The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, October 08, 1874, Image 1

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,*tittt pottrz
When many years have rolled away;
'When we no more are youn;.;
When other voices May repeat
`The songs that w•e have bung.
When all thy youthful beauty pales,
Which time will not restore;
Some tender thoughts may come again
Of days that are no more.
The soul that slumbers to awake
Alike to joy and pain,
And every memory of the past
Is sure LID come again.
- - The_youthful - heart, - untried-by ear
But dreams of days ben); e,
The old heart lives on memories
Of days that-are-no-more.
There is another world to come
Whose gateway is the tomb,
Where voices will - be 'ear. again
Beyond the hidden gloom.
Where friends we have loved and lost
Will find an endless day,
- "When human - hearts - and - human - hands
Have crumbled to decay.
And when the years have rolled away,
When we no more are young;
While other earthly voiees sing
The songs that we have sung.
}leaven's sr.nsnine, on t ytrou e
beauty may I ,, store,
And happy dreams may Come again
Of days that are 110 more.
ailinullaurous gradinff.
LIFE -R 0 N .
it long since there was published - in
the Gazette au allusion to a romance which
had for its home the village of Dundee,
in Yates county. Since that time new
and important lievelopments have appear
ed in connection with that story, and we
are now c•uabled to lay befbre our readers
something of a connected narrative of the
events hinted at. The story in its most
barren statement of filets is one of strange
anal rare romance, which will he tollow•ed
ith the greatast interest, from the fact
that the real denouneement of The drama
atook place in t;. is city, ‘v her - e resides a
ovar r e hcive or the lady who is the chief
in it. i'artly from this relative—
buries uul—whowho resides at
No. 457 East IV:ital. street, and who is
the sister: of the heroine in this live ro
mance, and partly from scraps published
in relation thereto, we gat her the story of
Candace Talmadge, ?lee Biivea, substan
tially as follows:
In 1855 a gentleman of high birth and
great wealth in England came to this
country to travel for pleasure and to
study the scenery and people of the New
World. A toiler of nature in its most
varied and picturesque charaeter,he spent
some time in Central New York, going
about among our beautiful lakes and tar
rying upon 'their highly cultivated shores.
In these rambles he came to the quiet vil
lage of Dundee, where he made a home
for some time with a Baptist clergyman
named Currier. While there he fell into
companionship with the daughter of a
well-to-do gentleman by the name of Bliv
en. The girl was at that time 16 years
of age, handsome, engaging and dens!.
The acquaintance soon ripened into a sort
of ronimitic friendship, and at last the
foreigner, whom we may as well designate
by his proper mime and title—Sir John
Gordon Talmadge—offered hi, hand to
Canclaceorhich was accepted. The di
rect narrative is to effect,• that the two
were united by Rev. Mr. Currier, who was
pledged to secrecy concerning the mar
riage for the term of one year. The par
ents of Candace were not informed of the
actionof their daughter,nor did she knowl
edge of the secret marriage come to any
of the villagers. Soon after the wedding
Sir John left his young bride, and return
ed to his home across the water; laying
'promised to record the marriage in due
form as soon as he should arrive, and tidy
ing additionally promised that he_would
return within the year and take his wife
to England.
The year went past .and Sir John - did
not come. Meantime Rev. Mr. Currier,
the only person in America besides the
young wife who knew of the transaction,
died and his secret died with him. An
.other year passed, and five, then ten, al
most twenty, and still the waited for hus
band did not return to make good his
promises, nor did any tidings, we• under
stand, teach the ears of Candace-concern
ing him; At last, in March last, we be
klieve, :through the instrumentality of a
.personal advertisement in ode of the New
'York papers, the _long silence was broken,
.and tidings-for- which- the Dundee bride,
~ i ieny.growT tir almost middle Age . had so
song waitediwere received: -
It apßearathatthe return of Si Jahn
'f.o England ~without AMerieari
Avaalkirthe purpose,of arranging matters
Atitisfaetoriiy With;bispa rents,Who
:would-be in .cijikseCto.receiyeitis bride if.
he Wen - *ken to Ahem *.ithout.'prior
*nowledge.,uf -their
while out riding witiLlAisAutp9PA*Bajr•
his horses . took fright and ran away threw
the two out, killing his mother and Very
seriously injuring Sir John. From the
affliction, however,he recovered partially,
and in due time set out for Ametica to
reclaim his wife. As if adverse fate direct
ed his every movement, when he reached
Liverpool he was taken severely ill, and
for a long time he lay vascillatiug, as it
were, between life and death. Though
recovering, his illness had so preyed on
him that he became demented, in which
condition be lived all tehse years,unable to
make known the object for which he was
journeying when sckness overtook him.—
In the latter part of last winte,r, ganity
strangely returned to the afflicted man,
but only for a short interval before death
relieved him of that life which had been
a burden. During this lucid-interval - r--
collection of his earlier life came back to
int r and-the-secret—wife in Dundee was
uppermost in his thoughts. He made
known to his brother, now Sir Alfred Tal
madge, the true story of his marriage' in
this country, willed his immense fortue of
. $4 000 000- half - o •
ter, and the other half to his wife in case
sho might be found alive. He further
pledged-his-brother-to send-a-special- mes
senger to America, for the purpose of hunt
ing up his wife.
In arsuance of these sledges a messen-
g - er was, as early as possiEle - ,tWttelire=
mise of Sir John, despatched to this coon
with instructions to find the bride by
advertisement or by personal search. The
advertising was done as we have seen, but
t ie messenger,following the c irections giv
en by the husband before death, came
-from - w - York - tift - DuiTtlee soon afirr land
ing. At the latter place be found the par
ents of the lady, who directed him to El
mira, where she was then visiting. This
was in the latter part of May last.
— On arriving in this citythe messenger
inquired for the residence of Charles Row
land, brother-in-law of the lady whom he
Iw:ought. He repaired to that gentleman's
residence, No. 47 East Water Street,where
he found the long-waiting and long sought
bride of twenty years ago. The lady hap.
peue'l to be alone at the time the messen
ger-called. The commingling of aston
ishment, pleasure and Sorrow which con
tended for mastery as the sadly romantic
liii , itory of her long-ago bridegroom was
unfolded, can be better imagined than
told. .
Soon after this document, Mrs. Talmadge
went to Washington, where she is now liv
ing with another sister. Mrs. Rowland
was at first reluetant to say muelt abort
the affitir, but she finally talked freely and
interestingly eon-tattling her sisters ro
mance. She stated that the
front England left with her sister a coil
siderable package, also letters and docu
ments from her late husband. She said
Candace talked little about the strange
events, and it was probable she had gone
to Washington for the purpose of avoid
ing impertinent inquiries. Mrs. Talmadge
had expressed herself entirely satisfied
with the results of the strange messenger's
visit, but whether or not the documents
contained a conVeyance of the half of Sir
John's estate, as it has been said he left
it, Mrs. Rowland was not prepared to say.
Candace has received a large number
of communications from lawyers offering
assistance in seeming the fortune abroad,
but she was uniformly declined all such
offers, saying that she had no need of le
gal aid in the premises. It is understood
by her friends that she will before a great
while be visited by her brother-in-law, Sir
Alfred Talmadge, with idiom she will go
to England to possess her vast estate. The
sister who shares equally with Sir Alfred
also married against the parent's wishes.
Her husband's name is Stanley. The last
known of then they were at Key West,
Florida. It is understood the surviving
brother has instituted a search for this sis
ter. Should she be found it' is likely a
reunion of the family, including our Dun
dee girl, will be had.
Lady Talmadge's sister states that the
clergyman who performed the secret mar
riage twenty years ago came to her fath
er's house two or Once times during the
year of , pledged secrecy, evidently deter
mined to reveal what he had done. His
manner is now rememberedlo have been
singular, but at the time it attracted no
unusual attention. He was a Baptist cler
gymanand the Blivens were Presbyter
ians, and at the time we speak of no re
lations socially required the singular calls
from the former. It is also stated that
the secrecy waa maintained at the solici
tation of the bride, the husband having
urged her to go with him to her home and
make known their new relation. This she
refused to do out of respect for her wishes
respecting his own family. A correspon
dence was maintained .after Talmadge
left, but Candace was always careful to
dispose of the letters; and steadfastly re
tained the secret locked in her own heart.
[Front the -Elmira (N. Y.) Gazette.
A G 001) HousEwtFn.—A good bouse•-
wife is one of the first blessings in the
economy of life. Men put a great value
on the housewife , qualifications of their
partners' after marriage, however little
they may weigh with them before; and
there is. nothing whici tends more to mar
the felicities of married life than reckless
ness or. want of knowledge in the sew
.houselteeper_of_the.dutimathickbelong to
her station. Men admire beauty; and or
der,. and system, in everything, and, men
admire good fare. If these-are found in
their dwellings, and are seasoned with
good rnatpre'and good sense, men Will aigi
their chief bujoyments at humeithey will
love - their harries and their .partrieis, and
Strive to - reciproeata: the-kind bihixtS of
duty ,and 'Motheitt ,that study
the 'welfare Of their ; daughtersthatappre
elate the volpttof these trialifttiatibiii
netiall7to acquire them.
_ • •
[The following essay was written by
one of the pupils donneetcd with the
Waynesboro' High Seool :]
He spake a parable unto them to this
end; that men-ought to pray, and not to
faint. Luke-18, 1.
The key to the parable lies in these in
troductory words, and it is a great advan
tage that it is so plainly given to us.
Christ's object here is not to prove the
value or duty of prayer, but to encourage
men "al vat's to pray and not faint."-
The answer may be long delayed, the
continued effort may seem hopeless, but
still He `would have us "to pray_an_not
faint." When pressed by anxiety or grief,
we find ourselves ready enough to do the
Out of a full heart prayer is poured
forth with more or less faith in the An
swer of prayer; and we find how true are
the psalmist's words, "It is good for me to
draw' hear unto God."
But if there is something we ought tc
lo===primething we ought
not to do---faint; and here we fail. It is
not easy to go on persevering in prayer
when- no answer-comes;-and-it-is-easy-to
faint and grow weary, and ibrget the sub
ject, and turn to some other object of anx
iety, and loose heart as to that which foi,
y - 0 - 0 - erlW. so MC o our mug is
and prayers. But, since the art of mak
ing ourselves happy is only found in do
ing good and making others happy, we
find it hard to persevere And push on a-
Mit -- and so r""
. so ninny disinclinations, and so muci
averseness and disinterestedness on the
part of those who have all the religious
and educational advantages they could
possibly desire. _
I say it is really discouraging, when we
notice the fact, that after a whole year's
-a ttending-divine-servicenanl pro yer-meet--
lugs, after a whole year's advantages of
receiving thorough culture and discipline
of mind and heart, at the bands of No. 1
instructors, there are so few inclinations
on the part of those to become study, gen
tle, quiet, and self-sacrificing—to become
.nearer what they well know they ought
to be.. Some, having heard and under
stood many fine sermOns and good talks,
very clearly see that they should pray to
be delivered from Pharoah, the hard task
masters—Hatred, Malice, Envy, Pride,
Frivolity—and .cultivate self-sacrificing
dispositions, charity towards all, and daily
strive, by divine assistance, to attain to a
state of ci.ltivation of mind and henrt,and
do every thing with an eve single to the
glory of God. But these things persons
manifest such an averseness,disinclination,
and disinterestedness, that to row against
the tide appeals equally hard every day.
But what a dark cloud appears to hang
over us' when, after having obtained faith
ful promises to try and do better,'all are
dashed to the ground and ihshion and fri
volity reign supreme. I think sometimes
that some live without a thought of aught,
save the present; and waste the precious
years of life, not knowing what they are
living for—not realizing that this state of
existence is
.. but the antiehamber to the
great audience hall above. Men and wo
men are brought into this world, receive
shallow educations, marry for fancy, con
venience, or pleasure, live a few years for
self; die and go they know not whither.—
Such thoughts crowd upon us. We can't
deny them; hence we feel the necessity of
asking help with renewed perseverance.
If people instead of becoming intoxicated
with worldly pleasures, and pursuing the
giddy rounds of gaiety and fashion,would
occasionally look in upon themselves—if
they would not permit themselves to be
come so absorbed with worldly affairs, as
never to look beyond the present, they
could add much to ill&
they would know then what life really is
—they would have better and clearer con
ceptions of lifts duties and ends. Let us
then persevere and strive to know oursel
ves, and be what God designed us to be,
happy and content, knowing that all of
earth must soon pass away.
Sept. 28, 1874. "GRATIS."
A Strong Witness.
Some*years ago a lawsuit occurred out
of the destruction of a quantity of corn,
belonging to a M. Wilson by hogs owned
by Mr. Brown. Lotte owned eight hogs,
and Wilson declared that they were all,
in his field, and that, consequently, the
havoc was immense. Brown protested
that he did not believe any of his hogs
were in Willson's field, but if any at all
certainly nut more than one or two, and
therefore the damages could not have
been so great ztr represented,
Wilson had ti witness on his side nam
ed Jerry Parker, not a very bright young
man but noted for laving a woudefful
imagination. He came in late, and had
not a very distinct idea as to how the
case stood, but he had a very vague notion
that it was for Wilson's interest to make
the number of hogs appear as large as pos
When be took the witness-stand he was
questioned by Wilson's lawyer.who asked;
"Jerry,did you see the hogs in Mr. V
son's corn-field, on the day in questiou'r
"Yes, I did ;"replied Jerry; -
"Do you know exactly how many there
were ?"
"No, I didn't count 'em but I'll take
my oath there warp% less than thirty."
The consternation. of ,Wilion and hi's
lawyer at this unexpected Ve'ply, may be
imagined; and it was not lessened when
Brown's lawyer arose and said.
"Taiur honor' as my client has only
eight: hogs,'it is very evident that those
.which destroyed 1114 : Wilson's corn be
longed ote sotac•cmielse, and, therefore
usk judgmeutlor the,,defaudani." ,
The covert gtnated-tbir request, anti pool;
Wilson by., having too strong, a witaess,
1* !Ake case. • '
When the hay wits mown, May,
In the years long api, -
And while the western sky wits rich
With sunset's rosy glow,
Then band in band close linked we passed
The dewy ricks between, •
And I was one-and-twenty, May,
. And you were seventeen.
Your voice was low and sweet, May,
Your way hair was brown,
Your cheek was like the wild red rose
That showered its petale down ;
Your eyes were like the blue speedwell,
With dewy moistured sheen,
When I was one-and-twenty, May,
And you were seventeen.
The spring was in our hearts, May,
And all its hopes were ours,
And we were children in the fields,
Among the opening flowers.
Aye! Life was like a Summer day
Amid the woodlandi7green,
For I was one-and-twenty, May,
And you were seventeen.
- Though - gently changing Time, May,
Has touched you in his flight ;
Your voice has still-the old sweet tone
Your eve the-0l • • • •••11 •
And years can ne:•er, never change
The heart you gave, I ween,
When I was one-and-twenty, May,
,yonwere seventeen.-.--.
Drops of Spr a y.
Wishes never made tools.
Proverbs are pickled truths.
Nature is ever true to herself.
After-darkness-cometh-light. -
A slight debt makes a debtor.'
avoid the danger of idleness.
It is the lot of humanity to err.
Rats will desert a sinking ship..
A cat in gloves catches no mice.
An empty stomach has uo cars.
Birds of feather flock together.
Liberality never ruined anybody.
Crooked logs make straight fires.
Rirehes rarely bring contentment.
Let every dog shake his own paw.
The liberal soul shall be made fat.
A competence is all we can enjoy.
Eagles do not bring forth pigeons.
A hungry man calls the cook lazy.
After every tempest comes a calm.
Next to no wife a good wife is best.
It is a long road that has no turn.
Necessity is the mother of invention..
Keep working if you would keep rising.
A man when angry, is beside himself.
Cowardly dogs bark the most loudly.
As you have sown, so shall you reap.
A personal action dies with the person.
Wisdom is better than weapons of war.
Go backward in order to leap the bet
Resist the devil and he will flee from
Envy is more irreconcilable than hatred.
Self preservation is the first law of-na
He who would be free must strike the
He that ehagtiseth one,amendeth many.
People will go their own way up loge's
To lose a friend is the greatest of all
An act done against man's will is not
his act.
It is better to have a great soul than a
great fist. •
A grain of prudence is worth a lb. of
The house of the 'Wicked shall be over
It is fair to derive instruction even from
an enemy.
Let hitn that is without sia, cast the
first stone.
Everything in nature tends to the good
of mankind.
If you sow the wind you will reap the
whirl mud.
If 'you would prosper, encourage your
Louie paper. '
After a bad crop you should instantly
bagin• to sow. ' ,• '
Honor Ole peace can only come from
successful war.
To have the best wife, you must have
the heat - husband. ' -
Do not let your honest convictions be
laughed down.
conquers. twice who restraineth him
self in victory.
It.proves a squeamish stomach to taste
of thany,things.,
There is a greater desire to live long
than to live well.
Do not live for your own ceinfort and
enjoyment alone. • -
Regulate your expenditeres according
to your...resources.
-Liberality distinguishes itself in the
manner. of .giving. .. , ,
Did you ever See one young lady in a
company try to do all the talking? I have
seen this, and I must say.that I did not
admire the lady very much. You have
perhaps witnessed the same thing in some.
body's parlor, and perhaps you were well
pleased with the lady and considered her
an excellent talker, and a ver4agreeable
person. lam not a good conversasional
ist—l cannot Calk easily and fluently—
but I do not condemn good talkers on
that account. But haven't vo l u seen talk
ers - who tried to attract all the attention?
Haven't you seen ladies who wanted to be
"queens of the evening," and make all
other ladies sink into significance? lam
sure I have, and I have thought that the
young lady talkers might have been en
gaged in a more laudable kind of way.
A young lady who does all the talking
and endeavors to attract the attention of
the young men, almost invariably suc
ceeds for a short time. But some young
men are sensible—and I rejoice greatly
thereat—and they cannotaiways beguiled
and beguiled into matrimony by a fluent
I was talking to one of my gentleman
-friends—on-this matter r alew-days ago.—
Said I:
'You like smart people. Why don't
you make yourself agreeable to Miss So-
uw =so 'er apryvtutrot wor - er.
"Oh." said he, couldn't think of vit
—I don't want to win her. She is 'all talk
and no cider.'" _
Now; gentlemen and ladies, just here
'sk V--
let me ask you to forgive me tor using
the above slang phrase. My friend used
it, and I was obliged to use it, too, if I re
ported him correctly. Don't scold, and
probably I will write a little sermon some
Clay on "Slang Phrases."
My friend is a sensible man, and can see
-as-far-into-a-brick-wall as-any-other-per--
son. He could see that Miss So-and-so,
was more of a; talker than a worker '
he didn't want to marry that sort of per
son. 'He said it was all very well-to-be-a
talker, very attractive, and to cut a figure
generally, but after marriage romance is
dropped, and we come down to stern real
My friend is a poor man and be wants
a wife that can keep a house, cook a din
ner, and wash dishes. Wouldn't a man
think "the times were sadly out of joint"
if he should come in for his dinner some
day, and his wife should sit down and give 1 ,
him fifteen minutes' graceful, easy silvery
talk, instead of bread, coffee,, meat and po
tatoes? As Thompson says,
"Talk would
n't fill up." The husband would relish
the dish on an occasion of that kind; and
with a frown on his brow he would prob
ably retire to a restaurant, where some
thing more substantial cotild be obtained.
eow any young man can go and mar
ry a talker if he wants to—one who en
deavors to do all the talking and attract
all the attention—but it he gets into trou
ble, and finds that the house is not kept
in order, the dinner not cooked, aud the
cobwebs left swinging, he cannot - say that
he did not receive a word of warning.
Life's Bright Phase.
Life's Bright Phase is here represented
as au ideal being: This being vivifics
all under her.influenee by the sunshine of
her nature, radiating from the inner re- -
cesses of her soul, which bask continually
in the rays of Divine love, depending for
endurance on the goodness of its Creator.
In city, town and obscure hamlet, she dis
pels the gloom, substituting joy and light.
She visits the home-circle, and sunbeams
play around the innocent faces of child
ren, and the visages of parents, often
wrinkled with care. When she appears
a transformation is accomplished ; hearts
beat freer ; while all wonder why they'do
not always look upon life's bright side,
never wasting time and energy in needless
apprehensions. She visits the business
man ; hope gladdens every heart, and
prosperity is obtained on account of re
newed energetic exertions. 'The schools,
seminaries, and universities of the world
are electrified by her presence ; under her
inspiration, minds otherwise slow of com
prehension grasp with ease dfficult prob
lems and : complicated theories. Intelli
goat.° beams in, yonthful eyes, and the
brilliant visitant is greeted with loud
cheers by every student. They learn
from her patience, economy of resources
and. virtue; while her image and charac
ter are impressed unconsciously upon the
pure, untarnished pages of their intel
lect. She floats before the vision of the
artist, the musician, and the writer. Her
enlivening and beautifying characteristics
are interwoven in their varied composi
tions. and creations, to be reflected thence
upon thousands of other minds. She bends
over the festival prepared by the hand of
Charity fOr the orphans and the usually
neglected ones of earth. Callous visages
relax their painful
,expressions as the
lightof joy quietly glides among wrinkles
and speaks from sunken eyes. The bur
den of trouble seems to .fall temporarily,
as by magic, from the afflicted, while.long
forgotten youth reappears in beat and ag
ed humanity.
ORIGIN OF HYDINS.—The following tra
ditions are full of interest. ' Herber wrote
his missionary hymn, "From preetiland's
icy. mountains,"on a Saturday night after
he had retire to his chamber.. ft was
sung the next morning at- Hodnet to a
popular sailor air, known as "'Twos when
the sea was roaring." Watts complained
to-his father that lhe psalmody df: the
church ices not good,. • "Make , it better,
my .son," . was the reply. The next Meru
ing the young wan . produced. "Behold:the
glories, of the, Iranih." Kirke
"When marihol4 on the nightly. plain" !
-was coMposed 'when • rowing,: from 'head
land to headland on a dark and stormy,
night. ' .; • .
Tfie leayeA 'wefujling • •
A Significant Catechistn-.-
Who built all our cities, or villages,
envy bamler - and cottage' in the land'?
Mechanics. _ • r ,
Who built every ship, steamer, vessel
and water craft that floats on every ocean
and plows on the surface of every ri ter ?
Who printed every Bible, hymn book
and newspaper printed, and bound every
printed volume on the face of , the globe?
Wlio construct all the factories and
work shops on the earth, and Who runs
them ? Mechanics.
Who construct all our lines of rail
roads, their locmotives and cars, the Pull
man cars? Mechanices. •
Who make every instrument of music
from the organ down to the jewsharp ?
Who make all agricultnral implements
for cultivating the soil, and all nautical La
struments for navigation of the ocean ?
Who makes all them magnificent furni
ture that ornament the mansions of - the
rich—carpets, mantle ornaments, silver
and china table service ? Mechanics
= —Wbo-matte-all-the—jewelry—thafradorn'
the persons of the ladies ? Mechanics.
What would the civilized world be with
out mechanics ? A. bowfi)? wilderness,
- an - rimer a — - ar aran.
We never think of this brave class of
men, and theirgreat work, without arknse
of profouud gratitudapervading-onr-vilhole
nature. We honor and revere them for_
is told of Gov. Chittenden, who was one
of the early Governors of Vermont. He
was quite an extensive farmer, and in
those days to be a Governor did not great
-ly-interfere-with the incumbent's-ordinary
vecation. __He had two. sons. One of
them was a boy of bright intellect, and the
other decidedly dull. The old gentleman
- thought that Nu tu re - Intd - don - e - en - ou
the youngest, and that he would make his
way in the world without more than a
common school education,but that the eld
est one would need• all the aid of a liberal
education to make up the natural defici
ency, and he was accordingly sent to
college, while his brother was kept on the
farm. It happened one spring that a
mong the fruit of the Grover' or's was a
very stupid calf. . It would not suck or
d rink, and no amount of eller t on the part
of the farmer, son, or "hired man." could
induce him to take his sustenance. Af
ter repeated trials, - the good man's pati
ence give out, and he said to his son :
"Freeman, what on earth shall we do
with this stupid lbol ?"
"I don't know father," was the ready
response, "unless we send him to college
with Martin."
A revenge befitting noble minds was
lately accomplished near Pequod, Califor
nia, by two forlorn vagrants who had been
'put off a western bound- freight train for
attempting to steal a ride. The luckless
fellows were wearily tramping their way
along the road-bed when there occurred a
`cloud-burst,' Which swept through the em
bankment of the track at a certain point,
and left the rails to give way at the first
pressure. Tired and indignant as the Pen
niless wayfarers were, they forthwith re
traced their steps as rapidly as possible,
and, by flagging an approaching passen
mit train, averted what must otherwise
have caused fearful loss of life. The con
ductor of the rescued train displayed com
mendable alacrity in giving the men free
passes to the end of his route.
A LIVE LANTERN`.—You think, per
haps, that there is no suck thing. Look at
the little.glow.worms and sparkling fire
flies. Doesn't: each one of them carry a
bout with hint a tiny lantern to light his
But thatis not nil.
In the West Indies, and some other hot
countries, as I've been told, there are• dis
tant relations of our glow-worms and fire
flies that carry much larger sparks: These
insects give so Much light that they are
caught by the natives, and sometimes a
dozen at a time are put into agourd pier
ced with many holes, each too small for
the insects to escape through. The open
ing by which they are put into the gourd
is then stopped up, and the live lantern is
ready to be carried about on - dark .nights,
as you sometimes carry a glass one., Avery
convenient lantern the insects - make, for
the flame never bums anything, and never
goes out.
By the way, -I wonder whether the flame
can be of the same sort with 'that • that
burns on the ocean? The flame with- the
long' name—the phos-something,
told you about last. month? .
I, shouldn't wonder if it were ' Whtl
will fiud out?---St. Nicludas for Septeither.
Every condition in
_life has i
tages and its peculiar source of happiness.
It is not the houSes and the Streets which
make the city, but - those who frequent
them ; it is not the fields which make the
country, but those who cultivate them- 7
He is wisest who best utilizes his circum
stances, or, to translate it, his ,Surround
ings ; and happiness, if we deserve it will
.find us wherever oar lot may be'cast.
A Certain 'amount of opposition is a
great help to rise-against
'the wincliaud not with the-Wind f even a
head wind is better • than none. , No man
ever worked his passage in a dead calm.
Let no man wax pale, therefore, betiliuse•
of opposition ; opposition iii bathe' wan ts:
and- must have; tote good ftir- linythiug:
Hardship is the native: soil, of manhood
and sell-reliance.-
:In the' hour of.proverity'forgetita Ebs
lesson of adve.,r,s4y.
$2,00 PER YEAR
VI it au it 11 n Aro r
Maine hu.
Wife that she c.
she saw the jok
'Au ingenious
minds, Ids patr. I
,tise With
Susan Liberty, f a Crosse,' has 644
teen lovers, au clit of them exclaims
Give me Liberty or • 's me death !' And j
she's a red headed girl at that.
They say that the fellow Who ecinmitted
suicide in the New 'York Tdoms the other
,day could speak sis dead, languages. lie
ought to make a sociable corpse.
Varden ' " "Grecian tend," 'Kan= andgaroo Limp," ad other oddities and ec
centricities of thshion have departed and
are being superseded by the "Straighten:
ing-up-Mary-Janeend show your breast ,
pin attitude. The girls are delighted
with it.
"I don't believe it rained forty dayS and
forty-pights,---" gaid_Un-unbel iaving-boy—to—
his mother, "and that story about Noah
and his ark, bow could Noah bring all the
animals and birds from the four quarters,
=the-earthi-and-not - a - riai
boat iu the whole ,world."
to. his mother•when she naked him to'go -
ittt - aod get - the-kercrsene-eau tilled, “if—
you think_ they havn't crammed enough
Science of Government into me to teach
me that this is a land where the free
merican heart cannot tolerate despotism
in any form, why you're laboring under.
a baleful error. That's t'ie kind of hair
pin -I am."
An Irish girl, on applying for a situa
tion, was asked by the lady if she was
used to early rising. `Arrah,' exclaimed
13iddy, Wants-?—Faitl
alWays gets up, an' has the breakfast
ready, an' ivery bed in the house made,
before there's a sowl in the b3use awake.
An' is that airly enough for you ?'
A Mississippi boatman, with immense
feet, stopping at a public house on the
levee, asked the porter for a bootjack to
pull Allis boots. The colored gentleman,
after examining. the stranger's feet, broke
out as follows : 'No jack here big 'null
for dem feets. Jackass couldn't pull 'em
off, massa, widout fraktring the leg. 7—
Yuse better go hack about tree miles to
de forks in de road an' pull 'em off dare.
There is a story of a Welshman who ex=
hibited a gen ealological chart thirty yards
in length, with a reference figure half way
down, and at the bottom a note as follows:
"N. B About this, time the world was
created." But twolrishmen beat this on
pedigree.. "My ancestor," said one, "was
an invited guest with Noah in the Ark:"
"Away. with yer ark," rejoined his brother
Hibernian. "I'd hey ye to unersthand that
me father had a bozo of his own." . •
An exchang says 'Old Skinflint, with
a speckled hen,. was down to O'Brien'S
show- last Thursday, and hitched his' team
to a fence in the rear of this office.
Pulling an old ten-pounds salt sack from
under"the seat, he proceeded to feed the
horses. What on earth the - hen was fi r.
we could not imagine, until just be
fore hitching un to return, he tied onsd
end of the string attached to the hen's leg
to the hind wheel of the wogon, and the
mystery ,was solved—he had brought
long, the hen to pick up the oats left by
the horses, that nothing might be lost.
A Scotch peddler, without the remotest
intuition on his part of getting into a quar
rel or fight with any man, had pot up
(with his pack) fur the night, at a coi.ntry
ale-house bordering on Waleaorhercoas
the fates have it, ho found a - motley as
semblage in the kitchen of thc.iii, of not
the most dexi rahle individnals; - and among
the rest, a Welshman, whose aim, from
the very first, k seemed to be to .get into
hot water - with poor Sawncy. The lal ter,
sagaciottsly 'appreciating the true pharac- .
ter of his -tormentor, and determined to
get rid of him in the quietest way possi
ble, told him_ that he 'did -not :want to
`This only excited to a Still higher pitch
the bravado of the' Welshman, and ho
told the Stiotehman that he' would Make
him fight." Well,' says Sammy, tist
fight, let prayers before,' fight
which the Welshman conceding, the oilier
fell upon bis'haeei,
to pardon kith fur the - Ewa. "men he had
already tilled. and• for- the oue4bcft was
• boot to die.' .rhe Scotch all slowly yore
from.his knees, bat not before-the WeIA T
man bad made a precipitate retreat from
the room.
The accumulation of. money as an in,
heritance lir children is often worse . thau
nothing in their hands.
. , .._,
An -attorney
,about to finish a bill of
mists was regtited by his elient,a bitkor,
to make it light as possible. " -
P.M)," replied the, lawyer, that'snotlthe,
way.l bak.e,nty breack" . ' . , ',. •_,
A facetious 'young . American lady 'trick:
edit remarks. that tho. , renscri the peculiar
eq a triages seen nt swa terin hairs are ;:iii-
ed, that papplifo,.. arysrsr,r4 , : ride
in them. .
- - - _ ,
Why- Is a man who, objei'nf - to hittalbt
second - mMiiage3ike - atf exhaustoi
()Eflfstriku?, Because Wen Let "go" step
father. • • .1- • • ,
Apollo mt st hav, hadtti epnt tJ m fqi;
veraci,t,y-T-he 6,a1
lyre' ";
•%. '.a11;41", ;
..wanted . to bet Jai
41# - it'paiitheibut
re deed to try.
'can journalist re ,
t the word `advexy ,
Ise? '-'""