Weigmborie 43illagt Sttord. TintreiJAW:: November_ 5, 'U. 110 granger Luilg- sg6.Gairgp Reynolds, of Salt Lake Citvs hsia bean indicted for '`polygamy held ck bail: - This is the niistindiettnee e. that eitrunder,the act of Vengrmyi. , 011,.Qn ,FundayA i week, while three : saltom, w,ero :walking aim g Thames street "- - Ealtiniore, -.conversing with- cacti other, .one of them ,named, IL English 41 out a piskil and placed it against the ',bead of one.of his comradcs,named Crow • :ley,' to illustrate a story he was telling, when the pistol went off, instantly killing ;Crowley.' tom© Shoemaker has justdied in a lunat ic asylum in England, in whose stomach -was found; after death, one viand ten ounces of. iron nails, several pieceP of snap iron, and an awl witheuta handle. There were 1,09 nails. Take warning ye crjspins who take your pegs anti tacks in to your mouths. em, Active measures are being taken in the IVest• for the relief of the unfortunate farmers in Nebraska whose props have 'been eaten up by ornsshoppers. There is great destitution in some localities, and probably the Appeal for aid will be gent across the mountains to the benevolent people of the East. It is asserted that.the deplorable condition of the people has been concealed by land speculators and immigrant agents who feared that if the whole truth was known their business tvogja ;min a serious cheek, ' . fieint is estimated that of 12,000,000 of women in America, 11,000,000 wear oldie° dresses, more pr less; that the spir it of economy has, during the past year. induced them to f9rego one dress apiece from tbeir usual outlay; that the average calico dress contains eleven yards, and that, consequently, there has been a loss to the trade by this retrenchment of 121, 000,000 yards. This is nearly the product of all the mills of Massichusetts for a year. • - • funatiA,;4llman, who attemp ted— to assassinate Bismarck, was convict ed and seuteneed to fourteen years impris onment and the deprivation of his politi cal rights for ten years. The compara tive leniency of the punishment is to be Attributed tO•the fact that on medical tes timonTlCylimnies mind was judged to be so tainted with ingnnity that he was or ly partially responsible for his acts, But ,tor this mitigating circumstance the sen tence would have been mach heavier. Ileir On Thursday, President Grant is sited the regular annual- Thanksgiving preclamnlinn, appolatingAnr,dnY, Nov. Nth, as 4: day of rest, ,tlimiksgiiing and praise. says r, We are reminded by the changing seasons that it is time to p use in our daily avocations and offer thanks to Almighty God for the mercies and Abourinace of the year which is draw ing tria Close. The blessings of free gov- . ernment continue to be vouchsafed to us, the earth has responded tq the labor of Ow husbandman, the land ha.; been free from pestilence, internal. order- is being maintained, and peace with other Powers leas prevailed. It is fitting that at stated periods we should ;cease from our awls- Somed pursuits and from the turmoil of our lives , and. unite' in 'thankfulness for the past, and jpi the cultivation of kiwi-- ly feelings toward each other." IterMr. Joseph F. Ferdur, one of Lid derzook's counsel, had a long interview on Saturday with' the prisoner, dui inr.which the latter manifested the utmost coolness with reference to the scene in which he is to play the most important cart on November 12th. lie spoke of all the rrangetneute with perfect indifference and when asked wlten he would see his wife, lie repijell be had po deske to meet her at* present, alleging that Ole might disturb his preparation for the other world, which he considered would monopolize all the dine be had left. As to the disposal of his body, his wish is, that it be. hand ed to the order of American Mechanics ; 'aid second, if they refuse it, that it be deposited in the Wilhistown church yard. He nko referred , to the fact that the bed• 'clothing be had in his cell belonged to his motheT, and said he would have plenty of time on the morning of the execution to box it ''up and direct it to her. He has •no hope of• a respite and still maintains that he is innocent of tie crime of which ~.,jip.vas convicted. Thousands of people are reported' '.!1•3400:44in Southwestern Nebraska ow ing •to the gsasshopper ravers. Many have lived for several weeks on pumpkins and salt, and .others, on baked flour and *Ater, one meal Ix day. Ten thousand pimple in Nebraska will need aid suffi . giont to keep them from starvation and gold durinzthe winter. kluadrals of peoplts Are piked And on the verge of star- cation, and nithout. weans 160 leave the State. Wg..ire are glad to gee that in ono ease, at least; - friendship hes not interfered alai the prosecution before the courts of one friend for carelessly aiming a pistol ;at another friend and letting it go off suppos• ink all the time it was not loaded. One Lewis Krumm, of Baltimore, has gainod vercl zt of s6,oo(lapinst Nicholas &lob ibr injuries thus reoetved, 001 - lie trial of Bev.,John S.. Glenden• ningfor...the seduction of Mary E.::: P9ru 7 oroyis progressing slowly before the bytery of Jereey(fity. , The evidence sub-' inittetr- by the prosecution thus far fixes, the charge uponithe defendant so clearly that we Cannot see host he will escape . conviction. The indications are that be will receive the punishment justly merited by his nuelitiatiatiandiut Manly treatment of the poor girl, who declared almost with her last breath that Glendenning was the father of her child, The defendant pros- ents a bold front, notwithstanding the, nature of the evidence auct has made up his mind to brazen it out, since he has got so deep in Op mire of sensuality and de- ception. w of 1872 and fierAn interesting experiment was per formed on the 16th inst., in Fall River, Mass., by Mrs. Julius Hoffman and Lou is Weyland. of New York. - Herman Du bois had suffered from consumption. for Eye years, and had become yery "Physicians advised him to seek a warmer climate, but he bad not sufficieut strength to avail himself of this chance of relief.— Tor. Hoffman had transfused blood from animals, dogs and lambs, to the human subject with success in six. cases, and it was determined to make the es•periroant upon Der. Dubois—and a connection was.formed by a glass tube with a vein in the patient's qpin and the carotid artery of a living iamb. The pure blood leaped throngh the tube and entered' the system of the patient. The stream was kept up fqr one minute and forty seconds. Then the compression was renewed and the tube removed. Friday Mr. Dubois had : onfli. ciently recovered his strength to enable him to visit a warmer climate this coming gold weather with prospects of regaining his health. The lamb is doing well. le-Became Judge Hall does not like John Lutz, Esq., editor of the Bedford Inquirer, personally, he made an -order on the let inst., compelling all the coun ty officers and all others having adverti sing in any way connected with the court to advertise in the Bedford 'Gazette an l Everett Prem. Mr. Lutz is a practicing attorney of years standing, and so bitter has been the hatred of Judge Hall to him that ho has for a year post omitted his name in'calling over the Ilse:of attorneys. We feel confident that there is na other instance op_ record where a Judge of a court ever carried his personal hostility so far. As many be imagined, the course of Judge Hall is denounced in the most unnr..easured terms by every fair 'minded man in that poonty.—,Blair Co: Boxlioal. tter . .A. number of passengers wore eject ed from the cars of the Erie railway a few days ago because" theyrefused to pay fare unless furnished with seats. They have each brought suit against the coin : pany for tm 0014sqw1 dollars damaats, The result of this action will be looked for with interest by a large class of per sons, who are compelled to endure the in cop vepiences inflicted by railroad cerpora tions, Each railroad ticket calls for "one seat," and it remains to be seen w•heth er railroad officials can enforce payment ,or that which they do not furnish. So little regard is entertained by the ma jority of rajlroad companies for the com fort of the traveling public that they should be brought to a sense of their du ty in the matter and provide proper ac commodations for their patrons, WILD Hocs.—lt is said that among the mountains of West Virginia are found many wild bogs, which do not hesitate to attack the traveler, and are without doubt the Most:dangerous denizens of the moon. tains. They are usually found in herds of from five to twenty, and the sight of a human. being is the only signal for Attack that they require. The intruder has then nothing left'him but 4 .0 outrun them or climb a tree and wait for them to leave. we-There are about 700,000 gypsies in Europe and 18,000 in England. Their religion seems to extend no further than a belief in their annihilation at death, al though an occasional convert to the Christ ian faith is made here and there among them, iris... Butter and cheese aro almost indi s. reusable articles of food. Properly used they are nutritious and healthy ; but an inordinate use of either causes indigestion and dyspepsia. Parson's Purgative Pak, judiciously used, will remove both of these troubles. DarHave , you ague in the face ; and is it badly swollen. Have you severe pain in the chest, back, or 6idel Have you cramps or pains in the stomach or bowels? Have you billions colic or severe griping pains ? If so, use Johnsons' Anodyne Lisi ment internally. terTbe Glades Hotel at Oakland, Gar. rett county, Md, was destroyed by fire last Tuesday afternoon from a defeethre flue. Loss $40,000. . Indies' have heretofore worn nil sorts of flowers and fruits hi their hats, and now they have a imi-app on the side. Se'Some fellow has predicted that the next year the potato bugs will destroy.the map crop pf every Nan who neglects to pay up forlais paper. tel. The next meeting of tbo Adams County Teachers' Institute will be held in Gettysburg commencing 'Hominy, De cember 7th, and continuing five days. Xotal Sgt's. . • —Ths!uksgivintg, Thursday, 26th:! —Swelling-.--our'subsCription list. pigeons have departed for fresh Gelds and pestifies near. —Bays save your penules—Christmas s only 40 day§ oft' —Postinaster Nelda basiettiveied from his recent illness and is again at his post. WOOD;--4. couple of loads of hickory wood will be Taken at this office on account, LAUOIE ,CIABBAI3E.-36 Abrrn. Slam% of this Place boasts a head. of cabbage which . Weighs 1.9/ pounds. SEEns..--The "old miller" across the way, Pap, Elden, is still actively engaged in the purchase and sale of seed, timothy and clover. • ' —The hog disease is prevailing with great, fatality in different. sections of the country. A. number ofcases,are reported in this vicinity. SUDDEN' Dzevrt.—Mr. Jacob Shank, a well-known farmer and much esteemed citizen, after a brief illness expired at his residence near this place on Tuesday morn: in. His disease is said to have been rheumatism of the stomach. DECEASED.L-Mr. Joseph Frey an aged and much'respected citizen died suddenly of heart disease at his residence in dhatu bersburg on Wednesday rnornfpg of last weak. RELIGIOUS.—ReV. Mr. Seheaffer, who has been absent for several weeks is ex pected home this week and will preach as usual on Sunday next, morning and eve ning, in St. Paul's Reformed Chapel. im,The (=centric traveling street preaCh er, Rev. Andrew Jackson Kearny, reach ed our town on Saturday last and in the e vening held forth on the diamond for an hour or more, to a respectalgo audience, so fat at least as numbers were concerned. LECTURE.—Tbo Rev. Jesse M. Young will deliver 'his famous lecture, entitled. "Echoes from Round Top," in the MethoL dist Church of this Place, Friday even ing, November 20th. Tickets of admis sion will be sold at reasonable rates. FARM FOR SALE.—The mansion farm belonging to Henry. &sore, dee'd, is of fered at public sale in to-day's paper by the administratonyMesers. Leeson et, Be sore. This is a very desirable homestead. MX-HagerstOwn Almanacs were never plentier or cheaper. The standing price it seams is five carits, with enough in mar ket to supply every man, woman and child is town and neighborhood. We... Abou t, two o'clock on Saturday morning last the Sash and Door Factory . of Wrn. A. Hazlet, in Chamberscurg, was entirely destroyed by fire involving a loss of $21,500,00 upon which :there was but $lOOO insurance. . Tun ELECTION.—The election held on Tuesday pegged off quietly, but little in terest apparently was manifested as to the result. The vote was light only 592 hat* lug been polled. The Republican majek ity on the State ticket is 15. We will give the result officially in our next issue. SBLLING.—We understand Mr. L. C. llrackbill, general agent for the King Fluting Iron has recently made some im portant sales of territory to several re sponsible citizens of this place and vicin ity. The Iron where introduced has so far given general satisfaction. Ilti'Sunday Nov. Bth has hems set a part as allay of special prayer in behalf of the Y. M. 'C. Association throughout the world. A meeting for that purpose will be held in the Lutheran church nest Sunday at;,3 o'clock. A. general attend ance is requested. SUNDAY SCHOOL CoNvErrrtcm.— The Second Annual Session of the Union Sun day School Convention of Franklin be held in Chambersburg,on, the 17. 18th and 10th lusts. The place of hold ing the sessions will be the First M. E. Church. . Valley Regieter, published at Middletown,'Md. says a colored man nam ed Benj. McCloud, charged with stealing bogs in the vicinity of Waynesboro' and selling them to parties at Mechanimtown, was arrested at the latter place on Sun day night a week and committed to jail.— We uplerstand the hogs belonged b Sam uel Nicodemus.. BAD BOYS.—There has been more or less rowdwism on our streets of Saturday nights for some time. We understand the Council have determined that this state of things shall not be. longer tolerated.— High Constable Miller,. with assistants will therefore be regularly on duty. here after, and we advise mischievous chaps 'and `'big boys" fur whom the Lock :Up has any terror to be on the alert, ' Tan WE.A.r.rmat.—A sudden change in the weather took place on Saturday last,. end instead of an atmosphere so string. like which we had enjoyed for a couple of weeks, a cold north-west wind prevailed with snow flukes flying at times ia the air. During Saturday night ice funned to ,the thickness of a quarter of au jucb. The weather has since moderated, but is still quite chilly of mornings 4.0 eve- sings rendering warm fires indispensable. vhsited'the Grammar 01 ift Waptesbelt; on , tittMtb, Oct: I Wiong enough to 'termini _opinion of it. We sb3 a great contrast between ;the con dition of schools tie their werein 187 p and as thefare now. Your readers kuowwhat miserable houses were used over a quar ter of a century ago, and . what a good building hai . oupplanted them, To 'go in to details of the disadvantages both in 'the instruments and in the plan 'of teaching then enjoyed would cover a page of your paper. My mind is carried back to that picture and then to this. If children will not learn enough of that which necessa ry tPßl4tile one to get along in this world, then, it is because nature has not bestow ed upon them sufficient mental capacity, or the , parente have not given due restraint and instruction in the nnniery, 9r the pa rent's and childrend have not valued pone , tuslity as they should. Although. the school is not supplied with sufficient teach eis: yet the youth of to-day has advanta ges which should make them feel thank. ful to Providence. As the school now is, Vie will venture to put it up against any in Franklin County, and gain the medal. We next passed to Secondary where the children had, jest come in from recreation. The first ex ercise was Object Lessons in Nat. History. Our attention was divided by the sweet soul stirring music in the adjoining, or primary school. Hoi'many. of my readers who are near the zenith of life, looking towards the setting sun, can recall the lovely days, never 'to return, when they attended school, and can think of the joys that they had in singing of "The Joie of Jesus I" Nay, the hickory or the whiteoak rod coming in contact ' with the pupils back was.the timekeeper, while the song of the "objective case" was like the lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet. The . brimstone furnace prepar ed for the disobedient, and the schools of those days woreobjects not much different i in effects' produced upon the fearful and timid minds of children. Darkness. has paa3ed.away to give place for bright er light. ' --EX-PEpAGOGUE.-- RAILROAD TALE.—One of our most proMinent citizens who returned fro Hanover a few days since informs us that ho was told there upon undoubted author ity that it is the purpose of the Hanover Railroad Company to extend the Gettys burg Road as far as Fairfield next season and if sufficient encouragement in stock subscriptions is given East of the Moun tain and along the route it will be bro't to this place, and that the company final ly contemplate& connection with the Bal timore and Ohio Railroad. He is under the' impression; however. that if these sub scriptions are withheld a connection will be' - made . with the W. M. Railroad, for a time 'at least, when the extension will be made to:-tap the B. &O.R.R. at or near Cumberland. This is about the import of the conversation to which we refer and we give it because it is reliable, and furth er to encourage Those who have been look ing so long -for a railroad in that direc tion. PREMUMS.—Aiiiong the premiums a- Foiled at the reCont Frederick county (Md.)' Agricultural Fair w$ peace the following were awarded Messrs. Stewart & Price of that city. formerly of this vi cinity: Best Cultivator, $54 best Horse Rake; $5 ; best Reaper and. Mower com bined, $l5 ; 'best S weep Hotse rower, $10; best Thresher, Cleaner aiKSeplinttor; $l5 ; best' Straw, Carri9r-.Sefoarator, $5 ; beit Hay or Straw' Cutter, Horse Power, , $5; best Hay teStraw Cutter,lmnd pow er, $3 ; best Corn Sheller, hand power, $3; best Corn Cob. Crusher, $5; best Fanning Mill, $5 ; best Seed Cleaning Screen, $3; best lot of Hay and Dung Forks, $2 ; best Cider ABU imid4Press, $3 Stover Wind Mill and Pump; Eclipse Portable Steam Enghie, (Frick & Co's) . .best Rye' Thresher; best Reaper and Mower; best Cultivator; best Horse Rake. Iv:Drar Stmorna 7 —lndian Summer,with hazy skyes, smoky atmosphere, reddening sun, and tinted lights and shadows, has come once more on its annual round, and forest, field and landscape lie dreaming in its romantic , and half-melancholy glow.-- The summer . is dead ; the songs of birds are hushed '; the many fingered zephyrs that lately toyed with' the roses and.whis pered sweet love-tales to the brightening leaves are stilled, as if Nature pauses to muse for a while, and togsze fondly back upon the bright . World she had made for us in ,the 'flitsh of the,year,' and seems to be touched with a gentle sorrow for the winter's desolation that'must •seen come. AN AGED CruzEx.—Mr. 'John Ben char, an aged and respected Citize n. of this township, died at his residence near Monterey, on the 24th• ult., being in the 95th year of his age. He was born near Monterey. on the 4th day of January, 1780, and'died on the 26th day of Octo ber, 1874, thus making his' age 94 years, 9 months and 22 days: He was the fa ther of 14 childron ; 77 grand-child ren, and 45 great-graaid-ehildren—mak ing a total of 136. He was . the oldest male' citizen in the township, except Mr:,Pavid Ptewer, - sea., of , this vicinity, whci is in the.96th or 97th year of his tige. Fos Amaral was large. 1p attemlad, and the funeral services yarn .conduoted,by Rev. Mr. Keedy (Lutheran) and Rev. Mr. Gould, (Methodist) ills re amins were interred on the home farm. - —See advt. T. H. Holings.vorth. FIRE ON VIE MOUNTAIN.--0111`Thur.- any afternoon last the Beath Mountrsin was fired near Zentmyre's old tan l yard by spark* from a passing omit' re. Every thing being very dry the fireby evening Idld extended a distance of four or five miles, and before morning had reached the other aide of the mountain. The loss of young timber, rails, wood, etc. has nec essarily been very great, but as to this we are without any particulars. . IT'p to Monday evening last the work of destruc tion was still going on. oft. 4 Focal COnvention, under . the di rection of the Executive Committee of the Y. M. O. Association of Pa, will be held in Greencastle on the 10th and 11th of NoVamber, all the associations of this county and Hagerstown Md., will send representatives. The State Secretary and several members of the State Executive committee will be present. All persons who may feel interested in the cause are cordially invited to be present. SurrununG Irmrs.—The recent fires on the South Mountain, along the line of the W. M. R. 8., consumed a large a mount of fencing for Jno. Welty, Esq., On his farm lying on the line of the road near the &mar 'Water tank. It is said these fires originate through carelessness on the part of the Engineers, neglecting to use their fire screens and thereby pre vent hurninf 7 , coal flying Item the smoke stack. Several of the ;sufferers from the fire contemplate prosecuting the It a i Road Company to recover damages caus ed by their negligence. As Mr. Daniel Lecrone, living near this place, was driving toward Hagerstown on Saturday the 24th day of Oct. on the Marsh Turnpike his horse took fright near the Paradise school house, and ran away throwing him froth the buggy. The shafts becoming detached the horse ran a considerable distance before he was caught. The buggy was badly broken but Mr. Lecrone escaped with very little personal injury. In Smitheithrg on the 31st ult., of inju ries received on the W. M. R. R. two years ago, Mi. Edward Houck aged 48 yr's. 11 months and 29 days. The Smithsburg Sunday school (Luth eran) has appointed, Rev: X. J. Richard son and J. W. Barkdoll, delegates to the Maryland State S. S. Convention to meet in Fred'k. city on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of November. DUFF'S MERCANTILE CoLixoE.—The name "Duris synonymous with the very idea of book-keeping in this community. Over thirty-four year&ago this highly suc cessful Institution opened its doors for the education of young men in the science of book-keeping, Etc. Since that time hun dreds, yea, even thousands, hailing from all sections of the country have gradua ted from the College, until the name of "Duff" has become engrafted on the minds of almost every business firm throughout the Union. Duff's System of Book-keeping, pub lished years ago by Harper Bros., and sub. sequently republished,uutil many editions have appeared, is still acknowledged as the best work of the kind ever offered to the public. It has been adopted as the standard throughout the country, and its completeness is confessed bran who have used it. • The Messrs. Duff have brought to its management a thorough understanding of general business,- We would advise our readers to write for circular to P.DUFF & Sots, Pittsburg, Pa. B UXINESB .LO CALM . —A large and choice assortment of La die' and Gents' Underwear, cheap, at novs huce & HOEFLICH'S. . —Pußue SALE—Rouse furniture, ete. at the store room, N. E. cor. of the Square, November 7th, at 2 o'clock, P. M. novb It F. P. BsAvEn. —OYSTERS i—The subscriber announ ces to his patrons and all others desiring a mess of fine Oyster that he has made ar rangements to receive at his Restaurant under the Waynesboro' ;Hotel, four times a week, the choicest article the Baltimore market will afford, which he will sell by the pint; quart or gallon. novs tf • Psren:Councri. —The plan that territory is sold on for the King fluting, glossing,band and smooth - - ing iron, four complete Irons in ono, is : you pay $2OO for a county and get with your deed two hundred dollar's worth of irons. It is the only patent where yo riga viihie received. It is a paying business.— Call at my. residence on Church Street, in Waynesboro' and examine the iron. Terri tory is selling rapidly. L. C. BRAcnnim, novs tf • Gen. Agent. • Rai SALE PRIVATELY.=TIIO subscri ber. having,fitiied to dispose of his most val uable goods, furniture, carpetting, bedding, &c. &c. at public sale on Saturday the 31st ult., now offers the same at private sale.— Persons wanting bargains will do well to call and examinri goods and prices. • Quincy, oct 5, '74. , , —Boys' Caps from 35 to 75 cents at the Towx HALL STORE. oct29 2t —Call and see Mask Cap for men and hoys, at the TOWN HALL Stour.. oct29 2t -If you want a nice Pod - go to the TowN ft er n &roar and ask for the best Vir iginia Kip. • . oct29 2t —A splendid assortment of Neck Ties; Collars, Cuffs and Hosiery, very cheap, at „ELIO TQWN HALL STORE. oct29 2t --Just r.eceiyed at aroyzu & WOthel3 ; a Pine 4qt of Buck and Loat,her Dlow. oct29 tf —A new line of Hats for Men and Boys,:jitst received .nt the Toivi HALL STORE, oct29 2t Fon SALE.—Two seta of new - Yankee Harness, including breeeltbands, bridles, &c..lines, lnquire at . this OFFICE. 0c29 St terlf Alcoholic Stimulants are taken into the blood the heart works faster,. and this unnatural speed weirs mft the vital machinery. All intoxicating nostrums advertised as "umics," "renovators," &c., produce this disastrous eißct, and should be rejected. Da. WALKER% VEGETABLF_ VINEGAR Brrrues-an Invigoraut with out the curse of alcohol—is everywhere 'supplanting these poisons. oct29-4w Noncr.-27/e Band Wagon.—The fol lowing persons—Adam Fomey,Wm.French and Wm. ilaunstine—have been appointed a committee to wait upon citizens next week who subscribed towards the purchase of a new wagon for the Waynesboro' Band, for the purpose of receiving said_subsprip. tions. The'committle is also anthorized to so licit further subscriptions. It is hoped those who Lave not yet had an opportunity to Subsci ibe will do so when called on by the committee. For the very liberal subscrip tions already obtained the members of the Band make special acknowledgment o f their thanks. FALL STYLFB.—Latest styl e s hats for men and boys, just opened out at SNIDEIVB Store, Oellig Building. oct22 NEW Goons.—A full line of new goods now open at Sxmaa's Store, , oct22 OPERA. Boars—A full line just-receiv ed at SNIDER'S Store, cor. Public Square.— They are unsurpassed. oct22 GLOVES !—A full assortment at Ssx- DER'S cheap boot, shoe, bat. cap and notion store, cor. Public Square, Waynesboro'. HOSIERY — A complete assortment for men, women and children, at SNIDER'S Store, Oollig Building, Waynesboro'. oct22 NOTIONS-...A' clean stock now selling at SNIDER'S. - oct22 —A lot of nice InitiallPaper at sixteen cents a hos t all kinds of writing•paPers on hand from five tents a quire upwards; good quality envelopes at five cents a pack. The best qualities lower prices than elsewhere. A full line of blank books from a memoran dum at three cents to a large Ledger. 'Re member,the place, at Dr. Amberson's Drug St. Book Store, Waynesboro' Hotel,Building. 3w 1166. That dry hacking cough is the herald of approaching consumption. To check the swift progress of the destroyer, prompt and decisive measures must be restored to: A. dose of Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher ry and Horehound, taken when the *nigh ing spells come on, will afford immediate relief and eventually effect a thorough cure. It will be 'found equally beneficial in all forms of throat and lung disorders. In cases of croup it is of inestimable value. Call at the drug store of F. FORTIIMAN, and inquire about it, they will furnish you with a sam ple bottle.sept 24-10 w • CARPETS I CARPETS I—Messrs. STOVER & Wour have just received a full line of Carpets and Oil Cloths which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Ladies are invi ted to call and examine their new styles before rotrchasing elsewhere. sop 17 `WAYNESBORO' MARKET. (connscrED WEEKLY.) BACON lle HAMS • ' .........20 8UTTER.........._.... - • • 18 EGGS 17 ..............10 POTATOES 75 APPLES—ThuED 05 APPLES—Gnum ............35 HARD SOAP ' 5 FLOUR.—Western Super at 4.25; do. Extra at $4.90@5.12.1 ; and do. Family at $6 per bbl. WHEAT.—Western red at 115 cents, and No. 3 do. at 110 cents, Southern at 112 cents fur fair red to 130 cents ior am ber. CORN.—Market nominally firm at 83 cents, new mixed on track at 70@73 cents for damp and 80 cents for dry. OATS.—Southern at 61@63 cents and Western at 58 and 60 cents for good mix ed. • RYE,—Market dull at 95@1.00 cents for good to prime. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET, No vember 2.—cattle mo►e active . 84a7.25. Sheep dull; $4.60a5.50. Hogs in fair de mand; 89.25a10. A Valuable Farm PUBLIC SALE. T HE undersigned,achninistrators of Hen ry Besore, dee'd, will offer at public sale the following described Real Estate, situated 4 miles West of Waynesboro' and 1 mile south of the turnpike leading to Greencastle, On Mondsty the 30th November, 1874:' THE MANSION FARM ! containing 97 ACRES, more or less, best quality limestone land in a good state of cultivation, about 15 acres of which is FINE MEADOW LAND. The improvements are a good two and a half story r • STONED WELLING HO USE, BANK STONE BARN, Wash House, Wood Shed, Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, and all o ther neessary out-buildings; there aro two wells of good water, oue convenient to the house, with the Marsh Run passing through a portion of the, tract. There is also on the .premises . 0. F. SU3I3IERi. A FINE YOUNG ORCHARD OF choice fruit treesin good bearing condition. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made knoWn by • • SIMON LECRON, - BESORE, • 'Administrators. • novs tai G. V. Mong, aunt. LUMBEWWANTED! T"subacriber trill pay the high Cat market•price for 15,000 feet of Poplar and WriliM, ,Lninber delivered in Warm' born'. - G. F. LILY. oct 1 tf bY,4*.;_ligrA::-.101a05,1 BALTIMORE ' NOVEMBER 2, 1874. LATEST ELECTION Nr.wii.—We 'receiv ed yesterday's American just as we were putting our paper to prem, from which we learn that the Democrats were victorious generally 'at the elietione held on Tues day. The next congress will be Demo cratic. Gen._ Dix was - defeated in, Now 'York for governeimui LoWndes for Con gress in Maryland. : • • REMOVALI THE subscriber announces to his cus tomera and the public that he has re moved to a shop erected at his residence on the old Hagerstown road; wherel continue the boot and shoemaking business. Persons Iginting boots or shois made to or der, or repairing done, will at all times be accommodated at short notice and upon, reasonable terms. His prices are ; Fine Boots, $7 ; Half-soling, 75 Cents; Half-sol ing and Heeling, $1,00; Ladies' wear made to order at store prices. Persona wanting ropairing done can leave such work at tin shop of C. IL Frey if they prefer doing au. TUOS, IL HOLLINGSWORTH. novs tf NerZO.E. MEEundersigned, auditor, appointed by the Common Pleas Court of Franklin Co., Pa., to distribute the balance in the hands of D. B. Russell, assignee of . Fred'k Lesher, hereby gives notice to all that ho will sit for the purpose of his appointment at Joseph Douglas' office, in Waynesboro', at 10 o'clook, A. M., on Tuesday the Ist day of December, 2874, when and where all in terested can attend, have their claims pre sented, or be debarred from share of the fund in hand. E. J, BONBRAKR, novs 4t Auditor. PUBLIC SALE! r !ME subscriber intending to go West, J. will sell at Public Sale at his residence, 2 miles South of Ringgold, 'on the Chas. Stouffer farm, On THURSDAY the 19th of NOVEMBER, the following personal property, to wit: 6 HEAD OF HORSES, one is a tine roan stallion, 2 colts rising four years, one rising 3 years and one 6 months old ; 12 Head of Cattle, three .ich are mulch cows, twa will be freSt *Wit itibout the time of sale, ono fat cow and onejlit heifer, the balance young cattle in good condition; 18 ILEAD .OF HOGS; six of which - are brood sows, 2 boars, 8 fine chester pigs; IS Head of Fine Sheep;. 1 three-inch Farm Wagon, 1 cart; 2 barshear plows, 2 double and 1 single shovel plows, 2 harrows, 2 sleds, 1 pair wood ladders, 1 lime bed s sets breechbands, 1 set • of front gears, 4 sets plow .gears, 2 good Sy-nets, 1 set singl e . harness, riding saddle and bridle, collars ; bridles, halters. 1 housen, 4 barrels cider vinegar, 1 wheelbarrow, small grind stone, 1-grain cradle 1 digging iron, 1 log chain, pick, mattoc k,, stone hammers, 2 mowing scythes, 4 soaps of, bees, 16 ACRES GRAIN IN THE GROUND, 700 bundles of cornfodder, 2 tons ' of hav, 25 barrels of cern, and many other article.% not necessary to mention. • Will also be offered at the same time the Huckster Route known as the old Gilbert route. • Sale to commence at :10 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known. - MATHIAS HOFFMAN; Agent for David Nigh. Jos. !toward, Auo4 oct 2918 PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber intend ing.to discautinno houseiceepin will soli at Aublic sale at his residence in Waynesboro', • Oa Saturday the 7th day Noxembeiri '74;, the following personal' property, to wit: • ' 1 FINE YOUNG ROME, 4 -YEARS 'old; - 1 shifting top buaty, 1 one-horse wag. on, 1 sleigh and bells, I double shovel plow, 1 set wagon harnes s , 1 set buggy harness, L fly-net, 1 riding saddle and bnille,l cutting - box, a lot hay; and cornfodder, a lot cooper tools, - 1 stave jointer, tress hoops, drawing knives, &c., a lot' carpenter tools; I work._ bench, 1 digging iron, 1 - wend saw and buck 1 mowing scythe, forks and rakes, itlot old iron, . ONE AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE, 2 bedsteads, 1 dining table, 1 set of chairs,l eight-day clock, 1 looking glass, 65 yards of, carpet, 28 yardsflocir oil elcith,.9 i yards stair carpet, 10 yards stair oil eloth,.lolstair rods 13 oil window shades, 1 parlor stOve," 20 BARRELS 'CORN', 26 bus. potatoes, 1 pickel staMi,l ice cream churn, 1 water cooler, 1 pair stop ladders,l sausage cutter and staffer, lard'press,logals* vinegar, a lot tin and earthen ware, and many'other articles too numerous to men. tion. . Sale to commence at I o'clock on saki day when terms will be made 'known. by JOHN F. JOHNSTON. Geo.,V. Mong, auct. oct29 is 4UDITfIPStIII I 4 THE Auditor appointed by tho Court of Common Pleasnf Franklin county, Pa., to distribute the balance in the hands of John Wiles, assignee underdecd of, volun tary assignment of Jacob Wiles and. wife, to and among the creditors of said assig uors—will, for the purpose of his nlivoint ment, meet the parties interested on l. burs day, November 12th, at his office in the Repository Building in the Borough of Chambersbuig, ' GEO. W. WELSH, oct22 lit Auditor. • • ..itdmiiziBtrater'4; Irotioew. ' NOTICE is hereby given that hitters of administration on the estate of Alexan. der Hamilton, late of Wavnesbore, deed. , have been granted to the ,undersigned by the Register of Franklin County., till persons knowingthemselves to be in. debted to said estate must make immediate payment, and all persons having claims a gainst the same must present them to the undersigned,pro_perly authenticated forsetm tlement. ,JOHN Z. HAMILTON, oet6t Adm'r. Administration Notice. NoncE is hereby given that letters of administration upon the estate of Jno, Null Into of Waynesboro, dee'd.,'hace been granted to the undersigned. AU persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hay. ing claims against the same to, present them properly authenticated, for settlement. JOSEPH WOOLARD, H. It. GAFF, Adm'rs. oct29 6t $25 • • Tim subscriber offers the above reward for the apprehension and conviction of the party who p?isoned his dog on the night of the' sth inst. and one of , his hogs on the 20th. . • TliOS. H. HOLLINGS WORTH. oct29 3t Farm at Private Sale Iwill sell the Reyer Farm, near Stouffer's 111 ill, now occupied by Jacob C. Stouffer. The farm has good improvements and. con tains 40 acres good laud. Foi further in formation please view the property, ISA?C SIIPCKEY, ttuognee. Act 29 tf