The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, August 20, 1874, Image 1

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'Waynesboro' Village Record,
rtratalllßD Nt . = 5 . 16718 DAY MOUNING
:rEpass—Two Dollars per Annum if paid
within the year; Two Dollars and
Fifty cents after the expiration
of the year.
lines)-three-insertions, - $1550 ;- for
each subsequent insertion, Thi r
five Cents per Square. A liberal
discount made to yearly adver
' tisers.
•f -- en. w e -
line for the first insertion,Seven
Cents for subseauent insertions
Vrofessional Tards.
Offers his profeSsional services to the
citizens of Quincy and vicinity. Office near
the Burger. Hotel. apr9-tf
Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug
ore." [jane
-Offerslris - professi - onal - services - to - the - pub j
lic. Ofiice in his residence, on West Main
street, Waynesboro'. april 24-tf
Office at his residence, nearly opposite
he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf.
Practices in the several Courts of Franklin
and adjacent Counties.
N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and
Firelnsurance effected on reasonable terms.
December, 1f 1871.
ThR. HENRY BOWLS (formerly of Vir
ilifiginia) announces to the citizens of
Waynesboro' and the public generally that
be is prepared to treat the different diseas
es to which horses are subject, including
lock-jaw. Thorough study and many yearS
practice are the best recommendations he,
.can offer. Persons requiring his services
1,011 find him at Mintees Hotel. may2l tf
ST z •
t" ,
Office at hie resbidnee, N. E. Car ; of the
Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa.
apr 9-tf
I)R. BENJ. FRANTZ has removed to the
new Office building, adjoining his dwell
ing on West end of Main street, where he
.can always be found, when not engaged on,
professional visits.
OFFICE H nuns :—Between S and 10 o'clock,
A. M., and 12 and Sand 6 and 9 P. M. Spec
ial attention given to all forms of chronic
disease. An experience of nearly thirty
years enables him to give satisfaction. The
inost approved trusses applied and adjusted
to suit the wants of those afflicted with her
nia or rupture. 'apr 23-tf
ti art
For the Best and most Popular Organs in Use
Organs always on exhibition and for sale
'at his office..
We being acquainted with Dr. Branis
!lolls socially and professionally recommend
to ail desiring the services of a Dentist.
Drs. E. A. liErixo, J. M. RIPPLE,
j uly 17—tf
F. H. FORNEY & CO. •
Produce CP,ZIMISSitig Marahards
Pay particular attention to the sale of
Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c.
Liberal advances made on consignments.
may 29—tf
HE subscriber having leased this w.ell
k known 11 Jtel property, announces to
the public that he lies refurnished, re-pain
ted and papered it, and is now amply pre
pared to accommodate the traveling public
and others who may be pleased to favor
him with their patronage. An attentive
hostler will at all times he in attendance.
llav 23-tf SA3I'L P. STONER.
• .
rrTIE subscriber would inform the public
that he is at all times prepared to make
o order Gents Coarse or elle Boots, also
coarse or fine work for Lathes or Misses, in
cluding the latest stvls. of lasting Gaiters.—
Repairink , done at short notiee„ and measur
es taken in private fatuities if desired Shop
on East Main Street, in the room formerly
occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed
Feet of different grades of
2o no.. n
Tr- r . _
a." AU.. ..ULSI LIU r rILIAU
11).Y FRICK & CO.,
moyistfl S. E. & D. Works.
A. clut pottrg.
' ' 7 -
[The following beautiful and touching
verses, by a New Orlenns lady, were writ
ten as a farewell to her husband, during her
illness and in . ros eet of an early dear-
ure~ot'eAter an
Call me no more thine owni The Summer
So lured by me, shall never come again
I scarce shall look upon the spring's pale
And in this life of weariness'and pain
Shan be no more thine own.
The spring shall wake - fresh verdure in the
vale ;
Freed from gray winter blue shall glow
the sky ;
But ere the sweet breathed violets grow
This fading form in dust shall lie,
And be no more thine own.
The shadow of the parting hour is nigh;
_ _lt falls, dear one, upon my heart and
as! to leave thee when life's morning
To be no more thine.own!
I soon shall leave thee; thou, beloved, wilt
A gloomy shadow o'er thy pathway
thrown ;
And all too. soon the truth will o'er thee
That in this dreary world thou art alone,
And I no more thine own.
No more thine own! To wake for thee, at
The chords of music sweetest to thine
To love thee still through joy and grief,
To be thy truest friend, of all most dear,
c :" But not on earth thine own.
On these near hills, whose beauty never
My lingering feet shall rest. Oh ! do not
weep !
Thou too shall dwell where sorrow ne'er
With Him who giveth h:s beloved sleep
And I shall be thy own.
Xtliztellaueous Pading.
'Mercenary little thing? Who could
imagine that she could be so artful?' said
Mrs. Fulton, contemptuously; and society,
judging from its own standard, quite co
incided in her opinion. •
He was double her age. Of course she
had married him for money.
Was it so? Lily Rivers herself could
scarcely answer the question. She was
very friendless, very desolate; it was but
dreary work, acting as governess to Mrs.
Fulton's unruly children, and bearing the
airs of that great lady herself. Mark
Grant's tender heart melted with infinite
compassion at the sight of the fragile
young creature, bearing her cheerless life
so uncomplainingly, striving so bravely
to fulfil her duties. An intense desire to
shield and protect her came over him;
then, to his own amazement, Mark Grant,
who, for nearly two score years, had re
sisted all matrimonial traps, found that
he had fallen hopelessly in love with his
sister's pretty governess.
When Mr.Gmut,the rich banker,asked
Lily to be his wife, she was almost over
powered by the unexpected honor; his
vows were the first words of affection she
had listened to for many years. It was
so delightful to have some one to cling to
—to know that she was not utterly friend
less. She never asked herself if she loved
this man as a wife should love her hus
band, she esteemed him above all other
men; he loved her, he said; she could
render his home a heaven upon earth.—
.What more was wanting to complete her
So Lily reigned like a queen in Mark
Grant's stately mansion at Clapham, and
felt a vived delight in the luxury and
splendor with which'her husband loved
to surround her. Mark never seemed tired
of ministering to his young wife's pleas
A year passed thus, then Gerald Lacy
appeared Upon the scene. He was Mark's
cousin- handsome, wealthy, and talented;
he was one of society's idols, had some
what tired of its attractions; and now,
after some years of foreign travel, he had
returned to his native land. We have
said he was rich and idle; how could he
employ the time better than by devoting
it to his cousin's lovely wife? Such pas
time was necessary to Gerald's excitement
loving nature. He was not a bad man,
only a thoughtless trifler, and he assured
himself he meant no harm.
Mark did not understand the value of
the treasure he possessed. Lily was his
cousin; it would be only a charity to en
liven her life !" Thus ho reasoned.
Accordingly, Mr. Lacy set himself to
work to render himself agreeable. Lily
was not very difficult to please; she re
ceived all his -attentions graciously, for
Gerald was a new experience to the girl;
his gay manner captivated her simple
fancy; he was a hero in her sight; he call
ed her his friend: Lily imagined that never
before had frietidship assumed so fair a
guise to mortal being.
Day after day passed, each brighter
than the last; then summer came, and still
found Gerald at Lily Grant's side There
were boating excursions WEei — Ht t,he limped
waters were calm as a mirror, Lily seated
near him • • •mike-a---watsir—fair Affiu
- - _
her &linty white robes. • Long rides,when
the horses' hoofs bruShed the diamond
drops of dew from the grass; promenades
u .on the terrace when the moonbeams
bathed the landscape in a flood of silvery
During the summer days, Gerald Lacy
was careless no longer; his thoughtlessness
• riftedintcrsivr,antvitho _ • ,
he yielded himself up to the fierce passion
which consumed him. He declared to
himself that he could not live without her.
He felt no remorse for the dishoner he
would bring upon his _ kinsman's name,
no pity for the woman he would fain dis
grace; absorbed in his selfish passion, he
was deaf to the voice of conscience.
One day, Mrs. Grant's maid delivered
to her mistress a note which excited
-- strange—emotions — irr - that—ladr. - --It—was=
from Gerald, declaring his love, and en
treating her to meet him in the arbor that
evening. As she read, Lily's face was
crimsoned by a deep flush of shame; she
saw the terrible abyss which yawned be:
neath her. ' and, kneeling down, she prayed
as one in deadly peril might pray, that
she might be enabled to resist temptation.
She_had almost loved_him r -she—acknowl- -,
edged to herself; but now, for Mark's
onor, she must be strong.
The golden radiance of the day had just
Gerald impatiently awaited the woman
hived.. Would - sae come? did she love
him? he asked himself• then, even as he
thought, pale as death, Lily stood before
him. Gerald sprang forward, with out
stretched arms, then drew back hastily,
awed by the expression of the pure, proud
received your note,' she commenced
in harsh, constrained tones; then, crying
impetuously, 'Oh, Gerald ! how could you
insult me so?' she burst into passionate
All Gerald's fine-gentleman composure
forsook him; he would thin have kissed
the wet, flushed cheeks, but dared not.
'Don't cry, darling,' he said, piteously,
would give my life to save you from a
moment's pain. I love you so dearly,
Lily !'
`And I love you as a brother!' she
sobbed. I trusted you so entirely; and
now you ask me to leave Mark—to dig.
honor him!'
.'He cannot love you as I love you,' he
pleaded. 'He cares more for his business
than he ever cared for you. You never
loved him. Oh, Lily, dearest, listen to
me 1'
'He does love me!' she cried, passion
ately. was poor and friendless; he
shared his abundance* with me. You
know how noble he is. You would drag
me to shame. I love him, Gerald—l
never knew how dearly until last night.'
`Then there is no hope for me!' said
Gerald, white to the lips.
'There is every hope for you. There
would, indeed, be no hope for you were I
mad enough to listen to you. Could you
bear to have the woman you loved point
ed at by the finger of scorn. I am a
proud woman, Gerald; if you could bear
it, I could not. The time will come when
you will bless me that I was firm. You
have too noble a nature to be ruined by
any woman. I shall pray for you night
and day. But you must go; you cannot
stay under• Mark's roof after what has
'Have you no pity? Won't you let me
stay where I can sometimes see you?'
'No,' she answered; 'there would be
danger for both of us- -a danger that, for
my husband's sake, I dare not incur.'
Gerald stood for a moment, his hand
some young face all wan and haggard in
the gray evening light. He had loved this
woman better than he bad ever thought
to love mortal being; it seemed like the
agony of death to leave her thus. He
gave one hat long look at the fair, child
like face, the wistful, brown eyes, the tan
gled golden curls :floating around her
head, and then turned to go.
'Won't you say good-bye to me, Ger
Then he raised2the slender white hand
to his lips.
`God help me, for I am very miserable!
Good-bye, Lily I' he said hoarsely.
A moment more, and he was gone.—
Then Lily hid her face in the damp grass,
and wept as though her heart were break
ing. Her ideal dream of friendship had
fled; only stern duty remained.
Mark Grant , loudly condemned the
sudden caprice which had caused his
cousin to start for Paris just as they im
agined he intended to settle down in his
own country; but Lily sdoke no word of
Long after, when Lily had conquered
all feeling of tenderness for Gerald Lacy;
when she could look iu her husbaud's eyes,
and tell him she loved him with all a true
wife's devotion; when a baby L:ly lay
pillowed upon her breast, then Lily told
her husband the reason of Gerald's de
parture, to that gentleman's intense as
A fair wife now sits by Gerald's aide;
happy children cluster round his hearth
stone. Ile looks back upon his love for
his cousin's wife as a boyish folly;' but as
his highest ideal of perfect womanhood—
perfect in gentleness and purity—he rev
erences Lily Grant.
Cowards dio many times before their
deaths; the valiant never taste of death
but once.
—Love rules his kludom without a
Some are very busy, yet do nothing.
Rushing to Death.
Returning from an enjoyable trip to
the country, accompanied a lad •
friend; we ha& the — itfishane to lose the
train, arriving at the depot just in time
to see it mo • ,
.with a agility which might have delight
ed me udder other circumstances nate.
her life by attemptina• ° to spring on th
steps of the rear car. Perhaps her leap
might have ended_successfully ;_perhap
life or limb endangered ; but I frustrate•
the rash attempt and edified her with a
moral lecture concerning the suicide,
while we waited tor the next train. I
lose twentf
or even half an hour, than to risk a
life ; yet we everywhere read of people
who run these fearly risks too often un
successfully. 'Very recently a distinguish
ed graduate of a Virginia universit
wanted to deposit a letter iu the post-offs -
on the other side of the railroad track. -
locomotive was approaching ; he though
he could cross before the ponderous engin •
• • • .•g : *scalculat dth
speee - . • snot er moment lel — vasais
less mass. Had he waited two minutes
—half a minute—the train would have
passed along, and he could have deposited
his letter.____A—young-lady - wishectfolihr
her friends how easily she could cross in
front of.a locornotiv: ; she did cross, but
her streaming dress caught in the passing
One d
or a young wife looked from her_
chamber window and saw her husband
leave the cars, which daily passed her
home Shia ran- - dvn_stairs — Ao7greetzhim:
at the door, but when she reach 11 it 11:.
was not the - r - C.. — S e t ought he was play
ing a little trick ; she called for him play
fully, but there was no answer. She saw a
crowd of men approach the gate, open it,
and come up the path with her dead hus
band. He did alight from the cars with
safety and step upon the platform before
the station. There was a train in the op.
osite 'direction ; he thought he had plenty
of time to cross in front of it,_and_did_
cross o ne inch ; the wheel
struck the heel of his boot, wheeled him
around under the cars, and all was over ;
one minute longer and he could have
crossed with the locomotive ahead of him.
Limbs are broken, lives are lost every
year in any large city, by attempting to
cross in front of moving horses or vehfb
les. And all this foolhardy daring that
a few moments of time may be saved.
By the Wayside.
Two aged men entered a streetcar a
few days ago, in a neighboring city. One
of them who was paralyzed. said, in re
ply to a question of the other as to his
welfare : "I have a very large interest in
the next world." When asked, "how are
you off for this world ?" he replied pleas
antly that he bad enough to meet his
wants while he lived,aud then again add
ed, "but I have a very large interest in
the next world." The conversation• at
tracted the attention of other passengers,
and those words kept wringing in his ears
all the rest of the day. He could not get
rid of the deep impression made by the
singular earnestness and happiness of the
old disciple.
Surely this is the beauty of old age.—
Its joys and blessedness; the calm assur
ance of a portion beyond - this life in "the
inheritance of the saints in light."
Little, too, did the veteran think of the
power of his reiterated sentence. upon the
hearts of his fellow-travellers,who did not
even know his name. Yet these wayside
utterances of warm-hearted Christians are
often the most eloquent lay-preachieg,both
to unconverted people and to believers
who happen to overhear them. Our un
conscious influences are frequently the
best or the worst that we exert.
But the best of all is when the pilgrim
lire draws near its close, and when the
staff and sandals are soon to be laid aside
to feel that our "best and largest interests
are in the next world."
The treasure grows at more than com
pound interest Its value increases as the
vision of it widens like the firmament.—
The riches cannot "take to themselves
wings and fly away." It is a life interest
for eternity, and faith only asserts its di
vine prerogative, "while we look not at
the things which are seen,but at the things
which are not seen, for the things that are
seen are temporal, but the things that are
not seen are eternal."
THE CHRISTIAN'S Ho:vs.—We make
our best use of this world when we regard
it as the' basis from whiCh to survey the
other. Withcut heaven, poetry could
have no existence. The key-note of the
poetic is future perfection, and the heaven
of the Christian is the highest perfection.
I know of no better illustratioti of these
truths than a simple expression which fell
from the lips of a godly friend of mine.
Through- perseverance and industry, he
had been able to build himself a house.
But his chief boast was, that from his fire
side he could sre his father's house on the
distant hill. 'No matter the weather,'
said he, `whether, winter or summer.spring
or autuirinno matter the sky. whether
cloudless or stormy—when I sit by my
east window, father's roof and chimney
tops, the gleam of his lamp at night, are
always visible to my sight.' His words
contain the philosophy of life, and enclose,
as in a nutshell, the principles of holy
living. Enviable—yea, thrice enviable
—is the man who can pierce the clouds of
social darkness which surround our earth
ly homes, and see his Father's house, with
its many mansions, in the distant heaven.
Out in Wisconsin a horse kicked and I
killed a book agent, wherepon the citizens I
made a d o n a tion party for the hore, and
he now has oats enough to last him a full
horse lifetime.
Some find work wher
• n. so the weary world goes on;
I sometimes wonder which is best—
The answer comes when life is gone.
Seine eyes sleep when some eyes wake,
And so the dreary night hours go;
Some hearts beat.where some hearts
I often wonder why lis so.
Some wills faint where some wills fight
I often wonder who is right—
The one who strive—or those who yield?
Some hands fold when other hands
Are lifted bravely in the strife ;
And so thro' ages and thro' lands
Move on the two extremes of life.
Some feet halt where some feet tread
In tireless march a thorny way ;
Sonie strlggle on where some have led
Some see when others shun the fray.
Some swords rest when others clash—
ome-tlin-back - whore some move on—
Some flags furl while others flash
Until the battle has been won.
Some sleep on_while others-beep
The virgils of the true and brave ;
They will not rest till roses creep
_Around_their name above a grave.
Old Love Rekindled.
member of Congress from-Michigan-witty
Mrs. Sibley, widow of Major Sibley,
States army. She was Miss Humph
ries, daughter of Judge Humphries,of the
Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, and
twenty-seven years ago was affianced to
Mr. Conger , then a handsome, blooming
youth. Miss Humphries was pretty, a
belle and a flirt. Her flirting propensi
ties did not_please_Mr.-Conger T -aud - he - re- -
monstrated with her. Being a high-spir
ited girl,she finally broke the engagement,
telling him she would never marry him.
He left the State. She married and .
he married. Major Sibley lived twelve
years. There were no children and at
his death she went abroad. Mrs. Conger
lived a few years, and left three children.
In October, weary of European life, Mrs.
Sibley determined to return to her home
in Cincinnati. Arriving in New York, it
occurred to her to come to Washington
for a few weeks. Oh, woman, how mys
terious are thy ways ! One day, time
hanging wearily on her hands, she wan
dered to (?) Congress; of course, never
dreaming that in this august body sat her
affinity ! An hour passed ; the debates
were prosy and tedious. So, gathering
her wraps about her, she prepared to leave
the gallery, when there was a tap on her
shoulder. Turning, who did she behold
but the lover of her youth !
After commonplace greetings in an ag
itated voice,she made the inquiry, "I sup
pose your family are with you ?" "Did
you not know that my wife was dead ?"
With tragic start,she averred she did not.
They chatted some time, and on leaving
she said, "I am at the Arlington,will you
come and see me ?" Hesitation on his
part, blushes on hers, and then in a low
voice, replied Conger, "I will come if you
take back what you said to me twenty
five years ago." "I will," she answered,
and she willed. The engagement was
very brief, and the happy twain were
united.—Ginn. 09M.
THE GENTLE LlFE.—This is the beau
tiful heritage of the well-born man and
the gentle woman. They may be poor or
rich to-day, they may be living a life of
leisure or toiling for their bread—all the
same they carry with them the grace, the
care, the gentleness, the consideration,
the knowledge which we call intuition or
instinct, which comes from generations of
culture and a thousand qualities of mind
and heart which win social recognition and
bring happiness to the possessor.
The accumulation of more money as an
inheritance for children is often worse than
nothing in their hands ; it deprives them
of all incentive to personal effort and un
frequently proves the means by which they
ride fast to destruction. Money is worse
than nothing if the lives of the past and
associations of the present have not taught
us how to put it to its noblest uses. ,
But the order, the training, the exper
ience of a life are invaluable. They form,
with education, a key that unlocks the re
cesses of the world, and becomes a power
that no loss in stocks or bonds or houses
or lands can deprive the fortunate posses
sor of. They make him the equal of the
best, and therefore at ease with all men
New York Ttibunc : In Murraysville,
Cooke county, Teun. Mrs. Kennedy has
for some years suffered great pains. and
`felt something running up and down her
stomach.' So at last, after some hospital
treatment, she sent for Perriam Gyles, M.
D. This physician having summoned two
of his brethren, an operation was under
taken. Surgical particulars are unneces
sary. The result was that two liviug rat
tlesnakes, the one thirty-six, the other
thirty-two inches long, were removed from
the woman, and she is now perfectly well,
while the snakes, in a stuffed state, adorn
the museum of Col. John Stephens. Mrs.
Kennedy says that several years ago 'she
swallowed two small, soft, white eggs,'
which she found in a field,supposing them
to be partridge eggs.' The gentle reader
may ask if we believe this story, To this
we answer that we do not believe one
word of it. We reject the eggs and the
nnrikrma and the roitlem and Kenned y
altogether, and even of the remainder of
the narrative we have certain doubts.
Life's Lesson.
"Where .your, treasure is, there will
your heart be also."
While,' year after year, the beautiful,
.•e-true-and-the-yoodrare-t , • -
ranks of life, it is a joy to know that the
spirit world is made richer through the
poverty of this.
In early life, surrounded by friends
whose voices greet us on every side, and
whose smiles are ever ready to welcome,
us, - death, and the spirit worlden7F ar•'
away—sometimes almost as thotigh they I
were not. Life is not real ;we tread its ,
pathway with pleasure and delight, but
ter voice is hushed in death, and form af
ter form which we have loved has passed
from' our sight,—as the pleasures of this
world recede from our view, and we are
left alone to tread the down of life,—our
minds instinctively turn from the seen to
the unseen and spiritual. For with every
friend that has passed away some joy has
faded,—and every friend that has gone
tá the spirit world, has stranded the riv
make our passage over more easy. One
by one passes over until we come to think
- more - of - Ileaven - than - 01 - earth. Know
ing that our loved ones are there,wesome
times feel that a part of ourselVes is with
them, for where our treasure is, there will
our heart be also. •
We seem to follow our friends beyond
the veil at times and as one writer beau-
tifully expressed it, "They are not wholly
- gone - frotn - us - rwe - see-across-the-river of
death in the blue distance, the smoke of
their- • d • "
leariiVo - tliiiik — elf - them as not - liW
- hut — ours—not — dead, only living iu
the spirit world, whither we shall soon
follow ; and thinking of them thus takes
from our bereavement half its sting. Then
weep not, mother, bemuse thy child is ta
ken; a kind Father would wean thy heart
from earth. Weep not, child; because
thy mother is gone; thou may'st love her
still, and she now perchance is watching
thee from the spirit world, and is a min
istering angel to guide thy feet to that
better land.—The Wayside.
Failures in Business.
The man who never fails in business
can not possibly know whether he has any
"grit" in him, or is worth a button. It is
the man who fails, then rises, who is real
ly great in his way.
Peter Cooper failed in makieg hats,fail
ed as a cabine i maker, locomotive builder,
and a grocer, and as often as he failed, he
"tried and 'tried again," until he could
stand upon his feet alone, then crowned
his victory by giving a million dollars to
help the poor boys in times to come.
Horace Greeley tried three or four lines
of business before he founded the Tribune,
and made it worth a million dollars.
Patrick Henry failed at everything he
undertook, until he made himself the orna
ment of his nation.
The founder of the New York Hetald
kept on fitiling and sinking money for ten
years, and then made it one of the most
profitable newspapers on earth.
Stephen A. Douglas made dinner tables,
and bedsteads, and bureaus, many a long
year before he made himself a "giant" on
the floor of Congress.
Abraham Lincoln failed to make both
ends meet by chopping, wood, failed to
earn his salt in the galley'slave life of a
Mississsippi flat boatman; he had not oven
wit enough to run a grocery, and yet
made himself the grandest character of
the nineteenth century. .
Geu. Grant failed in everything except
smoking cigars, he learned to tan . hides,
but could not sell leather enough to pur
chase a pair of breeches. A dozen years
ago "he brought up" on top of a wood
pile," teaming it" for forty dollars a month
and yet he is at the head of a great nation.
The lesson for every young man is this :
As long as you have the health, and have
the power to do, go ahead; if you fail at
one thing try another, and a third—a dozen
even. Look at the spider; nineteen times
it tried to throw out its web to its place
of attachment, and on the twentieth suc
ceeded. The young man who has the gift
of continuance is the one whose foot will
be ablest to breast the angry waters of
human discouragement.
—ln "Physiology for Practical Use" (D.
Appleton & Co.) we find the following:
There are several things very commonly
done which are extremely injurious to the
ear, and ought to be carefully avoided.—
* * * And first, children's ears ought
never to be boxed. We have seen that
the passage of the ear is closed. by a thin
membrane, especially that adapted to be
influenced by every impulse of the air,
and,with nothing but the air to support
it internally. What, then, can be more
likely to injure this membrane than a sud
den and forcible compression of the 'air in
front of it ? If 'any one designed to-break
or overstretch the membrane he could
scarcely devise a more efficient means
thar. to bring the hand suddenly and for
cibly down passage of the ear, thus driv
ing the air violently before it, with no
possibility for its escape but by-the mem
brane giving way. Many children are
made deaf by boxes on the ear in this
Nothing can be more absurd 'than the
idea that "looking guilty"• proves guilt.—
An honest man, charged with crime is
much more likely to blush at the accusa
tion than the real offender,' who is general
ly prepared for the event, and has face
"ready made" for the occasion.. The very
thought of being suspected of anything
criminal will bring the blood' to an inno :
cent man's cheek in nine times out of ten.
7 The sweetest pleasures are the . soonest'
gone. ,
82,00 PER. YEAR:
Mit gud 3litmor:
(t7ii orado . calls for more women. It has
I Mr. Berg denies the report that lie is
about to cause the arrest of several large
grocery firms for bottling cats-up.
IV. stout old woman in Detroit got mad
lately because a photographer wouldn't
- let - liortawhettelf - While - th - e - hadlier - py
1 ture taken.
`Are there any fools in this town?' aek
•d a stran:er of a newsboy yesterday.—
on t . naw replied the boy I 'are you
When the wife is detected showing un
usual affection for her husband, it may
fairly — be — espected that - slie will appear
before long in a new-bonnet.
A new answer to an old question :
, Whs , is a ship designated as 'she?" Be- -
cause she always keeps a nfan-On-th-e-liiok
JA Philadelphia girl called 'a young
man-a-thict-and -when-requested-hy-the—
mother of the accused to prove the charge,
said he had stolen several kisses front
-4• N
spying a boy creep
ing through a fence exclaimed : "What'!
' crawling through a fence! Pigs do that."
"Yes," retorted the boy, "and old hogs go
alang the - street"
"Do vou n.;..'.• •. •- • •
guage?" -said-a-BlcLean-county-mtos-the
other-dayraddressing- a -lightlung-r0d41.--
gent. "I do," replied the agent. "Then
I'll be if' I want any of Your rods."
The lightning man, somewhat electrified,
drove on.
A land agent in'Colorado remarked to
an enquiring emigrant, that all that Anso l ,
needed to make the. place a paradise warl
a-comfortable Climateovater — a — n god d so
ciety. "That is all that is lacking in hell,"
was the reply.
A boy was seen in the streets 'of St.
Paul a few days ago with his cap' fall of
green apples. He was followed half 'a
mile by three doctors, before the first gripe
seized him, and then they all had plenty
of business for the next hour trying to
keep him undqubled.
Mrs. Van Cott says that at one of her
prayer meetings a negro brother prayed:
'0 Lord, send dy angel to pin de wings
on Sister Bancot's heels dat she may- fly
troo de world
de everlastin'
gospel.' And one added : 'Lord, giye
her wings on her shoulders, too, base the
preaching will not have effect, for she'll
fly upside - down'
A noted hunter of South ,Hero fears
that he has been the victim of a "sell."—
He has a gun that scatters shot badly, so
that it is not of much account. • A while
ago be saw an advertisement in a city
paper, offering to send inibrmation where
by such 'scattering' of shot could be effec
tually prevented, on receipt of fifty cents.
He sent the money, and in due time he
was informed that to prevent his gun front
`scattering' he should 'put in only one
A Maine rogue has been selling kegs
supposed to hold ten gallons of
. liquor
each. A pint of nun was sealed up inside
of each of the kegs, and so placed that
taking out a. small cork the purchaser
could test the liquor, but while there was
a pint of liquor, there were nine gallons
and seven pints of water separated. from
it. Sometimes other people arelaken in
the same way. A young lady attains a
few accomplishments, she puts them on
the outfide, she is judged to be everywhere
as she is in the parlor. Some fine day a
young man discovers that he has been sold,
be has bought a piece of calico that will
not wash—and vice versa.
A minister comes on trial, he preaches
three or four prepared sermons, the peo
ple are aelighted ; they secure him.—
Alas ! they soon learn that his good points
were merely arranged for exhibition.--
After his pint of strength is gone it is all
milk and water.
Moral.—When you make a teat, put
your gague all the way through.—Churoh,
pondent gives his testimeony as to the
value of using glue as a healing agent for
cuts, bruises, - etc. "I have used glue for
this purpose for the last t years, mostly
in the cabinet shop, and never - employ
anything else. I have received many
severe cuts and bruises, and never lost
any tithe to speak 6f. Often a piece of
thin chith is sufficient after glueing over
the wound. I use the best imported glue.
I never took cold in a wound yet, and it
is the most speedy healing agent I ever
employed. Last autumn an acgaintance
of mine came in the - shop with his head
all bundled up. He had received a se
vere bruise on the back .of his head, and
took cold in it; and it was badly inflam
ed. I spread a glue plaster over the wound
and bound a moistened cloth over to keep
the glue from beComing dry. In one wets
his head was entirely well.
Ladies who imagine themselves mar
tyrs to, tyrannical husbands can or should
pity thew .• sisters in India. Among
. c.estrictiOnS, the Hindoo Bible for
bids a woman to see dancing, hear music,
wear jewels, blacken her eyes, at dainty
food, sit at a window, or "view" herself 'in a
mirroz, during the absence of her hu.4-
band, and it allows him to digert* her if
she injures his property, scoldslidcluar
rc.l." with "is nnt hor . ynim (titint--Pllh 2t t
vr presumes Co eat before he heieluLeheci.
leis nzeaL •
. „.
Ikutt 'a gm!