The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, September 10, 1874, Image 1

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    BY W. BLAIR.
eittt pottrg.
The Autumn sun is shining,
Gray mists are:on the hill ;
russet tint is on the !eaves,
But flowers are blooming stilt
Still bright in wood and meadow,
" 'On moorlands dry and brown ;
By little streams, by rivers broad,
On every breezy down.
The little flowersare smiling,
With chilly dew-drops wet,
Are saying with a spirit voice,
•'We have not vanished yet.
"No, though the Spring be over,
Though Summer's strength be gone,
Thor - Atittirrin's - vtealth - be garnered
And Winter cometh on.
"Still we-have not departed,
We linger to the last,
And e'en on early Winter's brow
A cheerful ray will cast!"
Go forth, then, you! 1 a any
Be joyful whilst ye may ;
Go forth, then, child and mother,
And toiling:men grown gray !
Go forth, though ye be humble,
And wan with toil and care;
,There are no fields so barren
But some sweet flower is there!
Flowers Spring up by the highway
Which busy feet have trod ;•
They rise up in the dreariest wood;
They gem the dullest sod.
They need no learned gardeners
To nurture them with care ;
They only. need the dews of earth,
Theshunshine and the air.
And for earth's lowly children
For loving hearts and good,
They spring up all around us,
They will not be subdued.
Thank:God I when forth from Eden
The„weeping pair were - driven,
That unto earth, cursed with thnrns,
The were given
That Eve, when looking downward,
To face her God afraid,
Beheld the scented violet,
The primrose of the shade!
Thank God, Unit with the thistle
That sprang up in his toil,
The weary worker. Adam,
• Saw roses jem the soil!
And still for anxious workers,
For hearts with anguibh full,
Life, even oa its dreariest paths,
line flowers for them to cull.
fflisullauton geading.
Peter Pennywise was in deep grief.—
All the hopes of a life-time were to be
frustrated. The fond ambition he had so
long nursed, bis pet scheie to make the
name of Pennywise the greatest in the
laud, was no more. His only son, Launce
lot, was to be married, and married to a
plebeian—to a girl who had wealth but
no name, no family ancestry, or no coat
of-arms on the panel of her coach.
Could human misery be greater?—
Could the Ossa of grief piled on the Peli
on of disappointment make a heavier load
of sorrow? No. The cup of Penn) w:se
wise full to the brim and he must drain
it .to the lees, however bitter the draught.
Such was the tenor of_ old Pennywise's
musings as he paced the velvet carpeted
floor of his library on the evening when
our story opens. A conversation his son
had with him as they sat together sipping
;their wine after dinner,bad been the cause
of this tumult iu the breast of Peter Pen
Launcelot was a weak-eyed and pink
skinned youth, with thin yellow lair,
which he.parted in the centre,and a little
whisp of saffron whisker on each side of
his face, the pulling of which with his
nervous little hand cm stituted the princi
pal employment of the scion of the house
of Penny wise.
'Father,' said Launcelot, after gulping
down'two or three glasses of wine to give
- Atim courage. 'Father.'
'Well, my son, what do you want?'
: asked the pompous head of the house.
'What do you think of marriage?'
'What do I think of what?' questioned
the surprised Pennywise.
'Marriage,' replied Launcelot. 'Matri
mony, you know. Two hearts with but
a single thought, two souls that beat as
*one and all that.'
'I think that every man should marry,
and I would be glad to hear that you had
" ! fixed your affections on some lady with
the proper,qualificatiOns,' said -t 'ennywise.
!What are the proper lualificationsl'
Inquired Launcelot.
replied his father, 'family—
whatever else you do, be 'sure never to
disgrace the name of Pennvwise by a pie
)3einn connection.'
'Why, is our fa:nily such a very great
„one' demanded the young man:
'A great one!' ethoz.d Pennywise;
jt's the greatest in the laud. Study care
fully the genealogical tree that hangs in
the hall, which cost me five thousand to
lave properly traced and you will see
that the name of Pennywise was as well
known as that of William at the time of
the Norman conquest, q.nd that the coat
of-arms is one of the most respectable and
ancient that ever heraldry boasted of.'
' Well, of course that's all true, father ;
but I've heard some of the fellows at the
b sa that dfather was a pawn
• ,
'Your grandfather was a broker and
'banker as I myself am and was fully a
ware of the responsibility of being worthy
of his family,' said Mr. Penny wise, inter,.
- rupting - his - son;—'therefore-he-began-m.
education by impressing the value of a
family name upon my young mind, and
so, when I had grown older, and he inti
mated to me that I ought to marry the
highest respectable Miss Poundfoolish, I
went to that lady, proposed and was ac
cepted. Thus I consolidated the two great
families of Pennywise and Pounifoolish,
and you and your two sisters are the re
sult-But_you asked my opinion _of mat
rimony; are you thinking of marrying?'
'Ye-es sir,' gasped Launcelot.
'And whom do you propose honoring
with your name?' .
'Miss—a Miss Petersham,' answered
youthful Pennywise.
'Petersham—Petersham; I never heard
of - t . t Peters h am. - Who is she? demanded
the gentleman, with a darkening brow:
'She is very rich.
And , Launce faltered.
'Riches are very well, but you do not
need them. Your mother left you all her
fortune and I shall leave you half of mine
if you marry as wis .
this Petersham? What does her father .
'He keeps a large clothing establish
'What!' roared Pennywise. 'A tailor?
It shall not be: The arms of Pennywise
shall never be marred with a needle or
disfigured by—great heitven—a goose !
It shall never be—never—never!'
`lt must be!' said Launcelot, going to
the door, 'cause I've popped and she's ac
cepted me.'
The old man mechanically arose and
walked to his study, where he begin pac
ing the floor, as we found him at the com
mencement of our story, until there came
a rap at the door.
The visitor proved to be the governess
of the two Misses Peunywise—aged tivelve
and the other fourteen—whose disorderly
conduct and willful destruction of ward
robe and text books occasioned many a
visit to the library, after the dinner-hour,
by the governess.
She was a neat, pretty little body this
governess, and had Tam attracted the
notice of the young/13100(1s who came to
visit Launcelot, but she paid not the
slightest attention either to their compli
ments or glances, attending quietly to her
pupils, and seeming wholly wrapped in
their charge. In iitct Charlie Gushing
who was falling in love with every
girl he met, once observed •of her to
Launcelot ;
"Lettuce, that governess gal !—what's
her name j—Amy Don ?—ain't got any
heart. The only thing she could love
would be more pupils or plenty of mon
"Good evening, Miss Dorr," said Pen
nywise, when Amy had entered the libra
ry. "What can Ido for you this eve
ning ?"
".Excuse me sir," said Amy, hesitating
ly. "I wish to see you about my pupils,
but I can see you are grieved and agitated,
and as 1 fancy '1 know the cause of your
agitation, I will not annoy you with my
common-place complaints."
. "You know the cause ?" gasped Penny
"Yes, sir; I have no wish to intrude my
opinions or my knowledge, but the cause
of your grief is, I imagine, of your son,
and I think he is acting I oat foolishly."
"You are right, Miss Dort.," asserted
the old geutleman—"you are right. He
is acting most foolishly—most foolishly."
"Cannot you prevent it ?"asked the gov
"No ;I am powerless—powerless. He
will - wed the tailor's daughter, and dis
grace the great, the aristocratic name of
There was a smile playing around the
corners of Miss Dorr's mouth, and a sa
tirical twinkle in her eye, as Mr. Penny
wise spoke of his aristocratic name.
"Can you not threaten to disinherit
him rshe asked.
"No use—no use," groahed the discon
solate Peunywise ; "he has half a million
left him by his mother."
"A half a million !" cried Amy, and
the smile and twinkle faded away leayiug
her face stern and calculating looking.—
".Mr. Pennywise, thiN marriage would
be scandalous. Listen ; I know Miss
Petersham very well, in fact she considers
me her intimate friend—"
"11.1 y son's wife the intimate friend of
a governess," sighed Pennywise regard
less of the feelings of the girl before him.
"Yes," replied Amy, not heeding the
insult ; "but she is only a tailor's daugh
"Alas I alas! too true, too true," said
the unfortunate Pennvwise. •
"Mr. Pennywise," continued Amy,"you
are rich, very rich, and I am poor.—
You regard this marriage as a disgrace to
your family. I think I can prevent it.—
What will you give me if I do?"
,dear Miss Dorr,"cried old Penny
wise, jumping up from his chair, "if you
can prevent my son from marrying that
tailor's daughter I. Al bestow upon you
ten thousand dollars. '
"'Tis a bargain," said the governess,
"Please write a little agreement to this
effect : That as soon as I • give you proof
ghat Miss Petersham is married to some
one else than your ion you vgl pay me
the sum of ten thousand ,40Pare
" Married to some one else than my
son !" said Pennywise, as .he was writing
the agreement.
"Yes," answered Amy, "that is my
meanin?,l will make her marry a young
• -
erk c
• \ I he II eiye ; tele; . I ; Ave t *Ai
man I have. in:rny mind now."
"But my son will not permit it he is
fascinated by this dailor's daughter. "
"I will see that be permits it," the gov
erness said, taking the agreement .Mr.
- Pennywise-had-drawn-up-and _signed.—
"MY duty is to prevent the marriage of
Miss Petersham.'
"Yes," said the old man, " do that and
I will bless you ;" and the interview end-
For the wee : mime. to e y
the evening the foregoing conversation
took place, Miss Amy, very much to their
delight, absented herself entirely from
het pupils; and she might have been seen
any afternoon walking arm in arm with
the lovely'Miss Petersham.
During the walks, somehow, Mr. Char
ley Gushington invariably met the two
nor did he seem to regard the meetings as
at all unexpected. The fact was that the
wily governess had introduced Mr. Gush
ington to Miss Petersham, and was un
known to them fanning the flame that
they declared was consuming both their
young hearts.
Three weeks had passed since the night
Miss Amy had agreed to prevent the mar
riage of young Pennywise vijkh Miss Pe
tersham- when one morning OE governess
presented herself to the clerk in the of!'
Tice of Mr. Pennywise, and asked to see
th-' — dam— She -,shered—into
that gentlernan. —.ge — was — ushered—int
a private office where she found the aris•
tocratic Pennywise very much surprised
at his visitor.
"To what good fortune am I indebted
for this visit ?" he asked, wheeling around
from his desk.
"To the best fortune," answered the
governess. " Please read this advertise
ment that lam going to insert in to-mor
row morning's papers," and she banded
him a slip of paper on which he read the
following :
GUSHINGTON—PErEnsam — On • the
17th inst., at Grace church, by the Rev.
Jeremiah Waller, D. D., S. T. D., Mr.
Charles Gushington to Miss Emeline, el
dest daughter of Jacob Petersham, Esq.,
all of this city. No cards.
"My dear Miss Dorr," said Pennywise,
jumping up from his chair, " you have
saved the family—you have done won
ders—l owe you a debt of gratitude I can
never pay.
"Well, here is a debt you owe me you
can pay," said Amy, producing the agree
ment. "I will thank you for ten thousand
dollars in greenbacks. I don't want a
check I went the money."
"My, dear Miss Dorr," said the banker,
"if it took in) last,dollar I would not re
pudiate your claim.
And, drawing a check for the amount,
he called a messenger, and bade him go to
the bank and get ten thousand dollar notes
After the messenger had departed on
his errand, Pennywise turned to the gov
erness and said:
"How did my son bear the news that
Miss Petersham was folse to him? Thank
tver, my family will not he disgraced."
"When he first discovered that Miss P.,
was receiving attentions from Mr. Gush
ington he threatened to commit suicide;
but I finally induced him to listen to rea
son, and he attended the ceremony last
"But how did you effect this alteration
in him ? You are a witch or I should say
a good fairy. How did you do it?"
"Will the boy be long at the back?"
asked the governess.
"No, he is here now. I sea you want
your money before lon give your informa
tion; quite right. Well there it is," and
he handed her the money.
Miss Amy walked to the other end of the
room and , placed the money safely in her
bosom. Then turning to• Mr. Pennywise
she said :
"Mr. Pennywise, you asked me bow I
obtained your son's consent to the mar
riage between Mr. Gushington and Miss
"And saved my son from an alliance to
a woman socially beneath him," interrupt
ed Mr. Peunywise. "You marvel among
women; ill you tell me?"
"I will." • •
"How did you do it ?"
"I married him myself. Good morning,
POWER OF MEMORY. -A little negro
girl living in a distant city has a truly
wonderful memory. It is said that a gen
tleman who had read' aloud in her pres
ence accidentally heard her repeat word
for word what he had read from the paper,
though twenty-four hours had intervened.
After this he tested.her memory frequently
and has found it capable of repeating
thirty or forty lines from a book after
hearing it read over once. Her intellect
in other respects does not seem at all above,
if equal to, the average. Such instances
of memory are not very , unusual. Mary
Somerville tells of an idiot in Edinburg
who never failed to repeat the sermon,word
for word, after attending the kirk each
Sunday, saying : "Here the minister
coughed ;" "Here he drank some water,"
&c. She also tells of another whom she
met in the Highlands, who knew the 13%
hie' so, perfectly that if he was asked
where such a verse was to be found, he
told without hesitation, and repeated the
chapter. We reme mber, also, to have
read a year or two ago an account of a
man in New York who could read one
side of the "New York Herald,"and then
repeat it, word for word, advertisements
and all.
To PURIFY CIDER.—A few slices of
the red beet, put in : s
\ barrel of musty ci•
der, will deprive it of its disagreeable
taste and smell, as w • = prevent it from
becoming vapid 1 id.
The fall season is here.
BY G. W.. 8.
Toil swings the axe, and forests'bow ;
The seeds break out in radiant bloom,
Rich harvests smile behind the plow,
And cities cluster round the loom,
Where towering domes and tapering spires
Adorn the vale and crown the hill,
out_Laborlights its beacon fires,.
And plumes with.smoke the forge and
The monarch oak, the woodland's pride,
Whose trunk is seamed with lightning
Toil launches on the restless tide,
And there unrolls the flag of stars;
The engine with its lung of flame,
And ribs of brass and joints of steel,
From Labor's plastic fingers came,
With sobbing valve and whirling wheel
'Tie labor works the magic press,
And turns the crank in hives of toil,
And becons angels down to bless
Industrious hands on sea and soil.
Here sun-browned toil, with shining spade
Links lake to lake with silver ties,
Strung thick with palaces of trade,
And temples towering to the skies.
A Vivid Description.
The-following,-says the St._louis Re
publican, is an extract from a letter writ
ten by Mrs. S. D. Barrett, formerly of
Cambridge, Illinois, but now residing in
Nemaha county, Kansas. Her home is
in the track of the northern column of the
devastating grasshoppers and we presume
her vivid description of the scene will give
our readers a clearer idea of the magni
tude of the pest than they have hitherto
been able to form :
'lt looks very sad and dreary to me to
day. The sun is quite hidden by the clouds
of grasshoppers flying all around and a
lighting on everything. They are pelting
against my doors and windows as fast as
hailstones ever came. I can scarcely see
through my screen door for them, and to
look out as far as eye can see,it looks like
a snow storm; as they fly their wings look
white flakes of snow in the air. They de
stroy everything they alight on. [hey
have destroyed acres and acres of corn,
and now they are going in our cornfield
by clouds,and will destroy it all in a day.
Every shrub and tree is covered with
them. You know we have read of Phar
aoh's plague, where the insects got into
the kneading troughs. I think this is one
of them. I went out by the door to try
and drive them oftland they flew all over
me and I had to change my dress to get
rid of them. Instead of rain we are hav
ing showers of grasshoppers. Our six
windows are completely covered with them
and as I write,they are pouring down the
chimney and coming down the stovepipe.
'Father has just come in. He cannot
work out doors for they blind him; and
they are coining faster, and are now eat
ing the netting off my doors and windows,
and the heat and close air are stifling.—
I never saw anything so terrible in my
life. The ground is now completely cov
ered and they cause such an offensive
smell that but for an occasional breeze to
carry it off, I know not what we should
Please excuse mistakes, as I feel so bad
and nervous under this awful scourge and
Josh Billings in Good English.
Time is money and many people pay
their debts with it.
Iknorance is the wet nurse of prejudice.
Half the discomfort of life is the result
of getting tired of ourselves.
Benevolence is the dream on the milk
of human kindness.
People of good sense are those whose
opinions agree with ours.
Style is everything for a sinner, and a
little of it will not hurt a saint.
Men nowadays are divided into slow
Christians and wide-awake sinners.
There are people who expect to escape
hell because of the crowd going there.
Most people are like eggs— too full of
themselves to hold anything else.
A. mule is a bad pun on a horse. -
Health is a limn at call.
Necessity is the mother of invention,
but Patent Right is the father of it.
Beware of the man with half-shut eyes.
He's not dreaming.
Man was built after all other things
had been made and pronounced good.—
If not, he would have insisted on giving
his orders as to the rest of the job.
Mice fatten slowly in a church. They
can't live on religion any more than min
isters can.
Portland Press says : 'Mr. G. W. Burn
ham, of Libby's Corner, who has been en
gaged in dredging Fore River to widen
the chanuel,bas found a large bed of oys
ters shells about three or four feet under
the bed of the river. The shells are of a
very large size, some of them being eight
inches long and four or five wide. The
marks upon them show the oysters to have
been eighty years . old at the time 'they
died. ' The layers-of earth upon the bed
show that it must have existed in its
prime about five hundred years ago.—
From the size of its bed it must have been
as large as the. large beds in the South
are to-day.
Hot lemonade is one of the best rem
edies in the world for a cold. One
lemon squeeled, cut; in slices, put with
sugar, and covered with half a pint of
boiling water. Drink just before going to
bed,, and do not expose yourself the fol
lowing day. This remedy will ward
oir an attack of chills and icyer if used
A Traveler's. Revenge.
An amusing incident occurred the oth
er day on one of the trains from Boston
to this city. The cars were very crowded.
An elegantly dressed woman occupied an
entire seat. Her bundles, band box and
bag, were piled artistically.- She was ob
livious to the fact that passengers were
rushing back and forth to obtain sittings.
More Am> one gentleman paused before
the imperkous dame and silently plead
leisurely, looked in the seat, and evident
ly thought that things were very comfort
able as they were. 'ls that seat occupied,
madam?' said a well dressed gentleman,
very politely. 'Yes it is,' was the snap
pish reply. The man walked on. In
half an hour the door opened and in walk
ed a tall, rough fellow, coarse as a polar
combed and stained with tobacco juice.
"His clothes were illy put on and smelt of
the stable. He was ungloved, and braw
ny, and weighed 200. He ran his eye
along the car, and caught sight of the 1
seat on which our lady was sitting. He
made for it. With great deliberation he
seized bundle. bandbox, and bag, put
them plump into the lap of the lady, and
sat down in the vacant spot like oue_who_
intended to stay. If looks could have
annihilated a man, there would have
been a collapse in the car about that
time., The man seemed v( ry much at
home. .He whistled; he spit; he stroked
his beard; he threw around his huge
arms, and chuckled inwardly at the evi
dent rage of the woman. She left the
cars at New Haven, and had hardly gone
before the gentleman who was refused the
seat reappeared. To some gentlemen
who seemed to take a great interest in the
proceeding, he said: "Did you see how
that woman treated me?" "Yes." "Did
you see how she was come up with?"
"Yes." "Well, that man is a horse doc
tor that sat down by her. He belongs to
Bull's Head. I gave , him a dollar to ride
with that woman as far as she went."
The car roared.
Taking Things Without Asking.
• Wheal was a boy, I was playing out
in the street one winter's day, catching
rides oil sleighs, and it was great fun.
Boys would rather catch rides an, day
than go out regularly and properly to
take a drive. As I was catching on to
one sleigh and another, sometimes having
a nice time, and oft times getting a cut
from a big black whip, I at last fastened
like a barnacle to the side of a country
man's cutter.
An old gentleman sat alone oz. the seat,
and he looked at me rather benignantly,
as I thought, and neither said anything
to me nor swung his old whip over me;' so
I ventured to climb up on the side of his
cutter. Another benignant look from the
countryman, but not a word. Embolden
ed by his supposed goodness, I ventured
into the cutter and took a seat under his
warm buffalo-robe beside him, and then
he spoke. The colloquy was as follows:
"Young man, do you like . to ride?"
"Yes; rir." •
"Do you own a cutter, young man ?"
"No, sir."
"It's a pretty nice cutter, isn't it ?"
"Yes, sir, it is, and a nice horse drawing
"Did I ask you•to get in ?"
"No, sir."
"Well, then, why did you get in ?"
"Well,sir, I—l thought you looked good
and kind, and that you would not object."
" And so, young man, because you
thought I was good and kind, you took
advantage of that kinddess, and took a
favor without asking for it ?"
"Yes, sir."
"Is that ride worth having?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, now, young man, I want tell
you two things : You should never take a
mean 'advantage of kindness of others ;
and what is worth having is worth asking
for : I shall tumble you out into that snow
drift without asking you."
And out I went, like a shot off a shov
el, and he didn't make much fnss about
either. I picked myself up in a slightly
bewildered state, but I never 'forgot that
Industry prolongs life. It cannot con
quer death, but can defer his hour, and
spreads over the interval a thousand enjoy
ments that makes it pleasure to live.—
As rust and decay rapidly consume the
machine that is not in use, so disease and
sickness accumulate on the frame of indo
lence, until existence becomes a burden,
and the grave a bed of rest. Industry is
the friend of virtue, and infloience the
handmaid of vice. The active are sel
dom criminal ; but the most of those who
,yield to guilty enticements, might date
their lapse from rectitude to habits of idle
ness, which leaving the heart vacant,gave
full opportunity for the evil passions to
exert their power.
Faarr STEALrrna.—People who are
troubled with havihg their fruit stolen
should know that the law provides an ef
fective remedy for such offences. It im
poses a fine of not less than $5 nor more
8100 upon every person who shall Fitful
ly enter any orchard or garden, and club
or otherwise injure any fruit trees,or shall
tramp upon or break down grass, grain,
vegetables or vines of any kind. The
stealing of fruit is declared a misdemean
or, and any person convicted shall be
fined not exceeding $5O, and be iroFis
oned not more than sixty days. The
same penalty is declared against the steal
ing or removal of vegetables, plants, or
ornamental trees and shrubbery.
A Minnesotian has made a drink from
ground up grasshoppers, a half-pint of
which makes a man hopping drunk. It
is much cheaper than coy •whiskey.
[Correspondence of the Village Record.]
The camp ground of the United Breth
ren church of Franklin county, Pa. is sit
uated about 7 miles Mirth of Chambers
burg and 3 South of Orrstown. A few
years ago, twenty acres of timber land,
one-fourth acre less,.were contracted for
at one hundred dollars per acre for camp
meeting purposes. At the campmeetiug
held last ear seem*, was obtained for
the full amount of money and the ground
dedicated for church purposes for ever.'
The ground is well set with white oak,
black oak, hickory and other kinds of
trees, and is found upon an" elevated part
of country with smooth and mostly level
roads, the land in quality inclining to
`Which side of the street do you liveon,
Mrs. Sipple?' asked a counsel,cross-exarn
ining a witness. 'On either side, sir. If
ye go one way it's on ,the right; if ye go
the other_way_it's on the left.
of this section of coon- I Arrs---
try yet maintain more of the old Pennsy.l
- traits of character than they do in
the Southern portion of Franklin county,
owing probably to the influence of old
Mennonites, who are said to reside here
in considerable numbers. The plainnws
of dress seen among the people will read
ily lead the traveller to believe this state•
went correct. --
There is something
striking, especially
in these days, in the appearance of a
group of plainly dressed little girls seated
in the congregation. Their wear is nearly
all of the same shade, varying from drab
to brown or some other simple color.—
The goods are of very substantial texture,
and it is easily seen that it is not because
they could not afford anything better,that
they do not have more style about them;
but it is inferred that it is believed that
the relation between the outward and the
inward is always closely connected and it
is not likely that a person who is humble
inwardly will consult the world about his
wear outwardly.
Campmeeting commenced on the after
noon of the 20th and closed at about mid
night on the 27th. There were 78 tents
ou the ground,; about three-fourths of
which were put up of rough white pine
boards and the balance of sheeting.
For the use of the campmeeting 28,000
feet of white pine boards were brought
some distance above Harrisburg at a price
that no loss would be incurred by selling
them after the campmeeting is over,
are put up and rented to' all per
sons who do not wish to put any up them
selves. The amount paid for the use of
one tent is said to be from $3,50 to $4,00.
Close of the campmeeting. It is now
past 10 o'clock in the evening and the
Presiding Elder gives notice that the
meeting will soon be brought to a close.
The 14 Chapter of the Ist Epistle of Pe
ter is selected and read. This part of the
ceremonies being concluded, he names
brother H. who will pass out to the left
and the brethren will file after. Sister
M. will pass out to the right and the sis
ters will file after. The brethren on the
left and th 3 sisters on the right move on
till they meet at the head of the ground.
The Presiding Elder now passes out to
the right and gives .notice for all of the
clergy to follow. He commences shaking
hands with the sisters and the others
After the last preacher has shaken
hands with the first sister,she follows after
and shakes hands with the sisters and they
slowly pass off the ground upon which
they stood. In this way every preacher
and every brother and sister sbakeshands
with every preacher and every brother
and sister. Singing was kept up on the
side of the brethren, while weeping was
most heard on the side of the sisters.
All large meetings seem to have a ten
dency to concentrate power. There are
persons who will meet who have not met
for years and there , are those who will
part never to meet again on a similar oc
casion. By the preachers, the campmeet
ing was considered a success., One of them
took occasion to explain from the stand
that he was so; glad , that they still weie
in pcssession of the old kind religion a nd
what he more especially rejoiced in was
that they have not got to be too very nice
and refined to say glory. B.
The following story is told by the New
Bedford (Mass.) Mercury : "Not many.
years ago, a physician -who lives not a
thousand miles off, was summoned in haste
to attend a patient at Naushon. On arriv
ed at the island and inquiring for a con
veyance to the house he wished to visit, he
was directed to a fatin-house 'near by.—
Here the doctor found a man, whom he re
qumted to harness a horse, at the same
time, in the interest of his patient, desiring
him to be lively. The man pleasantly and
promptly complied,harnessed the team and
was speedily driving over the road at a
good rate. The doctor en route discussed
farming, and was struck with the gen
eral information and conversational pow
ers of his driver. On arriving at the house
a half-dollar was tendered to the man but
was gratefully declined. "What is the
name of your intelligent farmer?' said the
doctor, after he bad finished his profes
sional visit. 'What, the gentleman that
brought you to the house ? That was Presi
dent Elliot, of Cambridge.'
After seven years incarceration in the
State prison of Wrsconsin, a man has
been pardoned out on the ground that he
never committed the murder for which
he was sentenced. This may seem strange,
to many ; but the conviction of innocent
men is not so rare as most people imagitie
One of the officers of the Eastern . Peni
tentiary of this State, is authority for the
assertion that the statistics of that institu
tion show that three per cent.• of its in
mates were innocent when convicted and
sentenced. •
'Why do white fibesio eat more than
black ones?' Becatise there.are . more of
AUGUST 27, 1874.
hen a well known Omaha•tliie`f meets
a policeman and hands him $5 it id the du
ty of the officer to go and sit down in an
ail henest-hour—
nothing but the $5. •
is announced. Three persons play for a
can of oysters. -The first man out gets
the oysters, the last man out gets the oys
ter can, and the `mindle man' don't get
/ 4. Brooklyn girl has just ,rejectedsi
suitor because his arm wasn't loug enough
to go around her. She says if she's going
to_ have a lover at all she means to have
a good one.
When rain falls, does it ever get up?—
Of course it does—in dew time. Where
are two heads better than one? In a bar
The newspaper editor who knows every
thing,.. and only publish that which
ought to be known, has never yet beeii
found. The man or woman who 'ever
reads a paper in which they do not
find something to condemn, is too amiable
for this beautiful world.
An old lady in Massachusetts being in
formed that a dam above the village where
she lived was likely to give away,imwedi
ately wished for a pair of clean white
stockings, saying in explanation that she
once saw a woman struggling in water,
and that she floated along feet upward.
On Saturday a confidence man ap:
proached a stranger in Ncw York,address•
ing him as Mr. IYardell. 'My name is not
Wardell,' s Lid the E t anger. 'la it possible
lam mistaken ? Are you not Mr. War
dell of New Haven ?"I am not,' [tuner;
ed the stranger; am Tom Conine'
A sharp student was called up-by th e
worthy professer of a celebrated college,
and asked the question, " Can a man see
without eyes ?"" Yes, sir" was the prompt
answer. "How, sir" cried the amazed
professer, " can a man see without eyes ?
pray, sir, how can you make that:out?'
"He can see with one, sir, " replied the
ready witted youth, and th whole class
shouted with delight at the triumrh ever
metaphysics. '
`John' says: I meta man in California
who would tell me's story: He said :
knew a fellow.litthe States once,.old
Bill Smith; he wa . Atii3:worst old beat von
ever saw. He'd 0* mosquito eight.
miles with a pair itletn tin squeezers if he
thought he could &it one cent for the oil.
He got married mil tick . and bas been
sleeping ever since. He Was i3O mean that
once when he had a cent in his pocket, to.
keep his wife from getting it, he-made his
oldest boy sWallow it., and the boy was a
copperhead .all through the war. Bill
was going down the Mississippi on a steam
boat. When the collection was being
taken up, he got on the guard to.bide,and
fell overboard. 'The water was a hundred
feet deep and two miles wide,aud the best
water to drown a man in I ever saw. Bill
couldn't swim a stroke, but stranger, he
got out."
'He just took and walked straight a
shore.' . -
'Hew could he walk ashore in water a
hundred feet deep?'
'Stranger:do you want to know very
bad?" •
'Yes, real bad.'
.'Well, stranger, that Bill Smith was
such a. big spunge he just soaked all the
water up and then walked right ashore.'.
GRANT.-A: newspaper man lately in
terviewed Gen. Hiliver, and asked him
what he thought of Oen. Grant.- "I nev
er thought much of hini,"said Hillyer,
"until at the battle of Fort Donelson,-
where he came up late, after Lew Wal
lace had been demoralized, and he asked
me if there were any prisoners. Taking_
a prisoner, he examined his haversack;
and finding several days' rations- there,he'
said, "Just as I thought they are endeav
oring to escape." He 'then Ordered the
attack at that part of the fort where the'
'rebels were the - weakest, and they gave
up after being worsted and summoned be
fore a:s Lult. The to of looking-at. the
rations struck me as acute."'
'Now gentlemen,' said a peripatetielec
turer to a somewhat noisy crowd that had ,
gathered to one of their scenes in au eas-.
tern village, 'how would you like a good
blackguard story? All in Myer Will raise
their hands.' Nine-tenths 'of the dexter
paws present instantly went up and there
was a sudden hush of all noisy demonstra-,
The lecturer went on pith his o
riginal subject far a few minutes 'when
same incautious individual brokeotitWith, -
'Say, where's that story?' 'BleSs you,'
was the reply, 'I did not intend to tell any
such story. I only wanted to kuow
many blackguards were' present.' You
might have heard a pitu drop any -time.
during the lecture after that. .„
hark county, Ind.;-pay . )); his
boy ten ceniiseio ta . artLfor'potato.bail4and
the boy eays.:that:sfne:At year , lass , gasai
as this he'ean buy Ale 'old mita 0x...
$2,00 PER YEAR.
Wit stud lanmor.
If the enemy wrong the; buy each of
his children a drum.
o get things out of a child's head—