The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, October 08, 1874, Image 2

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.-00,ij I,:itoi,d;•
MarshMN October, 0,14. ';
ilig6.The - Stsprente Court of CsMolds
Las decided that the local option law is
—The national debt - statement shows a
i-Ninetion during September of $435,417.-
afirGen. Sherman has written a mem
-tar of eyents of the late war, to be pub
filed 'itt his death• •
ser.John-Morriee.y i -offNew Tork i wearer
a $40,000 diamond ring on one of his ftu. •
ti .There are over four 'hundred thou
sand Odd Fellows in the treited States,
and $1,333,240 was paid out fur relief
last year.
its.. Apiece of land .aituate on Broad
way, Sixth avenne and Thirty-second et.,
New 'York, whit in 1848 was sold for
$5OOO, in 1862 Tn. $45,000, changed
hands last „Friday Air *275,000.
4W Conference meetings between the op
posing parties in Lousinna have finally
resulted in an agreement which promises
to give that State a fair and peaceable
election. •
Mr George Lobar, 111 years of a
- visited - tbe . camp 'ground; on Durffey's
Island, near Stroudsburg, Pa., in compa
ny with hiksprightlydaughter, 73 years
neb.:Tile ;Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany has been convicted of cruelty to an
imals by packing calves in a stock car so
closely that some of them died, and sen
tenced to the full extent of the law.
.The .marriage of Lieut. Fred. Grant,
- soirot The ?resident, and Miss Honore, of
Chicago, is announced to take place in
the latter Cif y on the 26th of October.—
The bride is a daughter of H. IL Honore,
a wealthy real estate dealer, and a sister
of Mr. Potter Palmer.
rm. The Tom Thumb troupe - has just
free year s
during which they traveled 55,480 miles,
and gave 1,471 entertainments. During
the trip they did_not_meet---with-a-single
accident, nor lose a single appointment
by sickness.
ria - While Mr. George Line, of Long
Run district, Garrett county, was engag
ed in cutting down a tree a few days since
his two little children, aged four and six
years, who were playing close by, were
struck by the falliog tree, , killing-one in
stantly and the other' dying in bait an
nta.Cleveland boasts two of the cham
pion stingy men in America. One gavo
a car conductor nineteen cents for return
ing him $5O worth of revenue stamps;and
•the other, when a boy restored him his
pocketbook with 4500 iu it, invited the
youngster around too fruit stand, bought
a dime's worth of poaches, gave the youth
one, and put the rest in his own pocket.
sig-A Mobile manAwho, on returning
home from his day's buisness, was surpris
ed to receive the congratulations of his
frienes at his having narrowly escaped
from drowning,thought it a good sell,
and laughectinumoderately until ho learn
td that they had handed his:best Sunday':
go-to-meeting suit to a darkey uho had
called to break the news, and get him
some,ilry .clothos.
mg-In Bedford County, a decedent has
left an wtat,3 which .is slightly scattered
.around. The,amount to be distributed to
Ihe.legatees of Christiana Winebrenner is
$4,037,14, in suwa.ranging from $9.40 to
$221.23. There are eighty heirs of three
generation, residing at thirty-four differ
ent post offices, in twenty-one counties and
seven Btab2B.
writ Is possible that to the sad mystery
that, now hang; overtbefate of little I.lm
ile Ross may be added another overwhelm
ing sorrow. ThEifather of the missing boy
is smiously ill, and it is feared that his
mindmay become impaired. The editors
.of the Reading Eagle, againa; skhotit a
rosecution for libel has been instituted by
Mr. Ross, for publishing an article in
which it was.-stated that the alleged abduc
;Lion was a fraud, were arrested in Phila
delphia and held to bail to appear and
Answer'!atthe..Court of Quarter,Aessions.
AyhysiciauAppearckat the; preliminary
.heariniand telatied.that.lar...llass was un
„able to attend. ,From .the account which
Lo gave.pfhis patiOnt's,coutlition; it would
,seem that.both.his.reason and his life are
• seriously threatened by the extreme nary
wus.prostrntion that has over:aben'him.
• .liiirThs. Elizabeth Condiblaged 28,
,years, of Baltimore city, st lady much
.ruspected, ntteMpted to kindle a fire in
her cooking;stove by ,pouring coal cal un
,the.wued *mud' ean. 16.nexplosiou fut.
inwedsand.Alre. ; (l. was so,terribly burned
.that she died the same evening. She bad
au -infant, aged.ten pandas, in bar arms'
at the, time of lite eiPlosioa, and that ton,
twee fatally 'burned. The - busband was
-also burned untie . bands in his Worts to
subdue Ihe 'Agues which t.wantued his
wire And 'child;
"it! wilriek ..Poweroy has joined the
. w 3ras~var , and ;Obey .411 .hiuk the Bald
",-<",!,oo4r.r.i4uAr.l,he Plough .
igninung,ge• across , the Atha
' "
, • • 4'7" ;
,•;-• • 4.; "
• ; .• :
our aroun
TUnt A.,ND
, Perry County timag=wondor why
taxes are higher now , than formerlyt,etad
why there . is so . rbitc h greater scramble
for office at the present time, than then;
was a few years ago. These things will
be no longer a wonder if the prices now
paid for official services are compared
with former, rates, When such men as
Shufik, Bigler and Johnson, were Gove
nor's of Pennsylvania the Govenor's salary
was $3,000. Now it is $lO,OOO. Then the
Govenor's messenger received $4OO, now
$1,200. There were then no pages in either
_Honse.__Now-there-are about seventy-five; -
Then the public grounds were cared for by
an old man fors3oo a year. Now the State
pays $B,OOO for that duty. To inaugurate p a
Governor cost $3OO ors4oo. Now it costs
$4,000. The State then contributed noth
ing toward the bnriul of a Governor,
but the recent burial of an ex-Governor
cost the treasury from $4,000 io $5,000.
The members of the Legislature then con
sidered $3OO sufficient pay for their ser
vices each session. The last Legislature
voted themselves $1,500. and made the
pay of their successors $l,OOO. And thus
we might go on with a long list, but the
above will be examples enough to show
wLy taxes are higher and greed for office.
greater than in former" years. The people
can remedy these evils whenever they
learn to consider honesty and_capacity of
more importance than party success.
lifirMr. Beecher was before the Grand
Jury Saturday morning, and after answer
sng a number of questions ho certified to
the correctness of the indictment for libel
against Mr. Tilton. The document sets
forth that Theodore Tilton, wickedly and
maliciously, with intent to injure and
scandalize the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher
in his good name, fame and cbaracter,sub
jecting him to - contempt and disgrace, anil
to provoke him and his friends to commit
a breach of the peace, published on or a
bout September 18, or caused to be pub
lished, in the Daily Graphic, and circula
ted in the city of Brooklyn and elsewhere,
a false, scandalous and malicious libel
concerning him. The Grand.;Jury also
read ,to Mr. 'Beecher a second indictment
against Frank D. Moulton, which is word
ed similar to.that found against Mr. Til
t-on,charging him with libellingMr. Beech
er by causing the publication of false, ma
licious and slanderous reports in the Dai
ly Graphic. Moulton and Titton were to
go into Court on Monday morning to an
swer to the indictment.
sThere is one conspicuous eception
to the general run of full crops, this sea
son, and that is corn. In some section of
the west where, last year, they sold corn
for 20 cents a bushel or burned it for fuel,
stock-raisers are buying corn now at from
50 to 60 cents. The 'torn crop, it is said
will not realize more than one third of the
usual average. The drouth which pre
vailed from the plains to the Atlantic un
til; the recent rain storms may be regard
ed as appearing at a fortunate time. The
spring and early summer rains were un
usually copious in most portions of the
country, and therefore the wheat and
hay did well. It %was certainly better to
have good crops of these than to have
them suffer at the gain of a great corn
The large crops throughout the country
make it possible for the poor to title over
the discomforts and slender resources of
this winter. And if the winter prove not
disastrous, we may anticipate in t h e
spriing a prisk.trado movement, and the
infusion of new life into various business
interests that have scarcely yet recovered
from last:year's panic.
iier-The following incident is related
of the recent fire at Fall River : It is said
that the little fellow, scarcely a dozen
years old, jumped from one of the upper
windows to the ground, and, - ,when the
spectators rushed forward to pick up the
mangled body they were.astonished to see
him spring to his feet, apparently unin
jured, and start ou a run for his home.—
Bursting into the house in breathless haste
he shouted to his mother, "The mill is
on fire Maud then Le suddenly dropped
to the floor lifeless, the fearful sixty-foot
jump having resulted in fatal internal in
juries which the excitement of the moment
/11151" Austin Abbott, Esq., who has giv
en much attention to the public schools
of New York, proposed some time ago
premiums, not to the best scholars, but to
those who made the greatest improvement.
Tho thought was admirable, and the plan
worked beautifully. Those who had the
least advantages, the, neglected, tho dull,
those wfo had no help at home, and many
discouragements, were aroused, and "the
rear guard" was brought well up _toward
the front. He who makes one talent earn
ten may be more deserving a reward than
the man who, balling ten to start with,
earns a itundred.,
A SILENT Onwron.—A wealthy Pitts
.burgii merchant is reported as haying
said : "I always feel happy - when I am
Advertising, for then I know, that walking
or sleping, I have strong, though silent
orator .workiug for me; ono who, never
fileePs, 41411107 .Makes mistakes:and' who
is cuter the households from
which if atill,tiartnale Must come."
- Young sick.. Should,
he - Aies,nd his !tear brick whit ti.
dimuuld for mwainipotle `.-
- Total Stitis.
diction day, TirsemAt,_Novenibet
Bd. ,
'ltroOD-sViittonie _
atoad of ifoodivithin the inat few days?
—Messrs. Hess a Bro. - will have a sup
ply of lime on, hand after Monday
RELratona.--Seivices in. St. Paul's Re
funned Chapel (Rev. *tn. C. SeitiOr,
Pastor) next Sanday morning and eien
lug. Sunday School in the afternoon.:
HOME AGAIii.-MI"..L. S. Forney.who
had been on a Western pleasuie tour for
six or eight weeks, returned home on Fri:
day evening last, in good health and de'
lighted with his trip. •
iThe witty editor of the Boonsboro'
Odd Fellow gets off the following :
Waynesboro boasts of a beet that weighs
six pounds Bonnsboro can heat that
beet. We have one hero that weighs about
170 bounds:-=he is a "dead beat."
THAT ".BLACK LisT."—A reader of the
Rerarci for seven years, who so far failed
to pay us a penny, writes: "I'll settle my
account in full within the next twenty
days. Dou't put my name on that list."
Twenty days will be in time, but we 'ad
vise him not to extend pay-day much be
yond,as _we_parpose general-weeding -out
of this class of patrons.
RETURNED.-Our young friend, Mr. H.
C. Barr, for two years a student at the
Royal Veterinary College of Glasgow,
Scotland—interesting extracts from whose
letters we have been publishing from time
to time—returned to this place on Wed
nesday of last waek, in fine spirits but
somewhat reduced in flesh. Mr. B. com
pleted his studies in April last; the most
of_the_ti me_ since-ho-spent-ia- traveling,
visiting London, Doublin, and other pla
ces of-note - in - the - United Kingdom. The
character of the Glasgow College,at which
he graduated, ought to be sufficient of it
self to commend him to favor as a veteri
nary surgeon wherever he may locate.—
He will remain here fur a few months
whii - rk he purposes koking up himselfa per
manent location. Ho can in the mean
time howeVer be consulted in reference to
DECEASED.—We are called upon to an
nounce the death of another aged citizen,
that of Mr. Alex. Hamilton, which took
place at his residence about 8 o'clock on
Sunday evening last. His health had
been gradually failing him fur several
months. Mr. H. was a man of more than
ordinary energy and business tact and for
upwards of forty years had ranked among
the most prominent and useful. citizens of
our town. The M. E. church, of which
he bad long been an exemplary member,
and the community generally, in his death
have .sustained a serious loss. On Wed
nesday his remains were escorted to the
M. E. Church burying ground for inter
ment by a large procession of friends and
neighbors. He had attained to the ripe age
of 81 years, 7 mouths and 13 days.
On Friday evening last Mrs. Jane Frey,
consort of John Frey, late of this borough,
dad, departed this life at the age of 66
years and 20 days. The deceased had also
been a consistent member of the M. E.
Church for many years. She had been a
great sufferer having been confined to her
room for about three years with dropsy.
On Sunday morning her remains were in
terred in the M. E. Church burying
ground, the citizens of the town generally
joining the friends in the funeral proces
sion, which was one of the largest wit
nessed for a long time.
P. S. Since the alnAe was in typo we
received an interesting communication on
the death of Mr. Hamilton which will be
found in another column over the signa
ture of "B."
SW"The following items we copy from
the lag Public Opinion::
Ea-Sheriff J. W. Taylor and w ife
start on a trip this week to be absent sev
eral months among their children iu Indi
ana, Kansas, and Missouri. lie dispos
ed of his residence on Queen street to Mr.
Charles Ludwig for $2,800 and also sold
some of his personal property, but it is
his purpose,to return to Chambersburg.—
We wish them a pleasant journey and
safe return.
REAL ESTATE.—The assignees of Jacob
Stouffer, Messrs. Scott, Armstrong, and
Stewart, sold the Middlesex property in
Cumberland county at an adjourned sale
lust week for $BB,OOO. Purchasers, Em
brie, Knisley, Witmer and Brenneman.—
The total amount realized 'from the real
estate of Mr. S. in Cumberland county
was 849,785,00.
ALMSUOUSE RePORT.— The expendi
tures'at .the Almshouse dining thelast
Month are as follows : Dry g00d5,560,19 :
groceries, 331,99: beef cattle, 150 ; pork,
322,05 ; shoes;;andlshoetnaking, $24,15 ;
1iat5,311,20 ; hardware, $6.90 ; tiuware,
$18,47 ; saddlery, $6,40: cider vinegar,
$11,26;; coal for fuel, 323,97 , bedsteads,
$45 ; stationary and postage,32,os ; peach
es, $9,07 ; Wages $45 ; blacksmithing,33-
92 ; crooks, 34,80 ; brooms, 6 ; grindrng
grain,s3,B7 :drugs,. $39.12 ; removals,
'and justice's fees, 623,39 ; 0. D. P's cof•
fins, $lO ;.support of 0. $312,50-;
officer,s salaries, $336,30 ; Meals furnish.
ed to Tramps, 627; Number of Inmates;
ISee notice oil:while sale of -r. A.
ttarbaugb,. in another column.
...: tYY>::.'.`.F:9...L•:'~`~~~ t S.f,•C'.:.~~c:: ~ 3° ~.`.-_~i~;, l J ' :'~..~; :1•.v.4.y-s:.- r.,...5...
Mr. Hamilton commenced business in
Waynesboro' when a young man—after
.ward was united in holy wedlock to his
recently departed wife, with whom be
lived nearly fifty-touiyeats: They were
blessed with a large family of children,
some of whom have Preceded them to the
spirit world. Sonietime, after they were
married ho was led by the provideuce of
God to realize "more fully the necessity
and importance of securing immediately
a personal interest in the atoning merits
of the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour,
which he did during a severe affliction to
the full satisfaCtiou of his mind, and after
ward united with the• Methodist Episco
pal Church of this place, cf which his
wife had been a worthy and exemplary
member before they were married; here
they lived an..l worshiped their God hap
pily together until last February, when
she preceded him to the rest above, at the
age of 73-yeatO months and 26 days.—
From the time of Mrs. Hamilton's death
he began evidently to fail and continued
growing more feeble until his son Alex
ander who had_been a severe sufferer for
many years with spinal affection, was call
ed from suffering to rest, about one month ,
before him, aged 33 years, 7 months and
7 days. - After that he continued to fail
more rapidly until he calmly and peace
fully fell asleep in Jesus in the presence
of all his surviving children and most of
his grand-children-
Mr. Hamilton as a business man -- Was
strictly honest, honorable and energetic.
Punctuality was one of the leading traits
et' his life; he was p_unctual tolds
_ family_
and private religious duties; the fire upon
the family altar never went out until he
became too feeble to speak or kneel in
prayer. As a neighbor he was kind and
obliging; the poor around him were made
to rejoice' by his deeds of kindness and
charity. As afriend he was true and earn
all with whom he dealt, and all who had
the privilege of sharing his friendship can
never forget the substantial expression of
his attachments.
His society was agreeable though ho
was naturally of a modest, retiring dispo
sitiou; his motto was business before pleas
ure, which he practiced through life.—
Firmness and energy marked his long life
path. His views were broad and positive,
a man of great moral strength who de•
lighted in the promotion of just, laudable,
and righteous undertakiugs. In his death
the church in which he was long an active
member has lost an upright and faithful
friend, .the family a kind• father, a wise
and safe counselor aud,the community a
liberal and enterprising citizen. Ho will
be missed. May the mantle of h 6 many
virtues rest upon his descendants to the
latest generation. B.
Waynesboro', Oct. 5, 1874...
RECEIPM—The following list compris
es our subscription rer eipts for September:
C. H. Kohler, $4.00
Seymour Fahnestock, 2.00
J. W. Jameson, 5.60
Mt. Alto Iron Co., 4.00
John Richardson, . 2.00
Sadford Shroler, 6.72
Daniel Berlin, 2.00
D. F. Gordon, 3.00
Samuel Gilbert, • 6.00
Emanuel Robinson, 5.50
Jacob Stouffer, 6.00
Isaac Petrie, 1.20
Theo. Wiesner, 6.00
Jonathan Null, 6.00
John H. Crilly, 2 00
Miss Nevie C. Detrich, 1.50
B. F. Stouffer, (of A.) 2.00
David Shank, 2.00
Alex. Johnston, 2.00
Joseph Dentler, . 3.00
J ohn W. Hoover, (Tanner,) • 2.00
Mal ludo. Jacobs, 2.00
Paul Siva usner, 5.00
Goo. Smith, 2.00
A. S. Oiler, 3.00
Daniel Gossert, 2.00
BABY Snow.—The ShipPensburg, News
says: The committee of arrangements
of the Farmer's:Club Fair, have thought
proper to add a new class to their list of
premiums, which will, no doubt, prove
quite an attractive feature to their pres
ent exhibition. Premiums will be award
ed to the healthiest, and
.best looking ba
by, under twelve months old, in accord
ance with the. decision of. the Committe3
appointed for that purpose. Parents send
ing in babies for competition will present
them at the hall, Saturday afternoon, at
two o'clock.
Premiums.—The bighwt to 'be' award
ed will he a fine Baby Carriage, valued
ut $25,00; Second, Ten Dollars in cash ;
Third, a Silver dollar, for cutting teeth
18,..111essrs. Joseph Winger and James
Witherspoon have leased the "Mazara
Mills," near Upton, and the Echo says
were to take possession on the Ist inst.
se..lSfr. Jolla Stotler, an old resident
.of Washington couuty i. died at Isis resi
dence near Chewsville; last weak, of can
cer, aged 83 years.
itp-On the 19th inst., the wife of Sam
Eeury, a .colored resident of Salisbury,
hiciOnettute the mothoref four cbiltiron.
ot , I.ot. ktaiiiirot,==-4deitan:
tier Ha milton . Esci.,.one of the'
'mins of = this place elecied his earthly pil
grimage:in great pato Oa Usk Sabbath
evening, at ten minutesbefore 7
aged 81 years, ' 7 months and 13 days. -
huvin the confidence and esteem of
Astoiriati Rosa:—Theie:ivas
much Eacitemont - on TursidaY...night on
the . trai n bound „ Beath froti CliftrlOttes
vine, Virginia. in the palace was a gen-,
demur who had stepped aboard at Char
lotbmVille with wand muffled from head
to foot in shawls. Before the 'train had
gone far the occupants in the other earn
partments of' the car heard a child's cry,
then another. Then earner the angry tones
of a man's-voice, "You, are not - Charlie ;
you are Tommie ; and if you
.malte any
more noise I'll throw you out of the win
dow." ,"I want to go to mamma. 'I am
her own Charley," the child was heard to
say. Then blows were heard; and a par
senger said, "It is little Charley Ross,"
and a rush vas made. The man was
dragged from his compartment, and the
ladies sprang forward and got their arms
about the child. They removed the cov
ering-from his face and found that instead
of Chnrlie Ross they had in their embrace
the wooden• automaton with which the
ventriloquist. Wyman is wont to amuse
the public. The practical joker was Wy
man himself, - who was on his • way to
see-The Rochester Union says : "The
northern half of the Union, with ev-Cry—
element of wealth and prosperity—with
its shops turning out . the results of me
chanical-skill, and the fields blossoming
with abundant harvests—is in a state of
stagnation because of the condition of
the South ; for it is as much against rea
son to expect that one-half of the coun
try can be in a sickly condition, approach
ing death, and the other half in a heal
thy condition, with vigorous life, as to ex
pect that one-side of one's body can be a
mass of putrefaction anal the other side a
type of perfection."
ed Jno. McKnight left his home at Dud
ley, Pa., in the mouth of June,lB67, since
which time no tidings have been learned
of his whereabouts. Any information con
cerning the missing man, •whether he be
dead or alive, will be thankfully received
-by—his-brother,-Lawren — ec _McKuight,_at_
Dudley, Huntingdon county, Pa.
iterG. W. Dively, postmaster at Phil-
Ilipsburg„Centre_coun ty„Pa.,_was_arrest
ed a few days ago by the U. S. authori
ties for embezzling money order funds and
stealing money from registered letters.
.had put iu $l5OO bail on the first
charge, and while looking for bail on the
second charge, he made his escape but
was afterwards retaken and sent to Pitts
li burg. He was a member of the M. E.
Church, a leader of the choir, and of ap•
parently irreproachable character.
rel Severs seldom make an attack
without warning And may often be thrown
off by soaking the feet in warm water,
wrapping up warm in bed, and taking
two or three of Parsons' Purgative Pills.
nest.A. Misssonary, just returned, says
be regards Johnson's Andyne Liniment as
beyond all price, ant' efficacious beyond
auy other medicine. It is adapted to
a great variety of special cases, and is the
best pain cure in the world.
—Another lot of Ladies' Foxed Gaiters
very cheap, at the Town Hall Store.
—A lot of Ladles' Kid Button Boots,
just received at the Town Hall Store.
—A new line of Gents 'Under wear,
very cheap; at the Town. Hall Store.
—Come and see the Champion Boot
at the Town Hall Store. octB
—We are prepared to furnish Oak or
Hickory wood upon short notice.
octl DJ
—lf you want any of those calico or
delain remnants, come quickly.
—We take pleasure in stating that we
have just opened one of the largest and
cheapest stocks of dry goods ever brought
to Waynesboro' and cordially invite an in
spection by the trade.
octi Paws & HOEPLICH.
JusT OPENED OUT—A large assortment
of Queensware at STOVER & WOLFF'S,
which they are going to sell cheaper than
ever. The public are invited to call and
examine stock beforO making purchases.
oct 1 3t
Itet..lf the Druggist Offers any kind
of herb-flavored alcohol for dyspepsia, bili
ousness, or any other ailment, tell him that
you want medicine, not a bar-room drink.—
Ask Lim for Dr. 3VALszu,s C.tuvonstA BIT-
Tina, the best regulating preparation known,
and which you know is free from "Satan's
Elixir." Reject all the firoy "Tonics" and
"Appetizers," and cling to that remedy.—
There is no medicine that compares with it.
sop 24.
11S-That dry hacking cough is the herald
ofapproaching consumption. To check the
e,oift progress of the destroyer, prompt and
decisive measures must be restored to. A
dose of Dr. Morris Syrup of Tar, Wild Cher
ry and Horehound, taken when the cough
ing spells come on, will afford immediate
relief and eventuallyeffect a thorough cure,
.It will be found equally beneficial in all
fornis of throat and lung disorders. In cases
of croup it is of inestimable value. Call at
the drug store of F. FearnatAN, and inquire_
about it, they will furnish you with a. sam
plebottle. . sept 24-10 w
& Wow have-just received- a full line of
Carpets and Oil Cloths which they will sell
at prices to suit the times. Ladies are invi
ted to call and examine their new styles
before pnrchasing elsewhere. sep 17
c iJwi~~': '
• giftbetelth of falept. in St. ,Paul'S Re ,
Chive}, Waylleibokih * .PlL, b„1 , the
.Iterr. Win. C. Sehieffir; Mr Joint C, Knf-
DLER; of Hagerstown; Md., toMiss
C:,D.kins, of Waynesboro ; Pa.
On the 20tli ult., by Rev% Samuel Zook,
Mr. StAtoN P. GREENAWAiir to . Miss EL
LIE R. NEWNAN, both of Franklin coun
ty,. Pa. . = .
In Greencastle, on Sunday Sept. 27th,
Mrs..ABIELIA HARRY,' wife of J. K- Har
ry, Egg., in the 62d year of her age.
At' Cavetown, September 18th, ELIZA-
BETH HAMMAHER, aged 70 years,l month
and 18 days.
Near Leitersburg, September 21st,WIL
LIE BELL, child of Jno. and Mary Bell,
aged 8 months and 15 days.
At Cavetown, September 24th, ANNA
MARY LAW, aged 17 years, 1 month - and
26 days.
Near Greencastle, September 27, 1874,
Mrs. CATHERINE DETEICLI, in the 75th
year of her age.
In Greencastle, September 28, 1874,
Miss Emu EBY, aged-about - SO - years.
On the 21st ult., near Mercersburg Mr.
LEWIS KEIFFER, aged GG years, 6 months
and 3 days.'
Iu this place on the 30th nit., Mrs.
JANE FREY, aged 66 years and 20 days.
In this place on the 4th inst., Mr. ALEX.
HAatwros, aged 81 years, 7 months and
13 days.
0 BAtantoni, October 5, 1874.
FLOUR.—Western Super $4,50; Extra do
$345i25;-Howard-Strect-fair - $5,75;--- -----
WHEAT.—Southern amber 132an5 ets.,
extra choice bringing 2a3 cents higher;
good to choice red at 122a130 cents.
CORN.—Mixed at 98a100 cents, white at
100a102 tents, yellow 100 cents.
OATS.—Southern 64a65 cents, Western
62a63 cents.
RYE.—Fair to prime7looalos cents.
PIIILAUELPUIA, October 5, 1874,
CATTIY.—Extra State an d Western
Steers-s6i-75a7;-clioice-$8;-Slicep_45,50a6 ;
Live Hogs $10,25a11.
THERE will be a meeting of the, stock
holders of Green Hill Cemetery Associ
ation, IA the Cemetery, Monday, October
19th. A full attendance is desired as busi
new of importance will be brobght up.
octl 2w
On Saturday the 24th October, 1874,
the following personal propel ty, to wit
1 bureau, 2 bedsteads and bedding, 2 tables
2 stands,
tinware and crockery, 1 eight-day clock, a
lot chairs, I kitchen cupboard, 1 iron and 2
capper kettles, kegs, tubs, rakes, hoes, shov
els, b WLeelbarrows, 2 hand sleds,
saws, mauls and wedges, a lot carpet,
TOOLS, a large paint stone and mailer, 3
ladders, one 20 ft. long, a lot dry herds and
many other articles.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day
when the terms will be made known by
for Mary Harbaugh.
G. V..Mong, acct.
Pawn 8: Honnrcn
An immense stock of Imported and Do•
is large and fine.
AU the Novelties of the Season in endless
variety. Watch for the freqnent opening
of "job lots" of Auction Goods.
An inspection of onr stock is solicited.
cret 1
Tilv subscriber will pay the highest
market price for 15,000 feet of Poplar
and %Yulnut Lumber delivered in Waynes-
/PRE subscriber cautions persons against
trespassing on his• premises by hunting
or otherwise, without his permi , iion. All
who fail to comply with this notice will in
cur the penalty of_prosecution.
°et' at J. W. HOOVER, (Tanner.)
etl.ol7.Eß . and Timothy Seed bought and
%Auld alt the time at
„ Z
pIo)arAAM#J I C=JI
HAMS ......... 13
APPLES-DRIED. ...... ....... 00
HARD 50AP.....
In/ ILL be sold at Public Sale, at the late
" residence of Elias Llarbaugh, dec'd, in
out 8 to
Popular Dry Goods House!
DP, - Y - G- 0 0 JD S ,
at satisfactory prices.
Raro inducements in. all modern styles of
Ladie' Dress Goods!
Our stock of Men's wear
rrHE subscriber informs the public that
3 he has opened a new Livery Stable. on
West Main street, at the Sanders'- stable.—
Speedy horses and first class convey
ances 'furnished at all times. An attentive
hostler will always be found at the stable.
A share of the public's patronage is respect
fully solicited. JOID.I S. FUNK.
july3o tf
oct 1 tf
aug2o 4na
•• 110hiele, duet; wilt °Mile atPiiblic Side,
On. Batiirdiii4ll6-Bit,iiiipAtoti#36, 1.0V4;'-
ihe - Abut;
tea about ofieltiafter 81 a mile frcirii
well Mills, on tbellletitaek Gap liesad, viz:
A O I T '6 410 U
containing fe , .AMES, nitire or less, with
story and a half
MEET, (weatherboarded) amnia) house,.
frame stable, hog pen, and other necessary
out-buildings thereon. There are also on .
the premises
Of ehoide fruit trees and a well of never
failing water. At the same time will be of
fered an unimproved Lot Ground, wilt:au
adjoining lands of Dr. Ben. Frantz, Henry
Bonbrake, and others. This tract: will be
divided or sold together to suit purchasers
Sale to_ commence at 1 o'clock ci said
day when terms will be mi — rdTi mown by
sep 17 is] G. V. Hong, auct._
THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale
on the premises, the property upon
which he now resides, situated in Quincy
township, Franklin county, Pa., on the road
leading from Quincy to Chainbersburg, one
and a half miles from the former place,
a tract of first-rate limestone land, contain=
1 4C , REI9,
8 acres of which is excellent Timber Land,
with a good
log and f BARN, wash house and all
astir 77,:. -buildings. With a never fail
ing W o ' , "..water at the house a cistern and
gtieli as applegwatlies, - PearwrplanWelier;; —
ries, grapes,
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day
when terms will besmade known by
sept 17-ts
WILL be sold at Public Sale on the Prom
vw ises on
Wednesday, the 14th day of October,lB74
the following described Real Estate, all
that valuable farm, containing
— I3B — ACRES - and 14 PERCHES,
known as the Mcllvaney farm, located one
and a half miles west of Waynesboro', on
the Greencastle and Mercersburg Turn
pike. bounded by lands of John Funk, Sr.,
Samuel Foreman, J. H. Gordon, Franklin
Miller and Isaac R. Fox. This farm will be
offered in two tracts.—
No. 1, containing ,
124 &CRES and 14 PERCHES,
neat measure. The improvements are a
Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and all the neces
sary out buildings; a spring ofuever failing
water in the basement of the house;
of choice fruit, about 15 acres of the tract is
covered with thriving oak timber, the bal
ance in a good state of cultivation.
No. 2, a tract of land containing
situated on the South side of the Green
castle and Mercersburg Turnpike, adjoin
ing the Toll Gate property. There are no
improvements on this tract.
The farm will be sold together or sepa
rate to suit purchasers.--
Persons wishing to view the premises
will please call ou the undersignedresiding
in Wayneseoro', or James Mclivaney resid
ing on the farm.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
when the terms will be made known by
W. S. A t 1 BE MON - ,
Sept.lo-ts •
Chambersburg Repository copy 4 times
and send bill to advertisers.
The oldest and best appointed Institution
for obtaining a Business Education.
For circulars, address
Pittsburg, Pa.
sep24 3m e 0 m]
THE.subscriber announces to his custom;
ers and the public that he still occupies
the Basement of the Waynesboro' Hotel
building as a Restaurant. The finest gyra
tors the market will afford served fried,
roasted or stewed during day time and eve
nings: Also, Bologna Sausage, Tripe, Eggs,
etc. A genuine article of cider always on.
on hand. He will keep the best of every
thing in his line and expects to be able to
give satisfaction to all who will favor hint
with their patronage.
Fresh oysters thni evenincP.
9 dtfile • PETER. CORBETT
111 HE Heirs of George Wiles, dee'd.. offer
1 their farm at Private Sale, which con
152 ..A..C12,E.,5,
first quality of MILESTONE LIND with
good improvements. If not sold the said
farm will be for rent. For further informa
tion enquire of the undersigned living on
the premises. JOHN WILES.
aug27 tf
rrlIE display of tine Furniture, such •as
Dressing Bureaus, • Wash Stands, Bed
steads, Extension Tables, Centre Tables„
Vat Note, flat Backs, Children's Cribs, 6z.c.
Everything in the Cabinet-maker line—tho
best in market, having been carefully and
substantially manufactured out of the very
best material.--at 11. Drraow's,.3 doors East
of the Presbyterian Church, last Main St.,,
Waynesboro", Pa. Call and see his display.
Prices low. Thankful for past favors he
hopes to be able to merit a still ihrther
sbara of the public's patronage. '
nov 13—tf 11. .DETROW.;
100 Ti r ‘ i2 e n e e s L :l7l3 4 .) 2‘? Zpt r e e,
sap 3 St
41 -*R. 6 Two Yearling OaltsgoodNirglaia ,
sock, for sale.
se 8 , 3 t JAS. H.' CLAYTON.
lk 'AT P& Crackers; gitlr suself and
fituor, makers. at maiil'aurocery
- 2 •
.!'. - , - :: , :,:i', - .' . ! -, .1: 1 .'., , ,',. ~