LEATHER. SOLE L CALF SKINS, MEN'S MOROCCO, Liit4ES' MOROCCO, June 22,1874. WINDOW CURTAINS, OIL CLOTH BLINDS, PAPER, BLINDS, WINDOW FIXTURES, June 22, 1874. rLOOR OIL CLOTHS, HOME-MADE RAG CARPET, IMPORTEE CARPET, INGRAIS DO., HEMP DO., June !2, 1874 I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, AMBERSON, BENED:CT & CO june2s tf DR. FAHRNEY'S CELEBRATED non CLEANSER . OR PANACEA is:= VT im this rare medicine in your house' you can do without purging,by means •of Pills or Powders. You can do without Sults, Castor Oil, Citrate of Magnesta, Senna or Manna, and so on. You want none of these; the BLOOD CLEANSER is a substi tut, for the whole of them. And what is better,it may be taken with safety and corn• fort by the most delicate woman as well as the robust man. It is very palatable, and therefore easily administered to children. It is the only vegetable preparation existing which will answer in the place of Calomel. Regulating the action of the Liver, without making you a life-long victim to the use of Mercury or Blue Pills. It will open the Bowels m a proper and wholes ome manner —being composed of suitable medicaments. There is nothing like Fahrney's Blood Cleansner, for the core of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder. For Nervous Diseases, Headache, Costiveness, Indigestion, Billions Fever, and all derangements of the internal visce ra. You have in this medicine a PANACEA for some of the most painful and dangerous of all diseases. . LIVER Commtms.—The state and quali ty of the bile must first be attended to, in corder to preserve health. The bile in a vi tiated state, or when not duly secreted, is oftener obstructed in the liver and gall blad der, and becomes a source of dyspepsia,con stipation, and nervous complaints, jaun dice, etc. The Panacea being strictly veg etable, and containing great anti-billions properties, and great alterative properties also, will act like a most magical medicine in this complaint. Thousands have found relief, and thousands will yet turn to this medicine, after exhausting theirpurses and patience in search of health. Giddiness of the head, dullness of the mind, fetid breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and• weakness in the stom ach, enlargement of the liver,yeliowness of the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a ,total disrelish• for business,pleasure, or any kind of employment. FAHRNE Y'S PANACEA, if taken and persevered in for a few days, will remove this whole class of symptoms. The fluids of the body become pure, the mind clear,the stomach strength ened, the tongue clear,the appetite improv ed, and the whole system so benefitted that disease, during bad weather,is less liable to afflict you. An ounce of Prevention is worth more than a Pound of Cure." The Panatta will not only cure old standing and malignant complaints, but isone of the best preventa tives of such disorders, ever offered to the You can avoid severe attacks of acute di seases, such as Typhoid, Billious and Spot ted and Intermittent Fevers, by keeping your blood purified. The different degrees of all such diseases depend altogether up on the condition of the blood, for if this vi tal fluid is deranged,you will take a disease much more readily than otherwise,and the buffering will be proportion to the amount ,of foreign matter in the blood. This is so reasonable that we need not hero make any illustrations. This medicine is highly recommended for skll chronic or old standing complaints,such us Scrofula, 'Better, Salt Rheum, Rheumat ism, dtc, Prepared by P. FAHRNEY'S BROS. & CO.. Waynesboro', Franklin county, Pa. Sold by F. Fonrthruan and 3. Burns Am berson, N. D. Druggists, Waynesboro', Pa. june2s tf fil.N.NAMON.als.pice, must arcLclovesand VOther spices Wi tole Gr groati. a.tl:eid'seirucery OBS. gan. ' T 0 LININGS, AT A., B. & CO. Main St.,' Waynesboro', Pa., Wllolesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEM- ICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Toilet Soaps, Hair and Tooth Brushes, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, and everything generally kept in a FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. Compounding and dispensing departMent under PERSONAL-DIRECTION. __An experience of over 20 rears as Apoth ecary is a guarantee that all AT A., B. & CO. entrusted to his care will be CAREFULLY FILLED and according to the rules of art compound ed. COLD, SPARKLING SODA WATER oil draft during the summer: months. minne24-t SPRING - AND - SVIIIMER GOODS, RIG DO., AT A„ B. & CO FirAVE just received a large and well I.l6elecfrd stock of Swing and Summer Goods, which they offer to the people of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock consists in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest and latest styles; Goods of every description for men and boy's wear; Shirting Stripes, Brown and Bleached Mnslins, Sheeting. Tick ings, Linen St Cot ton Table Diapers, Towels HARDWARE, NAILS, &C Balmorals, Ginghams, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points & Shalls, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men Women and dildren, Linen, Lace & rapper Collars Laces ; Edging and Inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Trintings of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves,. and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. oct. 30.1873 PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber offers at Private Sale a llestrable small farm, one half mile Northeast of Quincy, (formerly owned by Rev. Abr.'''. Gulley,) containing FORTY-TWO . ACRES, more or less, well improved land, all of which has been limed. The improvements consist of a two-story DWELLING [LOUSE, Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Granary and Hog Pen under one roof, and other necessary out-buildings, in good repair. - There is also a never-failing well of good water between the barn and house, and two young Or chards of choice fruit trees, besides peach es, pears, plums and grapes, that cannot be well surpasged. The Tract is well laid off and nearly all under good fencing. Persons wishing to view the property will please call oa the undersigned living on the prem ises. ISAAC UTZ. junelB 8m OSWEGO SUMER GLOSS STAMM FOR THE LAUNDRY. Manufactured by T. KINGSFORD & SON, has become a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. • Its great excellence has merited the com mendation of Europo for American manu facture. PULVERIZED CORN STARCH , Prepared by T. KINGSFORD & SON. expressly for food,when it is properly made into pudding,ia a desert of gredt excellence. FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. janel 8 8w TAILORING. • THE subscriber announces to his old cus tomers and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. His place efbusiness is on Lei tersbnrg street, nearly opposite Bel.'s Pot tery. JOS. AND,ERSON. may 1-tf IQ THE Voll.llte, I bare the agency for 'selling Dr. Benj. Bates' celebrated BALTIMORE TONIC BEEK, recommended by all practical Phy sicians. Call and try it. Price 20 Cents per Bottle )r 5 cents per Wass. a p 16—tf] 11. lIENN hBERGER. TO THE FARMERS: WARMERS before making choice of Rea l' pers are advised to call and examine the Buckeye Table-rake Reaper, for which the tindersigncil is agent in Washington and Quincy township: , arc :::;Ef COON & STONEHOUSE Table Covers, Calicoes, Irish Linens, _ 11. X. STONTI: NEW ADVERTLSEMENTS. DAUCHY, dr. CO's. corourdic tri.asaAugDer.s.aYnrudarritlylitneegdoollSilttrroiutor ry we I Endorsed by Governors of lowa, Arkansas and Dakota. Catalogue free. W. Giles, St. Louis, Mo. "EDEOGRAIIY" A new book on ihe art of writing by sound; a complete system of phonetic short-hand,the shortest,mostsim ple, easy, and comprehensive,enabling any one in a short time to report se.rnons,trials and speeches. The Lord's Prayer is writen with 49 strokes of the pen, and 140 words per minute. The unemployed should learn this art, Price by mail 50 cents. Agents wanted. Address, T. W. Evans & Co., 139 S. 7th St., Phila., Pa. CAMPHORINE THE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE FOR THE HOUSEHOLD. Try it. Price per bottle, 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. R. Hoyt, PA prietor, New York. 'LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For 30 years millions have intently watched his perilous yet heroic struggles, and grand achievments, and now eagerly desire the complete lile-History of this world-renown hero and benefactor, which unfolds the cu riOsitiea and wealth of a wild and wonder ful country. It is just ready. 2000 agents wanted quickly. One agent sold 184, anoth er 190 in one week. For particulars,address Hubbard Bros., either Phila., Boston, or Cincinnati, Ohio. The Highest Medical Authority of Europe say the strongest Tonic Purifier and Deob struent known to the medical world is JURUBEBA. It "arrests decay. of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigorto the debilitated, cleansesvitiated blood removes vei•icle obstructions and-acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. Y. adr7-4w AGENTS WANTED FOR by Mrs.• T. B. H. STENHOUSE, for 25 yrs. wife of a Mormon High Priest. With an introduction by Harriet Beeches Stowe.— Two ears the author wrote a pamphlet on o ygamy w tic exci N t le. ormon newspapers to sn eeringly invite her to write a book and "Tell it All." Eminent men and wornerrurged — her4craccept—the-challenge and "Tell it All," is the result. It is the only book on this subject ever written by a real Mormon woman. 625 pages, superbly illustrated and bound. It outsells all oth er books three-to one. It takes like-wild tire. 100,000 will be sold. Agents, now is your opportunity. Our descriptive pamph= let, terms. &C•c. sent free. Address, A. 1). Worthington Sc Co., llartford, Ct. junlB 4w Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, Use WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only in Blue Boxes. A tried and sure remedy. Sold by all drug gists. 4u- 't;o'it , Ll4 NiC' . A.A • r•IN i.c.7;l Ti • This sewing machine gives the best suasfaction to the user, is paid for most readily and is the best ofall to sell. If there is 11.0 "Domestic"' A gatha your town, apply to Domestic S. M. co., N. Y. Ladies send for elegant Fashion book. 200 PIANOS AND ORGANS New and second-hand,of first-class makers, will be sold at lower prices for cash, or on installments, or for rent, in city or country during this month, by Horace Waters & Son,No. 481 Broadway, than ever before of fered in New York. Specialty: Pianos and Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the instrument. Illustrated cata logues mailed.A large discount to ministers, churches, schools, lodges, etc. junelB4w VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. V HE su bscribers,assignees of the Waynes boro' Minufacturing Company,will offer at Public Sale, On Saturday the Bth day of August, '74, the lot of ground belonging to said compa ny, fronting 39 feet on Main street, with SHOPS AND STABLING thereon ; also the , ENGINE AND BOILER, (twenty-horse power) with all the Machin ery belonging to the shops ; also 40,000 FEET OF LUMBER, more or less. For further particulars call on either of the undersigned. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when terms will be made known by JACOB J. MILLER, JOSEPH W. MILLER, Assignees. junell-ts TREES & FLOWERS ! IWOULD respectfully inform my old friends and the public generally that I propose to canvass Franklin county during the summer soliciting orders for trees, FRUIT, SHADE & ORNAMENTAL . I represent 'the firm of ATWOOD, ROOT Lt-. CO., Geneva, N. Y., who are able to sup ply all the•veiy rare and CHOICE STOCK OF TREES; there is nothing in the market possessing merit, but what we can supply. Especial attention to Pium and Pear stock is invit ed. Flowers stocks and Bulbs in great va riety, and all of the new kinds not obtain able elsewhe.re. A. D. GORDON. mayl4 tf COACIDIANING. "MASONS in want of vehicles of any de l. scription, new or second-handed, canbe supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring, anything in his line to eall and examine his stock and learn his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably with that of any other establishment in the coun ?Y• REPAIRING of all kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in the future. JACOB ADAMS. april 10-tf • BACK AGAIN. THE subscriber informs he public that he has again taken up is residence in Waynesboro and leased t e Basement of the IValker building in ich to carry on the boot and shoe ma ng business. He will also give prompt a ention to all kinds of repairing. A share of the public's pa tronage is respectfully solicited. apr9-tf THOS. BRINGMAN. CORN FOR SALE. pORN can now ho had of the fiuhscriber Uwholesate or retail, at 75 cents per barn' lie has also Oats for rate. ALEX. ILIMILTON, elec--25 A WORLD'S FAIR ON WHEEELS - COMING TO an FRANKLIN CV TEN TIMES LARGER THAN ANY RAILROAD SHOW IN EXISTENCE wljl ~~i ~E ~► ~A~i ~~ii~u ~ FROM STAND TO STAND. MikIIENECDIIIOIV _WNW CCDI4I2WiIO.9 WAIT FOR IT. WATCH FOR IT. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY INFERIOR CONCERNS TRAVELING BY CARS WHICH SLAKE GREAT pretentious and promises, but after deceiving you and taking your money, in a few hours are a thousand miles away, but patronize the great show which exhibits in your county three successive days. MONDAY, July 27th, TUESDAY; e , 28th, WEDNESDAY, July. 29th, GREAT EUROPEAN ZOOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION BRITISH MUSEUM, ROYAL COLLOSSEUM, 'WORLD'S CONGRESSAIF_WONDERS AND GIGANTIC CIRCUS. TWELVE TENTS, 900 MEN AND HORSES, A WO - RIM OF WII-AD BEASTS, 1ZT.71-21=t72DMS OF 'W'O l4 CURIOSITIES, A COLONY OF MONKEYS, FORESTS OF BIRDS, TERRIBLE FLESH EATING REPTILES. BREATHING SEA MONOITERS. Terrestrial Terrors, Amphibious Wonders, Schools of e ducated Equines and Canines and the great double Circus Company; all exhibited and to,be seen for one price of admission. embraces the largest number of living wild . animals ever seen in one collection and is an epitome of all the beauty. power, majesty, singular repulsiveness, docility, Inaw siveness, and savageness of the wild beast kingdom and many such as are to be found in no other traveling institution. Every land where startling attractions could he found has been explored. The sand deserts of Arabia, the wild forestr of Africa, the ice fields 'of the North, the swamps, sloughs, jungles of India., the vast plains of North America, the chaparel of Mexico and the palace-pens of Egypt have all contributed their natural treasures to make complete the Zoological Department. is replete with rare curiosities, wonders of the air and sea, huthan monstrosities, reptiles, strange species of the finny tribe,an aquarium of living marine monsters, and triumphs of automats. • represents the sports,. games and pastimes of old Rome, as in the days of the ancient gladiators, when Rome sat on her seven hills and from her throne of beauty ruled the world, introducing troupes from five great nations of the earth, the Royal Persian troupes, Hill Hash Hams' Arabs great French artists, Russian athletes and the wonderful Egyptian jugglers, the world'i congress of wonders—here are placed upon exhibition the works of art, gorgeous chariots, tableaux cars, and the wonderful operonicon or steam car of the muses, the only successful steam musical instrument ever invented and is entirely different and infinitely superior to all other steam musical instruments. consists of over one hundred superior artists, the finest riders, leaers; equestriennes, acrobats, gymnasts, and specially artists of two hemispheres. In addition to all the above will be introduced Willis Cobbs' troupe of educated dogs, goats and mon keys, whose humanlike intelligence is the very perfection of brute learning. Ig -, L41/aNfili:Mlce: , l l ß 4 t-' I 4 4 LaDJNIfLZIA r-colcw:OllctlaJC4i)le*Jl will take place at 10 a. m. each day and is worth a day's journey to see the chariOt of cheops, containing Prof. Louis Ilecks, celebrated Grenadier Band, drove of camels. and dromedaries, Huge, elephant, sedan tableaux car aurora, bearing on its summit a beautiful female, representing the Goddess of Liberty, and at her feet loose and unfettered, lies a Briziliar The open performing den, containing four savage -Kaffir lions, whilst seated in their midst, bound hand and limb with strong ropes, will be the great Moolacha, the king of wild beast conquerors, the musical marvel of the age, the wonderful Operonica will emit the-most ravishing music ; two miles of ornate iron-bound cages, flags of all nations waving along the line, Lilipu tiar ponies, gay cavaliers and courtly dames, arc features of this grand holiday pageant, which foriw a solid stream of gold. and glitter, nearly two miles long. .DON'T FORGET THE .DATE. Admission to all only 170 c• Children under 9, 25 c. Tiro performances, at 2 and 8 P. N. Doors open one hour earlier. .._........_~.._.~.... ... . ~. .. ...._... .. ~.. ..... .. u.....,.. HERE COMES THE BIG SHOW ° Al - aD oz . + SUCH STITIIM a NIDOTTS MN' A.G-NTITIMM EXHIBITED IN A. CITY OF TWELVE TENTS. 771(7 31E311 111C4. MAE 31IE T 4110" AIL 413:11- 1133 ABE IRE JCL oink- 4.'" 117-!:: 7 11111 KIPILP THE ROYAL COLLOSSEUM THE GREAT DOUBLE CIRCUS COMPANY AS TO REQUIRE TAE USE OP OVER TO 7ERESPOET UT AT MERCERSBURG. AT GRgENC..4SrLE. AT WAYNISBORO'. \4l7' • e.. 41,, - ' i ri ".4.7.9' :444.1) . si —Vey; • . z* ? ,. , - •. -- Kfir s ..7 ••''' 1. , -; . 1 •,, ~.-. , esi-N.P.....ft* ; ‘ s• '-'1 fr 7 . 4c k 't . ? , .1',.%ti10.,i. , ' 4 7 0 :',.' , ' ... 6,0 '''-1: 6. Azy.e• t - ...„.. t f, 1 if. , 2 aTr0, 1 4 0 .y . . J.* t-, 4.1 , - .v.,....", _ , :...iU:'?, , ?./ - - ..- ' A (. 4----o (iev - t.- - t - l• - ..... i rc-19 - ;'A- . ., 4 , - - f --- c . t i gr-.445;!! , ' Ll\ / N P3 - 1 - P, 7 4.ti''. ~-• 1.. z: 1 i.-. 4 b : 1 'ilchtrl I , li-r7m , VP---- ....,,~