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There, within that airy we ing, Sweet affectlen kept her throne; • Their in prayer loved voices mingled ; Ah ! where are those treasures gone? -In-that graveyard 'neath-the willow,- - Side by side, in dreamless sleep, ' • Where the mock-birth sing their requiem Where the low green clover creeps,' Are those loved ones sweetly resting, Lost to sorrow and to tears, • • Heedless of the tempest gathering ourid thejloom of coming years. On my young brow care is leaving Traces of her cruel tread, Pleasures roses all have withered, Hope's sweet dreams forever fled And I'd fain, when life is ended, Lay me where I'm kneeling now ; Sweet I'd rest, clear, placid river, • • On thy green bank's mossy brow. glisallautotts Patting. THREE BRAVE MEN. Pretty Barbara Ferros would not mar ry. Her mother was in consternation. 'Why are you so stubborn, Barbara?' 511 c asked. 'You have plenty of lovers.' 'But they do not suit,' said Barbara, coolly tying back her curls ',before' the mirror. 'Why not?' `I want to marry a man who is brave And equal to any emergency. If I giVe up'my liberty, I want it taken care of.' 'Slily child !' what is the matter with big Barney the blacksmith?' 'He is big, but I never heard he was brave.' 'And you never heard that he was not. What is the matter with Ernest, the gun smith?' 'He is placid as goat's milk.' 'That is no sign that he is a coward.— There is little Fritz, the tanner; he is quarrelsome enough for you surely !' 'He is no bigger than a .bantum cock. It is little good he can do if the house was set upon by robbers.' 'lt is pot always strength that wins a light; it takes brai►is as well as brawn.— Come ► now. Barbara, give these• three young men a fair trial. Barbara turned her face before the mir ror,letting down one raven tress and loop ing"up another. 'I will, mother,' she said at last. That evening, Ernest, „ the gunsmith, knocked at the door., `You sent for me, Barbara?' he said, going to the girl, who stood upon the hearth coquettishly warming one pretty foot and then the other. `Yes, Ernest,' she replied; 'l've been thinking on what you said the other night when you were here.' Well, Barbara?' Ernest spoke quietly, but his dark blue eyes flashed, and he looked at her intent ly. want to test you.' `How?' `I want to see if you dare do a disagree able .th ing.' What is it?' `There is au old coffin up stairs. It. smells mouldy. They say Redmond, the murderer, was buried in it, but the devil came for his body and left the coffin emp ty at the end of a week; and it was finally taken from the tomb. It is up stairs in the room that grandfather died in, and they say he does not test easy in his grave for some reasons,though that I know no thing about. Dare you make that coffin your bed to-night?' Ernest laughed. 'ls that all? I will do that and sleep soundly. Why, pretty one, do you think I have weak nerves?' `Your nerves will have good proof if .you undertake it. Remember, no one Aleeps in that wing of the house.' `I shall sleep the sounder.' `Good night, then. I will send a lad to shoe you the chamber. If you stay till morning,' said imperious Miss Barbara, with a nod of her pretty head, 'l'll marry you.' `You vow it?' • Ernest turned straight away and fol lowed the lad in waiting through dim rooms and passages up echoing stairs, a long narrow damp ways, where rats scut tled before to a low chamber. The lad looked scared And evidently wanted to burry away, but Ernest made him wait till he took a survey by the aid .of his lamp. It was very large and full of re cesses, which had been barred across. He remembered that old grandsire Ferros had been insane several years before his deathi so that this precaution had been necessary for the safety of himself and others. In the centre of the room stood a coffin, beside it was placed a chair.— The room otherwise was perfectly empty_ Ernest stretehed.hbaself out jA the cof •fiu. "Be kind enough to' tell Miss Barbara it is a good fit." The lad went out and shut the door, leaving, the young gunsmith alone in the dark. Meanwhile, Barbara was talking• with the big blacksmith in the'sitting room.— "Barbara," said she pulling her band from his grasp, when be would have kissed her, "I've a test to put you before I give you an answer. There is a corpse lyinc , in the chamber where my grandsire died, in the untenanted wing of the' house. If 'you dare sit with it till night and let nothing drive you away from your post, you will not ask me, again in vain." "You'll give me a light and a bottle of wine and a book to read ?" "Nothing." • "Are these all the conditions you offer me, Barbara ?" ' "All. And if yoU are frightened, von need never look me in the face again:" s conducted to by the lad- who bad been instructed in the secret and whose ,involuntary • start at Er nest's placid face as he lay in the coffin was attributed by Barney to the natural awe of the corpse. He took his seat and the boy left him alone in. the darkness, the rats and the coffin. Soon - after, young Fritz, the tanner, , ar• rived, flattered and hopeful, from, the faet that Barbara had sent for him. "Have ycia changed your mind ?" he • asked. "No ; and I shall not until I know that you can do really a brave thing." "What shall it be ? I swear to satisfy you, Barbara. .. . .. "I have a proposal to make to you.— My plan requires skill as well as courage." "Tell me !" • ... "Well, in this house there is a man watching a corpse. He has sworn not to, leave his post until , morning, If you make him do it, I shall be satisfied that you are as smart and as brave.as I require a husband to be." "Why nothing is so easy !" exclaimed Fritz. "I can scare him away. Furnish me with a sheet, show me the room and go to your rest, Barbara. You shall find Inc at the post in the mornig. Barbara did as required and saw the tanner step, lightly to his task. It was then nearly twelve o'clock, and ohe sought her own chamber. Barney had been sitting at his vigil and so fitr all had been well. The night seem ed very- long,' for he bad no means of counting the time..At times a thrill went through him, for it seemed as if hs could hear a low suppressed breathing not far 'away ; 'persuaded himself that it was the the wind blowing through the crevices of of the old.house. . Still it was very lone ly and not. at all cheerful. , , The face in the coffin gleamed white still. The rats squeaked as if there was a famine upo'n them; and they smelled the dead flesh. 'The thought made him shud der. He got up and walked about, but something made a slight voise behind him and he put his chair with the hack against the wall, and sat down again. He had been at work all day and 4 last grew sleepy. Finally be nodded and, snored. Suddenly it seemed as if somebody had touched him. He awoke with a start, and saw nobody near, though iu the centre of the room shod a white , figure. "Curse you, get out of this !" he ex claimed in afright, usirig'tha first Word that came to his tongue.. The figure held out its right arm and slowly approached him. He started to his feet. The spectre came nearer, press ing him into the corner. "Tfie mischief take you !" cried Bar ney in his extremity. • Involuntarily he stepped back, back, but still the figure advanced,coming near er and nearer as if to•take him in a ghost ly embrace. The hair started on Barney's head. He grew desperate, and just 'AS the arm would: have touched hint, he 'fell on the ghost like a whirlwind, tearing the sheet, thumping, pounding, beating and kicking, more and more enraged at the resitance lie met, which told him the truth. As the readers know, be was big, and Fritz was little; and while he was pum meling the little fellow terribly, and Fritz was trying to lunge at Barney's stomach, to take the wind out of him, both kicking and plunging like horses, they were petri fied by hearing a voice cry : "Take one of your size, big Barney!" Looking around they saw the corpse sitting up in his coffin. This was too much.. They released each other and sprang for the door. They never knew how they got out ; but they got home in hot haste, panting like stags. It was Barbara herself whn came and opened the door next morning. "It's very early ; one more - little nap," said he, "one more little nap," turning over in his coffin. So she married him, and though she sent Barney and Fritz invitations to the wedding they did not appear. If they discovered the trick, they kept the knowl edge to themselves, and never willingly faced Barbara's laughing eyes. A Naw RAT-TRAP. -A patent has re cently been secures for a rat-trap that does not require any bait, and will fetch a rat every time it reaches for him. It operates on the principal of the stomach pump—the inventor is a 'retired physi cian, the sands of whose life have nearly,' &c.—and the trap is placed at the mouth of the rat-hole. When it is wound up and the suction begins the rat comes. Re may hold on to the ground with his teeth, and hump his back, and paw dirt, and weep,and yell for the police all he wants, he comes out of tthat hole backward, is dragged into a hack compartment, where a steel glove drags bis hide otrand lays it aside for a kid &love manufacturer while the carcass is pushed intoU little furnace and cremated. 'A FAMILY NEWSExAPER-DEVOTED TO LITERA.TURE, LOCAL. AND GENERAL NEWS. ETC. W.A.YNESBORO', FRANKLIN COVNTY, PA., THURSDAY, 'JULY 16, 1874. Don't Kill Time. ISpare a copper, sir; I'm starving; said a poor,hatf clad' man - to a gentleman who was hastening homeward through the 'streets in the great city one bitter cold night. Spare a copper, sir, and God will bless you. Struck with the fellow's manner, and appearance, the gentleman replied : 'You look as if you had, seen better days. If you will tell me candidly what has been your• greatest failing through life, I'll - give you enough money to pay your lodging.' 'I am•afraid I could hardly. do that,' the beggar answered, with a mournful smile. 'Try, man, try,' added the - gentleman. 'Here's a shilling to sharpen-your memo ry; only be sure you speak the truth.' - The man. pressed the coin tightly in his hand, and after thinking for nearly a I minute, said : lost 1 'To be honest with you, then. I believe My greatest fault has been in learning to 'kill time.' When I was a youngster, I had kind, loving parents, who ,let me do pretty much as - .1 liked; so I became idle and-careless,_and_never,once thou:, ht of the change which was in store for me.— In the hope that I should one day make my mark in the world, I was sent to col lege; but there I wasted my time in idle dreaming and expensive amusements. If I had been a. poor 'boy, with necessity staring-me-in-the-face,' Lthink_ I should have'done , better. But somehcw I fell into the notion that life was to be one continued holiday. I gradually became fond of wine and company. In a few years my parents both died; and you can' guess the rest. -I soon wasted what little, they left me; and now it is too late to combat my old habits. Yes, sir, idleness ruined me.' 'I believe your story" replied the gen tleman; 'and when I get home I will' tell it to my own boys as a warning. 1 am sorry for you, indeed I am. But it is never too late to reform. Come to my office to-morrow,and let me try to inspire you with fresh courage.' And giving the man another piece of money, and indicating where he could be found, he hurried away. `Never kill time, boys. He is your best friend. Use bim well. Don't let him slip through your fingers when you are young, as the beggar did. The days of your boy hood, are the most precious you will ever see. The habits you get into will stick to you like was. If they are good ones, life will be a pleasure,and above all a success —I mean a true success. You may not grow rich, but your life will be a real success, nevertheless. . 'lf,on the contrary,you waste yOur early years, live for fun only, trifle with your opportunities, you will find after a while that your life is a failure—yes, even, if you Should be as rich as Crcesus. One of the saddest things is, .to meet a man who has left golden opportunities go by him, just entering the battle of life,yet entirely unfitted for his position. He is to be pitied and yet blamed. In this fa vored land every one can learn to read and write, for instance. But how often we meet young men unable :to write a dozen lines without making mistakes!— i Be assured, my young frien s,it will. be a source of shame to you as t 1 u, if you do not pay attention to educate as boys. The world is full of good books to read. You are surrounded with friends and rel atives. Be warned in time, and coin hap piness and honor in the future from the industry of the present, and you will not have read this in vain.—Refonned Ilea trenger., A TOUCHING ROMANCE.—There is a touching romance in connection with Ells worth's death, which became public for the first time on the day of the dedication of his monument. This beautiful little incident illustrates woman's devotion.— When Ellsworth died he was affianced to a beautiful young lady, and she vowed ever afterward to lead a life of celibacy. Years rassed over her young head, and she has not been mercifully called to re join that other self whom she loved better than life, without whome life is death. One who knew her attended the dedi cation of the monument,and inquired first and eagerly for the beautiful bride of Ells worth's 'hovering .spirit. She was not there. Surely she must be dead; nothing else could keep her from such a tribute to her spirit-love. He ascertained that it was not death that detained her. It was not convenient for her to leave her husband and children. She had 'weak ened' co her vow several years since. Oh, woman': in our, hours of ease how you `stick,' but after we are planted how you dou't 'flick !—Ex. TABLE ETIQUETT cL—See that those a bout you are helped before you commence eating yourself. Do not eat soup from the tip, but from the side of the spoon. On passing your plate to be replenish. ed;:retain the knife and fork. • Wipe the mouth before drinking. Remoe the teaspoon from the eup fore drinking tea or coffee. Use the knife only in cutting food ; do not raise it to the mouth. Eat slowly, as eating rapidly is un healthy. . If you find anything unpleasant in your food avoid calling the attention of others to it. Clore the lipi when chewing your food. • Keep your elbows Off the table always. Do not speak with food in your mouth. When asked to help your neighbor, do not shove, but hand the plate to him: Do not turn you head and stare about the room. If any one at the table makes a mis take, take the least possible notice of it Advertiid and make money. SERION. BY LILLIE E. BARE. The farmer grumbled on his way, "What is it Nature needs, . That wild flowers spring among my corn, And in my garden weeds. That grasses grow on every hand Simply to ripe and die? There is no eause that I can see," The little birds know why. A sad-eyed woman with slow steps, When musing on her way; "How shall I find, with patient toil, My bread from day to day ?" A merry robin, overhead, Sat singing on a bough, "We do not sow nor reap," bat yet The little birds no how. "Alas ! alas'!" the exile said, "In doubt and fear I roam;" Dark and unknown the dreary way fronrrny - to i. • . But overhead the swallowg flew Without a doubt or care; To sing, and build, and make a home, The little birds knew where. So why my Father orosseth me Hath,reason good, I know, And how my daily bread shall come Each day shall surely show; And where my willing feet' must walk Until they rest above, The great, good God knowelieit of all LETTER FROM IRELAND. QUEENS' HOTEL, GARDINER ST., Dublin, Ireland, June 17, 1874. I left Glasgow on Monday the sth inst. on the steamer Llama for Belfast and was 9 hours on the voyage, arriving Tuesday morning at 5 'o'clock A. M. The weath er was mild, consequently I had a pleas ant trip and no sea-sicknessus is generally the case on the voyage between Scotland and :Ireland. As I had never been out of the Scotch Dominion since ray lirst'ar rival I found somewhat of a change in the land of "Paddy's birth" from that of Scot land. • Belfast is the emporium of the .north of Ireland and centre of the linen trade' at the head of the Belfast Lough,' northward and 92 miles distant from Dub lin, has a population of 100,000. This is the chief seat of the cotton manufacture of Ireland.. It has many large linen and cotton mills ; extensive 'distilleries, brew ries, 'foundries, ship yards, sail cloth and tobacco factories.' The regular value of imports is over £4.500.000 ; of -exports about £5.600.000 ; , tonnage 624.113. Belfast sends two members taPhrliainent. I had but little time to spend at any place since I left Glasgow, consequently the de-• mends upon my time were constant. l ouly remained, in Belfast two days ,but during that time, had an opportunity of visiting most places of importance and haying a chum there; an old acquaintance, it made it all the more pleasant. What makes Belfast the more &mous in my mind was the recollection of those terrible riots between the Protestants and Papists which you no doubt remember of reading. Happily these disturbances are all quieted and judging from the present tranquility of the place one would never suspect that it was ever given to such events. This city is a very brisk business place as there is an immense traffic that enters and leaves its harbor to and from other countries, but neither it nor Dublin can be compar ed with Glasgow, as commercial cities of which the latter is acknowledged to be the finest in the world. It is nevertheless noted• for its pleasant scenery, being sur rounded by a chain of mountains of uo small dimensions in which respect it re minds me very much of Cumberland city, Md. After leaving Belfast I arrived by way of Newry on the 15th inst. where I had been for three days. Newry is a well built sea-port town of Ireland with a population of about 20,000. The conveniences of passenger traffic in the streets of any city or tocvn of Ire land seem rather a novelty to a stranger. Apart from the cabs,omnibuses and street cars, they have a curiously arranged ma chine called a car with one horse attach ed. One of these is capable of carrying six persons and the driver—are set upon very low wheels so that it is an easy mat ter to get on and off. The "flying horse car" would be a very* appropriate name for them as the speed with which they are driven is very great, and I often wonder ed that serious accidents are not common in the crowded thoroughfares through which they fly. At any rate they are the most suitable contrivances for passenger street traffic I have ever seen. I have been much impressed with what parts of Ireland I have seen as a part of my trip took me through a section of country which I will venture to say no other por tion of the kindom could eclipse in either scenery or agriculture. Prom Belfast I went to Ballymena, a small town on the Braid, where I was to see several of my professional friends. I attended a grand temperance demonstra, Lion whilst there and must give the Irish people the credit of being very hospitable, for I have never been better treated thau by the people I met in "Ould Erin."— Their ready wit is one of their most fam ous characteristics and as a matter of course is everywhere known. The ques tions of Protestauism and Papistry is now and has been for years past the most in teresting topic of Ireland,and is the source of many a riot and grievance;but the for mer religion predominates, especially in the Northern part of the country and is fast gaining the ascendency; yet so strong is the feeling of both parties that for any one to attempt to sing or shout a Protes tant or Papist song, especially in the Southern part of Ireland, would, be atten ded with a sacrifice of life. Ireland has' her grievances to contend with as well as ! all other countries; The principle part of her trouble is that she is not paid the proper respect by the •members of the Royal family, by not. visiting their coun try as, frequently as Scotland, England and other portions of the United King. i dom. It s a 'well known fact that the question of 'home rule' is one of the chief bones of contention and has been agita ting the public mind for years,but wheth er it will ever - succeed or not is a point yet to be settled. Dublin, the capital city • of Ireland, where I am now stopping, has a population of nearly 300,000. The city proper is nearly surrounded by the circu larfloadt.P miles in length and which, ac companied by a branch of the grand ca nal on the South and South-east, encloses an area of 1,264 acres, intersected from West to East by the Liffey. The river is here crossed by 7 stone and 2 iron bridges and bordered on each side by noble gran ite quays 21 in. in length. Nearly in the centre of the S. half of the city, is Dublin • : • • • - - divides the city into 4 quarters, differing greatly' in their appearance and character. Its University chartered in 1591, is situa ted in Trinity Coll—,is attended by ahout - 2,000 - studentsrp - ossesses alanded revenue of 15,000 1. a year; a library of over 150,000 volumes: a park, printing house, anatomical and chemical depart ment, a botanic garden and an observa tory. Dublin .had. formerly important manufasturers,of woolen, silk and cotton labrics,and at - present - its chief trade - 1M export of linens, poplins, porter, provis ions,. &a. Registered shipping of post 417 vessels..' Aggregate burden 37,210 tons. Steamers 46. Yesterday I visited the Zoological gardens, where I had an , opportunity of seeing a collection of ani mals from all parts of the world. I was also through Pheonix Park and many other places of interest. The weather is much warmer here`than in ScOtland, and the crops'are beginning to'suffer for want of rain. It is • veiy unpleaiant on the street on account of the clouds of •flying dust. The streets are not well sprinkled, and in fact, I notice that the sanitary. af fairs of Dublin are not very well manag ed. I will remain here a few days longer when I Will go to Cork. • H. C. BARE. A Chapter on Bad Manners. It is a eign of bad manners • to look over the shoulders of a.person who is wri ting; 'to see what is written. It is' the height of bad manners to blow one's nose with the fingers in the•lstreet,s or in compapy;use your handkerchief,and if you have none, borrow onez:-' - t It is bad manners for a min . tc;walk the streets With's; lady,' and, at the same' time smoke 'it 'cigar. It is bad manners' to go into any , per son's house without taking ,off your hat. 'leis bad manners to use profane lan guage in the presence of dee s eut company. It is bad manners to,go into any per son's house with mud or dirt on your • It is bad Manners to talk• in company when •others are talking, or to talk or whisper in church. It is bad manners to talk in company to one or two personaaboat some subject which, the others present do not under stand. It is bad manners to stare at strangers in company or in the street. , It is bad manners to say 'yes' or 'no' to strangers, or to your parents or to aged people; let it be 'yes sir' or 'no sir.' It is bad manners to pick your teeth at the table and bad manners to pick them with a pin in any company. It is bad manners to comb your hair or brush your coat in the eating r00m..-- It is a sigp of low breeding to make a display of your finery or equipage. It is bed manners, to boast o.f your wealth and prosperity or good fortune in the presence of the poor or those less for, tunate than you are. It is vulgar to talk much about your self and it is very low and vulgar to lie- It is bad manners to stand with your side to or turn away your . face from the person you are talking to—look him in the face. It is bad manners to stand in the mid dle of the pavement when people are pas sing, or make remarks about those who pass. It is bad manners to spit on the floor or carpet, or to spit at meals, and yet many people who think they are genteel. do it. If you must spit at meals get up and go out. A LOOK AgOUND lUD WORLD.—The littt and best authority gives the popu lation of the globe at 1,350,300.000 In America, 7200,000. In Europe, 587,000.000.- In Asia, 798,000,000: - - - • • - , In Africa, 185,000,000. In AustraliO4:Polynesia, 5,300;000. These people speak ab0ni , 3,600 differ ent languages, and are cut up into 1;000 different religious sects. The adherents of the principal sects,re counting the, whole population, are sup posed to be nearly. thus : The six other oriental churches, 6,500,- 000. Roman Catholics, 195,000,000.- - Protestants, 57,130,000. Mahommedans,46o,ooo,o.oo. • Buddhists, 34000,000. Other Asiastic religion; 260,000,000. ' Pagans, 200,000,000., Jews, 6,000,000. RED PEPPER FOR INBECTS.—Those who have tried it say that cayenne pep per will destroy cabbage lice,the.cabbage worm, and all other insects that prey up on the leaf of either the cabbage or tur nip, Scatter over the leaves while wet with dew in the morning. A very email quantity will suffice. Why He Couldn't Shut Up. One day last week a band of crusaders stopped in front of a beer saloon in the West End, a man stepped outside the door with uncovered head whom the wo men took at once to be the proprietor.— He bowed to the.ladies and smiled bland ly, which encouraged them to gather a round and urge him to discontinue his nefarious traffic. They asked' him .if he had any objections to praying . in front of the place. He said he hadn't in the least. After a prayer .a crusader said they would like to sing a hymn. He remarked, 'Sing away for all I care,' and they sung. The man seemed affected. Once or twice 'he took out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes. The services over, the ladies ' feeling that they had indeed toughed his, heart, renewed their entreaties. They spoke of the evils wrought by salamis and depicted the suffering of the drunkard's family. The man listened andlowed his head in • at-contrition. His coits •i • evidently at work. There Was a struggle, going on within his breast between the sordid love of gain ands the spirit of goOd ness, Which is said to never wholly desert a man. • t least so the - Light 'the ladies. So they pressed upon lam and renewed their entreaties 'Won't you,' said one' of, the most earn est and importunate among : the, good we- i Men, 'won't.you listen our, appeals and' shut?' : „ . . . Then,the man raised spy his head: His, voice trembled as he essaYed taspeak,and ,there were the traces of tears On cheeks. Said he: 'Ladies; you have mov ed me deeply/. 'I know as' well is any one the evils of the traffic and most, would, I shut up this saloon, but 'But what?' cried all the ladies at once.' could do it if it was not for one thing.' .'What't that?' - • , '!'Taint my . saloon?' The ladies moved on without any pa . - liceman telling them to.—Cincinnati Sat' urday Night., ' The Life:School. That this life is a stsge on which to de velop the soul is scarcely. to be dOubted. our good things are envolved from the conditions of human life. The evolu- tion of faculty into conduct and into char acter; the fixing of principles in a man's life, so that they beeome powers hi. him —these things are' accompanied b'y the seboolings or life itself. No man inherits activity, enterprise, foresight, jastice, be nevolence, the finer feelings, They are develpped in him by training; and it is a' 'training for which this world is peculiarly adapted.- It, is a . good grinding world. It is a good sharpening world.. It is a good stimulating world. It is not a rest ttil world Altogether. .It is a world that wakes men up, and by ten thOusand nec essities on every side compels them to think, , and to think far 'ahead; to forbear and' deny themselves, to restrain self-in dulgence; to consider others as well' as thenaselires;to combine . thoughts and sym pathize-them., It is a world, which is ed ucating men into practical philosophy and economy. The world by its very necessi ties, engengers in men these various traits; andit is fair, since it does so universally, to say that it was designed to do so.—H.' W. Beecher. . THE SECRET TO THEIR POWER.—A. gentleman cue. day, earnestly requested Mr. Webster to speak in the Senate on an important subject. have no time," was the reply ; "I have no time to master the subject so as to do it justice." "But, Mr. Webster," urged the applicant, "a few words from you would do so _much to a waken public attention to it." "If there be such weight in my words as you repre sent," rejoined the great statesman, "it is because I do not allow myself to speak on any subject. till .1 have ithbued my mind with it." "Men give me credit for genius," said Alexander Hamilton.; "all the genius I have lies just in this—whew I have a sub. ject in hand, I study it profoundly. Day and night it is before me, I explain it in all its bearings. My mind becomes per vaded .with it. Then . the efilirt which I make the people please to call the fruit of genius. It is the first fruit of labor and thought." NATURAL COMPASS.—It is a Wellknown fact that in the vast proxies of Texas a little plant . is always to be found which under all circumstances of climate,change of weather, rain, frost, orsunshine, inva riably turns its leaves to the north. If a solitary iraveler were making his way a cross those trackless wild 4, ivith'out a star to guide or compass to direst him i he finds au unerring monitor in 'an humble plant; and be follows its.guidance, certain that it will not mislead him. Be not stingy of kind words and pleas ing acts. for such are fra,, , rrantgifts, whose perfume will gladen the heart and sweet en the life of all who hear or receive them. - General Sherman went to the circus the other day in Washington—he is con siderable on the prance—and with Sim a number of children, whom he had,gather ed from the 'by-ways .and hedges.' He looked down, and 'hauled - from under tie seat a ragged little_darkey,who had crept tent, in under the te: and then put him at his feet, where, by crowding, a place was made for the 'little rascal. 'Now,/ said the general, 'sit there, my boy, and see everything. Bless me rmnny a time I have done just the same thing, and many a - thrashing I beveled. Re-seemed like a child, and enjoyed the whole;thing just as much as the brief negro Early to bed and earlra rise, • VI be in rain if you don't 7lednets :. your ouillb.Wl - L • - . nud Xuntor. The quickest way4z . man to forget all common Miseriesist ear tight hoots When are eves no.e.yes ? When the wind makes them wait Why is par eyes like friends separated by.distant climes ? They correspond but never meet. w A sewing-mach' e k$ gent was shot half , a dozen times, but cheek was left in tact, (../. Why might. carpenters believe there is no such thing as stone P Because they never saw it. Tight lacing is ag: ion. This is good new lovers. . A man- who, traveled through Nest :Ter se spa , s he saw some land so poor the. you Aou • not ram; a The Peoriawont w o wanted to thAN, herself into her hus'a grave few r worithi - tigo 7 ch - i's rri lightning-_,. • rod man. In the IJnited States there are twenty-six counties and two hundred and forty-five towns named after the great and good father of his country. Among the , candidates for admission to • W9stPolat is onenamtd Sauermilch from this State. Should he graduate he may , do for frontier service, bat he can-never" represent the cream of the army. `What can I.do for yen, Auntie.?' said a Richmond shopkeeper to a venerable colored dame. 'Auntie who ? I isn't'yer sister's mother,' was the indignant rejoin der' as she sailed out 'of the shop under a full press of canvas. A farmer sold a small load !,:)f bay is Erie 'recently for slor , on..bis Way to un hiad'it,,,anotiter man ofered' him. $ll, -which he, accepted and, went home. The, first party prosecuted biiq,nud itcost him just forty dollen to pay the damages mut costs. A Hartford man keeps a spade close by his kitchen door, and - whenever a tramp coins alxiut, and begs fora dinner, be is requested to eain it by digging tour feet square in the garden, but the:tramp lava ribly.refuses v price.. /A Mk( while feel ephant's I mistook fc swung his ticks at In emir law, tryini ness's evidi the witness in her face replied, 'Ai bead to fd • A little boy front Chicago, on going to the scaside r saws .turtle in the, backyard. of a hotel, when his astonishment knew no bounds. 'Oh, mother mother!' said the ' child; 'come right away quick; far 'Mre's the queerest thinga great bid& ,frog,.. with a hat on his back,, creeping, on his knees., Slightly sarcastic Was the clergyman • who paused and addressed a mau.coming.: into church after"the" :Wray b"'n "had begun, with'the remark: 'Glad -to see you, sir ; come in; always glad to see those' here late can't come earley;' and decidedly, self pea-., sessed was the man thus addressed, iri tht!,fi, presence of on atonished congregation, as. he responded 'Thank you; would loct . fh vor me'With the text?' •' It is announced that s. man who last , season had $2OO. wprth of trtmks destroy ed by the .tbaggage omashers'ims had five new ones made to °Mee and supplied svith coMpartments containing five pounds each of nitre glycerine, Ile proplites to travel 'from Maine •to Texas, covering all the watering places, and will. have a coroner along to hold inquests on the victims. An observing person advises: 'Never marry a man vibe scents his .whiskers.'. This is good advice. We cannot cnuceive of more consu m m ate scoundrel, a deeper dyed vitlain,a blood:thirstier wietcti,a vil er compound Judasof Iscariot and the 13 en , -' chr fimily.combirted, than the • matt who scents .his whiskers _unless We except 2 the young man who illuminates his mustache . 'with sticky pomatum before , going to - gee his girl oft Sunday night. • s•'• A certai*,.,iii*yer had hls portmit:tak , . en in his flSKiltaattitude—standing with one hand in hiS pocket. :.I.lis friends,a.nd one of his clients went to" sue it body said - : "Oh, how much itislike '.:41 is the zery picture of him !:'..- One old farmer, who happened po b,e 4 present thought differentl,s' , .' "Tain't a bit like him !" "Tisn't, eh !,said a half,diizen at once." "Just show us nciw . wheiiin 4 is not a capital likeness." • "Wall, taint—no uirilaliito-4 tell you tain't..", • "Well, why ? Can't Toy .pell us why it., ale% a good• likeness?" "Yes—easy enough. Don't you See he . has got his hand iv pOcket ?" 'Tvionkl • be as good again if he lidd in somebody else's!".,.. ' ..4 Beware of inquisitive persons; a won. • derfull curiosity - to know vitt , . as , • ENS 82,00 PER YEAR NUMBER 4. 'ming into fah for short•armed- , anceon 1 KI a show, and lice' on the el ;h the official , the animal ere itemeight ,a l limborthe - neritlhmen,: brads enough 'h asap EVE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers