BY W. BLAIR. TOLUKE 27. "THE . VILLAGE :RECORD," .Pirmasura EVERY TnEnsaAvs3loirstra By W. BLAIR. 'TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50; for each subsequent insertion, Thi r five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tigers. LOCALS.—ThisinessLocals Ten Centsper line for the first inse ion, Seven Cents for subseouent sertions prifessional (&.rds. DR. M. L. MILLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional services' to the citizens of Quincy and vicinity. Office near Alie Burger Hotel. apr9-tf ISAAC N. SNIVELT. ;PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ; WAYNESBORO' PA. • .ofsce at .his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden .House. Nov 2—tf. JOSEPH po - cra-ma.A4s, ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the severaKourts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fireinsurance effected on reasonable terms. December, 10 1871. VETERINARY SURGEON. IFIR. HENRY BOWLS (formerly of Vir .llsginia) announces to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally that he is prepared to treat the different-diseas es to winch horses are subject, including lock-jaw. Thorough study and many years practice aro the best recommendations he can _offer. Persons requiring his services will find him at Mintin's Hotel. may2l tf S T,R 4' • 4- PHYSICIAN & URCHIN. Office at his residence, N. E. Cor. of the Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa. apr 9-tf REMOVAL I 11R. BENJ. FRANTZ has removed to the 111 new Office building, adjoining his dwell ing on .West end of Main street, where he can always be found, when not engaged on professional visits. OFFICE Horns :—Between 8 and 10 o'clock, A. M., and 12 and land 6 and 9 P. M. Spec ial attention given to all forms of chronio disease. All experience of nearly thirty years enables him to give satisfaction. The m,,,t pproved trusses applied and adiusted t the wants of those afflicted with her , leis or riipture. ' apr 23-tf-' A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST Assia• • t ALSO AGENT For the Beet - and most Popular Organs in Use Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his office. We being acquainted with Dr. Branis. bolts socially and professionally recommend him to all desiring the services of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. HERING, J. M. RIPPLE, " A. H. STRICKLER, I. N. SNIVEL; " A. S. BOKEBRAKE, D. EttExcu. julyl7—tf 3. H. FORNEY .Sr. CO. Produce Commismilm Moro Aunts No. 77 NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, 'MD. Pay particular attention to the sale of Flour, Grain; Seeds, &c. , Liberal advances made on consignments. may 22-tf THE BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. 1 1 'IIE subscriber having leased this well known liJtel property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and ethers who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive 'Jostler will at all times he in attendance. 23-tf SAM'L P. STONER. BARBERING AGAIN. ,`HE subscriber announces to the public 1 that be has again commenced the bar bering. Shop in the Walker building for merly occupied by Pr. Benj. Frantz. New Razors; Brushes and outfit in.general. A share of the public's•patronnge is solicited. He also is prepared to shave 'corpses. nuty2l. Sm JOHN' H. HERR. . LIVERY ! LIVERY ! THE subscriber informs the public that he has opened a new Livery Stable, on West Main Street; at the Sanders' stable.— Speedy horses and first class convey ances furnished at all times. An attentive hostler will always, be found at the stable. A share of the public's patronage is respect fully solicited. "JOEIN S. FUNK. july3o tf TAILORING. THE subscriber announces to hiq old ens. toners and The - public that he has again taken up his residence - in - Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. His place of business is on Lei tersburg street, nearly opposite Bel.'s Pot tery. JOS. ANDEItsON. may 1-tf CIINNAAION, alspice, inustard,clores and giother apices TAO? sir groupd. lirocery gelett For this earthly world of ours Is not very far away From the world invisible, And its never-endiug day. And the'dlitanee is not great, And thb journey is but brief; No halting place between, to wait, One moment strife, the next relief. For we are so very near To that land beyond the tide; There is but a step between, Ere we reach the "other side." • What is on that "other side?" Shall we ever, never know? When will the waters round us close, And at last behind us flow ?.. Glimpses reach us on our way, And our restless spirits yearn Of that twilight mystery More completely yet to learn. And we walk with weary feet, And shadows deeper grow, As our life-load le.ideth on Where the silent write r s - floc . And the thou ht mes quick and sweet, As:the hou a d days depart, Thrilling into n wer life . Each faint t. WAIT of the heart. We are drawing very 'near To that land beyond the tide; And not long this waiting here, Ere we reach the "other side." We we nearer than we seem To that land beyond the tide 1 And are closer than we dream To the Liver's "other side." atlistellaueen geading. DELLA DORAN. It was at the close of a sultry day a bout the first of May, 1864, that a single horseman might have been seen riding a long the turnpike a few miles west of Chancellorsvilie. He was apparently about forty or fifty years of age, large powerful frame, bold open countenance, and possessed of a da ring, restless eye. His attire being semi in '‘i i itary and_ semi•citizen, it would be bar tp„iletermine to which of the oppos- Lig*ties he belonged. .N. , -He wore the blue cap of the Yankees, the Trey blouse of the Confederates, and the remainder of his apparel was that of an ordinary. citizen. His horse, a large powerful bay, swept along with an easy rapid pace. • By making an abrupt turn he left the main road, and entering a biidle path was soon hi a dense forest. , The sun had already gone down when he emerged from the forest, and riding up to a large farm-house, asked lodging for the night The farmer who was a perfect "South ern Fire-eater," eyed him a moment sus piciously, and then in multifarious tones said : "Well, yes, I reckin stranger, as yoti might stay ; though the country is so torn up that one can't tell who to take in.— Who are ye anyway ?" "Simply a weary and benighted travel er, who will leave with the morning's dawn." The traitorous looking farmer called to a negro who was near, and bade him put the traveler's horse in the barn. The strangqr accompanied him and had the horse put in the stall nearest the door with the saddle on. "Debblish strange," muttered the negro. "Must be afeared some one's comin' to gobble 'urn up." 'As soon as the negro had a chance to speak privately with bitemaster,he inform ed him of the manner he had left the L r3e at the stable: "I'll watch him, Jake, and you remain handy for I su4leet that he's Mead's Scout. GLoncus. 'lf he should be, I want you to go to the forest after Hawkers." . ' The ne g ro's eyes sparkled greedily, as he replied: "Golly, Massa, only find dat out and I'm off to de woods in no time." During this short conversation the sub ject of it was in the sitting room quietly smoking a short black pipe, while he seemed buried in thought. lie had un buckled his sabre and leaned it against the wall, but his pistols were still in his belt, around his waist. His blue cap was placed on his knee, and his iron grey hair fell upon his shoul ders in profusion while his keen, restless eys kept constantly in motion. As he sat there he looked what he really was, a des perate character. His reverie was at length broken by the entrance of a pretty, black-eyed girl, who announced supper. "Very glad, said the "stranger, "in fact lam very hungry, Miss. What may I call you ?" "Della 1" • "Della ? -A very , pretty-na me- you aro the gentleman's aughter 2' . "No sir." - I •His niece, then?" "No sir." Y-A relative then, anyway 2" "I think no relation at all. I pan I • • Ai - : I vsyi 0 y • •- - k:11)1',1= WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1874. ply an orphan girl — Della Doran—whom Mr. Biswick has taken to raise; but,sup per waits." • The stranger started up at the sound of the name, bent' a keen glance on the love ly girl ; but said not a word. The landlord, his foster daughter, and the stranger . were the only occupants of the supper table. _ Mr. Biswick beina b somewhat talkative, intimated that the fair girl was not his child, but the daughter of a scamp who. had deserted her at her mother's death, gone to California, and he bad kept her merely out of gratitude. The•stranger seemed almost to strug gle as the farmer . dill continued to de grade the girl. He raised his hand to brush a sold sweat from his broiv, and as he did so a small slip of paper fell from his blouse pocket to the floor. It was unnoticed by any save Mr. Bis wick. When supper was over they all arose from the table, and the planter passing Around, adroitly slipped the note in his pocket. • Conducting the stranger to the sitting : room he left him, and going into a pri vate room lit a candle, and glanced at the note. It was brief as follows : "Forward to the front, GLORCUS. r , GENERAL MEAD" "Ho, ho ! I know him now," chuckled the farmer. "He is Glorcus, the famous scout. There's a reward for him, and I am a fool if I don't get it." At a signal the negro entered. "It's as I expected, Jake ; he is Mead's cant. Go at once for Hawkers: The re ward is ours." "I'll go, Massa, I'll go," said the negro and pulling on his cap ran out into the night air- Once out he muttered to him self: "GAly, if it am Glorcus, debble be to ray when they cotch urn. Dis chile bs bkeene den." Having dispatched the negro for the Confe lerates, the wicked, traitorous far mer returned to the room in which the ot• je t ofhis betrayed sat, and entered into nversation with him. s r The eves of.Glorcus rolled suspiciously around;but he otherwise evinced no ap prehension of danger. Complaining of ennui from the effect of his day's travel, he proposed to retire. This was what Biswick desired; and he cheerfully led the way to the 'bed cham ber. As soon as the Confederate left the room, the scout buckled on his saber, In stead of retiring to bed, and remained at the window in a listening attitude. He had not been long in this position when a tap at gin door aroused him. With revolver in hand be opened the door cautiously. Pale and trembling, the girl, Della Do ran, entered, making frantic 'gestures for him to keep silence. Seizin e ,c , the frighten ed maiden by the hand, the brave old scout said : . • "What is it, my dear, that frightens you ?" Seeming to gain strength from his kind words, she replied "Oh ! sir, fly from here; you are in dead ly peril 1 Each moment you . remain in creases your danger 1 • The scout received this startling an nouncement as cooly as if it had been an oiderirem his General; and merely said: "Yoil - wiligive me some information us to the nature Of my,ilanger if you wish me to avert it "Mr Biswick thinks You are the great scout Glorcus, and has sent for guerillas to arrest you." "For Mosby ?" "No, worse. Mosby has some humanity and power; but he has sent for the wretch Steve Hawkers." "Never fear, said the scout." "But you will go nevertheless?" "I will not be taken; but you must an swer some questions Ent." "Ask them quick." "Is your name really Della Doran?" "It. is." "Do you remember anything of your pa rents ?" "Not a great deal. My mother died when I was young, and I can just remem ber my father leaving me with Mr. Bis wick and going to California." "Do you love your foster father ?" "No sir, I cannot. He is very cruel, and swears I shall marry Captain Haw kers." • • "That is sufficient, I shall go now, but I will return soon and tell you some thing." Arising,he glided out of the room, nod Della having accomplished her errand of mercy, retired. The famous scout managed to reach the stable unperceived,and securing his horse, led him to the rear of the house and hitched him to a tree. Then holding a re volver in each hand, he crept over the wall and walked up the garden path. Flashing lights and confused voices told him that the Confederates had come. A heavy tread of feet wits heard coming down the garden- walk ; and ho distin guished the voice of- the negro saying : "Let 'urn kill 'im; but golly, don't cotell, me near; might get a stray bullet!" In an instant the scout leveled a pistol at the head of the treacherous black and fired.• Without a groan the negro fell dead in the garden walk. With yells of vengeance the guerillas rushed towards the scout,„who nimbly leaped the garden fence, vaulted into the saddle, and amid flashing swords and whizzing shots, dashed off into the forest. 'go horse, after him," shouted Captain flawkers. "Five thousand to the man who brings him down." Then therawas mounting in hot lade, and the COnfederates thundered at him. The scout having reached an open spot about three- miles from the farm-house, paused on the opposite side in a thick growth of underbush, with a cocked pistol in each hand, the rein in his teeth, and thui waited for his pursuers to come up. In the course of half an hour the guer illas, seven in number, rode into the open spot, and paused for consultation. Various conjectures were made as to the whereabouts of the scout, and the rebel captain vowed he would give a good round sum to know just where he was. His speech was cut short by the crack of a pistol, and Captain Hawkers fell from his horse. Twd guerillas drew holsters and return ed the fire, hut now pistol shot after pistol shot came from an unseen quarter, and three Confederates fell. - The remainder terror stricken, fled.. The scout rode out to examine his fal len foe. Three were quite dead, and the fourth was dying. Leaving the field of carnage, he made his way back to the farm-house. Fastening his horse near the gate be entered it. As he was passing a cross the hall he heard a voice, in a room on the right, begging for mercy. "Don't plead to me for mercy,' said the harsh voice of Biswick. "You know you told the Union scout that Hawkers was coming. Now take that I" A blow and a scream followed. "Hold !" thunered the scout, bursting into the room. "What right have you to command me to hold?" cried the astonished rebel. "The right of a father I" "A. fattier ?" "Yes, James Biswick. lam Albert Do ran., who years ago trusted my infant daughter with you while I went to . Cali fornia to amass a fortune. I made it in an obscure mine, and concealed it in a cache, but was at that time captured by . the sav ages and kept a prisoner for years. I made my escape, secured the hidden treasure, and returned to the States just as the war broke out. I joined Mead's corps under the assumed name of Glorcus. Dfy expe rience in Indian warfare has made me the great scout I am. I am now here to claim my child." With the beautiful Della behind him on his powerful horse, he rode into Mead's camp the next morning at sunrise. It was in the midst of the terrible battle of the Wilderness, that Glorcus met and struck Biswiek dead with his vengeful sword. "This," said he, " is for your cruelty to my child." Drinking Water. Dr. Hall is opposed to the immoderate use of water as- a drink. He says : The longer one puts off drinking water in the morning, especially in summer, the less he will require during the day; if much is drank during the forenoon. the thrist often increases and a very unpleas ant fullness is observed, in addition to a metalic taste in the mouth. The less water a man drinks the better for him, beyond a moderate amount. The more a man drinks the more strength be has to expend in getting rid of it, for all the fluids taken into the system must be carried'out—and as there is but little nour ishment in water, tea, coffee, beer and the like, more strength is e x pended in con veying them out of the system than they impart to'it. The more a man drinks the more he must perspire, either by lungs or through the skin, the more he perspires the more carbon is taken from the system; but this carbon is necessary for nutrition, hence the less strength he has. The more liquids used the greater must' be the amount of urination, but this de tracts a proportional amount of albumen from the system, and it is time albumen in the food that . strengthens us. Drinking water largely diminishes the strength in 'two ways, and yet many are under the impression that the more water swallow ed the more thoroughly is the system "washed out." Thus, the less we drink at meals, the better for us. If the amount were limited to a single cup cf hot tea or hot milk and water at each meal, on im measurable good would result to all.— Many persons have fallen into the prac tice of drinking several glasses of cold water or several cups of hot tea at meals, out of a mere habit; all such will begreat ly benefited by breaking it up at once; it may be well to drink a little a ft er each meal, and, perhaps, it will be found that in all cases It is better to take a single cup of hot tea at each meal than a glass of cold water, however pure. iterit ii'easier to be wise for another than for one's self. A three months old oyster, is about the Size of a split pea. Suspicion and etlistrust are the greatest enemies to friendship.. ' There is no 'fault in poverty, but the minds that think so are faulty, Nurture your mind with thoughts. To believe in the heroic makes heroes. Only what we have wrought into our character during life can weiake away with us. Since we are exposed to inevitable sor rows, wisdom--is the art of finding compen sation.—Levis. Do with trials as men do with new hats—put them on and wear them until they become easy. He_that does a base thing in' zeal for a friend, burns the golden thread that ties their hearts together. A negro in Louisiana stolea large quan tity of meat lately.. He was tried by a jury of negroes, and because he confessed the theft, lie was acquitted on the ground of insanity.' _ _ We cannot conquer fate and necessity; yet we can yiehi to them in such a man ner as to be greater than if we could, Good nature, like a bee, collects honey from every herb. 111-nature,like a spider sucks poison from tiie sweetest Rower. I WOODLAND Sint Through pleasant paths and flowery ways, Through leafy woodlands colonnades, Where e'en at noon the sun's keen gaze Could scarcely reach, we two had stray'd. All left behind the glare and strife— The din and bable of existence; Save us no trace of sociallife In that enchanting silvan distance. And then besides a giant tree. The remnant of some ancient race, Whose gnarled roots your throne might be, We made awhile our resting-place. - Here lichen moss and fern, and flower, Their carpet soft as velvet spread; Forget you, love, that happy hour? Would you recall the words you said? The throstle pour'd his liquid lay; The vagrant bee pasted tuneful by ; And there along its pebbly way The gleaming brooklet murmur'd nigh. I heeded not the throstle's tone, Nor saw the brooklet's silver shine ; I held your hand, your heart, my own ; I only knew that you were mine. Feared not else to know; for while We rested in that.woodland place, My sun, my love, was in your smile, And heaven itself within your face So what for me was bloom or flower, Or arching branches over head? Can I forget that happy hour? Do you regret the words you said? Bascomb's Baby. She brought it over to our house Mrs. Bascomb did. It was their first—a wee, little red-faced, red headed, pug nosed, howling infant. It was the hottest day in July, but she had it wrapped up in three shawls and a bed quilt, and was in agony ever moment for fear it would sneeze. 'DO see his darling, darling little face!' she said to me as she unwound him about forty times, and looked to see which end his feet were on. ' • I looked. I have been the father of elevenjust such howling little wopsies, and didn't see anything remarkable a bout Bascomb's baby. 'See those eyes—that firmness of mouth, that temper in his look I' she vent on. I saw them. The little sun of agun began to get red in the face and beat the air, and his moth er shouted 'He's being murdered by a pin She turned him wrong end up, laid him on his face, then on his back, loosen ed his bands, rubbed the soles of his feet, and the tears stood in her eyes as she solemnly remarked : 'I know he won't live, he's—too smart!' The child rcovered, and as he lay on his buck across her knees and survey ed the ceiling, sho went on : 'Such a head ! Why every one who sees him says . that be is going to be a Bee cher,a Greeley or a Bismark;do you notice, that high forehead ?' I did. I thoughtle was all forehead, as his hair didn,t commence to grow un til the back of his neck was reached, but she assured me that I was mistaken. 'Wouldn't I just belt him once?' I hefted him I tad her I never saw a child of his weight weigh so much and she smiled like an ;angel ; she said that she was afiaid didn't appreciate children,:but now she knew I did. 'Wouldn't I just look at his darling lit tle feet—his litle red feet and cunning toes ?' Yes, I would. She rolled him over on his face and un wound his feet. And triumphantly held them up to my gaze- I contemplated the hundreds of little wrinkleSrunning len& wise and crosswise, the big toes and the little toes, and I agreed with• her that so far as I could judge from the feet and the toes and the wrinkles, a future of unex ampled brilliancy lay before the pug nos ed imp.. He began to kick and howl, and she stood him on end, set him up, laid him down and - trotted him until she bounced the wind coils into the middle of October. 'Who did he look like ?' • I bent over the scar-faced rascal, pnsh ed his nose one ; side, chucked him under the chin;and didn't answer without due liberation. I told her that there was a faint resemblance of George Washington around the mouth, but the eyes reminded me of Daniel Webster, while the general features had made me think of the poet Milton ever since she'entered the house. That was her view exactly, only she hadn't said anything about it before. •Didn't I think he wns too smart 'to I felt of his ears, rubbed his 6ad, put my finger down the back of his neck, and told her that in my humble opinion, he wasn't,"though he had a narrow escape. If his nose had been set a little to one side, or his ears had appeared in tip place of his eyes, Rascomb could have purchas, ed a weed for his hat without delay. No; the child would live; there wasn't the least 'doubt about it, and any man or woman who said he wouldn't, grow up to make the world thunder with his fame would steal the wool off a lost lamb in January. She felt so happy that she rolled the imp up in his forty-nine bandages shook him'to straighten his legs and take the kinks out of his neck, and then carried him home under her arm, while my ltife ma& me go along with au umbrella, for fear tbe'sult would peel his little nose.. A house keeper seat bridget out one morning totuy some heads of lettuce. She returned with postage stamps. When ask rd how she made the mistake, she nertly answered, "Au' sure, wasn't told to get beads of letterer Courtesy Compensated.. A young editor of a theatrical journal called lately on an actress living in a third-story in the Ri — su Richelieu. Leav ing her rooms, he descended the stairway. At the first floor landing, a door sudden- ly opened, and a black coated gentleman stepping suddenly . out, -ran against the young man ; begging pardon, he abruptly asked : "Mousier, have you half an hour to lose?" "For what, sir ?" "To tender me a service which Will tiring you in a trifle,say a huudred francs?' "Do you call that losing half an hour? What is it you wish ?" "To serve as a witness to a will.- One witness has failed to come ; the sick man is dying. Will you serve?" The journalist consented, and following the notary, found himself in a sumptuous chamber, near the bed of the moribund, and seated himself with the other wit nesses. The old man had no relatives, and made short work with his will. It was ready for him to sign. They opened the curtains to give him, light. A. ray fell across the journalist's face. The sick man saw him, and mo tioned him to approach. "Sir," be said, in a feeble voice, "do you know Me?" "I have not that honor, sir." - ''Do you not recall seeing rue at the Theatre Fraucais ?" "isTo,sir." "I can refresh your memory. Did you not attend the first representation of 'Fire in a Convent e "I was there, certainly." "And I too. You had a good orchestra stall ; I a miserable stool - right in the door-way. The draft made me ill. You gave me your comfortable seat, and took my poor one." - "I but did my duty, sir s toward au old man and an invalid.' "Ah S They are rare—these people who do their duty. Allow me to give an evi dence of my . acknowledgentent." And turning the ear of the notary, the old man added a codicil to his will. The witness signed, the notary countersigned. and the former, each noted for a hundred francs of legacy, retired. The next day the journalist, revisited the actress. Com ing away he rang at the old man's door, and asked after him. He died du ring n the night. In due time the young man at tended his funeral. After it the notary said to him : "To-morrow we open the will. Be there You are interested? "Our editor did not neglect the invita tion. He attended the reading of the will. The old man had bequeathed him a hundred thousand francs. Au orchestra seat well paid for. Varieties.: Have always the best confidence in God and fear nothing. Simplicty is one of the striking ehame teristics of real genius. What a man does is the real test- of what a man is. Be praised not for your ancestors, but for your virtues. A hypocrite is one that neither is what he seems nor what he is. ,Good qualities are incomprehensible to those ivb.o have them not. The Ohio river is going into a decline.— It keeps its bed and is quite low. Modesty seldom resides in a breast that is not enriched by noble virtues, How cant thou be a judge of another's heart that does not know thine own. Minds of moderate calibre ordinarily condemn everything which is beyond' heir range. Priceless as the gift of utterance may be. practice or silence in some respects far excels it. See the sack open before, you buy what is in it ; for he who trades in the dark asks to be cheated. No person ever got stung by hornets who kept away from where they were.— It is just so with bad habits.' . It is always in our power tornake a friend by smiles ; what a folly, then, to make an enemy by frowns. Benefit your friends that they may love you still more dearly; benefit your ene mies that they may become your 1. iends. A FEW TIIINGS'I DO, NOT LIKE TO SEE. —I do not like to see a man sleeping in the bar-room of a taverdin daylight. I do not like to see idlers lolling on counters of stores, or in mechanics' shops, when the hands are at work. I do not like to see a man spend half of his time on the street, talking about poli tics, when he should be at work. I do not like to see a man ask four dol lars for au article, and then sell it fur three. , . I do not like to see a man flatter people to buy on credit, and than distreas them to make payment. , BARNUM'S WIVES.-Mr. Barnum was first' married forty-five years ago, Novem ber 8, 1829, to Charity Hallos; a Bethel i tailoress. He was nineteen' years old at ' the time of this marriage, of Which be cldse to say: 'I don't think:l could have ono better if I had waited. twenty years.' he took his erst bride-to was in B thel, and cost him $1,050. - The house beltook his second bride to is on Murry Hill, Fifth avenue, New York, and is a brown stone palace of ma..r.rifieent prOpor ti-ms and worth over $100,900:: Mr.itarn *urn has daughters nearly. twice as old, ns his present wife, and granAltildven. With in two or Iliteeyearvof berrite:-44afn; Express. _ . Good dAughtors nuke good 82400 PER YEAR. I:3 3;40 stud --2 an or. Girls can al from a single.mi Kindness, spring, melts ti Trey girls w an& are not afraid The young _Ng . " York are called dIV When a pret noun man's toes, he i yea ty. Does not a yi 4th withjoy %OK ling babe's Ist 2th ? Women have more heart than men but few men have the heart to pay thirty forty dollars for a summer list. N 44, A young la It West who received $l,OOO damages a kiss, is said to be spoiling to be da a d 4 suffered some,' said an- Illi nois deacon, 'but he never knew what it was to have his team run away mid kill his wife right in the busy season whoa hiied girls want three dollars a week.' Mir The y say that if you want a free fight - while traveling in the far west, you must find a granger whose field has been devastated by grasshoppers and congriit ulate him on having disposed of his crop without the intervention of middle men, tg)...A Chicago merchant was found dead in his office the other day, but there were no marks up') his person to indicate violence. Subsequent inquiry developed the fact that the unhappy man-had • A. gone a two hour's interview with au un known life insurance agent, who had quietly left, after literally talking him to death. ,ttfirA. few days since a ragged looking organ grinder carrying a monkey made the town of Staunton lively.stayiug three or four days. His appearance excited pity for his poverty. The day he left he call ed at the National Valley Bank got large notes for 6500, so he could more safely conceal it on his person. In reply to the surprised inquiry of the bank man he said, `de mannky make it all.' GOOD . YARN,-"Speaking, of shooting ducks," says Dr. F., "puts me in mind of the great storm that occurred when I lived on. the island. As you are well aware,-our island was near Casco Bay ; an a wf u 1 storm arose,and was so fierce that it drove all the ducks in the bay into a pond, cciv. ering about an acre, near my house. In fact, so many ducks crowded into that pond that I could not see a droP. of wa ter I" "Sho," says Smith, "did ye shut° any of 'am ?" "That's what I was coming at. I wept., . into the house and got my double-barrel z , .:; ed shot gun, and. dischar,gedtioth bairelw right into the midst or theni, but gifirs-'' tonishment, they all arose into We , . leaving Oft, a solitary duck in tlO Tikandr ;' "Good grabious ! ye don't' . say Smith; "didn't ye her any shot. in -yer or what in the thunder was the trouble? Well,l was coming to that," said Dr. "it astonished me at fast; but as soon. as the ducks rose a few hundred yards in ilia air, and commenced to separate a little, ducks began to drop, and whether you be lieve it or not, I picked up , twenty-nine barrels of ducks, and it was , a.poor season for ducks, too. You see, the ducks were wedged in. so solid in the pond, that when they rose they carried the dead into the air with them, and when they separated, down came the twenty-mine barrels of dead ducks." . - The Poetry of Summer: • There is poetiy in the hum of bees, when the orchards are in bloom; and the sun is shining in unclouded splendor. upon the waving meadows, and- the-garden is richly spangled with spring flowers.— There is poetry in the hum of the bee, be cause it brings back-to us, as in a dream, the me:wiry of bygone days, when our hearts were alive to the happiness of child hood—the time when we could lie, down upon the green bank and . enjoy the ,ness of summer's neon ; when our hopes were in the blossoms of the orchard; our del ig'it in the sunshine, our untiring ram bles in the meadows, and :our perpetual ,musement in the scented flowers. Since these days, time has rolled over us with such a diversity of incidents, bringing so many changes in our anodes. of living and " thinking that we have learned, perhaps at some cost, to analyze our feelings,aud to say, rather than feel. that there is poetry inthe hum ,of bees, • But let one of. these honcy-ladeu wan derers find his way into our apartment, and 'while he struggles with frtinti , :. eflints to escape through the closed Window, we cease_ to find pleastire , in his busy hum. There is poetry in the flowers that grow • in sweet profusion upon wild and unculti vated spots of .eartli,• exposing their deli cate lea.vesto the tread of the rude inhabi tants of the, wilderness, and spreading forth their scented eharnis to the careless mountain wind—in the thousand, thous- and little stars of beauty looking fbrth like eyes, with no eye to look_ again; or cups, that seemed formed to catch the. dew-drops ;or spiral pyramids of varied • hue. sibixtting up from leafy beds, and pointing faithfully to the shining sky ; or crowns of golden slender mounted upon • fragile stems ; or purple wreathes that nev er touched a human brow—all- bursting forth,tlooming and then fading,..wichend- s less succession in the midst of, iintldery . wilds ; inrain and sunshine, inaileut. night" and glowing day...with an and ati4fanik. pose in their - 414 earstenee.jtoetutoblol to the mind - of izMn. - r • d man