C l h P4 0 1 ,11 i) '1 - • , • , , „ . • . . . • • ••, . / •'. . CL) ‘!! • ' ^.• - ‘1 4 . ..„ • • I I , •• • Iv • - s, . F St . , -111 - - •I t •• • k • t A . BY W. BLAIR. VOLUME 27. GS elect poetrg. BY °MOINE D. PRENTICE. How calmly sinks the parting Sun Yet twilight lingers still, And beautiful as dreams of heaven, 'Tis-slumbering-on_the_hill; Earth sleeps with all her glorious things Beneath the holy spirit's wings, And rendering back the hues above, Seems resting in a trance of love. Mysterious music from the pines, O'er y'on dark rock - reclined-i----- Falls like the whisperings of peace Upon the heavenly mind ; And winds with pinions steeped in dew Breathe gently, as if stealing through From Eden's bowers, that came to bless The spirit with their holiness. And yonder glittering thiong of clouds, Retiring from the sky, So calmly move, so sweetly glow They seem to Fancy'S eye, .'---Bright creatures-of-abetter-sphere Come down at noon to worship here, __And from_their sacrifice of love Returning to theiThome-above. The blue isles of the golden sea, The night-arch floating high, The flowers, that gaze upon the heavens, The bright streamsleaping by, Are living with Religion—deep • Their glories on the waters sleep And mingled with the moon's pale rays • Like soft light of parted days. The Spirit of the holy Eve Comes through the silent air To feelings hidden spring, and wakes The gush of music there ! And the far deeps of ether beam So passing fair we almostdream That we can rise and wander through Their open tracks of pathless blue. Each soul is filled with glorious dreams Each pulse is beating wild, And thought is soaring to the shrine Of glory undefiled And holy aspirations start From the full fountain of the heart : And chain—for earth's ties are riven— Our visions to the gates of heaven. fflifirellautous coding. A Romance that is Real. Twenty-five years ago, a young man, now a resident of a fashionable part of the city, then a young lawyer in the cen tral part of the State, wooed and won a beautiful.girl whose gills and graces wero the pride-of the charming village where she lived. He took his bride to what was then the far West, where he practiced his chosen profession for several years. Re turning past, he opened an office in New York city, living up town. At this period ;nine years of married life had passetiouid mo child had been born to this couple. One morning as he was about - stepping into a car for his office down town, lus attention was attracted by 'a group of children gathered about some object on the sidewalk. on the other side of the av enue. 'He allowed the car to pass on, and approaching the children, saw seated on the stone step in front of a store win dow, a little girt of some six years, bare headed, bare-fboted, and whose single, scanty garment of dirty, calico neither coveted her legs, drawn up as far as pos sible beneath her frock for shelter and for shame, nor her bony neck and breast.— She had a wonderful wealth of black hair. She sat with eyes concealed and head down, apparently unconscious or uneart,g . for the curious stare of the children:`;.;" It was plain she was not a lost Children'of a great city are familiar wit all phases of city life; but here was a new revelation of child life to them. They stood around her in pitying wonder. She, however, asked no sympathy by word or look. Like the tired or despairing fawn, chased by the hunter, all hope and life seemed driven out of her. Our friend is a great lover of children. Led by this powerful feeling. and sympathy for the child's sad condition, he kindly engaged her in .conversation, and at length persu aded her to let him lead- her home to warmth and He presented her to his wife. One look --`why what have you brought here ?' A child; do you not. see? The little one look ed tip into her face,and the childless wife, at the appealing look of those great eyes, melted to tears. The gentleman saw that his lift waif had found a resting place in the kind heart of his wife. He left them for his duties. When he returned at nigLt the wanderer was washed and neatly dressed; her pinched face and form showed lines of beauty, and those mild, black eyes were more eloquent for pity and for help than any words. It was ascertained that her brief life harl been one of great sorrow. A drunken father, a large family, a discouraged mo ther. the bitviling driven from the nest.— This was in 1858. Our friends had now been Married nine years and wee still childless. They adopted the child that 'Providence had placed in their way, gave - her their own name and thanked the good God for the strange gift. Afterward, to this mother of the moth erless, children were born, and the house was glad with music. To the adopted "Rd a period•ef sixteen y&ars_ has been filled'with plays and study, music, society and a wise preparation for the duties of life. The homeless, hopeless little wan derer has developed into a charming, hap py woman, loving and beloved.by all who know her. She, too, has been wooed and won. Her foster father and mother have been married a quarter of a century. It was but yesterday, that at their comfort able home, their friends gathered to con grata late-them-upon-baving_reacheiLthe twenty-fifth anniversary of their married life, and the adopted daughter was at the same time united in marriage toi a worthy young merchant of the metropolis. "How far a lighted candle casts its beams ; 'Tis like a good deed in a naughty world." Warning From Beyond the Grave. About three miles southeMt of the cite of Schenectady the highwayis intersected_ by the New York Central Railroad. At this point an aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. W., well-known to all citizens, returning home from an evening drive, were , struck -and-instantly-killed-hy-the-tmin-dae. • Schenectady at 6 P. M. This accident occurred at ten minutes before 6 P. M. At ten minutes past 5 a lady in the city, Mrs. C., of a highly nervous organi zation , and intimately acquainted with the unfortunate couple, answered a ring at the front door of her house heard by both her husband and sister. She found standing at .her door an elderly_ lady, whom she had never before seen, dressed iiillie - ficeitiion of yearslong'since - gotte - by= The stranger said nothing, when the lady -of-the-house-opened-the- T conversation_by observing : nurknow yoardo - yetr wish - any= thing 7" "Nor I you," replied the old lady.— "Send down to the 6 o'clock train ; the bodies of Mr. and Mrs. W. will be on it." The old lady then walked off: Mrs. C. immediately told her husband, who was in the house, and asked him to go down to the depot, which was not at any great distance. He, however,' ridiculed his wife and her nervous apprehensioni: but being again urged, went down to the depot to find that the train had not yet arrived, and no report of any accident. He returned home at s:4o—even yet be fore the accident—to laiigh at his wife and her fears. The train arrived a little late, and in a few minutes a messenger was sent up to say that the dead bodies of the couple were on the train, and to request Mr. C. to come down, which he did, and he helped them off: The messen ger was sent up to Mr. C. in consequence of.his first visit and inquiries. There were no means of telegraphic communication with the place where the accident happen, ed. Afterward, in describing the appear ance of the lady to a sister of Mr. W.,she recognized it at once as a faithful portray edof her mother who had been dead ma ny years.—Bm,nor of Light. SOMETIIING ABOUT BEER.-A. corres pondent writing from Vienna, says: •So far as I have been able to observe, the only occupation of the people of Vienna, between the hours of 5 and 9 p. in, in general, and on Sunday in particular, is the drinking of beer, accompanied with smoking and reading newspapers, or lis tening to music of the bands. There are a score of parks, and all of them swarm with smokers and beer drinkers, and down the Prater avenue, in the vicinity of the Exposition buildings, 50,000 fashionably dressed, respectable looking, quietly be having people sit or stroll anout the great park, under the huge old trees, each Sun day afternoon and evening in fine weath er, drinking beer and coffee, and smoking pipes and cigars. The Emperor and members of his fam ily often sit down among them and do likewise. The bishops and the reverend -clergy countenance the practice by taking part in it,and sharing the quiet with their flocks. If beer is 'poison,' as it is stren uously asserted to be in America, on ac count of tne•4 or 5 per cent, of alcohol it contains, I can only say, in reply thereto, that in Germany it is a very slow poison, for the whole population have been con ming it in vast quantities for more than '2;000 years, and they are still a hearty, robust-looking people, as any one will testify who has ever traveled through the Teutouip portions of Europe. STORY or A PICTURE. —A painter once wanted a picture of innocence, and drew the likeness of a child at prayer. The supplicant was kneeling beside his moth er; the palms of his uplifted hands were reverently pressed together; his rosy cheeks spoke of health and his mild blue eye was upturned with the expression of devotion and peace. The portrait of young Rup ert was much prized by the painter, who hung it on his wall, and called it 'lnno cence.' Years passed away and the artist be came an old man. Still the picture hung there. He had often thought of making a counterpart—the picture of 'Guilt'—but had not found the opportunity. At last he effected his purpose by paying a visit to a neighboring gaol. On the damp floor of his cell lay a wretched culprit named Randall, heavily ironed. Wasted was his body and hollow was hisaye, vice was visible in his face. The painter succeeded admimbly, and the portrait of young Rupert and Randall were hung side by side, for 'lnnocence and Guilt.' But who was young Rupert and who was Randall? Alas! the two were one. Old Randall was young Rupert led astray by bad companions/And ending his life iir the damp - and shameful dungeon. Titusville has a young somnambulist completely cured of the 'disease' on Friday night. Ho went into the room where the hired girl was sleeping wheu she knocked him down with a chair. A PAMILY.NEWSPAPER---DEVOTED TO LITERATITRE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS., ETC. WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1874. What a Negro Preacher Saw; A Selma, Alabama, preacher has, ac cording to a Southern exchange, been tel ling his congregation a strange yarn. We hope he preached "to the marines ;" but his audience was colored, and he himself the hue of ebony. The negro is credulous. He said that a young man, living in one of the many towns he had visited, asked a young lady to acs ^nv hf to -ch u rch_on_the_Sab bath di pettishly, that her hair hL ed, and that she would gi place with her eyes wide oven before she would venture , to church with her' hair uncurled. And she went not at that time; but the next Sunday, having gotten her turls_adjusted,aha_ventured_oat_and-lits7- tened patiently to _ the sermon until its close. When the congregation had been dismissed she moved toward the docr, but fell on reaching the portal, with her feet to the door and her head toward the pul pit. As she fell her clothing cracked like Chinese crackers exploding,and on exam ining her face, it was found that her eye etely-gone:-She-was dead, but it was impossible to close her eyes, because of the loss of the lids. When her friends crowded around to raise her up, they found themselves una ble-to-move-her. The sequel showed that it took twelve strong men to lift her from the floor, and twelve to put her in her coffin. It also required the united exer ion of twelve ministers to preach her fu -neratsermon—an-exceedingly-heavy-job,- doubtless. W hen being observed, the lid of the coffin sud -denly_raised_of ittrown -accord,-and-some thing 'about the size of a black cat' leap ed out. And as the creature jiinr:ed - from the cof f in to the floor, it cried aloud to the petrified audience : 'Wait, what, wait until I curl my hair !"As I expect to answer in the day of judgment,' said the sable divine, 'I saw this scene with my own eyes, and it was just as I have told it.' SEEING TEIE POINT.-A boy returned from school one day, the report that his scholarship had fallen below the usual average. "Well," said his father, you've fallen behind, this month, have you ? "Yes, sir." "How did that happen ? The father knew if his son did not. He bad observ ed a number of cheap novels scattered about the house, but he hud not thought it worth while to say anything until a fit opportunity should offer itself. A. basket of apples stood upon the floor, and he said : "Empty those apples, and take the bas ket and bring n to me half full of chips." "And now," he continued, "put those ap ples back into the basket." When half the apples were replaced the son said : "Father, they roll ofT. I can't put in any more." "Put them in I tell you." "But father, I can't put them in." "Put them in I No, of course you can't put them in. Do you expect to fill a basket half full of chips, and then fill it with apples?— You said you didn't know why you fell behind at school, and I will tell you.— Your mind is like that basket ; it will not hold more than so mucb,and here you have been the past month filling it up with rubbish—worthless cheap novels." The boy turned on his heel and whistled and said, "Whew I I see the point." little black bugs, you can save every one of them by sprinkling them lightly with Cayenne pepper. Use an ordinary table pepper-box. This is a dead shot—Granby (Mo.) Miner. TEIE SADNESS OF. St ICIDE.-A heart rending history finds its ending in the sto ry of is young wife at Fonda, N. J. There is an untold volume-a romance of a life's history full:of promise and hope at the beginning, perhaps—and ari ending iu the suicidal death. Mrs. Anna Jefferson, a wife who bad not yet budded from her girlhood—whose age was only fifteen— killed herself by taking arsenic, and do mestic troubles are the alleged cause for the act. The very words of the de spatch—"this was the second attempt,the cause being the refusal of her father to support her unless she should leave her husband, which she declined to do"-seem to stand out boldly in testimony of her grief, and one reads the announcement over again in doubt of its truth. Yet the sad story of the suicide seems told in the manner of her death, and the warning to girlish wives, who wed but to suffer and to die, is a sad record of the suicide's re fuge from her troubles. WORTU _KNOW/NO.-Dr. Glass, living near Granby, who is clearing up a new farm, has been, troubled with a number of big oak stumps. He had heard that salt petre was good for stumps. Accordingly, about a couple of months ago besprinkled on the top of each stump about a table spoonful of pulverized saltpetre. A. few days ago he set fire to these stumps and says they commenced and continued to burn until every stump was totally con sumed, roots and all, that he was able to plough without the least difficulty over the very ground formerly occupied by these large stumps. He says some of the stumps burned for four •or five days.— Farmers, try the Doctor's remedy; he says it will not fail. The Doctor also says, that if your cabbage plants are troubled with. One may live as a conqueror, or a king, or a magistrate, but he must die a man. The bed of death brings every human be ing, to his pure individuality, to the in tense contemplation of deepest and most solemn of all relations - , the ralation be tween the creature and his Creator.— Webst4...r. • Somebody'B heart is gay, And somebody's heart is sad ; For lights shine .out across the way, And a door with crape is clad— Sadness and gladness alike Are dwelling side by side 7— • Perhaps the death of• an early one, And the crowning of a bride. Bright eyes as o fille~witlt mirth, Pale faces bend in prayer, And hearts beside the household hearth, Are crushed:by stout despair; Ah, sorrow, and hope;stild joy, Are parted by thinnest walls; But on the hearts of the thonghtless ones No shadow of sorrowfaller ` _ No thoughts of the funeral train Como to the festive throng; No hope that the past will come again, To the anguished hearts belong; The future's a sunny sea To the lovers of joy and mitth— But the past alone, to those who weep For the sundered ties of earth. Somebody's heart is gay, And somebody's heart is sad; For the lights are bright across the way, And a door with crape is clad— Sadness and gladness alike Confront us on every side ; __&._w_ezdth_of smil- and_alloorl nnears__ —With ; hope-and sorrow_alliedi -4,I3THER G. RIGGS. Mn. Enron :—Having wrote the ar ticle that VIM published in your paper under the caption of Mercereburg College nearly blown out, that E. E. Higbee has pronounced a gross .misrepresentation, I wish to state that if it is a misrepresenta tion he is the author or cause of it. For the article was reported from his appeal to classis; and his letter of July 23d chimes precisely with it, where he says, "The President reported to the Chassis that there bad been a deficit, and that some action must be taken to increase the current fund," but omits a part of his re port publicly made and reiterated with special emphasis, "that it was a mere mat ter of time; if relief was not furnished they would have to close ; and he had ad vised the Regents to close." This we thought sounded very much .like blowing out. But ho now triumph antly exclaims Mercersburg College is not "blown up." We never said it was blown up. We were not aware of any as sault, bombardment or undermining to blow it up. We only thought from his plain statement that it must bo near blown out. And the President of a col lege is supposed to know the difference be tween blowing up and blowing out. The Rebel fortifications at Petersburg; wore blown up, and, about the :lamp time', sev eral furnaces in Pennsylvania were blown out by exhaustion of supplies. We like Doctors of Divinity to be ac curate ithen they make asseverations of any kind. Ho says Mercersburk College was never more prosperous than during the past year, numbering over one hun dred students. Admit "newer.more pros perous," though not vertpxosperous after all. He need not take it amiss if we in spect this assertion by comparing it with his catalogue for 1873-74, which may be considered good authority. On page 23 we find the following summary : Resident Graduates, El College Classes, 45 Preparatory Department, - 60 Here we find a sum total of just one hundred and one ; not very much over one hundred ; and eleven of these mark ed as irregular. But as it is not usual to continue graduates as students, nor to in clude pupils of' preparatory departments with students of the college—proper--;-nor to reckon irregular with the regular, if we subtract all these it will show the num ber to be considerably less, rather than "over one hundred students." The impar tial reader will decide what kind of a re presentation this is; whether true or a gross misrepresentation. From a further inspection of the cata logue 26 of these students are from Mer cersburg, one from Loudon, one from St. Thomas, one from Greencastle and one from Waynesboro ; making just precisely four from the county at large outside of Mercersburg, showing that the intelligent citizens of Franklin county are not gener ally disposed to patronize this college with its present arrangement. Not that there is an indifference to a thorough education, for by reference to the catalogues of Penn sylvania, Jefferson, La Fayette and Ursinus Colleges, besides those of several Normal Schools and Academies we find that Franklin county is fully repre smited. When Marshall College was located at:Mereersburg, and for about 20 years the community with united church cordially united heart and hand with lib eral contributions towards erecting those buildings and to endow it on a perman ent basis,' and it might ere this ranked with the foremost. Colleges on the conti nent had it not_been for the corruption of its Faculty. Other Protestant denomi nations rejoiced in our success.. A new e ra seemed to have dawned on the German Reformed Church,and the Germans thro'- out the Statewere lauded on acceount of it. Both general assemblies of the Presby terian Church opened a friendly corres pondence and annually sent Delegates to our Synod. The Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church did the same. There had likewise been a triennial convention es tithlkhod of Anlegates cf the Dutch and of the German Reformed Synods with the view of cherishing amicable alliances. TWO PICTURES. [For thcßecord. But alas I These friendly ties were severed! The German Reformed Church was found tainted with heresies inculcated in its Theological Seminary and therefore these higher judicatories of the more in fluential branches of the Protestant church simultaneously withheld their delegates and Mercersburg became a bye word and reproach, throughout Christendom. The shock was so heavy that it was deemed expedient to change the Faculty and like wise the location of llercersbur g College, forming an epoch of too much consequence to be forgotten and proving exceedingly detrimental. Beginning at Mereersburg and exploring the Cumberland Valley from the Susquehanna to the ;Potomac, _where_twenty-five years-ago-we-had forty prosperous congregations, which have all been either distracted, divided or destroy ed. Instead of increasing as those of other denominations have in this valley, there has been a lamentable scattering and dim inution of membership with no accession _of_new_congre tga ts, if we except the one that has been styled their 'youngest child; born and begotten according to Mercers buig rules; but which can never be prop--, erly: acknowledged as a legitimate off spring of the German Reformed church, unless it is born again. The ground,on which those buildings at Mercersburg were erected was deeded in 1834 for the use of the German Reform ed church as it was constituted with the doctrines and forms of worship held by atdenotaination-thea-nt-tha t-timerand net for any new order or new sect; and if there is idl a, re iFirt - te - old - doctrinea--and-, old forms of worship, that lease may blow - eirt - before - the-expiration-of_the_ninety- Dino ' years._ For it is not Mercersburg science, classics nor — literature, but Mer cersburg Theology with their College, church, and 'mechanical arrangements' adapted to their peculiar processes, by which they virtually attempt to serve the Lord mechanically, which has been the impediment to the success of that college. His application to Classis in tho case of the Rev. Mr. S. betrays either arbitrary action or gross impropriety of procedure. Dr. H. can take either horn of the dilem ma. Ho says that 'the Regents reappoint. ed the Rev. Mr. S. agent, and asked olassis to dissolve the pastoral relation.' If an agency was tendered to Mr. S. and he dis posed to accept, it was his place to snake that request and not the business of the Regents. Nor would it have been proper for Classic to act until they received the expressed wish of Mr. S. But passing antecedents and disregarding prelimina ries they have aimed at building castles in the air, fragile as the spider's web, and 'without constitutional basis. The Doctor likewise mado a pathetic appeal in behalf of a student who had sold rags, and for another who will need a new hat when he gets through his studies, from which a surmise arose that he may be like Jereboam,son of Nebnt, who caused Israel to sin by making priests out of the lowest orders of the people. HENRY Munn. ACCIMULATION. - A mathematical per son writes to one of the papers to say, that "if Columbus when be first came to Amer ica had put away one cent and not disturb ed it until! to-day it would have amouted to the sum of 8687,989,75." If this is true it is a great pity the idea never oceured to Columbus. He might have had a nice little fortune to comfort him in his old age But is it true? That depends, of comae, where be would have put it. Old Star buckle, of Berks county Pennsylvania, several years ago read in an almanac that money wonid double itself by corn pound interest in eleven years if it were put away and left untouched. Accordingly, Starbuckle puts9ooin a tin boX and buried in his cellar. He permitted it to remain there for eleve4 years, and dug it out with the confident expectation that the amount in the box would bo $l,BOO. But it wasn't, and Mr. Starbuckle not on ly considers the science of arthmetic a tran sparent fraud, but he don't repose any cofidence in the almanac when it says Sun day comes on the first day of the week. WED MADE IT ?—Sir ISAAC Newton, a very wise and godly man, was once exam ining a new fine globe, when a gentlemen Came into his study who did not believe in a God, but declared that the world we live on came by chance. He was much pleased with the handsome globe and ask ed : "Who made it?" "Nobody," answered Sir Isaac. "It happened' here." 'The gentleman looked up in amaze ment at the answer, but he soon. under stood what it meant. The bible says, "The fool bath said in his heart, There is no God." Must not that man be a fool indeed who can say this beautiful and wonderful world came by chance, when he knows that there is not a house, or ship, or picture, or any other thing in it, but has had a maker? We might better say that this paper we are reading grew just as it is, than to say that the sun, moon, stars, and this globe upon which we live came without a crea tive hand.—S. S. rasitor. LIFEB' PENDULUM - At every swing of the pendulum a spirit goes into eternity. The measure ofour life is a hairbreadth ; it is a tale that is told ; its rapidity is like the swift shuttle or the transitory rain• bow, or the dazzling meteor ; it, is a bub ble, it is a breath. At every stelhg of the pendulum a spirit goes into eternity.— Between the rising and the settinc , sun 40,000 souls are summoned before their Crettor. Uncle Jake Noble% aged one hundrod and ten years. recently married Sarah Peoples, aged ei,ghtnase, at. Hot Springt, Ark. The Puzzled Dutchman. A:Wisconsin paper contains the follow ing good story : "One who does not believe in immersion for baptism was holding a protracted' meeting and one night preached on the subject of baptism. In the course of his remarks be said some believed it necessary to go down in the water and come up out of it to be baptized. But this he claimed to be fallacy, for the propo sition "into" of the Scriptures should be rendered.differently, ter it does not mean i iti at all - times .—"M oses"—he-said, `we are told, went up into the mountain, and the Saviour was taken into a high mountain, dm. Now we do not suppose that either went into a mountain but unto it. So with going down into the water ; its' 'means simply going down closely by or near to the water, and being baptized in the ordinary way by sprinkling or pour ing. He carried this idea out fully, and in due season and style closed his discourse, when an invitation was given for any one so isposeltaarise-and;:expresa-his-thoughte. Quite,anumber of his brethren arose and said they were glad they had been present on - this-occasion, that they were pleased with the sound sermon they bad just heard, and felt their souls greatly blessed. Fi nally a corpulent gentleman, of Teutonic extraction, a stranger to all, arose and broke a. silence that was -almost painful, as follows : "Mister breather, I ish so glad I vash here to-night, for I has had explaiued_to„ my mint some tug — ,atit I never could be lief before. 0,1 ish so. glad dat into does ot-mean-into-it-at-all„but stunt_ close by W or near to, for now I can belief manieh dings votl could not belief before. We reat,Mieter breacher, dat Tautelwas cast into do ten of lions and cense. out alife.— Now I never could. belief dat, for the wilt peasts would shust eat him right off; put now it is fery clear to my mint. He was shust close by or near to, -and tid not get into de ten at all. Oh i.Sh so glat .1 - vash here to-night. "Again, we rest of the Hebrew children vat was cast into do firish furnish, and dat air alwish look like a peag story too for they would have peen purntup; put it ish all clear to my mint now, for they were shust cast near by or close to the fir i6h furnish. Oh, I vits.; so glat I vas here to-night." "And den, Mister broacher; it is said dat Jonah was cast into the:sea taken in to a wisaleeh pelly. Nov I never could pelieve that. It alwaysh seethed to me to bo a peeg feeeh story but ish all plain to my mint now. Ho vash" not taken into the whalesh pelly at all, but shust shumpt onto his pack and rode ashore. Oh, I vas so glat I vash hear ternight.. "And now, Mister breather, if you will shust explain two more bassages of scrip tures I shall be, 0, so happy dat I vash here to-night ! one of them is vere it saish de vicked shall be cast into a lake that puns mit fire and primstone always. 0 Mister breather, shall be cast into that lake if I am vicked, or shust close py or near to, shust near enough to be comforta ble? Oh.! I hope you tells me I shall be cast only shust by a good vay off, and I will be so glad I vash hero to-night ! The , other bassago is that vich saish, "Blessed are they who dose the commandtnents,they may have a rights to the dree of life and enter in through the gates of the city. and not shust close py or near to, shust near enough to see vat I have lost, and I shall be so glat I vas hero to-night 1" ComPusrEsTs.—We have heard of a rare beauty who said, upon a certain occasion, that the only real, disinterested compli ment she ever received was from a coal heaver, who asked permission to light his pipe iu the gleaming of her eyes. Another compliment, true and genuine, was paid by a sailor who was sent by his Captain to carry a letter to the lady of his love. Tho sailor, having delivered the missive, stood gazing in silent admi ration upon the face of the lady, for she was very beautiful. "Well, my good man," she said, "for what do you wait? There is no answer to be retorted." "Lady, the sailor returned," with bum ble deference, "I would like to know your name," "Did you not see it on the letter ?" ,"Pardon, lady, I never learned to read. Mine has been a hard, rough life." "And for what reason, my good man, would you know my name ?" "Because," answered the old tar, look ing honestly up, "in a storm at sea, with danger or death afore me, I would like to . call the name of the brightest thing I'd ever seen in my life. There'd be sun shine in it even in the thick darkness." BEM= AND APTER:-A female wri ter for one of the sentimental papers,speak ing of affinities, observes that a woman now and then meets a man to whom she can truthfully say : "On the barren shore of time, 0, my sours kinsman-! I have found in thee my 'pearl of great price,' and there is nothing more precious out f heaven." I have no doubt that this is the case, and while I would not rudely mar the sweet poetic beauty of the picture thus summoned up, my experience teach es me that the women who begin by talk ing in this sugary manner are usually prone to throw skillets and flatirons at "their soul's kinsman" after marriage,atid to growl at the "pearl of great price" be cause he comes to bed with his feet cold. —.lfax Adeler. A young lady thus describes her feel ings and courts sympathy: • "My heart is sick, my heart is Fad, But, chi the came I due not tell; lam noLgrievetl, lam not glad, • I am not ill. I am not welt ; I'm not myself, I'm, nat the same ; I amindeed4.kmow not what; I'm changed in tiri:***t name-- 1 t,h, when shall_ The •anuaged-in =rex' $2,00 PER YEAR Mit anti .littmor. What fish is most valmd by a lovin i ; wife ? Why is a pig a good mathematician ? Because he is pea on the "square root." Why is your shadow like false ,friencls ? Bee. Ise it follows you only in sunshine. When are brokers happy ? When they meet_a_Loan. _ Where are two heads better than one ? In a barrel. Why is the French word biere (beer) feminine ? Because the men are so fond of it. Who is the lazier l•F ? The furnitZ• dealer :ho keeps cha ff nd lounges about all the time. A lady of Bansas, aged sixtyeig t years, has astonished her husband by pre senting him with a baby. fr. Sheets, of rutile, • lu* - 13venty four children. Twenty-four. :Ileets' make COU3 A lady once being asked what she's thought was a good remedy for bee stings, said. she had never fonnd anything bet w-than-to-keep-awar-fron-r-the-lie "Whiskey is your greatest enemy." "But." said Mr. Jones, ". didn't the' Bible say, T. mac al, we 1110 to - OW - Our-- enemies 4" " 0? yee,Jones, but it don't say : . -we-arerto-svallow-thern." A good way to restore a man apparent ly drowned, says an exchange, is to first dry him thoroughly, inside and out, and then clap a speaking-trumpet to his ear and-inform that_his_mother-in-law is dead. An inveterate toper, in a locality were the ardent was der the ban, put some' rock candy in a le, rubbed the Deck with camphor, and n had the druggist fill it with whiskey, e wife of the purchas er was 'troubled so much with the head-/ ache.' The Rev. Mr. G—, a clergyman of a neighboring town, being recently absent from home on business,h is little sou calm ly folded his hands and asked the blessing usually prononnced by his father at their morning meal. At noon, being asked to pronounce the blessing,he repied ti grave face, 'No; I don't like the lnoke„of them taters.' • A good old elder of a church, who' waii given to extravagant exaggeration t .wee last called to account for his offence in that respect, and admonished not to give way to the besetting . sin iu future. The good old man received the admohition meekly and said :" I know how prone I am to the fault, my brethren, and it has given me tortures of pain; andi night after night I have shed barrels of tears over it." The meeting adjourned in silence. Out West the railroads sell tickets to ministers at half price. Recently, a. gea- Vann applied at the tieket office in At chison for "a clergyman's?" ticket. How am I to know you're a clergyman " asked the agent., "I'll read one of my sermons," answered the minister. Here—here— take the ticket. I'll let you have it for nothing sooner than put you to that trou ble." That agent didn't have an appre ciation of eloquence. A. young telegraph operator in Hart ford after repeated calls for a pug lady operator in another office, at last got a re sponse, and then he telegraphed backed to her, "I have been trying to get you foe 'the last hour I" In a, moment the follow ing spicy reply came tripping over the wire% front the telegraphic maiden : ."That'S nothing. There is a young luau here been trying to do the same thing for the last two years, and he hasn't got me ,et." There is an oldgoat owned in Detroit which has received a great deal of training from the boys. Last Vourtb of July they discovered that if they, stuck a firecracker in the end of ik cane and held it at Wil liam, he wouldlower his; head and go.for them; and they have practiced the trick !so much that the goat will tackle auy hu man being who points a stick at him. • ' A few days ago he was loafing near the corner of Third and Lewis streets, when tt• corpulent citizen came up and stopped to talk with a friend. They hanpened to speak of sidewalks,when the corpulent cit izen pointed his cane to just the left of the goat, and said: 'That's the worst piece of sidewalk in this town.' The goat had been eyeing the cane, and the momentit came up ho lowered his head, made six or eight jumps, and his head struck the corpulent citizen just on 'the telt.' The man went over into a MSS of; Old tin, dilapidated butter kegs And abandoned hoop skirts, and the g oat turned a sumeraault the other way, w hile the slip' citizen threw stones at a boy seat ed on a doorstep,who was laughing tears as big as Chestnuts, and crying out: 'Oh it's snuff to kill a feller !' It is said by some physician that the poison from hydrophobia differs from that of a rattlesnake in remaining in the im mediate vicinity of the wound for a con siderable length of ,time, Suction, how ever, may not alwayi belffectual in draw ing out all the virus t an& alittle.remain hag might lie as fatal as a large ijuuntity. Thorough cauterization with. nitrate of silver is believed to be effectual if done 114 1, - Qtaa ted. ' 7- iie • • NUMBER 8. • , 1`