy was
to call for my writiugs, and bring me
further orders.
• Mr. Grahm called occasionally to give
me some directions about my law papers;
he was a man of about thirty-five, very
kind in.his manner, and he occasionally
brought me a book to read. His little
kindnesses wete very welcome to the in
my great loneliness.
I have forgotten to say • that I had gone
to live with an old lady, whom I had once
had since received a small legacy which
enabled her to live comfortably.•
. In time, my writings grew to be other
than the copying of law papers. First,
I wrote a sketch, and sent it to one of the
ading journals; it was received and paid
for, and I continued writ nr. Soon after
'a new book was given to the public, and
loudly applauded. A few evenings after
ward, Mr. Grahm called and brought me
the book, saying he wished me to read ii,
as he felt sure I would like it. The au
thor• was unknown, he said ; she only gave
a fictitious Millie ; and all the etlinis of
the public had been unsuccessful in find
ing her out. I said nothing. I chose to
keep my secret.
I had made up my mind to giie up
copying, and told him so. He looked at
me in a surprised way for a moment, then
"May I ask why, Miss Wilbur? Are
you to be married ? Tell me that it is
not so!" He took my hand, them went on,
h urried ly,—
"I love you; you cannot be surprised
at this ; you must have seen it before, tell
me that no one else has a claim upon your
I told him the story of my past life.
"You cannot care for second love," I
But he only clasped ine in his arms
"Your second love is more precious to
me than the first love of any other wo
.1 told him, that night, who was the au
thoress of the book'he so much admired.
A. look of proud joy came into his face.—
"I thought it was like you; it made me
think of you when I read it; why have
you kept it such a secret?"
"Can you wonder?" I said, "Have I not
learned what it was to be loved for my
gocd fortune, and forsaken when that for
sook me? I wished to be loved for my
self alone."
Only once have I met Alden Freeman;
it was seven years after my f'ather's death.
He did not know of my marriage, and
begged me to forgive him.
"0 Marion !" he said, "you would for
give and pity me if you knew what I
have suffered. Only forgive nie, Marion,
and let me win your heart once more.—
Promise to be my wife, and nothing on
earth shall part us."
What a flood of bitter memories op
presFed my heart !
"There was a time long past s " I answer
ed, "when my heart was all your own.
but you cast it back as worthless, have I
not suffered, think you? I wou'd not trust
you with my heart if it were ever so free;
but it is not; I have given it to one who
loves me not for my gold but fn. myself.
I am married to a good and noble man,
and I love him with my whole heart."
The following are a few of the gems from
this annual :
Half the diseomfbrts of this life are the
lesult of getting tired of ourselves.
Intellect without juagment is what ails
about one half the smart people in this
To lie about 'a man never hurts bim,
but to tell the trutn about him somatimes
Christians seem to fite under cover; but
the deli!' stands boldly out and dares the
world to single kombat.
Reason often makes mistakes, but con
science never does.
The man who is ahvuss confessing his
sins and never quitting them is the most
onsartiu sinner I kno uv.
The man who kin set himself at work
in five minutes notiss haz one of the best
trades I kno uv.
I have made up my mind that human
happinesss kousists in having a great deal
to do and then keep doing it.
Yung man, you had better be honest
than cunning, and it is hard work to be
Mi'experienee in life thus far has been
that 7 won't go into 5 and hay much 'o
Abuv all things lern yer child,to he
honest and industrious; if these two things
don't enable him to make a figgeiin this
world he is only a cipher, and never waz
intended fur a figger.
Remember that appearances t are often
deceiving. Many a pale, thin young lady,
will eat more corn beef than a blacksmith.
Because you find her playinc , n the piano
in the parlor it is no sign that her moth
er is not at the corner grocery running in
.debt for a peck of potat.:es.
The Tide is Turning.
• From all over the country evidences
are coming in to us that the people are a
wakening from.their wild dream of extrav
agance. We hail these signs of the times
with delight. We - see in them sunlight
through the clouds, and like the return
ing profligate, our vision grows clearer as
we travel farther away. from the sickening
scenes of our folly. -
During the past ten years our people
have been infected. The malaria' of pa
per money got abroad in the land—crept
into every man's vest pocket; and from
thence, like a subtile poison in the blood,
diffused itself through the body politic,
: • . attacked-the-the National brain.—
We were - crazed with a . sort of money fobia.
It seemed incurable.
National, State and city rulers lost bal
ance, and dreamed that "Fraud" had
changed its nature, no longer ending in
perdition, as of old. The ancient' land
marks were turned topsy turvy. All
pleas for Honesty were du bbed".Bentiment."
Truth was kicked out of doors, being too
soft for the times. To deceive .became
fashionable and was termed "Bmartuess."
Reputations of a quarter century were
batered away for a hundred thousand of
first mortgage bonds. And Americans
- w ie ; it • ' ,• o raTelly-k-new-the
meaning of the word "Bond," have now
become so familiar with every form of le
gal indebtedness that a boot black in the
street would feel insulted -were his ability
doubted to &five toe term "Coupon."
We have "National debts," "6 tat e
Debts," "County Debts," "Town Debts,"
"Bounty Debts," "Improvement Debts,"
"Park Bonds," "Water Bonds," "Sinking
Funds," "Consolidated Bonds,"- " Rail
road Mortgages," "Canal Mortgages," and
what not. Piled upon these, one on the
other, till our heads grow dizzy with the
contemplation, are first, and second, and
third mortgages on houses and lots all
over the land. We have literally cover
ed ourselves with debt, mortgaging ,the
solid accumulation of our hard working
forefathers that ive might riot with the
proceeds. Is this not true, reader?
. Look about you for the proofs. A gold
,silver watch in everybody's pocket;
showy jewelry about the neck in the ears,
or on the fingers of every girl in the land,
silk dresses, laces and embr.oidery, bronz
ed shoes, or jockey hats and feathers fa
miliar in every workingman's home,, pi
anos as common as mahogany tables once
were, houses frescoed at a cost which
would have bought the - man's domicile
before the war, marble mantles with gild
ed grates and defenders, costing in ore
than all the furniture of a comfortable
home fifteen years ago.
These are but single items to show the
thoughtful mind what we have been do
ing with the proceeds of all these mort
gage debts. But the great ocean of mon
ey our people have superfluously eaten
and d run k,and squandered away on things
which have dissolved like dew, can hard
ly be computed. And yet we wonder that
there is a breathless pausing now-a stand
still in the business world. We look in
to one another's faces gloomily—and it is
well !
Old heads see in these signs, a happy
turning of the tide. You will And no
gloom on the settled faces of experience
at signs such as these. They brighten
rather. The gloom was on such faces
when the flood was at full.
Fear not, the signs of times, reader.—
Let retrenchment come! The quicaer the
Netter± It means safety, Confidence, Low
Rents, Payment of Debts, Frugal ity,Tem
perance, Peace and Content. There is
real prosperity in it.
The other thing which we have been
doing—is fully in its wildest form. It
means Intemperance, Prodigality, Wan
tonness, Discontent, Distrust and early
Dissolution. There can never be any
thing but ruin in it—National aud Indi
Every Day Martyrs.
We have martyrs now-a-dayst. True,
not martyrs who are tortured on the rack,
or who go down to a triumphant death
amid the flash of brand and faggot : but
martyrs who suffer just as much, and who
in such suffering, exhibit the same praise
worthy strength, and endurance, and for
titude. Martyrs who die in struggling to
live. Who sink unnoticed into the grave,
young in years, but old in care, in suffer
ing, and, alas !in misery. There are
hero-martyrs whose daily torture no awe
struck world shall write in lines of imper
ishable light. 'There are doers and wor
shippers of the good, the beautiful and the
true, lifting up clear eyes to heaven, and
walking serene and holy in their little
sphere, whose brows no painter shall
make tha immortality of no poet's song.
There are martyr's intellect. Thou
sands of earth's gifted ones are passing a
way in the quiet martyrdom. The world
looks coldly upon them—pushes aside
their ideal dreams with their stern, press
ing realities. Men and women who are
only happy when they stand motionless
and charmed, like a cradled • infant by
its mother's voice, at their sweet incarna
tion of the deep things of the heart, at the
bright flashes of genius from their own
soul's inner shrine. ,And though the ta
per of life burns lower and lower, hope
crouches, like a spectre;amid the lengthen
ing shadows, and the actualities of life
chill the gushing of the heart—yet they
toil on with higher aspirations. And, at
last, when the long grass waves over their
graves, when the starry 'primrose nestles
over their tomb, shrinking timidly away
from the garish eye of day, fame wakes a
thousand echoes with her clarion notex
and the world fain would kneel to bind
undying laurels around the cold lifeless
brow ! All too late then—all too dearly
Subscribe for the Record.'
The First Thousand Dollars.
The following extract we-take from
the New York — lndependea, - and corn
mend it
. to Ake careful consideration of
the boys pia young men who are among
our readers: .
The first thousand dollars that a young
man after going out into the world to act
for himself earnes and saves will general
ly settle the question of business life with
him. There may be exceptions to this
statement ; yet, for a rule, we think that
it will hold true.
The first condition is 'that the young
map actually earns the thousand dollars
in question. He does not inherit this sum.
It does not come to him by a streak of
good luck, as the result' of a fortunate
venture in the purchase' and sale of a hun
dred shares of stock. It is the fruit of
personal industry. He gives his time
and his labor for it. While he is thus
earning and saving it, he must earn two,
three, or perhaps four times asimuch to
pay his current expenses. 'He is come
queutly held sternly to the task of indus
try for a considerable period. The direct
consequence to him is steady, continuous
and solid discipline in the habits of indus
try--in patient, persistent, forecastings
and self-denying effort, breaking up all
- the-tendencies-to-indolence-and-frivolity,
and making bins an earnest-and watt hint
economist of time. 'He not only learns
how to work, but he also acquires the love
of work; and, moreover, he learns the
value of the sum which he has thus saved
out of his earnings. He has toiled for it;
he has observed its slow 'increase from
time to time ; and in his estimate it rep
resents so many months or years of prac
tical labor. .His ideas of life are shaped
by his • own experience. These natural
effects of earning the first thousand dol
lars we hold to be very large benefits.—
They are just the qualities of mind and
body which are most likely to secure bus
inesd success in after years. They consti
tute the best practical education which a
man can have as a worker in this work
ing world. They are gained in season for
life's purposes, at the opening period, just
when they ate wanted, when foolish no
tions are - most likely to mislead an inex
perienced brain, and when, too, there is a
full opportunity for expansion and devel
opment in later years. Men have but
one life to live; and hence, they start
from opening manhood but once. And
the manner iu which they start, the pur
poses which they have in view, and the
habits they form, will ordinarily deter
mine the entire sequel of their career pn
earth. To succeed,' men must have the
eleMents of' success in themselves. One
great reason why there are so many use
less, inefficient, and poverty stricken men
ou earth—or, rather, boys seeming to be
men—consists in the simple fact that they
did not start right. A prominent reason
why the children of the rich so freQuent
ly auiouut to nothing may be found in
luxury, ease and indolence which marked
the commencement of their lives. It is
the law of God that we should be work
ers on earth ; and no one consults the
best development of his being as when lie
conforms his practice to this law.. The
workers in some suitable sphere are the
only really strong men in this world.
teenth century has witnessed many great
discoveries :
In 1809 Fulton took out the first pat
ent fur the invention of the steamboat.
The first steamships which made regu
lar trips across the Atlantic Oceau were
the Sirius and the Great Western, in 10-
In 1813 the streets of London were for
the' first time lighted with gas.
In 1813 there was built in Waltham,
Mass., a mill, believed to have been the
first in the world whiCh combined all the
requirements for making finished cloth
from raw cotton.
In 1790 there were only twenty-five
post offices in the country, and up to 1837
the rates of postage were twenty-five cents
for a letter sent over four hundred miles.
In 1807 wooden clocks commenced to
be made by machinery. This ushered in
.the era of cheap clocks.
About the year 1833 the first railroad
d any considerable length was built in
the United States.
In 1840 the first experiments of pho
tography were made by Daguerre.
The anthracite coal business was begun
in 1820.
In 1836 the patent for the invention of
matches was granted.
In 1845 the first teleg ram was sent.
Steel pens were introuced for use in
The first successful trial of a reaper
took• place in 1833. •
In 1846 Elias Howe obtained a patent
for his first sewing machine.
The first successful method of making
vulcanized India rubber was patented is
BE A MAN.—Foolish spending (says
somebody of good sense) is the &they of
poverty. Do not be ashamed of work, nor
of hard work. Work for the wages you
can get, but work fur half price rather
than be idle. Be your master, and do of
let society or fashion swallow up youßn
dividuality—hat, coat and books. Do
not eat up and wear out all that you earn:
Compel your selfish body to spare some•
thing for profits saved. Be stingy to your
own appetite, but merciful to others' ne
cessities. Help others, and ask no help
for yourself. See that you are proud.—
Let. your pride be of the right kind. Be
too proud to be lazy; too proud to give up
without conquering every difficulty ; too
proud to wear a coat that you can't afford
to buy;—too proud to be in company
you cannot keep up with in expenses : too
proud to lie, or.steal, or cheat; too proud•
to be stingy.
Murdered Momenti.
Don't kill time. Don't! You sometimes
murder the lively little moments as fast
as they come flying along. Every minute
wasted is that much-time- lost and time
lost is the same as dead. If a rich man
wastes his money or buries it in the ground,
instead of putting it out at interest or to
some good use, it is then called dead cap
ital. . So, if you don't make. good use of
each moment as it passes, it, dies on your
hands, and the 9pportunity for using it is
gone forever. You murder the. moments
frequently without knowing it, for they
make no cry, and leave no sign when they
die. You know an ordinary slaughter
pen by the smell, and the horns and hoofs
lying around ; but you kill time often a
mid elegant surroundings, that suggest uo
thought of the dying minutes. Aud, with
such surroundings, you kill time so easily
that you don't miss it and don't' know it
is dead. You shake the life out of many
moments in the mere shuffling of prettily
painted cards, in elegantly furnished par
lors and bright saloons. Much time is
trodden to death by pretty little feet on
the burnished floors of brilliant ball
rooms. Many moments are mauled to
death with croquet mallets, on cool, sha
dy grounds. The life of many a moment
is whittled away with penknife and soft
These things may be very innocent in
themselves, but excessive indulgence in
them is a sin, becars !they waste the time.
Especially is this so when you can get the
same healthy exercise and amusement iu
doing some good, and thus keep the time
• alive. You say, this is like `straining at
a gnat and swallowing a camel.' Ent
then the crying evil uowis, that so many
of us swallow all the gnats and strain on.
ly a little at the camel-sized sins. it is
the swallowing of the little gnats that is
killing the Church ; by. wasting the time
and, energy of so many that ought to be
active Christian workers. We are not in
danger of committing such sins as mur
der and theft, but the great danger is iu
those little innocent looking gnats; those
little amusements which are well enough
in themselves,
,when used for the mere, pur
pose of recreation; but which, indulged
in for their own sake, become fresh forms
of dissipation.
Startling Facts About the ,Sun.
An Armstrong gun fires a bullet at the
rate of 400 yarc&per second. A bullet
fired at that rate, and maintaining it to
the sun, would take thirteen years to get
there, and the sound of the e*plosion
would reach the sun half a year later.—
In other words, those beings, those men
who worshiped the sun and raised their
voices in prayer to him, if their voices
could have been heard, and there was au
atmosphere, a medium of intercornmun
ion, by which the sound of, their voices
could reach him, in thirteen and one-half
years would have reached their god. If
there was a steel rod connecting•the earth
with the sun, and the pole of the earth
were brought into communication with
the sun, 300 years would elapse before
the strain would reach the earth. Ankh-•
er considerasion—and this was suggested
by Prof. Mendenhaff, of our 'country,and
by Holmes, and others—is this : peeling
is conveyed along the nerves ten times
slower than sound travels. If, therfore,
an infant were born having an arm of
the inconvenient length of 91,000,000
miles, so as to reach the , sun ; and if in
the cradle, while in babyhood, he were . to
btretch out his arm and touch the sun.the
infitnt might grow to the three-score years
and ten allotted to man, and eVen to four
score, bat be never would be conscious of
the fact• that the tip of his finger was
burned ; he should live 135 years before
that would be suspected.-z---Prof. Proctor.
Broken Promises.
Reader, never break your promism!=
And to this end, tower make a promise
that. you are not sure you cannot fulfil.—
You may think it a trifling matter to
make an appointment with a friend or a
gree to do a certain thing: and then fail
to "come to time ;" but it is assuredly - not
a small affair. If ybu get in the habit
of neglecting to make good your promise
bow long, do you think, will your friends
and acquaintances
. retain confidence in
you ? The nearest and dearest of them
will iu time learn to doubt you, and Will
put but little faith in your words. And
there is a way of 'half meeting one's obli
gations, which- might be called "bending"
a promise, which is also a very bad .prac-
Lice, and should be carefully avoided.,
For instance you agree to meet a person
at a certain time; but, instead of being
punctual, you "put iu. au apPealance'
several minutes, perhaps an hour, after
time; or -you promise to do something
for a friend, and only partially perform
the duty. You may not have exactly
broken your promise, but you have cer
tainly bent it, which is almost if not .
quite, as bad. Keep your promises' to the
letter, be prompt and exact,. and it will
save you much trouble and care through
life ; and win for you the respect and trust
of your friends.
A WORD TO THE BOYS.—Boys,did you ev
er think that this world, with all its - wealth
and woe ,with ail its mines and mountains,
oceans, seas, and rivers, with all its ship
ping, its steamboats, railroads and mag
netic telegritphs, with all,its minims of
grouping men and all te science and
progress of ages—will soon be giyen over
to the boys of the present age—boys like
you? Believe it, and look abroad upon
your inheritance, and get ready to enter
upon its possession. • The presidents, kiup
governors,, statesmen, philosophers, mints.
ten. teachers, men of the future are .41
boys now.
Early to bed and early to rise vitll
be its cab] jf• you don't,:advertite.
82,00 PER YEAR.
NCI ant Sumer.
When is a lover like a tailor ? When
he presses his suit.
Had tlhe
,giri that was buried in thought
any grave ideas ?
It is fitting that limbs of the law be
clot lied in breeches of.promise.
Stay not till you are . told of opportuni
ties to do gOod•L•isaquire after tl4m.
A governess advertising for a situation
says, "she is perfect mistress of her' own
tongue !"
"You seem to walk more erect than
usual,my friend." "Yes ;I am in straight
ened circumitances."
Chicago has sixty. fortune-tellers, and
yet not one of them said "Gat the' engines
ready," before either fire.
lelnat is thews f dicing of this world's
brightness and sus eto a man -that
has tight boots ?
"Honesty is the best policy," unless you
can get about 8100,000, and effect settle
ment at fifty per cent.
Honor thy father and mother, particu
larly about circus time, when you don't
khow where to raise fifty cents.
. _
The most popt ar 'wigs now in Missouri
just now . is the o who-has decided-that --
a woman is not a d maid until she is
Never run iu debt when you can avoid
it. It is better to go snubbing around iu
a broadelotb...goat than t.) be ik,.debt fur,
a suit of Se()lch
A lady in a menagerie being asked why
she so closely scanned the elephant with
her opera glass, replied that she was 'look
ing for the keyhole of his blink.
An Ohio constable has absconded with
the sum of $3,25.. Do not, gentle read
er, turn up your nose, for • it was all the
public money he could get hold of.
Love thy neighbor as thyself. Borrow
his ,plow; hoe or horses whenever you can,
but if he waned to borrow yours tell hint
that•you are sorry, but you were just, go
ing to use them yourself.
Be guarded in you r couvemation.. There
are times when you, may freely, express
'your opinion on a politieak4audhlate, but
you bad better wait until his - friends are
over in the nest county ii4iOng, • " •
An attempt was to have been, made
last week to get woman's cru
sade iu Cleveland, three , or four of the
leaders were disappo uted about their Fall
t enets, and the affair didn't come off.
"My dear," said a wire to her husband,
"4.1 1 0 you know what is the most curious
thing in the world ?" "Yes" madam. 9.
.gruffly answered, the brute, "the most
curious thins in the World is a woman
that is not curious."
It is said•that the Jersey.girls and Jer
sey horses are very unlike—for 'tt wonder.
The horses are shy and skittish, and hard
to catch ; but the girls are as tunic as kit
tens, and as bold as lions. They Ihn k
round a fellow like sheep round a trough,
and have to be driven cif with clubs.
- Never marry !Or wealth, but remember
that it is just As .easy to love a girl who
has a: brick house, with , a mansard roof
and a silver plated' door bell, as one who
has an anb Ira head and an amiable dis
position. •
' Respect old age. If you hare a maid.
en aunt tbirty-thr. e years old, and sheds
passing herself off for a girl of twenty
two, there is no excuse for you to expose
her. The more yOu • respect. her agd :tad
keep still about it, the more she will res.'
pect you.
An Irishman and a colored citizeniwero
holding in animated political discussiOn
in Virginia City, Nev., in the course i3l'
which tlt e latter declared himself:.*;
staunch Republican. eYis, thti
Irishman, 'you -may go on vain' , an'
work iu' for the Republicans as long as you:
liue, but office will they ever give -
you !"That's whar yer wrung.: Dcyll
give us all de olti:es,-sah bit all de
offices to clean !'
MAnntAGE.-.—Good sense: would en y
that if men and women are tosingle each
other out and bind themselves by solemn
oath forsaking all others to cleave to each
other as long as • life should last, there
ought to be, before taking vows , of ,such
gravity, the'Very best opportunity to
come minutely acquainted with e ach
. oth
er's dispositions, and habits, and. Triodes of
thought and action. It would seem to be
the dictate of reason that a long anti inti
mate friendship ought to hn. allowed, in
which, without any bias,.or commitment,
yoangpeoplesmight have full' opportunity
to study each "ether's character and Oape-. •
sit ion, being under, no obligatinn;;expreas
ed or-irtiplioil; on account of suchfintirva:
cy,' to comtnit themselves to the iittivoca : '
We union.--LMre. Stoive.
What's the difibresee:bstweeti . 3 watch
and a feather bed? . The ticking:or the
watch is inside. that of the, bed outside.
Those wishing to find the dearest `spot'
oa earth will find it at thestore that don't
.advortise., •
;de feiwt '
ton of malis antotiirtha *it are
Aliark." • - 2,