The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, October 29, 1874, Image 1

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    SOY W.' BLAIR.
'MIME 27.
TER3fS--Two Dollars per Annum if paid
.within the year; Two Dollars and
Fifty cents after the expiration
of the year.
lines) three insertions,sl,so; for
each subsequent inserion, Thir
five Cents per Square. A liberal
discount made to yearly adver
LOCALS.—A3usiness Locals Ten Centsper
affe for the first insertion, Seven
Cents for subseuuent insertion,
frofessionat (arts.
. -
- Offers his professional services to the
citizens of Quincy and vicinity. °lnge near
the Burger Hotel. apr9-tf
Office at his residence, nearly opposite
he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. •
Practices in the several Courts of Franklin
and adjacent Counties.
N. B.—Real Estate letise4 and sold, and
Firelnsurance effected on relloonable terms.
December, 10 1871.
Tin. HENRY BOWLS (formerly of Vir-
JL)ginia) announces to the citizens of
Waynesboro' and the public generally that
he is prepared t$ treat the different diseas
es to which horses are subject, including
lock jaw Thorough study and many years
practice are the best recommendations be
can offer. Persons requiring his services
will find him at Minter's Hotel. may2l tf
• I t ST R
C 4t .
• •
Office at his residence, N. E. Cor. of the
Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa.
apr 11-tf
111 R. BEM'. FRANTZ has removed to the
new Otliceriniding, adjoining his dwell
ing on West end of Main street, where he
can always be found, when not engaged on
professional visits.
OFFICE Hocas :--LBetween Rand 10 o'clock,
A. M. and 12 and `land 6 and 9P. M. Spec
ial attention, given to all forms of chronic
disease. An experience of nearly thirty
years enables him to give satisfaction. The
most approved trusses applied and adjusted
to suit the wants of those afflicted with her
nia or rupture. apr 23-tf
Isecia - carn I 'lf/
For the Best and most Popular Organs in use
Organs always on exhibition and for sale
at his office.
We being acquainted with Dr. Branis
holtssocially and professionally recommend
him to all desiring the services of a Dentist.
Drs. E. A. Hama, J. M. Rim.;
ar. H. FORNEY & CO.
Produce Commission Metab.ants
Pay particular attention to the sale - a
Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c.
Liberal advances made on consignments.
may 29-tf
THE subscriber having leased this well
` known HAO property, announces to
the public that he has refurnished, re-pain
ted and papered it, and is now amply pre
pared to accommodate the traveling public
and gthers who may be pleased to favor
Min with their patronage. An attentive
hostler will at all times be in attendance.
May 23-tf SAWL P. STONER.
THE subscriber informs the public that
he has opened a new Livery Stable, on
West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.-
- Speedy horses and first class convey
ances furnished at all times. An attentive
hostler will always be found al. the stable.
A share of the public's patronage is respect
fully solicited. JOHN S. FUNK.
THE subscriber announces to his old ens.
tomers and the public that lie has again
taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and
will be pleased to receive a share of public
patronage. His place of business is on Lei
tersburg street, nearly opposite Bel.'s Pot
may 1-tf
ID .A. I Pa ar .T.
IrTIE subscriber notifies the public that
he has commenced the Dairy business
and will supply citizens regularly every
morning with Milk or Cream at low rates.
He will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's
Store where persons can obtain either at a
ny hour during the day.
nov 27-tf
SOOor 1000 Choice Chestnut Rails for
post fence for sale, in front of Mon
terey Springs hotel. Enquire of
Fear. 13-tf H. YINGLING, Agt.
G S deft paint.
I come, a pilgrim Wan and worn,
Back to the house :where I was born—
I softly tread to-day!
My heart bears, as a holy thing,
The many memories I bring
From life's long, weary way ; .
Familiar are these stairs fndoed,
Which to the second story lead—
How natural to me!
Just as of old—l do declare—
The knot-holein the wash-board there— , •
'Tis open still—just see!
Nine steps—l need not count them thro'—
All-lay-you what you will, 'tis so ;
The short flight there has four.
This hand-rail on the entry-side—
What sport for boys adown to slide,
As we were wont of yore.
The window, at the head, is seen,
Venetian shutters, painted green,
And they are - closed up still.
The ghostly light of evening falls
So pale upon the stairs and walls,
I feel a timid chill !
Half smiling now, and now half sad—
Half weeping now, and now half glad,
o I ascend the stairs.
I reach the top—l touch the door—
It opens as it did of yore—
I did it unawares!
The dear old room ! how many a night,.
From evening hour till morning light,
Here, child and boy, I slept !
There, iu that corner, stood my bed—
Here was the foot, and there the head
All this my memory kept.
How'sweet our childhood's sleep appears;
One rests not so in after years—
Alt I this too well I know I
Life fills the anxious heart with cares ;
A wakeful head the pillow bears,
And night's dull hours move slow.
The moon is up, 'tis full and bright—
It pours its mellow flood of light
Upon the bed and floor ;
What moves upon the wall about?
The shadowy play of trees without—
I've seen that oft before.
All, all is still—save but the wail
Of lonely cricket's evening tale,
Hid in the window-sill.
Hark ! in the closet—tick—tick—tick I
It is the death-watch's ghostly click—
I wish that worm were still !
If there be ghosts—ah ! who can tell?
This place, this hour, would suit them well;
Perhaps some may be near !
I see naught with my eyes that's real;
Yet, in my spirit's sense, I feel
As if they might be hero.
Yes, ghosts are here from childhood's hours
They have no forms, but come as powers,
And give me pleasing pain;
They mirror to my heart the plays,
Of all my early halcyon days,
Which cannot come again!
Angels are here. S 3 pare and rare,
They. play upon the moonbeams there,
They glide along the wall !
Back to this ark, like Noah's dove,
They bring their sprigs of peace and love—
.l hail'their friendly call.
These spirits guard us in our ways,
So mother's Holy Bible says—
And I believe it too,
Have we the "Oar Father" said,
They watch that night around our bed,
Most certainly they do !
This did our mother often tell;
We children all believed it well,
And did as we were told.
You don't Leleve? your wiser—you?
Than mother and the Bible too?
Such folly makes you bold.
For me this faith wrought like a charm;
I slept quite free from fear or harm,
In peace till morning light.
I hold it still—l will believe,
That they who pray this prayer receive
An angel-guard at night.
I've often wished I were again
A child, as innocent as then—
But that can never be ;
So I will•keep, as best I can,
The life of childhood in the man--
. The child-like nurbe in me.
But, see, high up has gone the moon—
How long I've wandered here alone !
'Tis time for me to leave.
Good-by, my little room, good-by—
hold ! there is something in my eye!
This parting makes me grieve!
Bliudinutous grading.
It was a law of Jehovah under the Jew
ish dispensation, that all the males of the
Hebrew nation, who had arrived at their
twelfth year, were to appear before the
Lord in the years during their sacred
feasts. These feasts continued generally
speaking for about seven days. They are
occasions of great intereqt. They are
made of great ,account. "Whither the
tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord, unto
the testimony of Israel, to give ,thanks
unto the name of the Lord." •These fol
lowing "things among others were gained
by their observance : -Mist, the promotion
of the oneness of the Jewish people .both
in their civil relations..
Scattered abroad over the laud of Judea
and divided into tribes, it might have
tended to their disentegration ,• but this
would serve only as an effectual check to
it. Secondly, when, difficulties might arise
between the different tribes, that these dif
ficulties might be adjusted at the metrop
olis of the nation, where Jehovah Himself
had His earthly dwelling place, and from
which point He ruled - among the people.
And tliirdly,that the different tribes might
become acquainted with one another in
-their individual capacity. • During the
separation of those who attended on these
festivals from their families. there.was a
very remarkable providence extended to
their families and propErty. Although
surrounded with enemies who were ready
to itijiire them, both in person and proper
ty, yet during these seasons when the able
bodied men .we're called away, and the old
and decrepid and the young were left at
home,never in a single instance were those
who were "left behindin any way molested.
Similar to these gatherings is the pres
ent convocation. We are brought togeth
er as representatives of the Presbyterian
church of this great and beautiful valley.
As churches,it is well for us to be brought
together in this social way, in order that
we may become personally acquainted
with one another in regard to the interests
of our Zion in this portion of our Lord's
vineyard ; that we may stir up one an
other to love, and good works ; may share
.more largely in each other's sympathies;
and may be bound more closely together
in that sacred relation which unites us as
Christians and which has brought us to
gether as Presbyterians.
This valley did not begin to be settled
until near the close of the seventeenth
and the beginning of the eighteenth cen
tury. Its original name was Kitiochtinny
or North Valley. It was settled by the
Scotch-Irish, who emigrated from their
own country to this country in consequence
of the trials they had to encounter in their
own land. They selected this part of A
merica, making their way into this part
of Pennsylvania, because of the peace and
quiet they would have from the peaceful
government of NVilliam Penn. They were
an intelligent, hardy and thrifty people.
They were a hardy people. They were
endured to hardships from the beginning
—not only in felling the forests and in
preparing the laud for cultivation and so
on—but in consequence also of contests
with the Indians. It would require a
voluine to tell of all these trials and trou
bles. They were plain in their habits, and
were contented with their style of living,
which was of the plainest kind. They
knew nothing of the and
follies of the present age. With their log
cabins of 20 feet by 25 feet, built of logs,
with clapboard' roof and puncheon floor,
they were perfectly contented. It was
their parlor,their family room,their cham
ber, nursery and kitchen all in one. The
ordinary wear of the men Was a loose wan
mus or hunting shirt, with' trousers made
Of the same material, and moccasins made
of deer skin. The ordinary dress of the
women was a short grow and peticoat
made of lilisey-wcolsey with a sun-bonnet
or hood.
This was their ordinary wear. But still
they had something better, i. e., those who
could afford it. The male attire was a
coat of homespun and waistcoat, with
breeches often made of buckskin, with
knee buckles, long stockings, shoe buckles
and a cocked hat. The ladies' attire was
a dress of silk or some other material e
qually costly, a bonnet made of material
to correspond, a kerchy of white around
the neck and covering the upper part of
the breast- Their food was simple and
plain. Hog and hominy and potatoes,
with mush and milk, were their standing
fare. And as for coffee and tea, if the old
folks could have them once a week, and
this on the Sabbath day, they were more
than satisfied with the privilege. Nor
must we forget to mention the little shelf
on which rested the Family Bible, the
Confession of FaitTi,Psalm book, Pilgrim's
Progress, Boston's Fourfold State, Saint's
Rest, and such like. Iu settling in this
country, 'these pioneers, were generally
farmers. Hence they. selected rural dis
tricts for their homes, in the neighborhood
of springs or on the banks of creeks. And
they preferred the slate to the limestone,
because of its
s easier cultivation. And
they were patriots. They sighed for lib
erty iu their own laud—they sought it ;
they were willing to make any allowable
sacrifice to secure it—and here in this land
of Penn they found it.
And in after years, having the spirit of
freedom inwrought in them, becoming as
it were a part of their very nature—when
the war of the Revolution took place, al
most to a man (and woman) they identi
fied themselves with the cause of freedom,
and fought and bled—and many died in
the contest ; but the living would not
yield until they had achieved their inde
pendence. To these brave men and wo
men we are indebted for our liberties, civ
il and religious ; for our present form of
government, and for all the blessings we
enjoy under it. All honor to them They
were a noble race. Their history is yet
to be written. They are too little known.
We admire the Puritans. We would not
detract a single iota from the praise they
receive. But in our humble opinion, the
Scotch-Irish who settled in this valley at
the time we are speakingof were the peers
of them all. And one of the greatest ca
lamities connected with the burning of
Chambersbyg was the destruction of all
the materials which the Hon. Geo. Cham
bers bad collected through a long profes
sional life-time to illustrate the early his
tory, of the settlement of Cumberland Val
ley by the Scotch-Irish. •
When these-early settlers had,fixed - up-
on this part of Pennsylvania as their home
simultaneously with the erection of their
log cabins, they 'erected the school louse
and also the church, or as it was then call
ed the meeting house. -As the early re
cords of the Presbytery - have been lost, it
is difficult to determine the precise date
of the organiiation of some of the first
formed chukches in the valley. But from
the most reliable data within onr reach,
the churches of Silver Spring, Carlisle,
Big Spring,Falling Spring,Roeky Spring,
Mercersburg, Welsh Run and Greencas
tle, must all have been organized between
the years 1725 and 1740. In the organi
zation of these churches, great care was
taken to locate' them near some spring,
and not nearer to each other than the dis
tance of ten miles ; and so for this latter
purpose when application was madeto the
Presbytery for the organization of a new
church,a "perambulating Committee" was
appointed by Presbytery, who by' actual
measurement would not locate a church
nearer a neighboring church than the dis
tance of ten miles. And so beginning
west of the Susquehanna, at Silver Spring
—from this point to Meeting-house Spring
or West Pennsborough, now Carlisle. is
ten miles - ; from this point to Hopewell,
now Big Spring or Newville, is ten miles ;
and so to Middle Spring, and Rocky
Spring, and to the other points named.—
The faith of these early settlers was strict
ly Calvinistic—rigidly so ; they had a
great abhorence of Armenianism, Prelacy
and Romanism.
Their practice corresponded to their
faith. Tilley loved the Confession of Faith
and Catechisms, and taught the Shorter
Catechism in their families, and had it
taught in what 'was called "The Day
School." The Pastor also had his yearly
examinations of the families on the sub
ject of the catechism, and also made his
family visitations. And ' when a church
was without a pastor, the supply who was
appointed by Presbytery to preach in
such vacant church was directed to cate
chise the youth of the congregation.—
They had no way of heating their church
edifices, and for two long hours pastor
and people would continue the worship
of God, having come thorough snow and
rain and wind and storm. Some of the
precious seasons of religious worship in
these early days of the church in this val
ley were their communion services. They
would often begin their services -Mt the
Thursday preceding the Lord's Day and
Continue them over the following Mon
day.. Two, three, and sometimes four con
gregations with their pastors would meet
together for these services. On the Sab
bath day, the communicants in coming to
the Lord's table would bring with them
a token which they had received from the
Pastor and Ruling - Elder of their respect
ive churches, and which being now call
ed for, they world place in the hands of
the officiating elders. These tokens were
made of lead or. other metal, about the
sill of a dime or, half-dime, and were in
tended to testify that the persons holding
them were entitled to the privilege of par
taking of the Lord's Supper. Long after
this custom of different churches meeting
together at some one point for these relig
ious services was discontinued, the token
was still used in seperate churches. In
the Lord's Supper the table was uniform
ly used. There was no such thing as 're
ceiving the Lord's Supper in pews or on
benches. In the matter of praise, Rouse's
version of the Psalms was universally
used. The singing was strictly congrega
tional. All united in it, led by a precen
tor or clerk who occupied a place just be
low the pulpit, and who would•sometimes
line out the psalm which was to -be sung.
Family worship was more generally at-
tended to in those early days of the church
in this valley . than probably at the pres
ent time. The same is also true of relig
ions instruction in the family. They had
more time for it. From October to April
they had but one service in the church
'on the Lord's day. And from April to
October they had two services in the day
time, with an intermission between the
services of about half an hour. They
had no night service, no prayer-meeting,
no*Sabbath school. We, in these days,
have greatly multiplied our religious ser
vices and abound titr more in efforts of
Christian beneficence. But while our re
ligion extends over a wider surface than
theirs, the question which forces itself up
on us is—Does it not lack in depth ?
Would it not be a better type of our true
religion; if the two were found in combi
nation ?
It has been asked :" Has the Presbyter.
ian church as strong a. hold on this Cum
berland Valley as it had fifty, sixty, or
seventy years ago? The impression has
been made, somehow or other, that the
Prebyterian church has for years past
been in a declining state in this valley::
We are not at all of this opinion. Our
opinion is, that the Presbyterian 'church
in this valley is as strong to-day as it ever
was. We do not say that it has kept
equal pace with the progress of our popu
lation ;. and of this following fact, we are
perfectly aware that our population in the
rural districts has been diminishing; but
if 'lnch has been the case, we are prepared
to show that it has greatly' increased in
our towns and villages. For example, let
us compare our strength now with what it
was about fifty years ago. And begin
ning at Harrisburg and extending our
survey as far as the Potomac, the account
stands thus : Fifty years ago there was
but one Presbyterian church in Harris.
burg ; now we have five, while the church
of Paxton, which is in the neighborhood
of Harrisburg, still lives and iszelfsus
tabling. At Silver Spring the old church
still exists and supports its pastor the
whole of his time, while its daughter, the
church in Mechanicsburg, has grown up
to maturity and is also self-sustaining. In
Carlisle, whore a few years ago we had
bur one church, now we have two, and
with a membership far in advance of the
original number. Fifty years ago, or a
little over it, there was no Presbyterian
church of the General Assembly at Dick
inson, on the Walnut Bottom road ; now
there is a self-sustaining church there. In
Newville, where there was but one Pres
byterian church, now there are two, in
cluding the United Presbyterian church.
In Shippeneburg,where we had no church,
but where there was an Associate Reform
ed church, now we have a large and flour
ishing congregation. Middle Spring church
which was large and flourishing fifty years
ago, has so expanded her borders as to
have two additional stated places of prea
ching, with two houses of worahip,the one
at Newburg and the other at Orrstown.—
Chambersburg, which fifty years ago haft
but one Presbyterian church, with a small
Associate Reformed congregation, has two
large and flourishing_churches of our de
nomination. In Fayettville, fifty years'
ago there was no Presbyterian Church,now
there is one which supports a pastor half
his time. In Greencastle, where fifty
years ago we bad a small congregation,
now we have a large and flourishing one,
which supports a pastor the whole of his
time. And in Waynesborti'sre have al
so a church which now supports its min
ister the whole of his time, which it was
far from doing fifty years ago. In Mer
cersburg and the immediate vreinity,where
there was but one . congregation and two
church buildings. this congregation in re
gard to its membership is as large 'as it
was fifty years ago ; and when we include
in our account the United Presbyterian
.church of that place (formerly Associate)
and also the Presbyterian congregation of
St. Thomas, which is an offshoot of the
Presbyterian church in Mercersbrrg,there
is, to-day, a larger number of Presbyter
ians in this region than at any former
period of our history. In Hagerstown,
where a little over fifty years ago there
was a small Associate Reformed church,
now there is a flourishing Presbyterian
church. And we have also a self-sustain
ing church in Williamsport, Md., and al
so a Presbyterian church in Clearspring ;
while the IVelsh Run church, now the
Hobert Kennedy memorial church, has
awakened to new life and has a pastor of
her own. Numerically, the account stands
thus : Fifty years ago we had about nine
ministers as pastors,and a dozen of church
es-within the bounds; now we number a
bout twenty eight-churches and seventeen
ministers who are pastors, several of our
vacant churches being without pastors.—
The number of ministers residing in Cum
berland Valley, all told, is twenty-eight,
and the number of communicants amounts
to about four' thousand eight hundred,
and four thousand five hundred Sabbath
school scholars. Our pecuniary resour
ces are immense. The Intellectual and
moral and religious forces of our church
will compare favorably with any former
period of our history. For all this, we
bless and praise and magnify the name
of the Most high ! Presbyterianism as a
whole has not lost, but has gained during
her sojourn in this valley.
In conclusion : What can be done to
perpetuate Presbyterianism in this beau
tiful valley, which was first settled by our
forefathers, who found their way into it
from the North of Ireland? The time
will allow me to answer this question very
briefly. Let our young men be contented
to remain in the rural districts and pur
sue the avocation of agriculturists. There
is no avocation more honorable and more
useful Than this, and more conductive to
a virtuous and religious life, and our
young men make a great mistake in quit
ting it foc any other - secular vocation.—
Let the ministry and the Rulin g Elders
and the members of the church feel a deep
er interest in preserving and perpetuating
Presbyterianism in this Cumberland Val
ley where Presbyterianism is unknown.—
And let us foster our educational interetts:
Wilson College for the education of wo
men ; and if we can with full consent of
our Methodist brethrefi, let us try to get.
back Dickinson College. And then with
strong attachment and sympathy for one
another . personally as Christian men and
women m its Presbyterian type, we will
continue to hold valleya greater
part of which was given to our forefathers
by the Lord ; and as one of the grandest
legacies of an earthly kind, we will hand
it down with all its institutions, civil and
religious, secular and spiritual, to genera
tions yet unborn 1 "Happy art thou, 0
Israel : who is like unto thee, 0 people
saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help
and who is the sword of thy excellence ?
and thine enemies shall be foiled liars un
to thee ; andlbou shalt tread upon their
high places?'—Deut. xxxiii. 29.
Private and Social Wars.
The great and constant war is a private
one.. The idea of a perpetual war amongst
nations would fill us with consternation.—
Ali yet there is war iu constant operation
overy where but in heaven. - There are lit
tle fighting squads in numerous neighbor
hoods, families, schools, and even church
es, which are the pest of society. Neigh
bors—some few in most neighborhoods
seem possessed of the devil in this respect.
and they seldom meet but at it they go
like belligerent cats. No one doubts but
that the same fiend is a constant guest in
some families, and that fathers and moth
ers, husbands and wive, brothers and sis
ters, uncles and aunts, abound, who are
stupid enough to get into a passion with
each other—and indulge in feelings and
hard words. You - eau hardly take an
ordinary walk but you will see children
too well learned by "children of a larger
growth," who are making faces, shaking
fists,and shooting words and perhaps pull
ing hair, like old veteran soldiers. And
alas ! you, can hardly go to church meet
ing without soon becoming aware that it
is the church &Mont that has assembled,
and that the god' of war is present.
If we privately indulge in the spirit
and practice' of war, what wonder that
we easily fall into the habit of public
war? Your private man of war is your
public man of war, as he reaches places
of trust. Your fighting boys become
your fighting men. It is slow work in
ducing nations to resort to arbitration
where the individuals of a comma ity
are cultivating the war spirit. We must
lay the axe at the foot of the tree here as
in all other vices.
• The perpetual din of private war is the
cause of much wretchedness and sin.—
How many families have their greatest
troubles in the fact that some of the mem
bers have no„ patience or forbearance.—
The God of Peace as much forbids pri
vate war as public, and as much invites
his children to cultivate in themselies,
each one for himself, the graces of peace,
as he_does nations.
SYPSPATRY.-If there is one quality
which we should admire- more than an
other, one impulse of the heart which we
would cherish and esteem above another,
it is that quality which makes us sympa
thize with others, that impulse which
causes us to rejoice with the fortunate,
and weep at the sufferings of the afflicted.
We are all the creatures of fickle destiny.
To-day we may be surrounded by all the
pleasures which fortune briners• friends ,
wealth, bright hopes and happiness are
ours; to-morrow dawns,upon us friendless,
wealth has fled, and the flowers of hope
lie crushed and faded. Why then should
we pride ourselves about others, because
fortune's sun has lit our pathway, and its
clouds have darkened theirs? To-morrow
our . happiness may be theirs, their troulf•
lei ours. Thus reason and experience
—no less than religion—teach us that we
should sympathize with erica other in sor
inwomiLendeavor • to assuage the anguish
of tizi — afflieted. But like all other vir
tues, sympathy rewards its possessor, and
renders more ,blessed the giver than the
receiver. It makes us the partakers of the
joys as well as the sorrows of others, and
those sorrows shed an influence over the
feelings which is "sweet though mournful
to the soul."' We should prize and cul
tivate this virtue which sheds a sweet
and soothing influence over our minds and
gives,comfort and joy to others.
a noble castle, there once resided a very
rich knight. He expended much money
in adorning and beautifying his residence,
but he gave very little to the poor. A
weary pilgrim came to the castle and ask
ed for a night's lodging., The k n i g ht.
haughtily refused liim,•and said :
`This castle is not an inn,'
The pilgrim replied: •Permit me to ask
twoluestions, and then I will depart.'
`Upon this condition, speak,' replied the
knight ; 'I will readily answer you.'
The pilgrim then said to him : '
dwelt in this before you?'
'My father,' replied the knight.
'And who will dwell here after you
still, asked the pilgrim.
The knight said: • With God's will, my
'Well,' said the pilgrim. "If each dwells
but a time in the castle, and in time must
depart and make way for another, what
are you here otherwise than as. guests?
The castle, then, is truly an inn. Why,
then, spend so much motley adorning a
dwelling which you will occupy' but a
short time ? Be charitable, for he that
bath pity upon the poor hauled'. to the
Lord, and that which he hath given, He
will pay him again."
The knight took these words to heart.
He gave the pilgrim shelter for the night,
and was ever afterward more charitable
to the poor.
The smallest hair throws a shadow.
lii bringing up a child think of its old
A scar nobly got is a good livery of
Softness -of smile indicates softness of
Truth, like roses, often blossoms upon a
thorny stem.
Prosperity tries the fortunate, adver
sity the great.
National enthusiasm is Ile great nursery
of genius.
A well bread man is always sociable
and complaisant.
A fool's heart is in his tongue, but a
wise man's tongue is in his heart.
"An ounce of mother„' says the pro
verb, "is worth a pound of clergy."
Beauty—worse than wine—intoxicates
both the holder and the beholder.
To be • good and disagreeable is high
treason against the royalty of virtue..,
He has the largest life who lives in
the lives of the largest number of people.
I am no herald to inquire of men's
pedigree ;it sufficeth me if I know their
Virtue is not to be considered in the
light of mere innocence, or abstaining
from harm, but as the exertion of our
faculties iu doing good.
I regard the progress of opinion toward
absolute, universal justice, as the .one
great end which hallowseffort and recom
penses sacrifice.
"Give me a bid, gentlemen—some one
start the cart—do give we a bid, if you
please—anything to start the cart," cri
ed an excited auctioneer, who stood on
the cart he was endeavoring to sell. "A.
nvtbiug you please to start it." "If that's
all you wants, Fit start her fur yen," ex
claimed a broadibacked countryman, ap
plying his shoulder to the wheel, and giv
ing the malt siaidon . pusti forwariktuiu
bled the Electioneer, out behind.. The imam
tryntan then started. •
$2.00 PER YEAR.
Mit nud Somer.
- Does it follow tkira man dislike's his )
bed because he turiirAhis back upon ice'
To make app] i s bear—pick off
leaves Thall
the as soon hey appear.
A man' eing . thr i tnel with an asstiZ)
by 18 tailors, one t, "come on both of--
When is butter like Irish children ?
When it is made into little pats.
When• is a flows ke a rock ? IVlhen
it is blasted.
What object obtains the most smiles.
from the ladies ? The looking glass.
A Chicago sausage maker advertises
is wares as "dog-cheap." -
How to pronounce a Polish name—
Sneeze three times and say ski.
What ie that a teakettle has which
everything else has 2 A name.
If anything will impress the hunm.._
mind with awe; it is the eipmaion of
man's face' who has just been• aroused
from snoring in church.
gen / flan -was disgusted at a prohibi
cly vijlage in New York. He sadly left
it with the remark "Dat ras de vorst
blace I never vas in; so hellup crazious
ou cannot shpend a zent."
The CoMa'am (Ga.) .Enquirer says:
"We are going to quit the newspaper bus
iness ; -it doesn't pay to run a paper in a
town where business men read almanacs
and pick their teeth with the tail of a her
ring." •
This is not going to be such a hard
winter for the poor, after all. The price
of elephants has fallen twenty-five pm'
cent. since last spring, alligators are com
ing down, and hand organs are cheaper
than a year ago.
./r. ;NI old elder of a church who was
given to extravagant exaggeration, was
at last called to account for his offense in
that respect, and admonished not give
way to the besetting sin in future. The
good old man received .the admonition
meekly, and said : "I know how prone
lam to the fault, my bretheru, and bus
given me tortures Of pain; and night after
night I:haveshed barrels of tears over it."
he meeting adjourned in silence.
A lady traveling on a New England
train recently, tried .toitittiet her little boy
telling him that the conductor sometimes
swallowed naughty boys. Theboy aston
ished hei a few moments after when a
conductor of unusally portly dimensions
entered the car, by whispering. , "Ma, I
guess he has swallowed one liple boy- al-
A TOUCHING Sronv.—A' story reach
' es us from Detroit of a sad-eyed boy,'with
dirt on his chin and a tear on his nose,'
who went into a Detroit police station,amt
having stated that he ivas a homeless wail;
asked humbly to be sent to the State Re
form School. Wouldn't he_ prefer to go.
to the Workhouse ? ono I he had
brother in the Reform School, and he
would like to be with his dear brother.—
Still,-he didn't want to go out and steal*
sotsetliing to qualify msel f for the school.
ris touched the heart of a gentleman
present, who,after consulting the Sergeant,
said : "I guess we can fix it, my. dear bop.
I am going to leave my wallet on the desk,
and the Sergeant and I will go up stairs.
If you take the wallet it will be'steitling,
and then you can be sent to. tlte'ltefoila
School, as you wish." So thee' Wallet was
deposited ou • the desk, the merk, wept up
stairs, turd when they came down, not only
was the property gone, but "the' boy; 0
where was he ?" Alas! he bad bettered
his instructions and vamosed the ranch of
justice, leaving the owner of. the pocket
book a wiser mon by about $6 • worth.--
Singularly enough, the lad hasn't come
back to be sentenced and sent to school.'
An lowa editor who attended, a party,
was- smitten with the charms of a ti►ir
damsel who wore .a ruse on her forehead,
and thus gushed about it:
Above her nose - 4'
There is a rose; '
Below that rose
There is a nose.
• Rose. nose, •
Nose, rose,
Sweet rose,
Dear nose.
Below her chin
There is'a pin ;
Above that pin
Chin, pin,
tweet pin,
Dear chin
Whereupon a rival editor thus apes
trophizi. the lowa chap:
• Above the stool
There is a fool; .
. - Below the fool
There is n stool.
Stool, f.; HA,
Pool, stool,
Old sto ►l,
Lnuq►l ooh. ' - •
Below his seat
There are two feet;
Above these pet .
There is a Scut, '.
Seat, feet,
Peet, seat,
Butt seat,
Big feet..
. •
Work the weapon of hon Or.