prepa.. herbs found on the lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom 'without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unpar alleled success of VINEGAR BrrrEas 8 " Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They are the great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded• possessing the remarkable qualities of IrrrrxGAß BrrrEas in healing the sick of every , disease man is heir to. They area gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases. The properties of DB. WALIZEIVS ----VINEGAR-13-vr_rsus-arcApezient,Diaphoretie Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera- tire. and Anti• Bilious. GratefUl thousands proclaim YEN= tOAR BrrrEas the most wood.rfal Inrigor• ant that ever sustained the sinking systeni No Person can take thesi, Bit according to direetions - , and remain long nmvell, provided their bones are not de- stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Bilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers. which are' so prey- alent in the valleys of our great rivers ---throughout-the-United-Statesi - espechdly -- those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast . tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness,_ aro invariably—accompanied — by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal - viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these carious or gans, is essentially necessary. There - W no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels aro loaded, at the same timo stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. ' Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR BITTERS. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. - Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Head ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest,, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste iu the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. Ono bottle will prove a better guarantee of its 'merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, etc., etc. In these, as in all other constitutional Diseases, WATAKEn's V.MEGAII BITTERS bay° shown their • great curative powers in the most ob stinate and intractable cases. For inflammatory and Chronle _Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of• the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases aro caused by Titiated'Blood. Mechanical Diseases.—Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Cold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are 'subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, taro a dose of WA ra- Zies VINEGAR BITTERS occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions; Tot ter, Salt-Mem, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustule's, Boils, CarbuLeles, Ring-worms, Scald-Bead; Sore . Eyes; : Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discelorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of tho Skin of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in. a short tin by the use of these Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking i n the system of so many thousands, ...ire effectually destioyed and removed. system of medicine, no, no an thelminities will free the system from NVOMIs like these l3itters.., • For Female Complaints in young or old, in6irled or single, - at the awn of manhivd„ or the turdidlife, these Tonic Bit ters display so decided au influence that im- proremed is soon ,perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- overrni i t dit3 impurities bursting through tiatL: Ain in Pimples,_ Eruptions, it Soren; clean:ze it 'Len 3 = o¢ find it obstructed and • e l nggiq l 4 ll the veins; elomso it when it is foul ; , ,y4pr feelings will tpli you when. Keep tbff pure, and tiaakkalth of tho system , *will full Ow. , • A It. li. Iticinalt ADD rrnggista and Gen. AMR:. San 'Francisco, California, j and eon of Washincion'and Chariton Sta.. r j . ;£lOl4 by all Druggists and Dralaras ,Inguht 28, 1873. - • FURNITURE! EIIINITURE!! WORTH' sEg f ING ! THE display of fine Fu i hr suchatt Dressing Bureaus, WaSh'StArt4s, Bed'. steads,. Extension 'rabies, Oefrtte - "Thbles, Wut Nots, Hat Racks, Children'S'Cribs, Everything in the Cabinet-maker line—the market, having been carefully and Substuutially. manufactured oat of the very ,best material—at IL Dornow's, 3' doors East of the Presbyterian Church, East Main St., Waynesbero',"Pa. Call and see his display. ,Prices low. , Thankful for past favors he hopes to be able" to - merit a still further Flutra.,of ,the _public's pUtren age. ..juov 13- 7 tf, 11. DETROW, Fißl\ tiMliniiirtjEoz Insurance Co. of North America, • Philadelphia,' $3,000,000. Penn'a. Fire Insurance Company, • Philadelphia, 61 ; 250,316. Farmers' Mutual Fire Ins. Corn., York, Pa., $701`6-11. Lancaster Fire Insurance Corn., , Lancaster, Pa., $316,135. 11te,.../rawrance effected in die above first-loss Conkmazies o current rate!. C. JAMES H. CLAYTON, _Agent. • jan &-tf 1865. THE CAD ERDIEBTI w. AL... . g -pi account of the scarcity of money will lfloifer his goods to CAsu and Flamer l.ruy r ers, at a small advance on cost. White and Brown Sugars, New Orleans , Molasses, Mackerel & Herring; Soaps, Garden Seeds, Shoe Brushes, Lemons, Oranges, 4ke Also Essences and Ext for cooking purposes. PIC will find 12 varieties of fancy Crackers and Cakes, including ;the; Straw-berry, Macar oon, Lemon Snaps, Lady Gingers Spice Jum bles and Mushroom, Cove Oysters of the best brands in one and two pound cans, Pried Beef. In short anything wanting in the Grocery line can be found in good stock and at low prices for the "ready money." am still taking applications in the best and strongest Companies in the world —The N. Y. Mutual has assetts of $60,000,- 000. It costs less in this company, and the policy holder need have no uneasiness as to whether the company can hold out—l in sure against accidents in the Travelers of Hartford. june 12--tf J. N. SNIDER, BOOKSELLER, STATICNER AND BOOK-BINDER, CHAMBERSBURG, PA EEPS eonstantly on hand and for sale, 1 at the lowest prices; School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, 8:c. Also a lauaa calibdU, of well selected , WALL PAPERS, WIWI , ' RS AND WINDOW SHADES, CROQUET GAMES, • BASE BALLS BATS, RUBBER FOOT BALLS, Etc. Gold Pens, Zephyr and Germantown Wool, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Towel Racks, Pock et Books, Satchels, Shawl Straps, and Fan cy Goods, which we respectfully invite the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinitfy to call and examine when visiting Chambersbu'g. april 23—tf ),, 63, WOLIFERSSEPREWS OMNIBUS LINE AND LIVERY STABLE, WAYNESBORO', PA AE undersigned still continues the same business at the old place. Oflice and Stable in the rear of Washabaugles'Tobac co Store. His Omnibus leaves Waynesbo ro' in the morning at 7 o'clock, and returns at 7 o'clock in the evening. His stage also leaves at 9 o'clock, P. M. for the W. M. R. R., via. of •Alcuterey Springs. This line: connecfs at Monterey with the Gettysburg Stage at 11 o'clock, every day, Sunday excepted. • , express mater promptly attend ed to with mire. All express matter not de livered can be had by calling at Washa baugh'i Tobacco Store. FOR SALE. One Spring Wagon, nearly new, with pole, shafts and three springs, all in tine order. On easy terms. - , may 7tf J. B. WOLFERSBERGEII.. , 4 BLATQHLEWS 41 2 Improved Cucumber Wood Pinup, Tasteless, Durable, p, 4 Efficient and Cheap.,.-The _ best pomp for thikleitst mii ev. Attention is especially 1 invited, to VideVey's Pat . - 0a .• - ent Improved Bracket and r 4 Drop Check Valve, which a. 'can be withdrawn without . removing the Pump, or dis b , turbing the jornts. Also the copper chamber, which never cracks or scales; and will outlast any other,- For sale by' dealers and tho trade generally. Inquire fur Blatchley?s Pump, and if not for sale in: your town, send Ilitect to • CH IS.-G,'BLATCHLEY. Mannfluiturer, ~ . 596 Commerce ,St., Philiidelphia, Pa. tear,l2-8m .. - Assrrs . C/ANNED FRUIT.—WiII not housekeep-_ I...Ars save the wary of canning and save money, by buying their canned Peaches, Strawberries, Vine Apples, Tomatoes, &.c„ already prepared for use. 1 have made spec ial arrangements. with - a reliable packing, house, to furnish cboirp.fruit and vegeta, tiles; as the - season progresses, at very low figures. Try-them. -- .A.-Ittil). julyl7 iINNAMON;alopice, nlnsiard.clov es and Votber splces iwhole or grouted. a tßeid's Grocery 1873. Coffee ; Tea, Syiaps, Molasses Rice, Cheese, Sugar Cured Ham, Salt, Cone. Lye, ne_ancLSafet Bed Cords, Baskets, &e Candy, Raisins, Prunes, A nice line of Crackers and Fancy Cakes RTI E S 1873: '1,1510; SPRII~IG. AND SLTIy~Dd it ' tj;.7L NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS_!! GEORGE , lICERNER MERCHANT TAILOR, RAS now on hand and for sale a full line I.lllof NEW GOODS for gentlemen's wear for Spring ar.d. Summer, welt as I CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ELFGANT STYLES-AND GENTS FURNISHING GOODS of every description,' all of which will be sold at prices to suit the times and made_to_order_with_neat- ness and dispatch. Also a complete assortment of READY-MADE CLOTTING His large, well selected stock of SHIRTS, UNDER-WEAR, DRAWERS, CUFFS, NECKTIES, ARE UNRIVALED. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Call and examine the Spring and Summer Styles No trouble to show goods. Remember the place; South-east Corner of Public Square, G. B. june 5,1373 G:MISMR/S PIiTENIT SELE--PiEBULATIfia GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER, BAGGER ED POWERS: Igo implement more Important to the farmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so speedily. The above cut shows ,the only qeiser Ma chine now built under the immediate oye of the ,old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the past 18 years, and nc‘w with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this Mach) :e just stands high aboVe all of its class. As a thresher it is equal to the Lest, vs a cleaner it superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly .thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel mare than grain direct from any oth er machine, settles the question of its supe riority as a cleaner over all ethers. Impar tial judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ill machinery—more du rablethreshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is sold for less motey according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last IS years. To supply tag wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— Frym'a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a 10 Horie -Lever Power, with prices ranging from sl9u to 5360, without power. We also make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, 'and all fully and fairly warranted. For farther information send for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduced. Address. '• THE GEISER MANUFAC'G CO., WAv.wainono', Franklin County, Jan. 21-tf Pennsylvania. VIATNESINECOP • UVERIT, WM. H. livery b F i L is Tig n l e i ss ha t i l i u ? , u l lVe i r7l ( l i er fr i o n m for t i i ii l l e 4 his old customers and the, public genentlly that he has resumed business with a nee complete outfit. Horses perfectly safe and gentle, either for riding or driving. His ve- - hides are new and suitable•for all purposes. He will take pleasure in accommodatine the at all times at reasonable mish rates. Ail attentive hostler always on hand. .Call at the saddler slap of Win. P. Weaglev. • FRANKLIN WHALILEY. March 6, 1872-tf • 1 COACHM.Aff:CINd•_ Mhe subscriber announces to his friends I:and the public , that he has purchased -the Coach Factory formerly owned by. Israel Hess, and is now engag,ecrin. titer abpx.c..hus iuess, on 3lain..Street, , at alb East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the -business, and entployine.r , --- , .: but the best workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a share of patronage. All kinds of new work on Laud orders filled_ nromptly: - Jan. 14 tf GEO. B. HAWKER. 1-I.SLOTIIS. A large lot of Floor Oil (Mths of different wi4llhs and prices at No v. 25 AME.En.S'ON,Er . is* rsiTOYEI r? - *:11VOL - FP DRY GOODS, NATIONS, White . Goods; Embroideries and Laces Groceries, Queensware, Boots & Sh'oes, Cedarwaye, Hardi.varc. OUR Dry Goods Department consists in 1./part of Ladies Dress Goods; Black Black and Colored Alpaccas, Empress Cloth, Japanese Cloths; Mohairs, Poplins, Lustres, Percales, Lawns, embracing everything in he Dress Goods line offered to the,trade.— English, & Xmercan Cassimers; Linens, Jeans, Denunis, Doeskiris, Corduroys, C,ottonades, Blk. Cassimere and Cloth. • • Notions and white goods of every variety, Hambur edging and inserting Ruffling, Honey Comb Quilts, Napkins, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets. Lace and Linen Collars and Handkerchiefs, Suspenders and Head Nets. A. full line of Shoes, and Gaiters for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children. We have constantly - on hand everything usually kept in aNVell:Ye - gfillititore. We ask an examination of goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere: STOVER - &ViroLFF. - May 16, 1872. ITESTINGS- HOSIERY, COLLARS, GLOVES, &C. &.C., PAPER COLLARS Ofii - rs at low prices a large number of No. 1 Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in market, also the Celebrated Morning Glo. v Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Base Burn ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heaters, the best in mar ket, all of which he will yarrant and sell at less rates than any Stove House in Waynes boro.' fie is now prepared to put up at short no'- tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware rooting and Spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see his stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to ,keep posted. ' 14—tf MTV'. Car. rayon &Si. Patti SiB OPPOSITE BARNUM'S CITY HOTEL, mr). ' , ..Terms 81,50 Per Day: ISAAC ALBERTSON, Proprietor. J. S. HARPER, Manner. nov 21—tf Butchering :Again. THE subscriber announces to his old cus tomers and the public generally that he has recommenced the Butchering business, and -wili-be able to aeccommodate-them as formerly at the cellar in tne Walker build ing. Yersons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc. enn 'rest as e nred that his cellar wilfl4.. the place to get it, as he is determined to biauzle ler the best itu::lll , v of stock only.. c Feb IT.'-tf T. J. CUNNISCHAM: A. FULL STOCK OF MENS WEAR, ELDEN ...,...()...... IL - KAY - always - be - found a full and prime Itilstoca of BOOTS 4ND SROES, HATS AND TRUNKS, WEAR. GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, KINDS OF NOTIONS 09-IVatehes and Jewelry repaired. - North East Corner of Public Square • Dee 5, 1872—tf Pika r3llti alt 'NIT spis ZiL THITLE 100_10101 EtaUIE tiOirEtt, FURNITURE,:! FURNITURE ! ! k.A.RP E, .9:,C-K! THE subserilier informs , his customers and the public generally that he has greatly enlarged 'his laisiness. 'and has at present the largest stock 'of FURNITURE e_ver-offered-forLsulo-in-Waynesbor4-11is stock consists of Dressing Bureaus, of every description, with or without 'marble tops; Wash and Parlor. .Stands with marble• tops, Plint, Tepoy, sin gle and double Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft. in length'; six-leg Dining and four-leg Breakfast and Between Tables ; French Bedsteads, full and half Jennie Lind, do., Cottage Bedsteads of various • kinds and . a 'large Stock of common Pop; lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes, Walnut and Poplar Safes, dif ferent stylesand prices, Sinks, Hat Racks, Brackets. Hanging Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests; Doughtrays, Etc PARLOR FURNITURE: Full Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Lounges, Mattresses, &c., &c. CHAIRS, &C. Cane_Brace_Armßocker,_ Caue•back Arm Rocker, Large Cane-back Rocker, Ladies' Dining Chair, Bentßim Dining Chair, Bent Rim Office Chair, Douglas' Arm Chair, English Parlor Brace Arm Chair, Walnut andlmitation Marble=top, - Cottage Tables and Stands, Round Corner French, do.; l'arliihairs & itte-ca-tetea, The Casket and Pittsburg Coffins always on han'd- r besides-a-large-stoekofitiaawn.mann ufacture. Prompt attention will be given to this particular branch of his _business- He returns thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage and invites one and all to call and examine his stock and learn his prices. 1113 r Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. JOSEPH H. OREBS, West Main Street, jan 15.1874. Waynesboro', Pa. AND NECK. AILED DL, -8913%, SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, MAN- TLES, BRACKETS, MOULDINGS, ctIC., —o— I continue the manufltetute of all kinds of Building Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furnishing Stairways, Newel's Balusters and Railing of hard or soft wood. AND ALL Prompt attention given to orders ; also Grist Chopping. Post Boring and Bill Saw ing at short notice. TO THE PUBLIC . Tha.,Kful for past favors, we ask you for a continuance of the santo. Factory 1i miles South of Waynesboro',Pa. april 10-tf A. M. G. For the best and most popular Organs in use. Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his office, for cash or on monthly payments. Organs also for rent. jnly 24—tf I , HE undersigned would most tespectfnlly 7 inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has ',veiled anew Tin Store on -East Main street, opposite Stover d: rolfi's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of • MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to sui the times. All kinds of work _done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big lied Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes fora con tinuance of the same. . Yours Respectfully, nov 19 CLAYTON M. FREY AFTER an absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a tirst-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also plain quits to suit certain classes of men. Particular, attention •paid to eating men and boys clothing -all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of •Dr.Strickler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, oif3Teclianic street. - 'By strict attention to business, and a disposition to please all, I hope. to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. - Respectfully, 41:c., • april — 'JAS. A. FISHER. BARBERING! IARBERINC ! snbscriberhaving rec , -ntiv repaint ed ed and papered and added•ne'w turM tura to his bhop, announces to 'his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and make comfortable• all who may be pleased to fa • Nor him 'with their patronage. Shaving. Schampooning, Hair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A long experience in the bar bering business enables him to promise sat isfaction in all CUM — W. P.RICE. sept IS-tf • CIIESTNITT RAILS. . • —. • 00-ez 10.5. 4 .). Choice .Claestnut Rails for pi4fence foreale, in front of Mein tteey o Sprinks Hotel. Efiquirar.A war. 13 7 if H. TINGLINV; ligi. .4,.. .••••am , COFFINS 3141 N IT-PAGTITR ER-OF AT TTIE ANTIETAM FACTORY. A GENT NEW TIN STORE COOK & COAL STOVES, WAYNESBORO', PA., April 215t,.1873. NOTICE! paw Ei ca;, - Picirs t tit & slacr; sun. Y'N 13.0 STEAM-ENGINE-AND BOILER WORKS „ -, EBTABLISEIED. 1853. .. , .. . .. : 17-sc- ,. .-- , i*r - ',.,..1.1i..5: olla W R -- fr ___ , --- STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAMPENIGANES BOMERS , , v. Portable Saw Mills, and all other MaChineri made to order I== The above cut re 'resents our Horizontal Engine with Improved Side, Bed.' This de sign makes i strong, neat and durable and upon which we have made some valuable improvements, especially upon the working parts making them durable and econotui. cal.: We build Horizontal Engines with box beds of different sizes and designs and up on the most improved plan. We also make Upright Engines of differ ent sizes and styles, and where economy of space is an object, they have some advan tage over the Horrizontal, also in the wear of the Uylinder,which is always equal in an Upright Engine. A special point of advantage in these En gines is our (A. 0. crick's) recently invent ed and •patent self-adjusting BALANCED SLIDEVALVE - FT - a -ufeid-till-Stearo-Engines and Locomotives. It leaves the Engines as simple in• operation as those of the ordina ry-plain slide-valve-class.--We-directspec, ml attention to this superior valve, and in vite correspondence.' ___ give_special _attention _to _ Portabl e_ Engines and SaW - 31illsi - also — Agricultural- Engines for threshing grain and for farm purp_o,ses_genwAy,_4ls_o SEM.A.IvI. 130 . 11-MRS, of all sizes. Further information may be obtained from the Inanufactuzers, ----FRICK Ar. COY PA N, Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. may 8-tf • HARPER'S PERIONCILS FOR 3. 23 1 7 4 . itrper's agazine, Therels no monthly Magazine nu intelli gent reading family can afford to be with out. Many Magazineß are acct.mulated Harpees-ia-edited—_There is not a Maga zine that is printed which shows more in telligent pains expended on its aiticles and mechanical execution. There is not a chea per Maga:tine published. There is not, con fessedly, a more popular Magazine in the world.—New England Homestead. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year 1:=1:=C1 arper's Pe pkl y. JOUR. , AL OF CIVILIZATION. The best publication of its class in Amer ica,. and so - far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to portnit of any, comparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading-mattorthat are printed. *'* Its illustrations are numerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief artists of the country.—Boston Traveler. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year I=l Harper's Eaz a.r. A REPOSITORY OF FASHION, &C It is really the only illustrated chronicler of fa.qhion in the country. Itssupplements alone are worth the price of the paper.— While fully maintaining its position as a mirror of fashion, it also contains stories, poems, brilliant essays, besides general and personal gossip.—Boston Sato rday Gazette. • SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $4.00 Per Year For further particulars, (cc., Address lIAItPER & BIiOTHE -8, New York. jau 22—tf REMINGTON FAMILY SEWING MIEWITiI! Pr HE subscriber announces, to ths public :I- that he has the agency for the sale of the "Remington Family Sewing Machine" in Franklin county. Having tested its work ing qualities anAcapacity for several months he can safely recommend it as the very BEST SACHEM IN USE. Its construction is such that it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. In factories where the speed has been registered, over 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in ail its parts, and free from the harsh and jarring movements, and friction, common in inferior machines. A simple change of the needle and thread and it will sew the finest cambric or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread thus Riving in a great measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. • The Remington has no rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a noise, run hard; of to get out of order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. The subscriber also informs his customers and the public that he . has just opened out his new FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSTMERES; VESTINGS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear. Ile solicits an inspection of his stock. ocrl6 -tf ' T. J. FILBERT. THE WASHINGTON COUNTY PLOW, THIS justly celebrated Plow formerly manufactured by Moatz & Barkdoll can now be bad of •Barkdoll & newcomer or their authorized agents. All Plows war ranted to give satisfaction. - •BARKDOLL ct.; .V.ENVCOMER, • ! , RINGGOLD,AYASIIISGTON AGEIOI3.;--D. - H. Stbnebraker, CavetOwn, Md. 0. Bellman, Hagerstown, Md. .8. B; Rinehart, Waynesboro', Franklin co., .Pa. 18 ta: Fall dit'llYinter: - 1873. ' GlNts, - • • •`-` • Noticins, ,Boota and Shoes; •- - Hardware, Queeiaiware,, . 'Pottery-Wait; School Sboks • ; 1 .! itn Stp ti ely t ?loon ap . d. •;.„ , Shades aiid . ,/i4r.tur!•%• • Grocerivi.arul . Far saie 1351 • C. W. 'GOOD, .IQtrittel, Oct 23 PH B7* - iniiii)/0 1 .tiiiiii iii,coßt PUBLII3/XBD Elpait TNIIMIDAT• MOIIS/NO •-.- . BrW.' TERILS—Tito Dollars per-Annum if paid , withinthdyear; Two Dollars and Fifty -cents after the expiration -of the year. . ADVERTISEMENTS--One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50; fox each 'subsequent insertiOn; Thir five Ceits per Square. A liberal - discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.--Business Local s-Ten-Centa_pir_ line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subsenuent insertions Vrofessiinutl DR. M. L. MILLER, PHYSICIAN AND S;UROEON, Od'ers ,his professional services to the citizens of Quincy and vicinity. Office near the Burgsr Hotel. • apr9.-tf • J. B. AMBERSON. N. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; WAYNESBORO', PA. Office at the Waynesboro' Torner Drug ore." [jane 29—tf. Mt, INN M,, ROPLE v PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional services to the pub lic. Office in his residence, on West Alain street, Waynesboro',, april 24-tf PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Y-N Es cut-o Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden House. . Nov. 2—tf. iTOS-M.Pal .1)c)-C7- WAYNESBORO', -- PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B--Real Estate leased. and sold, and Fire-Insuranee-effected on-reasonable terms, December 10, 1871. % ST R~ C ~A HYSICIAN & STRGEON. Office at his residence, N. E. Cor. of - the: Public Square, Waynesboro; Pa. apr 9-tf REMOVAL ! MR. BENJ. ERANTZ has removed to the , .IJ , ew Office building, adjoining his dwell-. ing on West end of Main street, where he can always be found, whey not engaged on professional visits.. OFFICE (donna :- , --Between sand 10 o'clock, A. M. and 12 and land 6 and OP. M. Spec-. ial attention given to all , forms of chronic disease. -An experience of - nearly- thirty years enables him to give satisfaction. The most approved trusses applied and adjusted to suit the wants of thoseaftlictedwith her nia or rupture. apr 23-tf, A. K. BRA NI S•if T S RESIDENT DENTIST' tai r ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Orealwia,Uso • Organs always on exhibition and fur.•sale : at his office.' • We being acquainted with Dr. Braids-. hate socially and professionally recommend: liini to an desiring the services of a Dentist._ Drs. A. HEIZING, • J. 31; Rim; A. 11. STRICKLER, 1. N. SNIVELY,' A. S. BONEBRAFR, T. D. Fuenn. julyl7—tt 3. H. FORNEY. & CO. France core; igsign Morottants No. 77 NOT STREET,. BA LTIMORE, MD. Pay articular attention, to the sale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, ,icc. Liberal advances made on , consignments. may 29-t f J H i WELSH - WITH • . , • W. 1r; LIPPINCOTT. Sr, 'CO, ' WHOLESALE DEALEEN IN Hats, Caps, Furs . and Straw Goods, No. 531 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. april 34f „ THE BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. ‘li HE subscriber having leased this well. t known 11,tel . property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, ro-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and ethers who may be pleased to favor hiin ,with their patronage... An attentive hostler will at all times be in attendance. May 23-tf SAM'L P. STONER. \ll.ll 0U : 111\ ►I'HE subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarse 'or f• ue Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest stvla of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice,; and measur es taken in private famines if desired Shop on East Main Street, in the room, formerly* occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed tore. THOS. J. FrOtLINGSWORTH. NOTICE TO THE PUSLIO ! I=l THE subscribers announce to .their cus tomers and the public generally, that they have secured the right for Franklin county too build the.t.eisey patent harroir, ant ure now prepared to pui them up to order.. They, are recommended by those mho usedr.thera last season., One harrow ing equal to two with the common harrow. The( draaght got harder and easier manag ed over •rocks.--Thev-are-also prepared to AG R •kintt!. oft BlaCkstnithinKand• wagon making- gemerallY; common ihOps, en• ahnr,t nqtice and -reasopable'Aerms.'"7' ;to.tlie_,public for paitiPki:o4 nage we solicit. a•pmitinuance Of 'the. same. Shop prr •the Coraer.or•ga,at ?faro`-and Broad sts. - . ISRA:FA intra2: - 41 1 1 :; /4 H._4PP/S.IIN/r.-... 8.E.;4 em."Arses. et Font of diffetronf tmtties nr OttiittterVbirtrabiber foittale by FRICK a CO..' raylafj ' E. &E. Works.