Vnunenbarot aittercl. Th l -z 2 4 0 =43-e*teneber,•24,l4 r e3t't c.l viers are'lleiicefortir witb;l?ible-..1' 1-y the Afiti3.4v,ati Bi ble Stkiety. •• • 0) - `.N a is A Louisiana minis ,ter says be won't change his .shirt until ,this Bea;her business is settled. togt.P...T.Barniim, the .4loweiaa, was married Wednesday morning, to a_daagll - of :John Somhpo4, England; • MEsAion. A. IL Moteler of W. Va. will deliver the annual address before. the Washington ,Ceunty, 11id., Agricultural 6ociety,nest month. ,'Rev. Thomas Guard, of Baltimore' distinguighed Irish „Orator, 'has be some, entirely blind, by the bursting of a .blood vessel connected with the eye nerves. .So says an exchange. a Single comity 37erniont ,:ther,e are _ninety-five farms vacant, and Quo hundred and ,thirty-six ahandoned houses. Tiack,of .railroad facilities is the .cause assigned for this wholesale exodus of fanners. The Baltimore Ame Pimp, declares :that it has retired from the field disgus ted, and : resolved ,gyp have nothing more ,to do with party affairs, and that those who workel to build up the Republican Tarty in Maryland have no more influ ence at Washington than a .procession of newsboys and boetblacki. ..)nthe 2d inst., ,at Syeamore,Wy _,andot. (foanty,,Olio,4birteen leadin7 Alies of the village went into the only, sa loon there, :earriefl out all the liquors, li s neeked in the heads of easis, poured contents on the_ground, and warned the proprietor that.if he soldany more to 11:11- Amrs or drunkards they would tar and feather him. .im.MOulton and -Tilton take it turn * about in hashing up fresh details of the - Brooklyrr;scAnd:;—'fbe—laUer—on---Fri-- day issued another long manifesto against' Peecher, utterly unfit for publication.— Miss Proctor meanwhile has .brought suit „against Moulton for libel in alleging crimi nul intercourse between her and needier, -laying ..Despatches from Rock Island, Il pois,Davenpqrt and Dubuque, lowa, re. port great 'damages to property iin the vicinity of those cities during the storm of lasfyeek. A freight train on the Illinois Central Railroad ran :!utp.a bank caused ,by the flood. The engine was compltely .wrecked, and the brakeman was,killed, and the engineer and fireman were fatally injured. AS.In many of the.,Western States, po iitical parties are wonderfully cut up and divided aud . ..:sub-divided into rings and factions. In Obio,lndiana, 3licltigan, Kansas and Wisconsin, etc. besides the regular Republican and Dem ocratieepartice, there are Grauger and In- Aependent nominations, Liberal Pepubli cans and Reform Democrats, Prohil,itory License laws ancl People's Party men.— Amoag,such a mass of political conglom eration it is very . ; diffLuilt to tell what .will be the result in November. 13,EHARKABLE.FREAK OF LIGHTNING. -A correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writing from Upperville, Va., September 9th, gives the followingtacconutef a dis ipstrous stroke of lightning : During a thunder storm yesterday eve piny Colonel R. B. Bulling had thirteen horses killed instantly by lightning— nine colts „and four horses—none of them under two years old, and some of the fin. est stock in the country. The most re markable part of it was the position of ,the horses. I saw them just as they had fallen, within a rpace of ft itef n feet square, nearly all touching each other. There were in the• field twenty-two horses, but whether all were together it could not be ascertained ; the probability is.that they were not., as the others did not appear to be affected. There were no trees where the horses stood, but each one stolid With its head in the same direction, evidently gathered together in consequence of the 'hail that fell during the storm. fitEirThey are still talking about the Prince of Wale's extravagances. The last story is that the three principal civil 'Ators of the Prince are the Duke of Su ther •sland, Air. Poole, the tailor, and Mr. Law eou, the principal proprietor of the Daily Telegraph, The Vince had about £l,OOO, 900 i..esed - up for him when he attained his majority. Ho ha 3 ever since had an income of about £129,000 a year. His 'wife is not extravagant. But snow lie is in 'debt to the tune of £1,000,000, and it is a great mystery where the money has gone to. ; In about twelve years he has nrinaged to,s,pend more than three and a quarter millions sterling, or nearly 811,- . 00,000. This is the insignificant lo At. iug youth who w over here hot many years ago. Vier PanstolLlT \Arms= was - observed • among the attendants at the Universalist Cbnventieu in New York, and being call ed to the platform declared that though not of the Universalist faith he was iu sympathy with the Assembly as with any association of men who might be striving to do good and;advauee the world. ' Slight irort 9u Wednesday morning. qa THE SITUATION SOUTH.—The news from 'Nev' Orleans last week was of a most start ling character. There had been a trottble sortie state of affairs there fora couple of years, two parties .: claiming the o ffi ce of Governor, Kellogg and DicEnery, but the President decided, in favor cf the Kellogg administration: A mass meeting of White Leaguers was bold on Monday and busi ness iu the city generally suspended. A denmnd was ramie on Gov. Kellogg to re sign his office which ho reftmed. Arrnol -bodies assembled, .and fighting began. The polite force under Gen. Longstreet were put to flight, six or eight citizens and about as many police being killed. On Tuesday morning the entire Kellogg for ces surrendered, K.elloggind Longstreet ,taking refuge in the Custom House.. D.B. Penn, the Lt. Gov. on the McEuery tick et assumed,* reins.of_authority, and iss no:larders, prods mations,.&c. The Pres lawever, being notified, promptly .issued his proclamation giving ibektisur gents five days to disperse or tab the consequences; and with this mataestn,ac cerding to latest accounts, they have com plied and the Kellogg administration is again in,authority; re - Governor Kellogg has resumed the office from which be Was driven by force a week since,' and is re-establishing the authority of,the,State Government as best ho can. Two thousand United States. .troops have already arrived, and more are on their way, so that there need be no apprehension of another outbreak in New Orleans, although there may trouble in some of the country parishes if the Whit League officials, who made baste to take ossession of .the offices from which the rfghtful incumbents had been expelled, refuse to surrender the same. .A commit , tee representing the leading men of both the had u conference on Saturday for the purpose of arriving at some satisfticto ry solution of existing difficulties. The White Leaguers pretend that the registra r Lion law gives the Kellogg party an un fair advantage in the pend in,g elcetion,aud Governor Kellogg Prefesses a, willingness to Make any reasonable concessions to sat isfy them that no fraud is contemplated. On the other baud, MeEnery and his friends are asked to ;top the proscription and violence to which Republicans; white and black, are subjected. fliirA most heart-rending catastrophe occurred at Fall River, Massachusetts,on Saturday. A large cotton factory, called "Granite Mill, No. 1," took fire from tLe machinery used in on of the upper rooms, and owing to the combustible nature of the oiled floor the flames were communi cited to the main stairway in an instant, randering it impossible for the operatives on the upper floors to pass down. Some of them rushed to the elevator, but 't, would not work. These that had suffic ient presence of mind then ran to the fire escape ladders, and descended in safety ; but many of the girls mid children threw themselves from the upper windows and were dashed to pieces by . the fall. Some were let down by ropes, others jump d on =tresses hastily collected, from the dwellings near the mill, and were saved. When the firemen arrived and put up their ladders, a great . many clambered down and thus eszaped a terrible death. It has not been definitely ascertained how many perished, some accounts placing-the number as high as seventy-five. The fac- , tory was only partially destroyed. This dreadful disaster will, no doubt, lead to a careful inquiry into the manner of con structing large cotton mills, and the means provided fur the escape of the in mates in case of fire. In this instance the appliances seem to hay.; been entirely inadequate. 'Mrs. Iscac A. Appleton of 'Sok- . burg, Mich., met with a. sad fate. Notic ing a squirrel on the gate post, site took her husband's double-barreled shot gun docked both barrels stood in the doorway, fired one barrel and killed .the squirrel.— While putting the gnu down the other barrel accidentally discharged. The con tents passed through her heart. The hus band Witnessed the sheoting Of the squir rel, and started for the house to congrat ulate her on her markmeuship. He Ards met at the door by hfs wife, who exclaimed with uplifted hands, "I'm sl o; I'm shot.. " She fell dead at his feet. ter Moulton has made another state ment. lie gees into a lengthy argu ment to disprove• Beecher's black-mailing charge, and winds up with what he gives as a confession by Beecher of having cola mitted adultry with another woman be sides Mrs. Tilton. It is said that Beecher will take im mediate legal proceedings against Moul ton for libel. The Legislature to ho elected the ensu ing fall will be the first under the new Constitution, and will consist of double. the number of members that composed the Legislature heretofore. tta..A. total eclipse of the moon will take place on the 24th and 23th of Octo ber. It will commence at 11.43 P. M. on the 24th, and end at 4.48 A. M on the 25th, tiNt.A. man to be known must keep his name before the pcepte. Ife must la them know where he is, and what he is doing. Preparations fur wictter wilt soon be i n ;order. Sotargews. _--This,is th© that ,day .of' Autumn,. —Xeste4uy (bye and nights were equal. , _ —Chinquapins are again in Inatket.— The boy.turill find them at lienneherger's. —The Alms House.ia this county con = taiusl.lB paupers. ' ' • Bm.Be careful low you sit out doors thee cool evenin,ge. The venture is dan gerous. net-A. - nu - Mber of citizens left this morn ing to attend the • Presbyterian Reunion at the Oakville XII. Camp ground. earßev. Dr. Guard of ljaltitnore is an nounced to lecture in Greencastle on Mnn day evening 28tli. Subject: "Life and its Possibilities." DEcEptp.—Capt. Ames Krialer a well-known citizen died at Hagerstown on 'Wednesday of last week in the. 76th year ,of l,is age. .DECEASED.-M 4 Andrew Straley died' .rather suddenly •in this place yesterday morning at an advanced age. Ile had been-complaining - for sometime bUt was about up`to the evening before his death. . nXiatlarence D. Rockafellow, butform erly connected with the Mechanicsburg Journal, is charged with committing an outrage on a young German girl at a ho tel in Chicago. rmOn Thursday last the Democratic Conferees of this District (18th) nomina ted W. S.Stenger, Esq. of the Valley Spir it for Congress. Gen. Longhorn NVister, of Perry county, is the Republican candi date. • Es„.o. W. Good of this vicinity who has been dealing in horses for some time pass ed our office on Monday with one of the finest looking animals we have yet noticed on our greets. Mr. G. confines his oper a t ons_ to -first-class stock. —Persons- want ing a good riding or driving horse will not go amiss to give him a call. im„,The Favillion recently erected at Blue Ridge Station, on the W. M. R. R., by Hon. J. L. Chapman, was opened with a pie nic on Monday last and ended with a cotillion party in the evening. The at tendance we learn was large, persons being present from Balthnore,Wcstrninster,Em mitkburg, Hagerstown and and other points along the line of the road. The Band of the 6th Maryland Regiment was in attendance, and the music fit ruished is represented as having been grand. GONE Sorrn.—J. W. Jameson *ell known to many of our citizens who has been sijourning at Muuktoy, Md. for sometime, encloses $5 and requests that his paper be forwarded to Ilustotwille, Lincoln Co., Kentuckey, where he expects to spend the and coming winter season at saddling business. During the last thir ty years Mr. J. spent a considerable por tion of his time in our town. At his par ticular branch of business he is excelled by, few if any workmen, and is withal!, a e:ever and intelligent gentleman. Bust.Ness CoLixcE.—We are pleased to learn that Prof. A. M. Trimmer, of the "Dickinson Inland Chain of Busi ness Colleges," has decided upon Chain bcrsburg as a permanent location for one of his Institutions. This College we un derstand will be first class hi all its de partments, including. a regular Telegraph Institute, supplied with circuit of mire and instruments. Open Oct. Ist, 1874. For cirulars giving particulars, write enclosing green postage stamp. Addiess : A. M. Trimmer, Charubersburg, Pa, StromG.—Tbe farmers in this section of the county are more tardy than hereto fure about seeding their ground. The work has not been commenced here yet. This is owing to the partial and in some instances comrlete failure of the early sow ing !bribe past few years ny the ravages of the fly. According to the last Mechaniesto►►n Claeion, the Frederick county farmers would seem to be ou the otl e: extreme. The Clarion says : Some of the wheat sown in A.ugnst and ht of September is up and looking e 1 I . Some have expressed their fears if warm weather prevails, it will be sullied, to the ravages of the fly. A few farmers are not yet dune sowing, prefering a later day to an earlier one. PrE3111731 Aw.vrtoEn.—We are , grati lied to be able to announce that at the State Fair recently held at Cincinnati, Ohio, the first premium was awarded to Messrs. Frick S: Co. of this place for I heir Steam Engine, '•Eclipse," over all com petitors. We understand there were some forty engines on .exhibition. Iu conse quence of late improvements added their sales have been largely increased, and this last flattering testimonial will doubt less have the effect to still further extend their sales. The fact that this premium was award ed among Strangers and over the great en gine builders of the west speaks fi►vonably tin. Messrs. Frick - & Company's Steam Engine Works. fie-A resident of the Cumberland Val ley has predicted a flood before the first of October, and one so terrible that it will not have had an equal in the history of central Pzunsylvault. T.D.FrenelmifNicks. Itossabduction : case, which has !burg, liss„ is now on a brief visit to his Caused so much talk and so profuse a ,frieLds in this place. In:a day or two he waste-of public sympathy,,is at last .ap :expects to return to the South with his proaching the conclusion which shrewd - family. . • On Sunday lost, communion occasion, the Pastor of the Presbyterian -Church, was assisted by his uncle, Rev. 0. 0. Mc- Clean, D. D. of Lewistown. During his stay the Bev. gentleman favored the con gregation with several very able and in structive discourses. • - The'sale of Henry Reed's farm in Qu;n cy township has been postponed until Fri day the 9th day Of October, at 2, P. M. John A. Sheeler, administrator of Je rome Beaver, deed, was in town on Tues day and Wednesday. Our clever neighbor, Mr. John Russell, the' other, morning surprised us with a mesa of very fine eels as a present. Messrs. W. S. Amberson and Joseph Price of this place are ,delegates to the State Convention of the Young Metes Christian Association,:whieb meets at Ger mantown to-day. Our young friend, Mr. P. O. Good, of the Litllestount News,visited town last week remaining over till Monday. Pres. gets out a-neat paper; and we are pleased to learn that his liusiness prospects for a new h'eg4mer are so encouraging. RELlcaotTs.—Services in the Presbyte rian Church, (Rev. It. F. McClean, Pas tor,',next Sabbath —preaching in the mor ning and quarterly review of the S. S. les-. sous by the sclmol in the evening,. Sabbath-school at o'clock, P. M. Union Prayer Meeting at the M. E. Church, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Regular services in St. Paul's Reformed Chapel (Rev. Wm. C. Schaeffer, Pastor) next Sunday morning. Iu the evening the Sunday-School, connected with this congregation, will celebrate its first anni versary. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all persons to attend these anuiver tary exercises. SIIIITLIFSBURG ITEMS.-IU Smithburg on the sth inst., Mr. NATE/AN/EL CLARY, aged GS years. . + , .,- , Meeki-Arlart-Ints—recently be come prostrated and unable to work, has succeeded in getting four of his children into the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, at Get tysburg, Fa., thus relieving hhu very nma• terially of their support. Messrs. Welty and Adams have pur chased of Mr. Harvey Bucket, his 'house and lot, situated at the rail road, on Main Street, for thi purpose of cr,cting a ware house and general produce house. SAJ,E or Famm.—The undMded half of the farm belonging to the estate of Eliz. Miller, deceased, in Guilibrd town-ship, was sold on the sth inst., by John Arm strong, Administrator, to Solemn Miller for $81.20 per acre. The farm contains 100 acres. ' The faim of Samuel Grossman, deceas ed, in Guilford township, was sold on the Bth inst., to James D. Scott fur $B5 per acre. Acres iu farm, 106. The assignees of Jae Oh Stouffer sold on Friday last, the following properties : The Miller, farm containing 102 acres, sold to Mr. A, Henry, at $57.75 per acre. The mill property and 18 acres of land, sold to Wm. Wallace, for $16,050. The "Vance" farm containing 121 a cres, was purchased by Mr. E, W. Curri den, at $100:10 per acre. Mr. John Waver, 75 acres of mountain land,—Spirit. WASHINGTON C.C.UNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. T li e annual exposition of the Washington County Agricultural and Mechanical Association will take place on the 13th, 14th, 15th; and 16th . of October, and it promises to be the best that has oc curred fbr many years. The officers of the association seem .to be sparing no expense to make it a success, and several new feat ures will be introduced. The permiurus have been increased in nearly all depart ments, and the grounds are being put in a condition that will make visitors comfor table. Every provision will be made to exhibitots for the accommodation of their stock, machinery, products, goods, &c.— General Grant, and Cabinet have been in vited, as well as other prominent mqnof the country the most of whom;iniveyenti , stinted to,be present. A lafie'filtepdance_ is expeCted, and should ithu'.wtiitlitier[4e., favorable it is thoughoi:_t!).ll* lead in county fairs pii-Oiliti'l3*:*tlie present .seas.oa. , ..• r ANOTUEU Monday last the: : lranoliei:*nd:A.* Short Line RailoltdcoavOyi**** ,- 4: the controlling itit4Oiti'lOr ; tert'ift3l* , ,.. stock in the LitttOink(i.lo : 4l4 l oZikiX : 000. This road cOttneetitykie4A#4**,*: and York ShortAllifkairoia 'at anpver, and extends to ilaji:.*:;yliii4 , lll4,. : l,l4l*. it connects with''#4 l yrederink : sgoitc . .*: - , Line Railroad. „.::31'1e,silentir:et:;-:..Diitti4": Railroad Compatit, ,,t o* shares in the Littl6ll4n, RELIC.-W I iSt atriilbi top, a few days ago, Sta. c'ta, found a goldwatch. 11 iluot;'ifi~sturbii g`: some leaves exposed it to irte*:;:!:, , 4:4o - :* 'Geneva "railroad time-keeper' etins'Ader4 ably blackened, and was doubtless lost during the battle, in July, 1863. Com piler. Jos. Price of the firm of Price Hoof lich is uow in the city purchasing a first supply of fall and winter goods. Ad ver tit,ement nest week. observers believed it would come,itud that. is that there has been no abduction at all. The,Germautown Telegraph, which should be good authority concerning a matter oc. curring so immediately in its own vicini ty, contained the following in its last is : sue: "lii the Ross abduction case, which for,months luts excited this, community so much and occupied so wide space in the newspapers, it is now generally be lieved—And assts by, many at the begin ning—that no thieves or sharpers, for the sake of ranson, luid any hand in it at all; in a word, thttk, no crime was committed, and that the boy is not harmed or likely to be. If such is the fact then somebody has incurred a respousiblity to the com munity which will not easily be got rid of." The Reading Eagle has also publish ed a letter from Germantown, which pur ported to have been written by a neigh bor of the "stricken" family, and to rep resent the opinions of 'the neighborhood generally upon the• so- called kidnapping case. The writer states that about ten years ago the father of the missing child married a rich Western lady, and that during their happy days, the two boys, Walter and Charlie, were born to them. A few years ago, he says, the parents seas-' ed to live amicably together, and finally Mrs. Ross returned to her family in the West. Subsequently another person was brought iu to fill the place vacated by her, and still occupies it. After narrating substantially what is stated above, the snare writer continues thus: "The follow ing is the theory of those who know the family, end who are acquainted with Ross personally: Some months before the kid napping Mr. Ross received letters from his first and only wife asking and demandi k , g the children. It trill be recollected that even up to this time he bad refused to show any of the letters be received, with the exception of the blackmailing note, and it will be also borne in mind that the attempt was made to, steal both the chil dren. It was not until three days after the kidnapping that the fact was made public, and at that time the child was safely in the bands of its mother or her friends in the West." BLACK LIST:—The following indi viduals have swindled us out of the sums annexed to their names, or,so far, at least, have refused to settle any part of their ac counts, and in order that they may not successfully play the part of "dead beats" in other localities, we give the public the it names, and will continue to add "a few more of the same sort week to week, and as they appear their names will be dropped from our list as subscribers: HENRY L. BROWN, $30,00 SOLOMON BITNER, 6.90 DR. JOH.N M. PEDDICORD, 19.90 HENRY L. SWITZER, 12.00 DAVID CARBATJCitI, DR. J. A. HATTON, JOHN MENTZER,, GEORGE CORDELL, JAMES B. SECRIST, JOIIN D. BARR, 10.50 ISAAC 11. BREWBAKER 9 75 S. A. FOUTZ 10.00 A. N. STALEY, 5.00 L. SCIIILDNECHT„ 9.00 AARON BECK 9.00 .JACOB BURGER • 20.00 GEO. ZENTMYRE• 13,00 .J. M. LEESE& CO. 30,00 JOHN UHLER. 15,00 SAMUEL 'TELLER, 10,00 BENJ. F. FITZ, 0,00 11. M. JONES, 8,00 JEREMIAH SHEFFLER, 5,00 Gip). W. CRAMER, 5,00 HENRY STULL, 8 50 DAVID McDURNIOT, JOHN A. WHITE, JAMES qORMAN, =nlMl .T, A, HUGRES, C. A. S. WOLF, HIRAM MILLER, M.The Harrisburg and Potomac Rail road Company has just placed a large and handsome new engine on the road. It is named "Col. Daniel V. ALP' in honor of the energetic President and prOjector of the road. I:*„The most astonishing cure of chron ic diarrhoea we ever heard of is that or \Vm. Clark, nankfort Mills, Waldo Co:, 'Maine; the facts nre attested by Ezra riatt, Upton Treat and M. A. Merrill,' "eitiliOrof whom might be addressed for IrsittcOu•s. Mr. Clark was cured by Jahisiloies'Anodgite Liniment. Z. pa. , ,,joserh Farewell, Mayor Itocd;ilste,„. Isaac .m. Bragg, of Esd., ,I ii, i,,;ti,, n i. a,„,.,, ,7.,.rs • Po P e Bros, Al achias, ;le . , „ ltaber , merAints, fully endorsed the ‘OiaiA7 ;. 44diton Powlers, and ovot,o46,T4'_9letors liberty to use iite,urAmeslt'leeomiiending them. TB:.O.BOOEAS*Ti - ..0 hp"Fitiplicough is the herald ;#o,ll.#Oristgallition. To check the rqiitl47l*r r i . t . sej,!ffilici*# royer, prompt and 4itisiv*,:iitettstieek.siktitbe re3to red to. A T r, Cher-' rjr.,44A00160114.; tisk* when the cough :,i,,,,K ,4110)*itxt,iiii:13n;10 afford immediate - 0114..iiiit . .,4**i.1,1(X0ect a thorough cure. 40r ; i*Iiii":4* . keirgly beneficial in all ftiritiikif%Oiiii:antlittitg disorders. In eases , ~r ,gri:4:itls4l. . mgtimable value. Call at t Ao,,Tbitt. FORTIIMAN, and inquire about 10trsoy furnish you with a sam ple bottle. sept 24-101 v . iarNew Fall Millinery, just received at Mrs KESTER'S. sop 24 te'Beaded Nett, Lice, Fringe and pimp, at Mrs. KtlsTca's. sep24 tsp.:lf the Druggist .Offers Any kind of herb-flavored alcohol fortlyspepsia, bili ousness, or any other ailment, tell him that you want medicine, not a Lar-room. Ask Lini for Dr. WALKER,B CALIFORNIA BIT TERS, the best regulating preparation known, and which you knom is free from "Satan's .Ikject all the firey "Tonics" and `Appetizers," it and cling to that remedy.-- - - There is no medicine that compares with it. sep 24. vS.Go to Mrs. KES - TER'S for the latest in Beaded Veils, very handsome. sep24 call - -the attention of our trade to the huge supply of Calico Remnants just received. They are going rapidly. . scp2l Pnccfi &Ho:wizen. M.Township 'rights for sale in Frank lin County. or good agents employed to can vass each township, for the King Fluting, Glossing. Band and Smoothing Iron. Call on or address L. C. Bit &C.KBILL, Gen. Agent, Waynosboro', Pa. - sep .24 Ate" First arrival of Fall Style hats for Men & Boys' at the town hill Store. .sept 17 .853-A fine lot of Men & Boys' Heavy Boots. cheap at the town Hall Store. sept 17 KerA nice line of Gents' Neck wear, at the town Hall Store. sept 17 Bsr.Aferts', Ladies',-&; Misses Rubber Shoes, at the own Hall Store. sept 17 Boons AND SHOES.---AllOther. . Supply just received at Snider's Store., Ocilig build ing. sept 17 - - Jun On:N.—Another lot Foxed Gait ers for Ladies' wear, at SNIDER'S Store. sept 17 HATS AND CAPS just opened for the Fall trade at JACOB S:s:IDER'S Hat Cap, Boot and Shoe Store, Oellig building, corner of Diamond. sept 17 • VINE Boo : rs.—J. Snider is in receipt of another lot far gentlemen's wear. Call and examine his NEW STOCIi, sept. 17. WANTED.--A Second-handed Riding Saddle. Enquire of the Printer. sepl7 tf CARPETS ! CARPETS !—Messrs. STOVER & WOLFF have just received a full line of Carpets and Oil Cloths which they will sell at prices to suit the times. Ladies are invi ted to call and examine their new styles before purchasing elsewhere. sep 17 vs,.Large lot Men and .Boys' Prime Heavy Hoots, at astonishing low prices, at MUER BROS' Boot and Shoe Store. . seplo SO - Ladies, Misses and Obildrens' Shoe wear of all kinds, that will compare favor ably with any in town, in quality and price, at MILLER BROS., P. 0. Building. scpl.o ite..Ladies, Misses and Men's _Rubber Over Shoos, cheap, at MILLER BROS. • sep 10 —Persons wishing the King Iron, four s complete in one, for glossing, fluting, band and smoothing, by leaving their orders with Stover & Wolff, can be supplied. L. C. BRACKBILL sep 3 General Agent. 14.00 15.00 Near Shady Grove, on the llth inst., Su. snx lioca„ aged 73 years, 1 month and 24 days. Her sufferings ended with the day, Yet lived she at its clo:e, And breathed the long, long night away, Instable like repose. But when the sun in all its state, Illumined the eastern s tries, She passed through glOry:s morning gate And walked in paradise. WAYNESBORO' MARKET. (couaEcrED WEEKLY.) • BACON. 101 11 AMS 3 ° BUTTER . ..... . EGGS 14 LARD 10 POTATOES - 7;5 APPLES- . —DrunD. '0 APPLES—Gums 30 HARD SOAP ...... 5 FLOUR.—City Mills Fine at $3.75 ; Super and do. Family on private terms; Western Extra at $5@5.15, aud-do. Fam ily at 85.371®5.75 per bbl. WIIEST.—SaIes of Southern amber at 1.35@137 cents; do. good to prime red at 1250 - ) 133 cents, and do. fair white and red at 120@123 cents. CORN.--Mary land white at 102@105 cents; do. yellow at 100®105 cents. OATS.—Bright Western at 63 cents, mixed 58@60 ten's. RYE:— We quote good at 96 cents. O KA z / „ r The oldest and best appointed Institution for obtaining a Business Educati4p. For circulars, address I'. DUFF & SONS, sep24 3m e o Pittsburg, Pa. The undersigned, administrator of Je rome deeeaged, u ill be at the Bow den House, in Waynesboro', on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2211 and 23d day Septem ber. All persons indebted to said deceas-• ed will please call and settle, and those having claims are requested to present them sep.l7 it JOHN A. SHEARER. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS THE subscriber announces to his ers and the public that he still occupies the Basement of the Waynesboro' I lotel building as a Restaurant. The finest oys ters the market will afford served fried, roasted or stewed (luring day time and eve nings. Also Bologna Sausage, Tripe, Eggs, etc. A genuine article of cider always on on hand. lie will keep the best of every thing in his line and expects to be able to give sati.faction to all who will favor him with their patronage. Fresh oysters this evening. sep 6tf • PETER CORBETT. 33A11 1 115.. FTW-IN - IXWWWII BA vrtmouu, Sept.2l, 1874. IDMISTRITOVS SALE ! IMIHE subscriber, administrator of Henry ,Hennicle, deed, will. °Mr at Public Sale, on the premiseS, On Saturday the 3d day. of Oetober,lB74, the; ,following deicribedlteal 'Estate, sibulr ted abinit one-quarter of a mile from 11(re well Mills, on the Mentzer Gap Road, viz: A LO-T OF GROUND containing 10 ACRES, more or less, with a story and a half LOG DWELLING HOUSE, WITILBASE AUNT, (weatherbOarded) smoke house, frame stable, hog pen, and other necessary out-buildiugs thereon. There are also on the premises • • - A YOU N.G' •0 R.O HARD _ Of choice fruit trees and a well' of aarsr failing water. At the same time will be of fered an unimproved Lot Ground, contain ing 13 ACRES, MORE OR LESS,, adjoining lands of Dr. Ben. Frantz, Henry Bonbrake, and others. This tract will ho divided or sold together to suit purchasers: Sale to commence ,at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by TIIEO. WIESNER; Adm'r. • sep 17 ts] G. O V. Mong, anat. PUBLIC SALE REArTASTATE! 'FHB undersigned wild sell at Public Sale on the premises, the property upon. which he now resides, situated in Quincy township, Franklin county, Pa., on the road leading froth Quincy to Clianiber6burg, ono and a half miles from the former place, On SATURDAY the 3d of OCTOBER, a tract of first-rate limestone land, contain, ing u 8 1 ..,.. CS dia. C 7 .IEL 70 M , 8 acres of which is excellent Timber Laud, with a good LOG HOUSE, log and frame BARN,. wash house and all necessary out-buildings. With a never flitt ing well of water at the house a cistern and an ORCHARD CHOICE FRUIT TREES, snch as apples,peaches, pears, plums, cher ries, grapes, &c. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will he linatle known by sept 1 7.1 s ISSIGNEES' SALE. WILL be sold at Public Sale on the Preir ises on 'ednesday, the 14th day of October,lB74, the following described Real Estate, all that valuable farm, containing 138 ACRES and 14 PERCHES, _known as the Neil vaney-fartnTlocated-one and Ei half miles west Waynesboro', on the Greencastle an 111ercersburg, Turn pike. bounded by nds of John Funk, Sr., Samuel ForemanJ. H. Gordon, Franklin _Miller and Isatie IL Fox. This farm will be offered in two tracts.— No. 1, containing 124 ACRES and 14 PERCHES, neat measure. The improvements are a large - TIVOST BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, I ragori Shed and all the ndces s.try out buildings; a spring of never failin,s watt r in the basement of the house; A GOOD ORCHARD of choice fruit, about 15 acres of the tract is covered with thriving oak timber, the bal ance in a good state-of cultivation. No. 2, a tract of land containing 14 ACRES, situated on the South side of the Green-, castle and Alercersburg Turnpike, adjoin ing the Toll Gate property. There are fie improvements on this tract. The farm will be sold together or sepa rate to suit purchasers.— Persons wishing to view the premises will please call ou the undersigned residi no. in Wayneseoro', or James Abillcancy resid ing on the farm. Sale to commence at I (Meek, P. M., when the terms will be made known by 11. X STONER - , W. S. A 311 - 3 E Assignees. Sept. 10-ts Clminbersburg Repository copy 4 times and send bill to advertirier,s. M. E. )3 PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. TIIE undersigned intending to relinquish farming, will oiler at public sale, on the premises, situated along the turnpike lead ing from Waynesboro' to Greencastle, three milei west of the former place, On Thursday the 24th Septernber, 1874, the following personal property, to wit: 9 HEAD OF HORSES AND COLTS. five of which are good work horses, two colts i ising 2 yea's, one colt 5 months old; NINE HEAD OF CATTLE:, 3of which arc mitch cows, 3, heifers two years old, 2 tine steers two years old, 1 two yearling ball; G fine Ewes; ONE WAD WAGO - r, 3-INCH TREAD. with lied; 1 two or three-horse Wagon, four inch tread, 1 one-horse spring wagon, ono falling-top buggy, 1 DODGE REAPER AND MOWER combined, 2 three-horse and 1 two-horse barshear plOws, S single and double shove; plows, single, double and treble trees, 2 sets brecchbauds. 2 sets front gears, 3 sets plow gears, 5 pair fly-nets, log chain, fifth-chain, butt traces, middle rings, &c.; 3,000 try Oak Lap Shingles, Aboot 20,000 Oak Stays .and Heading; also, 1 bureau, 1 Cupboard, 1 side-board, 2 bedsteads and bedding, 1 dining table. 1 parlor table, 2 sets chairs, 2 large rocking chairs, about 50 yards carpeting, cook stove doughtray, iron kettle, and many article not enumerated. ,'ale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when terms will be made knOwn by DIARY 11E80 HE G. V. Mong, auct, sep 10 is FARM FOR SALE. TIIE Heirs of George Wiles, deed. offer their furin at Private Sale, which con tains 152 AC-124MS, first quality of LIMESTONE LAND with good improvements. If not sold the said Firm will be for rent. For further informa tion enquire of the undersigned livine on the premises. JOHN WILES. ,anutl tf FOR SALE. 00 Prime livees LtrioaTes.t)Poittrspfloyr to sa le, (01- - -- JAS. IT. CLAYTON. COLTS. A OR 5 Twior 'Yearling Colts,pod Virginia stock, fur, szde. sep 3 3t J.S. U. CLAYTON. ABRAHAM KNEPPER:of G.