avii*die Ujilao glipril:. Tharedgar..Cirtober .22, 114; Julia W. Chambers, Condae /lot dh ;the Valley,l3kanch of the 13. & 0. R. was run over by tho cam on Wed. • i nesday of ,lait week, near Sandy Hook, Xd.,and had.both legs severed from his il/ody. He survived but a Short time. WEirThe Metluiiikt ministers of Phila ,defphisi have united, in an expression of sympathy with Mr. Moss, whose child was itidanpped. They - testify to the exce llence of his character, and put at rest all .§nspieion of his having - practiced decep tion in this., Mysterious case. 'Five years ago Mr. Jacob Kline, ,of huller tow aship,Somerset eon nty,found single grain of white wheat in Ifs red -Mediterranean from which. after Ave sow ing of its prodlaets, cine hulk .llr4lnshels of a gine new variety of white ,;wlienit• - :; - 2. • Strtiawl Boynton left New Fork city ,on Safrarday la the steamer Q'neen, intend ing.to abandon the ship when three hun- Aired miles from port, and make his way :baqk with a life : saving dress, which con :sists of an inflated rubber suit covering -the whole : person except A s o face, and ea: yable of sustaining three hundred pounds. file took with him a supply of food and water for ten days. Good-bye, Paul ! nex.The remains of Abraham Lincoln wctle t tlsh3 : terred at Springfield, na., Sat urday, re-encased, and inclosed in a sar cophagus and placed in the crypt under the montanent preparatory to the unveil ing and dedication of the Lincoln statue on Thursday, in which the society of the ,Army of the Tennessee took part. It is stated that the remains were much decom posed, the ,embalming 'promo at Wash ington in May, 1871, having prved de liTtive. lta.Twenty-one foreign governments base alree4y.a,ccepted the invitations ex- tended them to participate in the centen nial exhib:tion at Philadelphia, :including, Notway,. Sweden, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Mexico, Guatemala San,Salvador, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador 'Chili, Brazil, United States of Columbia, Argentine Confedeietion, Liberia. Hayti, Sandwich Islands and Japan. Ex-Gov ernors Andrew 0. Curtin and Bigler, of Pennsylvania, are giving their time to _promoting the success of the misktqf nial e;position. Mr - Judge McKean made good use of the law passed by Congress last session, in getting / together a jury in the United States District Court at Salt Lake that mould proceed vigorously against the Mor pions, and it seems that he,will be able to worry them a great deal by means of this statt / t It is generally believed that an Indictment has been found against Brig ham Young,*.and also one i ng,W George ,44. Cannon, next to the Ptophet the lead ing Mormon in Utah ,Territory. Under this law there would be no difficulty in . sending both of them to the penitentiary. Vtt,.lt is reported that 11r. Ross, the father of the kidnapped boy, Charley Ross, is crazed and dying. The Philaielphia ,corveppndent et the ew York World For :several ireelisit wan plain to be seen that Mr. Ross was in a.rapid decline. YOur correspondent saw him frequently, And saw with rpgrPt that anguish was ,weigking . bim down. He became dejected, melptigholy, morbid. Soon 'be was con fined to his bed, where he now lies. That is not all; he lies there bereft of reason. ,cluzed by grief. He knows nothing, se members nothing but the loss of his boy and all the i tyouble that has 'followed in its train. At first it was thought he had typhoid fever, but:there is no fe,ver there, nothing but a shattered frame and mental imbecility. Ile does not know his wife and in the worst paroxysms of his grief drives her from : him. Shortly before rea on entirely left him he said : "I can bear ,the logs of my property, aucl the loss,p Charley—even that Gcid helps me to bear —.bat : tbis slander and calumny against my wife And myself=that, that is what breaks thn down.", UADTnzooi DoouEn Ud• ;iclerpok, convicted of the murder of Win. field S. Gods, in pear's rpods, near Jen siervillo, Chester county, is to be hung.— Ms last resort was an appeal to the Board of-Partlons, for hisparclen qra conimuta. ° lion of,bis sentence to imprisonment, lint his appeals ,were not granted. Gov. yar ,tnnft,,on Tuesday, issued the death war rant of the criminal, and ,his execution is - to tako.place on tlie 12th of .bloyember, From his prison cell: Udtlerzeolt has sent out g•letter to the world iu which he yeafArrns his innecence. It is stated that Mrs. 'Olden , * will i not .visitlter doomed husband, whom she has not seen for several months, but, .on tho contrary, will quit Baltimore in a fare . days with her children for California. Ip.the ere of.the commonwealth vs.— Ritter it, Ilanley, publishers .of the Read ing Eagle, fur libel, in the publication of the Ross stori r the,jury rendered a;ve . rdict of guilty. A motion has been made for a new trial. am-France has officially peceptefl the inviteileli by the United States Govern pent in vrgeipate in the, ceptenplial. _ , .,:ora!-husking 'Las corutucncecl. A SIiIGCLAIT. , CASZ-A. WOMAN Al 3 Suarkfria:—Among the meat pardons granted by Gov. Efartnanft, was that, of . e, German named David G. Sill, who wn swindled by a woman out of over $309 - in 'money and sentenced_ to prison for one year on a false charge of robbery. The German, who is a native of:Russia, says that last wintei he determined to emigrate this country having heard of it being such a goO r d plaCe to obtain work. On the let or 2d of Pebrunry last he took the steamer at Beetnen for New York. On board the-414 he met a young wom an, apparently not over twenty years of age. The young woman became very friendly 3vith, him and seemed to make herself interested samewhat in his wel fare. She asked hi in where he was bound for. He replied, "New York."— She then stated that - -she was a married woman and had a husband living in St- Louis, as well as a brother; that if be would go along with her to St. Louis she could get him employment at her broth er's. He thought this good luck, as-he did not know where to lay Ills foot or turn his band-when ,e would get into New York, and he gladly accepted the offer.— When they arrived at Castle Garden he had his gold money changed into green backs. Ile bad $371 in gold, and after his his money changed and paying fare to St. Louis he had $391 in green backs. He and the woman took the cars for St. Louis, going by way of Meadville Pa. On the way to Meadville the wom an stated that they would have to remain over there from tea o'clock at night until seven °Week in the morning in order to make the connection of trains. At the first station before they reached Mea vile, Sill got out to get a cup of coffee, leaving the young woman sitting in a seat apparently asleep. Just as be enter ed the car again the woman junapecLup, and fumbling about her clothes helloed she was robbed, calling the conductor with the same breath, and pointing to him (Sill) said "that's the man that rob bed me." She said that she had been rob bed of $333 in. bank notes and a $9OO check. Afterwards, however, she denied the cheek part. As soon as the train stop ped at Meadville, the woman had a police man called in and had Sill arrested. He was taken to the lock up. and upon being searched $397 were found upon him. Tho circumstantial evidence of robbery was,of course, very strong and Sill was held-for trial. It at first dumbfounded the prisoner —he bad placed so much confidence in the woman—and for her thus to act toward him he couldn't understand. He at length concluded, however, that it was a "set up job" to rob him.. lie remembered of having counted his money in the presence of the woman, and she therefore could guess pretty nearly what amount he had. Knowing nearly the sum he bad, she had taken this means of robbing him of by falsely alleging that she had been robbed herself, having him arrested for it, and upon his conviction, of course, she would get the amount she claimed. tibe worked her case well and got.what she wanted.— Sill was tried, convicted and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. The a mount she savor she had,beeir robbed of (300) was then - paid over to her out of Sill's money found upon his person, and the remainder was held by the county.— The woman then left, Meadville, saying .she was going to St. Louis, but no one knows where. On the 20th of April, Sill was taken to the penitentiary in Alleghe ny and remained there until his pardon arrived on Tuesday morning. • The Inter-Ocean, of Chicago, esti mates the number of negroes murdered in the South since the close of the war at nine thousand four hundred. We believe that if every case could be known it would double the number given. Thousands have been killed and no report made of ,the murders. Is it not a fearful comment . on the laxity of our laws that pone of the murderers of those helpless blacks have been brought to justice? They go un whipped, free to plot against and destroy the lives of citizens who have a right to . demand national protection. The Arkan • sas t l?Tublican, of Little Rock, has had a stn tiding offer for two years to pay 81,000 for evidence, in a single instance, where a Southern white man has ever been pun ished ns the law directs forkilling a ne-. , gro. The offer remains untaken. The laws which hang a negro for stealing re fuse to punish a white . man for murder. ifirThe following estract.from remarks on the situation in Louisiana, recently made by General Longstreet, ate dese,rv ing of _serious consideration : suppose I am pretty cordially hated .by a certain proscriptive class of South erners, but that cannot be helped. Men can'-t-all think alike, and the trouble with the Southehi people always ITs been that they won't tolerate anyffitibrence of opin ion. ; If God Almighty had intended all men to think just alike, Ije might as well hive rencletnt one man. I have decided and acted as I thought uty requiredand other men are at liberty to do the same. My opinion iip thatille bnly true . sgjution for Southern troubles is for the people to accept: cordially laud in good faith all th - e results of the' war, including thepmin struction measures, the acts of Pongress, negro suffing.e, &c., and live up to them like men. If they would do ttns,and en: ,cournge Northern and treat all men fairly, whites land blacks, the :troubles would soon be Ove'r, and in less thin five years the Soutli, liotilii ‘ be ti iu ;the enjoyment of greater prosperity than ever before," -See Uptiegrntr nilyt., Hagerstown. 4oftt . l alturs. .'The reeent'heavy frosts are bring ing down the leaves. - r - le-Our &raters hive finished seeding. A field heie And_there is shindy . putting on the green. .The Century, a monthly paper, prin ted at.9ettymburg, is to become a • weekly Ant of November. ittifi-The John Kelsey harrow was award ed the first premium at - the Maryland Siato Agricultural PUBLIC SaLE.—We call s special atten tion to the sale of valuable personal prop erty advertised in to-day's paper by Mrs; Mary Besoro. • Ei:curkza.—Rev 7 Mr. Shirts, of Chart bersburg, will preach in the Lutheran Church - at - Quincy, Sunday, 25th inst., at 10 o'clock, A M. Ate - A total eclipse of the moon is on the programmme for the 25th inst., commeneing.at 11:56 P. M. of the 24th, and ending at 4:48 A. 111. on the 25th. • RETURN IT.—The person who borrow ed a cloak from one of our town physi cians last spring is requested to return it as it is needed these chilly mornings and evenings. HOMESTEAD FOR SALE.—Que of the most beautifully situated and convenient ly arranged properties in our town is ad vertised to be sold. at public sale in to day's paper by S. B. Rinehart, assignee of Peter Geiser. • M tarrilatLY MEETING.—The third quar terly meeting of the M. E. Churelt sill take place on next Sabbath, 25th instant. Rev. Dr. T. - J. Ward, President — of - the - Western Maryland College will preach, both morning:3.nd evening. Administra tion of the Lord's Supper immediately af 1-6r-sermon. Public are invited to attend. ECLIPSE ENGlNE.—Messrs. Frick & Co's Portable Steam Engine, Eclipse,- was a warded the first premium at the recent fairs held at Hagerstown and Frederick, and even in the city of BiLltimore,over all competitors. At the latter fair it was brought in competition with some of the finest engines in the country. IN Tosv.—Gen. Langhorn Wister, of Perry county, Republican candidate for Congress in this District, arrived in town on Tuesday evening in company with Mr. John A.Siders, Post Master of Chambers burg. The Gen. is quite an agreeable gen tleman. He spent a part of Wednesday among his political friends in this place. WHERE Is HE 7-7—Will, some one ad vise us as to the whereabouts of Wm. H. Mentzer. The P. M. at Altoona returns the _Record addressed to him at that place for the last two years, with the consoling information—" Removed." We are per f ctly satisfied to part with Wm. as a sub s riber, but would be better pleased to first have his arrears ;es, or at least some equivalent toward.; first cost of paper, etc. REAL ESTATE SALE.—On Thursday last the assignees, Messrs. H. X. Stoner and W. S. Amberson, sold the Mcllvaney farm near this place, containing 124 acres, with the buildings, to Mrs. Jane D. Mc- Gaughey, of this place, for the sum $95.00 per acre ; also 14 acres unimproved land for $BO.lO per acre. RUN OiF.—On Sunday last whilst two young men of this place, Haughman and Bireman, were on their way from Me chanicafown, in a buggy, the horse took fright at the freight train of ears as it was passing over a bridge, and commenced running. It appears the lines .broke, the young men were (Thrown out and the ve hicle, said to have been a new one, was thoroughly demolished. The horse which was captured between this place and Mon terey, belonged to Dr. Bowls of this place. The buggy was from the Livery:of Mr. John S. Funk. The young men fortu nately escaped with but slight bruises. Ax ACCIDENT.—On Friday evening last as Mr. John Harbaugh was returning home from this place, and when at the foot of the hill, on the Leitersburg turn pike, beyond the residence of Mr. Henry Gilbert, ,the horses attached to a buggy coming .in the opposite direction became unmanageable, and a collision was the re sult, throwing the occupants out and bad ly wrecking Mr. Harbaugh's buggy. For tunately the Parties escaped without any serious injuries.' The Hagerstown convey ance contained Mr. John Rider and the driver. Mr. R. missed the evening train of care and was returning in a private con veyance. • AN IMPROVESENT.—Mr. MOS. J. Wal ker of Hagerstown is just now engaged in adding a such needed improvement to Neat Main Street, a brick pavement ex tending the full length of ,thci Walker buildings. This is one of the most attrac tive as well f,ts most vale able properties in our town, and we understand it is his ,intention to otherwise improve the build ings and AtOr surroundings in a short time. . There . s_ve,other p,ropei•ty bqhiers in that• vicinity, tip Fell as on East Main itreet, - •,1v139 bhoulil be engaged in the satue.busi ncss. 'Ve trust the members of the pres ent Council niay be in4llced to awaken)" them to a sense of their ,duty to the pub, lie as good citizens before ie muddy sea- . 5013 is upon us. iteir.../n the Dinciratati Trade Liet of the 14th instant, 'Capt. Barney, President of the Trade List Astiociation, gives a "brief review" of the "The great Exposition," and, we notice,_makes mention of the en gines . exhibited.by Messrs. Frick .& Com pany as follows : "Messrs. Frick & Co., of Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa., had on exhibition one of the neatest and most highly. finished stationary engines in the entire Exposi tion. It bad a single cylinder with a bal anced valve (Frick's Patent), and highly finished- in polished. brass and iron—the cylinder brass jacketed and all the cocks polished. It was not in operation., There was an immense variety. of sizes and styles in the warof Portable Engines, all of which possessed important recom mendations to the favor of the public.— Among these may be noticed the Frick & Co. farm engine,on wheels, highly finished anti finely decorated with the first honor." As a result of this Company's recent exhibiting and advertising, they are con stantly receiving letters of inquiry from ,all parts of this country and even from foreign countries. They are in correspon dence with the United Workshops at . the House of Brethren Reutlincren, Wurtem• burg Germany, which parties are negoti ating for an engine. MORE BEErs, Exc.— Last week we in serted a two line notice requesting some person to send us' an eight or nine pound beet. The result at present is almost a storebox full. The larger specimens are as follows : J. W. Coon, Waynesboro', one weighing 12 pounds; David Miller,of the Clermont House, on the Mountain, 2 weighing 11i and 10 pounds; Mrs. Mar-, garet Lisinger, Pinesville, one weighing pounds; Abrm. Shank,Ringgold,Md., otieweighing 10 pounds; Isaac Sprenkle, Waynesboro', one weighing 8 pounds and 1 ounce; Mrs. Geo. Summers, Waynesbo ro', one weighing 10 pounds; Theo. Wies ner, Fleaglesville, two, weighing 9 pounds and 8 ounces and 9 pounds and 6 ounces, and on head cabbage weighing 15 pounds; Jacob W. Foreman, 1 turnip, wt., 12 lbs; Daniel Snowberger, one radish. twenty eight inches in circumference, wt., 12 lbs; WM, °Potter, one potato, Kings Extra; 2 pounds tend three-guarteri. This certainly speaks well for advertising. Friend Sracx, you will have to lower your seven pounder until Mercersburg makes a better showing. QUINCY TOWNSIIIP.—Teachera appoint. ed.—Tho following teachers have been appointed to the schools in Quincy town- . ship for the term of five months,commenc ing October 12,1874. Altodale, Primary, James E. Shafer ; Altodale, Advanced, C. L. Manuel ; Mout Alto, Primary, Miss Aggie mmelsine ;. Mont Alto, Advanced, Ezra. Wile; New Baltimore,W. H. Engler, (since declin ed) ; Polk H. M. Worthington ; Fox Hill, Georoe B. Beatty; Quincy, Prima ry, Levi e. Kepner ; Quiuey, Advanced, James S. Gordon ; Fairview, D. B. Rhea; Tomstown, Jno. B. Study ; Blue Rock, Miss Sarah B. Winnemau : Grove Hill, Henry Hager ; Oak Hill, D. M. Row : Pedazion Hill, H. M. Benedict ; Opossum Hill, Dr. A. R. Dornberger ; Rock Hill, Franklin Staber. KILLED.-A. german named Conrad Garvig on Wednesday of last week was struck with a spade in Chambersburg by a man named Betz cutting one of his ears in two and fracturing his skull, from . the effects of which he expired in a short time. The Opinion says Garvig was under in fluence of liquor and was in the act of as saulting Betz at the time. The former was committed for trial. REAL ESTATE.—Mariin Heintzelman, attorney-in-fact for John Singer, sold his farm in Guilford township to Mr. Fearer. of Philadelphia, at $BO per acre. . On Friday last, the Assignees of Jacob Stouffer, sold a farm of 136 acres east of town to Wm. Wallace, at $lO5 per am. Mr. Stewart also sold the farm of Jo siah McClure, in Green township, consist ing of 102 acres, to George Plasterer, at $7O per acre.— Opinion. WPM:Ij. Marshall D. Deitrich of Gov ernor Hartranft's Staff, died at Greencas tle, on Friday a week, of consumption, aged 30 years. Among the distinguished persons present at his' funeral were Gen'ls Beath, Latta' and McCoy. The City Grays, of Harrisburg and several lodges of Knights of Pythias conducted the cere monies. Et 65 - The "Baby Show" at the Shippens burg Farmers' Club Fair, week before last was a failure, owing to the fact that the "Mammas" all wanted the first prize—a $25 baby wagon—and the committee con cluded not to award any premium. Se There is nothig that spreads so soon as fear and distrust in the business world, and it is in the power of a few timid per sons to do mischief which may extend far and wide in the . course of a very few hours. ' —Jacob Elliott, of Welsh Run, killed a calf a' short time ago, that cleaned 418 its, and was only 8 months and 29 days LTBETeaL Gwr.—Col. Geo. B. Wiest ing has , added two thousand dollars to the endoiment fund of Merceraburg Col lege. "There are 215 churches in Bala, more city, 52 of whichare Methodist, 33 Protestant, Episcopal, 25 Catholic, 19 lauilleran, 6 United grettirep and 5 Re, formed:N.: OCTOBER ELECTIONS.—The latest re turns-of the .elections Which 'took place in_ several of the Western .States show the success of the democratic State tickets in Ohio, Indiana, and Arkansas, and of the republican tickets in lowa and Nebraska. In OhiO the democrats claim to have elec ted thirteen out of twenty Congressmen;a democratic gain of six.- In Indiana the democrats claim eight of thirteen Con, gressmen, a democratic gain of five. The election in Dekota for territorial delegates results in the choice of Redder, republi can, and in West Virginia ,the Congress. men elected are Goff, republican, Faulk ner, democrat. In Arkansas the republi cans to a large extent refused to vote claiming that the election was illegal,and that .Brooks is still Governor. . A. YOUNG GIRL KILLED.—The Mount Holly Echo of Tuesday says : One of the most heart-rending accidents it has been our duty to record in a long time, occurr ed at Pine Grove Saturday evening last. Annie Wiley, daughter of David Wiley, aged 13 years, fell from a largo chestnut tree to the ground, a distance of about 40 feet, axd was instantly killed. Upon ex amination it was found that her neck was broken, besides receivin►otther injuries.— This sudden death has cast a gloom over the whole community. Iv Lurcx.—There is a poor boy in Rock ingham county, Va., who works hard du ring the summer to procure enough mon ey to go to9chool in winter. Twenty dol lars of this money ho loaned early in the summer to a man and took his note for it. The note was placed among a lot of old papers, which were by mistake of some member of the family sold to the rag man. Unable to present the note, be could not collect the money, and his prospects for a winter's schooling were growing very faint. when he received word from Mr. Foucke, connected with the Antietam Paper Mill near Hagerstown, that he found amongst a lot of papers the identical note, with a two dollar bill wrapped up in it. We can imagine the joy of the poor boy.—E.r. atgs—Mr. Henry C. Carey, a distinguish ed political economist of the rag money school, recently addressed a series of let ters to Secretary Bristow for the financial edification of that able officer of the Gov ernment, and they are now put forth in pamphlet form. According to the syn opsis given by an admiring journal, Mr. Carey briefly summarizes the financial history, of the country during the last fif teen or twenty years. He shows how the rate of interest decreased and general prosperity increased during the war peri od, as a resul,k of plentiful currency, and how when the war, with its,,destructive and impoverishing action, was cver, and the country had entered on a most prom• isi ng era of weal th-getting, Secretary Mc- Culloch'sf fatal manifesto declaring the necessity of contracting the currency check ed production, and struck a blow at all industry and trade, thus ushering in the era of distrust, !stringency and commer cial paralysis, from which we are still suf fering. He believes the only inflation we have to fear is the dangerous accumula tion of money in the city banks, and particularly iu the !wilds of the Wall street. speculators, as the result of an ar bitrary and inflexible currency system.— He thinks there is no more danger of the people's absorbing and employing too ma ny circulating notes than of their buying and wearing ton many hats. The account given of the causes of our late panic seems to be wonderfully perspic uous and exact,and that the great scarcity of money is the cause of the continued depression, L. probably 'somehow to be seen'in the fact that banks in the South west are retiring their circulation _and that there is a plethora of money seeking Ilse in all commercial centres. We do not see it exactly, but Mr. Carey says he does, and one .should, perhaps, accept on trust the dictum of one whom Judge Kel ley, in the financial debate of the last ses sion of Congress, declared to be "the most profound and original thinker that God ever blessed a nation with.”--Baa. American. ErAn ingenious but bold attempt to start an insurance company by fraud and counterfeit has been fortunately detected and stifled. Some seven or eight-months ago a number of men in Philadelphia conceived the idea of raising counterfeit bonds to the amount of $500,000,t0 depos it with the State Controller, in accordance with the insurance law of the State, and upon that basis to issue policies and re ceive premiums. They wormed them selves in the confidence of some respect. able gentlemen and obtained their names for their prospectus as decoys, and one of the number hired a small room in Brook lyn and commenced preparing and print ing the counterfeit bonds. • As fast as they were finished' they were deposited with the Controller, but one being rather less-skillfully executed than the others, was pronounced spurious, and detectives were instantly set to work, resulting in the discovery of the plot. All the par ties have been arrested. Itar•Many valuable horses die from the effects of colic. The best thing to do in a ease' of this kind is to pour a bottle of ,Tolinson'a Anodyne Liniment into a long necked junk bottle, add half pint of mo lasses and water, then pour the whole down the horse's throat. In ten minutes the horse will begin tq eat UELOCKING THE BocK.s.—The great _cost of silver and gold arises not so much from thCir scarcity in the earth, as the difficulty of extracting them from,their stony combinations. Dr. J. C. Ayer, the well known chemist of Massachusetts, has cut this gordian knot. After having mer ited and received the gratitude of half mankind, by his remedies that cure their diseases, he is now winning the other half, by opening for them an easy road to the exhaustless treasures of the hills. He has discovered and published a chemical process, -which, renders at little cost, the hardest rocks and ores friable like chalk so that the precious' metals are loosed from their confinement, and easily gath ered. Mines , too poor to pay, may be worked at a profit now, and the yield of rich mines is largely increassd, while the cost of extracting the metals from the ore, is diminished. Either is a great achieve ment, to enrich mankind, or cure their diseases. But we are informed our cele brated countryman adheres to the latter, as his specialty and chief ambition.—(Buf falo Sentinel. isia..Senator Morton, of Indiana, says that the cause - which led to the defeat of the Republican party in that State, was President Grant's vete of the Currency Bill, and thashilly shally course pursued on that subject in Congre&s. ttaL,Parsons' Purgattve Pills will greatly relieve, if not entirely cure, dyspepsia when everything else fails. They have been tried in some desperate cases, and have given more relief than 'any other medicine. teirOne of the Coleman sisters, Miss Louie, recently died in California. Her remains will be brought to Carlisle. BUSINESS !LOCALS!. FALL STYLFS.—Latest styles hats for men and boys, just opened out at SNIDER'S Store, Oellig Building. oct22 NEW Goons.—K full line of new goods now open at SNIDER'S Store. oct22. OPERA BOOTS—A full line just receiv ed at SNIDEI'S Store, cor. Public Square.— They are unsurpassed. oet22 GLOVES !—A full assortment at Bar- DER'S cheap boot, shoe, bat, cap and notion store, cor. Public Square, Waynesboro'. HosiEnT—A complete assottment for men, women and children, at SNIDER'S Store, Oellig Building, Waynesboro'. oct22 UNDER CLoTmm—Undershirts and Drawers, etc., a full line at SNIDEIe9 Store. oct22 - NOTIONS-A clean stock now selling at SNIDER'S. oct22 —A lot•of nice Initial Paper at sixteen cents a box, till kinds of writing papers on hand from five cents a quire upwards; good quality envelopes at five cents a pack. The best qualities lower prices than elsewhere. A full line of blank books from a memoran dum at three cents to'a large Ledger. Re member the place, at Dr. Araberson's Drug Book Store, Waynesboro' Hotel Building. 3w —Try our lamp chimnies at six, eight anti twelve cents, sold at Dr. Amberson's Drug Store —I will not guarantee the price for any length of time, but I will sell Prime Kero sene in quantities of one gallon or more at twenty cents a gallon. Bring along your, cans and the money, too, thirty cents on J. Burns AMBERSON. —We certainly have a cheap lot of Boots and Shoes of all kinds. octls PRICE SG HOEFLICII. • "—Call at the store of Aniberson, Ben edict dc Co. for anything you want in the Dry Goods or Notion line. octls 3t • —lf you .don't see what • you want ask for it at Amberson, Benedict & Co's. octl:i 3t —A large lot of Schaller's awl White's Yarn at AMBERB9II, BENEnwr & Co's. octls 3t —Always on hand at A.mberson,'Ben edict 8: Co's several pieces of Lohman's Rag Cirpet. —Shoemakers will find a large lot of Sole Leather, Upper Leather, Morocco and 'Shoe Findings, ac the store of AmnEnsoN, BENEDICT & CO. oetls —Young; men, take notice' that winter is coming and you are out of employment: The sale of the King Fluting Iron is.a pay ing business. Call and gee our terms on territory. Call soon for territory is selling rapidly. L. C. BIUiCKBILI, Agent, octls • Waynesboro', Pa. —Farmers take notice that I will take in exchange for the King Fluting Iron but; ter, potatoes, apples or wood. Now is your chance to receive the Lel. octls L. C. BRACSBILL. *—Another lot, of Ladies' Foxed Gaiters vemy cheap, at the Town Hall Store. —A. lot of Ladies' Kid Button Boots, just received at the Town Hall Store. octB —A new line of Gents Under wear, very cheap, at the Town Hall Store. octB —Come and see the Champion Boot at the Town Hall'Store. oetB 1n...1f the Druggist Offers any kind of herb-flavored alcohol for dyspepsia, bili ousness, or any other ailment, tell him that you want medicine, not a bar-room drink.— Ask Lim for Dr. WALEER,S CALIFORNIA. BIT TERS, the best regulating preparation known, and which you know is free frobi "Satan's Elixir." Reject all the flrey 'Tonics" and "Appetizers," and cling to that remedy.— There is no medicine that compares with it. sep JUST OPENED OCT—A largeeszortment of armensware at STOVER. & WOLFF'S, which they are going to sell cheaper than ever. The public are invited to call and examine stock before making purchases. oct.l 3t • 119)...That dry hacking, cough is the herald of approaching consumption. To check the swift Progress of the destroyer, prompt and decisive measures must be restored to. A dose of Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher ry and Horehound, taken when the cough ing spells come on, will afford immediate relief and eventually effect a thorough cure. It will be found equally beneficial in all forms of throat and lung disorders. In cases of croup it is of inestimable value. Call at the drug store of F. Fowrumax, and inquire about it, they will furnish you with a sem, pie bottle. sept 24-10 w CARPETS I CARPETS ! — Messrs. S'TOVER Wour have just received n full line of Carpets and Oil Cloths which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Ladies are invi, ted to call and examine their new styles before pnrchasing elsewhere. sop 17 M.A.RIZI/C3-MS. On the Bth inst., by Rev. P. S. Davis, D. D., Mr. HENRY H. MILLER to Miss SIRAIT A. Sumas, both of Scotland. On the 27th ult., by Rev. I. G. Brown, Mr. HENRY M. SWORD to Miss SARAH J. DEnmex, both of Claylick Hall. WAYNESBORO' MARKET. (CORRECTED WEEKLY,Y BACON lie ' HAMS - 20 8 . UTTER.............. 18 ' EGGS • - 17 LARD • 10 POTATOES 75 APPLES—DRIED 05, APPLES—GEEBN 35 , HARD SOAP .5 BALTIMORE October 20, 1874. FLOUR.—Western Extra at $5.35;d0. Family and Howard Street at 86. . WHEAT.—Whito at 1180130 cents for fair to prime; amber at 130 cents; prime to choice red at 125(128 cents. CORN.—New'rnixed at 70®73 cents, and do. old do. at 90 cents. OATc3.—Southern at 60C,1 , 63 cents ; raised Western at 58®59 cents, and de. bright do. .at 60 cents. RYE.-1.00®105 cts. for good to pri BOOKS FOB, SALE.! • - I.HE undersigned offers for sale at this office TWO VOLUMES of the "THE. ALDINE," beautifully illustrated and new ly bound. - Will be BW - don reasonable terms oetfeltf A. G. BL AIR. Administrator's Kotfce. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of - •-administration on the estikto of HARRIET LAcxv..vs, tate of Washingt-in township, de c'd, halve been granted to the. undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims will'pre sent them properly an thentauted for settle ment. _ CHAS. WEST, Adnfr. oct22 6t 4ErAFTCtEta hOTICE. TltE Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Franklin county, Pa., to distribute the balance in the hands of John Wiles, assignee under deed of volun tary assignment of Jacob Wiles and wife, to and among the creditors of said assig nors—will, for the purpose of his appoint ment, meet the parties interested on Thurs day, November 12th, at his office in the Repository Building in the Borouh •o f Chamborsburg. GEO. W. WELSU, oct22 St Auditor. diaininistrator's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby 'given that letters of 1.1 administration on the estate of A lexan - dee Hamilton, late of 'Waynesboro', deed, have been griinted to the undersigned by the Register of Franklin County.. 911 persons knowing themselves to be in debted to said estate must make immediate payment, and all persons having claims a ga►nst the same must prdsent them to the undersigned;properly authenticated for set tlement. JOHN - B. HAMILTON, oct Ot - Adm'r. FOB HEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN ! More than One Hundred different, styles and colors of HATS AN-D CAPS to suit the old, the middle-h oed and the young--in goods better than the best and' prices cheaper than the cheapest, maintain ing our reputation e as lenders for all kinds of Head Gear. The largest variety-of NEOtt-IiES BOWS OOLIABS v - v Cu.m Bosoffis. Shirt Studs and SiOeVe But tons, Gents Underwear in. great variety; SHIRTS, IMA.WEItS and Stockings, Umbrellas, Canes, Satchels, Pocket-books, &c. • octls 3tr . 43- 393 S -- our own inannfacture of Thick, Sheep, Kh), Dog Kid and Custom Gloves to tit all sorts, biZeS and shapes of hapds. ' • ' HansE COVERS, BUGGY SPREADS, ROBES AND BLANKETS. • • For the Ladies, all the • popular styles of Furs, Collars, Boas, Muffg and Fur Trimmings, of all delicriptions.— Our ladies $2 Dog ltid Gloves fit as neat— look as well and will outwear a half dozen imported Kid, while our domestic and mow kids at WO and $1,60 will outwear a half dozen of the imported dollar kids. • UPDEGRA FF'S Hat, Glove and Fur Fact'y Opp. Washington House, -Hagerstown. oct Opp. • NOTICE A" an absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town of WayneSboro' for the purpose or carrying on a first-class Tai. boring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and 'durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men.= .Particular attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in s'yle. Scouring and renovating done up (I T qnal to any outside of the tido. My place, of business is on Main Street, nest door tq Amberson's Drug Store. and ti doors West of the Waynesboro' Hotel.' By attention to business, and a disposition to please all; I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa.: tronage. Respectfully, ite., oct t2-tf JAS. A. FISHER, FREIGHT WAGON I MBE snbscriber inibrms his customers and the public that he continues his freight wagon daily between litayneiboito and Greencastle. Persons desiring coal or other freight taken to or fro willtolease give him a ca ll . __ All orders c*n be le ft at the Store of Martin Geiser. cctli)