NAIR STATEMENT '', tIP Washington totniship School 'Board .W../ter the yearencling,June,,A. D. 1874. RECEIPTS. 3b state appropriation, $860,00 ballance on band from last year, • 152.50 " whole amt. from Collee'r. • including pa of all kinds, 4603.79 To loans since last report, 1282.68 '" amt. froth other sources, 10.68 $6129,08 EXPENDITURES. 'By purchasing giounds, $150:00 " building and furnish ing houses, , 1912.41 -By renting and repairing 22.10 teacher's wages, 2862.50 " fuel and contingencies 639.64 " collector's fees, 138.71 " treasurer's " 128.62 267.33 " salary of clerk; 50.00 debt and interest paid, 450.00 -Amt. in treasttier's hands, RESOURCES. • Dash in treasurer'shands 75.65 Amount due the district fro.n other sources, LIABILITIES. Unpaid drafts outstanding, 476.00 Amt.borrowed and unpaid,looo,oo .Net indebtedness of district, Estimated value of 17 school houses and grounds, $lOOOO.OO Less net indebtedness of district, Assetts it excess .of lict. Id lities, $15030.95 DAVID GILBERT, Countersigned, President. PETER Rotrzhn,Sectty. junels It T. IVEgr, 'TAT. Cie*. — PR Ila r - Et A L. t IrTHE subscriber offers at Private Sale a I desirable small farm, one half mile Northeast of Quincy, (formerly owned by Rev. Abrm. Gulley,) containing FORTY-TWO ACRES, more or less, well improved land, all of - which has been limed. The improvements consist of a two-story DWELLING HOUSE, • Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Granar; Ten under one roof, and other necessary out-buildings, in good repair. There is also a never-falling welt Of good water between the barn and house, anil two young Or chards of choice fruit trees, besides peach es, pears, plums-and grapes, that cannot be well surpasQed. The Tract i, well laid off' and nearly all under good fencing. Persons wishing to view the property will please call o a the undersigned living on tho prem ises. ISAAC UTZ. junelB Sin 'OSWEGO SIIVER.I MSS STU:M . FOR THE LAUNDHY. Manufactured by T. KINGS-FORD & SON, has become a HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY. Its great excellence •has merited the com mendation of Europa for American manu facture. PULVERIZED. CORN STARCH , Prepared by T. KINGSFORD &. SON, Txprest4ly for food,when it is properly made into pudding is a desert of great excellence. FOR SALE•BY ALL GROUEIIS. janelB SW B_ T. M1A3332.1.TT'S Pure Concentrated Potash •O 1t L Y E , Of double the Strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. I ha . ve recently perfected a now method •of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in Balls the coating of which will saponify, and does not injure the soap. It is packed in boxes containing 24 and 48 one lb. Balls, and in no other way. Directions in English and German for making hard and soft soap with this Potash accompanying each package. lt. T. BABBITT, junelB lOw 64 to 84 Washington St., 'N.Y. JUST NOW IS THE TIME TO PROCURE CHEAP AND PRETTY GOODS -AT PRIM lISFLIVEI - 0 - ()13R semi& Supply of SUMMER GOODS 4. /oilers rare • inducements to purchasers both in quality and prices. ..Erench Mullins, ictoria and Organda Lawns. Poplins, Grass Cloths, and all the other leading DRESS GOODS. of the season in full supply. All the favorite brands of . BLACK _ALPACAS AT SPECIAL Figures. ladies .and Gents FURNISHING GOODS, of every description. Notions in all the lat est novelties. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, TESTI NGS of English and Amo rican manufacture, LADlai' SHOES AND GAITERS very cheap. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, CARPETS dig Oli. C S. Our stock was never more complete, tier prices more satmactury. june4 tf PRICE S: HOEFLICH. I) _A_ I P. 'Y 1 THE subscriber notifies the public that be has commenced the Dairy businesa and will supply citizens regularly every morning with Milk or Cream at low rates. lie will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's btore where persons can obtain either at a ny hour during the day. no 7 27-tf BENJ. FRICK. 'EV the Orphans' Court fbr Franklin coml. city, Estate of John J. Oellig, deed. %lite Auditor appointed by the court to audit the account of Simon Lecroue, Ad ministrator of the Estate of John J. (Ming, dec'd, and to report distribution of the bal ance in the. bands of said accountaut o eet the rties for t urpme fhia appointmentopa interested , on Thursddy t he he p 9tltof Juty, /876, lu o'clock, n. m. at his office in 11'0.ynstsborey Ai. ii 051 4 211 DOUGLAS, • 3urtoll 3t Auditor. WATER Crackers, c kr.iigger . slurps; and heart. trackers at . Te 'e tiro cc ry TEEM TE4TB! =II!!! * . . 132A17171 - BEAM - 1 1 ----REA-11-TY !- BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY! BEAUTY 'BE4:I3IY} 8V031.7 1 Nothing contributes • more to beauty of the features than a PElt- FELT, REGULAR, CLEAN SET OFT.ERTlj.while a neclected, • --filthy,diseased.mouth disgusts every nehold er. Such things are • noticed now .4 • days much mire , than formerly; and good teeth and a sweet breath are considered indispen sible to every LADY AND GENTLEbLAN BEWARE of all preparations which are • highly recommended for WHITENING the teeth. They contain an add which des , stroys the ENAMEL. Dr. Forrest keeps con stantly on hand of his - 6353'8 own Preparation a su perior TOOTH POW- • DER,which keeps the Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of the Enamel just as na ture, made it. For the convenience of my pa trons, I have adopted the patent TOOTH POW DER BOTTLE, so constructed as to distribute the powder nicely on the BRUSH, and can be carried when traveling and several may use from the same bottle with propriety. Having had an experience of over seven years in the manufacture and administration of Ni tro'', Oxide Gass, t lain prepared at all times to administer this popular Anaesthetic, either to children or adults for the extrac tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas- ant effects. Insertion, Filingand Filling of Teeth carefully executed. Office next doorj to Bishop's Art Gallery. 3lair .St., Cham bersburg, Pa. B. FORREt-T, D. D. S. N B.—Teeth that have becorne.discolor- Fain prepared to bleach and restore to tatursrl-color. Prises-very-mod• • • e 1475.00 $909,05 may2l ly SPRING AND HUB GOODS, COON. & STONEHOITSE _and__Tio ['AVE just received a large and well select'd stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock consists in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest and latest styles ;•Croods of every description for men and boy's wear; Shirting Stripes, . Brown and Bleached Iklublins, " Sheeting• Tickings, Linen at: Cot ton Table Diapers, Towels tt • Toweling, Balmorals, Skirts, Calicoes, Ginghams, Irish Linens, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table Lit Floor Oil Cloths; Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points oz • a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, Women and Children, Linen, Lace& Papper Collars Laces, Edging and Inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies .and 'Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to- gether with Groceries, Hard ware, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. oct. 30,1873 DP., JUDD fiIIRNEY'S FAMILY WEDIVIVIL T"E proprietor of this medicine is a grad uate of Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia of 1853; since then he has made chronic diseases his speeial study— has had good success in the treatment of such diseases, which has induced him to put out this medicine before the public.— A medicine which ought to be in every fam ily in the land. Those who have used it speak of its great merit. Is composed of the BEST KNOWN MEDICINES in the Muteria Medica..and compounded with great care by the proprietor, under his own supervision and made in a scientific manner. The DEMAND FOR IT IS INCREASING and in a short time it will become a STANDARD FAMILY MEDICINE Acts on the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys Good for the following diseases, such as Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, SeroThla, Dispepsia, Siek•Headaehe, Consumption, Constipation, Tetter, and Chronic Diseases generally ; very good for children in small doses, being mild and pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of its merits, then commend it to your ft ieads. Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT TERS u hich have stood the test for a num her of years. Good for Indigestion, Low ness of Spirits, Dyspepsia. Foul Stomach, Cramp, Colic, tic. Try it. Prepared only by JACOB FAHRNEY, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED. • Sold bi Dr. J. B. Amberson, IVaynesbo ro', Pa., Dr. Carl, Greencastle, Ps., J. S. Nix on Chanibersburg, Yu. may2B-1y VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. MHE subscribere,assignees of the Waynes- J. born' Manufacturing Company,will offer at Public Sale, Ou Saturday the Bth day of AugUst, '74, the lot of ground belonging to said compa ny, fronting 39 feet on Main street, with SHOPS AND STABLING thereon; also the ENGINE AND BOILER, (twentphoree power) with all the Machin er, belonging to the shops; also 40,000 'FEET OF UMBER, more or less. For Anther particulars call on either of the undersigned. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock on raid day, wiu3a terms will be made known by JACOB T. MIL MB JOUPti. W. 3111,1,1 i, junoll-48 - •" .ISSiQnec ~ Table Covers, -0- WHEN YOU WANT A COOK STOVE, DINING Rf )OM COOK, PARLOR COAL STOVE, FIR E-PL ACE HEATER, POR TABLE HEATER, BRICK SET HEATER, NINE PLATE STOVE THENERY BEST AND LATEST IMPROVED of all kinds, we have on our fluor and war ranted to give satisfaction. We have also Tinware, 'Hardware, Brassware, Japanned Ware, Tubs. Buckets, • Knives and Ladles, tin, brass and copper, Extra Iron Pots for cook stoves, Tin•lined Iron Pots, PORCELAIN KETTLES, ARG_EIRON_KETTLES AND BRASS KETTLES. We have also for sale CRONE'S PAT. STEAM COOKING APPARATUS, MILLER & IRON'S PAT. FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH ER, PLTTNAN'S PAT. CLOTHES Wit:INGER, TAYLOR & CO'S. CUCUMBER WOOD PUMP. WrSpecial attention is given to the man ufacture of our Tinware, House and Barn Spouting and Tin Roofing, always securing the best material in the market, and always warrant to give satisfaction. Thankful for past favors from the Public, we hope for a continuance of the same by dealing justly with all. D. B RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the Big fit d Horn. npr 23—tf N OTICE TO TA X-PA YEW; OF FRANK LIN COUN I'Y. An Abatement of 5 per cent. The Taxpayers of Franklin county will please take notice that I will meet them at the following times and places, for the pur pose of receiying the STATE and COUN TY TAXES for the year 1874 : An abatement of 5 per cent. will be mode on Bair' taxes if paid at the places below stated, or at the Treasurer's Office, on or be fore the 19th of June, 1874. Monday. the 11th day of May, at the house of Wm. Crome, in Funkstown, for part of Quincy township. Tuesday, 12th, at the house of Gideon Burger, in Quincy, for part of Quincy twp, Wednesday and Thursday, 13th and 14th at the house of Michael Minter, in Way nesboro', for the borough and Washington township., Friday and Saturday, Isth and 16th, at the Adams House, in Greencastle, for the borough and Antrim township. N. B.—All persons who have been class ed in the Mercantile Appraisement for '74, will please lift their licenses on the days I visit their respective places. All licen ses not lifted at such time will be immedi ately placed in the hands of the proper of ficers for collection, as the law allows no delay or excuse to delinquents. H. M. WHIT L' Treasurer. ap 16-5 w B UT C LI E It I NG. r' HE subscriber will commence the hutch. ering business in Waynesboro', at the Coon Cellar, April 3d. Persons wanting choice beef and veal can be supplied with the best the market affords. He will have a supply regularly on hand every Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, and Fri day eveninp and Saturday morning and ev ening. He has imployed an experienced butcher, Henry I)iekle, and, by strict atten tion to business expects to have a share of public patronage. This will be the place to get choice cuts. •Don't forget Coon's cel lar. JOHN A. BARR mar26-tf •Lsr THE undersigned desires to inform th c public that he is prepared to furnish WAIXIIT AND ASH STAIR R.A.ILIZTG- BALUSTERS AND . of any style desired. Also furnish PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS for Buildings, Estimates of qnantities of Material and Prices. Send for price list.— Terms reasonable. GEO. F. 111) Y , ' june4 tf Waynesboro', Pa. RIESH UNE I rj`llE. subscribers take this method of in- I forming their custo:ners and the public generally that they will have fresh wood harm.t lime at their .kilns on and after the 27th inst., for finishing, whitewashing, plas tering, &c., which will be kept during the season and sold at reasonable prices. -Kilns three miles east of Waynesboro!. mar 26-3 m HESS & PRO. TO TITLE FAREILERN. WARMERS before making choice of Rea pars are advised to call anolematnine the Buckeye Table-rake Reaper, for which the undersigned is agent in Waehington and Quincy townships. .111)r 211tf U. STONER. e e Ds UNE MU SUM JUSTopened at the Town Hall Store a full line of all the late styles of - for Men and Boys, SHOES AND GAITERS. BOOTS AND GAITERS, LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK BOWS NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. lie'Tire public are respectfully milted to call and examine my stock befork r- .or : Znives, Spobns, lasj_ng_e • • , • • age r_llll---b made for showing goods. Your Respectfully, apr 1.6-tf M. H. JACOBS, WAYNESBORO' mer.U'rlT Ij itREINSURIANCE-GUMRANT- t WA YNES.FrORO', PA., On all safe class property at reasonable rate Assets liable for losses, March 2, 1874, 5101,831,29. Policies issued on cash or mutual plan, a gainst loss or damage by fire or lightning. Samuel Frantz, Simon Lecron, Dr. A. H. Strickler, Jacob Hoover, Jos. Douglas, B. F. Winger, Jacob J. Miller, Jos. W. Miller, D. R. Miller, F. B. Snicely. Geo. J. Baitsley, Samuel Hoeflicb M. P. CROSBY, Agent feb 26,'74] CORN FOR SALE. CORN ciin now be had of the bubscribel Uwholeside or retail, at 75 cents per barn He has also Oats for sale. ALEX. HAMILTON. I have the agency for Felling Dr. Benj. Bates' celebrated BALTIMORE. TONIC BEER, recommended by all practical Phy sicians. Call and try it. Price 20 Cents per Bottle ir 5 cents per g!ass. ap 16—tf] H. HENN i2.BERGER. TAILORING. THE subscriber announces to his old cus tomers and the public that lie has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. His place of business is on Loi tersburg street, nearly opposite Del.'s Pot tery. JOS. ANDERKIN. may 1-tf HOME 'LIFE IN THE BIBLE. By the author of "Mom SCENES IN Trig BI BLE" and "OUR FATHER'S HOUSE" of which nearly 200,000 have been sold. "HOME LIFE" is commended by ministers of all churches as "the autho"s hest book," "full of pre cious thoughts,' "Trutllis precious as gems," "a choice book for every family," &c. Steel engravings, rose tinted paper, rich binding and for rapid sale unequalled. Agents young Men, Ladieq, Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every county; $75 to $lOO per mouth. Send for circular. • ZEIGLER. & M'CUEDY, 518 Arch Street, mar 12-4 m Philadelphia. Pa.' Buteheriug 1 Butchering ! HE undersigned will commence the butchering business at Five Forks, in the cellar in Brown's Store building, on the llth of June next. Every Thursday after noon thereafter during the season the citi zans and the public generally will be serv ed with a prime article of Beef. may2l et W. H. GSELL. . Administrator" s notice." OTICE is hereby that the undersigned I has been appointed Administrator of Susan F. Fahrney,late of Waynesboro', Pa., deed. All persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment and those bay ing claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. NEWEL POSTS may2l 6t JOSIAH FAHRNEY, Aclm'r. IVOTICE is hereby given that the firm J.. 1 consisting of Geo. M. D. Bell. A loran der Bishop and George F. Lidy was dissolv ed by mutual consent on the sth inst. may 7- tf LIDY, BELL & CO. VETERINARY SURGEON. DR. 'HENRY BOWLS (formerly of Vir ginia) announces to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally that be Is prepared to treat the different diseas es to which horses are subject, including lock-jaw. Thorough study and many years practice are the best recommendations he can offer. Persons requiring his services will find him at }lintel's Hotel. may2l tf FOR SALE. A S ., excillent Compass and Chain, 'with "lather necef!sary tixturen. Apply to rimy; tt- • A. NI ON N. AT 'EKE ..,.....•.0*.f..• MX AL ri" a full line of Men Men's Custom Mado (HEISER'S MAKE.) A large lot of Ladies, Misses and Children's Button & Lace Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers of all kinds, a full and complete stock of INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY Ni I Xt. 3Ell OFFICERS : SIMON LECRON, President. JACOB HOOVER, Vice President. Jos. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY. Jos. W. Mixt% Treasurer. DIRECTORg. dec-25. TO THE PUBLIC, DISSOLUTION. fosituA - F Der . tanrcifi n n ee g d oo uti t t o . uj , wel ,Endorsed by Governors ot'• lowa Arkansas and Dakota. Catalogue free. W. Giles, St. Louis, Mo. "EDEOGRA.HY" - A - new - lbook - on the art - of writing by sound; a complete system of phonetic short-band,the bhortest,most sim ple,',asy, and comprehenbive,enabling any one in a short time to report se.mons,trials and speeches. The Lord's Prayer is writen with 49 strokes of the pen, and 140 words per minute. The unemployed should learn_ this art, Price by mail 60 cents. Agents wanted, Address, T. W. Evans & Co., 136 S. 7th St., Phila., Pa. THE UNIVERSAL MEDICINE FOR THE HOLISEHOLb. Try it. Price per bottle, 25 cents. For sale by all druggists. R. Hoyt, Pro prietor, New York. and Bay's heavy LIVINGSTONE IS DEAD. For 30 years millions have intently watched his perilous yet heroic struggles, and grand achievments, and now eagerly desire the complete Ii e-History of this woi Id-renown hero and uetiefactor, which unfolds the cu riosit'.es and wealth of a wild and wonder ful country. It is jut ready. 2000 agents wanted quickly. One agent soldlB4, anoth er 190 in one week. For particulars,address Hubbard Bros., either Phila., Boston, or Cincinnati, Ohio. The Highest Medical Authority of Europe say the strongest Tonic Purifier and Deob struent known to the medical world is JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion -of—the - nervous - system, restores vigor to t debilitated, cleansesvitiated blood removes vericle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. Y. adr7-4w by Mrs, T B. IL STENHOUSE, for 25 yrs. wife of a Mormon High Priest. With an introduction by Harriet Beeches Stowe.— Two years ago the author wrote a pamphlet on Polygamy which excited the Mormon newspapers to sneeringly invite herto write a book and "Tell it All.° Eminent men and women urged her to accept the challenge, an d-mTelli only book on this subject ever written by a real-Mormon - woman. 625 pages, supe - rblY illustrated and bound. It outsells all oth er books three to one. It takes like•wild fire. 100,000 will be rold. Agents, now is your opportunity. Our descriptive pamph let. terms. &L•c. sent free. Address, A. D. Worthington d: Co., Hartford, Ct. junlB 4w Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, Use WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only in Blue Boxes. A tried and sure remedy. Sold by all drug gists. 4w 27ns sewing machine Ores the best suusiutmon to the user, is paid for most readily and'is the best of all to sell. if there is no "Domestic" A gent in your town, apply to Domestic B.llt. Co., N. Y. Ladies send for elegant Fashion book. 20 PIANOS AND ORGANS New and second-hand,of 'first-Class makers, will be sold at lower prices for cash, or on installments, or for rent, in city or country during this month, by Ho*ace Waters Son,No. 481 Broadway, than ever before of fered in New York. Specialty: Pianos and Organs to let until the rent money pays the price of the instrument. Illustrated cata logues mailed.A large discount to ministers, churches, schools; lodges, etc. junelB4w TREES & FLOWERS ! ir WOULD respectfully inform my old IL friends and the public generally that I propose to canvass Franklin county (luring the summer soliciting orders for trees, FRUIT, SHADE & ORNAMENTAL I represent the firm of ATWOOD, ROOT & CO., Geneva, N. Y„ who are able to sup ply all the very rare and there is nothing in the market possessing merit, but what we can supply. Especial attention to Fium and Pear stock is invit ed. Flowers stocks and Bulbs in great va riety, and all of the new kinds not obtain able elsewhere. A. D. GORDON. mayl4 tf PERSONS in want of vehicles of any de scription, new or second-handed; can be supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subserib: er cordially invites those desiring anything in' his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably wit that of any other establishment in the coun ty. REPAIRING of all kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in the april 10-tf BACK AGAIN. 'TEE subscriber informs the public that 'T he has again taken np his residence in Waynesboro' and leased the Basement of the Walker building in which to carry on the boot and shoe making business. He will also give prompt attention to all kinds of rcpairme. A share of the public's pa tronage is respectfully 4micited. apr9-tf THOS. BRING3I9.N. MASH MARKET. rrITE subscriber informs his customers I and the public that be continues the butchering business at the old stand. in the teller on the South-east corner of the Dia mond, Waynesboro', Pa. Prime beef, veal and lamb always on hand.• A. special sup ply will always be provided for Saturday evening. Bologna sausage to be had at all times. Thankful to the public for past en. couragement he hopes to merit a continu ation of their patronage. apr3o tf C. STOUFFER. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. XOTICE is hereby given that the under signed have been appointed Assignees of "The Waynesboro' Manufacturing Com pany," of Waynesboro', Pi., under a deed of voluntary assignment. All persons in debted to said Company are requested to make immediate payment and all those having claims present them for settlementimmediately. .1. J. MILLER. J. W. MILLET?, may2l fit Assignees. Clb EINE, OATS AN D RYE. 'HE subscriber will meet persons every Saturday at Storer ct Wolin Store in Waynesboro for the purchase of grain, I whore they are requested tb bring samplo4. Pay CASH on deliNvrr nrkty; tf .C 1 b NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DAUCHY & CO'B. COLUMN. CAMPHORINE "TELL IT AL L " Fpr , ifv(f4;;;,U ---.0-. CHOICE STOCK OF. TREES; COACIIIMAKING: JACOB ADAMS. 1874. CHEAPER THAN E ii: ziiii 11 - AVE just received our 16T13t - Einiplir -of I.lBpring aid SummeeGoods, to which we call the attention of our customers and We have' full stock of the following: G,rocenes, Queensware, Carpets, 1)IL BLINDS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Cassimers, Lawns, Tickings, Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds. IGive us a call before going elsewhere and we will convince you we are selling as cheap us the cheapest• AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO apr 9-tf 1874. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES UT; CAVS ANII MMUS I JACOB SNIDER announces to his custo mers and the public that he has return ed from the East and opened out an unusu ally large stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, AND NOTIONS, for the spring and summer trade, at Oetlig Building, corner Public Square, Waynesbo ro', Pa. LADIES' ROOM. Tie has opened an additional room in the same building exclusively for the ladies.— To this department of the business particu lar attention will be given. His stock con sists of ' MEN' S' BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND CHILDRENS WEAR OF ALL KINDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD-AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR THE CASH. Also manufacturing done to order, and all work from his establishment will be guaranteed. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. apr 16—tf SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS KATE STICKLE A NNOUNCES to her lady•enstomers that 11. she has just returned from the East with A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER MIUNERY GOODS, Bonnets, Hats, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Laces, Ribbons and Flowers, Braids, 11:c. always on hand. ta - Thankful for past patronage she so licits a continuance of the sane, feeling confident that her goods and prices will g:ve satisfaction. mayl4 tf SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING. ME subscriber informs the public thnt he has changed his quarters, and can now be found in the room formerly occupi ed by William Blair as a printug (ace, on the second-floor, where ho will con- tinne the' Saddle and Harness making business. Be is prepared to do all work in his line with dispatch and at reasonable prices. lie flatters himself that his long experience itt th , • business will i3na')le „him give general satidactioa. IGEO. .01.0THS. A large lot of Floor Oil 74.„F :1141am - soli oicearit r.'2s itscfs,rr zirEpicTcol 1874. Consulting Office,No: 32 West King SE ; a few doors from the Court House. Observe the sign on the side of the door. _Otlic'e hours from 10 A. M. to 12 sr., and from 21. to 4 r. sr., and 6 to 8 in evening. The Doctor's long and successful practice at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five year 4 at Martinsburg, W. Va. and nearly four years at the bedside in the different 'Hospit als of the large cities enables him to give f ilLsatisfaltion-to-the-afflictecl; without • the use of that deadly poison Mercury, anaoth 'er powerful Minerals that annually send thousands to a premature grave. . All Nervous I wiseases speedily cured. Le the weak and nervous bear in mind the when they have symptoms indicating ma ny other diseases, origipates principally from the nerves. ' SEMINAL WtAKNESS. This dreadful scourge of suffering human ity, brought on from unnatural habits o youth, or learned from evil companions at, school or while alone. Both sexes, old and young, are guilty of it, and ids hastening thousands to that bourne from 'whence no trat eler returns. For all such Dr. Jones has discovered a never-failing treatment that will soon bring about new life -and ful ly restore enfeebled manhood. the public generally ThiS disease strikes with terror to the boldest heart, where it is soon discovered in the reef of the mouth and throat, with • discoloring blotches over the head andbo dy, fast betraying the unhappy victim,death ending the suffering. Make an early application, and be cured without any change of diet or hindrance from business or detection of friends. GRAV.ELPV•RF Witlicifft - thiFs dangerous medium of an oper ation. -FEMALE COMPLAINTS • of every form speedily cured. Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder ,and_allicinds-of-Chronic-DiseaseEr,--n-o-rtia— ter how long standing, speedily restored. Dr Jones can-be consulted v-letter--de- _ scribing symptoms, age,and how long stand ing. All letters strictly confidential. The completion of the Cumberland Vat. ley „Railroad to Martinsburg Will retake it convenient for patients from Maryland and Pennsylvania to call and consult .with the Doctor. Dr. Jones will not visit patients. except hitn family - practice at Martins burg is sufficient evidence of his success.— All letters must be addressed to D. W. JONES, M.D., Martinsburg, W. Va. 'Hardware, Oil Cloths, Clot s NEW bTOCK. Xentucky Jeans, BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIAIITY ! GOODS .UNSURPASSED IN QUAII*- MILLER BROS., P.O. Building, Waynes boro', Pa., would respectfully call the attention of Lee pnblic to the flue stock of 1.87 4. BOOTS, of all the carious styles for men and boys ladies, misses and children, which they scl at prices that-cannot fail to give satisfaction. They also have on hand a lot of Boots and Shoes of their own manufacture in which they offer • EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. Boots and Shoes made to order from FIRST-CLASS MATERIAL and warranted to give satisfaction. Repair ing neatly done. ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. . apr 23tf mum, HOP 1 'HE subscriber informs the puplic tha 7 he has several paterns of :Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wag= Boxes, equal to the English Box; Motz and Self-sharp ,euer Mold Boat ds, Lau sides, Shears, Cut ters A: Points, Feed Cutters and Grinders, 5 ‘itiffcaent sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat irons, :Dutch Ovens and Lye Rlate ; also Separator Castings of different •hinds, Horse Powers and Lie%ial BORING & WOOD SWING MACHINE, the shop prices for Which are, 550.00 with out saw, $65.00 with saw. AVM saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws Shingles. One man can bore from 250 to SOO posts per day. Can he run with water. steam or horse power. Two differentkinds of Sausage Cutters anti Staffers. Cefa'All repairing done in. he best wank. ner and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for past favors and he for a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, JOHN L. METCALP, Quihey. Pa. BOOT 110 MOWN ON and after the first of April next onr customers will find us in the room now occupied by Wm. Blair as a Printing Office, where we intend , carrying on the Boot and Shoe business as usal. From our experi ence in the business in selecting the nest stock and workman we hope M merit a lib eral share of patronage. It will be our eon. Ault aim to make a neat and artibtie filing boot. We mato the bust work in town at prices ranging from SS and upwards, accor ding to price of material. Wearepermenv tinily located hero. We have a few customers that we bate asked often for their bills, and if they do not appear anon we intend putting ,their names in the paper, so they may uuteatch others. farThankfril for past favors we ask a continuance of the same. mar 5-ff J. TOED d SOS. NPr yen that the co-Tor?- uktf t ljA 4 etefore existing betwekeit Detri*:a.. :•ko-in the xnerehantile busi- It est( ;nt Ili' wile dissolved by intitual. consent on the Ist doy of Juno, '7i. ihe bt*Thht , ls,Nrill be- tintinned by the - ' l4 ' 2 . 11. nr:Mi , , jpnel "Jt DR. IL w, JONES. PaYstatita ANS SUBSIONts UA.RTINSBURG, W. VA -- n ---- SYPHILIS. may2l ly PRICES LOW 1 -0-- ~ IO ES & GAITERS .11VC0Xt. CIALO.IEIC QUINCY FOUNDRY •Ja r eke ; else the 3IETCA 1 F EXCELSIOR POST mnr s—is ....--0- REMOVAL 1 .......o. .DISSOLUTION.