,;SMALL PROPER'T'Y -AT PUB.LIO"-SA --- LE - . 1171 HE subscriber will offer at pnblic sale, a on THURSDAY. tile Ist-day .of OCTO rDER next, a' desirable Small farm, situated .one.half mile Northeast of Quincy, in Quin cy township, Franklin county, Pa., (former ly owned by Nev..ribrin, Goliey, containing .FIjR.TY-TIVO ACRES, -mere , or less, well improved land, all of which bas been limed. The improvements -consist ntwo-story DWELL I — N-G - -HOUSE, - Dank Darn,'Dirn Crib, Granary and Hog .Pen under one• roof, and other necessary ma-buildings, in geod:repair. There is also a.never-failing well of good water between _the barn and - home, . and two yeting Or -chards of choice fruit trees, besides peach fa, pears, pluths and grapes, that cannot be ..well surpassed. The Tract is well laid off :and nearly all tinder good - fencing. Sale to cotnmenee. at 1 o'clock on said -day when the terms will be made known ebv ISAAC UTZ. sep 10 is : G. V. Mong. acct. `EETH ! TEETH. !! TEETH ! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! _BEAUTY! - BEAUTY! BEAUTY! _BEAUTY ! BEAUTY. ! BEAUTY ! Nothing contribnta• more to beauty of the featUres than a PElt- FEW', CLEAN 'SET OF TEETI-I.viiiile a neglected. idthy,diseased mouth I itigl11:418 eVeirrelfrir • or. :inch things are noticed now - days mach more thawformerly; and good tooth and a sweet breath are . • considered indispen- vible to every LADY AND GENTLEMAN. BEWARE of all preparations which are highly recommended for WHITENING the nn Reid which des .strovs the ENAMEL. Dr. Forrest, keeps con stantly on hand of his ' own Preparation a sn perior TUOTII POW DEll,which keeps the • .Tceth.ab.solutely clean, leaving the color of • the Enamel just as na . tore maile it: the convenience of my }ma trons, I have adopted time patent TOOTII PAWDEIt BOTTLE, so convtructed as to distribute the powder nicely on the BRUSI I, and can be carried when traveling and several may use from time same bottle with propriety. Having bad an ex perience-of-over-seven-y.xtrs-in the nu,n ifitcturo and a . dinin istrat ion of Ni trous Oxide Gass, I am prepared at all times to-administer _this popular _Anaesthetic. either to children or adults for the extrac tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas ant effects. Insertion, Filing and Fillingof Teeth carefully executed. (Mice next door to Bishop's Art 'Gallery, :Min St., Cham ben-burg, Pa. 11. FOIZIM-T, D. D. S. N B.—Teeth that have become discolor-' ed, I am prepared to bleach and restore to their natural color. Prices very modera, e. may2l ly nEdel.rtivEr's FLUID EXTRACT 33 17 0 13 73 is the only kno•vn remedy for BRIGHT'S DISEASE, and a positive remedy for Gout, Gravel, Stri• tnres, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, Dropsy, Female Complaints, Non-Retention or Ineonstinenee of brine, Iritation, Inllamn►ation,or Weer.ition of the BLADDER AND KIDNEYS, Spermatorrhoea, Leneerrhoea or "Whites, irregular or Painful Menses, Bearing I), n, Clilorosis, Sterility and all complaints inci dent to females. ZEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU for. store in the Bladder, Calc•utu4 Gravel or iekdr,st Deposit and ilueus or Milky Dis eharges,and diseases of the Prostrate tiland. KEAItNEY'S EXT. nucuu cures diseases arising from imprudences, habits of dissipation. etc., in all their stagns, at little expense, little or no change in diet tpCineonvenienee,and no exposure . It caus es a frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing .01A - ructions, preventing and curing Strictures or the U retha, allaying pain and intimation, and expelling all poisonous matter. Used by persons in the decline or change of life; after confinement or labor pains, etc. I"ref Steele says: 'One bottle of Kearney's Extract Buchn is worth more than all other Duchus combined.' KEARNEY'S, BITCH TT permanently cures all allections of the blad der, kidneys, and dropsical swellings exist ing in men, women and children, no mat ter what the age. Ask for Take no other. Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles for Pi ve Dull a. DEPOT, 104 DUANE STREET, N. Y. A physician in attendance to answer cor respondence and give advice gratis. Send stamp for pamphlets free. For Scde by Druggists everywhere Avoid Quacks& Imposters. No Charge for Advice or Consultation. Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, author of wend valuable works, can be consulted on all diseases of the Sexual ortri nary Organs ( which he has made an especial study)eit 11- ,er in male or female, no matter from what cause otiginating, or how long standing. A practice of 30 years enables him to treat di seases with success. Cures guaranteed.— , Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and en ,closing stamp to prepay postage. Send tin Guide to Health. Price 10 eta. J. B. DYOTT, M. I)., Physician & Surgeon, MI Duane street, New York. augl 3 1y JOHN H. COOK'S ;STEAM CRA.CEER FACTORY JIAGERSTOWN, MD Manufactures every variety of ,CRACIEERS, .ONA.PS, &C., manufactured front FRESH GROUND FLOUR. My stock isalways new and fresh. Tourer Respectfully, JOHN 11. COOK july3otf Administrator's Notice. WH EREAS letters of A thninist , ..ation on the Estate of John A. Streaky, late of Wavnesboro' t Pa., deed, have been granted to the mulers.gned. all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi *Me paNlnent, and those h tying claims will nrtke known the same without delay. aug27 flt T. J. FILBERT, Ailm'r. WATER Crackers, ginger snaps, anil fancy crackers at lirocery Main St., "tVa,ynesboro'; Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEM ICA-LSi—PiTEINT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES, _DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, TOBACCO AND SEGAL'S, . e. erg thhig gen - erally kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE' Compounding and dispensing department under PERSONAL DIRECTION. An - experiente - ofTiver - 2Crynarsiis — Alnth ecary is a guarantee that all PRESeRIPTIONS entrusted to his care will he They contain CAREFULLY FILLED and according to the rules of art compound ed. COLD, SPARKLING- SODA WATER on draft during the summer months. june23 tf GOOIkS 7Wrilll HAIL 079111 J UST opened at the Town Hall Store a - full - lhie of the - late styles of for 'Alen and Boys, SHOES AND GAITERS BOOTS AND GAITERS, A large lot of and Children's Shoes, Gaiters all kinds, a full and complete bti)ck of LINEN ANT) PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK BOWS, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Ite-The public are respectfully uvitod to call and examine my stock betlnv pur chasing elsewhere, as no charge 1%1 be made for showing goods. Your 'Respectfully, apr 164 f M. 11. JACOBS, lIIRTEPt'S PERIODICALS FOR Harper's Wagazine. There is no monthly Magazine an intelli gent reading tinnily can afford to be with out. Many Magazines are acctsmulated.— Harper's is edited. There is not a Maga zine that is printed which shows more in telligent pains expended on itsaiticles and mechanical execution. There is not a chea per Magazine published. There is not, con fessedly, a more popular Magazine in the world.—New England Homestead. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $l.OO Per Year. Harper's Wenkly. JOUIt.•AL OF CIVILIZATION. • The best publication of its class in Amer ica, and so far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest. collections of reading-matter that are printed. * * Its illustrations are numerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief artists of the eon nt ry.—Boston Traveler'. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $l.OO Per Year. Harper's Bazar. A REPOSITORY OF FASHION, &C. It is really the only illustrated chronicler of fashion in the country. Its supplements alone are worth the price of the paper.— While fully maintaining its position as a mirror of fashion, it also contains stories, poems, brilliant essays, besides general and personal gossip.—Boston tiaterday Evening Gazette. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year. .For further particulars, &c., Address HARPER R BROTHE.iS, New York. jan 2.2—tf B. T. 13.11.-E3323ITT'S Pure Concentrated. Potash :OR LYE, Of double the Strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. I have recently perfected a new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls, the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the soap. It is packed in boxes containing 24 and 48 one lb. Palls, and in no other way. Directions in English and German for making hard and soft snap with this Potash accompanying each package. lt. T. BABBITT, junelB lOw 64 to 84 Washington St., N.Y. AT THE II- .A. '0 ..S, a full line of Men and Boy's heavy Men's Custom Made (HEISER'S MAKE.) 'Alisses Button & lAtee and Slippers of lei 7 .a . NEW AD RTISEMENTS. DAUCUY & CO S. COLUMN' amnia: W. H Evans et C 0.,, Hart's Falls, N. Y. IMMENSE SUCCESS—F,TPTIP. MORE LII AGEN.IOI9 wanted for our •Tives of tho Governors of Pennsylvania," 29 full page portraits.. Fyn, Ciontphte, Authentic.— fleet the Loot: for the t i,nea. Send for circulars Address T. LI. DAVIS & -CO., Publish ers, Nowich i .-Cone. . sepl7,4w POSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSIBLI; • • ---$2O--- . L IWY A. FIRST MORTGAGE PREMIUM BOND N. Y. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION COMPANY authorized by the Legistatu re of the rititte of N. Y. 2d Serie •Drawing. OCTOBER 5,1874. EVERY BOND rokrebased previous to October-sth will par ticipate: Address for tond's and full ptr tieulars, MORGANTHA.U, BRUNO CO., Pi 'uncial Agents, 23 Park Row, N. Y. P. 0. DRAWER 2U. Applications for Agencies received. sep 17 4w The Great Populuity of C AMPHOA' as a Family Medicine, is the reward of gen uine merit. Those who use it once, hover wiil be without it. Try it. Price, er bottle, 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. • R. Hoyt, Pro prietor, New York. HAVE YOU TRIED LT IT R 0 "LT 33 Mi 3E3 A? Are you Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated ? Are you so languid that any exertion re quires more of an effort than you feel capa ble of making? Then try .Jurubeba, the wonderful - tonic and invigorator, which acts so beneficially - on - the secr - ett`W - organs as to impart vigor to all the vital forces:- It is no alcoholic appetizer, which stimu lates for a shert time, only to let the•suffer er fall to a lower depth of mir-ery, but it is a vegetable tonic acting directly on the liv er and spleen. It regulates the bowels, quiets the nerves and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to soon make the invalid feel like a new person. Its operation is not violent, but is charac terized by great gentlenes ; the patient ex periences no sudden change, no marked re sults, but gradually his troubles "Fold their tents, like the Arabs A - nd silen y s ea away. This is no new and untried discovery,but has been long used with wonderful reme dial results, and is pronounced by the high est medial authorities, "the most powerful tome and alterrtive known." ak your druggist for it. For sale by Johnston, Holloway & Co., Philadelphia. prOURING PEOPLE----Male or Female, V employment at home, $3O per week warranted, no capital required. Particular:, and valuable samples free. kddeess with (; vent return stamp, e. Russ, - Williamsburg, N.Y.____ BOIDSYCHOMANCY, orSOULCIIAPII -ING."—ILow either rex - may fiteinate and gain the love and affections of any per 'ion they choose iratantly. This simple, mental acquirement all can possess, free.by fir _toe, together with a marriage gi.i le E ,, ‘'ptian Oracle, Dreams, Iliuts to Lrdies, edding-Night Shirt (&e. A queer uook. Address T. WILMA:VI Co. Pubs. Phila. • sepl74t COUGHS, COLDS, 110ATZST.;:NESS, AND ALL THIZOAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS, .12111: UL' ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A Tried and Sure Remedy. Sold by Drnigists. tel 4t P6I,I7TECHNI-C—COLLEGE or THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA, Market St. above 17th St. Philadelphia Twenty-first year begins Sep. 15. Thorough professional training in Mine Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering A nalitical and Industrial Chenditry, Met allurgy and Architecture. The Diploma of the College i 3 received its conclusive evidence of proficiency by the first Engineers and companies engaged in works of improvement. Address • Alfred L. Kennedy, 3f. D., Pies. of Facility. sepli 4t a"0 1 S T Pi' OVT IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP AND PRETTY GOODS -AT PAM a. 1 112 f LIU/ I=l (VTR second Supply of SIMMER GOODS It 'offers rare inducements to purchasers both in quality and prices. French Mrislins, 'Victoria and Organdy Lawns. Poplins, Grass Cloths, and all the other leading DRESS GOODS of the season - in full supply. All the flivorite brands of BLACK ALPACAS AT SPECIAL Figures. Ladies and Gents FURNISHING GOODS, of every description. Notions in all the lat est novelties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of English and :me rican manufacture, LADIES' SHOES AND GAITERS very cheap. GROCERIES, QUEENSTVAR - E;,: . CA CIVETS & OIL CLOTUAL Our stock was never more complete, nor prices more satisfactory. • june4 tf PRICE & HOEFLICEI. Assignee's Ne(ices XTOTICI?, ii hereby given That the ender /. 11 signed has been appointed Assignee of Noah Snyder and IVafe; - of- Waynesboro', Pa. under a deed of voluntary assignment, for the benefit of creditorr, All persons in debted to said Snyder are reque,sted• to make immediate payment, and those }cav ing claims present them to the undersign ed. T. J. FI LBERT; svg27 (It • Assignee. BARGAIN T BARGAIN T V kLUABLE BOOKS FOR SALE I WE of11;r for side at • a reasonable price the following newly and handsomely bound boohs • 3 Vol.-"HEARTII AND HOME." 1 " "11 llt PER'S WEEKLY." 1 " 'AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST.' They eontain the best of reading and rank among the leading literary journals of the day. Persons wishing to look at books or learn prices, will please call at the july4 tf Ij CUILD OFFICE, DR. D. W. ZIWIES,. IlYStattiNl ttiBiGEONI I MARTPSSBURG, IV. VA. • Consulting Office, No. 32 West King St., a few doors from the Court - House. Observe the-sign on the' side 'of the door. Office hours from 10 A. m. to 12 At., and from 2 to to 4 P, if., and 6 to 8 in evening. The Doctor's lone and successful practice --at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five years at Martinsburg:, W. Va. ' and - nearly fonr years at the bedside in the different Hospit als of the large cities enables him to give full satisliiction 'to the afflicted, without the Us' , of that deadly poison Mercury, ant, oth poWerful Minerals that annually send thousands to a premature grave. All Nervous Diseases speedily cured. Let the weak and nervous bear in mind that when they have symptoms indicating ma ny other diseases, it originates principally from the nerveg. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. This dreadful scourge of suffering human ity, brought on from unnatural habits of youth, or learned from evil companions at school or while alone. Both sexes, old and young, are guilty of it, and it is hastening thousands to that bourne from I • - traTe - ler re urns. or all such Jones has discovered a never-failing treatment that will soon bring about new life and ful ly•restore enfeebled manbood. SYPHILIS. This, ilisease strikes with terror to the boldest heart, where ft is soon discovered in the roof of flue mouth and throat, with discoloring blotches over the head and bo dy, fast betraying the unhappy victim,denth ending the suffering. Make an early application, and be cured without any change of diet or hindrance from business or detection of friends. GRAVEL CURED Without the dangerous medium of an oper ation. FEMALE COMPLAINTS -of every_forin-speedily-cured. Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder, -and-all-kinds-of-Chronic-/ nseasesT-no-mat ter how long standing, speedily restored. Dr. Jones can be consulted by letter de scribing symptoms, age,and how long stand ing. All letters strictly confidential. The completion of the Cumberland Val ley Railroad to Martinsburg will make it convenient for patients from Maryland and Pennsylvania to call and - consult with the Doctor. Dr. Jones will not visit patients except whore they are not able to consult him at his office. His fhmily Pracii , ;e at Martins burg is sufficient evidence of his success.— must - be ad fessed to D. W. JONES, M.D., may2l ly Martinsburg, W. Va. _NzEillAr_f3 0 K • BOOTS AND SEES A SPECIALITY I PRICES LOW 1 GOODS UNSURPASSED IN QUAL ITY. murf,En BROS., I'. O.linilcling, Waynes boro', Pa., would respectfully call the attention of. t_.e public to the line stock of BOOTS, SI-10 - ES ez GAITERS o. all the various styles for men- and boys la lies, misses and children, which they sel 3'o 3a. ES IgE at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. They also have on hand a lot of Boots,and Shoes of their own manufacture in which they offer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. • Boots and Shoes made to order from FIRST-CLASS 'MATERIAL and warranted to give satisfaction. Repair- • ing neatly done. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. apr f 1874• 187.4. NEIY STOCK OF BOOTS IND SHOES HIKES, MI AHD tiIIFIANIS t J ACOB SNIDER, announces to his ett,td mers and the public that he has return ed from the East and opened out an,unusu ally large stock of 1360T,S AND 6110 ES, IIATS, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, for the spring and.sununer trade, at Oellig Building, corner public Square, Waynesbo- LADIES' ROOM. Tie hag opened an additional-room in the same building exclusiVely for the ladies.— To this department of the business particu lar attention will be given. His stock con sists of MEN' S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND ..CHILDRENS WEfl OF ALL KINDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOW EST rOSSIBLB PRICES 'TOR THE CASH. Also manufacturing done to order, and all work from his establishment will be guaranteed -. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. api 16-tf TCtiortil, OATS AND RYE. g `HE subscriber 'will meet persons every Saturday at Stover & Wolit's Store in Waynesboro' for the purchase of grain, where they are requested to bring slunples. Pay CASII on delivery. may 7 tr 0 W. GOOD. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. PIM undersigned having been appointed II by the Orphans' Court of Franklin co., Pa. to audit and destribute the balapee in the hands of Charles West and Alex. Hain iltret, Assignees of Geo. Laekens, will meet parties interested at his office in Waynes boro', on the 25th of September next. ang27 3t 11. M. 6IBBET, Auditor. i ni ; rt . ,...- ~,,.,., 7 . -4c : 1 4 , 1 il _., . .......krr.:a. A s. a .AV-I.L__.. A vi , _ .1. ? V.;:j1; O ri___ ~.;,:--P4l ,11111.11' ! • It: , 4 = . l c, „.,,, , A , ... 7....,,,.1:1_, f'0•1 II I ' Mt, ( 4 1 1.-...4.c. , . 4 17'• 1 y"TFqliit 4 ,a,,,4-•.,..-. , - --.v. , :' 1% - fi - - t- r ) '` „ - -;,,,,ti i= - t-4.' , -t \ oil ympi t 4 , 1 1-1 , --,z,# , s t. - , lir. ) "..-4 4 ,-4•44.-..-,-,0-;,7i,t Fly, .72 , F.4 , - e7 ~, ~:sizA.,.-•--_-_-...fier;.111 ~ -..tiu1t.., - - 4 .1-f:-, f• 1 - it ,,,,. , 7-- - .7..,, , ,,,5 - V I re. , , AT.:sffiy ~: Z:F:&•, ,, .,- ,t 41 r 1 4 ';' : I 1' , Lka---Tzit , ftg.ol,, .hg.tr , ...-_-:,...; : ,-.! c f L, v . : 4 , ,, ,, 4 4,1 •.1 _ . 1 VA IV WHEN YOU ANT A COOK STOVE,. DINING B00:11 COO r,VILLOR COAL STOVE, . FIR E-PL ACE II EATER, POR TABLE BEATER, BRICK SET DEATER, NINE PLATE; STOVE THE V ERY BEST AND LATEST IMPROVED of all kinds, we have on our Ilaor and war ranted to give satisfaction, We have also Tinware, Hardware, Brassware, Japannedware, Tubs—Wickets - Knives and Forks—Bnteher--- lnives, Spoons, Ladles, tin, 'brass and copper, Extra Iron Pots for cook stoves, Tin-lined Iron Pots, PORCELAIN KETTLES, LARGE IBON-KETTLES h ... B-P,,i,SS-KET—YL We have also for sale CIIONK'S PAT. STEAM COOKING APPARATUS, AIILLER & lIZON'S P.T. FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH ER, - PUTNAN'S PAl'. CLOTHES WRINGER, TAY Lt CO'S. CUCUMBER WOOL , PUMP. EE" Special attention given to the man ulheture of outainware, house aril Barn Spouting and Tin Roofing, always seeming the best mpterial in the market, and always warrent to give satifaction.. Thankful fur past favors from the Public, we hope for a continuance of the mine by dealing justly with all. D. - 8 RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the Big It: cl Llorn apr 23-tf 1111, JACOB FAIIIINEY'S ra l an7 Onir-AA P. , _i., ,-)_; ,&_,e. -0- T"Eproprietor of this medicine is a grad uate of Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia of 1838; since then he has made chronic diseases hi's special study— has had good success in the treatment of such' diseases, which has induced him to put ont this medicine before the public.— A medicins which ought to be in every fam ily in the land. Those who have used it speak of its great merit. Is composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the Materia MNlica, and compounded with great care by the proprietor, under his own supervision and made in a scientific manner. The DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a short time it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE Acts on the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys Good for the following diseases, such as Liver Complaint, Scrofula, Sick• Headache, Constipation, and Chronic Diseases generally; very good for children in small doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your friends. Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TERS which have stood the test fur a num ber of years. Good for Indigestion, Low ness of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Foul. Stomach, Cramp, Colic, &c. Try it. Prepared only by JACOB FAIIRNEY, M. D., Office and Residence, 1337 Brandywine Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, Waynesbo, ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Pa., J. S. Nix on Clnunt)ersbnrg, Pa. map2S-I y NOTICE! TY' E the subscribers notify persons from Fishing, Hunting, and otherwise tres passing on our enclosed lands. Persons so offending hereafter will be proceeded a gainst with the utmost rigor of the law. 'C. W. Shoekev, Isaac Shoekey, Daniel Snowlier , rer • E. S. Boer, o J. M. BurnA, • John Burger, :taro nEunk, (leo. :•_lnowberger, John (iehr, Elias Snon berger D. It. Miller, :Jacob E. Miller, D. B. Flesh, Wm. Logue, llenry Carboni), Henry Oilbert, Jacob J. Miller, Andrew S. Stoner, John Wishard, llenr3 Rinehart, W. 11. Potter, Sam. Rinehart, D. C, Shank, I. N. Snivel, Martin Funk, B. F. Funk . 3lichael Kriner, Sanel. Foreman. Simon Mickley, Ilenry Lecher, John Brown, Abrm. Oiler. Iltnry Funk. aug27 nt AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rrIIE Auditor appointed by the Court of Ni C minion Pleas of Franklin County to report distribution of the balance in hands of George J. Balsley, assignee of .Tolut C. Martin, will meet the creditors and all par ties interested for the purposes of his ap pointment, ou Tuesday. September . 22(1,1874, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at his ()MN in Waynes boro', J OS.. lltl UG LAS. sep 3 3t BACK AGAIN. THE subscriber informs the public that ho has again taken up his residence in Wavneshoio' and leased the Basement of the Walkerbuilding in which to curry on the boot and shoe making business. lle will also give prompt attenlion to all kinds of repairing. A. share of the public's pa tronage is respectfully .zolicittid. apr9-tf THOS. BRINGUSN. CELEBRATED BLOOD CLEANSER 011 PAX ACEA 17 4 T ITIT. this rare medicine in your house I' . you can do without purging,hy means of Pills or Powders. -Yon can-do without Salts, Castor OH, Citrate of Magnesta, Senna or Manna, and friC3 on. You want none of these; the BLOOD CLEANSER is a substi toe for the who!e of them., And what is 1 1 corn better,it may be talc .n with safety and fort by the most d 'cat° woman as - well as the robust man. is very palatable, and therefore easil administered to children. It is the only vege able preparation existing which will answer in the place of Calomel. Regulating the action of the Liver, without making you a life-long victim to the use of Mercury or Blue Pills. It will open- the Bowels in a proper and whole: once manner —being composed of so table medicaments. There is nothing like Tahrney's Blood Cleansner, for the cure of all disorders or the Stontaeb, Liver, Bowels; Kidney s an d Bladder. For Nervous Diseases, Headache, CostiveneSs, Indigestion, -Billions Fever, and all derangements of the internal visce ra. ' You have in this medicine a PANACEA for some of the most painful and dangerous of all diseases. . . I!,'/ Livia COMPLAINTS.—The state and quali ty_ of the bile must first be attended to, in order to preserve health. The bile in a vi tiated state, or when not duly secreted, is oftener obstructed in the liver and gall blad der, and becomes a st.nrce of dyspepsia,cen stipation, and nervous complaints, jaun dice, etc. The Panacea being stricty veg -etabe, and containing great anti-billions properties, and great alterative properties also, will act like a most magical medicine in this complaint. Thousands have found relief, and thousands will yet turn to this .medicine, after exhausting theirpurses and patience in search of health. iikhlinvs_of_the_head,tiullness--of-the mind, fcettd breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and-weakness-in-the-stom ach, enlargement of the liver,yehowness of the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a total disrelish for basiness,pleasure, or any kind of employment. FA I I ItN y>B_, PANACEA., if takcn and persevered in for a few days, will remove this whole class of symptoms. The fluids of the body become pure, the mind clear,the stomach strength el ed, the tongue clean,t he appetite int prov- M and the wlmle_siystem so henelitteil disease, , during bad weather,is to s liable to afflict you "An - ounce of Prevention is worth more than a Pound of Cure." The Panacea will not only cure old standing and malignant complaints, but is one of the best preventa tives of such disorders, ever offered to the werld. You can avoid-severe-aittacks-otacute-di— setu.es, such as Typhoid. Billions and t..;pot ied and Intermittent Fevers, by keeping your blood purified. Tlu different degrees of all such diseases depend altogether up on the condition of Uie Nord, for if this vi tal fluid is deranged,you will take a disease much more readily than otherwise,and the suffering will be proportion to the amount, of foreign matter in the blood.. This is so reasonable that we need not here make any illust rat ions. This medicine is highly recommended for all chronic or old standine, compluints,such as Scrofula, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Rheumat ism, &c, Prepared by P. FAIIIINEY'S DR OS. & CO., Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. Sold by F. Fourthom and Burns Am berson, M. 1). Druggists, Waynes.,boro', Pa. june2s tf SPRING ED SIMIEII (MGM, COON & STOICLIZIOUL'3:' HAVE just received a large and well selected stock of Spring aml Summer Goods, which they offer to the Poorle 01 IVaynesboro' and surrounding country. at the lowest c•tsh prices. The stock consists in part of LA'DZES 7r)IIES3 GOOMF.; of the newest and latest styles ; goods of every description for men and boy's sear; Shirting Stripes, . Brown and Bleached Mnhlins, • Sheeting. Tick ings, Linen & Cot ton Table Diapers, Towels LC: Towellng, Rheumatism, Dispepsia, Consumption, Balmorals, Calicoes, Ginghams, Irish Linens, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, • Table Floor Oil Mils. Oil & Paper Window Blinds, • Ladies Lace Points& Sintlls, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for mcn, Women and Children, Linen, Lace & Popper Collars Laces, Edging and Inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, and everything else Hi notion line Boots, Slices and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard ware, Wooden Ware, Qucensware, Glas:,ware, and \VII Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STO.NEHOUSE. oct. 30, 1873 Tetter, -z- aut. r2EI ME (11.-1 lE -El CD T1 -II: undersigned desires to inform the public that he is prep:tied to'farnish BALUSTERS AND Also funibll PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS for Buildings, Estimates of quantities of Material and Prices. `demi Fir price list.— Ternis Ve(lßOliable. G F. june4 tf Waynesboro', Pa. TREES FLOWERS ! IWOULD respectfully inform my old friends and the public generally that I propose to canvass Franklin county during the summer soliciting orders for trees, FRUIT, SHADE Sr, ORNAMENTAL. I represent the firm orATWOOD, ROOT & CO., Geneva, N. Y., who are able to sup ply all the vet y rare and CIIORM STOCK OF TREES; theie is nothing in the market possessing merit, but wh tt we can supply. F.