'VG myttsborce Village guard. Thursday, Aug. 13,11674. igirThe monthly debt statement of Aug. 1, show a reduction of the national debt amounting to $1,282,866,13. lagi....Jobn Leopold whose wife and four ebilren were drowned in the late Hood at littshurg, has become insane from the bereavement. re—Lord Gordon-Gordon, the famons 'English swindler who had a brilliant ca reer in'the United States three or four years ego, blew his brains out in Manito ba on Saturday. It was a dark ending to an ill-spent life. M.. Last Monday night a man named -- JoirrrWolfeusin6er, fell , from the thirs story window of his house in Baltimore,to t e street below, receiving no other inju ries than a sprained' ankle. He dreamed be was stepping into a hack to take a ride when he stepped out of the window. lier.A. little boy named Willie Gray, 8 years of age, ascended to- the roof of an -unoccupied three-story house in-Baltimore one day last week, fot the purpose of fly . ing his. kite. While thus engaged, he lacked over the edge of the roof and fell to the sidewalk below, breaking his neck. When picked up life was extinct. tM.They are trying to build the largest hotel in the world in San Francisco. It is to be known as the Palace Hotel, and _ will _contain 700 rooms. There - will .be 320 bath-rooms and 374 bay windows.,-- _Accommodations_wiLl_be_furnished--for -1,200 guests. The hotel is to be comple ted in August, 1875, and will cost alto gether $2,750,000. .'The Western railroads do not in tend to submit tamely to the laws regulat ing fares and freights. The Northwestern Railway Company, in consequence of the conflict with the in-the regulation of the_rate of carriage, is greatly reducing its expenditures in Wisconsin, It has = entirely_ abandoned all improvements or extensions in con struction or in rolling stock-And equip ment, and during the past ipso weeks greatly curtailed its operations and work in -the-machine, construction_ and repair shops, involving the discharge of no less than 1,800 men. ..The result of the election in North Carolina was a sweeping Democratic vic• tory. The majority is estimated at any ftom ten to twenty thousand, and the Democrats elect seven out of the eight Congressmen. Two years ago the Repub licans carried the State at the August 'elec tion by two thousand, returning four Con gressmen; and in the succeeding Novs.m ber thewave Grant twenty-fivi o thousand majority over Greeley. The western counties saved the State for the Republi cans in 1872, but now even they seem to have been revolutionized. LA woman . was arrested near Ben nington, Vermont, on Monday with a boy who may very possibly turn out to be the kidnapped Charley Ross., He answers to the description, and even to the name, while the accounts which she gives con cerning him are confused and contradic tory. The police are holding him until some of his relatives can come on from Philadelphia. to identity him, if he is real ly:the lost child. The woman who has him is the, wife of an employee of Bar num's Circus, and there is no explanation as to how the child came into her hands. Se'One of the beauties of lynch law is shown by an incident which recently happened in Kansas. A mob went to the house of a man who they supposed had stolen a horsey d dragging him from his bed, hung him to a tree, and then shot twenty-two bullets into him. The next morning they found they had' got the wrong man (this one being a hard-work ing laborer, with three children) and that the right man lived just next door. The law's delay may sometimes be very vexa tions, and its judgments are not alwa}•s in strict accordance with justice. It would be far preferable, however, that ten guilty persons should cape its pun ishment than one innocent person should sufFer the crime of another. tm..The Indianapolis Journal says that Messrs. Johnson & Lilly, manufacturing chemists of that city, recently received an order from an eastern drug house, for one thousand pounds of potato bugs, which experiment had demonsrated were cap able of filing the place of Spanish flies in medication. Messrs. Johnson & Lilly have a number of Illinois farmers engaged in supplying them with the necessary a mount. of bugs to fill the order, and the price received by the farmer for the bugs pays more and -better than the crop would do if left unmolested, 'it is probable the Legislature of that State will not find it necessary, as was supposed, to pass an act making it a penal offence for a potato bug to remain within the border of the State.—Brotenstown(lnd.) Banner. m.At this season of the year cramps and pains in the stomach and bowels. dyesentery, diarrhoea, &c., are quite com .mon,and should be checked at once. John son's Anodyne Liniment is the best arti cle that can be used in all such cases, and should be kept in ever family. —Plenty and cheap—water-melons and muteloupes. • Sptairgtitts. —Fall clover is promising: —The "heated term" is about over. —Choice apples are selling at 40 cents. -5,000 gallons Gettysburg Katalysine water was recently shipped in one day. —Meteoric showers during the present month are predicted. —Old John Robinson's show is coming this way. —TEE Church of God campmeeting near Mowersville, Cumb. Co., commences to day. Union Sabbath School Pic Nic comes off to-do.• in Gilbert% woods, on the old Hagerstown road, s kint one mile from town. • DiftrSolomon Stern of Hagerstown, the "rag man" was married in Baltimore on the 26th ult. The lucky damsel was Miss Sarah Knope. Maw Court commenced on Monday.— Our town is well re, resented with witness- es for the enforcement of the local option law. CORNER-STONE - LAI:M.—The corner stone for the new Methodist Episcopal church at Funkstown will be laid on next Saturday, August 15th, at 2i P. 31. REAL ESTATE SALE.—Attention is called to the sale of valuable real estate advertised in this issue by Messrs. -Bene dict & Walk, of Quincy township, as- simnees g e,- ger Col. Geo. B. Wiestling having de clined the nomination for Congress ten ecred him_by_the late_Republica.n_Coaaty_ Convention, Hon. John Stewart has been nominated in his stead.