. . , , . . , . . . . . . , . . , . --, . . , . . P . 4 ' .. . - ..o , . , , . , . . .. . . . ."•, . . . . . , ' ' ' ''' I'l. .' . - ... . ... . . . ~ . . . . . • . . . s e, . . , ' ' 4 , ../: .. , , 1 '..... . „ . . , . .. ..... . , . . ~., . . . -gib: . , , , . . . .. , . ... . , tt . .., ....., , • . . . . ....,- - . . , • . . . ~. _.... . .., . w. BLAnz. VOLUILE 27. tied pottrg. BITS THAT BB NO by EUGENE J. HALL. When many years have rolled away ; • When we no more are young; ", When other voices may repeat The songs that we have sung. . When all thy youthful beauty pales, Which time will not restore ; Some tender thoughts may come again • Of days that are no more. The soul but slumbers to awake Alike to joy and pain, And. every memory of the past Is sure to come again. The youthful heart, untried by care But dreams of days before; The old heart lives - on memories Of days that are no more. There is another world to come, Whose gateway is the tomb, Where voices will be heard again Beyond the hidden gloom; Where friends that we have loved and lost - Will find an endless,day, When human hearts and human hands , Have crumbled to decay. And there, when years have rolled away, When we no more are young; While other earthly voices sing The songs that we have sung; Heaven's sunshine, on thy troubled soul, Its beauty may restore; • Ani} happy dreams may come again Of days that are no more. Slisallautous litading. AFTER MANY YEARS. Paul Winship and Mary Archer sat in a small, comfortable sitting-room of an humble cottage not far from the great city. It was late in the evening of a Spring day, and they,had not long been in from a stroll in the bye ways by the glimmer of a quartering moon. Paul had seen only a week beyond.one and twenty, And Mary one year young er. And they were both of that mould and that temperament which Nature bes• tows upon those who are to be made there by capable , of great enjoyment. These two bad been schoolmates and companions 14 years. They had loved each other while yet children, and their love had gone on, growing stronger and stronger from day to day. Paul's father and mother had both died while he was yet an apprentice, and he had been left with only the love of Mary Archer to give him bright sunshine to his life. Mary had lost her father, and now labored with a bearty and healthful cheer fulness to assist her mother in gaining a livelihood. And she labored the harder, because a poor cripple brother depended . upon her for support. Paul Winship had resolved that he would go to_sea. An uncle was captain of a large ship bound for the East Indies, and had offered him a good position, with promise of promotion. He thought he could do better so, than to drive at a trade whiCh could never yield him more than a a bare support. ' -..t.And on the morrow the ship was to sail, • nd this was to be their last evening to - 'gather for a long, long time. • ' Mary,had worked into a fanciful braid slender tress of her glossy dark brown Lair, and while they talked, she fixed it into .a small golden locket, and shut down upon it a glass cover. "There, Paul," she said, when the work was finished, "there is a lock of i y hair, as you wished. It is a poor thing, but you will think of me when you look upon it. Paul took the locket, and pressed it to his lips. "I shailliook upon it often, darling, and 'think, while I look, of the dearest treas ure for me this earth can bold." "Ob, Paul !" 'Darling, don't weep. But a few short montts, and we shall be happier than ever.. I know I shall prosper. We !hall suffer-this separtion as the seed is hidden in the• ground. It is to be the germ of better things to come, dearest." "I shall try and think so, Paul. I will think so." Paul found a piece of blue ribbon in Mary's work basket, with which he sus pended the locket about his neck, and when he had placed it once more to his dips, with a murmured blessing, he hid it away in his bosom. And, bye and bye they stood at the dobr, locked in the parting embrace. * * * Until long past midnight Mary sat by - the window and gazed out upon the stars. IShe knew that Paul was on his way, ou foot, to the city, and that it would take him two hours to walk the distance. So ;she sat there until she thought he had reached his ship, and then she went up to her chamber, and sought her pillow, but not to sleep. Her heart was too heavy and sad.— But Mary Archer was young, healthful and strong, and ere long she brought rea - - aon to the aid of hope, and was content to look and pray for the good .1.9 come, At the end of three months.a letter came to her from the Sea, brought by a honleward bound ship, which Paul bad met on the trackless deep. It was a let ter full of love and hope and promise.— The weeks and the months passed on, and another letter came. It was written from Calcutta, and Paul was well and in glorious spirits. From, there they were going to Canton. Again at Clinton he wrote, and the letter came home after many a weary months. All was hopeful still. They were going to some of .the Pacific i islands for spces. And then the mouths dragged on heavier and more heavy. Two years had .gone since- Paul had written. Oh, how dark and , drear. Mary remembered the shadows and the forbodings of tharfirst sleepless night.— Two years - without a word, and then come a word that' stunned her. She found it in a newspaper. The ship "Fides,"which bad sailed from Canton for Borneo, had not been heard from, 'and fears were entertained that she had been lost in a typhoon, which swept over the Chinese Sea with terrific force shortly after she had sailed. Weeks,mouths, years and no more from Paul. That the ship had been lost was now known.. And could any of her crew have been saved'? Old sailors, to whom the question had been put, sh ook their heads slyly. . - When the news of the loss became known many who had thus far heldaloof came to smile upon Mary Archer, and to seek her her smile in return. She was known to be as good and true as she was beautiful, and men of sense knew that she would do her part towards making an earthly heav en of the home over which fortune might lend her to preside. Among them was John Lettrell, a man older than Mary, and a man of wealth.— He offeted her a home and asked her to become his wife. But she had no heart to give him. The months and years rolled on,and it was known that the §hip 'Fides' had been long at the bottom of the sea, and not a word had been heard from any of her 'crew.— That they had all been lost was beyond a doubt. In time Mary's mother fell sick and died, and Mary was left alone with her crip pled brother. She 'kept -the little cottage, but it was not all her own. There was a mortgage upon it, -and upon Mary the mortgage lay heavily. Percy, the cripple, could eat but he could do no work. He was a constant care, and he repaid his sister in love when he could repay her in no other way. She found work at dress making, and so she laboied on praying for strength to peform her duty to the living and to the dead. Years, years, years, with little of sun shine, with much of gloom, and with much, very much of care and labor. Years, \ fbur and twenty since that night when Paul went so resolute and so hope ful. Mary Archer was now forty-four. The freshness and the bloom were faded, but the ripeness of her true womanly na ture; in faith and resignation, had come with a beauty that cannot fade. But it was growing datker without. Percy had been very sick, with need of more care and more medicine. Theinter est on the mortgage was two years over due, and the man of calculating business who held it had forclosed and sued for possession. The Cottage could not be much longer her home. Of herself she thought not at all, but what would be come of her helpless brother ? In this strait John Lettrell came to her once more and offered both herself and her brother a comfortable home for the rest of their days. ' What could she tell him ? Only that she had no heart to give him. And yet he pressed his suit. He would teach her to love him in time. And he left her weeping with the inde cision that had grown from the one weak spot—duty to her brother. He told her that he would come again, for he thought he saw his way to hope. "Mary dear," whispered Percy, as she bent over his couch, and smoothed his pil low, "why don't you accept the home he offers ? Mr. Lettrell is a good man. Oh, my sister, not for my sake—not for mine, but for your own." "Hush Percy ! Not now—not now, Oh, my poor heart." And she went out to the little sitting room, and sat by the window where she had sat long, long ago, while the man whom she must ever love, either living or dead, walked on his way to the city to go forth upon the sea. The grand words Paul Winship bad then spoken sbunded again in her ears; she saw him again, and then put the blue ribbon about his neck, and kis.; the little locket, and then hide it away in bis bosom close to his true heart. It was her gift—her hair in that lock et—and if the Ilieless form had sunk in the sea, the precious memorial of her love had gone down therewith. Her hands were clasped, and her face lifted heaven ward. "No, no, no, John Lettrell, never ! I will be true to him, as I know he would have beeu true to me." She turned from the window, and saw by the clock in the corner that midnight was near. She was on the point of rising, when she heard a step a of a heavy man approaching the cot. A pause, and then the gate was opened, and presently a rap upon the door. She had no thought of fear. A stranger, probably, who wished direction on his way. She took up the lamp, and went.to, the door, and she saw , by the flickering light, a middle aged man, large and strong, dressed in the garb of the sea. "Does Mrs. Archer live here ?" the man asked, in a voice, scarcolk audible; "Miss Archer lives here, sir?" FAO VA L' , i s 44;F*4zi ;FA D-0 ;ES i) Ale) I _lo_2 Aof >4 1 : 7 ,30 1EF.4 1 41i i 1 1e14 3,1 WARP lit) *4 ).) ;10:11 414 >iv Ili (411 _WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1874. "It is late I know 4" the than said, after a pause, "but I have walked from the city, and as I came this way. I saw a light in the window, I ventured to stop, I had an errand to do." • There was something to her sacred in those habiliments, and she bade him come in. He followed her'into the sitting-room, but he did 'a - Sit down in the proffered seat, nor did he re-move his hat. It was 'a chill autumnal night and he wore his pea jacket buttoned close up. "You said you 'bad an errand, 'sir 1 1 " Mary at length ventured. "Yes, yes, said*the man, with a start. He . had been looking 'at her ,from the shadow of his bat-rim. "Yes, I have an errand. It was given to me years ago. 'At one time—for a long time—l thought I should never bring it, but should never -bring it, but fate has been kinder than I 'dated hope. You know—none should. know better—that there are mortal dan gers on the deep.' 'I was wrecked, as others had been be fore and have been since. I was cast, alone on a raft, upon an island, where were Savages for long years .my only companions. I taught them many useful things, and they were kind to me. Of gold and preciousstones I gathered a great store, useless there, but to me of value, should I ever again find my native laud. 'The time Came, at length, after weary years, and my feet once more tread the soil of my own country. And I have-to fulfil a trust. 1 1. knew who you were be fore I came here, they told me of your situation.' The man unbuttoned his pea jacket,and drew something out froni his bosom, and slipped something from around his neck. The former was a, golden lodket, scar red and worn and blackened and the lat. ter was soiled and frayed and notted rem nant of dingy ribbon. In the locket;be neath the' glass, was just dsscernible, a braid of brown hair. He handed it to Mary. ' 'Do you know that ?' , The words were spoken huskily, and with an effort. She caught the , precious momento, and clasped it .to her bosom. The man seemed to be growing weak. He sat down and removed his hat, and the wealth of nut brown curls, with just a touch of silver here and there, fell over His temples and clustered upon his broad, frank, and manly brow. Mary saw, and her heart leaped. The long dark years were gone,as by the touch of a magician's wand, and the old evening of that far gone time lifted its blessed light upon her. Paul !' That cry told to the man from over the sea all he would know. He again stood upon his feet, with his arms nut-stretched, and in a moment more the faithfully lov ed and the faithfully loving ono was clasp ed to his bosom. ' "Yes, Mary, after all these years. Oh, thank God, it is light at last. -No more trial, darling, no more sorrowing. We can forget the darkness and the agony of this blessed hour for joy and re-union af ter many years." Sandwlch Island Women. A lady writing from Honolulu, thus discourses upon the native women and their free and easy manners : "The women are erect, wide in the shoulders, and carry their heads like queens. Many of them are truly handsome, wearing their hair falling over their shoulders in curls, and surmounted With little straw hats, garlan ded with wreaths of lovely native flowers. They clothe themselves modestly and prettily, wearing the dress to cover neck and arms, and falling loosely from the shoulders to the top of the feet, which are often bare. Not being civilized like us, they have not been enlightened into compressing their ribs with iron and whale bone corsets ; nor to disturb and torture their feet with over-tight shoes; nor to put bonnets upon their heads running up into turrets of silk and artificial flowers and leaving'the ears at the mercy of bit ter winds ; nor to make up forty-five yards of steel wire iuto cages and fasten them selves within them ; nor to carry an extra half yard of dress stuff bravely after them over the payment through thick and thin. Yes, these women have the advan tage of us, for are we not forced by the exigencies of custom, when we come with our long garments upon any impurities of the pathway, to shut our eyes and clench our teeth- and rush blindly, over them, whereas those .11.ftnaka women, at the sight even of a spot of water, lift their . light garments gingerly, and pass over, clean and unsullied from its contact ! Can this be barbarism. Thaw who have vigorous health, a house however humble, to shelter them, and food, drink, and apparel enough to render them comfortable, and yet go a bout complaining of their hard lot, may find some consolation in the folowing short but inspiring paragraph, which we find in one of our exchanges : "Many a man is rich without money.— Thousads of men with nothing in their pockets are rich. A man born with a good sound constitution, a good stomach, a good heart, good limbs, and a pretty good head-piece, is rich. Good bones are bet ter than gold ; tough muscles, better than silver, and nerves that flash fire and carry energy in every function are better than houses or land. The man is rich, who has a good disposition—who is naturally kind, patient, cheerful and hopeful. A "Big Indian" strayed ,away from his camp and got lost •`No," said he, dis dainfully, "Indian no lost ; wigwam lost!" striking his breast, he excliamed, "Indian here !" Wisdom rides upon the ruins of folly, BEAUTIFUL Thom:cm—Bayard Tay lor gets off the following beautiful eipres sions:—"ln, from under the clear blue sky of heaven, with its glad bushes of sunlight, we come to an humble chamber, guiltless of ornament. Therein is a. man, and he bends over a canvas.—The light of the setting sun playsin a halo around his head, - and falls Upon a picture. 'Tis of a dwelling, an humble dwelling, sur rounded by old trees, and a hill rising . in the distance and a stream now murmrmg in the foreground. His pencil deepens that 'shadow and that tint—The land scape is almost finished. What do. ye hear ? we ask. A light is kindled in the eye ; a glow on his pale cheek"; he dashes his pencil upon the palette as he exult antly exclaims: I have recalled it all. There is the very tree from whose pendant limbs I swung years and year ago; there is through whose little blue panes day was wont to break upon my childish eyes ; and there the stream upon which floated my mimic sail .; and the roof—aye, with the very moss up the northern eaves—beneath which I loved my first love and thought my first thought. —All there ! 'A transcriptefroip memory! The old house—or, so they tell me—is dismantled; the roof lets in the stars; weeds have sprang upon the earth, and the graveyard is more furrowed than 'ever.— Let it crumble ; let , its dust be strewn to the winda, but its image Shall not fade.- -Time,_do_ thy_work ; 'I have thee now ! Efface the picture of that house from mem ory I It shall not be 'lost to sight.' And ere thy fingers shall dim that canvas, I shall have gone beyond that potent touch." WHO 113 THE GANTL.I—A , gentle man is a person not merely acquaintedwith certain forms and etiquette of life, easy and self possessed in society,ablelo bpeak and act and move in the world without awkwardness, and free from habits which are vulgar and in bad taste. A gentle man is something beyond this; that which lies at the root of every Christian Virtue. It is the thOughtful desire of doing in every instance what others should do un to him. He is constantly thinking, not indeed how he may give pleasure to oth ers for the mere sense of pleasing, but how he may avoid hurting their feelings. Whenle is. in 'society be scrupulously ascertains the position and relations of every one with whom be comes in. contact, that he may give to each his due honor, his proper position. He studies how to avoid touching in Conversation upon any subject which may needlessly hurt their feelings—how he may abstain from any allusions which may call up a disagreea ble or offensive association. A gentle man never alludes to, never even appears conscious of. any defect, bodily deformity, inferiority, of talent, of rank, of reputa tion in the person in whose society he is place* He never assumes any superiori ty to himself = never ridicules, never sneers, never boast, never makes a display of his own power, or rank, advantages— such as is implied in habits or tricks, or inclinations which may be offensive to oth ers. How SOME OP us Womc.—A. writer in the Providence Journal says "This is the way we are hurled through the world, and some of us out of it. A. man's pulse is at eighty, the blood is leaping to the brain from excitement or pressure of busi ness or duty ; he rushes through the day, the constant calls upon his attention give him no respite ; the time flies, night comes the day is over ; he retires to his home, eats hurriedly, with brain whirling he goes to bed, tosses all night in feverish dreams, awakes in the Morning weary and worn ; the old stimulus is applied,the ealls upon his time and attention come in troops ; he does not pause to think of the strain ; and thus goes on, day after day, month after month, year after year, until there comes a flash, something snaps, then a sudden darkness ; the lamp is gone out, the end has come, and it is only noon.— This is the way we live, merchants, man ufacturers, 'lawyers, doctors, ministers edi tors, students, all ; we heed no warning ; comrades in the ranks fall by our side and in front of us, we march on over them, —to fall ourselves." "He that believeth, shall not make h'aste." THE HAT SYMPTOM-L good deal can be told of the working of the mind of the average human male by observing the manner in which he wears his hat. He who draws his hat far down upon liis head is resolving a , desperate idea in his mind; he who pitches his hat forward , low up on the forehead and high upon .the back, is indulging in self-conceit and over esti mating his importance conciderbly;he who allows his hat to fall back so that its brim fairly touches his coat collar is indifferent to the opinion of others . ; he who cocks his hat upon one side of his head is burst ing with vanity,and wants tabe taken ds wa . a trifle. The man of good , common sense seldom wears his . hat in either of these positions , but carries it lightly upon the head in a horizontal position. The close :tudent of human nature can read this an by these -signs and not fail to arri .e at a pretty correct estimate of his indi ; uality. The Paul Free Press states that young gen lemen, when they take their "duxies" bi .1:y-riding, should pay every attention possi to their safety and wel fare. The editor. •s, he noticed a young man on Saturday that seemed to under stand the art of protecting his lady love to perfection. As they passed down Fifth street, she was doing the driving, while he had both arms around her, and we could tell by the wild look in his eye that he was determined she shouldn't fall out. Josh Billings says "there are two things yin this life for which we are never pre pared, and that is twins." THE . rust AGO. BY A. P. BPERRY. Everyfbeart has its long ago ; • To which it will wander btick, To breathe the sweets of the flowers that On its almost worn out track ; And the waves of time with their ebb and flow, Will cast on the lonely heart, • Some broken wrecks of the "Long Ago," In which our fates owned part. Beautiful, sweet, and gentle words, Life's first hopes, and love's firsr glow ; Thoughts that folded their wings like buds And fell on the breast like snow; Tracks of little bare feet in the sand, . Tresses of smilight, and tresses of jet. The last fond wave of a pure white hand, And a whisper of "Do not forget." • Smiles as bright as an angel's dream,' Tears that were pure as the morning's dew Eyes that for us,, had loving beams, And' prayers that were warm and true ; Oh ! who has not bid afar in the heart Some dream of the long ago, Which causes the tear unbidden to start, As life's waves make their ebb and flow. WAVERLY HOITN.., KING ST. Ch,eapoide, London. "I left Glasgow the last of July taking the north British Railway to Edinburg and from thence to Granton where the Steamer "Stork" was to sail from, for London. It usually requires over 48 hours to. complete the journey between these , two points. The weather was so mild during our, trip that scarcely a rip ple was noticable upon the smooth wa ters. The moon was shining brightly that night and the lights of other vessels glimmering in every direction made it so attractive upon the_deck, that altogether it surpassed any night scene I ever wit nessed upon the Ocean. I never retired to rest during the whole trip, in fact the commotion on board would ftot permit any one desiring to do so, take any - rest. There was a squad of soldiers on board which was landed at Gravesend which is 20 miles from London. They put ashore in boats at 1 o'clock in the morning. We arrived safely in the river Thames. at 3 o'clock A. M. and remained on board un til daybreak when we we were sent ashore in Tug boats as the Pier was crowded to such an extent with.vessels that the Cap tain of the "Stork" was obliged to remain at the head of the river until morning. My first destination was the Waverly Ho tel on King St. Cheapside, as I felt quite wearied from my journey. find the Ho tels here well conducted and the proprie tors an obliging set of fellows. The-wait ers as I have frequently noticed at hotels in this country on previous occasions, in variably expect a handsome gratuity from the traveling public, but their' expecta tions are frequently doomed to disappoint ment.- This feature was particularly well marked among a class in London who wear the standing collar, with white neck tie, black cloth suits, with swalloW tail coats. I have to be wide awake whilst in such a place as London in order to prevent becoming bewildered and one can easily imagine what a trifling matter it would be to go astray in a place contain= lug more inhabitants than all Scotland combined. It almost seems incredible that the city of London alone has a few thousand more inhabitants than all Scot land, for when I look at Glasgow which is said to contain a population of 900,000 I. consider it a brisk place ; yet it can be thrown (so to speak) into London, and never be seen. I soon discovered that If any one visited London for the sole pur pose of seeing what could be seen, it soon would prove more laborious than pleas ant, of course this depends 'upon the amount of- time allotted to those visiting London for such a purpose. As I only, had about a fortnight allotted to me ev ery hour was precious. From early in the morning until late in the night it was nothing but riding on Trainway cars, oni uibuesses, hausomes and cabs, then the train and steamers and part of the time on foot, so you may imagine it was tire some. As usual, on these occasions I bad college companions with me with some of whom I remained for several days after receiving cordial invitations. The first sabbath we visited the principal parks and Buckingham Palace, the residence of the Queen, Westminster Abbey, where most of Brittains illustrious dead are in terred, among which is the late, and lam ented African Explorer, Dr. Livingstone. I was greatly disappointed in not, getting there at the hour of services. The House of Lords and Commons is just adjoining the Abbey and is built with stone of the finest architectural style. A splendid stat-, ue of the late Earle of Derby has lately been erected which stands immediatly in front of the Abbey. It was lately unveil ed by the Hon. Mr. Disraeli Prime Mi nister 'of Great Britian. I was unable to obtain permission to interior of the House of Lords and Commons as Parliament is not in session. The next day I went by rail:from Kings Cros9 to Windsor a small town some 20 miles distant from London and famous for containing the Castle, an other residence of the -royal family. Al though somewhat digressing from the sub ject I may mention that the Queen bas 4 places of residence, Ist, Balmoral in Scot land, 2d, Buckingham Palace in London, 3d, Osbume at the Isle of Wight in Eng land, and 4th,the Windsor Castle in the town of Winsor. There were some 25 or 30 carriag e s, on the train to Windsor, ,as it was the day upon which the Castle was open to public curiosity, and such a rush for the train at every station, and the number of passengers left behind, was rather amusing to lookers on whilst it was' equally vexing to those disappointed. This ts the roate over which the Queen travels to, and from London. As her Majesty is at present. 'at Osbtirne all _ivho visited Windsor that day had an opportunity of going through the state apartments. secured a guide who was of great service to me and after viewing the grounds and exterior of the building—which is built chiefly of - granite stonewith a Circular tow er and adjoining buildings and- barricks for soldiers. I proceeded to the chapel' where some 2or 300 people bad assem bled. In the chapel where the Queen at tends" divine services during her stay at Windsor are to be seen the flags and en signs of all nations and statues of all Princes and Princesses. As I entered my' ears were greeted with sacred music from one of the finest organs I ever heard. The State apartments, most especially the grand Reception Room where all the no bility of the land are received by the Roy al Family, for grandeur may be better' imagined than described. In fact I can not desCribe it in these limited pages. I have quite a collection of stereoscopic views of London, the Castle and all the places of importance, with photographs of all the members 'of the Royal Family. I was wishing for you when" was. taken through the Queens stables in coonnection with the Castle where I was shown the horses and carriages used by the Royal Family. The stables may almost be corn pared to Palaces and the horses are kept clothed continually 'whilst in the stables, and the grooms in attendance are forbid den to unclothethem for the public. One of the Queen's own grooms accompanied me and when he learned I was an American and a veterinary surgeon, ke spared .no pains to give me any information. The first stable I entered contained 30 of the finest carriage horses and all greys none exceeding your "Missouri." In the sec ond stable were all iron greys some fifteen in number and intended as saddle ,ani mals. The third stable contained all bays expressly for harness. lb all there were 75 horses and some of them aged 20 years, and yet as brisk and active as any ani mal at 3 years, showing what careful at tention has to do in preserving this faith ful animal. Each animal has his name nicely painted in his stall. I visited Woolich one of the principal headquarters of the army of Great Brit ian, I. passed through the barracks where I had an acquaintance who is a veterina ry Surgeon in the British army. Ile took me through the army Infirmary , for sick animals of which he has 200 under treat. ment. I also visited Greenwich, situated midway between Woolich and. L ondon on the banks of the Thames. This place is noted for containing the clock which reg ulates the time of Great Britian. My visit to the Crystal Palace and Zoological and - Cremorne gardens was alike inter esting. The latter being the great centre for the swells of London._ It is beautiful ly illuminated at night and there is music from the military band and orchestra in the open air. No one has ever realized' life in true sense of the term until he has seen London. The passenger traffic ne cessitates the street cars and omnibusks &c., to run on Sunday as welt as through the week and I never saw a better class of horses than were used for this, purpose. The restaurants, dining booms &c. are all licensed to sell on Sundays at all hours except those of divine service. My at tention was directed to what I never wit nessed in Scotland and Ireland,but seems to be an established practice by the cock• nPys, as they may be seen on Sunday, from the youth to the old man carrying their ftworite beverages home at dinner hours from a pint ton gallon. Of course this is only practicd by the lower classes, but what would it be thought of in Scot land. Bad us it is in this respect they care for no - one. There is no indulging in such practices on the sly in Loudon. They let the world see what they are do ing. Beer gardens are very numerous where it is disposed of in the open air and along the public thoroughfares and pass ers by take no notice whatever of a cus tom permanently established. I should liked to have gone to Paris from here which requires only 16 hours by rail and steamers but the weather was • . very warm, so much so that I had to pro vide myself with a straw hat, something I never wore on any occasion in this coun try before. 1 am turned quite brown in my, face and reduced more in weight than I ever was before. After taking a little rest I may go with an excursion to Paris before starting for home which I hope to do this fall unless I may change my plans for the future. August 11th, 1874 A TRUTHFUL SAYING.—NobIe L. Pren tiss, editor of the Junction City Noble , Union, in responce to the toast, "The Press, at the commencement exercises of the State University not long since, said many good things, one of which we copy, as follows: , ' "With all its faults and billies the press keeps abreast with all moving things. The condition of the local press is the index of the character and prospolity of the local ity. Flourishing towns Have, flourishing neswpaoers, and vice versa. A rusty church, a windowless school house and a shabby newspaper are the sure and cer tain evidences of decay ; a-half starved preacher, an unpaid and illiterate school teacher and a haggard and hollow eyed editor are the three ravens that croak -over the corpse - of a dead town." Same crusty old bacheler 'says :—I have noticed that when there is only one daugh ter in a family, and her paernts are very anxious to keep her at tome- as long as possible, some chap conies ,her off before she is peventcen, • I have also noticed that when there is a house full of girls, and. the parents are praying daily for husbands for the same, the whole lot age apt jive and die old maids. Oh ! thou lovely and.glorious sun, There is nothing so beautiful as thee, That •rises in4.he morning so lovely. and • grand,• • That makes everythiuglook happy .and free. Then lovely and adorning sun, Who fillest the earth with beaming light, Who goeth to rest when even comes, And likleth thyself quite out of sight. How beautiful the sun cloth rise .A.uong the mountains green•; How goodOod hath been to us, Breving us such abeautiful scene. . When standing on hill or deck, , Watching the sun rising far away, • And cOming . , nearer and nearer to make it light of day; Rising brighter and yet more 'brighter o'er the sky, Oh ! how beautiful the rising sun. . • By four little girls of Waynesboro'. GOLDEN WORDS.—Dispose not thyself of much rest, but for great patience. No man cloth safely rule; but►e that bath learned gladly to obey. He is the happiest, be he king or peas.. ant, who finds peace in his home. - We would willingly have others perfect . and yet we amend not our faults. - Occasions of adversity best discover how great virtue or strength each one hath. An honest man is belieired withoilt an oath, for his reputation swears fc Our duties would seldom be , ble if we did not perversely rest think them so. Every-day cheerfulness is a f itself. Sunshine does have a ruoi effect on all around. The habit of being always emi a great safeguard through life, essential to the culture •of every The following colloquy: actin place at an eastern post office: , Pat—" I say 'll4 lostmastei a litther for me?" "Who are you, my good sir V "I'm meselfe, that's who I am. Well, what is your name I" "And what do ye want ivid Isn't it on the litther?" Want to find the letter, if thei "Well, Fat Byrne, ,thin, if have it." "No, sir, there is none for y ou. Is there no way, to get in through this pane of glass?" _ "No sir." • "It's well for ye there isn't 1 ye betther manners than' to insi__ gentleman's name! Butt ve didn't givit afther all, so I am even yasorra a bit is name Byine !" A LEADING QUESTION.—ViIO owns this house?' inquired one of the 'sanitary police force ef'Detroit, as he entered a house in the Sixth ward to serve a notice lately. The woman had a black eye, the man a bloody nose,and both were panting as if ex hausnlid. 'Who onus this house?' I say,' demanded the blue•coat. '•A gent on Lafayette'ltreet owns it,' replied the woman; 'but If you want to ; know Who runs it, just sit doWn a few miautes•until we have one more clinch to 'decide that question. • The Irish traveler, Planche, tells ,-of a fellow-traveler - who'm he met in Ger many, and who Was ,himself 'an' Irish man: Ile was on the - box of an-IriSh coach, on a very cold day, observing' the driver enveloping : his neck iu the yoluin jams folds of an amide Comfort, he' re marked,-= . • "You seem to be taking very good dare of yourself, my friend.', , "Och. to be shnre lam sir," answered the driver ; "what's- all the world to a to a man when )Xis wife's a widely ?" Defteit Free ..Pkesi An old man arid his wife,who came in by the Central road yesterday mornineaw about thirty hacks at the door of the depot, and about thirty haekmen shouting 'Hack!' at them. 'the man took it all as a high ebmplinient, and turning to the old _lady he said, 'I 'tell you; mother, they think we are something great, or they'd never had all the earn ages down here to meet us. I wonder how they knew We was coming H. C. BARB. Potito bugs must be immortal. A man has kept some iprked up in bottle. without, air, food or Ilrink for a year, and they are as lively as ever. He proposes, if be lives long enough, to see how long ,-&-y can stand it. if you think your neighbor is too con ceited just put a small piece of melim rind where he is bound to step ou it. There is nothing really so disastrous to conceit as to sit down suddenly and unoxpectedly On the back of your bead. People 'who are addietpi to tattle, gos sip and scandal, are not as good as these they talk about. ' ' Why are darned atockinp like dead men? Beaune they are men-ded. Why is a man without legs like an even exchange? •. Because he has nothing to boot. • 'The Houiton GAsioniolegaylYexclaims: "Glory to God Two dollars received at this oIEO yesterday! Bring in:. your washbill." , , Why is a kettle,tied.to a dog'r tail like . death? Because it'itelat icad''Sa , "Air. ~:71 ' f "''' * ":;tinkV ' ' - '. • ' ri l , ',, ' ' 'l ,, - ' '' . - ' •:* -1 . - .. , e'..,.4`• A.:A. .• ' so- , ,( • , 2 .1...., ..... , .' i . - :k - ~, .:•C . ' .::, •'. , I. - i ). 4 .-i s 'ilyr n t.. ''07.1 $2,00 PER 'BAR. piu6 I a Di tiFEI 1111 RISING 'BIM (,';•