The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, July 30, 1874, Image 2

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    Taallutsborio' altuud.
Thursday, July 30,1874.
it There is a state of feeling between
the Whites and blacks of Vicksburg, Miss.
which may lead to a collision at any mo
ment. In that city and State the negroes
are in the ascendency, and they are car
rying matters with a high hand. They
have endeavored, but unsuccessfully thus
far, to force the two white militia compa
nies in Vicksburg to disband, and thus
leave the city at the mercy of the negro
company organized there and armed with
rifles. This antagonism between the two
races has been intensified within the past
few days by the public declaration of a
mulatto officeholder of the right of ne
groes to take the daughters of white men
for their wives, in opposition to the will
of their parents, and at the mouth of the
pistol, if need be. Since this whites and
blacks have both armed, and unless more
prudent counsels prevail a conflict seems
to be imminent.
:a. The Washington Monument As
sociation have a new plan of completing.
the monument, viz: that of securing from
individuals, associations,&c. subscriptions,
with payment contingent upon the bona
fide subscription of the entire amount ne•
cessary to complete the monument. In
this wa no one need fear the waste of his
money, and may contribute with the assu
rance that if he contributes he contributes
to an early completion of the monument.
It is expected, if this plan be promptly
concurred in, to complete the monument
in time for laying the • cap-stone on the
4th of July, 187 g. Seven associations in
Washington are already pledged to make
contributions in accordanc_e withthe_pr_o
posed plan.
ItifirOn the 17th, upward of four bun
dred Mennonite emi!rrants arrived at New
York from the Crimea. The women all
wore blue calico gowns, with a blue
handkerchief thrown over their beads,
and no signs of ribbons, or earrings, or
brooches, or even wedding rings were visi
ble, these things being all considered too
worldly. The children were dressed like
their mothers, with this exception, that
some of their eapslwere surmounted with
a kind of topknot or ornamental tassil.
The men were all dressed like ordinary
German peasants, but, in spite of the
seeming poorness of their apparel, bad
well filled wallets. One of them had a
draft for $26.000 in gold, another had a
draft for nearly the same amount, while
many of the others held letters of credit
for sums varying fi o:n $l.OOO to $2.000.
_intend to settle in the West.
Stir On Saturday Mrs. Charles C. Her
ring, wife of a carpet dealer, corner of
Second and South streets, Philadelphia,
received an infernal machine containing
three pounds of powder. A note accOro
panied. the box, stating that it contained
a new patented article. The circumstan
ces being suspicious, the box was careful
ly opened without accident, the entire
family being stationed around at the time.
The box, which was a foot long and eight
inches wide, was,filled with powder. On
top, - run through holes in a strip, were a
bout fifty matches, with heads arranged
so as toalmost touch a sliding lid, which
was covered with sand-paper. If the box
had not been cautiously opened, an ex
plosion would have occurred, injuring and
probably causing the death of the entire
family.. Edward \Vaguer, son-in-law, was
arrested on suspicion.
Boy ABDucTED.--Some ten days since
a small boy, named Charles Ross, was ab
ducted by a couple men iu Philadelphia,
since which time diligent search for him
Las been made by the police, but to no
purpose. Several letters have passed be
tween the abductors and the father of the
lad, the former demanding $20,000 for delivery. Mayor Stokely,has of
a reward of $20,000 for the_cap
ture of the abductors of the child. The
description of the child and the robbers
is as follows:
Age, four years, dressed in brown linen
kilt suit, vath short skirt, broad brimmed
uu bleached Panama hat,with black baud,
laced shoes, and blue and white striped
stockings. The boy has long flaxen cur
ly hair, hazel eyes, clear skin, round, full
Lice, and no marks except ,hose made by
vacciunation on the arm. His appear
ance, as above described, may have been
greatly changed by cutting off his hair
r chAngingusdms.tothat of a girl, or
iu some other way.
The child was decoyed by two men into
a falling-top yatch bodied buggy, painted
dark all over, lined with darn material,
drawn by a dark bay or brown' horse, a
bout fifteen and a half hands high, driv
en, it is °believed, without a check rein by
two men, who as nearly as can bo nicer
ined, the following description:
No. 1 was a man of rather large,size,pro
bably five feet eight or nine inches in
heighth ; he was only seen -sitting; age
believed to be from thirty-five to forty-five
years ; mustache and full beard of whis
kers, rather long on the chin, of brown or
sandy color, atm brown hair; wore a ring
on the little finger of his right hand. No.
2 was.a man five feet eight or ten inches
high, about twenty-five or thirty years of
uge, of light, or with a tendency:to sandy
complexion, mustache and red nose and
thee, having:the appearance of a;drinking
man. Oile of the.ineu,wore.a broad 'brim
med straw hat, looking as if it had been
worn a season or two, and sunbrowned.
The other wore a high crowned, dark col
ored straw bat. One wore a linen duster,
and the other a gray alpaca, duster. One
of the men wore large glasses or goggles
of dark color, probably as a disguise.
out for ltim.—A fellow'claiming to be J.
C. Hoffman,la late graduate of Wirtern
burg College, Ohio, of . whom mention is
made in the : Lutheran Observer of a late
date, landed in our town on Thursday
last. He exhibited what appeared to be
reliable papers of indentity, and carried
a sample bottle:of a choice grape that he
was selling, in connection with a. rare and
valuable strawberry,',by„tmeans of which
he was trying to:eam money sufficient to
enable, him to complete his theological
course. He preached at Rays' Hill sev
eral times, and was there met by Rev.
Poffenberger, of this place, and on his ar
rival here was kindly- invited to.)preach
in the Lutheran Chureti on. Sunday morn
ing. With such highlnims and honorable
record, he had butllittle; selling
his grape cuttings at two dollars on deliv
ery, or fifty cents cash and one dollar and
twenty-fiveeents on delivery,'and straw
berry plants atone dollar per dozen 'on
delivery, ;or twenty-five cents cash and
fifty cents on delivery. l His operations on
Friday and Saturday must; have been
quite profitable. But on Sunday morning,
D. W. Ebbert, Esq. of this place, student
at Ursinus College, in the absence of ser
vice in his own church, attended . Luthe
ran service and recognized the strange
minister as a party who had 'spent two
weeks in his institution and decamped to
save' himself from arrest on the charges of
the grossest liberatinism. The services
were allowed to proceed and Mr. H. spoke
• alerable - sermon - and — ninde severs
vent prayers, and afterwards attended the
M. E. Sabbath School, and then Presby
terian services at the Reformed Church,
where ,Mr. Ebbert renewed his acquaint
ance and privately made him own to his
former acts at Ursinus. ',lllr. E. informed
several others of what he knew of the fel
low, and while at tea in the Union Hotel,
where he was stopping, P. G. Morgart,
Esq. went into his room and abstracted_
one of his grapes from his sample bottle,
which on examination was.tbund to be a
half-grown gage, or egg-plum, with large
seed, preserved in alcohol. The news was
waited on by his landlord and asked-to
pay his bill and travel as .speedily as pos
sible. This he did from a back door, but
was caught by Mr. Morgart and made to
refund the grape money advanced him,
and then allowedito pass on towards the
river. He was followed afterwards by
several parties, but beat a hasty retreat
anctevaded them, and continued on his
way through the rain and mud. He is
about 25 years of age, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches
tall, heavy 'build, short neck, dark curly
hair and beard on his ahin, small piercing
eyes, dark complexion i with blotches; of
pimples on side of face and neck, and is
an easy, fluent speaker, with a slight Ger
man tinge in his enunciation. He may
try something else and people should be
on the lookout for him.—Everett Press.
tar Theodore Tilton made his threaten
ed statement before the Beecher investiga
tion committee on Monday night, and on
Tuesday it was furnished to the city:papers.
The charge made by Tilton are in detail,
and he gives letters,etc.,in support of them
The sum and substance of the statement.
is that Mr. Beecher, taking advantage
of his position and influence as a pastor,
led Mr. Tilton's wife into guilt with him
selfaud that after sha had made a full
confession' of the wrong to her husband,
Mr. Beecher, to escape exposure and ruin,
so wrought upon her mind again as to
cause her to revoke that confession, and
that now she has openly deserted her
home and arrays herself with Mr. Beecher
and his friends in a conspiracy to over
-throw the credibility and good repute of
Mr. Tilton as a man 'and a citizen.—
The attitude 'of Mr. Tilton is clearly given
and the charges which he brings against
Mr. Beecher are unmistakably plain.
Mr. Beecher and Mrs. Tilton both at
once published denials of the facts alleged,
and promise to sustain their denials with
full statements of the facts. Mr. Beecher
is understood to be preparing his defence•
Mrs. Tilton's was published on Friday
last. She claims that Tilton had long
been a free lover, that he had frequently
for yearn expressed his malice against
Beecher, and his determination to ruin
him. In his own words, says "that he
lived to crush out Mr. Beecher ; that the
God of ha.ttles.was in him ; that he had
always been Mr. Beecher's superior, and
all that lay in his path, wife, children, or
reputation, if need be, should fall before
this purpose."
M.. 011 Monday a week, the Oriental
Circus , exhibited at Nicholson, Wyoming
County, Pa., and after it had left a Mrs.
Robinson discovered that her two daugh
ters, aged twelve and fourteen years, who
bad gone to see the show, were missing.
On Wednesday Mrs. Robinson caught up
with the circus at Dunmore, where it was
exhibiting,aud inquired for her children.
She was almost crazed by anxiety To her
horror she learned that the men who had
abducted her daughters had been discharg
ed the day before, and uo one knew whith
er they had gone. The police ofScrauton
are tracking thelmisercants.
'Of the twenty-eight districts of the
counties of Queen Anne's, Caroline, Tal
bot and Dorchester, which voted on the
local option question on Tuesday of last
week, only eight voted in favor of licence,
while a large majority of the popular vote
was cast against the sale of liquor. The
local optionists celebrated their victory
at some places by a torchlight procession
bonfires, firing salutes, &c.
ta...Hon. A. R. Boteler and Hon. C. J
Faulkner, have both announced them
selves as independent candidates for con
gress in the Charleitowa (W. Va.,) dis
Satzo ,itturs.
—Roasting ears at 20 cents per dozen.
—Have you paid your last year's sub
scription to tho Record?
—Among the varieties of the season
just now is "hot corn."
—No postage required on newspapers in
the county. Subscribe for the Record.
See advt. of. John H. Cook's steam
cracker factory, Hagerstown, Md. in this
NEW LwERY.-111r. J. S. Funk bas
added another livery to our town. See
advt. in another column.
Bmar.—Rev. C. L. Keedy, Pastor of
the Lutheran church in this place,return
ed last week from his Western tour. He
preached as usual on Sunday.
ABSENT.—Rev. R. F. McClean, Pastor
of the Presbyterian church iu this place,
took his departure on Monday for a visit
among his friends. We (understand he
will be absent about - five wesks.
APPOINTNENTS. - If the frninisters of
our twin will furnish us, from week.',,to
week with their appointments for Sabbath
services,wewill_clieerfully give theill_place
in our columns.
MP u. ESTATE_SALEB.-TWO sales of
real estate will be found among the new
advertisements in this issue—one by John
F. Hess and Julia:A. Greenawalt, the
other by Abrm. K. Knepper (of G.)—to
which we call specialattenti on.
.The "berry train" continues - to ar
rive and depart as usual. The blackber
ries_are_said_to,be_v_ery_aburidaut and un
usually fine in quality. 'Of tours; those
who are not strictly local optionists will
avail themselves of the • opportunity af
forded_to_lay by a_few_gallons_of_wine_for
medicinal purposes.
RELIGIOUS.—Rev. Prof. P. M. Bikle,
of Pennsylvania College, will preach in
the Presbyterian Church, nest Sabbath
morning and evening.
In the same church on the following
Sabbath, the Trinity Reformed and Pres
byterian congregations will unite in ser
vice. Preaching by Rev. H. H. W.
PERSONAL.-Dr. •T. „D. French and
family, from Vicksbnrg, Miss.,are at pres
ent on a visit to their friends in this place.
The Dr. is none the worse of Southern
life, presenting a picture of good living
and good health. On this occasion ho
makes a short stay. He will leave to
morrow for„ his southern home.
SUICIDE.—On Tuesday the 21st inst.
Mrs. John Carbaugh, living at New Bal
timore, on the mountain, back of Mt. Al
to Iron :Works, committed suicide by
hanging herself from a rafter with a bed
cord. She was aged about 17 years and
was encisate at the time. Sue leaves a child
aged 2 years. An inquest was held by E:
J. Small, Esq. Verdict, death by hang
ing—causo unknown.
vicinity on Monday' last was visited by a
terribly destructive rain storm, involving
a fearful loss of life. Houses and whole
families were swept away. At last ac
counts the number of persons lost was es
timated at considerably over two hundred.
The deluge it appears, was caused by a
water-spout. In the suburbs of the city
the flood is said to have been twenty feet
deep, entering the second stories of dwel
lings. A private despatch states that
Geo. B. Johnson, (formerly of this place)
or ratheekthe business firm with which be
is associated, sustained a loss of between
$7,000 and $B,OOO. \Vm. H. Zeigler, fbr
merly of this place, is also reported to
have sustained a loss of about $4,000, not
a vestige of his dwelling or its surround
ings having been left standing. The ex
tent of territory damaged is said to be a
bout twenty-five miles in diameter and
the loss of property immense of course.
FISIIING PARTY.- A. party from this
place visited the Potomac river last week
on a fishing excursion and spent several
days along its banks. We understand
they were very successful, securing about
150 pounds of lish,about 50 of which was
bass. They report the enjoyment of a
good time in general—having a natural
inclination for things "gay and festive
—and commend very highly Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Cheney, of Falling Waters, for their
kindness and hospitality. Among the a
musing incidents connected with their
visit the fiillowing is related : One of the
party it appears was victimized something
after the style of the Tom Collins "sells,"
by being induced to dive into the river
after a large but several days dead turtle.
Another rather laughable ntishap to a
Washington County official is reported.
Seated on the bow of the boat with rod
and line a sudden "bite or pull at the
line capsized him into the river. He was
promptly rescued, says our informant, and
his prize proved a sunfish, and not a very
ponderous one tt that. Persons not un
frequently lose their equilibrium from
other causes than fish bites, but the gen
tleman referred to „being rather diminu
tive in size the sudden jar on the line may
account for tte accident.
siekai:ss nili account for
lack of customary varieties in this issue
of the Record.
Dear - Editor : I notice in your paper a
brief article in reference to Mercersburg
College, which is well calculated i:tolmis
lead your readers, and therefore I hasten
to inform you that it is a gross =misrepre
sentation, not intended,l,.trust by the
Mercersburg College was 'never more
prosperous than during the past year,
numbering over one hundred students,
and graduating the largest olass which it
has had since its'organization.
Its Board of Regents saw fit to reap
point Rev. M. Sangiee as the regular a
gent, and asked the, Mercersburg Classis
to consent to the action, and dissolve the
pastoral relation of the; good brother to
the Charge which he is serving. The
Classis found that great injury 'would be
done to the new Charge which was pros
pering under his ministration, and urged
the Board to appoint in his stead, its sta.
ted Clerk, Rev. Wm. M. Deatrich, a min
ister of unblemished character and great
influence. Subsequently the Board fol
lowed the advice of the Classis.
The President reported to the Classis
that with the utmost economy there had
been a deficit, owing to the fact that all
the endowment of the College was not yet
available; and that some action must be
taken to increase the current fund
to in
sure the continued prosperity of the Col
lege. Action has been taken, and there '
is every prospect that the deficit .will be
more than met, by the earnest - Chi - ale — lV
liberality of the friends of the College.
I am •couvinced that it will give you
pleasure to insert this in your paper ; for
it should be a source of gratification to
the citizens of Franklin County to know
that there is a thorough, and well discip
Without doubt, grow in influence and pow
er froni year to year. Mercersburg Col
lege is not "blown up" as the article re
ferred-to-seems-to-implyTbut-on the-con
trary is growing up to greater significance
and usefulness from year to year and de
serves the encouraging sympathy of the
press and literary men of Franklin Coun
ty. Yours Respectfully,
President of the Board.
IM.BROKEjAIL.—On Saturday morn
ing last, two colored persons named Sandy
Johnsen and James Turpine, by sonic
means • not ' known to the officials, made
their way into the jail yard sometime dur
ing the night, scaled the wall, and are now
at large. Johnson is accused of rape
and Turpine with larceny. Sheriff Green
awalt has offered a reward of twenty dol
lars for the apprehension of either, or forty
dollars for both.— Opinion.
61:VANDALIS111.—We learn from the
Mercersburg Journal that some miscreants
entered the grounds of Mercersburg Col
lege, recently, and girdled about forty
young forest trees .All has been done
since its discovery, to save the trees from
destruction, but with what result remains
yet to be seen.
Sellers, of Fayettev,ille left on the 27th
inst., for San Francisco, on her way to
China,where she will engage in missionary
work under the auspices of the Women's
Foreign Missionary Society of New York.
Miss . Sellers is well adapted, both by incli
nation and culture, to the work she has
llerWe call special attention to the
advertisement of the agent of the Chris-
Can Age in to-day's paper. The hand
some premium engraving, containing' 250
portraits, entitled "The Founders and Pi
oneers of Methodism," is given to every
NOTICE.—On last Sunday evening an
Um brella, with silk edging around it was
taken by mistake from the vestibule of
the Presbyterian church. The person hav
ing it will please return it to the Record
19,..A gentleman afflicted with the
chronic rheumatism says, "No description
of my ease can convey the vast amount
of benefit I have received from the use
of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. I be
lieve it, is the best article in the world for
mil a horse has a good constitution
and has once' been a; good horse, no mat
ter how old or how much run down he
may be, he can be greatly improved, and
in many respects mad , • as good as new ,
by a liberal use of 'Sheridan's Cavalry
Condition Powders.
Se - John Overmyer, of Hagerstown,
Wiphington county, who is engaged in
erecting a large building in Indiana, Pa.,
fell from a scaffold one day last week
and received such internal injuries that
it was thought death would ensue.
DErit should not be forgotten that un
der the new law voters must be assessed
sixty days before the election. Under the
old system it was ten days.
DAILY MAIL.—On and after July 31,
1874, a daily mail will leave Chambers
burg for Waynesboro via Mt. Alto and
Quincy, supplying the latter places.
Ire - The first term of the next collegiate
year of Pennsylvania College, located at
Gettysburg, will begin September 3d.
ue/-11.1rs. Barbara Dehart died in Har
risburg, on the 15th inst., aged one hun•
died and one years and six mouths..
The Error Once More.
It is not material who "Justitia" of
July 16 is, suffice it to say, that; he does
not reside in Waynesboro', and that no
one there is responsible for his article.
'"Il" is reply overlooks -the:distin‘i
tion between "being engrafted" and "ap
propriating." No one would say that the
two are identical in natural grafting, the
first act is grafting or setting, the second,
taking up or appropriating the life of the
tree, so now in spiritual grafting. First,
the engrafting, as all Protestant' confer•
sinus say, then the appropriating of the
divine life of Christ into which the sub
ject was engrafted. What'll:says of this
aprropriating is all true,buthe overlooxs
another equally important side, viz. the
engrafting. It would have assisted ;`the
reader if, with 'his quotations of Ques.
'and Ans. from 'the Catechism he had also
qtioted Ques.'6B, 70472, 73 and then giv
en the exposition of Ursinus, where, a
mong other; things he says, "There is in
Baptism a double washing.; an external
washing with water,and an internal:wash
ing with the blood and spirit:of Christ."
Very much like Dr. G's. tract. Then fur
ther, from the Art. "Baptism," from the
confession of faith, Presbyterian, * * *
"a sign and seal of the covenant of grace
- of - liis — engrafting into Christ, .of regener
ation, of remission of sins, of his giving
up unto God through Jesus Christ to walk
in newness of life," &c., &c. Then also
-the—Methodist-Cat—Ques:- —71,--
addition to all these, the subject will be
made still clearer, if the thesis concern•
lug Baptism from the commentary of Ur.
sinus is added, thus: "2. The first end of
baptism instituted by God is, that he
might thereby declare and testify it to
-us,t-hat-he-cleanses - thns - e - wiro arebityitii - -7
ed by his blood and spirit from all their
sins, and.therefore engrafts them into the
body of Christ and makes them partakers
of-althis-benefits." This-now-by-the-dou—
ble washing as before quoted. This lan
guage sounds very much like Dr. G. who
says, as "H." had it printed iu small cap,
"that by baptism they are engrafted into
Jesus Christ" T all the Protestant con
feisfons sayrand . are therefore made par
takers of Christ and all his benefits." So
Ursinus says, pretty good' company. It
would perhaps be difficult to tell,had Dr.
G. and Dr. U. lived at the sa me time,
which one copied from the other, the two
expressions being nearly alike. Queer
reading this commentary of Dr. Ursinus,
the Westminster confession and rather
good,hcalthy theology, Bomberger, Good,
Nast, &c. and the miserable, wretched
travesty of Schneck to the contrary not
Now, .IV.Ir. Editor, "Justitia," reiterates
what he said in his former article, and
emphatically asserts that in this one-sid
.ed way this ecclesiastical warfare in the
Reformed church has .been carried on fur
years. Is it any wonder that there is no
peace ? We look for the right and shall
abide the time of the Gplarerd when he
shall bring it hi. JUSTITIA.
drophobia can be prevented, and I will
give you what is known to be an infalli
ble remedy, if properly administered, for
man or beast; a dose for a horse or cow
should be about four times as great as for
arperson. It is not too late to give the
medicine 'any time before the spasms come
on. The first dose for a person is 1 oz:
of elecampane root, bruised, put in a pint
of new milk, reduced to one half by boil
ing, then taken all at one dose in the
morning, fasting until afternoon, or at
least a very light diet alter several hours
have elapsed. The second dose the same
as the first, except take 2 oz. of the root;
third dose same as the last, to be taken
every other day. Three doses are all that
is needed and there need be no fear.
This I know from my own experience,
and I know of a number of cther cases
where it has been entirely successful.—
This is no guess-work. These persons that
I allude to were bitten by their own rab
id dogs, that bad been bitten by rabid
dogs and were penned up to see if they
would go mad; they did go mad, and did
bite the persons. This remedy has been
used in and about Philadelphia for forty
years or longer, with great success, and is
known as the Goodman remedy. lam
acquainted with a physician who told me
that he knows of its use for more than
thirty years, but never knew a case that
failed where it was properly administered.
Among other cases he mentioned, was one
where a number of cows had been bitten
by a mad dog; to half the number they
administered this remedy, to the other
half not, the latter all died with hydro
phobia, while those that took the elecam
rane and milk showed no signs of the dis
ease. R. C. SHOEMAKER.
Montgomery County, Pa.
—Norristown Free P4•ess.
£The village of A.llaraine, in the
Province of Nevarre, Spain, has been de
solated by the falling of an overhanging
cliff. The houses were crushed by the fall
ing rocks, and but few of the inhabitants
escaped. Two hundred dead bodies have
already been taken from the ruins.
ma-While Mrs. Porter, of St. Albans,
and her two children where out gathering,
berries on Friday afternoon, one of the
children stepped on a rock overhanging a
deep hole in a creek and fell into the wa
ter. The mother jumped in after her
child, followed by the other Child, and be
fore assistance could be secured all three
were drowned. •
'During the prevalence of a heavy
thunder storm a boy named Bloodgood,
who was peddling oysteis through the
streets of Perth Amboy, was struck by
lightning and instantly killed.
BLACK LIST.—The following indi
viduals have swindled us out of the sums
annexed to their names, or,so far, at least,
have refused to settle any part of their ac
counts, and in order.thitt they. may not
successfully play the part of "dead beats"
in othellj
toctilities, we give the public their
names, and will continue to add "a few
more of the same sort'from peek to week,
and as they appear their names will be
dropped from our list as subscribers:
HENRY L. BROWN, $30.00
DR. J. A. HATTON, 14.00
JOHN—MENTZER, 15 - :00
JOHN D. BARR, 10.50
S. A. FOUTZ 10.00
A. N. STALEY, 5.00
J. M. LEESE & CO. 30,00
as—A special dispatch to the Louisville
Courier-Teurnal says one stroke of light
ning killed six persons in Woodford coml.
ty,Ky., on Saturday night,viz: - Mr. Block, —
wife and daughter, and a colored mantbr
ing in the same house. During the same
storm the lightning struck many points
in Central XentuCky.
rs-The head-centre of the Grangers; at
Washington, last year received a salary of
s7ooo,not including fees and perquisit
es. The pay of these dignitaries of this
organization is made u • contributions,
from the inferior lodges.
wsk,.Colonel John S. Mosby, the con
federate 'guerilla chieftain,' is an indepen
dent candidate for Congress in the Alex-
andria (Va.)
~The work on the Centennial build
ing is being rapidly pushed forward and
no fears are entertained of the ability of
the contractor to complete his work.
-Ladies don't fail to examine our ele
gant assortment of Hoop Skirts, Corsets,
&c. We have a full stock of the most mod
ern styles. Pates &
—A large lot of empty Molasses and
Sugar Barrels fer Salo at
july3o 2w Pales & Iloswen's.
—A full supply of the Mason, Glass
and Porcelain Top Fruit Jars, at
july3o 2w Pater. & 110EFLICIeS.
HOUSE FOR RENT.—A comfortable
dwelling house is offered for rent on North
Broad Street. Apply at
Sin is often the result of physical
ill-health and feeble stomachs. During one
third of our time -the process of digestion
continues. To be dyspeptic is to be miser
able; dyspepsia is the foundation of fevers
and alb the diseases of the blood, liver, skin
and kidneys. Dyspepsia yields to the vir
tues of vegetable ingredients in that great
great purifier of the blood and restorer of
health, Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters.
july2s 4w
In thi3 place. on the 23d inst., by Rev. H.
Stonehouse, Mr. THOS. A. SHEELER, to
Miss MOLLIE H. ALBERT, both of Hag
BUTTER.... .....
HARD 50AP.....
BALTIMORE, July 24, 1874.
01311.—Western Super at $4.25, $4.37i,
$4.50 and $5.75 ; do. extra at ss.uo; do. do.
at $5 25®55.371.
WHEAT.—White - atl3o®l4scents for fair
to choice; old Pennsylvania red at 140 cts.
Pennsylvania rakings at 120 cents.
CORN.—White at 900,3.. cents ; yellow
at 82®83.
OATS.--Pennsylvania mixed at 68 cts.;
Maryland in lots at 70®75 cents.
RYE.—Prime at 95 cents.
fir HE subscriber informs the public that
he has opened a new Livery Stable, on
West Main Street, at the Sanders' stable.—
Speedy horses and first elms convey
ances furnished at all times. An attentive
hostler will always be found at the stable.
A share of the public's patronage is respect
fully solicited. JOHN S. FUNK.
july3o tf
Administratois' Notice.
WHEREAS letters of Administration on
the Estate of Henry Besore, late of
Washington township, dee'd, have been
granted to the undersigned, all persons in
debted to the said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and these hav
ing claims or demands against the estate
of said decedent will make knovnillxe sane
without delay to SIMON . LEURON,
july:3o Gt.
Manufactures every variety of
manufactured from
My stock is always now and fresh.
Yours liespeot fully,
july:lotf , JOHN H. COOK.
lINNAMON, alspice, rnustard,cloves and
limber spices whole or ground.
atlteid's Urocery
on the premises, the property upon
wbieh he now resides, situated in Quincy
township, Franklin county, Pa., on the road
lending from Quincy to Chambersburg, one
and a half miles from the former place,
a tract of first-rate limestone land, contain
a 1-21 AL C73E1.1053,
8 acres of minich is excellent Timber Land,
with a good
log and frame BARN, wash house and all
necessary ontAn ild - With a never fail
ing well of water at the house, a cistern and
such as apples,peaches, pears, plums, cher
ries, grapes, 4:c.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day
when terms will be made known by
P - U - BL - LC
THE undersigned , Administrntors of Hen
ry H. Greenawalt, dec'd, will expose to
Public Sale,
-On - TUESDAY the 25th of AUGUST,
the fol lowing describe.] Real 'Estate;situa
ted in 'Quincy township, about one mile
Soot liwest of 14 Lt. near the Oak Hill
school limiseon the'road leading to Brown's
. _ .
1 1-2 Acres of Land,
nore or less, bounded by lands of Jan F.
11 ess •and Mrs. E. Greenawalt. The im
provements are a new two-story
frame - stable,n - well - of - gooinfater
dwelling, and a young orchard of
on'the premises-
TERNS OF SALE:—]O per cent. of the
purchase money to be paid in cash on the
day_of_sale,the_balance_ofi_of price on the
confirmation of sale, on the first of April,
1875, with interest front confirmation of
sale, and on the first of April, 3876, with
terest from conlhmation of sale.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock on said day.
A thn'rs.
Wm. Adams, auct.
containing 250 portraits of the early fathers
and mothers of Methodism, given away to
each subscriber.
The engraving is of peculiar value as a.
historic memorial of the past, and should,
we think, be in the possession of every
ethodist in the land.
Tho Age is a weeklyjournal of 16 pages,
and an Unsectarian, Religious Family Jour
ral, contains all the latest Religious news,
together with news of Literature, Society,
Commerce and Finance.
Price of Paper, $3.00 per annum, with
Persons by . callinent thikOFFICE can see
the engraving and paper.
july 3Otf A. G. BLAIR, Agent.
THERE will be exposed to Public Sale on
I the premises, •UNIT SATURDAY TH
12TH DAY` OF 8 vivIEMBER, 1874, the fol
lowing desirable Real Estate:
of choice LIMESTONE LAND situate in
Quincy township, near the town of Quincy,
This farm is in a high state of cultivation
with a well of good water at the doer, also
running water on the farm. It is well, set
of all varieties of apples, peaches, pears,,
plums, grapes, &e..
The buildings consist of
with good and substantial outbuildings,
wash house, blacksmith shop, hog pens, ave.
• At the same time will be sold the follow
ing tract of
located miles southeast of Quincy. ad
joining lands of Mt. Alto Iron Co., Daniel
Shank, William Stull and others, contain
This tract of land has been surveyed and
laid off in lots varying from 5 to 10 acres,
and will be sold in one tract or in lots to
suit purchasers. This tract is well covered
with gond chestnut, oak and pine timber,
Any person wishing to see either of the pro
perties, can do so by calling . upon Jno. Fehr
nay residing on the premises, or, John It.
Smith at Quincy.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day
when terms will be made known by
july2s is Assignee of Jno. Fahrney.
cauazvaim laatu.
r HE unde►signed will sell at Public Salo
I at the late residence Joseph Bnrkdoll,
sen., deed, in Ringgold, Md., on
SATURDAY the Ist of AUGUST, '74,
the following property, to wit: •
adjoining lands of Samuel Frantz, John
Johnston anot hers.
At the same time and plac3 will he offer
red for sale all the personalproperty of said
:all; to commence at 1 o'clock on said
day when terms will be made known by
G. V. Mang, atpt.
MITE subs cribor would call the attention
of the public to his stock of goods, snob.
as Double and Single Barreled Shot Guns,
Seven Shot Revolvers, Single Shot Pistols
of all kinds. A lot of second-hand Revol
vers very low. Shot belts, powder flasks,
game. , G ,,,; ; ;, powilcr, tzttirielge;
Jzc., &c., all of whidi will be sold cheap for
cash by J. H. JOHNSTON.
neil will, sell at Public Salo
HE tinders;
A. F. 4%. 8., M