DX D. W. JONES, PHYSICIAN AND SVHCF,DRI MAI TIIISBURG, W. VA. Consulting Office, No. 32 West King St., a few doors from the Court House. Observe the .sign on the• side of tile door. Office hours from 10 A. u. to 12 M., and from 2 to to 4 P. at., and 6 to 8 in evening. The Doctor's long And successful practice at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five years at Martinsburg, W. Va.. and nearly four years at the bedside in the different Hoseit els of the large cities enables him to give full satisfaction to the afflicted, without the use of that deadly poison Mercury, and oth er powerful Minerals that annually send thousands to a premature grave.* All Nervous Diseases speedily cured. Let the weak and nervous bear in mind that when they have symptoms indicating ma ny other diseases, it originates, principally from the nerves. SEMINAL WEAKNESS. - - This dreadful scourge of suffering human ity, brought on from unnatural habits of youth, or learned•from evil companions at school or whilealone. Both sexes, old and young, are guilty of it, and it is hastening thousands to that bourne from whence no traveler returns. For all such Dr. Jones has discovered a never-failing treatment that will soon bring about new life and ful ly restore enfeebled manhood. SYPHILIS. This disease strikes with terror to the boldest heart, where it is soon discovered in the roof of mouth and throat, with discoloring blotches over the head and bo dy, fast betray ing . the unhappy victim,death ending the suffering. Make an early_ application, and be cured without any change of diet or hindrance from business or detection of friends. • GRAVEL'CURF,D Without the dangerous medium of an oper ation. -FiATALE-COMPL-MINIT. of every form speedily cured. Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder, and all kindri of Chronic Diseases, no mat ter how long standing, speedily restored. Dr. Jones can be consulted by letter de scribing symptoms, age,and how long stand ing. All letters strictly confidential. The completion of the Cumberland Val ley _Railroad_to Marti hurg will-make-i convenient for patients from Maryland and Pennsylvania to call and consult with the Doctor. Dr. Jones will not visit patients except where they are not able to consult him at his office. His family_practiee at Martins. burg is suffit.nt evidence ofigiuccess.— All letters inffst be addressed to D. W. JONES, M.D.. - Martinsburg, W. Va. may2l ly NEW STOCK. BOOTS AND SHOES ,A SPECIALITY I PRICES LOW 1 GOODS UNSURPASSED IN QUAL ITY. — o _. miLLER BROS., P.O. Building, Wavnes- J TI boro', Pa., would respectfully call the attention of t.4e pnblie to the fine stock of BOOTS, SITOS ChAarTMRS • o, all the various styles for men and boys ladies, misses and children, which they sel CLEMS3Ear. at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. They also have on hand a lot of Boots and Shoes of their own manufacture in which they offer , EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. Boots and Shoes made to order from' FIRST-CLASS MATERIAL and warranted to give satisfaction. Repair ing neatly done. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. apr 23tf • QUINCY FOUNDRY MACEria CHOP I rpHE. subscriber informs the puplic tha 1. he has several paterns of Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wagon Boxes,' equal to the English Box; Motz and Self-sharp ener Mold Boat ds, Lan sides, Shears, Cut ters & Points, Feed Cutters and Grinders, 5 different sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye Plate ,• also Separator Castings of different kinds, Horse Powers and Bevel Jacks ; also the METCALF EXCELSIOR POST BORING & AVON SAWING MACHINE, the shop prices for which are, $50.00 with out saw, $65.00 with saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws Shingles. One man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Can he run with water, steam or hone power. Two different kinds of Sausage Cutters and Stuffers. term! repairing done in the best man ner and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for -past favors and hope for a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, JOHN L. METCALF'. Quincy, Pa. mar 5-ts BOOT IND SHOEMAKING 7, REMOVAL! I=l d'IN and after the first of April next our Nfitustomers will tind us in the room now occupied by Wu/. Blair as a Printing Office. s here we intend carrying on the Boot and Shoe business as usual. From our experi ence in the business itb selecting the best stock and workman we hope to merit u lib eral share of patronage. It will be our con stant aim to make a neat and artistic fiting boot. We make the best work in town at prices ranging from $8 and upwards. accor ding to price of material. We are perman ently located here. We have a few customers that we have asked often for their bills, and if they do not appear soon we intend putting their names in the paper, so they may not catch others. SerThankfal for past favors we ask a oominuance of the same, mar.s-tf C , t NM OATS AND RYE. HE subscriber will meet persons every Saturday at Stover & Wolti's Store in Waynesboro' for the purchase of grain, where they are requested to bring samples. P:ry CASH. qu dalivery. 414.17 L.: 44.10. NEW GOODS TUNA NAL STONE IUST opened at the Town Hall Store a fD full line of all the late styles of for Men and Bop, SHOES AND GAITERS. BOOTS AND GAITERS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK BOWS, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Stir The public-are-respectfully 'wiled to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as no charge wi be made for showing goods. Your 'Respectfully, M. H. JACOBS, RED APRIL O t 1.870. MN JAMMU COMPANY, OF WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN CO. PA. Policies issued on Cash or Mutual Plan, and indemnity assured from Inskfor damage by fire, or by lightning, whether Fire en sues or not. Simon Lecron, (Pres.) B, F. Winger, Jacob Hoover, (V. Pres.) F. B. Snivelv, Jos. Douglas, (Sec.)A. H. Strickler. J. W. Miller, (Treas.) - Jaiob J. Miller, Samuel Hoeflicu, Geo. J. Ba Isley, Samuel Frantz, D. H. Miller. This company,.probited by Charter from insuring in specially hazardous risks, can offer on all safe clags property ; is economical in its management and has paid its losses without any assessment upon the premium notes. AR orders for Insurance promptly attend ed to 1)y BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! Nothing contributes more to beauty of the . features than a PER • - PECT, REGULAR, CLEAN SET OF TEETH.while a nettlected, filthy,diseased month • disgustsevery uehold er. Such things are noticed now - days much more than formerly; and good teeth and a sweet breath are considered indispen sible to every 'LADY AND GENTLEMAN. BEWARE of all preparations which are highly recommended for WHITENING the an acid which des stroys the ENAMEL. Dr. Forrest keeps con stantly on hand of his Own Preparation a su perior TOOTH POW DER,which keeps the Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of the Enamel just as na ture made it. For the convenience of my pa trons, I have adopted the patent TOOTH POWDER BOTTLE, so constructed as to distribute the powder nicely on the BRUSH, and can be carried when traveling and several, may use from the same bottle with propriety. Having bad an experience of over seven years in the manufacture and administration of Ni trous Oxide Gass, I am prepared at all times to administer this popular Anaesthetic, either to children or adults for the extrac tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas ant effects. Insertion, Filing and Filling of Teeth carefully executed. Otlice next door to Bishop's Art Gallery, Main St., Cham bersburg, Pa. H. F.OBREST, D. D. S. N. B.—Teeth that have become discolor ed, I am prepared to bleach and restore to their natural. color. Prices very modera.e. may2l ly TOT lICID "MP X 41C. Al •M • THB undersigned desires to informthe public that he is premed to furnish BALUSTERS AND PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS for Buildings, Estimates of quantities of Material and Prices. Send for price list.— Terms reiattnabbe. GEO. F. LIDY, june4 tf Waynesboro', Pa. 7:;) ..A.. 1 .B.• "r THE subscriber notifies the public That he has commenced the Dairy business and will supply citizens regularly every morning with Mi or Cream at low rates. He will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's Store where persons can obtain either at a ny hour during the day. nov 27-tf BENJ. FRICK. J. FORD d: SON VITATER: Crackers, ginger snaps, and V V Away sracken leid's (irocery AT THE -0- SALTS a full line of Men a and Boy's heavy Men's Custom Made (HEISER'S MAKE.) A large lot of and Children's Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers of all kinds, a full and complete stock of Apr 16-tf ?Trri NATIEBUDIT MUTUAL ASSETTS OVER sxso.ooomo DIRECTORP. CHEAP INSURANCE M. P. CROSBY, Agent. june23 '74] EETH ! TEETH !! TEETH !! ! WALNUT AND ASH STAIR R.A.11.Y1Z70- N&WEL POSTS of any style desired. Also furnish 1874. TEW STOCK OV HOOTS BD SHOES I GAPS MB ROMS TACOB SNIDER announces to his custo mers and the public that he has return ed from the East and opened out an unusu ally large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, t 1 HATS, CA f., AND NOTIONS, for the spring and summer trade, at Oellig Building, corner Public Square, Waynesbo ro', Pa. He has opened ari additional room in the same building exclusively for the ladies.— To this department of the . business particu lar attention will be given. His stock con sists of Ladies, Misses Button 4; Lace FOR THE CASH. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. apr IG-tf JUST NOW CHEAP AND 'PRETTY GOODS -AT PAIDEa Earmerre (I'M second Supply of SUMMER GOODS /offers rue inducements to purchasers both in quality and prices. French Musl ins, Victoria and Organ(la Lawns. Poplins, Grass Cloths, and all the other leading DRESS GOODS of the season in full supply. All the fitvorite.brands of BLACK ALPACAS AT SPECIAL Figures. Gents_Ladies and Gent • FURNISHING GOODS, of every description. Notions in all the lat-' est noveltiet CLOTHS, CASMERES, VESTINGS of English and American manufacture, • LADIES' SHOES AND GAITERS very cheap. GROCERIES, QIthENSWA RE, CARPETS 0.11. CLOT US. Our stock was never more complete, nor prices more satisfactory. june4 tf PRICE 8: 110EFLICH. SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY, . A NINOTIN CES to her lady customers that 14 - I.she hasjust returned from the East with A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ~x)? the latest styles of SPRING „.: AND SUMMER MILINERY GOODS, They contain Bonnets, Hats, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Laces, Ribbons and Flowers, Braids, &c. always on hand illanhankful for past patronage she so licits a continuance of the same, feeling confident that her goods and prices will g:ve satisfaction. mayl4 tf HOME LIFE fly the author of "norm SCENES IN THE Br -131,N" and "Cue FATHER'S HOUSE" of which nearly 200,000 have been sold. "How: LIFE" is commended by ministers of all churches as "the author's best book," "full of pre cious thoughts," "Truths precious as gems," "a choice book for every family," &c. steel engraving,s, rose tinted paper, rich binding and for rapid sale unequalled. Agents young Men. Ladies, Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every county ; $75 to $lOO per mouth. Send for circular. ZEIGLER & M'CURDY, 518 Arch Street, mar 12-4 m Philadelphia. Pa SADDLE AXD HARNESS EKING, THE subscriber informs the public that he has changed his quarters. and can now be found in the room formerly occupi ed lw William Blair as a prining office, on the second-floor, where he will con tinue the Saddle and Harness making business. He is prepared to do all work in his line with dispatch and at reasonable prices. He flatters himself that his long experience in the business will enable him give gen era' eatisfa.ction. 2-tt GEO. A. RHA. F HE subscriber will commence the buteh- I ering business in Waynesboro', at the Coon Cellar, April 3d. Persons wanting choice beef and veal can be supplied with the best the market affords. will have a supply regularly on hand every Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, and Fri day evening and Saturday morning and ev ening. He has im played an experienced butcher, Henry Dickle, and, by strict atten tion to business expects to hive a share of publicpatronage. This will be the place to get choice cuts. Don't. fonret Coon's cel lar. 4 VIN'. A. BARR'. xuar2G-tf LADIES' ROOM. MEN: S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND CIIILDRENS WEAR OF ALL KINDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Also manufacturing done to order, and all work from his establishment will be guaranteed; IS THE TIME_TO_EROCURE MISS KATE STICKLE IN THE BIBLE. BIITCHLKING. 1374. WHEN YOU WANT A COOK STOVE, DINING ROOM COOK. PARLOR COAL STOVE, FIRE-PLACE HEATER, POR TABLE HEATER, BRICK SET HEATER, NINE PLATE STOVE. AND LATEST IMPROVED of all kinds, we have on our floor and war ranted to give satisfaction. We have also Tinware, Hardware, Brassware, Japannedware, Tubs.-Buckets, - Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Spoons, Ladles, tin, brass and copper, Extra Iron Pots for cook stoves, Tin-lined Iron Pots, PORCELAIN KETTLES, URGE IRON KETTLES Fl3O 00/11:433N100,104 We have also for sale CRONK'S PAT. STEAM COOKING APPARATUS, MILLER & IRON'S PAT. FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH ER, PUT.NAN'S PAT. CLOTHES WRINGER, TAYLOR & CO :S. CUCUMBER WOOL; PUMP sfirSpecial attention is given to the man ufacture of our Tinware, House and Barn Spouting and Tin Roofing, always securing the best ntsterial in the market, and always warrent to give satisfaction. Thankful for past favors from the Public, we hope for a continuance of the same by dealing justly with all. apr 23—tf DI JACOB FABBNEY'S ECIIMILY THE proprietor of this medicine is a grad uate of Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia of 1853; since then he has made chronic diseases his speeial study— has had good success in the treatment of such diseases, which has induced him to put out this medicine before the public.— A medicine which ought to be in every flint ily in the land. Those who have used it speak of its great merit. Is composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the Materia Medica, and compounded with great care by the proprietor, under his ow•n supervision and made in a scientific manner. The DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a short time it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE: Acts on the Liver, Lungs.and Kidneys. Good for the following diseases, such as Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, Scrofula,- . Dispepsia,- Siek•Headache,Con . sumption, Constipation, Tetter, and Chronic Diseases generally ; very good for children in small doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your fi lends. Also .makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TERS which have stood the test for a HUM ber of years. Good for Inditestion, Low ness of Spirits. Dyspepsia, lout Stomach, Cramp, Colic, &c. Try it. Prepared only by JACOB EAHRNEY, M. D., Office and Residence, 1337 Brandywine St., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, 'Waynesbo ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Pa., J. S. Nix on Chambersburg, Pa. may2B : ly B. T. BABB.TrrE'S Pure Concentrated Potash OR LYE, Of double the Strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. I have recently perfected it new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls, the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the soap. It is packed in boxes containing 24 and 48 one lb. Balls, anti in no other way. Directions in English and German for making hard and soft soap with this Potash "accompanying each package. B. T. BABBITT, jtmelB lOw 64 to 84 Washington St., N.Y. T _FRESH LitME •- HE subscribers take this method of in forming their customers and the public generally that they' will have fresh wood burnt lime at their kilns on and after the 27th inst., for finishing, whitewashing, plas tering, &c., which will be kept during the season and sold at reasonable prices. Kilns three miles east of Waynesborc'. mar 211-3 m HESS & BRO. Butchering Again, TIIE subscriber announces to his old cus tomers and the public generally that he has recommenced the Butchering business, and will be able to acccommodate them as formerly at the cellar in too Walker build ing. Persons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc. can rest assured that his cellar will be the place to het it, as he is determined to slam•h ter the best quality of stock only. Feb 27—tf T. J. MINN Drcria THE VERY BEST D. B RUSSELL ik SON, • Sign of the Big Rcd Horn -0--- FURNITURE EURNITUREJ LARGE STO:CK! grE subscriber informs his customers and the public generally that he has greatly enlarged his business and has at present the largest stock of FURNITURE ever offered for sale in Waynesboro". His stock consists of Dressing Bureaus, of every description, with or without marble tops ;.Wash and Parlor Stands with marble tops, Plint, Tepoy, sin gle and double Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft. in length'; six-leg Dining and four-leg Breakfast and. Between Tables ; French Bedsteads, full and half Jennie Lind, do., Cottage Bedsteads of various kinds and a large stock of common Pop lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes, Walnut and Poplar Safes, dif ferent styles and prices, Sinks, Hat Racks, Brackets, Hanging Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests, Doughtrays, Etc PARLOR FURNITURE : Full Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Lounges, Mattresses, &c., &c. CHAIRS, &C. Cane'Bruin Arm Rocker, Caue-back Arm Rocker, LargeUane-back Rocker, Ladies' _Dining Chair, . - Bent Rim Dining Chair, Bent Rim Office Chair, Douglas' Arm Chair, English Parlor Brace Arm Chair, Walnut and Imitation Marble-top, • Cottage Tables and Stands, ' Round Corner French, do,; Parlor Chairs Jr. Tete-a-tetes COFFINS The Casket and Pittsburg Coffins always on hand, besides a large stock of his own man ufacture. Prompt attention will be given to this particular branch of his business. He returns thanks_to_the-public for their past - liberal patronage and invites one and all to call and examine his stock and learn his prices. Mit-Satisfaction guaranteed in all caser. JOs.EPH. H. CRESS, 'est Main Street, jan 15.1874. Waynesboro', main m. MANUFACTURER OF .6 SASH, DOORS, FRAMES. MAN TLES, BRACKETS, MO ULDLVGS, &C., AT TEE ANTIETAM FACTORY. -0- I shall continue the tnanufactme of all kinds ofßuilding Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furnishing Stairways, Newel's Balusters and Railing of hard or soft wood. Prompt attention given to orders; also Grist Chopping. Post Boring and Bill Saw ing at short notice. TO THE PUBLIC • Thaoafill tor past favors, we ask you for a continuance of the same. Factory miles South of Waynesboro', Pa. upril 10-tf A. M. G. NEW TIN STORE rr HE undersigned would most vespecl fully I inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Nrolft's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good suppV of COOK a; COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to sui the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofiing, spouting and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes fora con tinuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY nov 19 11 7 AvNEssono', PA., April 21st, 1873. NOTICE AFTER an absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men. Particular attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in s+yle. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of Dr. Strickler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic street. By strict attention to business, and a disposition to pleaso I hope to receive a liberal share of publ i c pa tronage. Respectfully, &c.. 24-tf JAS. A. FISHER. BARBERING ! BARBERING ! THE subscriber having recontiv re-pain t ed :NI papered and added new furni ture to his p. announces to his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and snake comfortable all who may be pleased to fa vor him with their patronage. Shaving. Schamprxming, Hair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A lung experience in the bar bering business enables him to promise sat isfaction in all cases. W. A. PRICE. sept IS-tf CHESTNUT RAILS. 80fl or 1000 Choice Chestnut Rails for a,pnst folic° for!elle, in front of non.- treey Springs Hotel. EllitlirGT.A mar. 13-tf H. YOGLING, Agt. • PRICE & CO., PROPS. OEO. PRICE, SUPT. WAYNESBORO' STEAMGINE.AND BOILER WORKS ESTABLIEWED 1853. • • ...? c • \\ ', ~, • )141.......„, i iik. i i • __ ilt------ - -7: 4..-* , " - 04)- . _47,,t,,,,,., ,i.,„„yr.,,4:k.,,,,,,.,,,• STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEMENSIINES BOILERS B Portable Saw and all other Machinery made to order. -:0:- The above cut represents our Horizontal Engine with Improved Side Bed. This de sign makes it strong, neat and durable and upon which we have made some valuable improvements, especially upon the working parts making them durable and economi cal. We build HorizoVal Engines with box beds of different sizes and designs and up-. on the most improved plan. We also make Upright Engines , of differ ent sizes and styles, and where economy of space is an object, they have_ some advan tage over the Horrizontal, also in the wear of the Cylinder,which is always equal in an Upright Engine. A special point of advantage in these En gines is our (A. 0. Frick's) recently invent ed and patent self-adjusting BALANCED SLIDE VALVE, suited to all Steam Engines and Lodomotives. It leaves the Engines as simple in operation as those of the ordina ry plain slide valve class. We direct spec ial attention to this superior valve, and in vite correspondence. We give special attention to Portable Engines and Saw Mills; also Agricultural Engines for threshing grain and for farm purposes generally. Also STEAM BOILERS, of all sizes. Further. information may be obtained from the manufacturers, FRICK & COMPANY, & Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. may 8 1 tf • • HARPER'S PERIODICALS FOR 1 13 7 4 . Harper's Magazine. There is no monthly Magazine an intelli gent reading family can afford to be with out. Many Magazines are accumulated.— Harper's is edited. There is not a Maga zine that is printed which shows more in telligent pains expended on its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a chea per Magazine published. There is not, con fessedly, a more popular Magazine in the world.—New England Homestead. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year. I=l Naxper's Weekly. JOUR..AL OF CIVILIZATION. The best publication of its class in Amer ica, and so far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to permit of any coMparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading-matter that are printed. * * * lts illustrations are numerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief .artists of the country.—Boston Traveler. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year. -0— Harper's Bazar. A REPOSITORY OF FASHION, &C It is really the only illustrated chronicler of fiishion in the country. Its supplements alone are worth the price of the paper.— While fully maintaining its position as a mirror of fashion, it also contains stories, poem; brilliant essays, besides general and personal gossip.-'--Boston 'Saturday Eveninp Gazette. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE s4.ooPer Year. ittak.For further particulars, tte., Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. jan 22—tf REMINGTON FAMILY SEWING MINE! THE subscriber announces to thP public that he has the agency for the sale of the "Remington Family Sewing Machine" in Franklin county. Having iested its work ing qualities and capacity for several months he can safely recommend it as the very INAGEME I U.W. • Its construction is such that it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle miChine now in use. In factories where the speed has been registered, over 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in all its parts, and free from the harsh and jarring . movements, and friction, common in inferior machines. A simple change of the needle and thread and it will sew the finest cambric or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread thus saving in a great measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. The Remington has no rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a noise, run hard, or to gel out of order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. The subscriber also informs his customers 'and the public that ho has just opened out his new FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSTMERES, VESTINGS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear.— He solicits an inspection of his stock. oct 16-tf T. J. FILBERT. II ANi IN ,MARK T THE subscriber informs his customers and the public that he continues the butchering business at the old stand, in the celler on the South-east corner of the Dia mond, Waynesboro', Pa. Prime beef, veal and lamb always on hand. A special sup ply will always be provided for Saturday evening. Bologna sausage to be had at all times. Thankful to the public for past en couragement he hopes to merit a continu ation of their patronage. apr3o tf C. STOUFFER. 1873. Fall &Winter. 1873. Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, Bell's Pottery Ware z School Books and Stationery, ]Floor and Ta ble Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Fixtures, Groceries and Confections. For snit: )„)y C. W. GOOD, Quincy, Ph. yet 23 . THE WAYNESBORO' VILLAGE RECORI Proussan EVERY TEWIII3DAT MORN/SG By W. BLAIR. TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50; for each subsequent insertion, Thir five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, seven Cents for subsenuent insertionn s proftgoional (arils. DR. M. L. MILLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Oilers his professional services to the citizens of Quincy and vicinity, Office near the l3urgerl3otel. apr9-tf J. B. „ELMBERSON. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. • Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." - [jane 29—tf. BEL SOHN IC RiIiFFILE„ PHYSICIAN AND - SURGEON, Offers-his-professional services to the pub.. lie. Office in his residence, on West Main street, Waynesboro'. april 24-tf ISAAC N. SNIVELY. -PHYSICIAN AND _SURGEON,. WAYNESBORO' PA. ' Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden House. . Nov 2—tf. WAYNESBORO', PA Practices in the several Courts of Franklin, and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms, December 10, IS7I. , STR z V , • - C PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. 4" Office at his residence, N. E. Cor. of th. Public Square, Waynesboro', Pa. apr 9-tf REMOVAL! JAR. BENJ. FRANTZ has removed to the XV new Office building, adjoining his dwell, ing on West end of Main street, where he can always be found, when not engaged oa professional visite. OFFICE Floturs:—Between Rand 10 o'clock, A. M. and 12 and :.'and 6 and 9P. M. Spec-, ial attention given to all forms of chronic disease. An experience of nearly thirty years enables him to give satisfaction. The most approved trusses applied and adjusted to suit the wants of those afflicted with her nia or rupture. apr 23-tf A. K. BRANIS.HOLTB, RESIDENT DENTIST ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Orgies in Use Organs always on exhibition,anabr Salo at Its office. We being acquainted with Dr. Branis bolts socially and professionally recommend him to all desiring the services of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. FIERING, J. M. RIPPLE, " A. H. STRICkLER, 1. E. Slums, " A. S. BONEBRAEE, T. D. Faxxot. july 17—tf 3. H. FORNEY & CO. Produce conaglissiaraforchauta No. 77 NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. - Pay particular attention to the sale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c. Liberal advances muue on consignments. may 29-tf J H. WELSH WITH W. V. LIPPINCOTT it CO, WHOLES ALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Furs andStrairGoods, No. 531 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa april 3-tf THE. BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. TiLEsubscriber having leased this well known 13.4e1 property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered. it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and ethers who ttiay be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hostler will at all times be in attendance. May 23-tf BAWL P. STONER. 11.1‘1,1,:) : (s) THE subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarse or fue Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest style. of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice, and measur es taken in private famines if desired Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed tore. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTFI. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC THE subscribers announce to their cns tomers and the public generally, that they have secured the right for Franklin county too build the .Kelsey patent harrow, and are now prepared to put them up to order. They are recommended by those who used them last season. One harrow ing equal to two with the common harrow. The draught not harder and easier manag ed over rocks. They are also prepared to do 'oil kinds of Blacksmithing and wagon making generally done at common shops, on short notice and reasonable terms.— Thankful to the public for past patronage we solicit a continuance of the same. Shop on the corner of East Main and Broad Sts. ISRAEL HESS. 1). H. McGINLEY. mar 12-4 m LUMBER. RA-1100 Feet of different grades of Doard Lornbor son - ado by FRICK & CO., wnylstfj S. E. & B. Works.