BY W. BLAIR. VOLUME 27. "TEE VILLAGE RECORD," PIIRLIEIRED EVERY THWIRDAY MORNING By W. BLAIR. TEEMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50 ; for each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents pel line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subseauent insertions ,;$ elect pottrn. TDB PUB OF ROY. ''Scatter the gems of the beautiful! By - the - wayside let them-fall, That the rose may spring by the cottage gate And the vine on the garden wall ; Cover the rough and rude of earth With a Veil of leaves and flowers, And mark with the opening bud and cup The march of Summer's hours. --Scatter-thajems-ofthe-beauttful— In the holy shrine of home! Letth , lpure,the fair,and the gracious there, In the loveliest lustre come ; Love not a trace of deformity In the temple of the heart, But , gather about the earth its germs Of nature anti of art.. Scatter the gems of the beautiful In the temple of our God— The God who starreth the uplifted sky, And flowered the trampled sod; When he built a temple for Himself, And a home for His priestly race, He raised each arm in symmetry And curved each line in grace. scatter the gems of the beautiful In the depths of the human soul ; They bud and blossom, and bear the fruit, While the endless ages roll, Plant with the flowers of charity The portals of the tomb, And the fair and pure about His path In Paradise shall bloom." Slisttilautous I,leading. THE DIAMOND BREAST PIN. "It will cost two hundred dollars, An- na I" said George Blakeley to 'his young, proud and extravagant wife. The tone in which he said this, showed that her re quest had started him. "I - know it will, but what are two hun dred dollars for a diamond pin ?" Mrs. Blakely's remark was half contempuous. "Mrs. Harry Edgar's diamonds cost over one thousand dollars. "Just one thousand more than her hus band could afford to pay for them," said Mr. Blakely. "He's the best judge of that, I pre sume," retorted his wife. "But what does that signify. You can not, Anna." "What do you do with your money, pray ?" The young wife turned sharply upon her husband and her words and tone stung him into rather a harsh reply. But this only aroused her anger and made her the more unreasonable and persistent. "0 very well," said her too yielding husband at last, "go to Canfield's to-mor row and get the pin. Tell him to send in the account on the first of January and it will be paid . Mrs. Blakely was in earnest. There was not one of her fashionable acquaint ances but had a diamond ring or breast pin, and until the owner of one or both, she could not hold up her head in society. Her husband was a receiving. teller in a bank, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, when he married, which was about a year before, and he still occupied the same post with the same income as before. For a young man in his position he had not married wisely. The handsome face and captiva ting manners of a dashing belle bewilder ed his fancy. He proposed in haste, was prOmptly accepted, and led to the marri age altar, not a true wife, but a weak, ca pricious creature, incapable of genuine love, and too selfish and narrow-minded to feel the influence of honorable princi ple. An extravagant lore for, dress and or nament characterized her from the begin ning, and she would hearken to none of her husband's gently offered remonstranc es. Nearly half his income she spent, in dress and ornaments. The demand for a two hundred dollar breast pin, corn* upon young Blakely, as it did, at • a time when he bad just made the unpleasant discovery of a deficit in his income, when compared with his ex penses, of several hundrel dollars, sadly disheartened him. But be was not brave enough to meet the exigency, and, there re, weakly yielded to a demand that 6hould have been wet with an unflinching refusal. The first_of -Jaanary—found--Blakely short of funds by considerable more than the price to he paid" for the diamond pin. Canfield's bill came in and must be set tled. It would taut do fur him to hack in the matter of payment, for the jeweler vas an acquaintance of more than one of the directors of the bank, will questions might be asked, and inferences drawn prejudicial to his standing. In an evil hour, under distress of mind and strong temptation, the young man made a false entry which enabled him to abstract two hundred dollars from the funds of the bank. This was only the beginning of a series of defalcations, which rau through, many years before the exposure came which is sure to follow such a crime. It was easi er now to supply. the extravagant de mands of his wife, whose annual ward robe and jewelry, for which she had the passion which is characteristic of a weak mind, almost reached the full amount of his salary. tt But the end came at last. One morn ing seven years from the day of the mar riage, Mr. and Mrs. Blakely were about leaving for the opera, when the bell was wrung violently. Mr. Blakely started and turned pale. "What's the matter ?" asked his wife, who saw the singular change in counten ance. Mr. Blakely did not answer, but stood listening at the door. Men's voices were now beard, and the heavy tread of feet along the passage. There was a start, a hurried movement by Blakely; then he - stood still as riveted to the spot. "Who are they ? and what is the mean ing of this?" asked Mrs.Blakely in alarm. At the same moment two men entered the room. "You are arrested," said one of them, "on charge of defalc:atiou." Mrs. Blakely shieked, 'but her. husband .ztoo&stilLami_statue-like, his face of au ashen hue. "George, George 1 This is false," said k r rs. : a ey, recovering herself. "You certainly would not stoop low enough to commit crime!" - "It is true," he answered in - a - low and despairing voice. Then laying one of his fingers on the diamond pin that glittered on her boson, he added, speaking to her privately : "You gained that at the price of your husband's dishonor You demanded it. I remonstrated, and said I could not af ford so costly, an ornament. You repeat ed your demand, and I, weak fool that I was, permitted the contraction of a debt that could only be cancelled by dishonest means. I thought when I married you, that I had obtained a wife whose virtues might help me upwards towards Heaven, but you have proved a tempting fiend, dragging me nearer and nearer the brink of destruction, over which I know fall to hopeless ruin. Then turning to 'the officers he said in a calm voice— "l sin at your service." The words of her husband had stunned Mrs. Blakely. She never saw him after wards. That night he passed to a higher tribunal than an earthly one, and she was left in poverty and disgrace. The story is one of every day life.— George Blakely is the representative of a class. Not all them rob banks, or defraud their employers. But all of them do sup port idle, extravagant wives in costly es tablishments—costly in comparison with their means—spend more than their earn• ings or profit, and fail in the end to pay their obligations, and thus become dis graced. A modern young lady, fashionably edu cated, and with modern notions of style, fashion and modern equipments is alto gether too costly au article for a young man of small means or a moderate sal ary. Diamond pins, rich silks. and laceq,rose wood furniture, six, seven; eight or nine hundred dollar houses, operas, bells, fash ionable parties, Saratoga and Newi)ort, and success in business are altogether net of the question. If young men would unite in matrimo ny, they must look into another circle for wives. A girl who is independent enough to earn her own living as a teacher or with the needle, is a wife worth a score of the butterflies of fashion, and a rising young: man, who has only his industry to rest upon his success in life, is a fool to marry any one. Useful industry is always hon orable, and difference of sex makes no difference, in this particular. FIRST PLEASURES.-Trilly, novelty is the spice of life. No secondary sensations are like the primaries; and habit, in the end, 'Wales every luxury." Repetition is the thief of employment, as, surely as procrastinationis the thief of time. It is with pleasu' e as with sparkling wines ; you can have the flashing globules, the rushing fuam, the rare bouquet, but once; cork up for after use,and the next draught will be flat and tasteless. - And, Oh ! middle-aged reader, do you remember the pride with which you wore your first watch ? It, was a cheap affair, always at odds with the correct time, and the golden hunting-case that now rests in your pocket is of the finest workmanship, richly jeweled. But what, a contrast be tween the indifference of to-day and the exultation of boyhood marks the exhibi tion of your respective treasureq. The full beard which graces your maturity fails now utterly to excite the admiration and emotional anxiety with which you first regarded the incipient moustache of twenty years ago ; and which was proba bly contemporaneous with your first love. Ah ! that first love ; do you not recall, with a smile now, as Jack clambers up your knee, those thrilling moments? Of course you do ; the tide of passion may singed and swayed you many times since, but your memory still retaius an ineffaca able impression of that first, bliss. Leisure is sweet to these who have earn ed it, but burdensante to ths who get it for nothing. Camp-meetings A FAMILY NEWSPAPER-DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. ETC. WAYNESBORO', FRANIMIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1874. Nathan Rothschild of London. The high-priest of the exchange was not happy even in the midst of his over sowing coffers. Naturally enough, he had few friends and numberless enemies. In his later years he suffered from con stant dread of assassination. He was al ways receiving threatening letters, declar ing that his life depended on his sending certain sums of money to certain addresses. He scented murder in every breeze, sus pected poison in every oup. In sleep, he had nightmare visions of crouching things, iu waking hours, he started at every, un expected noise. OLe morning two strangers were an nounced as having important business with the banker,and they were shown into his private office. He bowed to them and inquired the nature of their negotiation. They bowed and said nothing, but ad vanced toward him, thrusting their fingers nervously into their pockets. Rothschild's alarm was excitecl_at_once—Tbey_tnust be searching for concealed weapons; their bearded faces made it clear to his fright ened fancy that they were homicidal - rid- - flans. He retreated iu terror behind a large desk, seized a pondrous ledger,hurled it at their heads and screamed 'Murder l' at the top of his voice. A small army of clerks poured into the room, - and laid violent hands on the strangers who proved to he wealthy Polish bankers bringing letters of introduction to the (physically timid) lion of loans. Embarrassed by his aurifereusly august presence— what, is there in a breathing money-bag capable of inspiring awe?—they forgot their speech and their common coolness of conduct.— They were nearly as much terrified as the renowned Isrealite; and as it was their initial visit to England, they imagined at first that all foreigners were deemed rob bers and desperadoes until the contrary was established. The wretchedly rich Nathan never went out alone after dark, never entered an unlighted room, had servants within call of his bed-chamber and slept with loaded pistols under his pillow. 'A fellow-Frankforter, wining with him one evening, and observing the luxury of his household, remarked,. 'You must be happy, baron, with the power to gratify every wish.' `Happy, indeed was the response.— `Do you think it happiness to be haunted always by a dread. of murder—to have your appetite for breakfast sharpened by a threat to stab you to the heart unless you inclose a thousand guineas to some unknoWn villian?' On one occasion, when the great finan cier had been to an evening party, and had gotten into his carriage to go home, a friend, wishing to make an appointment, stepped out to speak to him. The timor ous banker mistook hie familiar friend for a highwayman, and thrust a pistol out of the carriage window,with his favorite cry of 'murder l' before he could be acquaint ed with the situation. As Rothschild grew richer and older his fears increased. He became almost a monomaniac on the subject of assassina tion, and' many of his relatives thought hint in serious danger of insanity through his constant apprehensions. Most of the menacing messages were unquestionably sent him by his enemies, with whom he was plentifully supplied. Conscious of his weakness, they revenged themselves upon him by inspiring him with baseless terrors. lie was repeatedly told so, hut he could not be induced to believe that he did not dwell in an atmosphere of poi sons, poniards and pistols. The Bliss of Marriage Time whirls us along the downhill path of life with the velocity of a locomo tive, but we have one comfort—we can make love on the road. What the negro preacher said of Satan may be said of love: 'Where be finds'a weaker place, dere he ,creeps in.' There - is a warm cor ner even in the coldest heart; and some body,if that somebody Can only be found, was made expressly to fill it. Thousands of both sexes live and die 'unmarried sim ply for want of a prbper introduction to one another. What an absurdity I There is -not a woman nor a man of any age who might not find a suitable partner by us ing the proper means. The fact is, that affection is . smothered, choked down, sub dued and paralyzed by the forms and conventionalities of this etiquettish world. 'Society' attaches a ball and chain to the natural feelings of the heart. The fair girl with her bosom running over with the purest love for a worthy object must take as much pains to conceal the fact as if it were a deadly sin, and Heaven had not implanted within our bosoms the ten der spark and bade us 'to love and be loved.' Is this natural? No, it is artifi cial. Why should innumerable marriages be prevented by chilling rules and penal ties? Nature is modest, but she is not a starched up prude! Look at the birds. There are no old bachelors and old maids among them. The hearts that flutter un der their feather jackets fellow the instinct of love, and they take to billing and core: fug without the slightest idea that court, ship should be a formal affair. Why should there be forlorn bachelors and dis appointed old maids, and lonely widows and widowers among the unfeathered: bipeds? Oceans of happiness are lost to, both sexes every year, simply because parties who wish to be married and are not permitted by etiquette to make the fact known. These unfortunates might very properly say to the happy married folks, as the frogs said to the boys who pelted them with stones—" This may he fun to you, but it is death to us."—.W. Y. Hebrew Leader. If a man has a great idea of himseltit is apt to be the ouly great idea he'll ever have. PEACE BI UNTO THIS HOUR The fragrance of tbat wonderons life, Floats softly down the years, Sweet now, as when so long ago, Christ walked this "vale of tears." And now as then, to burdened souls He gives divine release From-bend II 'Tr "Unto this house be peace." His peace not as the world He gives, But peace, abiding, free ; And like the river, broad and full, And like the unfathomed sea. Home grows more sacred, as we think How in that• Eastern land, He tarried in_those humble_homes,_ And blessed in the household band. The house was sacred, where His feet, Had entered at the door; And humble cot or lordly hall, Was hallowed evermore. At our door He stands an , knocks; - Where He doth enter, jarring cease; And storms are hushed, as Jesus says • To hearts or homes, "Be peace." A Husband's Ghost. Mrs. Eliza Green; aged aboat thirty years, now living in this place (Spring. field, Ky.,) a lady of irreproachable char acter and of decided courage, with a fair English education, and in possession of only .tolerable go od health, details the following curious incidents as having oc curred at her residence sines the death of her husband last spring : On the 18th of March,lB74, Mr. Green died after a protracted illness, leaving Mrs. Green with a family of six children, with little means of support. A. short time after Mr. Green's death, Mrs. Green heard about the house after night and sometimes in the day time, heavy breath ings and moans resembling a person in the agonies of death ; at one time she heard a person in very great agony ; an other time she heard a noise under the house like a horse rolling and pawing vi olently. Again she saw frequently in her room at night after the lamp was lighted, a shadowy figure resembling the head and shoulders of a medium-sized man moving around the wall next to the ceiling, and uniformly as the shadow reached the lamp the flame was extinguished,and this phenomenon happened as often as four or five times in a night. At one time when she and her family with some visitors were sitting quietly in the room the front door, without any visible cause, was seen to fly violently open and shut,and so vio lently as to jar boxes of flowers placed in the window out of it. At other times when the lights were burning, footsteps were heard by her in the room, as though a grown person in slippers was walking over the floor, and yet no object could be seen. At one time she thought she heard some person noisily approach the front door as if about to enter. Upon opening the door, however, no one could be seen. Again near the steps of the back door she thought she saw, after dark,a small white dog,resembling one she knew in the neigh- horhood ; that she approached it with the view of taking it up and carrying it in the house,but it eluded her grasp and mys• teriously passed away. At another time the hack door of her room seemed half filled with a white, gauzy cloud, not re sembling anything only a white figure, which alarmed her, and she ran out of the house. The apparition disappeared. Other people, friends and relatives,have been present on some of othese occasions, and corroborate Mrs. Green's statements. The most mysterious and crowning de velopement related by her is said to have occurred on the 30th ult.,about 11 o'clock, A. M. She was in the cellar of the house getting kindling wood, and in stooping down thought she saw the lower limbs and feet of Mr. Green standing by her, and immediately felt the pressure- of a cold hand upon her shoulder. She turn ed and looked, and reports that her hus band stood before her just as he appeared when she saw him in his burial clothes. When she exclaimed, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,. who redeemed me, Dick, what do you want ?" and that he spoke audibly to her iu his natural tone of voice and language, telling her that the sufferings of this life were in no way to be compared to those of the, and that he was permitted to come back to her to advise her of her neglect of duty and to urge her to act otherwise. He al so sent messages to his brother Charles Green, Mrs. Rachael Walker,and to Miss Edgerton, all living near. He further re quested to have three masses said for the repose of his soul; one on the first Satur day in this month, and the others on the two following Saturdays. He further in formed her that he . would not visibly ap pear to her again, but could have appear ed twice more had he desired to do so, but not to her, but to other persons nam ed by him—his kindred. Then repeating the word "friend" three times he vanished from sight. Mrs. Gr en says she has heard loud knockings on the floor, and heard groanings, as of persons in distress, since, but has seen nothing more.—Spriliqfreld Kentuckian. The rose of Florida, the most beautiful of flowers, emits no fragrance ; the bird of Paradise, the most beautiful of birds, giv es no song ; the cypress of Greece , the finest of trees, yields no fruit ; dandies, the shinist of men, have no sense; and ball room belles, the lovelest creatures in the world, are often equally deficient. Snspiciion is the corn panion of mean -souls,-and the bane of all good society. Cruelty is the result of baseness and of c owardice. ' The Mennonites The New York Herald is speaking of the six hundred Mennonites, just arrived from Russia, says : 'lf these are a fair sample of those who are to follow we may expect the great body of emigrant Men nonites about to come to the United States from Russiallo rival their brethren in Pennsylvania and Maryland and the FC: or tne wt. /west, whose ancestors came here before the Revolution. Most readers will recall the singular historical fact that even Franklin opposed the emi gration of these people to the Province of Pennsylvania,ancl yet they are to-day the bone and sinew of that great Common wealth. The so-called Scotch-Irish tho' proverbially a thrifty race,had no chance in contending with the steady industry and ecttliomy of the German religionists, and to-day many of the most magnificent farms in the State are owned by the Men nonites. One fact as significant as it is remark - able is that such athing as pover ty is, and has always been, unknown a- 1 mongthem. A. poor Mennonite is harder] n• — • an a me i gam I er. e reason of this is that they teach their children industry and frugality as a religious duty, and laziness and thriftlessness are, among them, vices to be particularly avoided.— They are not what the Yankees call in telligent, neither' are they cute, but they are extremely honest, eminently active in caring for their own interests,without det riment to those of their neighbors, and so industrious that they not only enrich themselves, but as they have increased in numbers and wealth they have conferred incalculable blessings upon the • whole country. They do not believe in war,but if all men were like them in developing the natural resources of the soil by honest toil the couhtry would soon become so rich that nobody could afford to fight.— They are a simple, modest, earnest, indus trious and frugal people, and, though op posed to war and taking no part in poli tics, there are no better or more useful citizens. We have had five or six gener ations of Mennonites born in this country, and the stock has proved so satisfactory that we cannot but receive the new supply with a special and hearty welcome.' Flinging Shadows. We have no more right to fling an un necessary shadow over the spirit of those with whom we have to do, than we have to fling a stone and injure. them. Yet this flinging shadows is a very common sin, and one to which women are particu larly addicted. Oh, what a blessing is a merry, cheerful woman in a household! One whose spirits are not effected by wet days, or little disappointments, or whose milk of human kindness does not sour in the sunshine ofprosperity. Such a woman in the darkest hours brightens the house like a little piece of sunshiny weather.— The magnetism of her smile,the electrical brightness of her looks and movements, infects every one. The children go to school with a sense of something great to be achieved; her husband goes into the world in a conqueror's spirit. No matter how people worry and annoy him all day, far off her presence shines, and he whispers to himself, 'At home I shall find rest.'— So day by day she literally renews his strength and energy, and if you know a man with a beaming face, a kind heart and a prosperous business, in nine cases out of ten you will find he has a wife of this kind. For nothing is more certain than that the man who is married must ask his wife for permission to be happy and wealthy. Blessed is he who hath a, cheerful wife; the world may be a 'valley of strife' to him, but his home is a land of Beulah—a heaven of rest and quiet; and his life is made up of cheerful yesterdays and confident to-morrows.— Golden Age. EARLY INH.trENOES.—There can be no greater bleeding than to be born in the light and air of a cheerful, loving home. It not only insures a happy childhood, if there lie health and a good constitution ; but it alinost makes sure a virtuous and happy manhood, and a fresh young heart in old age. We think it every parent's duty to try to make their children's child hood full of love and of childhood's prop er joyousness; and we never see children destitute of them through the poverty, faulty tempers; or wrong notions of their parents without a heartache. Not that all the appliances which wealth can buy are necessary to the free and happy un folding of childhood in body, mind, or heart; quite otherwise, God be thanked; but children must at least have love in side the house, and fresh air and good play, and some good companionship out side ; otherwise, young life runs the great est danger in the world/of withering or growing ataunted, or sour or strong, or at least prematurely old and turned inward on itself. Ilfrxma WITH 13 , rumaanas.—The effect of mixing with new people,who have new methods of thought, Is very salutary. Al ways to see the same people, do the same thing, feel the same way, produces a stag nant condition of the mind and heart that is very distressing to behold. There are thousands of invalids who might be great, ly benefitted by getting away from home, if only for a short time, to mix with strangers, and be touched with the mag- netism of the great world as it courses in its accustomed rounds. And there are mental and moral invalids who need the same change,to get their minds and hearts enlarged, and let in a little more of the lights of life. Outside influences are very valuable by healthful influences in early youth, so that they can avoid the snares and pit-falls into which those who go blindly often fall. OThe wheel of fortune turns inocasantly round, and who can say within himself, shall be uppermost Keep Your Eyes- Open. A one legged soldier, walking up the Bowery yesterday, was accosted by a clothing merchant with the usual "Sell you •somedings to day?" Entering the store the veteran was invited to inspect the large stock, but having looked thro' the array of coats and vests and trowsers, be turned to go, saying that he saw noth- ;Vat, vat you vants?' want a pair of one-legged panta loons.' - `Vos dot all? Yacob, bring me one of dem one-legged gray pants on dot pile in de corner.' In a few minutes Jacob returned and reported that the pair had been sold. .Meanwhile the partner next door who had been listening through the thin, par tition had mapped out a plan of campaign against the one-legged cripple. 'Yoho,' he whispered to an attendant, 'cut me off de leg of one of dem gray pants. Send him up quick.' By the time this had been done the it-store only to be inveigled into the second.— Again he went through the inspection of odds and ends, and again demanded one legged trousers, intimating that he didn't believe the trader had them. 'Not have one-legged pants ! Fodder Moses, vat you take me for? Yohn, bring me one of dem one-legged gray pants in dot pile in de back ob do store.' The newly-altered trousers • were pro duced, and the waggish soldier l ave him self up for lost. But as he spread thew before him - he became conscious, as did the dealer, of something wrong. _ 'Mein Gott! Fadder - Abrahain ! John! you haf ruin mef, You haf cut off the wrong leg!' - This was probably the same dealer wha was recently called upon by a young man for a coat. A fit was made in due time, and then came the haggling, about the price. First twenty dollars was fixed, then the clothier abated dollar after dol lar, fighting his way inch by inch, until at length he had offered the garment for eight dollars. 'Do you think I'm made of money?' asked.the young man indignantly as he turnbd to depart. 'Say, you come pack! I sell you dot coat of it cost me a leg. Vot you gif for him, say now?' give you two dollars I' 'Two dollars! Vy, de buttons is more wort as dat. Sphlit de differance—make it twenty shillings F 'No; I'll give you two dollars.' Tell, take him. It vas a pooty coat. You gif me two and a quarter, eh ?' Producing the two dollars the young man moved away with his purchase ; but as be reached the door he heard the deal er exclaim, with uplifted hands: 'Gott help me! I only make one dol lar on dot coat I' Another of the Chatham street dealers had what he called army brogans and cavalry boots. An ex-soldier purchased a pair of the latter one rainy day, but re turned to the store within a few minutes, Complaining that the soles were of paist board and bad already soaked to a pulp. 'Vot you vos done mit dem boots?' ask ed the dealer. 'Why, I walked two or three blocks.' 'Valk ! You valk in den► boots! Vy, 'dem was gavalry boots —N. Y. Sun. Anecdote of Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton was once applied to for pro fessonial assistance by a man in New York: city, who held the guardianship of several orphan children. These children, then very young, would on coining Of age, if they had their rights, succeed to the possession of a large and valuable estate. In the title deeds of this estate, the guar dian bad discovered material defects, and he thought he saw a way, with the assist ance of an able lawyer, by which he could secure the title of the property to himself. He opened to Hamilton the whole deeds and exhibited copies -off the title deeds, and explained how he-Would like to pro ceed. And he promised to the great jur ist *large reward if he would undertake the business.. Hamilton said he must give to a matter so important sue thought be fore he decided, and set a time for his cli ent to call again. The guardian called again according to appointment. Hamil ton had put in writing faithful minutes of their former conversation, which upon his second visit, he read aloud. "I think, sir," said Hamilton, when he bad finished reading, "that is a true state ment of plans." "Yes, sir," answered the client. 'That is correct. And noW if I may ask, what have you decided 1 1 " "I will tell you sir," replied Hamilton, sternly ; "you are now completely in In/ power, • and I consider myself the future guardian of these unfortunate orphans. I have decided that you will settle with them honorably, to the very last penny,or I will hunt •you from the surface of the earth 1" It may be unnecessary to add that the false-hearted guardian did not pursue his nefarious scheme any further. NEW PROBABILITIES.—When von see a man going home at 2 o'clock y in the morning, and know his wife is waiting for him, it is likely to be stormy. When a man receives a bill of goods his wife has bought unknown to him, look out for thunder and lightning. When a man promises to take Ms wife to a party and changes has mind after she is dressed, you may expect a shower. When a man saves his cigar money to buy a new bonnet and the children new shoes, it. indicates a spell of sunshine. When a man dies and leaves i•nieer young widow with plenty of money and you see her walking out with the executor bn Sunday, afternoon, a change is mil), vent. $2,00 PER YEAR. NUMBER 1.0. tit turd Sumer. Mrs. Sheens, of India, has twenty-four children. Twenty-four sheets make one choir. An lowa saloon displays a sign with the simple but impressive words, "nose A Buffalo woman was let off with a fine of $3O for throwing pepper in the eyes of another woman. Why an a person who has run away from his creditors be said to be a man of integrity 1 Because he is a non eat man. Young gentlemen who hare presents to make, will be interested to know that alli gators can be bought in Georgia for a dol lar apiece. "Who was the meekest man ?" asked a Sunday School teacher. "Moses." "Very well, who was the meekest woman ?" "Nev er was any." Composition by a little boy. &Is ject : The I clirie=The horse is a very use ful animal. It has four legs—one on each corner. The Snake Indians - are gradually be coming converted to the Mormon faith-- The Minnesota grasshoppers will be com ing forward for baptism next. A darke . left in char. eof a teleraph office while the opgato i r- went to dinner, • heard some one "caKtfer the wires,and began shouting at the( instrument: 22e/ operator isn't yer !" The noise ceased. &men Liberty, of La Crosse, has thir v teen lovers, and ery one of them ex claims, "Give Liberty or give me death !" And s e's a read-headed girl at that. k 4..../ The Western papers are full of "1 1 1 .4 71 4 \ Man with the Branded Hand," but no at tendon is paid to the men with ?brandied" noses, though they are ae ten thousand to one, 44114.••••/ An Albany man who was excitedly monstrating to a crowd . that there is nn such thing as hydrophobia was the first to shin up a barber's pole when a small yellow dog came rushing down the street. 40. The Tennessee lawyer who resorted tie the insanity dodge in behalf of his negro client,and expatiated at seine length upon the absolute idiocy of the poor fellow, who exclaimed : "You can bang me, or send me to the penitentiary or say Pee a rascal; but, Mister, please don't say i'se a foul a gain.' A youth who attende4 a Scotch rivival meeting, for the fun of the thing ironically inquired of the minister "whether he could work a miracle or not ?" The young man's curiosity was fully satisfied by-the minister kicking him out of church, with the maledietory, We cannot work mira cle, but we can cast out devils F' In a Nevada Sunday School the Tally , , teacher pronounced this conundrum to hei class:Who betrayed our Saviour?' This was too much for the little ones, and ono after the other gave it up. The question was repeated, when one little seven-yeat- old answered : 'Oh ! I know ; it Was Bosa Tweed; he's a bad men' The candles you sold me lain were very bad," said Swett to a. ial chandler. "Indeed, sir," said he, (I'm very sorry . for that." "Yes, sir : do you know the, burnt to the middle, and then wouldn't burn any longer." "You surprise me ; what sir ? did they go out?" "No, sir." "What then," "They burnt shorter." Thoughts for Saturday Night. Happiness is unrepented pleasure. Our enemies are outward couscienWs, The great artist is the slave of his ideal. Morality is but the vestibule of relig lon. Purity is the feminine, truth the mas culine of honor. What is virtue but a inediciae i Smtviee but a wound. There appears to exist a gres•-ter dgre' to live long than to live well. • • We take greater pains to persuade others that we are happy than in endeav oring to think so ourselves. Light as a gossamer is the circumstance which can bring enjoyment to a censcienee which is not its own accuser. Secrecy is for the happy—misery,hope hes misery, needs no veil ; under a thous aad suns it dares act openly. In every village there wilt arise a mis creant to establish the most grinding ty ranny by calling himself the people. Memory is not wisdom idiots can rote volumes ; yet wisdom without memory ? A. babe that is strangled in its birth. The way to conquer men is by 'the* , passions-; catch but the ruling foible their hearts and all their boasted virtnvs., shrink before you. The .beet of lessons, for a good many ki•T i z people, would be to listen at. a keyhole.— It is pity for such that the practice is honorable. Emulation looks out for. merit that she may exert herself by a victory ; • envy spies out blemishes that she_ may have _ another by a dilftzt. . He who freely praises what - En purchase'. and he alio entiauilt**,t)ie; l* fiu, - of.,w*he means to 'WV ! : `Vulay44, up a Otitli•iiikkitwith