The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, November 05, 1874, Image 1

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By W. BLAIR. •
TERMS—Two Dollars-per Annum if paid
• within - tbe — y - ear; Two Dollars and
Fifty cents after the expiration
of the year.
lines) three insertions, $1,50; for
• each subsequent insertion, Thir
• five Cents per Square. A liberal
discount made to yearly adver
LOCALS.—Business Lozels,Teu Centsper
line for the first insertion, Seven
Cents for subseouent insertion
proftssionai Olm•&
Offers his professional services to the
citizens of Quincy and vicinity. Office near
the Burger Hotel: • apr9-tf
'• n on o! PA.
. Office at his residence, nearly opposite
he Bowden House. • Nov 2—tf.
• in
Practices the several Courts of Franklin
and adjaiwit Couuties.
N. B.—Real EStaitti leaded and sold, and
Firelnsurance effected on reasonable terms.
December, 10 1871.
TIM HENRY BOWLS (formerly of Vir
11"ginia) announces to the citizens of
Waynesboro' and the public generally that
he is prepared to treat the different diseas
es to which horses are subject, including
lock-jaw. Thorough study and many years
practice are the best recommepdations he
,can offer. Persons requiring 'his services
will find him ut Minter's Hotel. may2l tf
S T ,
V' • • C j .
Office at his residence, N. E. Cor. of the
Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa; -
apr 9-tf •
R. BENJ. FRANTZ has removed to the
.1111 new Office building, adjoining his dwell
ing on West end of Main street, where he
can always be found, when not engaged on
professional visits.
OFFICE nOTTA:—Between Sand 10 o'clock,
A. 31:;:arid 12 aiid2and G and 9 P. Id. -Spec
ial attention. given to all forms of chrouic
disease: An experience of nearly thirty
years 6mihips hini to give satisfaction. The
most appiroved trusses applied and adjusted
to suit the wants of those afflicted with her
nia or rupture. apr 23-tf
• •
For the .Best and most Popular;Organs in Use
Organs always on exhibition and for sale
at his office. . •
We being acquainted with Dr. Dranis
bolts socialry and professionally recommend
hint to all desiring the services of a Dentist.
" A. H. STRICKLER, I. N. Ssiver.x.,
" A. S. BONEBRAKE, T. D. linExcli.
Produce Ccrataissicn Merchants
Pay particular attention to the sale of
Flour, Grain, Seeds, Se.
Liberal advances made on consignments.
may 29-tf
rir .11E subscriber having leased this wen
t known H Ael ,pzoperty, announces to
the public that he has refurnished, re-pain
ted and papered it, and is now amply, pre
pared to accommodate the traveling public
and ethers who -may be pleased to favor
him with:their :patronage. An attentive
hostler will at all times be in attendance.
3 , lay 23-tf, :; SAM.% P. STONER.
THE subscriber informs the 'public that,
helms opened a new Livery Stable, on
West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.—
Speedy horses and first class convey
nuees furnished at all times. An attentive
hostler will always be found at the stable.
A share of the public's - patronage is respect
fully solicited. . JOHN S. FUNK.
july3o tf •
THE subscriber announces to his old ens.
tourers and the public that lie has again
taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and
will be pleased to receive a share of public
patronage. His place of business is on Lei.:
tersburg street nearly opposite Bel.'s Pot
tery. -. JOS. ANDER.t ON.
may 1-tf • •
, , • •
• . •
/ 1 1 1 HE subscriber notifies the public that
he has commenced the Dairy business
and .Will supply citizens •regularly every
morning with Milk or Cream at low rates.
He also leave, a supply at Al. Geiser's
Store Wert: , persons can obtain either:at a
ny hour during the day. .
nov "27-tf
', , .
fl - INNABlON.,'alst)ice; mustard,cloyea arid
V....other spices vlole, or ground:
otllehrs Grown.
A tin floettl.
Oh, 'Autemn 'Leaves !
My spirit grieves •
That you so soon should fade,
The beauty bright
That charms our sight:
On the earth's told-breast be laid.
Oh, leaves do fair I
Your colors rare
A sweeter memory bring
Than all the flowers
Of summer holm's, - • r
Or all the buds of spring
Youi haughty pride
Could not abide
Tbe summer's•changeless green,
But you must welt. •
ThOse garments rare
Like mantles of a queen.
You rob the skies
Of sunset's dyes
And morning's crimson flush
And then by' day
Your trophies gay
Bedeck each tree and bush.
But by-and-by
The wrathful sky
Will.lay your beauty low,
And o'er your forms
De2ember storms
Sweep wide the drifting snow
'Then praise be still
To artist - skill,
That spite of wind or storms,
Gives to our sight
In colors bright
The beauty of your forms.
Oistdiautous kading.
We were sitting in our room at the
Glades Hotel,. in- Oakland, MI.,
a charming lady who had dropped in on
a visit, one of our windows looked into
that of another room so placed by the pro
jection of the main building, that half of
its interior could be seen. We were fook
ing at and admiring a little chubby, blue
eyed two year old, white as snow,who was
pulling a boquet to pieces and tossing out
the fragmeuts,or clapping her little hands
with delight as a train went thundering
"These rooms," said our fair visitor,
"have some very tender associations for
"Why so ?" we 'asked
"Well," she answered, "during the war
the greater
. part of the hotel was seized
by the Government as a hosPital, and we
were crowded. into a few rooms.' My sis
ter and I had this. In that room where
that little beauty is were. two Union offi
cers, one sick of ft ver and the other of a
wound. 'lt was hard to tell whether they
were slowly dying or slowly getting well.
I never saw a ich ghastly skeletons to be
alive. We were "sect.h, ' and - not modest
about it either, but still our hearts ached
fur the poor young men, so ill, pe”haps
dying, far from friends and relatives."
"It bothers one to know how this should
be a hospital," we said, "it is so far re
moved from active operations."
"It was thought," she answered, "that
the mountain air of the glades would' be
more favorable to recovery:then elsewhere
so this was .made .a hospital. One day
one of these officers dragged himself to the
window, and under the impulse of the
moment my sister asked if we could do
anything fOr them, and he answered, gasp
ing for breath, that a little chicken soup
would save .their lives. Chickens were
rare in those days—an army is bard on
ponitry. The - men. will work all night,
after marching during the day,lo secure
a few chickens;- so that whilethe hospit
al.nurses and physicians,had an unlimited
silkily of actual luxuries- in the way of
wines, potted meats ata canned vegetables
they were `without anything fresh. We
knew's' fay' chickens were - hid 'in the cel
lar, by a neighbor, and we coaxed oils
out of owner, and after a deal of Vex-:
atious' trouble—for at every turn we were
met by a , fixed bayonet and an . insult
we got the soup ready, and as the guard
in the hall would not permit us to approach
our patients; my sister attempted to hand
the bowl to the officer in the window.- 7 -
Just as.he was feebly reaching for it, and
she stretching herself half out to give it to
him,a barsh,ugly voice below cried aloud,
"Look out there—poison?'
Sli6 nearly dropped herself, soup, and all. •
Drawing back, she hesitated. a second,
And then „she,took a spoon and began-eat
ing the broth: "Oh! bother," -cried the
officer, "don't wast it that way—l am not
afraid," and so she gave him the soup.—
It seemed to revive them, and they con
tinued steadily to, improve as day after'
daywe supplied them with chicken broth,
until the cellar was empty. During this
time we sat - at the whitlows 'talking, 'and
.we sang. to them.—sang "]tip ;Maryland",
and Smith* songs we knew un-.
til they were Well ,enotigh to leave the
hospital and. to return, ,to duty. They
both•seernei sorrow to go, and forced on
us a-quantity of hospital stores add some
coffee which last we sadly - neededc Thu.
one gaia aring and the other a brooch
as tokens of their kind feeling:" !: •
"And did they never return r'''we'st4
;4 ram -I.v, NE,7*.a4i!R 7 :-oEitverix*To zow AND GENERAL. ETC.
"One did not, for, poor fellow, he was
killed in the very next battle in which he
engaged. His companion wrote us about
it, and the writer insisted upon opening a
correspondence with my sister; and . soon
his letters grew into love letters,and af
ter a time they were 'engaged. Nearly a
year subsequent td this our patient got
leave of absence, and came to be married.
He put up at a hotel, and, will you be
lieve it, our own brother, who was in the
Confederate service and`kami nothing of
my sister's affair, led a band of guerrillas ,
at night into town and captured his in
tended brother-in-law from his bed. This
not only deferred the marriage, • but de
prived the young West Pointer of his,pro
motion, that had been .promised for, gal
lant services in the field. It was really
aggravnting, for eXchanges had `afinost
ceased,and' it looked an if the loirers would
have to wait until "this eruel war was
over,' before they could be united."
' "You should have appealed to Abraham
Lincoln to give a married, brigadier for
au unmarried lieutenant." 2
"We did better. Procuring passes, we
went through the lines /and appealed to
Jeff Davis. Jeff said, he would put my
brother's prisoner in his sister's keeping.
They have been happity, married these
many years. ' He is a brevet brigadier
general now, and it all came of our nurs
ing the .enemy in 'that room."
Here is the foundation of a drama su
perior to that given by Boucicault in
"Bela Lamar."
- The Little Sailor ot_the:Lake..
'We Were leaning over the Creek bridge
at Olcott,says the Lockport Union,watelr
ing Ed:Mania as ho took his evening
fish. ,Martin keeps the littte boat house
on the west side of the creek; where . at
any hour of the day may be found a road
boat creekworthy or lakeworthy. 'As we
stood there;there appeared on the lauding
at the boat house, a' little •fellow, "kuee
high to a grasshopper," who wanted to
know—in a voice worthy of a man—
which boat he should take. As the young- .
ster was 'just about tall enough to see
comfortably over an ordinary table, every
eye in the party was directed with an 'ex
pression of mingled wonderment and A
musement at the speaker.. lie was bur
dened with little more than pantalotnis,
shirt and slouch sailor cap. The question
as to which boat he should take was put
to Mr. Martin, his father, who directed
him to take the little Lena; we believe a
graceful boat, large enough to hold a par
ty of four or five conifistably.
As the little boatman stepped into the
Lena a•series of 'qtiestions were put to his
natural protector, who was playing with
the fishing line. , : ,„
"Why,Aloes,that little fellow go out on
the ereek alone?" "
'"Oh, yes ; h *goes Wherever he pleases.'
"How old is he 11"
• ”1 0 ,ive, years old.•"
',Do;yott let him take the,beat, yillegever
he ,thooses,r , •
''lres,lie goe.s on the jalib'elone frequent
ly With the 44ll boat. He' takes parties
out sailing miles away frbirrthe land." `
"Are you:not afraid to. havb hi& do so?'
. ....
"No.:He knows what he's about,!'
aw a y
It was very.evident .ftom the ahe
was haidlingthe oars' hat be knelt what
he was about. lie sped up the creek like'
an arrow, and• had ust , the'stroke• that One
might imagine: the, experieneeC man of:.
war's , man to have.,: 'There was some sur
prise felt, hile:dy witnesseS that the father
could allow so diminutive a piece of hu
manity to brave the- dangers of waves
alone. But they forgot,' perhiips„ that he
was born a sailor,• and, moreover, that a
child is no, more helpless- 7 4n ordinary
times just as' pOwerful as a strong man on
the fickle waves. It was faith, you re
member, that in those old, times did won
ders on the, deep.
As the party were leaving the place,re
marking upon, what they' had. seen and
heard, a man who stood near, trying to
catch the attention cfsome three-pounders
with a spoon hook, gave his: head an ex
pressive shake and said :
. ‘lsltt, boy is safer :than. many men on
the water. I have met him miles out on
the lake, sailing over, the white ,eaps,aS
self-possessed and brave as any old ; tar."
The Triumphant Book.
Do not be afraid of the Bible. Its tri
amph is,certain. The owls may boot at
the' rising sun;brit sunshine creeps on 'lA
withstanding: Tribes may perish, priests
may die,
altars may - crumble*.into ruin ;
but this blessed book advances at "a pace.
that never. ceases ; and if it ever retreats,
it is to recover its retreat with a greater
glory than its ,advance. This book. in
spired by the Spirit of God climbs steep
hills and crosses broad rivers. It is found
under the sailor's pillow;'in the soldier's
knapsack ; and it soars with a wing that
is not numbed by polar snows or relaxed
under equatorial guns. It:tarries with it
an earnest of its ultimate and - everlasting
victory. And this book tells us what the
,real disease of man is. It lays its fingers
on the very spot, and it tells us the bles
sect truth that there is no chance or acci-'
dent; that all is settled and perfectly ar
ranged ; and that even that ripple of sor
row which sometimes comes to the.s?nei:
tive heart as you will find, if you trace it
bacKward, came from the fountain of
living waters, to strengthen, cheer and
enceuragotl.o; ', • •
The great hearts of the olden time
Are beating with you full and strong,
All holy, memories, and, sublirne - ;:'. • .
And glorious a srounti,,t4ee throng. - ,
The languid pulie of Europe starts.
Beneath the word of power ;
The; beating .of its million hearts , '
Is with you at this hour.,
Press'ont and we who may not - eMte
• . The toils and glories of the fight,
At lesat. may iick "in "earnest priiyer
God's ble.tring on the right,
We Malty too Young.
' Amongst our Anierican populationj—
perhaps particularly the first•andlecOnd
generations from. immigrant,
there appears to be a very strong,tonden
cy to.marry young.' This very, espeCially
applies to the female portion of the com
munity. American young . men seem in
fatuated about marrying girls not out of
their teens. A young woman of twenty
four or twenty ve years of age in the
city, is "an' old' maid." Marrying young
menleek-a union with children of fifteeu
to seventeen years of age—girls that ought
to be in charge of their parents for'sonie
years to come, instead of becoming moth
ers themselves. , .
This infatuation results in -undeveloPed
and ill-developed growing girhi thus lie
'coining young mothers before they:aro fit
to leave their own mothers'. care. , The
first consequence of this is, that the, btfunt
'Offspring' of a beividless boy of eighteen or .
.nineteen years of age, and a childish girl
of,fifteen or sixteen—yearsposiessesTlint
little stamina,and soon droops and dwind
les, and dies in the first• Iseeks or months;
of its existence.
Crossing from Brooklyn to New 'York
on a ferry boat a few days ago, we observ
ed a pale, delicate. : unhealtliy-looking
little girl trying ; to, pacify a sickly, cry
ing,_dying infant. For a little time we
were competely puzzled in conjecturing
whether the little girl was the mother' of
that dying infant or not'. And yet she
handled that baby with something of the
air that a mother only can rightly. man
ifest: Being curious to aseertiain the
truth of the matter, we made free, with
endless apologies; to_ask_thatgirLif_she_
ware really the infilift's mother. With
somewhat of color raising in her, pale
cheeki, and a mother's pride, she said,
"Yes, sir, this is my
Heartily and very sincerely did we pity
that little' girl. Withoitt strength her
self, there was that poor little infant
wanting in vitality. Before this article
meets the eyes of our -readers,- that •.poor
babe must be amongst those that figure
Dr• Harris' returns as dying "under one•
year olcr."—&ien,cd of Health.
Courtship of Savages.
Among, the aboriginalbla,cks of Austra
lia, courtship as the precursor of marriage
is unknown.. When a young' warrior is
desirous of procuring'a wife, •he genet'!"
ally obtais one by giving in exchange for
ber a sister or some other. female relative
of his own, but if there should happen to
be no eligible damsel disengaged, in : the
tribe to which he belongs, then he hovers
around the encampment of some other
blacks untilhe gets an opportunity of their
leubras, who, perhaps be has seen-Sada&
mired at one of the. feasts of the,corrobo
rk.s His mode ofpnYing his addresses is
simple and eticacious. -With W blow di
war club lie Stuns the object•cilliis "alto
tion,"and as she recovers her senses, brings
her home to his own gunyale in triumph.
Another method with -wite•stealers is
ascertain the canip-fite beside which the
~whom he cdvets sleeps.' When he
gains the knowledge,:hq creeps close to the
camp on some dark,. windy., night„ and,,
stretching out ht 4 ipetir, 'inserts its herb
ed point among 'her thick; flowing' lbeksi
turning it slovily around; sOine-orher Wit
becomes eatanled with it ;than ; : with! a
sudden je rk ; she is aroused from heralµm l ,
brr, and Eisler eyei open+ feels the point
of another 'weapon pressing' against her
throat. . She. knciivii:well that the 'slight ,
est attempt' at escape:per alarm wilti.cause
her instant "death ;,so,likea 'sensible Wu
man, she niaties a virtue , of neeessity, and
rising silentlyihe her captor to
begin a life of toil fiom which she is not
released till death. •
Some One ,to Lckve.
Perhaps one of the meat positive proofs
that, we have of the seul's }u4ependenee
of the bOdy eur great needef hive and
something to love. . Were 4fee mere
mals, creatures doomed• toperish - • after a
few years of life in this world, that whidh
contents, a brute Would also content- s.--1
To, eat, and sleep, well, to have .au easy,
time of it,Wouldhe enough. As it is,wa
may` have all these things, and health . to
enjoy thete,'and yet be utterly' wietelied.
Neither. 'can: mental food satisfy' us.—:-
"Some one. to . : love," is our heart's cry.. •
When the atmosphere
.of :tenderness. is
abaut;uie we rejoice; when , people are
harsh and Unkind; we adff.:i. We begin
life Wishing to love all people,: and honey.:
.ing thatthey love us. Our dear oneszrow
fewer; but, as• long,as-,reason lasts, we
mast lope some„one,. we must, at leot iror
agina that' some one ns., The pa
rents, sisters; and . brothers; ,fhat - dearest
.friend whom tweproinise to love aud cher
ish death', part .us, these corde into
our lives ,and #l,l them, up. ;Afterwards
come the little children—frail, helVess
bahies—who need our care so much, and
friends to whom we are not akin, yet who
grdw..dear to 136.
Some haire many' loved ones, and some
but one. • Reared help 'these• who' have'
none, though they are generally to, blame
for their empty-heartedness ; for kindness
will win love. They are always,wretched,
and , they often' thew' th6ir craving ler
something to -lave -by cherishing some
dumb animal --= a dog f ,a kitten, a parrot;
perhaps, 9 " flieV lavish caresses,
'which, netter spent„ would haie balked
sonie-humets heart "to' theirs. 'Price, or
.morbid sensitiveness may hive beeiftit the:
bottom; of their, loneliness; :and, : these' pets
of theirs fill the aching ,void ,
Some one. t019y6 ! :Ills the cry.ef the.
.huintin soul; iliecnclielci,'‘liicif every ha.'
man heart:reiponds:; thti-bond whieh
bintt us all together: in that:, other: world'
where , ,mournersyshall'ba.:clnPrted and.
Love reign forever. s."t • ' •
Wake penitents 'rather . • irjol:ge . ntivme
than hypocrites by ,severity... ,
, 1 , 1.
;: piTth, will' its ,dark and dreadful ills,
Recedes and,fades away , ;
Lift up your heads, Ye heavenly hills,
• •Ye gates of. death give Way.
*Soul of 'whispering song.;
My blindness is my sight "
The shadows that I feel so long
Are still alive with, light„ ,
That while my pulses faintly beat,
. My faith does so. abound,' .
I feel grow firm beneath my feet '
The green, immortal ground.
That Nth to me a centage gives,
. Lbw as the,grave to go; , Redeemer lives—
That I 'shall live I know.
The palace . walls I almost see
Where dwells my Lord and King.
0 grave where is thy Victory-2
!Yd . - oth !,whpre is thy s
State Line, Pa., October 24;1.874.
,• Within the.la4 few years, a new meet
iUg house has been erected by . the Gerthan
Baptists, about a a
mile' and a' half South=
west of Greencastle which is perhaps' one
of, the best. and most convenient of the
kind-foundin the, county. It is built of
brick, in size about 40 by 60 feet, and a
bout 10 feet high to the , ceiling, with a
basement B . feet high built of stone. ,
The spot selected for its location is more
or Ids:s 'uneten s edthittin'g thed'ciors to the
basement to enter on level ground on the
back part, while in front the. doors are
reached by a few steps. The basement is
provided with tables and other arrange
ments, necessary to' prepare a repast or
dinner, at largemeetinga for the members
and all others present. ' There are two
doors, one intended' for tier Sons• to pass in
to the tables, and the other for them to
pass out. • This proves to be an excellent
The plan of the meeting house is with
the front' on the long side'. Two doors en
ter, one for the brethren and the other for
the sisters, and the house is about equally
derided for - both sexes. The . seats aie
made with books ? and are . permanently
fastened to the floor.
At : this place a love feast was held on
the 23d of October, or in other words, a
meeting of a general invitation at 'which
the 'bread and Wine were administered,
and. the different ordinances prictieed, ac
cording to the usuages Of the church. Ser
vices commenced at 10 o'clock in the fore
imoni :qiiite - a Lumber of • preachers were
presents and. the attendance:9f the people
was sufftpiently,large to make the, occasion
interesting. .
'One of the greatest diffenances between
the associate ''Bitfotists• and 'MCA of other
denominations is.found 'in 'that views; of
the, ;.Lord's -Supper.T.They, believe, that
Christ ate his supper with, his disciplet,
before he'diStributed the breatrand wine.
Hence they call that part of the'serviees
which is calculated to strengthen the body
the, Lmrd's Supper,and; that :part of the
servieee calculated to strengthen the spir
it "the Cernmpnion.''" : The supper is be-
HOW' eciiipretient ilieglory of the cbt'rch
in the r eternal world, and The Com m union,
the sufferings ifr'the present time: • •
It is not intended tedivellratany length
upon the'', cdrenscrnies of: the, day, but to
notice a smalt,eveut,nr, coincidence which
occurred on the' occasion., One of the
preitebeilin to ex'pOund the
scripturei,brought forward an explanation
or rather advanced:. a doctrine, known to
be precisely the mine preached by the
Baptists. in 1720' and. 30 when they left
Germany and come to. Pennsylvania.. To
state this doctrine spAilitinly,,that there
can be no' Misunderstanding about it,,
amotintisitO aliontiliis: It is the difference
between .the' holy :and the righteons,. the
di fferen ee: bet ween the.perfeet and .the up
right, the difference between the good and
the just. These words are inadequate
fully to express the Mystery' Contained,
and some:allowance should po,made for a
differeacenf, sense iu which. they. may be
This doctrine involves the idea or a
middle state., A first and a second resur
rection: Mystically speaking, ChriAt is
the first resurrection ;,Moses is the second
resurrection. The dead 'in
first, and the dead undeethe t hw,.rise one
thousand 'yeiirs 'later. . With regiaalii'.the
whole plan of salvation; Iltisds yet it ands
where ho always itood,artilliaiintslall men
' untaChrist : To.introd nee an lus tration
'showing I,4olltrerence between the perfect
man and the upright nan,it may he said,.
- there are men who are very exact hi their
business triumeetiew,..ail 'they owe ic
ers, they are ready to_ give, and •alk that'
is coming to, them they wautto have; bnt
they Aire not 'prepared to go ,a . man
Iwo: miles, when asked to' go' one. '
• Itie :commonly so said that' the Ger
-man Baptists are Protestants,this in. part
is true, and yet tc).a very considerable : es-1
tent, a mistake., The.Paiptista know,very l
well, 'that under Prastestarie rule they
had more liberty than under Catholic ride,
but so far• as spirituality . Was - eon exited,
they,did, not.see that the : Lutherans and.
the German Iteformed were ariy„niore ad
vanced thati the Catholics.' 'tVith regard
to the resurrection of the dead, .it.seems,
they very', generally belie4ed teach
ings of some of the ancient'writere, that a
.man'e - final- destiny is.' tint 'determined at
the hour :of death - •Atallairents it ishe•
ieved,, that tbey..,earried • with them .fmrn -
Germany to Pennsylvania the„ writings of
Thomas .Keinpis; who died in 1471 in the
ninetieth year- of- 'his age,' and' is to this
day chimed by , the- Catholics 'a mem
her.of their: church.. Conrad Beissel a
Baptist preacher, who came from : , rinany.
.to America in 1720 find died in lancas
ter caurity,'Pa: iu 1768 said in his letters
he had travelled in Catholic countries and
in Protestant countries, and be did—not
see than anymore 'criminals were execu
ted on. the scafibld, in the one, than the
othiir.` 'B.
A • Noble Wife.
During , the troubles in Poland; which
followed the revolution of Thaddeus Kos
ciusko, many of the truest aid' the , best of
the sons of that ill-fated country we're
'forced to 'flee lei. their lives, forsaking
home and friends. •Of those who had been
most eager for the , liberty of Poland,.alid
most bitter in enmity against Russia aud
'Prussia. SObieski,
cester liad been kiiig a hundred and fifty
years before.
Sobieski had three coons in.tbe patriot
ranks, and father and sons had been of
those who bad persisted iu what the Rus
sians 'had been pleased to tetni
'and a price had been' set upon their Midi.,
Constairtine was
to appiehend Michael Sobieski, and learn
iog that the wife of the Polish hero was•at
'home in Cracow,
and he waited, upon her.:
"Madame," he said, speaking politely, '
for the lady was beautiful 'anci'queenly,•
‘'.l. thick, you know where yourlusibaud
and sons-are hiding 2" ,•. •• : • ,
"I 'mow, sir." , • .
'"lf you tell me where your husband
your tais Shill be paidene.f." " ' - '
' i t be. safe 7"
(Yee niadaine. I' swear, it. Tell me
where' your litisband ' is : concealed; and
both you and .your'sons shall be safe and
unharmed." •
"Thep, sir e " ansurei . cd-the-noble-woman,
rising with a dignity sublime, and laying
her hand itiam . her libiOm; "he" lies con-
Coaled here—in the.heart of his wife,—
and you will have to tear this'heart out
to find.him." . • • . •
Tyrant as he was, the Archduke admir
ed the answer, and the spirit which inspir
ed it, and deeming the good will of such
a woman worth securing, he fiwthwith
published a full pardon of the father and
the sons.
How the boys do grow ! A few years
since while we were editing the Democrat
at La Prose, before it was discontinued,
there came to our office a bright lad nam
ed John Kellar. He 'wanted to learn the
printing business and went to work.. That
.was about twelve years -ago. All this
time he has been in our employ, and ever
an honest, faithful, deserving workman,
who for along time has been foreman of
the office. A. few years after he began
with us his youdg,est brother, Will Reiter,
then a bright-eyed little chap, with fat
legs and a business air, came. , Wanted
to carry papers and learn how, to be &use
ful man. When it rained,anisro4, hailed,
froze or thawed, he was at his wOrk,.al
waYs 'doing his bajt. He gresi out of his
little trousers, out of his boy's tap, away
from his bundles of papers and 'came to
be a printer. Oue day - he was a little boy.
The, nezt,day, so to
,sp,eak„.b.e . yas a.great
big ffillow, crowding ahead. ,to-the front.
To-day there 'conies tO ttitewsiap'er,,,the
Atlas, of.Wellii Minnesota, with the name
of Will. Kellar, editor , and proprietor.
Now, it: seems but ye.ste,cday since Ite,start 7
ed oat, from our , office with, a bundle, of
papers, and to-clay. ho is bundleing
out for others. Young man, go West=-See
how the boys of the prairie - grow upte be
men and never give up. That is the coun
try fur boys -especially. those 'Who have
not . the east.—.Pantergy's'
Democrat. , .
OUR ith3tlll.---li is said that we: are
"creatures, of. habit,"',. Of course we will
not deny the truth of .this maxim, for we
see'too clearly that habit rdlei . the world.
The bey who stole the pin did tot beiitate,
Idler 'he bad gotinto the habit of stealing;
to-rob his master's cash-box.:.i . The little
boy who:took delight ih
they- !ported on, the window 7 pluie,did not
scruple in after' life to, lake the hfe of his
, And this is the ;way, that the
prison gets its ihrnates,,and3he gallows
its victim. ' The culprit does' not - arrive
at .the gr.llowi by a single'bountitis not
first sin; but he has. became einboldehed
by, habit, and by his immunity from•pun
islinient, until at last he reaps the harvest,
of his sill—death.
And it is by such small beginnings as
these that, the ,great destroyer, gets his
spoil,. years before due, not alone by,erime,,
.but by the sns'of, balk: Look upOn the'
world-, and note the . evil consequences of
the indulgence in. morbid 'habits. Look.
at that pale, puny youth, as he. walks
languidly along,
,with the ~ eigar,in ,
mouth', natare give' him that dread
paleness? No„; is.ucquired by ii'ldng
course of habit,„ until at• 4ast he is left
mere shado,„w ! kutppindS,tbere / are- who
find 'out, Only too. late that i they have des
.treyed"theii health;and 'shortened thiiterm
of their natural life' by `injurious) habits.
• , "GtvEs IN,r—.T.t. is better to' , yield ••a,
little than quarrel a great deal. .Ilos, bah..
it of standing . up,-as people call it, Air
their, (little).rlghts,ls one of the moit"dia•
'agreeable and, undignified
,things• in the
world. , Life is too.short• for, the perpetn,
'al bickering wliiah 'fittentis such a disposi
tiou ; and unless a. yery momentus affair
indeed. where other peoples, claims and
interests are involved, it is a question if it
is not easier; happier and more prudent to
yield somewhat of our precious •
rights than
squabble to maintain . them. True wisdom
is first. pure, then peaceable anti gentle.
Chanceis an unseen cause. .
deuce is the key of content.'
The May of life Llamas only once.
Time is an herb that cures all diseases.
Children aril the to-mOrrow . ef . so'cietr
A word in fioasian is the mother of.agts,
41200 PER YEAR.
NMER 20.
I # 31 it iit o r.
A toper's favorite birds 8wallowa:
Why is nand like mahogany ? Be
cause it is made into drawers. ,
What looks most like a .half cheeee?-:-
The other half.
What iould.ciergymen preach about?
About fifteen minutes.
A single woman has generally a single
purpose, and we all know what that is:
- Why is 'a bed tbeground work of end
less ? You may lie and re.liena
Remember, yo ladies, oranges
. a 7;
not apt to be pri fteF 4ein squeezetA
a few . •
'The eat L 4,wouderful builder; We
uttn - seen a 'cat, t•un up a
A r St, Louis taau advertises for "girls
to work iu
.Iflinarried lyotneu .will
suit lie eau be supplied. „
Why does a widow feel her bereave
ment less when she • wears comets? Ile
cause then she:isso-laced. •
- •
ted 4 -'
(The man who'can't, agord to , take
newsp paid three dollars for another
do recentls' ''• •••" • -"'.; ' •
• .
1 . • ....
The ditrerence hetween the cook and
her losier is,' the - one"dookWilire mat arid
the other nieettithe eoolc "'
As . the cold w . therapproac
maids and wideT are be . not
spruce, frisky and' ' than el
are tutting in for e "tidal ,w
•How does a:pitch, itter
a man throwing his 1 1 ' . 4i - ver'i,
One is water in the pitcher and the '6i.her
pitch her in the water, • i.,rj;
Jane '
Susan ane 'must aye ''b een ' s t
n y
dressed w h she was looking:oat-for- her.'
lover and,s 11;
"He'll - come ;, the.30414'0 At;
The mooh is hd ;
I'll wear the, d rs 4 t at pleasedqiiin
• • •
"Just= -keepiiim it lighted for t anopher'
.boy," - 61'W:rime; juvenile invcation when:
a inukher,Addealy commi upon her littler
boy with:a cigar in• his mouth.
. .
Harry, after look,ing, on :white . his newtB4o
little sister cried. 'the tha'r day at 'he'ing.
washed Oral'dreise ' nine& awaYl'4iii,, ,, ,,
"If she Sereathed:r - that Wl.' beaten 'I/
don't, wonder, they sent her..ol''' -: ~,,,4„,„/
in' 'a Western" ~ .tatCtele. O tion day a.
Fifteenth • Ainendruent .
'tit, thiP•
polls bright and early an& vcited. lathe'
afternoon ho again put in arvappearitnee,i•
ballot in hatuf,,..wor4ingibis . ,.way that
voting place. 'A geatlemait who had,no-.,
deed' him iu' tlicinernin„.o.• • ingidreil if lie
had 'not: voted once' that' dajr. '
replied the, colored i gentlentan;'("lf - veked '
dis, yer mornia' 'for; Congresaplnow• I'se!
gariue for to : vote for Poaltahle,", and con 7,,
sideraido arguniVai . tvas aecespary to con-
vinCe him that Oin' vote it' day le
gal 'allowance: • • .. •
_'wo' Irishinen, lately
hotel Where they' iiiireiorety;;
troubled• with'inoequitos`; and cdrild hint=
ly obtain sleep enough to satisfy .nature :t
"Put yer head under the blankets,"said
Pat did as, requested, but,scarcelphatli,
he,fouud libaself,free .from. the mosquito?.,
when 'he %vita attacked by the' bedougs,,
that lie had failed to tititicc. - '
":13ad .luck to ,nic,.!,".:Saidi MI"
"here's. mother kind widOut wingslite fid--
dlisi but, hegarra, thpy bite us hard_, as
,the'others." . ,
Tsr FOR TAZ—A young lady; tb e
daughter of the owner of, the house; was
addressed by a young man ,who, thonglt,
agreeable to her, Was disliked birler lath
er. Of cotu'se Ito would nor - colisent'AO
their union, awl She determined to clime. • .
The night 'was fixed, the hour came, Abe
leiter placed ltiladder to the window, and
'in a' kw; m utes young girl Wits iu
his-arms. They 'mounted' a double Iforset'
were Soon some' distaare.-from • th 4
lionsc., ;After' tho'lndy , briike the
'silenec, by ; saying: ,yon see: what 4;..
proof •I haie given you of. my ; alfaction f -; ;
A 'hope you will Make nig it hus.
hatdl.,!' I Ile %rasa surly fellewilaMrg,rktfilY'''
Answered: ." , Perhaps I. may, and.;Perhaps. , -
'not. , :' ; • ,She -yawls n) Ibut afterlt sir.;
'puce orsotnapirtotes she swidenly
.claiinecti . "Oh' whin,:aliall we do? I haie
loft My-run:ley 'behind:lasi in the '
"Then we must go, back qiiif
They were soon at,the.-hons.t3„tho..iatldeir
;w Et
as ipjri placed, the . Ittfly_reniounted„,
.„ • :
; While the ilt-tiattulalciVer - waited,belew. .
'Bat she delayed tb &die,' and-so he gent- '
ly called : •,'Arayoti boiningl , ". when 'she, •
`looked 'out of the whalow,4wcsahrt„4`trer= •
. haps I may, and perhapit.A9tP, a)lo:then.
shin, deem
_the window, leaVnta4ihi*de-
Tart alone- • ' ••••
Mr. :Abrahams was a lard Yeager u . •. '
clothing. :11r..Simons'iiati:''a sinalf dezit
er, whose place of busioesei: was next door- , i
to Mr. Abraham's. ;• It wits' very try . iog - -to'• ,
Mr. Simons when his wealthy se:wither
hung his awning potsand-cross-piew full
of coats.and , pante,' shading the.sidewiilii .
-and , coMpletely,7biding•lms modi4, :Store
Tram view ow, he began ,to nitor threat*. •
"I vill trash clot Abrahams,vaaidlie ;
he said it very aged' ,
trier hint on'tber street:
flmt 'you.saY det . yen vouki tritidr te - e 4 °4 4 4 - 1 ",
"Meester Aihlho lingo:l4-4 , may. hatr'eald*,: .
suchtigttin-Z - mYhi
°U:Se , in live