The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, June 04, 1874, Image 2

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    Malintaborot tialagt guard.
Thtirtdi - 34
ti Ileimbold, wife of the tioeter
of Buchtt fame in this country, has enter
ed a consent in Paris.
The House having agreed to the
Senate resolution, Congress will adjourn
on the 2241 of June:.
vim. The ship. British Admiral has
been wrecked err the South Pacific, and
seventy-three lives lose.
.11FA-The local pollee of Carlisle . arrest
ed one Bob Lane the other day tor svear
log, and he was fined
ierTire'te is a fiew Winery #if Bostow i
under the guidance of charitable folks,
where working women may leave their ha.;
Dies during the days
derThe bfll for the fidtnissiott of New
Mexlcb a 8 # Stan in the tition-lins pass
ed the Home of iteplosentatives 1)y a vote
of 104 to 54,
• Isiefite ket: H. a C. Daskerville,
pastor df the Presbyterian church at Lau
rel, Prince George's county, Md., has been
suspended froin the ministry for whip
ping his wife.
/14ErMr. George W. Barnes caught
three thousand herrirlat one haul on the
North East riiret i about two miles below
Charlestown, Cecil county, Md., on Mon
day of last week.
tar The decrease of Ate public debt
during the past month was nearly four
and a-half millions of dollars, the largest
reduction that bas been effected in any
one Month:since September lasts
lits. The Southern Methodist General
Conference has voted to sustain the ac
tion of the Balta. Catiferenee in expell
ing Dr. Huston from the church for gross
services in rout a saloon at Hillsboro',
Ohio, on the 21st inst., were arrested, and
two of the most prominent ladies fined
$25 each, and a gentleman who accom
panied them $5O, and costs. The fines were
paid under protest.
Mir The Genefal Cofiference of the M.
E. Church south has resolved that "any
person making, buying, selling, or using
as a beverage intoxicating liquor, shall
be, upon conviction, debarred from mem,
bership of the church.
seir•Smokers, chewers and snuirer§ may
take timely warning. In closing an ad
dress in New York the other day, Dio
Lewis declared that "when this war a
gainst whisky is over, .we shall go for to
Stir The Forrest case is settled. The
Widow gets $95,000, and the balance of
the estate is estimated at $1,000,000, with
lvhich it is supposed the directions left by
Lim for the.building of an actor's home,
will be carried out.
Itta.Georgia convicts have built the
greater portion of the railroads construe•
ted in the State during the past three or
four years. It is said that no more es
cape under the hiring out system than us
ed to get niter the walls ofthe penitentiary.
besides the profit to the State, the shame
of working in public acts as a wholesome
restraintupon crime.
There is a gentleman living on the
Southwestern Railroad near Columbus,
Ga., who has thirteen daughters. He buys
clothing for them by the wholesale. Thus,
when last in the Columbus he bougut 316
yards of calico, 100 of lawn i l3 corsets, 26
pairs of shoee,:ahtl_uther goods in propor
l lie gat has pile forth and the:law
has passed in New Talc that henceforth
all uninutiled dogs found in the streets
will suffet capital punishment at the hands
of the authorities, and not 'all the tears of
the Society for the Preventiou of Cruelty
to Animals Will save them.
John Edgar Thomson, President
Of the Pennsylvania Rai:road Company,
Who had been suffering for some time from
a complication of diseases and been for
three weeks confined to his bed, died at his
residence in Philadelphia, between 12 and
1 o'clock Thursday morning. He was born
in Delaware County, Pa., in 1808, and had
consequently reached his sixty-sixth year
at the time of his death.
ilkir Ile Chicago Tim publishes sev
eral columns of crop reports from various
points throughout the States of Illinois,
lowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri,
Minnesota and Kansas, fro m which it
appears that the average acreage of
Wheat rows is much in etcesa of last
year. and that the yield promises io lip
quite' up to the average; and itt
oats and barley fully up to the average.
The average amount of land has been
seeded, and crops will be large., Fruits
of ail kinds never looked better. In
several counties in lowa, Kansas and
Miuncs.ota grasshoppers and chinch bugs
have made their appearance.
SerA brutal man in Orange county,
Ind., recently sent one of his children for
water, and because the child did not move
fast enough to please him struck it on the
head with a piece of wood, killing it in
stantly. He afterwards fled, tend at last
account* had nut been captured.
. Some person has been kind enough
to disco7; , er and publish the secret of the
ttto-score millionaire, A. T. Scewart's
success. System ; says the Ciduirrbus, in
the realm of wealth is the key of all.
Therefore it behooves alf of 'our young
men desirous of amassing large fortunes
to be systematic. There is not money
enough on earth, and it is fair to assume
never will be, to permit all men to be
come the very fortunate possessors of
millions. Yet, a fixed mettod of doing
things, no matter how trivial—an inflex
ible and well contrived system—is a high
and broad stepping stone to success Its
every calling. Illerchane; banker, man
uficturer, author ; lawyer, all base need
of practicing a fixed and unalterable
system. It may not- al wayS bring mil
lions; invariably, however, it will add
to the success of every business and the
effiefency of the practicers of all the pro
fessions. Your unsystematic man is by
the practical, every-day world called
shiftless; his mortgages are foreclosed,his
notes protested, and his' children do not
rise up and call him blessed.
A great mistake, however, is often
made, in holding out the ides that get
ting money is a prime object of life.—
The truth is it would ript do for all to be
rich. Were this the case, that depend.
ence on one another, so indispensable to
progress and the improvement of our
globe, would arm, and very little could
be done towards outworking great, desir
able ends; neither could there be any
contrast between riches and poverty, nor
opportunities to demonstrate the beauties
of charity and benevolence. Let those,
therefore, who cannot amass fortunes
strive to be honest and comfortable as
e 4,1874.
- 110 4 Gov, Dix. has ended the trouble
in New York by. the appointment of
Abraham Lansing, to be State Treasurer.
For the past month the Treasury of the
State has 'been virtually closed to . the
most important business on account of
the_Treasur -- T' - wittez.,being_in the_
Insane Asylum. The defalcation of
Phelps, amounting to more than a quar
ter of a nuillion of dollars, preyed upon
him to such an extent as to unsettle his
mind awl render him unfit for duty.—
But there was no provision in the law
for meeting any such emergency, and the
Governor could find no authority for any
action in the hiaiter. Chechs rind drafts
for money .necessary to carry on the busi
ness of the Government were worthless
without the signature of the Treasurer,
and he was incapable of attending to
duty. The Governor has managed to
surinothit the diffieulty,by- regarding Mr.
Raines as "incapacitated' and appoipt
ing a successor in tempi
After all the arrests that have
been made of persons supposed to belong
to the Bender family, who committed so
many murders in Kansas, all of that
family are still at large. The poison ar
rested in Utah recently. as the elder
Bender, and who, it was reported, had
been satisfactorily identified, proves to
he a demented old man or the name of
Koch. The county attorney for Labette
county, Kansas, publishes a description
of the senior Bender, in which the crimi
nal is described as a man having an in
telligent coUtitenance and resembling in
no Wise the vagrants so frequently taken
for .members of the Bender family. He
adds that all of the Benders,notwithstan
ding their fiendish nature, appear agree!
able and pleasant in their nutnners, and,
as they are supplied with money,it is not
likely that they will be found acting the
part of fools or vagrants.
itirrranklin J. Moses, governor of
South Carolina, who was recently indict
ed for grand larceny by one of the Coun
ty Courts of the State, did not . put in an
appearance when his case was called for
trial on Saturday. The solicitor of the
State asked for a Bench warrant, but this
the Court refused. The counsel for the
Governor moved for a dismissal of the
proceedings on the ground that the Gov
ernor of a State cannot be indicted or tri
ed for any crime unless first impeached.
To the non-professional mind this seems
like a very absurd proposition, but the
Judge to whom it was tiddtessed thought
it of sufficient importance to justify him
in postponing the ease till October in or
der to give him time to make up his judg
ment. By that time Governor Moses'
term will have expired.
tiffir Miss Ellen Wreushall Grant, (laugh;
ter of President Grant, was married to
Mr. Algeron Charles Frederick Fartoris,
of Litchfield, Agland, on Thursday a
week, in the East room of the White
House, by Dr. Tiffaity of the Metropolitan
M. E. Church. Some two hundred invit
ed guests were present, and numerous
gifts were bestowed as bridal presents, ag
gregating in value, it is said, $60,000.
The newly wedded pair sailed for Eng
land, The young couple are just in the
hey-day of life, Mr. Salmis being twen
ty three years of age and his bride eigh
teen, , Mr. Sartoris is the only son di Ed
ward Sartori; of Hampshire, England,
and is himself the owner of large landed
estates in this country, He and Miss
Grant met for the first time on the steam
ship Russia on the latter's return from
her Eurorean tour eighteen months age.
am.Flcin. A. K. Syester, Attorney Gen
eral of Maryland, is spoken of as a ,cartdi
d ate for Congress in his district.
Of a/ geJUSi
Strawberries at Reid's.
Our public schools will close next
Favorable accounts of the fruit
prospects come from all quarters.
Retri—On Saturday last, at 2, P. M.,
the mercury in the shade indicated 94°.
More rain as we put our forms to
press, Wednesday noon.
'Persons who think 25 cts. per quart
too much for strawberries, can get them
in California for Ikeents.
In Some say when fruit trees bloom
as they did this year in the dark of the
moon, fruit will be p'enty.
itet.Until the 21st of •June the days
will continue to lengthen one and a.quar
ter minutes every 24 hours.
CHURCH Nortcn.—Rev. Sherts will
preach in the Lutheran church at Quin.
cy, on Sunday nest, June 7th, at 10 A-
Sir We call special attention to the
advertisement of Geo. F. Lilly, who fur
nishes planet anii specifications for build-
ings, etc.
l'The Republican meeting to select
delegates , to attend the County Conven
tion on Tuesday will be held in this place
on Saturday afternoon next.
ria.. Messrs. Frick & Co. are now en
gaged' at putting new flues in a steam
fire engine for one of the fire companies
in Hagerstown. The flues were burilt,
out, •
tra. The old, and said to be never
failing sign of a good corn crop, a shower
of locust blossoms, have made their ap
pearance. We aro not advised as to
what the effect has been upon the price
of the article still in market.
n- istrictscon ming a newspap 1
one or more publications therein by School
Directors of the annual statements will
render publication by bandbillit of the fi
nancial statement unnecessary ; but in all
other cases they are indispensable, So
says the Repository.
DECEASED.-Mr. George Bell, a well
known and highly esteemed citizen of
Washington county, Md., father Of Jason
Bell of this place, expired at his residence
near Leitersburg, on Wednesday of last
week, in about the 61st year of his age.—
His disease was of the bowels or stomach
and his illness a protracted and more than
ordinal ilv severe one.
SCALDVIL—On Wednesday of last week
a child of Mr, Henry HoweiOr of this
place, in the absence of its mother, fell
into a tub of hot water, so seriously scald:
ing itself as to leave faint hopes of its re
covery. Its condition at last accounts was
not much improved. The little sufferer
is only about two years old. ' Another war
ning to careless mothers.
10,. The great curse that hangs over
every small community is scandal, and
a disposition among some few, to pick up
merest trifles of gossip,and magnify them
into hideous deformities. Some people
have the peculiar faculty of making
themselves intolerable by excessive
dulgenee in this business, and sometimes
so well succeed in injuring the reputation
of others, that even they themselves must
recoil with horror at the reflecti.m. Be
sure that you are not and of them. '
SNAKM—These reptiles have thus
early made their appearance according
to some of out' exchanges. Except D.
W. Mickley, of Adams county, who re
ports the capture of several huge black
snakes on his farm, nothing very marvel
ous in this line has yet been brought to
our notice. As the season advances the
customary "narratives" will no doubt
make their appearance.
FESTIVAL.—The ladies of Trinity Re
formed church of Waynesboro' will hold
a Strawberry and Ice Cream Festival, in
Beaver's Hall, formerly occupied as the
New York Store,commencing next Thurs
day evening, June 11th, and continuing
several evenings. Refreshments of all
kinds will be served in the best style and
fruits will be furnished in abundance.—
Let there be a good turn out.
of more than ordinary violenee passed o
tter this part of the county on Sunday•ev
euitig last. A few miles Southwest of town
hail fell in large quantities, many of the
stones says our informant being as large
as of d:uary hen eggs. We regret to learn
that Mr. Jacob J. Miller sustained a loss
approximating $lOOO. About thirty a
cres of .wheat are said to have been de
stroyed tot hihr, twelve or fourteen of his
finest apple tress were blown down, fenc
ing prostrated ; etc. The crops of David R.
Miller ; Lewis Lecron, Simon Lecron, Geo.
Sheller (tenant on the Jacobs' farm) were
also Very seriously damaged. There are
doubtless other farmers in that section who
were equally Unfortunate. Forrest trees
were -also uprooted, avindow lights broken,
etc. A stable at Shady Grove was cap
sized during the same storm.
A second storm passed over our town
about 9 o'clock, the same evening,drench
ing the earth r itir water, but inflicting no
Order of Good Templars was reorganized
on Monday evening, May 18th, after a
lecture delivered by Rev. Calahan, L. L.
D, of Baltimor tate Lecturer employ
ed by the Grandiodge of I. 0. G. T.—
The Lodge elected officers immediately
who were installed by the Dr. before leav
ing for Baltimore.
The Colorado potio bug has commenc
ed his depredations in this vicinity. Ev
ery small lot is infested with them. It is
feared that the crop twill he a failure in
Rev. 1. w, Saute& Pastor of the Re
formed congregation of Cavetown, admin
istered the sacrament of the Lord's Sup
per to a large immber of communicants
on Whit. Sunday. Nine persons were ad
mitted to the church by confirmation.
On the 26th ult., in Smithsburg, at the
residence of Mr. Aaron Bachtel, by the
Rev. J. Richardson, Mr. Stocksdale
of Mechanicetown, Md., to Mrs. Kate
Crooks, of the former place.
freshing rains were just in the niche of
time to bring forward vegetatitm of all
kinds. The grass fields particularly, have
been much benetitted, and the indications
favor a bountiful supply of hay the com
ing season. They have also had the ef
fect to revive the growing corn which was
very backward and much of it not more
than through the ground,owing to the pre
vious unfavorable weather.'
Whilst some of the wheat fields present
a• most promising appearance, others look
the reverse. The latter are - generally con
„fined to the early sowing, and have of
course been damaged by the fly. For sev
eral years the quite early sowing has prov
ed a failure owing to the same cause.—
There was not,: however, as much early,
seeding last fall as the previous season,
and consequently a larger yield is promis
ed the coming harvest than that of last
PAVING.—There seems to be a spirit of
• rovementrin-this-pa-rt-of-our--tow
least, this Spring. A short time since
Dr. Hering relaid :his pavement, as did
also D. B. Russell, Esq. and now a new
brick pavement is being put down in
front of our office, Odd Fellows' building.
Our friends on the other side of the Dia
mond will have to look to their laurels,
or property holders on this • side will
eclipse them in this respect. There is
perhaps no town in the county where
there are more room for improvements of
this kind than in Waynesboro'. The
material is plenty and easy of access,and
the summer season the best for the work.
If the right kind of brick and selected
they make the most desirable pavement.
Their appearance is certainly more invi
ting than the clumsy flag stones some
times used for this purpose.,
REcErrrs.—The following is a list of
our subscription receipts foe May :
Mrs. Isabella Ott, - . $2,00
James H. Clayton, 2,00.
John A. Schaller, 2,00
Philip Beaver, 2,00
Michael Gonter, 2,00
David Gilbert, 2,00
D. R. Miller, (of Joe.) 2,40
John Neal, 2,00
D. M. Neal, 2,00
A. E. Price, 2,00
J: W. Barkdoll, 2,00
Samuel Mactrehead, 2,00
John H. Miller, 12,50
Joseph Elden, 2,00
Geo. Lackens, 2,00
Jacob Stouffer, sen. 5,00
Isaiah Sprenkle, 2,00
Martin Hoover, '2,00
Geo. Unger, 2,00
Miss A. R. Clingan i 2,00
Dr. Jacob Fahrney, /0,00
Samuel Speck, - 2'oo
- David Stoner, sen, 2,00
H. X. Stoner, 2,00
John Summers, jr. 2,00
'John W. Shank, 4,00
Mathias Nicholas, 13,00 --
Mrs. 11. W. Funk, 2,00
Jacob S. Royer, 5,00
Lew. W. Deitrich, 4,00
Robert McKean, 2,00
STOVE QUESTION.-Au exchange says
don't take them down at all unless it is
necessary to do an to clean them ; do nct
poke them into the storeroom or attic ; it
is trouble enough getting them up and
down the stairs, - without the loss of com
fort which a cheuuing fire gives on some
of the chilly, damp, misty days which we
often have. "How they look !" we heard,
a housewife say, when the subject was
sluiicett of. Wife, mother, don't be over
nice when your health and the health of
your family is concerned. When a per
son is compelled to live in a room where
there has been no fire for three or six
months, that person is breathing air that
certainly breeds ! disease. We have but
little more to say on this subject; but,
housekeepers,when you clean your house,
don't take down your stoves.
DAY.—The following bill was approved
by Governor Hartranft on Monday, and
it is therefore a law :
AN Aer making DPeoration Day a legal
SECTION 1. Be it. enacted, &a. That
the thirtieth day of May, commonly call
ed Decoration Day, or when that day
falls on the first of the week,the day pro
ceeding it shall be a holiday.
SEC. 2. It shalt be lawful to require
payments of all notes, checks and hills of
exchange, due and payable on such boll.
day, to be made on the secular day next
previous thereto, and in default of such
payment the same may be protested, and
such protest shall be as valid as if made
on the day on which such note, check or
bill became due by its own terms.
A BIG Haul,.—On Wednesday last,
Mr. Frederick Foreman, of the vicinity
of Greencastle, having disposed of a lot of,
cattle, in Philadelphia, left that place in
the Pennsylvania cars, on the morning of
that day, having in a side pocket the re
sult of his sale, $4005.00. Upon arriving
at Harrisburg be discovered that his wal
let containing the above sum was missing.
The car in which he was seated,was search
ed thoroughly, but without recovering the
lost money. He telegraphed his loss to
Philadelphia but as yet no information
has been received. He has no idea how
he was relieved of the pocket book—wheth
er he lost it or whether it waKao
Ile remembers having been in a crowd at
the depot in Philadelphia, and the proba
bility is that some light fingered 'gentle
man snatched it from his vest pocket,
which is very shallow, allowing the pock
et book to protrude. Mr. Foreman has
been in the cattle droving business for
twenty years, and this is the first time he
has lost money in this way.— Opinion.
ta,. Another proof—says the Mary
land Republican—that the bad blood en
gendered by the war against slavery and
secession is fast becoming sweet and
wholesome, with not the faintest vestige
of bitterness remaining, is afforded by
Knoxville, Tenn. inviting General Burn
side to come and make a speech. On
July 4th the ex-commander of the Army
of the. Potomac will mount the rostrum
in East Tennessee, and the journals of
that region promise him the attention of
an audience, the like of which, in point
of numbers, never have assembled in
the State. That General Burnside will
speak fittingly on the occasion, and make
the most of his opportunity_to_heaLthe_
wounds of the war, is reasonably certain.
Let him be °intensely patriotic, hut not
forget that the intensity of patriotism
now is the furtherance of the good work
of conciliation, begun by the late lament
ed Sumner, and continued by all true
lovers of our common country.
ttis.TfiePhrenological Journal for June
is an admirable number,, and closes the
58th volume of that standard monthly. It
conta ins Dr. !Dio: Lewis, with a fine por
trait; A Parable of the Kingdom, or a New
Rendering of the Book of Job; The Late
Jacob Knapp, Revivalist Preacher; John
and James, How They Kept Hcufie; Miss
Caroline S. Brooks, the Western Artist;
Bella French,'the Poet and Publisher; A
S unday:Evening in Water Street, or What
a Visitor Saw and Heard; Dudley W. Ad
ams, Master of the National Grange, with
Portrait, and and a sketch of the Grange
Movement; The Teetotal Muddletnent;Our
Opportunitei; Plant Life in Our Territor
ies; Emil Lowinstine, the Handsome Mur
derer, etc. Full of spice, of the healthful
sort. 30 cents a ,number. $3.00 a year.
$1.50 for a half a year. Address S. R.
Wells, 389 Broadway, New York.
The National Conference of Dunkards
a ssembled in Girard, 111., on Sunday last
a week. It is stated that 10,000 persons
were present. • An enormous tent was e
rected for their accommodation, capable
of holding 5000 persons, but it was found
to be too small, and various religious ser
vices were h eld under trees.
A dining hall was erected, capable of
seating nine hundred persons at one time.
The brethren invited all to partake with
cordiality, and over four thousand per
sons sat down to dinner.
us.On Saturday a week at the village
of Mainsville, this county, one Mooney; a
boy, struck another boy named Gilbert on
the head with a stone, during a quarrel
and injured him to such an extent that
he died on the following Thursday. Young
Mooney voluntarily gave himself up and
is now in the Chambersburg jail.
tlifi'The following is the first section of
the civil eights bill as passed by the Sen
ate on Saturday last :
Sec. 1. That all the citizens and oth
er persons within the jurisdiction of the
United States shall be entitled to the full
and equal enjoyment of the accommoda
tions, advantaged, facilities, and privileg
es of inns, public conveyances ou land or
water, theaters, and other places of pub
lic amusement; also of common schools
and public institutions of learning or be
nevolence, supported in whole or. in part
by general taxation ; and also institutions
known as Agricultural Colleges endowed
by the United States ; and of cemeteries
so supported, subject only to the condi
tions and limitations established by law,
and applicable alike to citizens of every
race and color, regardless of any previous
conditions of servitude.
tar Park, Chic'go, on the 21st ult., there
was a large auction sale of short-horned
cattle, the property of Wm. L. King, of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. In all there
were 58 cows and heifers and 21 bulls
sold, bringing an aggregate sum of $126,
990. One bull brought $14,000, and two
heifers sold for $ll,OOO.
On the following day there was anotb ,
er large sale of short-horned cattle, the
property of Gen. Meridith, at Cambridge,
Indiana, in which a bull was sold for
$17,410, and another for $11,505, while
several cows brought as much as $2,000
and wife, residing at a place called Allos
burg, N. J. were struck by lightning on
last Monday. The wife Martha Carlisle,
was instantly killed. The gentleman is
still unconscions,but it is thought he will
Tun, APPLE PaosPEur.—A writer ill
the Germantown Telegraph says: We
never saw the apple trees so covered with
blossoms as they are this season. Old trees
with scarcely any life in them are no ex
ception. Every tree in large orchards-are
frequently crowded with blossoms. If the
season, at least in this region, does not
give us plenty of apples, we shall wait in
vain for one that will. The•same prom
ise ofan abundance comes to us from near
ly all over the country, The same is the
case as to peaches, pears and cherries.
Itge-One Patterson, of Michigan, was
soldier during the late war, and was so
unfortunate as to get into Libby Prison,
and while there was beaten and bayonet
ed by one Major Cady, a rebel officer.—
The other day Patterson met Cady in
Monroe, Michigan, and reminding him of
the beating, told him the time had come
to square accounts, and immediately pro
ceeded to •do that very thing. He gave
Cady a terrible flogging, using no bayon
et, however, in the operation. And then
Patterson was arrested and fined $25, and
his friends paid the fine.
LIGHTNING TRAlNt—Forty-five miles
au hour and but two stops between Pitts
buig and Philadelphia! It is currently
reported that arrangements are being
perfected by which two trains on the
Pennsylvania railroad will make the
above speed. Troughs are to be erected at
proper intervals, so that the tanks will
be enabled to take water while flying
over the track at forty miles_an. hour.—
When these facilities shall have been in
troduced the three hundred and fifty-four
miles between Philadelphia, and Pitts
burg will be. gone over without stopping
at any pin - ,c - e - but Altoona - anil-Harris-.
burg. Water troughs are now being put
up at Leaman Place, below Lancaster.—
On the western division they have been
in use for several years. is stated that within the last two
weeks a species of black bug has appeared
in countless numbers in the peach orchards
near Denton, Caroline county, Md., and
has done serious damage in that locality.
In one hursery the grafted stocks of 93,-
000 trees were entirely killed. The insect
is even capable of destroying large trees as
it. thickly covers the leaves and prevents
vegetation. None of the ordinary means
of destroying insects seem to avail, as this
scourge is very tenacious of life, and a li
quid application that will kill the trees
does not affect them.
larThirty-five dollars and seventy cents
for a day's work in these hard times is
rather good pay, Yet that is just the a
mount a majority of the lute Legislature
voted each member of that body. ' They
were in session just one hundred and four
teen days, counting. weekly adjourments
and excluding the vacatien of two weeks
about the first of April. For the one hun
d red days they appropriated $lOOO, and
for the fourteen days $5OO, or $lO, and
$35,70 per day. How do you like it tax
payers? —Bucks sounty Miror.
. Bar Toothache proceeds from ague in
the Ace, operating upon the exposed
nerve of a decayed tooth. Rub the gum
thoroughly with the finger, wet with
Johneon'a Anodyne Liniment, heat the
face well, and lap a flannel wet with the
liniment on the face, also put a little of
the liniment into the cavity of the tooth
on cotton.
J air The system fre:quently gets out of
order and should be at once regulated,
else other troubles will ensue; when
physic is needed take Parson's Purgative
Pills ; they are a safe, wholesome, and
natural medicine.
ites—An important arbitration is going
on in Carlisle between RAM and Mc-
Tague, plaintiffs and Juba and P. A. Ahl.
defendants. The plantiffs, claim for mon
ey alleged to be due them on their con
tract for the construction of the Harris
burg and Potomac railroad.
FRESH PINE APPLES—Very fine, just
received by W. A. Reid. june4
—Strawberries the first of the season.
Sold by W. A. Reid. june4
—A splendid assortment of Parasols
and Sun Umbrellas, just received at Price
& lineflich's. june4 It
—Onr new stock is open for inspection
and we extend an invii ation to the trade to
visit us. PRICE & HOEFLICII.
june4 It
. ANOTHER ARRIVAL.—Messrs. Stover
& Wolff are in receipt of another supply
of Cloths and Cassimeres, beautiful styles,
for the summer trade, as well as other
goods in their line of business. Call and
see. june4
VEGETABLES.—A full line of vegeta
bles; Cabbage, Beans, Peas,Radishes,Straw
berries, &c. at M. Geiser's Sum. may2B3t
—A. splendid assortment of French
Worsted's and English Cassimere Suitings,
at Price & Hoetlich's. may2l 3t
—Vietoiia Lawns, Piques, Swiss Grass
Cloths, Percales and all kinds of Summer
Dress Goods in great variety at Price Sz ;
II oefli cli's
—The "Gentleman in Black," who is
the tutelar demou of dram-shops, assumes
his sourest aspect when the rapid progress
of Vinegar Bitters is reported 'down below.'
The People's Vegetable Tonic is playing the
mischief with his bitters fired with rum.—
All diseases which those demoniac nos
trums aggravate, under pretense of reliev
ing, such as indigestion; sick-headache,
constipation, rheumatism, gout and inter
inherit fevers are cured by ir. may2t 4t
On. the 29th ult.; near Germantown, Mr,
GEORGE CONMAD RUTHS, aged 82 years,
4 months 29 days. ■
In Chumbersburg, on the 31st ult., Mr.
P. W. SEIBERT, aged' 64 years,. 8 months.
and 29 days. is
In Greencastle, on 'the 23d ult., Mr. DA
VID SIIILLITO, aged 27 years, llmonth.
and 23 days.
In Antrim township, on the 20th''ult.,.
Mrs.' ELIZA GARMAN, aged 73 years, 2'
months and 8 days.
Jn this place, on the 20th tilt., JOHN LES- •
TER, infant son of James P. and Alice S.
W olff, aged 1 year, 11 months and 9 days.
At the residence of his mother, near Mt,.
Hope, in this copnty, on the 17th ult., Mr.
DAVID SLIcGER, in the 32d year of his
BUT' ER ..... -
APPLES-am m.
BALTIMORE, June 1, 1874.
FLOUR.—Howard;street Super at $ 4 . 50 0
6.25; do, Common to Fair Extra at 5.50056;
do. Good ,to Choice do, at $6.25e6.50; do.
Family at $6,7568.25.
WHEAT.—Choice Maryland amber at
16.1@165 cents; do. prime do. red at 15766
160 cents; do. good to prime do, white at
1500160 cents.
CORN.—Prime white at 90 ,t cents; do.
yellow at 76 cents.
'OATS.—Mixed Western at 63 cents, and
do. Southern in lots at 68072.
• RYE.—Sales of 100 bushels at 103 cents.
Cattle moderately active ; prices firma: ;
$7.5007.75 for extra State and 'Western
steers; $6.2567 for fair to good ; Sse6_for—
common, Sheep in fair demand; sales at
$5e6.17.5. Live hogs in fair demand ;Lsales
at $8.75@9.
THE runlersigned_ I in orm- i
- piiblie that he is prepared to furnish
Also furnish
for buildings, Estimates of quantities; or
Material and Prices. Send for price
Terms reason able. C.N.O. F. TIDY,
jnne4 tf_ Waynesboro', Pa.
CI UR second Supply of SUMMER GOODT•
I. /offers Irs re inducements •to purchasers,
both in quality and prices.
French Muslims,
Victoria and .
Organda Lawns.
Poplins, Grass
Cloths, and all
other leading.
of the season in full supply.
All the favorite brands of
Figures. Ladies and Gents
of every description. Notions in all the lat
est novelties.
of English and Ame rican manufacture,
very cheap.
Our stock was never more complete, nor
prices more satisfactory.
june4 tf PRICE & HOEFLICH.
THE proprietor of this medicine is a grad
uate of Jefferson Medical College, of
Philadelphia of 1858; since then he has
made chronic diseases his speeial study—
has had good success in the treatment of
such diseases, which has induced him to
put out this medicine before the public.—
A medicine which ought to be in every fam
ily in the land. Those who have used it
speak of its great merit. Is composed of the
- -
in the Materia Medics, and compounded
with great care by the proprietor, under his
own supervision and made in a scientific
manner. The
and in a short time it 'will become a
Acts on the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys.
Good for the following diseases, such as
Liver Complaint,
Sick• Headache,
and Chronic Diseases generally; very good
for children in small doses, being mild and
pleasant. Try it and convince yourself or
Its merits, then commend it to your friends.
Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT
MRS which have stood the test for a num
ber of years. Good for Indigestion, Low
ness of Spirits Dyspepsia, Foul Stomach,
Cramp, Colic, (R.c. Try it.
Prepared only by
Philadelphia, Pa.
may2l St
Sold by Dr. J. B. Atriberson, Waynesbo
ro', Pa., Dr. Carl,Greeneastie, Pa., J. S. Nix
on Chamhersburg, Pa. may2B-1y
AN e xeellent Comps ttnd Chain, with
(Atte r neceFsary tixfnretz. Apply to
may if MUNN.
of any style desired
.. 8:
.... ..... 30t
.... 13