The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, August 13, 1874, Image 2

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    'VG myttsborce Village guard.
Thursday, Aug. 13,11674.
igirThe monthly debt statement of Aug.
1, show a reduction of the national debt
amounting to $1,282,866,13.
lagi....Jobn Leopold whose wife and four
ebilren were drowned in the late Hood at
littshurg, has become insane from the
re—Lord Gordon-Gordon, the famons
'English swindler who had a brilliant ca
reer in'the United States three or four
years ego, blew his brains out in Manito
ba on Saturday. It was a dark ending
to an ill-spent life.
M.. Last Monday night a man named
-- JoirrrWolfeusin6er, fell , from the thirs
story window of his house in Baltimore,to
t e street below, receiving no other inju
ries than a sprained' ankle. He dreamed
be was stepping into a hack to take a ride
when he stepped out of the window.
lier.A. little boy named Willie Gray, 8
years of age, ascended to- the roof of an
-unoccupied three-story house in-Baltimore
one day last week, fot the purpose of fly
. ing his. kite. While thus engaged, he
lacked over the edge of the roof and fell
to the sidewalk below, breaking his neck.
When picked up life was extinct.
tM.They are trying to build the largest
hotel in the world in San Francisco. It
is to be known as the Palace Hotel, and
_ will _contain 700 rooms. There - will .be
320 bath-rooms and 374 bay windows.,--
-1,200 guests. The hotel is to be comple
ted in August, 1875, and will cost alto
gether $2,750,000.
.'The Western railroads do not in
tend to submit tamely to the laws regulat
ing fares and freights. The Northwestern
Railway Company, in consequence of the
conflict with the
in-the regulation of the_rate of carriage,
is greatly reducing its expenditures in
Wisconsin, It has = entirely_ abandoned
all improvements or extensions in con
struction or in rolling stock-And equip
ment, and during the past ipso weeks
greatly curtailed its operations and work
in -the-machine, construction_ and repair
shops, involving the discharge of no less
than 1,800 men.
..The result of the election in North
Carolina was a sweeping Democratic vic•
tory. The majority is estimated at any
ftom ten to twenty thousand, and
the Democrats elect seven out of the eight
Congressmen. Two years ago the Repub
licans carried the State at the August 'elec
tion by two thousand, returning four Con
gressmen; and in the succeeding Novs.m
ber thewave Grant twenty-fivi o thousand
majority over Greeley. The western
counties saved the State for the Republi
cans in 1872, but now even they seem to
have been revolutionized.
LA woman . was arrested near Ben
nington, Vermont, on Monday with a boy
who may very possibly turn out to be the
kidnapped Charley Ross., He answers
to the description, and even to the name,
while the accounts which she gives con
cerning him are confused and contradic
tory. The police are holding him until
some of his relatives can come on from
Philadelphia. to identity him, if he is real
ly:the lost child. The woman who has
him is the, wife of an employee of Bar
num's Circus, and there is no explanation
as to how the child came into her hands.
Se'One of the beauties of lynch law
is shown by an incident which recently
happened in Kansas. A mob went to the
house of a man who they supposed had
stolen a horsey d dragging him from his
bed, hung him to a tree, and then shot
twenty-two bullets into him. The next
morning they found they had' got the
wrong man (this one being a hard-work
ing laborer, with three children) and that
the right man lived just next door. The
law's delay may sometimes be very vexa
tions, and its judgments are not alwa}•s
in strict accordance with justice. It
would be far preferable, however, that
ten guilty persons should cape its pun
ishment than one innocent person should
sufFer the crime of another.
tm..The Indianapolis Journal says that
Messrs. Johnson & Lilly, manufacturing
chemists of that city, recently received an
order from an eastern drug house, for
one thousand pounds of potato bugs, which
experiment had demonsrated were cap
able of filing the place of Spanish flies in
medication. Messrs. Johnson & Lilly
have a number of Illinois farmers engaged
in supplying them with the necessary a
mount. of bugs to fill the order, and
the price received by the farmer for the
bugs pays more and -better than the crop
would do if left unmolested, 'it is probable
the Legislature of that State will not find
it necessary, as was supposed, to pass an
act making it a penal offence for a potato
bug to remain within the border of the
State.—Brotenstown(lnd.) Banner.
m.At this season of the year cramps
and pains in the stomach and bowels.
dyesentery, diarrhoea, &c., are quite com
.mon,and should be checked at once. John
son's Anodyne Liniment is the best arti
cle that can be used in all such cases, and
should be kept in ever family.
—Plenty and cheap—water-melons and
muteloupes. •
—Fall clover is promising:
—The "heated term" is about over.
—Choice apples are selling at 40 cents.
-5,000 gallons Gettysburg Katalysine
water was recently shipped in one day.
—Meteoric showers during the present
month are predicted.
—Old John Robinson's show is coming
this way.
—TEE Church of God campmeeting near
Mowersville, Cumb. Co., commences to
Union Sabbath School
Pic Nic comes off to-do.• in Gilbert%
woods, on the old Hagerstown road, s
kint one mile from town. •
DiftrSolomon Stern of Hagerstown, the
"rag man" was married in Baltimore on
the 26th ult. The lucky damsel was Miss
Sarah Knope.
Maw Court commenced on Monday.—
Our town is well re, resented with witness-
es for the enforcement of the local option
CORNER-STONE - LAI:M.—The corner
stone for the new Methodist Episcopal
church at Funkstown will be laid on next
Saturday, August 15th, at 2i P. 31.
REAL ESTATE SALE.—Attention is
called to the sale of valuable real estate
advertised in this issue by Messrs. -Bene
dict & Walk, of Quincy township, as-
simnees g
ger Col. Geo. B. Wiestling having de
clined the nomination for Congress ten
ecred him_by_the late_Republica.n_Coaaty_
Convention, Hon. John Stewart has been
nominated in his stead.
<r Nol, DEAD.--:*Wm. — GiVler, formerly of
this vicinity, is not dead as announced in
le aeceas
ed person it appears was a cousin to Mr.
RELIGIOUS.—Haivest Festival ser'iccs
will be held in Salem church by the mem
bers of the Wraylnesboro' Reformed charge
next Sunday morning. In the evening
preaching in Trinity Reformed church.
CAMP MEETlNG}.—Cumberland Valley
Campmeeting near Oakville, will com
mence on Wednesday next, the 19th.—
The grounds have been much' improved
since last year, a large circle of tents
•formed in the centre, etc. The price of
boarding has been fixed at $6,50 for the
FESTIVAL.—We are requested to an
nounce that a number of ladies purpose
holding a Festival in this place on the
evenings of the 20th, 21st and 22d of this
month,the proceeds to be used for the.ben
efit of the Waynesboro' Band. No exer
tions will be spared to make the occasions
interesting to all who may be pleased to
favor them with their patronage.
L. C. Brackbill, is general agent for the
sale of a recently patented and useful ar
ticle, an iron for raffling, &c., combining
four irons in one. He purposes calling
on the ladies of our town in person. He
has also the power to sell territory. It
would be well for young men out of em
ployment to call on him and learn terms,
etc. See advt. in another column.
James Elden, A. 11. a graduate of Alle
gheney College, and recently a teacher - of
Natural Science and the Classics• ;n the
Cumberland Valley State Normal School
at Shippensburg, has resigned his place
there ,and accepted the Professorship of
Mathematics in Dickeniou Sethinary, at
W illiarnsport, Pa.
Prc Mo.—Trinity Reformed Sabbath
School will hold its pie nie at Beautiful
View Springs, of which Mr. V. B. Gilboa,
is proprietor, on Thursday next, the 2Qth
inst. It will be a basket pie nie. The
friends of the school and the public gen
erally are cordially invited to accompany
them. They will assemble. in front of
Trinity Church in the morning at 7 o'clock.
If Thursday is an unfavorable day they
will pie nie the day after (Friday.)
Ths,At last accounts the Beecher-Tilton
investigation had not been concluded ,and
there is a strong probability that when it
is bronght to a close and a decision ren
dered by the committee that it will be car
ried to the courts. Should this prove to
he the case, the slang will be re-hashed
and dished out to the country at large.—
According to the evidence so far produced
it is hard to determine as to the guilt or
innocence of the famous Brooklyn
of papers is mailed here regularly on
Wednesday evening and should be receiv
ed at Five Forks the following (Thurs
day) evening, but we understand it very
often does not reach there until Saturday,
and lust week even failed to be received
with Saturday's mail. The P. M. says it
is regularly forwarded from this office.—
Where does the fault lie ? We hope it is
not with our friend of the Shady Grove
I¢S-Here is a simple remedy for
diptheria, which is said to be very effica
cious:..One teaspoonful of table-salt and
one.tpaspoonful of powdered alum in a cup
of : , 41, — ter sweetened with honey, used as a
gargle every half-hour or oftener.
TATCr TIME TO . REST.—An exchange
says most Men and women must- , keep in
the traces, , and keep pulling; the year
round. All t e more, lierefore is ittheir
duty to take things easier •as the hot
weather comes on.' Take longer rests at'
noon. Put on less steam when you are at,
work. • Snatch a Sunday now and then
from the middle of the week. You can't?
You . can. People find time to be sick
and to die.' .They Canjugt as:easily find'
time to rest and keep well. Everything
does not depend on finishing that dress or
fencing , that field ; on "putting lir . - so .
much fruit or-catching so many custom
ers. Better that the children should wear
old clothes than that their mother should
be laid aside by a fwer. Better that the
corn crop be a little lighter than tha t
the ebe no one to h.: It it. Lf
/Arrest .et us
shorter sermons and fewer of them on
Sunday; longer recesses for the children
at school on week days. Put 'tip the store
shutters earlier at night; prepare plainer
meals in the kitchen. Take a noon-day
hap yourself, and give your employees a
chance to go a fishing of an afternoon' now
and then. That only is duty which the
_Lord lays upon us and he is not so hard
a master as we sometimes suppose.
MOTYI3TAIN HOUSES.—We recently vis
ited the mountain, stopping for a short
time it Monterey and Beautiful View
Springs. As usual, WE were treated with
the utmost kindness and hospitality by
the proprietors, .Messrs. Yingling and
Gilbert, partaking, by invitation, of a fine
supper-at-the-latter—place. Both houses
are crowded with city boarders. An op.
156TtuTaify — tei'vlsit the Clermont House
was not. afForded, hut we were told it was
also filled to its utmost capacity with
boarders_lt affords us-Tleasure-to-be
able to announce that all the Mountain
Dale included—are so liberally patroniz
ed this season. These summer resorts
seem to are
ceeding season.
FINE RAlNS.—Since our_ last issue this
section of country has been favored with
the most timely and refreshing rain show
ers. For two or three hours on Saturday
mornin ,, last_rain_contimm4 to fall in such
quantities as to thoroughly saturate the
ground,-and-on-Ilooday-evening-wer - had
a similar out-pouring. Another week or
ten days of dry weather would have seri
ously damaged the groWing corn and po
tatoes. The prospects now for abundant
crops of both were never more encourag
ing. Not only farmers, but everybody,
have cause to rejoice and be thankful.
TRIMMING WHEAT. - 011 Friday last
we witnessed the operation of threshing
wheat by steam power at barn of Mr. L.
S. Forney in this place. A twelve-horse
power Geiser Separator was attached to
one of Frick & Co's. eight horse-power
portable engines. It was something we
had not witnessed before. and presented a
striking contrast with the old or more
common mode of operating with hOrse
power. Under favorable circumstances
we were told they «aiht thresh, clean and
bag about five hundred bushels per day.-
The sewrittor and engine were purchased
by Messrs. Christian Frantz,Jacob Shank
and Ephraim Snider who purpose contin
uing the business of threshing in the neigh
The season for improving side-walks,
crossings, etc. is passing by again and but
few of these much-needed improvements
are noticeable. We don't think the last
twenty years witnessed a worse condition
of affitirs in this respect than the present.
The North side of West Main street, or
a portion of it at least is scarcely "navi
gable" in wet or muddy seasons. There
are other parts of the town where the pave
ments are about in the same condition,
but we do not wish to particularize or be
personal. The authorities should require
such pavements to be relaid or so fir re
paired as to be passable.
Sri El: TM? SALES.—On Friday last the
'Patvison property, near this place, 80
acres of land, with fine mill and other im
provements, was sold to the Pittston Na
tional Bank, for the sum of $7.100. A
few years since Mr. P. purchased the farm
and mill for $32,500. We understand
the purchasers hold judgements against
the property amounting to upwards of
At the same time a mill,,bouse and lot,
the property of John K. Bemisderfer of
Quincy, wassold to John , F. Hess, fir the
sum of 83,500.
LUCKY AG &IN .- n addition to the
presents already announced we this week
make mention of two more. A large and
delicious water-melon from Mr. H. Hen
neberger of the Waynesboro' Bakery and
Confectionery, and a mess of fine roasting
ears from our neighbor, D. B. Russell,
Esq. The former during the season will
continue to supply the market with the
choicest melons, and the latter with green
corn having made different plantings with
this view.
RESPlTED.—Taniffero, the colored man
convicted of the murder of little Annie
Butler, near Falling Waters, and senten
ced to be hung, was respited at the last
moment, to await a decision of the Su
preme Court of West Virginia in a case
similar to his own.
eerlt has been discovered by a Hano
ver man, who counted them, that there
are 727 blackberries to the quart.
BLACK LIST: The following indi
viduals have swindled us out of the sums
annexed to their•names, or,so far, at least,
have refused to settle any part of their ac
counts, and in order that they may not
suc,msfully play the part of "dead beats"
in other localities, we give the public their
names, and will continue to add "a few
more of the same sort''from week to week,
and as they appear' their names will be
dropped . from our list as subscribers :
HENRY L'. BROWN, $30.00
J. M. LEESE (F.- CO.
W. Paxton, late Associate Judge in this
district, died' at his residence in - this place,
on Wednesday morning, after a brief but
_ _
severe illness., Seldom has our community
seen more start
'he announcement of his de
cease was the first intimation many of our
citizens had that he was not at his usual
place_of_business ia_his_ordinary_health—
Mr. Paxton was, as is well known, a local
preacher in the M. E. ChurCh. Oa Friday
or Saturday he went to Gettysburg with
the view of seeing his old friends, and fil-
an event
churehes — there, which he did With mark
ed unction on Sunday morning and eve
ning. But while engaged in this duty,
he was seized with an attack of a malady
that has long been afflicting him. - He
persisted in coming home ou Monday, and
thelang,ro_ugh ride in the stage s 9 agmra
vated his disease as to place him beyond
medical help, and after suffering excruci
ating pain fur about thirty-six hours, he
"fell asleep."
The deceased was born in Adams coun
ty, in 1811, and was at the time of his
death in the 63d year of his age. He has
long been identified with this community,
where he held positions of honor and trust,
and his loss will be sadly felt, especially
in the church with' whose communion he
spent so large a part of his life.— Opinion.
FIRE.-On Wednesday morning about
8 o'clock, the residence of the late Dr.
Richards, east of town, was discovered to
be on fire, and the alarm was soon carried
to town. W. B. Gilmore, Esq., apprised
of the fire, gave the alarnfat the railroad,
and workmen were dispatched to the
scene, having in their hands several of the
Babcock fire extinguishers. They were
not long in entering the building which
was found to be burning rapidly in the
attic. The extinguishers were used with
great success, and the flames were extin
guished in a short time after their arrival,
and before the steamer was in readiness
to play before the building.—M.
A NEW COMET.-A new comet has
made its appearance. On Sunday night a
week M. Borelli' at Marseilles discovered
it in position . "right ascension, 15 hours,
52. min utcs and polar distance 30 degrees."
It can be seen in our latitude and it is
described as "moderately brighter," and
having a movement toward the northwest.
Borelli is a very industrious astronomer
and, like his colleague, Coggia, has made
heretofere some important astronomical
discoveries. Whether his present comet
will rival Coggia's is it yet to be demon
strated. It may be found with a small
telescope seven degrees south of Gamma,
the upper guard or pointer of the Little
Lear. It will be between 9 and 10 o'clock
in the evening almost directly to the left
of that star. Its snial I size and slow mo
slim indicate that it is yet probably not
less than 100,09t1,000,miles from us, but
neither its distance nor the directions of
its motion can he certainly known until
after another observation.
Bergner, proprietor of the Harrisburg
Daily and Weekly Telegraph., died at his
home in Harrisburg, on Wednesday of
last week, after an illness of four weeks.
He was a prominent politician of the .13. -
-publican party, and held the position of
postmaster of the city, besides other res
ponsible public trusts. A successful bu
siness man, he had amassed great wealth,
and he will be greatly missed, not only
by. the city of Harrisburg but throughout
the State.
ABM BROSEN.—W bile running to the
fire on Wednesday last, Reed Kurtz, son
of Major Luther Kurtz of this borough,
I . ell and broke his left arm between the
wrist and elbow.— Valley Spirit.
zar-Au old sardine of an editor says
that 'in looking over an old ledg2r we see a
long array of names of former subscribers
who are indebted to us. Some of them
have Moved away, and are lost to sight
although to memory dear. Others are
carrying the contribution boxes in our
most respectable eh urches,and others again
horn dived and ftrr now angel' hcnypn,
but they owe us just the same, with inter
est added.
Jersey City murder, as it has been called,
Makes a romantic story: The body of a
man, named James McCann, was found
on the road with two bullet-holes in the
head. _The, police_arreited_one Frank
Wagner of being the murderer. The cir
cumstantial, evidence against him was
strong. He had been on the road at the
time the pistol shots were heard. He bore
a bad cha►acter. He betrayed signS of
fear when arrested. 'He denied having
been out, which was proved at once to be
an untruth. He had that night exhibited
a"pistol at a saloon close by the spot wliere
McCan - tes body was found: -Finally, the
bullet taken from McCann's - head fitted
the chambers of the revolver discovered
in Wagner's room: What stronger case
could be made out against a prisoner ?
But suddenly a man comes forward, a
harmless and innocent fish dealer, Thom
as' Brooks by name, who tells how Mc-
Cann met his, death. Brooks was driving
into New York for a load of fish, when
McCann sprang into his wagon and at
tacked him. Brooks fired at him twice
and passed on, ignorant that .he had hit
him and thinking he had jumped from
he-wagon,--The-mystery_is_snlv -d, but
if Brooks had not told 'the truth, would
Wagner have•escaped hanging?
Dierhe discussion in the Chicago news
papers as to the best means of re•building
the waste places so as to prevent the re
currence of another such catastrophe, has
brought out an instructive calculation
from one of the Chicago journals that the
:citizens for the—sake-of—saving $70,000
e suddenness o
difference between the cost of wood and
brick buildings, sacrificed in the end $5,-
000,000. The original cost of the wood
en-buildings-destroyed-in the
14 was $150,000. The same class of buil
dings could - have been• put up in brick
(which is the-best fire-proof material that
can be used) for $220,000. These inflam-
11 51 t 7. 1 • ..e:: et t.: • :•: : • . 76
tune, merchandise and machinery worth
nearly $5,000,000. It is not too much to
say that a large part of these goods would
WILL be exposed to public sale, at the
not have been lost bad they been covered - residence of Henry Reed,
by slate and brick. The lesson will bard-
ly be lost on the people of Chicago and
the following valuable Real Estate, situated
on the rov.d leading from Quincy to Funks
it may be well studied with advantage town, mid-way between the two places, viz:,
elsewhere. Another €neat s°-1
use of brick for building p'urpoScs is the
lower rate of insurance thereby gained.—
The difference iu the premiums to be paid
is often more than the interest on the dif_
ference in cost between wood and brick.
Re The secret of the high price paid in
Cambridge, Md., says the Westminster
Advocate, for peaches last week, came a
bout in this wise: A speculator in peaches
some time ago bought a farmer's orchard
for $lOO, the peaches to be delivered in
Cambridge. Last week the farmer de
livered his crop,? eight peaches- z —Hale's
Early—to the specplator, and received
his $lOO, making the peaches cost the
purchaser just $12.50 apiece. It is said he
sat down and ate the whole of them, in
order to be enabled to say he had eaten
$lOO worth of peaches at a mess.
as—The steamship Henry Ames, with
a full cargo from St. Louis for New Or
leans: struck a snag on Friday night near
Watershoff, in the Mississippi, and sunk
in twenty-five feet water. Four lives are
known to have been lost. The boat had
about 1,200 tons assorted merchandise.—
A German .woman and two children,going
to Bayou Sara, and a French woman, go
ing to Cook's lauding,. were lost, and pro
bably others, but no cabin passengers are
missing. The boat mid its cargo were
valued at $130,000;
re-Great harm and discomfort is caus
ed by the use of purgatives which gripe
and rack the system. Parsons' Pnrga
tive Pills are free from all impure matter,
and are mild and health-giving in their
16.-Tlie Crusaders, at Franklin, Ohio.
recently commenced operations, after a
temporary suspension. During the pe
riod of rest, the saloons.aro said to have
increased from one to nine.
NOTICE.-I hereby notify the party
who stole a melon from my Confectionery
window on Saturday evening last that I
will expose them through the Record next
week if it is not settled fur before that time
augl3 it H. 11E20,1E13E1:GER.
—We have just received another large
supply of the celebrated Bay State Suspen
ders. We have the exclusive sale of these
goods in Waynesboro', and recommend
them as being the very best•in unit ket.
augG 2t PRICE iL HO
VZ — Sin is often the result of physical
ill-health and feeble stomachs. During one
third of our time the proce!4s of digestion
continues. To be dyspeptic is to be miser
able; dyspepsia is the foundation of fevers
and all the diseases of the blood, liver, skin
and kidneys. Dyspepsia yields to the vir
tues of vegetable ingredients in that great
great purifier of the blood and restorer of
health, Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters.
july2s 4w
O❑ the 31st ult., at Alto Dale, HAN
NAH CATHARINE, cousort of Geo. Meild
felt, aged 24 years, 1 mouth and 10 days.
Near Greencastle, August 2, CHARMS
EDGAR, sou of AIL Chas. Uuger, aged 1
Near Greencastle, July 29, 1874, Mr.
CHRISTIAN KOSER, aged 88 years, 1.1
months and 14 days.
- -
Near Shady Grove, RACHEL GE•rs, ag
ed 22 years, 7 mouths and 29 days.
llExnv, aged 77 yrs., 7 mouths and 33
da vs.
Ja - .A_T'IS_
HAMS - .
EGG 5.......
BALTIMORE, August 8, 1874. •
FLourt.—r-Western Super at - 84.75; do:
Extra at 85.50@5.87i, and do. Family
at $6@6.50 ; Howard street Super 84.25
(0.75 ; Common to Fair Ex $5.25@
WHEAT.—Southern white at 125@137
cents ; amber at 140@1.43 cents ; good
',o prime red at, 1.33@138 cents, and in
ferior to fair at 120®139.
.. , ' 1. -) • •I g . ti i e
at 90@92 cents. '
OATS.—Mixed western at 52(c . 03 ets.,
fair to prime Southern at 50@55 cents.
RYE.-At 75@80 cents per bushel.
"POUR complete Irons in one, combined
: 12 smoothing, glossing, band and fluting
Ist. It will flute any depth of ruffle from
one - qual. inch - to - tht ee feel. or zuureTarrd
the whole front of the morning w •apper,
which is now done.
2nd. I will flute or puff_the_same as ruf
fle—that is, it will flute between bands.
• 3rd. It will flute alpacca or worsted goods
as neatly as linen, and set every flute. All
forcing or cuttin - r is .voided, and as the
iron moves forward and exposes themater
ic.l,_you_can_prevent, in 411_cases,.scorching,_
and can see when flutes are perfect.
4th. Iris - the only-perfect-gloL-sing-iron
in the market that has n..ade the art of
glossing ss es.sy_as_that of common-honing:-
- It - forms a beautirdl hand iron - fo
ironing narrow bands, between cuffs,seams,
&c., &c. which cannot be done with the or
dinary smoothing iron.
6th. Fluffily done with this iron will stay
fluted-longer-than-4ln ting,-done-by-any-roll—
er, principal or machine.
Price of Iron complete $5. -
General Agent.
Ise -- )1f - cinsion Fai•nz,
limestone and Freestone Land, in a high
state of cultivation, about one-half of which
has been limed. ,The improvements are a
(weather-boarded) Log Barn, and all neces
sary outbuildino7, in good repair. There is
also close to the house one of the finest
Springs in the neighborhood, a
on the premises, besides other fruit.
NO. 2—A. Cract of Limestone and Free
stone Land, containing
about 8 acres of which are Timber Land.
On this tract there is a FINE LIMESTONE
No: 3—A Tract of Mountain 'Laud, con
well set with thriving young chestnut tim
The above unimproved tracts are conve
nient to the Mansion Farm; and will be sold
separately or together to suit purchasers.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., on
s.:id day, when terms will be made known
augl3 is Assignees of Henry Reed.
Ueo. V. Moug, auct.
CAIVIE to the premises of the subscriber
near Tomstown, on the fish inst. two
light bay Mare Mules and au iron-gray
Horse. One of the mules is Shod in front.
The owner is requested to prove property,
pay charges and take them away.
aug] 3 3t GEO. ROCK, (of Thos.)
BY - virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Washington county, Md., t'le
undersigned Executor of Susan Stewart,
dec'd, will sell at public sale, at her late
residence in Ringgold, Washington county,
Md., •
On TB URS'DA Y the 27th of AUGUST, 1874,
the following property, to nit :
beds and bedding, chairs, 1 safe, 1 sink, 1
table, 1 wood chest, 2 parlor cook stoves,
(coal) 1 eight-day clock, linen table cloths,
a number of quilts, coverlets, carpeting, a
lot of ttpplebutter, a lot kitchen untensils,
barrels, boxes, and many other articles not
nixessary to mention.
TERMS OF SALE:—A credit of 6 montli3
will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards,
the purchaser to give notes with approved
seciuit ; sums under $5 cash, and no pro
perty to be removed until settled] for.
]it Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 31.
There will also be offered at public sale,
at the same time and place, the real estate
of said deceased. cormisting of a substantial
with out-building, formerly occupied as a
dwelling,but now used as a shop and wash
house, and other necessary out-buildings.
The lot
is in good order, under good fencing, and
well stocked with fruit trees,such as peach
es, plums, apples. cherries, Grapes, cte.
TERMS OF SALE :—One half of the pur
chase 4noney is to be paid on the Ist April,
1875, and the remainder in one year there
after, the purchasers giving notes for both
payments with approved seenrity, bearing
ifiterest from the day of sale or the ratifi
cation thereof. reirPossession given when
the sale is ratified.
ling° is
trators' Notice.
wHEREAS letters of Administration on
T V the Estate of Henry Besore, late of
Washington township, dee'd, have been
granted to the undetsigned, all persons in
debted to the said estate are requested to
make immediate paynient, and those hav
ing claims or demands against the estate
of said decedent will makoknown the same
without delay to SIMON LEGROIN:.
july3o 6t,
.... .. ' .... 9e
is the only known remedy for_.
and a positive remedy for Gout, Gravel,.
Strictures, Diabetes, Dyspepsia, Nervous
' Debility, Dropsy, Female Complaints,
Non-Retention or Ineonstinence of Urine,
Iritation, Infiammation,or Ulceration of the
Spermatorrhoea; Leneorrhoea or 'Whites,
Irregular or Painful Menses, Bearing Down,
Chlorosis, - Sterility and-all complaints inci
dent to females.
for stone in the Bladder, Calculus GrAirel or
Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Dis
_ s .1- •s of the Prostrate Gland.
cures diseases arising from imprudences,
habits of dissipation, etc., in all their stages,
at little expense, little or no change in diet
no inconvenience,and no exposure. cauo
- a frequent desire, and gives strength to
Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions,
preventing and curing Strictures of the U
retlia, allaying
. pain and inflamation, and
expelling all poisonous matter.
Used by persons in the decline or change
of life; after confinement or labor pains,
Prof Steele says: 'One bottle of Kearney's
- Extract - Br:dm - is - worth - mote thatrattnther—
, Buchus combined.'
permanently cures all affections of the blad
der, kidneys, and dropsical swellings exist
ing in men, women and children, no mat
ter what the age. Ask for Kearney's. Take
no other. .
Price One Dollar per Bottle, or Six Bottles
A physician in attendance to answer cor
respond-awe and give mlvice - gratis; --- Send---
stamp for pamphlets free.
For Sale by Druggists everywhere.
No ("large for Advice or Consultation.
Dr. J. B. Dyott, graduate of Jefferson
Medical Collegei --- PhiadelPiia, author -of--
°several valuable works, can be consulted on
all diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs
w is - • e--an-espeelal-stud34eith---
er in male or female, no matter from what
cause originating or how long standing. A
practice of 30 years enables him to treat di
seases with success. Cures guaranteed.—
Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can.
forward letter describing symptoms and en
closing stamp to prepay postage.
Send for Gaide to Health. Price 10 cts.
J. B. DYOTT, M. D., Physician & Surgeon,
104 Duane street, New York.
augla ly
June 22, 1374
june 22.1574
June 22, 1874
june2s tf
Manufactures every variety of
manufactured from
My stock is always new and &sin' .
Yours i:espectrully,
for Eire Dollars
A.; B. & CO.
AT A., B. & CO
, AT A., 8.. &CO