L SM.3 PROP!ieRTY -AT-- PUBLIC SALE. trliEtnadersigned,Aclininistrators ofHen • ry H. greenawalt, dee'd, will expose to Palle Sale, Oii TUESDAY the 25th of AUGUST, the following describalleal Estate, E;ituit-• ted in Quincy township, about one mile Southwest of Mt. Hope, near the Oak Hill school lmuse,on thelroad leading to , k3rown's Mill, viz : • 1 -2 acres of Land, more or less, bounded by lands of John F. 'less and Mrs. E. Greenawalt. The im provements are a new two-story FRAME HOUSE, frame stable, a well of good water near the dwelling, and a young orchard of CHOICE FRUIT TREES °tithe premises. TERMS OF SALE :-1O per cent: of the purchase money to - be paid in cash on the day of sale, the balance of * of price on the confirmation of sale, i'on the first of April. 1875, with interest from confirmation of sale, and on the first of April, 1876, with interest from confirmation of sale. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day. JOHN' F. HESS, JULIA A. GREENAWALT, Mars. Wm. Adams, auct. july3Ots --- PUBLIC -S-.72L1' -0E REAL ESTATE! ME undersigned will sell at Public Salo on the premises, the property upon which he now resides, situated in "Quincy township, Franklin county, Pa., on the road leading from Quincy to Chainbersburg, one and a half miles from the former place, On SATURDAY the 3d of OCTOBER, a tract of first-rate limestone land, contain-,, ing Oa 1-0 41..C:335.M55, 8 acres of which is execilent Timber Land, t it h a good LOG HOUSE, log and frame BARN, wash house and all necessary out-buildings. 'With a never fail ing well of water at the house, a cistern and an ORCHARD CHOICE FRUIT TREES,. .such as apples,peaches, pears, _plums, cher ries, ,grapes, &c. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by ABRAHAM KNEFFER . of G. july2Ots DR. FAHRNEY'S • CELEBRATED BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA I =::= 1;T ITH this rare medicine in your house V you can do without purging,by means of Pills or Powders. You can do without Salts, Castor Oil, Citrate of Maguesta, Senna or Manna,. and so on. You want none of these; the BLOOD CLEANSER is a substi tue for the whole of them. And what is better,it may be taken with safety and com• fort by the most delicate woman as well as the robust man. It is very palatable, and therefore easily administered to children. It is the only vegetable preparation existing which will answer in the place of Calomel. Regulating the action of the Liver, without making you a life-long victim to the use of Mercury or Blue Pills. It will open the Bowels in a proper and wholer•orne manner —being composed of su•table medicaments. There is nothing like Fahrney's, Blood Cleansner, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder. For Nervous Diseases, Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Billions Fever, and all derangements of the internal visce ra. You have in this medicine a PANACEA for some of the most painful and dangerous of all diseases. Livaa CoaterpusTs.—The state and quali ty of the bile must first be attended to, in order to preserve health. The bile in a vi tiated state, or when not duly secreted, is oftener obstructed in the liver and gall blad der, and becomes a scarce of dylipepsia,con stipation, and nervous complaints, jaun dice, etc. The Panacea being strictly veg etable, and containing great anti-billions. properties, and great alterative properties also, will act like a most magical medicine in this cconplaint. Thousands have Timid relief, and thousands will vet turn to this medicine, after exhausting thei r purses and patience in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, fsetid breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and weakness in the sty .m -ach, enlargement of the liver,yellowness of the skin, •constant fever and thirst, with a total disrelish for business,pleasure. or any kind of employment. FAHRNE Y'S PANACEA, if taken and persevered in fur a few days, will remove this whole class of symptoms. The fluids of the body become pure, the mind clear,the stomach strength ened, the tongue clean,the appetite improv ed. and the whole system so benefitted that disease, during bad weather,is less liable to afflict you. "An ounce of Prevention is worth more than a Pound of Cure." The Panacea will not only cure old standing and malignant complaints, but is one of the best preventa tives of such disorders, ever offered to the wend. You can avoid severe attacks of acute di seases, such as Typhoid, Billions and Spot ted and Intermittent Fevers, by keeping your blood purified. The different degrees of nil such diseases depend altogether up on the condition of the blood, for if this vi tal fluid is deranged,you will take a disease much more readily than ntherwise,and the suffering will be proportion to the amount of foreign matter in the blond. This is so reasonable that we need not here make any illitst rations. This medicine . k highly recommended for all chronic or old standing, complaints,such as Scrofula, Tester, Salt Rheum, Rheumat ism, &Al Prepared by P. FA fIRNEY'S BROS. & CO., Waynesboro'. Franklin county, Pa. Sold by F. Fourthman and J. Burns Am berson, M. D. Druggists, Waynebburo', Pa. june2Ytf THE GREAT FAMILY PAPER ! THE CHRISTIAN AGE. THE HANDSOME HISTORIC ENGRAVING "ME FOUNDERS AND PIONEERS OF 4TRODISI," containing 250 portraits of the early fathers and mothers of Methodism, ,given away to each subscriber. • The engraving is of peculiar value as a historic memorial of the past. and should, we think, be in the possession of every Methodist hi the land. The ..IFe is a weekly journal of 16 pages, and an tnsectarian, Religions Family Jour nal, contains all the latest llelif,tious news, together with news of Literature, Society, Commerce and Finance. Price of. Paper, ,53.00 per annum, with engraving. Persons by milling:si this OFFICE can see .the engraving and paper. july 30tf A. G. BLAIR, Agent. ~~~~~a •IR. T. 0 N • \ et, Main St., Waynesboro', Pa., Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUM, MEDICINES, CHEM- ICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE- STUFFS, PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, TOBACCO AND—SEGARS and everything generally kept in a FIRST CLAS", DRUG STORE. Compounding and dispensing department under PERSONAL DIRECTION. An experience of over 20 years as -Apoth ecary is a guarantee that, all PRESCRIPTIONS entrusted to his care will be F-I.I I L L Y F- I-L LE D and according to the rules of art compound ed. COLD, SPARKLING SODA WATER on draft during the summer months. june2s tf SITIAMOII3IIIIE - li - GOODS7 COON & STONEHOUSE ['AVE just received a large and well Ilselect"d stock of Sprint , . and Summer Goods, which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock consists in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest and latest styles; Goods of every description for men and boy's wear; Shirting Stripes, Brown and Bleached Mnslins, Sheeting. Tickings, Linen & Cet i a ton Table Diapers, Towels & Toweling, Table Covers, Baluionils, Calicoes, Ginghams, Irish Linens, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points & Shalls, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, Women and Children, Linen, Lace &. Yapper Collars Laces, 'Edging and Inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description Rid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard ware, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. net. 30, 1873 PUBLIC SALE OF YILEIBLE REAL EMU ! rr HERE will be exposed to Public Sale on I the premises, ON SATURDAY THE 12TH DAY OF S BER, 1874, the fol lowing desirable Reid Estate: FARM of choice LIMESTONE LAND situate in Quincy township, near the town of Quincy, containing 108 ACRES AND 30 PERCHES. ' This farm is in a high state of cultivation with a well of , :rood water at the door, also running water on the farm. It is well set with ABIIisiDANCE OF FRUIT TREES of all varieties of apples, peaches, pears, plums, g rapes, The b uildings consist 6f %A. LOG HOUSE AND BARN, with good and substantial outbuildings, wash house, blacksmith shop, hog pens. At the same time will be sold the follow ing tract of M-'UNTiIN TIMBER LAND, located 71 miles southeast of Quincy, ad joining lands of Mt. Alto Iron Co., Daniel Shank, William Stull and others, contain ing G 3 ACRES AND 42 PERCHES This tract of land has been surveyed and laid off in lots varying from 5 to 10 acre:,, and will be sold in one tract or in lots to suit purchasers. This tract is well covered with gond chestnut, wilt and pine timber.— Any person wishingto see either of the pro perties, can do so by calling upon Jim. Faln•- ney residing on the premises, or, John 11. Smith ut Quincy. Sale to commence nt 1 o'clock on said day •whetfterms will be made known by E. J. SMALL, july2s is Assignee of Jno. Fuhrney BARGAIN ! ' BARGAIN T VALUABLE BOOKS FOR SALE 1 WE offer for sale at a reasonable price V V the-following newly and handsomely bound books: 3 VoI.'"HEARTII AND HOME." 1 " "HARPER'S WEEKLY." 1 " 'AMERICAN AGRICULTURIST.' They contain the best of reading and rank amon g the leading literary journals of the day. Persons wihhing to look at books or learn prices, will please call at the july:23 tf RECORD OFFICE. PZIIKV#IIII/AD04_0:010110001i: DAUCHY & CO'S. COLUMN. WHISKY & AIIDNIGHT. Send stamp Evans & Co., (Tart's Falls, N. Y. The Great Popularity of CA MPHORINTfg as a Fami'y Medicine, is the reward of gen uine merit. Those who use it once, never will be without it, Try it, Price per bottle, 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. R. Hoyt,,Pro prietor, New York. LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For 30 years millions have intently watched his perilous yet heroic struggles, and grand achievments, and now eagerly desire the complete life-History of this world-renown hero and benefactor, which unfolds the cu riosities and wealth of a wild and wonder ful country. , It is just ready. 2000 agents wanted quickly. One agent sold 184, anoth er 196 in one week. For particulars,address Hubbard Bros., either Phila., Boston, or Cincinnati, Ohio. Forewarned, Forewarned. To be fore armed now when you are threatened with all the ailments caused by debilitatingspring and summer weather is to make free use of JURIIBEBA which will make the Liver active, assist Digestion, Purify the blood, strengthen the Uterine and Urinary organs, invigorate the System, and make you enjoy life as you ought. Price $1 per bottle. John Q. Kellogg, A gent, New York. - W - ANTED -- -- - Agents fff - Chas. SUmner. By Gen. N: P. Banks, Bishop Gilbert- Haven, and . W. M. Cornell, LL.D., with eulogies of Carl Schurz, G. W. Curtis, and othe.s. Ex -elusive territory. No competition., Address, J. H. Earle, Publisher, Boston. "PSYCHGNANCY, or Soul Charming."— How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any one they choose instantly. This simple, mental acquirement all can possess, free by mail for 25c,togeth er with a marriage, Egyptian oracle,dreams hints to ladies, wedding-night shirt, &c. A. queer book. T. William 4: Co.; Pubs. Phila. FOR Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat ,Diseases, Use WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only in Blue Boxe. ried_and_sure_remedy,_Sold by all drug- 200 PIANOS AND ORGANS New and socond-hand,of first-class makers, will be sold at lower prices for cash, or on installments, or for rent, in city or country during this month, by Horace Waters & Son,No. 4SI Broadway, than ever before of fered in New York. Specialty: Pianos and Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the instrument. Illustrated cata logues mailed.A large discount to ministers, churches, schools, lodges, etc. junelB4l.v RICH FARMING LANDS. in Nebrask y. NOW FOR SALE VERY CHEAP ! Ten Years Credit, Interest only 6 per ct SEND FOR E PIONEER." A handsome illustrated paper, containing containing the Homestead Law. A new number just published,, mailed free lo all parts of the world. Address. O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner, U. P. R. R:, Omaha, Neb. july234w TREES & FLOTITRS ! T WOULD respeCtfully inform my old ilfriends and the public generally that I propose to canvass Franklin county during the summer soliciting orders for trees, FRUIT, SHADE & ORNAMENTAL. I represent the firm of ATWOOD, ROOT & CO., Geneva, N. Y., who are able to sup ply all the very rare and CHOICE STOCK OF TREES; there is nothing in the market possessing merit, but what we can supply. Especial attention to Plum and Pear stock is invit ed. Flowers stocks and Bulbs in great va riety, and all of the new kinds not obtain able elsewhere. A. D. GORDON. mayl4 tf COACIINAKING. PERSONS in want of vehicles of any de scription, new or second-handed, can he supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anything in his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably with that of any other establishment in the coun ty. • Rrcennaxa of all kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in the future. JACOB ADAMS. april 10-tf Waynesboro' Public Schools. SCHOOL OPENS, MONDAY, AUG. 31, 1874. TERMS FOR TUITION: High School Department, $3.50 per month ; Grammar Department, $2.50 per month ' • Secondary Department, $2.00 per month; Primary Department, $1.50 per month. rdrApplieution for admission must be made to the President of the Board. Tui tion most be paid in advance. E. ELDEN, Sec. H. M. SIBBETT, Pres. augsl 4t onderful e au common use ever invented. id can use it. Scientific, mous ; instructive, practical. Just thing far everybody. and ram, lfor it at once. It is the cat. kV° , wonder you ever saw. stampforcircalar, or inclose I and get it by return mall, ?aid. Agents wanted every. re. Address THE DEM= 284 Wabash Avo n Chicago. GUNS ! GUNS ! ! rr HE subs criber would call the attention of the public to his stock of goods, such as Double and Single Barreled Shot Guns, Seven Shot Revolvers, Single Shot Pistols of all kinds. A lot of second-hand Revol vers very low. Shot belts, powder flasks, game Jugs, powder, shot, caps; cartridges, &c., fie., all of which will be sold cheap for cash by J. H. JOHNSTON. julylGtf BARBERING AGAIN. rir HE subscriber announces to the public_ I that be has again commenced the bar bering. Shop in the Walker building for merly occupied by Pr. Benj. Frantz. New hazors, Brushes and outfit in general. A bare of the public's patronage is solicited. He also is prepared to shave corpses. may2l 3m JOHN H. HERR. LIVERY ! LIVERY ! MITE subscriber informs the public that I he has opened a new Livery Stable, on West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.— Speedy horses and first L class convey ances-furnished at all times. An attentive hostler will Ow f ms fonnd at the stablo -"I share of the pliblic's patronage-is respect fully solicited. , JOAN S, FUNK. july3o tf DR. D. W. JONES, KiTSIVIANI ARO SURGEON . Consulting Office, No. 32 West King St., a few doors from the Court House. Observe the sign on the side of the door. Office hours from 10 A. M. o'l2 Bt. and from 2to to 4 P. is., and 6 to 3 in evening. • The Doctor's long and successful practice at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five years at Martinsburg, W. Va., and nearly four years at the bedside in the different Hospit als of the large cities enables him to . o.ive full satisfaction to the afflicted, without the use of that deadly poison Mercury, and oth er powerful Minlials that annually send thousands to a prdlnature grave. All Nervous Diseases speedily cured. Let the weak and nervous bear in mind that when they have symptom's indicating ma ny other diseases, ,it originates' principally from the nerves. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. This dreadful scourge of suffering human ity, brought on from unnatural habits of youth, or learned from evil companions at school or while alone. Both sexes, old and young, are-guilty of it, and it is hastening thousands to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. For all such Dr. Jones has discovered a never-failing treatment that will soon bring about new life and fUl ly restore enfeebled manhood. SYPHILIS. This disease strikes with terror to the boldest heart, where it is soon discovered in the roof of the mouth and throat, with discoloring blotches over the head and ho d fastbetrayin&the-unhappy=victim,death, ending the suffering. . - Make an - early application; and be - cured without any change of diet or hindrance from business or deteOtion of friends. GRAVEL CURED Without the dangerous medium of an oper ation. of every form speedily cured. Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder, and all kinds of Chronic Diseases, no mat ter how long standing, speedily restored. Dr. Jones can be consulted by letter de scribing symptoms, age,and how long stand ing. All letters Strictly confidential. The completion of the Cumberland Val ley Railroad to Martinsburg will make it convenient for patients from Maryland and Pennsylvania to call and consult with the Doctor. Dr. Jones, will not visit patients except where they are not able to consult him at at - 111-ar • burg is sufficient evidence of his success.— All letters must be addressed to NEW STOCK. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALITY I GOODS UNSURPASSED IN QUAL lt TILLER BROS., P. O. Building, Waynes boro', Pa., would respectfully call the attention of t..e public to the flue stock of BOOTS, o, all the various styles for men" and boys la dies, misses and children, which they sel at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. Therals° have on hand a lot of Boots and Shoes of their own manufacture in which they offer EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. Boots and Shoes made to order from FIRST-CLASS MATERIAL and warranted to give satisfaction. Repair ing neatly done. • ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS, apr 23tf '• WIACEITUE 2110 P 'l"}IE subscriber informs the puplic the A. he has several paterns of Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wagon • Boxes, equal to the English Box; Motz and Self-sharp ener Mold Born ds, Lau sides, Shears, Cut ters Points, Feed Cutters and . Grinders, 5 different sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye Plate ; also Separator Castings of different kinds, Horse Powers and Bevel Jacks ; also the BORING & WOOD SAWING MACHINE the shop prices for which are, $50.00 with out saw, $05.00 with saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws Shingles. One man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Can be run with water, steam or horsepower. Two different kinds of Sausage Cutters and Sniffers. fe'"A It repairing done in the best man lier and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for past favors and hope for a continuance of the same. revelations of the 01=— ®customers and after the first of April next our will find us in the room now occupied by Win. Blair as a Printing Oilice, where we intend carrying on the Boot and Shoe business as usual. Prom our experi ence in the business in selecting the best stock and workman we hope to merit a lib eral share of patronage. It will be our con stant aim to make a neat and artistic flung boot. We make the best work in town at prices ranging from and upwards, accor ding to price of material. 'We are perman 7 entiv located here. - We have a few customers that we have asked often for their bills . ,_ and if they do not appear soon we intend putting their names in the paper, so they may not catch others. LEV-Thankful for past favors me ask a uunthmance of the same: mar 5-tf J. FORD & SON. TAILORING. THE subscriber announces to his old cus tomers and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. Hia place, of businc-sF, is on Lei tersburg street, nearly opp,osite 13e1.'s Pot tery. ' JOS. A.NDERSON. may 1-tf MARTINSBURG, W. VA -0,-. FEMALE COMPLAINTS D. W. JONES, M.D., Martinsburg, W. Va may2l ly I=l PRICES LOW 1 I=l SIIQMS & GAITERS QUINCY FOUNDRY METCALF EXCELSIOR POST Yours Respectfully, JOHN L. METCALF, mar s—ts Quincy, Pa BOOT AND SHOEMAKING I=l R.EIIZOVAL ! HIV ..,a fj, l lo ' • . WHEN YOU Ye ANT A COOK STOVE, DINING ROOM COOK, PARLOR COAL STOVE, FIRE-P L ACE HEATER, FOR- TABLE HEATER, BRICK SET HEATER, NINE PLATE STOVE THE VERY BEST ii:0111.1f=10-0: . Df , 11**0.414"!Telkii:$;0 , of all kinds, we have on our floor and war ranted to give satisfaction: We have also • Tinware, Hardware, • Brassware, Japannedware, Tubs. Buckets, • . Knives and Forks, Butcher • Kives, Spoons, Ladles, tin, brass and copper, Extra Iron Pots for cook stoves, Tin-lined Iron Pots, PORCELAIN KETTLES, _ LARGE IRON KETTLES AND BRASS KETTLES. We have also for sale CRONK'S PAT. STEA.AI COOKING APPARATUS, MILLER & IRON'S PAT. FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH- PUTNAN'S PAT. CLOTHES WRINGER, TAYLOR & CO'S. CUCUMBER WOOL) PUMP Pte" Special attention is given to the man ufacture of our Tinware. House and Barn Spouting and Tin Roofing, always securing the best material in the market, and always warrent to give satisfaction., Thankful for past favors from the Public, we. hope for a continuance of the same by dealing justly with all. D. B. RUSSELL 4; SON, Sign of the Big Rod Horn apr 23—tf DI JACOB FiIIBNEY'S FAMILY MEDIrAre -0- T"Eproprietor of this medicine is a grad uate of Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia of 1853; since then ho has made chronic diseases his speeial study— has had good success in the treatment of such diseases, - which has induced him'to put out this medicine before the public.— A medicine which ought to be in every fam ily in the land. Those who have used it speak of its great merit. Is composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the Materia Medico., and compounded with great care by the proprietor, under his own supervision and made in a scientific manner. The • DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a "short time it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE Acts on the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys Good for the following diseases, such as Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Scrofula, • Dispepsia, Sick•lHeadache, Consumption, Constipation, • Totter, and Chronic Diseases generally; very gond for children in sinall doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your II leads. Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TERS which have stood the test for a num ber of years. Good for Indigestion, Low ness of Spirits, Dyspepsia, Foul Stomach, Cramp, Colic, &c. Try it. Prepared only by JACOB FAIIRNEY, M. D., Office and Residence, 1337 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, 'Waynesbo ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Pa.,.1. S. Nix on Chami)ersburg, Pa, may2S-ly M. T. 33.A:BMITT'S Pure Concentrated Potash OR LYE, Of double the Strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. I have recently perfected a now method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls; the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the soap. It is packed iii boxes containing 24 and 4S one lb. tails, and in no other Way. Directions in English and German for making bard and soft soap with this Potash accompanying each package. B. T. BABBITT, junelS lOw 64 to &I Washington St., N.Y. - , Butchering Again. THE subscriber announces to his old ens tourers and the public generally that ha has recommenced the Butchering business, and will be able to acccommodate them as formerly at the cellar in too Walker build ing. Persons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc. mu rest, assured that his cellar will be the place to get it, as be is determined to slaugh ter the best quality of stock only. Feb 27-tf T. J. CIiNMNGIIA M. BACK AGAIN. THE subscriber informs the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and leased the Basementof the Walker building in which to carry on the boot and shoe making business.. Fie will also give prompt taient ion io all kinds of repairing. A share of the public's pa tronage is respectfully solicited. aptli -tf THOS. NE eareg 3."7 s AT THE TONE NALL Wrif3l2 =MEI TIIST opened at the Town Hall Store a full line of all thelate styles of for Men and Boys, a full line of Men SHOES AND GAITERS Men's Custom Made BOOTS AND GAITERS, (HEISER'S MAKE.) A large lot of and Children's ShoesTGuite - r - s a-nd Slip iei all kinds, a full and complete stock 'of LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, • CUFFS, NECK • BOWS, NOTIONS • OF ALL KINDS. 3The public are respectfully nvited to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as nd charge In be made for showing goods. Your Respectfully, M. H. JACOBS, apr 16-tf CHASTEEED APRIL g, f , Islo. 'V.itTiIEZBDAW 1-I,l=T-U-4.= - . • FRE INSURik_NIGE COMPANY, OF WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN CO. PA. ASSETTS OVER $150.000.00. Policies issued on Cash or Mutual Plan, and indemnity assured front loss or damage by fire, or by lightning, whether Eire en sues or not. DIRECTORP• Simon Lecron, (Pres.) 13. F. Winger, Jacob hoover. (V. Vxes.) F. B. Snively, Jos. Douglas, (Sec.) A. I f .Strickler, J. W. 'Miller, i Treas.) Jacob 3. Miller, Samuel lloeflich, Geo. J. Bnisley, Samuel Frantz, D. R. Miller. This company, probited by Charter from insuring in specially hazardous risks, can oiler CHEEP INSURANCE on all safe class property; is economical in its management and has paid its losses without any assessment upon the premium notes. All orders for Insurance protriptly attend ed to by M. Pa CROSBY, Agent: june2s '74] EETH! TEETH !! TEETHI!! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! Nothing contributes more to . beauty of the features than a PER- MONO CLEAN SET OF TEETH,while a neglected, filthy,disensed mouth disgusts every oehold er. Such things are noticed now - days much more than formerly; and good teeth and a sweet breath are considered indi:-.pen- Bible to every LADY AND GENTLEMAN_ BEWARE of all preparations which are highly recommended for IViIITINING the an acid which des - the ENAMEL. Dr. Forrest keeps con, stantiv on band of his own Preparation a su perior TOOTH POW- DER,which keeps the Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of the Enamel just as na ture made it. For the convenience of my pa trom;, I have adopted the patent TOOTH POWDER BOTTLE, so constructed as to distribute the powder nicely on the BRUSH, and can be carried when traveling and several may use from the same bottle with propriety. Having had an experience of over seven y,:trs in the nmu.lliicture,and administ ration of Ni trous Oxide Gass. I ant prepared at all times to administer this popular Anaesthetic, either to children or adults ibr the exlrate lion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas ant eflects. Insertion, Fill I )t,' and. Filling of Teeth carefully exeouted. Office next doo r to Bishop's Art Gallery, 'Main St., Chain hersburg, Pa. 11. HERR EI.;T, P It. S. N. B.—Teeth that have become discolor ed, I am prepared to bleach and restore to their natural color. Prices very modera.e. ma v2I Iv ritHE undersigned desires to inform th. publie that he is prepated to furnish. WALNUT AND ASII DALUStERS AND of any style desired. Also furnish PLANS 6: SPECIFICATIONS for Building:4, Eslitnates of quantitieg of Material and Price:. Send for price list.— Teruo: remon4ble. GEE. F. LIDY, june4 tf Waynesboro', Pa. SADDLE ED HARNESS NAIEG, Tg'srqiscriber 'informs the public that, heAbas'ehn nged' his quarters. and can nouettecfotind in thesoom formerly occupi ed by . William Blair as a prinnic oft , .ce, on the second-Poor, where he wi;l con tinue the Saddle and Harnei-s making business. He is_prepared.to do all work in his lirie with dispatch, and at reasonable prictii. , • He flatten, himself that his long, experience in the lmsiness him give gement.' satisfactibu. 2-t2' " • •:6 - EO..A• RITA. T 874. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AB SHOES ifiaT; GAPS Pala N1V10053 P, TACOB SNIDER announces to his euF:to-: mers and the public that he has return ed from the East and opened out an unusu ally large stock of BOOTS AND bIiOES, • . . E.A.Ts, CAPS. AND :NOTIONS, for the spring and summer trade, at. Or:Pig Building, corner public Sq/jure, Ilro.y.,r.siJo- and Boy's heavy Ire has opened an arhlitional room' in the same lyillding ey'clusively ibr. the Idie . To this del)artment of the busine..4s, attention will be given. 13 is stock con sists of Ladies, Misses Button & Lace MMZE=M FOR THE CASH. CHEAP AND PRETTY GOODS PIMP ITTIFLIDWZ Art ITR. second Supply of SUMMER GOODS W offers rare inducements to purchasers both in quality and prices. French lluslins, Victoria and Organtln lawns. Poplins, Grass Cloths, and all the other leading, of the season in full supply. All the fitvorite' brands of BLACK ALPACAS AT SPECIAL • Figures. Ladies and "Gents FURNISHING GOODS, of every de , :“Tiptifm. 'Notions in all the lat est novelties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS of English and Arne rican manufacture, ' very cheap. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, CA RIVETS , kit -01. L CLOT US. Our stock was never more complete, nor prices more satis'actory. jane4 tf PRICE. & VATE ' 3- - L Loa 0 • MITE subscriber oilers at Private Sale a desirable small one half mile Northeast of Quincy, (frmerly owned by Rev. Abrak. Golley,) containing FORTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, yell improved land, oil of which has been limed. The iniprovenim , consist of a two-story DWELLING 110I'SE, Bank Barn, 'Corn Crib, Granary and 1-1,,g Pen under one roof, and ocher no;.e.:s.Lry cart-Imi zood rein,ir. There io dso a never failing well of good water between the liarn and house, piurig Or chards of choice fruit trees, hc..-ikleA perch es, pears, plums and grapes,that caurio" be well surpassed. The Tract in uell laid nit and nearly all under good fencing.. l'er3om, wishing to view the property will plerse call o :1 the underig,ned living on the T.»-eta ises. ISA-le UTZ. junel 8 3m • '• They contain T. KINGSFOkD & SON, Its gre:it ext.. , lletice hat; merited the eom n?:l.l:it.i,..o. of Europu for At:eerie:ln xr,,,no- Lettlre. PULVERIZED CORN STAR Cl4l exprestly for food:whoa it i,proporly into 41p,0 , t, ~f, s ro,tt FOR ;',.1 LE BY AL L j . an el S Mw H OMHLIFE IN THE BIBLE. ty the auth -Ntm-A.St•rINEs I:s: [ll - :Ind "OLT: 1-1,,r31:" nearly 20),0110 Imre been sold. "f Tour. it 4 ccutneudr„ , 4l by mitti-ter , i, of as "I hest. book," "fell o: pre cious t iug ht4,l '"frat In4provious gem.." "a elwice hook for every family," LV.e. nlccl engravings, roe' tinted pa: - er„ ri h Lir NEWEL POSTS and tor rapid sale nnegnalle4l. Ag- , ; , ;5:. - onn; Alen, Ladic ,, , Teach wanted in every•conlity ; t z :100 per month. Send for ZEIG e: 514 Arch Street, P:lilarlelphia. Pa. mar 12-4. m !p the subscriber nnronnces to lti.z ..SL'and *thil inthlic that he has tr3relru - ed tl - 44...Cnrch Com:if:l - 1y owned. ;ly and er , ..mzed in r2e,n).ove. • ine:Ls, on :Main Street. ::t the E.:rt f • Waynesl?oro. 11ttlying a knowletk:e of the bn.q.net,'., bnt the ht .- 4 itorktne..a, and Ikt?_,trict,ittt , Ttinit_ to Intsi-. nei.F he itopi.!sto'nfori't - a, ptir.re of pit iontiii4i. All kiilLt; of new w«r:;-e . ektiaticl orcit.ra lined promptl,y. . Jan. 14 t 4. B. LADIES' ROOM. MEN' S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS WEAR OF ALL KINDS, BE_SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Also manufacturing done to order, and all worl: fir his esL-Lblishinea: gurtniltoo,i ALL RIPS SEWED le i ?':r" Int. 16-tf . 1 IS THE TINE TO PROCURE -AT s--.. 0 ------.. DRESS GC®T.")`3 LADIES' SHOES AND GAITERS osw4Go SILVED Gtol% - •; SIAIt,R, TM; TIIE LAUNDIZT. Mail:lN:hued by has bet:nmr, a ITOUSTiA LULU ND:ESSITY Prepared by T. KINGSFORD lt SON. co ca ~~ TIT G . " tea, 7 ' if 4 7 71 1 7 77-