The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, September 10, 1874, Image 2

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    -lapttvibortft Tatou'.
f' Z .h - 3 7: Pt., -, mbez, - 10, '74.
of Brigham Young's wives
has sued for div.oree and alimqny. Brig
ham's affidavit ht's been filed in the case,
and he testifies — tlfat the - Mormon mar
riages are, in effect, no marriages at all,
and confer no legal rights on Mormon
wives. This ,unmasking by Brigham.
shows that Mormonism is nothing more
than a species of free love," with'a very
gauze of religion .thrown over it to
veil its gross ugliness.
se-Another supposed Charley Rose has
turned out not to be the missing Boy.--t
This one was picked up under suspicious
circumstances in Orange county, New
York, but the hopes of the energetic Sher
iff who had the $20,000 in view were
doomed to disappointment as quickly as
his photograph was shown to the parents
of the kidnapped child. The police au
thorities in Washington also thought that
they had found the boy, but they too were
proved to have only struck 'a wrong trail.
Frostbn 3g, Allegany county, MI,
has . been scourged by a terrible fires Ow
Saturday afternoon a number of the prin•
cipal business houses and finest private
residenecs_were_reduced to ashes. The
losses will probably aggregate $175,000.
'The Amu has no fii.departTrFent;—and
bothing--could be-done-to-cheep-the—con-
flegration until engines and fire-men ar
rived from Cumberland.
let.. Following out the authority given
,by - th - e - Pregi - dentleftheinpion of dis=
'order and bloodshed in the South, ,Attor
ne General Williams has desilnated to
...the Secretary of War the points at which
,troops should be pta tio ued to sustain the
'United states Marshals in arresting trirui
intls.. . Thep are not altogether now mote
:than 2,500 soldiers in the Southern States,
:but they are conveniently distributed for
use if necessary.
Nearly three years ago an Austrain
exploring expedition towards the North
Pole started out, to go by way of Nova
'74emble and 'search for the Arctic Ocean
'to the northward of Europe, and they bad
not been heard of for so long a time that
it was feared they; had met the fate of Sir
John Franklin's party. A despatch from
Landon announces that they , have arrived
'at Norwegiim port safely after a good deal
'of hardship. Although they travelled
for seven months in sledges and spent two
winters on the ice, the expedition was a
comparative failure. They got no higher
than latitude 80, which is more than two
. .degrees less than ?airy and Hall reached.
Probably the most important result of
their endeavors . will bo an additional proof
that the most feasibly path to the open
. sea that is supposd to exist north of the
region of eternal ice is throngh the Straits
between Greenland and North America,
and that it will never be reached by any
. Wort to penetrate the eastern route.
tiRSEt CXTIG September 7. john L.
Nutter, a young . tnan residing with his
parents otilersey Gity Heights, appeared
befoire Justice Aldridge today and charged
that James Dunn, John Gordon and oth
er persons etinnected withßev. J. S. Glen,
denning's church, bed.tried to induce
him by threats of exposure in relation to
an alleged case of larceny, to swear be
was the father of Mary E. Pomeroy's
NEW Yoßic, September 7.—The answer
of Henry Ward Bee' &Cher to the complaint
of Theodore Tilton was received to-day
by Mr, - Beecher's attorneys and was at
once served on the plaintiff. 'The ansiver
declare:s'fix#, that each and every kllega,
tion in the complaint contained, ex
cept that the plainttrand Miss Elizabeth
M. Richards were married October 2d,
1855, and lied to gether as husband and
wife up to 1874, is utterly false.
• Second,,that this defendant neva • had
at any time or at any place any unchaste
imprOper relatious'with the wife of the
plaintiff, and never attempted orsought to
have any such relations,
(Signed) autxmAx and STERIM,
Attorneys for defendant.
Appended to the answer is the oath of Mr.
eccher that the foregoing answer is true
PC his own knowledge. ' Notice of trial at
the October torin of the City Court of
Proeirlyn have been served by counsel on
both sidis.
of bur readeri ever think of the amount
qt travel it takes to raise a crop of corn
ou a 20-acre field? To break this up
would take 166 miles; harrowing about
40 miles; furrowing out, 90 miles; plant
fpg44 aiilcsi if with a planter, and if
4roPpeii and covered, ninety miles. And
ot , tabii ploiiing: of, furrows •in a row,
90 miles; or five plowings, 450 miles.
Thus you see it takes about eight ornine
hundred miles traveling to raise twenty
acres of corn, not counting going and. re
turniag fro* the field.' Besides, there is
..roplanting, 'throning; rolling, gte.
4 111 - EVERZIONT ELrerzott—An election
writ' . held in Vermont on Thursday a week
for State officers, members of Congers!' and
a Legislature. The returns already re
ceived indictee the election of the Re
pnblican State :ticket by about 20,000
zu *jority, *bile all the Republican candl
-lates for - Congress are also elected.
—s4bicilbe the-R=OlW.
go - tal alturs.
—,ice-eream will soon be at a discount
Thirty days bath Sept,qullaer,
You caret pay taxes at the polls
—Apple .cropgooti; tiYinato shot.
--111'Coanelsbarg has as apple eight
• /
years old.
—The foliage of the trees is commenc
ing to assume an autumnal ttut.
—The likeness of the stolen boy, Char
les Ross, atilt be seen at our hotels.
MEtrrans, have closed and
the survivint chickens are happy.
t;Fir Our town and neighborhood was vis
jted with several .refreshing rain showers
on Tuesday last.
GONE.—John Philips, Esq., Cashier of
the First National Brink of 'this place is
now on a pleasure tour to Niagra Falls.
PUBLIC SaLT•.s.—We call special atten
tion to the valuable real and personal
property advertised in to-day's paper.—
correspondent on first page gives
our readers an interessing account of the
Camp Meeting at Orrstown.
M.A printer's _ picnic _will be held at
Williams grove,in Comber!aud County, on
Saturday next. Tie Shitopensburg, New-
Idisvcarlisle -and - Dlechanicsburg - bands
have offerd their services for the occasion.
_—.A._recLbeet _taken_frim
the garden of Mr. Gen. Frick was left at
our office a few days since which weighed
sis pourids. Can any of our town gar
deners beat this specimen 1-leg:table?
- - 'coat Loxixor--On the first page of
our next issue we will publish several ex
tracts from a private letter from Mr. H.
C. Barr, from the city of Loudon. They
were banded is too late for publication
this week.
LAUGE ilitur..-111essrs. Jobn Russel]
and John Bakener returned yesterday
morning from an out-liue fishing excur
sion along the Antietam with forty eel B.—
We are not advised as to, n hether they
extended their operations as far as "Bell's
Dam" or not.
THE DovE.=Naturalists say that the
dove, which is among the most harmless
of the feathered tribe that soars aloft, af
ter losing its mate never again se-mates
nor ceases to mourn its loss. Sportsmen
who make it their business to kill birds
not of an inseciiverous nature, should
spare the dove.
SQUIRRELS.-A sportsman of th is place,
Of forty years:standing,informs us that he
traveled a full day through the timber
land West of this place without seeing a
gray squirrel or even a ground sqitirrel.
tie is of the opinion that owing to the fail
ure of the nut crop, or some other cause,
they lutVe soughtlhe forests of some other
section of the country. •.
Pic .IClc.—A re-union or Pic•tiic for the
Presbyterians of the Cumberland Valley,
is to be held at the Oakville' Camp
grounds on Thursday 24th inst. Distin
guished ministers of ilk° church from dif
ferent sections of the country will be pres
ent by invitation to take part in the .ex
RELinious.—Services in the Presbyte
rian Church,,(Rev. R. F. McClean, Pas
tor) next Sabbath—preaching in the
morning, and prayer-meeting in the even
ing. Sabbath-school at 1 o'clock, P. M
Union Prayer It will be held in
the Piesbyterian Church, Sabbath next,
at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of the
Young Men's Christian Association.
MAcm Snore SOLD.—The machine
shopS of the Waynesboro' Manufacturing
Company were e - ild privately by ,the as
signees on Tuesday last for the sum of
86.200. Purchaser, Gee. F. Lidy. Mr-
L. was connected with the late firm and
we understand will have other, responsi
ble parries associated with in the future
management of the shops.
CORBECTION.-A lady signing herself
'Cate Agnew requests us to correct a state
ment copied from the Opinion, to the ef
fact that a: man, son of a widow Shaffer,
and brother-in-law of Mr. A. B. Hatml
ton, of Altoona, had committed suicide
by cutting his throat. She says he was
not a son of Mrs. Shaffer, and therefore
not a brother-in-law of Mr. Hamilton. He
was a brother of Mrs. Agnew and died of
DECEASED.—AIes. Hamilton, Jr., 'ex
pired st the residence of his father in this
place on Monday night last. The deceas
ed had been a great sufferer i having been
confined to his room and hed for a num
ber of years with a spinal affection. He
was the youngest member of the family,
being in the 34th year of his age. We uu
ilerstaud his su ff ering...and long confine
. . -
meat were borne to the end with christian
e3igna tiou.
SEr^The Greencastle Valley Echo says
that Mrs. Col. Schnelbly, of Washington
county, Md., now in her . lo3d year,visited
that town a few days ago, in her carriage,
and eallod on several old acquaintances.
She ie a most remarkably preserved lady,
still enjoys the best of health, and con
verses freely 'on all topics. The only thing
she complains of is her eyesight, which has
become so dire ct that she can only recog
pip her many friends by their voices:—
.0021.110 N •SENSE IN OUR tiOatzdort
Scnoot.. 7 -,One of the 'first things which'
strikes a foreigner—says an -exchange—
con templiting ourcom mon schodl system,
is the variety of Objects' taught "in our
schools. A hasty glance 'at.the common
c utriculu ill would give.out the idea that the
growing generation would form a nation -
of scholars hut . npon reflection the question
naturally arises, "How can the - young
mind grasp at and hold- fait Alte num
erous studies thrust upon it almost in in '
fancy 7"
!Experience has shown opkt they who
have passed through the instead of
knowing the variety of topics, know com
paratively little, and that minds instead of
being , stored with knowledge, etre simply
clogged with a bewildering array of hazy
ideas about a thousand different thing.—
This is the result of cramming learning
into young minds—a system so common
in .our day, not only in common schools,
but in academies and colleges. Adaptation
for study is never consideredliy the guar,
dials of children nor by the teachers.
There is the curriculum and there is the
child. The latter has got to run up the
scale as if it were a musical instrument
whether the 'notes are comprehended or
not, and more studies the former contains
of course the better the school. This is the
popular fallacy. People think It a great
thing to have their children - learning to
spell, read, write, study_grammar r geogra
phy, philosophy, astronomy, Latin, Greek
German, Choctaw and mathematics all at
once, while the fact is that they cannot give
an intelligible rendering of an ordinary
newspaper paragraph.
' There is a depth of wisdom in the wor.]s
of the philosopher who said he leered "the
men of one book." It is by far,preferable
to be perfect in one study than to have
wasted a lifetime in studying the -title
pages of various volumes on innumerable
topics. The strain upon the capacity of
children in the upper grades of our schools
are far in excess of their available resour
ces. Children have not the judgment to
assimilate the mass of information that
graded courses of study usually prescribe.
There are two periods in mental pro
gress, namely, the mechanical and the
thinking period. Too often a grievous
mistake is made by trying to anticipate
the latter period. Certainly, children
can be taught to do wonders, but their
minds must not be overcrowded, nor their
efforts paral7zed by an amount of analysis
and classification for which they do not
possess the faculty,noi the material where
with to exercise the faculty nor the ex
periencelo guide them in such excreise.:—
"It is a faculty to shake the tress before
the fruit is ripe, or to strike the iron be
fore it is hot," says anexcellent writer.—
The application of this trite expression,
was never more opposite to anything than
to our method of endeavoring to extract
from the unripe .mind that which it has
been debared from acquiring, by forcing
up m it a crowd of 1 r inches of h a ning.
and not giving it time to contemplate the
beauty of one branch. By all means, if
possible, let every branch be taught in its
place, let us have common sense in the
management of our common schools.
CATTLE Kr LLED:-During the thun
der storm which th - rld over this section
about 3 o'clock or sday the lightning
struck into a *us* :; milch cows near
Waynesboro' Staticini, on the mountain,
killing three valuable cows and one calf
belonging to Messrs. John and Lambert
Sanders. The former was prostrated by
the shock and had not entirely recovered
from the effects up to a late hour in the
evening. The cattle were being driven
to the Station tq be tarred for Baltimore.
Mr. Simon Mickley who was in the vicin
ity at the 'time with a load of' wheat was
also prostrated with two of his horses, but
fortunately escaped any serious effects
from the - Shock. The loss to the Messrs.
Sanders is considerable, .but they have
cause for thankful congratulation at so
narrow escape from instant death.
DEctrasun.—Many of our older citizens
will remember Wm, M. Cooper who was
engaged itt the mercantile business in this
place from 1821 to 1837. - Mr. C. expir
ed at his residence in Springfield, Ohio,oti
the 14th of August, aged 75 yearr.—
About 1846 he removed fro.n Pittsburg
to Springfield where lie remained to the
time of his death. The Baltimore Presby
terian Week/ty says "He was _an enthusi
astic and successful fruit grower, for many
years proprietor of the nurseries which
bore his name, and always a prominent
exhipitor at the annual faits, He had
but recently removed to the city from his
suburban home, No one could say any
thing but good of him as a man, a citi
zen, or a christian. He was a member
of, and 'regular attendant at the First
Presbyterian Church of Springfield."
tures for the support of the :Poor of this
county during the last month are as fol.
lows : Beet, 847.76; Beef cattle 838.00 3
Dry Goods $47.99 ;Grocer'Ps $63.55 ; To
bacco $37.00 ;Hardware 86.41 ; Lumber
88.97; Threshing Grain, $20.81; Coal
for lime, $79.50 ;-Setting lime stacks, $9-
00 ; 'Blacksmith* and Wagonmaking
$28.07 ; Labor on Farm, 616.10 ; Seeds,
821.32 . : Repairs to Bake-oven, $7.70 ;
Repairing Traveler's room, $14.00; Shoes
and Shoemaking, 811.50 ; Flour and
Grinding, 882.08 ; Wdod fbr.Fuel, $4B
- Hatia, $8,00; Tinware,sB,33 ; Re
movals, 86,95 ; Q. D. P. Gcfuni, $5,00 ;
Support of 0. D. P., 8316,50 ; Drugs
and Medicini2s, 854,61. •
BLACK LIST.—The following ,indi
,viduals have swindled us e o* of the sums
annexed to their names, or,so far, at least,
have refused to settle any part of theiinc
counts, and in,nrder that they may not
,successfully play the part of beats"
hi other localities, we give the public their
; names, and will continue to add "a few
more,of the same sorefrom week to week,
and as they appear their tames will be
dionped *CM subscribers :
HENRY L. BROWN-, $30.00
DR. J. A. HATTON, 14.00
JOHN-D. BARR, 10.50
S. A. FOUTZ , 10.00
A. N. STALEY, 5.00
J. M. LEESE & CO. 30,00
BENJ. F. FITZ, 6,00
GEO. W. CRAMER, - -5,00
JOHN - A. WHITE, 10,00
JA - ; - HUGHES, 4,50
RD:IEII7B.—Mo following is a list of
our subscriptionieceiptalluriug_the mouth
of August:
P. J. Beard, $2.00
John Burger,
C. H. Unger, 4.00
John Eshelman, 3.12
John D. Lesher, 2.00
Peter Mourer, 2.00
Wm. B. HUnter, 2.00
F. Speck, 2.00
L. L. Sanders, 4.00
Wm. Givler, 4.00
Chas. Hiteshew, 2.00
-Henry Noll, 2.00
B. S. Gait 2 00
Peter Baer, 2.00 ,
John H. Hass, 2.00
Christian Hoffman, sem 2.00
Frank. Ressler, 2.00
John Shank, (of A.) . 2.00
John Hicks, 2.00
Mrs. John W. Good, 4.00
James N. Stoops, 1.00
- Joseph Ripple, 2.00
Henry Mickley, . 4.00
John C. Anderson, 5.00
Martin Id- Summers, 2.00
Geo. Barkdoll, (of Jos.) 5 25
Henry J. Waddle, 3.10
Geo. Fourth man, ."
David Protzmati, 2.00
since an attempt at highway robbery oc
cur red near the village of Leitersburg in
this county. Two young gentlemen whilst
riding quietly along the road were sodden
ly accosted, by two disguised men who de
manded their money, at the same time
presenting pistols at the heads of the un
fortunate riders. Of course in a case of
that kind all that remains to be done is to
put your hand in your pocket and surren
der the stamps or run the risk of being
shot at. Now, these two gentlemen did
not wish to shuffle oif this mortal coil as
yet, so they produced their pocketbooks,
containing respectively (and respectfully)
sixty-five and thirty-nine cents. The
highwaymen could hardly realize the fact
that those sums were all'they could ob
tain - from the parties, so they proceeded to
search for more, but found none, when
they incontinently marched off into the
woods in disgust. No clue has been ob
tained to the perpetrators of this high
handed, but low paying act, and it is. the
general opinion that the disappointment
of the ruffians was punishment enough
for the tommission.of the clime.— Twice
A Il7eok.
110 - Last week in Harrisburg Judge
Pierson decided that a transgressor of the
Sunday Ltws can de fined for each awl
every sale of cigars and merchandize dur
ing Sunday.
WORTHLESS GuAnA.XxxEs.—Under the
most solemn treaties, the United States
guaranteed to the Sioux Indians, the pos
session of a reservation along the boun
dary line of Wyoming arid Dakota Terri
tories. By the usage of the - government
since its foundatibn, the Indians have
been regarded as the rightful owners of
soil ; and as they have been pressed west
ward and restricted in their ranges by the
irresistible progress of the white people,
tracts known as " reservations" have been
set apart for them, upon which they are
guaranteed immunity from intrusion.—
In these districts they are supreme rulers.
Having been recognized as separate na
tions, United States troops have no more
right to enter their territory in time of
peace, than they have to invade Canada
or Mexico; in addition, it is provided in
every treaty, that no troops shall trespass
upon their reservation without, their con
sent. In spite of these guaranties, the gov
ernment has seen fit to authorize a party
of United States soldiers, under: Gen. Cus
ter, to explore the Black Hills, a small
system of mountains in the Sioux reserva
tion. What the object of the exploration
may be, no one has been able to explain,
as the country is not open to settlement,
'nor is it large enough to furnish much
geographical - inlbrtuation. The restil t earl
,hardly fail to be art Indian war, for (yep.
Custer's men are spreading reports of au
abunclaoce.of gold, .combined ;With fertile
valleys, xich pasturage, and good water—
a series of. attractions bound to allure
thoutands of restless ? adventurers from
every section of the Union.. The Sioux
are brave and warlike, and will not be
wanting in defence of their homes and
their lauds. They Will have justice and
law upon their side, also, yet we doubt if
the government, having already violated
the plain stipulations of the treaties, does
not add another wrong to the many done
to the red men, by driving the Sioux
from this reservation, to a region even
more remote and inaccessible.
In Memoriam.
Francis H. Johnston, departed this
earthly life on the morning of Aug. 24th,
at the residence of his brother, G. B.
Johnston, on Kerr 'Avenue, 36th Ward,
Pittsburg, Pa.
It seems monrnful to record the -death
of one who had just entered his thirty-soc•
and year; yet when we remember that he
of whom we write was old in affliction and
suffering even at this age it reconciles us
to what lye - otherwise would call a prema
ture deaths
Many in his native town, will remem
ber how little his general appearance in
dicated good health, he vainly sought af
ter-this- great - blessing yet never attained
it. About ten montlia_ago-disease-began
to assume a consumptive form in a hack
ing cough, and sudden spells of difficulty
in breathing. These continued their weak
ening work until the night of the flood,
July 26th, when he was carried to his
room never to leave it until borne to a
more peaceful resting place, after four
weeks of extreme suffering. This suffer
ing was not caused by pain but from sen
sitiveness of the flesh and smothering for
breath. •
Two of the best experienced physicians
in the city were in attendance, and they
Were led to believe as the sufferer himself
contended that some of the suffering was
caused by diseased liver and digestive or
gans. A. Post Mortem examination found
these in a perfectly healthy condition;
whilst the lungs were found hardened and
dead to such an extent as to forbid unob
etructed. or easy breathing. Eveything
was done in human power to alleviate
our young friend's misery. Nothing re
maned undone by friend or neighbor
that might cause a little pleasaut gratifi
cation to him who was soon to pass from
sight forever. Even children who were
want to gather on the sidewalks sought
other playground and left the street un
disturbed by mirth, where the pallid face
was accustomed to appear at the, window
in search of a breath of air. Though the
struggle with death was hard and nature
was loth to yield to the destioYer, the
spirit was resigned and willing to depart.
He frequently spoke touchingly` of the sor
row he felt at leaving the kind friends
Gud had given him to crown his earthly
life; but he looked forward in a still bet
ter home with kindred and friends of ear
lier years. To the mother who so often
has been called to sever kindred ties he
,gave the best assurance of a Joyful trust
in God. He said on one occasion When
1 meet you again mother, it will be be
yond these trying scenes."
Friends from far and near sent floral
tributes to wreathe the pale sleeper, and
tokens of sympathy to the stricken fam
Sweet words of consolation were spoken
by . the minister who said he loved to im
agine what a meeting there would be af
ter awhile when the loved ones would be
re-united, who in childhood played on the
same hearthstone, and had passed in and
Out or one door. He was not laid to rest
alone by strangers hands, but some whose
friendship extended back almost to boy
hoods days gladly performed the last to
ken of respect, and they laid him to rest
amid rich ,foliage of trees, perfume of
flowers, singing birds and all that is love
ly in nature feeling sure that the eye
which never slumbers would take care of
his dust until the resurrection morning.
James W. Marshall, who first discover
ed gold in California on the 19th of Janu
ary, 1848, is in receipt of an allowance of
$lOO per month from the state.
Dar Don't fail to procure one of those
handsome Parlor Hanging Vases, at
sep 10-2 t Pawn & Honn.xcies.
Another Large Supply of varrigated Rock
ingham and and Tera, Cotta. Ware, just re
sept. 10-2 t PRICE & HOEFLICH.
two-Large lot Men and Boys' Prime
Heavy Booth, at antonishing, low prices, at
MILTER BROS' Boot and Shoe. Store.
sepl 0
MY - Ladies, Misses and Childrens' Shoe
wear of all kinds, that will compare, favor
ably with any in town, in
_quality and, price,
at MILLER BROS., P. O. Building, seplo
itso—Ladies, Misses and Men's Rubber
Over Shoes, cheap, at MILLER 13 ROV.
ger QUEENBWARE can be found at•
Mrs. Anna Smith's residence, which be
longs to the Ladies connected with the Fes
tival in aid of the Band. Mrs. James Wolf
is short of a Large Plate. Any one having
a stray one Will please return.
—Persohs wishing the King Iron, four
complete in one, for glossing, fluting, band
and smoothing, by leaving their orders with
Stover 43: Wolff, can be supplied.
sep 3 General Agent.
poomarAvaiti:it C=ll
At Wolfsyille, Frederick county, Md.,
on Sunday morning last, Mr. GIDEON
HOOVER, aged 62 years, 6 mouths and 14
days. •
On the Ist inst., in Funkstown i IsAAc
DULL, aged 58 years, 5 months and 7
IF the boys that set a tree on fire In Jobn
Lesher's woods will not come forward im
mediately and pay damages they will be
prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law.
The parties arc all known to the proprietor.
(corumergp WEEKLY.)
.. 10e
lt.11! 3
BUTTER. ~..... 18
APPLES-Diu ...... ...... hJO
BALTIMORE, Sept. /,-1.874.
FLOUR—Western Super at 84.624.
do. Extra at 55.35•; do. low Family al
$5.624(05.75; do, fancy do.,at
CORN,—Mixed In Eletrator at 81
cents, mixed Westere, and do. No.
white at 92, cents.
OATS.—gales to-day at 5,7®00 cents.
RYE.-The market is firmer, .with a
brisk demand. • Sales Pennsylvania at 90
cents, prime Maryland at 92 cents. -
WILL be sold at Public Sale on the Prem
ises on
Wednesday, the 14th day of 0ct06er,1874,
the following described Real Estate, all
that valuable farm, containing ,
138 ACRES and 14 PERCHES, •
known as the Mcllvanoy farm, located one
and a half miles west of Waynesboro', on
the Greencastle and Mercersburg Turn
pike.-bounded by lands of John Funk, Sr.,
Samuel Foreman, J. H. Gordon, Franklin
Miller and Itiaac R. Fox. Thislatatatrill-b
offered in two tracts.—
No. 1, containing
— I24A:CRES and 14 PERCHES,
neat measure.. The improvements are a
large '
Bank Barn, Wagon Shed and all the neces
sary out buildings; a spring of never failing
water in the basement of the house;
of choice fruit, about 15 acres of the tract is
covered with thriving oak timber, the bal
ance in a good state of cultivation.
No. 2, a tract of land containing
situated on the South • side of the Green
castle and Mercersburg Turnpike, adjoin
ing the Toll Gate property. There are no
improvements on this tract.
The farm will be sold together or sepa
rate to suit purchasers.—
Persons wishing to view the premises
will please call ou the undersigned residing
in Wayneseoro', or James Mcllvaney resid
ing on the farm.
sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
when the terms will be made known by
W. S. A3l BE RSON,
Sept. 10-ts
Chambersburg Repository copy 4 times
and send_bi I l_to-ad vertisers.
THE undersigned intending to relinquish
filming, will offer at public sale, on the
premises, situated along the turnpike lead
ing from 'Waynesboro' to Greencastle, three
miles west of the former place,
On Thursday the 24th September, 1874,
the following persovil rrOpeity, to wit:
five of which are good work horses, two
colts rising 2 years, one colt 5 months old ;
3 of which are mulch cows, 3 heifers two
years old, 2 tine steers two years old, 1 two
yearling bull; 6 fine Ewes;
witlr bed; 1 two or three-horse Wagon, four
inch tread, 1 one•horse spring wagon, one
falling-top buggy,
combined, 2 three-horse and 1 two-horse
barshear plows, 3 single and double shovtl
plows, single, double and treble trees, 2 sets
brecchbands. 2 sets front gears, 3 sets plow
gears, 5 pair fly-nets, log chain, fifth-chain.
butt traces. middle rings, tkc.; - 3,000 Dry
Oak Lap Shingles,
kboot, 20,000 Oak Stays and Heading ;
also, 1 bureau, 1 cupboard, I side-board, 2
bedsteads and bedding, 1 dining table. 1
parlor table, 2 sets chairs, 2 large rocking
chairs, about 50 yards carpeting, cook stove
doughtray, iron kettle, and many articles
not enumerated.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said
day, when terms will be made known by.
sep 10 is G. V. Along, auct,
THE subscriber will offer at public sale,
on THURSDAY the Ist day of OCTO
BER next, a desirable small farm, situated
one.half mile Northeast of Quincy, in Quin
cy township, Franklin county, Pa., (former
ly owned by Nov. Abrm.Golley, containing
more' or' less, well improved land, all of
which has been limed. The improvements
consist of a two-story
Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Granary and Hog
Pen under one roof, and other necessary
out-buildings, in good repair. There is also
a never-failing well of good water between
the barn and house, and two young Or
chards of choice fruit trees, besides peach
es, pears, plums and grapes, that cannot be
well surpassed. The Tract is well laid off
and nearly all under good fencing.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said
day when the terms will be made known
sep 10 b 3 G. V. Itlong. suet.
THE subscriber announces to his custom
ers and the public that he still occupies
the Basement of the Waynesboro' hotel
building as a Restaurant. The finest oys
ters the market will afford served fried,
roasted or stewed during day time and eve
nings. Also ! Bologna Sausage, Tripe, Eggs,
etc. A genuine article of cider always on
on hand. He will keep the best of every
thing in his line and expects to be able to
give satisfaction to all who will favor him
With their patronage.
Fresh oysters this evening.
THE Auditor appointed bythe Court of
CJrnmon Pleas of Franklin County to
report distribution of . the balance in hands
of George J, 13alsley, assignee of John C.
Martin, will meet the creditors and all par
ties Interested for the purposes of his ap
&inttnent, on Tuesday, September 22d,1874,
at 10 o'clock, A. Id. at his office in Waynes
sep t 3t
1 0 0 TirAl e m r F s l.4 ma T e st . . ) Pori pp f l o y r
t s. o lle, (01-
sep 3 . 3 t JAS, H. OrATTO.N.
preparation, made chielly frOm the natkvA
herbs ,fourid on the lower ranges of the
Sierra Nevada mountains of California,
the medicinal properties of which are
extracted therefrom without the use of
•AlcohoL The question is almost daily
asked, " What Is the cause of the unpan.
alleled success of ArrnEGAlt Errrnas
Our answer is,. that they remove the
cause of disease, and the patient recov, _
era his health. They aro the great
blood purifier imd a life-giving princi
ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigoratoy
of the system. Never before in the his-.
tory of the world has a medicine been
compounded possessing tho remarkable
qualities of VINEGAn l3rrxEns in healin,;•
the sick of every disease man is heir to.
They area gentle Purgativo as -well as a
Tome, relieving Congestion or Inflammation
of the Liver and 'Visceral Organs in Bilious
— The properties of Dn. WArzcnn's
ViNaaalz .BrrrEas are Aperient, Diaphoretic,
Carminative, Nutritious,Laxative, Diuretic,
Sedative, Counter-Irritat, Sudorific, Altera,
tire, and Anti-Bilious.
Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin
soar BrrrEns tho most wondiafal Invigur,
ant that ever sustained the sinking system..
No Person can take these Bitters
according to directions, and remain long
unwell, provided their bones are not do-
stroyed by mineral poison or other means,
and vital organs wasted beyond reppir:
_ Bilious, Remittent, and Inter- ,
mittent Fevers, which are so 'prev
alent in the valleys of our great rivers
throughout the United States, especially
those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri,
Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan
sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande,
Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro
anoke, James, and many others, with
their vast tributaries, throughout our
entire country during the Summer and
Autumn, and during sea
sons of unusual heat and dryness, are
invariably accompanied by extensive
derangements of the stomach and liver,
and other abdominal viscera. In their
treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow
erful influence upon these various or
gans, Is essentially necessary. There is
no cathartic for the purpose equal to Dr..
they will speedily remove the dark
- colored-viscid-matter-with-whielr-the—
bowels aro loaded, at the same time
stimulating the secretions of the liver,
and generally restoring the healthy
functions of the digestive organs.
Fortify the body against disease
by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR
BITTERS. No epidemic can take hold of
a system thus fore-armed.
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head
ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs,
'rightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour
Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in
the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation
of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs,
Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a
hundred other painful symptoms, are
the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle
will . prove a better guarantee of its
merits than a lengthy advertisement.
Scrofula, or Ring's Evil, wilitit
Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled
Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations,
Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec
tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin,
Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all
other constitutional Diseases, WALKER'S
VINEGAR. BITTERS have shown their
great curative powers in the most ob
stinate and intractable cases.
For Inflammatory and Chronic
Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit
tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases.
of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad
der, these Bitters have no equal. Such
Diseases aro caused by Vitiated Blood.
Mechanical Diseases.—Persons cu.
gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as .
Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters,
and Miners, asethey advance in life, aro
subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To
guard against this, take a dose of WALE:-
2lt'S Vr2ll2llolt BirrEns occasionally.
. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tot
ter, Salt-Rheum, 131otchss, Spots, Pimples,
Pustules, Boils, earbuteles, Ring-worms,
Scald-head, Soro Eyes, Erysipelas, ? Itch,
..eurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, mors
dr.d Diseases of the Skin of whatever namo
or nature, are literally dug np and carried
out of the system in a short time by the use
of these Bitters.
Pin, Tape, and other Worms,.
lurking i n the system of so many thousands,
are effectually destloyed and removed. No.
system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an
thelminitics will free the system from worms.
like these Bitters.
For 'Female ComplaintS, in young ,
or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo
manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit-,
tars display so decided au influence that im
provement Id soon perceptible.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when
ever yeti findits impurities bursting through
the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores;
&lime it when you find it obstructed and
sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is
foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep
the blood pure, and the health of the systeui
will follow.
• 11. 11. IiIaTIONALD d; CO.,
Druggists and den. Agin., San Francisco, California.
and cor. of Washington and Chulton Sta.. N. Y. •
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers* .
UV E the subscribers notify persons front
r 7 Fishing, Hunting, and otherwise tres
passing on our enclosed lands. Persons so
offending hereafter will be proceeded a
gainst with the utmost rigor of the law.
C. W. Fat« key, Isaac Shockey, •
Daniel Sno...erger, E. S. Baer, •
J. M. Burns, John Burger,
Aaron Funk, Geo. Snowberger,
John Gehr, • ' Elias Snowbergel
D. R. Miller, Jacob E. Miller, -
D. B. Itesh. Wm. Logue.
Henry Carbaugh, Henry Gilbert,
Jacob J. Miller, Andrew S. Stoner,
John Wishard, Henry Rinehart,'
W. H. Potter, Sam. Rinehart,
D. C, Shank, .vs. I. S. Snively,
Martin Fun - k, B. F. Funk
Michael Kriner, Sam'l. Foreman.
Simon Mickley, Henry Lecher,'
John Brown,
Abrm. 011er;
Henry Funk. aug27 3t
TE Heirs of George Wiles, decd. offer
their farm at Private Sale, which con ,
152 A.9,IR , MS.
first quality of LIMESTONE LAND with
good improvements. If not sold the said
farm will be for rent. For further infornia;
tion enquire of the undersigned living on;
the premises. JQIIN
aug27 tf