'SPRING IND SUMER GOODS, GOON Jr, STONEHOUSE nAVE jut 4, received a taiga-and well lllselected stock of Spring and Suironer tloods, which they 'offer to the People of Waynesboro' and stiricrtrading country at the loWest'enah Oka& The stock consists in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of - aid newest and. latest - styles ; Goods of every for men and boy's wear; Shirting Stripes, , Brown and Bleached Mublins, • Sheeting, , c Tickings, Linen tk ton Table Diapets, Tovels ToWeling, - - - balmorals, • Skirts, Table Covers, Calicoes, Irish Linens, Ginghams, a large lot White Cottdri Quilts, -very cheap; • Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds; Ladie's Lace Points & Shalls, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for Men, Women.and Children, Linen, Lace & Pepper Collars Laces, Edging and inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves,. and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childr6iis Gaitefs, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall, raper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. pct., 30. 1873 , 1874. NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES ttkli' v GARS AND NUPONS t TA COB SNIDER announces to his custo- Climets - anirttie pnblic that he has return ed from the East and opened out an unusu= BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, A - ND - NOTIONS, for the spring and summer trade, at Oel lig corner Public Square, Waynesbo.: ro', Pa. LADIES' ROOM. _ Tie has opened an additional room in the same building exclusively for the ladies.— To this department of the business particu lar attention will be given. His stock con sists of • MEN' S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIES' AND CIIILDREIS WEAR OF ALL KINDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES FOR THE CASH. Also manufacturing done to order, and all work from his establishment will be guaranteed ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS tipr 16-tf E P'o it T (I ( I F the condition of the FIRST NATION AL BANK, of Waynesboro', Pa., at close bf business, May Ist, 1874: RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, 42,66 11. S. Bonds to secure circulation, 75.400,00 U. S. Bonds on hand, 11,500,00 Other stocks Bonds and Mortgages 4,299,48 Due from redeeming 4k reserve Agts 8,039,82 " " Nat. Banks, .6,609,46 " " State Banks & Bankers, 184,41 Current Expenses, 751,56 Cheeks and other cash items, 24433 Bills of Nat. Banks, '1,310,00 Fractional Currency and Nickles, 589,45 Legal Tender Notes, 22,050,00 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, $75,000,0 0 * Surplus Fund, 15;000,0 0 Interest, Profit and Loss, 9,862,7 3 Nat. B'k. circulation outstanding 65,385,0 Ca.'hier's Checks outstanding, 96,45 Individual Deposits, 35 412.25 Due to Nat. Banks, 371 67 Due to State Bks.t.V. Bankers, Bills payable, State of Pennsylvania,} S . s . Franklin County I John Phil ips, Cashier of the First National Batik of Waynesboro', do solemnly sweat' that the a bove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JNO. PHILIPS, Cash. Subscribed and sworn to before ine this 12th day , of May, A. D., 1874. J. B. AMBERSON, N. P. Correct—Attest:—Joseph Price, William Hammett, Daniel Trifle, Directors. .mayl4-1t • SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY. MISS KATE STICKLE NNOUNCES to her lady customers that a - i_she has just returned from the East with A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER MILINERY co DS, Bonnets, Hats, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Laces, Ribbons and Flowers, Braids, de. always on hand Sii)`"Thankful for past patronage she so licits a continuance of the swine, feeling confident that her goods and prices will g:ve satisfaction. niavl4 tf ('llNNAMON,alspiee, inustard,elovesand X.)iller spices n•hUlr or ground. • eiLiZeid's Urovery ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. VOTICE'is. hereby given that the under .l.ll signed• have been appointed Aisignees bf "The Waynesboro: Manufacturing Corn- Pany," of Waynesboro', Pa„ under, a 'deed of voluntary assignment. All persons in debted to said Company,are requested to make :immediate payment acid all those having claims present them for settlement immediately. J. J. MILLER, - • J. W. MILLER,'._ may2l 6t Assignees. • - VETERINARY' SURGEON. • TIR. REMY BOWLS (formerly of Vie ginia) announces to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the public generally that• he is prepared to treat the different diseas es to which horses are subjedt,,inchiding lock-jaw. Thorough Study and many years practie'e are the best recommendations he can Offer. Persons requiring his services will find him at Minter's Hotel. inaty2l tf Butchering ! Butehering ! HE undersigned will commence the I butchering business at Five Forks, in the cellar in Brown's Stole building, on the 11th of June next. Etery Thursday.after-, noon thereafter during the season the citi zens and the public , generally will be serv ed with a prime article of Beef. may2l W. - IL GSM.. EI.OIVER SEEDS. UST received a box of choice flower 0 seeds from Rochester, N: Y., which we effertet the catalogue prices. I ask the pa. tronage of the ladies, and they will find they can save the delay and trouble of ordering by mail. Among the varieties are the fol lowing : Asters t Truffauts, Victoria, (Fic..) pe tunias, pertulaccas, zin ma, collopies, ver bena, phlox drummondi, pinks, aquilegia, etc., etc. Over 200 varieties. - Call and see them. may 7-3 t W. A: REID. BARBERING AGAIN.! THE subscriber announces to the public that he has again commenced the Bar bering. Shop in the Walker building, in the room formerly occupied by Di'. Benja min Frantz. New Razors, Brushes and out fit in general. A share of the public's pa tronage is respectfully solicited. may2l tf JOHN H: HERR. .1874. Administrator's Notice. XTORICE is hereby that the undersigned LI has been appointed_Ad nistrabtm_eL Susan F. 'Fahrney,late of Waynesboro', Pa., dec'd. MI persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment and those hav ing claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. may 21 tit JOSIAH. FAHRNEY, Adm'r a N Monday the lltlf inst. a promisory :tc for-Willi-dated-March —, IVA given the undersigned by Jacob E Miller was lost. The -finder will be 'suitably re warded by returning the same to the sub scriber or to this OFFICE. may 21 3t MARIA PAYHOFF. CORN, OATS AND RYE. f subscriber will meet persons every Saturday at Stover & Wolft's Store in Waynesboro' for the purchase of grain, Ni here they are requested to bring samples. Pay VAtill on delivery. may 7tf ' 0. W. GOOD. "VOTICE is hereby given that the firm 1.11 consisting of Geo. M. D. Bell. Alexan der Bishop and George F. Lilly was dissolv ed by mutual consent on the sth inst. may 7-tf LIDY, BELL & CO. FOR, 'THREE ROOMS well calculated for a small family are offered for rent. For further particulars call on . may2l JOHN 11. MILLER. TVVI TORI TOUT' % r 4 ITS SECRETS AND ITS MYSTERIES, r r IHE above is the title of a new and val e uable work just being issued by the U NITED STATES PUBLISHING COMPA NY. it is a history of the Ntinv Yonx. Tomas, and Noted Criminals, with Narratives of their crimes, as gathered by Charles Sutton Warden of the prison. It is intensely in teresting for both old and young, splendid ly illustrated with original designs. Active AGENTS WANTED in every town in the United Statet. Liber al terms to agents. Send for specimen pag es and terms to UNITED ST TES PUBLISHING CO., H and 13 University place, N. Y. 121111121 • TALMAGi SPURGEON. 'l'. De Witt Talmage is editor of THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK; C. H. Spurgeon special Contributor. They write for no other paper in America. ° Three magnifi cant chromos. Pav larger commission than any other paper. Cromos now rest dy.loo sectarianism. No sectionalism.— One agent recently obtained 380 subscrip tions in eighty hours absolute work. Sam , pie copies and 'circulars sent free. 5207,929,58 -AGENTS WANTED. H. W. ADAMS. Publisher, 102 Chambers Street, New York. jan fi-tf .t., EL WINIER SBORGIER'S OMNIBUS LINE ANI) LIVERY STABLE, 44,17 6,767,31 5207,929,58 E undersigned still continues the same business at the old place. Office and Stable in the rear of Washabangh's Tobac co Store. His Omnibus leaves Waynesbo ro' in the morning at 7 o'clock, and returns at 7 o'clock in the evening. His stage also leaves at 9 o'clock, P. M. for the W. M. E. via. of Monterey Springs. This line connects at Monterey with the 'Gettysburg Stage at 11 o'clock, 'every day, Sunday excepted. M.All express matter promptly attend ed to with care. All express matter not de livered can be bad by calling at Washa baugh's Tobacco Store. FOR SALE. One Spring Wagon, nearly new, with pole, shafts and three springs, all in fine order, On easy terms. __ may 7 tf J. R. WOLFERSBERGER turbing the joints. Alscr the copper chamber, winch never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by dealers and the trade generally. Inquire for Blatehley's Pump, and if not for sale in your limn, send direct to CII AS. G. IMAM MEV. Monnfacturer, 506 CI In 1 ne rce St., Ph iladOpllia, Pa. mar 12 —Snk IJ 0 - S IT DISSOLUTION. WAYNESBORO', PA, BLATCHLET'S Improved Cucumber Wood Pump, Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and Cheap. The bestpump for the least mon ey. Attßation is especially invited to Blatchlev's Pat ent Improved Bracket and Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn without removing the Pump, or dis- WHEN YOU WANT A COOK STOVE, • DINING ROOM COOK. PARLOR COAL STOVE, FIRE-PL ACE HEATER, POR TABLY,' HEATER, BRICK SET HEATER, NINE PLATE STOVE THE VERY BEST AND LATEST IMPROVED of all hinds, we have on our floor and war ranted to give satisfaction. We have also Tinware,. Hardware, Brassware, Sapannedware - , Tubs. BuCkets, Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives, Spoons, Ladles, tin, brass and copper, Extra Iron Pots for cook stoves, Tin-lined Iron Pots, PORCELAIN KETTLES, -LAit-G-E-IBON=KMM AND BRASS KETTLES. We have also for sale CRONK'S STEAM COOKING APPARATUS, MILLER & IRON'S PAT, FIVE-MINUTE CLOTHES WASH . ER, PUTNAN'S PAT. CLOTHES WRINGER, TAYLOR & CO'S. CUCUMBER WOOL) PUMP gar Special attention is given to the man ufacture of our Tinware, "louse and Barn Spouting and Tin Roofing, always securing the best material in the market, and always warrent to give satisfaction. Thankful for past favors from the Public, we hope for a continuance of the same by dealing justly with all. D. B RUSSELL 3 SON, Sign of the Big EU d Horn. apr 23—t f N OTICE TO TA X-PAYERti OF FRANK LIN COUN CY. An Abatement of 5 per cent The Taxpayers of Franklin •county will please take notice that I will meet them at the following times and places, for the pur pose of reeeiying the STATE and COUN TY TAXES for the year 1874 : An abatement of fp per cent. will be made on sail' taxes if paid at the places below stated, or at. the Treasurer's Office, on or be 'fore the 19th of June,lB74. Monday. the 11th day of May, at the house of Wm. Crome, in Funkstown, fur part of Quincy township. Tuesday, 12th, at the house of Gideon Burger, in Quincy, for part of Quincy twp, Wednesday and Thursday, 13th and 14th at the house of Michael Minter, in Way nesboro', for the borough and Washington township. Friday and Saturday, 15th and IGth, at the Adams House, in Greencastle, for the borough and Antrim township. N. B.—All persons who have been class ed in the Mercantile Appraisement for '74, will please lift their licenses on the days I visit their respective places. All licen ses not lifted at such time will be immedi ately placed in the hands of the proper of ficers for collection, as the law allows no delay or excuse to delinquents. 11. 31. WI Treasurer. ap 16-5 w BUTCHERING. MHE snbscriber will commence the but ch ering business in Waynesboro', at the Coon Cellar, April 3d. Persons wanting Choi •e beef and veal can be supplied with the best the market atibrds. He will have a supply regularly-on hand every Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, and Fri day evening and Saturday morning and ev ening. He has imployed an experienced butcher, Henry Dickle, and, by strict atten tion to business expects to have a share of public patronage. This will be the place to get choice cuts, Don't forget Coon's cel lar. JOHN A. BAHR. mar26-tf HOME LIFE IN THE BIBLE. By the author of "NIGHT SCENES Iti TAE. FA BLE" and "OUR FATHER'S House" of which nearly 200,000 have been sold. "HOME LIFE" is commended by ministers of all churches as "the author's best book," "full of pre cious thoughts," "Truths precious as gems," "a choice book for every family,", &e. Steel engravings, rose tinted paper, rich binding and for rapid sale unequalled. Agents young Men, Ladies, Teachers and Clergymen, wanted in every county; $75 to $lOO per month. Send for circular. ZEIGLER & M'CURDY, MS Arch Street, mar 12-4 m Philadelphia, Pa FRESIt 'UNE E rr HE subscribers take this method of in forming their customers and the public generally that they will have fresh wood burnt lime at their kilns on and after the 27th inst., for hnishing, whitewashing, plas tering, &e., which will be kept during the season and sold at reasonable prices. Kilns three miles east of 'Waynesboro!. mar 26--3 m HESS & BRO. TO TIRE FARMERS. FARMERS before making choice of Rea pers are advised to call and examine.the Buckeye Table-rake Reaper, for which the undersigned is agent in Washington and Quincy townships. apr 23tf IT. X. STONER. WATER Crackers, ginger snaps, and firnec crackers at Iteid's Grocery NEW GOODS AT THg TAM NALL MIR I=3=:l TINT opened at the Town Hall Store a fig full line of all the late.styles of IE3C AL IL" " for Men and Boys, ' a full line of Men and Boy's heavy SHOES AND ' GAITERS. Men's Custom Made • • BOOTS AND GAITERS, (HEISER'S MAKE.) A large lot of Ladies, Misses and Children's Button & Lace Shoes, Gaiters , and Slippers of • all kinds, a full and complete stock of • LINEN -AND. PAPER COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK BOWS, NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. tar The public nre respectfully invited to call and examine my stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as no charge will be made for showing goods. Your Respectfully, apr 16--tf M. H. JACOBS. WAYNESBORO' MUTUAL IIEtriNSURANDE DOMPANYI, TVA YNESBORO'. PA., INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DAIIAGIL BY On all safe class property at reasonable rate *101,831,29. Policies issued on cash or mutual plan, a gainst loss or . damage by.fire or lightning. OFFICERS : SIMON LIiCRON, President. JACOB HOOVER, Vice President. Jos. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY. Jos. W. MILLER, Treasurer. DIRECTOBF. Samuel Frantz, . Simon Lecron, Ilr. A. H. Strickler, Jacob Hoover, Jos. Douglas, B. F. Winger, Jacob J. Miller, Jos. W. Miller, D. R. Miller, F. B. Snively, Geo. J. Ballsley, Samuel lloeflich M. P. CROSBY, Agent. fel) 26, '74] J. N. SNIDER, BOOK SELLER, STATICNER 'AND BOTIK-BINDER, CHATtIDERSBURG, PA j% constantly - on hand and for sale, at the lowest prices, School and - • . Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Paper, Envelopes, 4C. Also a it,acaeka avodu. of well selected IVALL PAPERS, BORDERS A ND WINDOW SHADES, CROQUET GAMES, BASE BALLS BATS, RUBBER FOOT BALLS, Etc. Gold Pens, Zephyr and Germantown Wool, Brackets, Wall Pockets, Towel Racks, Pock et Books, Satchels, Shawl Straps, and Fan cy Goods, which we respectfully invite the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to call and examine when visiting Chambsrsburg. april 23—tf DASSOLUJTtIiNk XTOTICE is hereby given that the firm of J.. 1 D. Summers & Son was dissolved by mutual consent on the 28th day of January, 1574. The business will he continued by the undersigned. The boolcsr and accounts of the firm are in the hands of D. Summers, upon whom all persons indebted are re quested to call and make settlement on or before the Ist of Mardi without fail. feb ]2-tf O. F. SUMMERS. TO - THE RUBIIt - O I have the agency for selling Dr. Benj. Bates' celebrated BALTIMORE TONIC BEER, recommended by 411 practical Phy sicians. Call and try it. Price 20 Cents per Bottle or 5 cents per glass. ap l&—tf] H. HENNEBERGER. Assignees' Notice. IVOTICE is hereby given that the under -1.11 signed haveteen appointed Assignees of James Mcllvaney, of Washington town ship, Franklin county; Pa. under a deed of voluntary assignment. All persons indebt ed to stud Melltaney are requested to make immediate payment, and all those having claims present them for settlement imme diately. H. X. STONER, W. S. AMBERSON, apr 23-6 t Assignees. TAILORING. 111 E subscriber announces to his old (nis tomers and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. Hisplace of business is on Lei tersburg street, nearly opposite Bch's Pot tery. JOS. ANDERSON. may I—tf VOA SHERIF . F.—At the solicitation of a number of my friends I announce my self as a candidate for the nomination of Sherill; subject to the decision of the Repub lican County Convention. tp2341 - 41. K WEll'fZ, Quincy twp NEW ADVERTISEMEM, DAtron , air, CO'S. COLUMN Catnpiroririe I • Camphorine , Campliorine I - Campliorine ! izor sale by at druggists. R. Hoyt, Pro prietor, New York. le-Highest iledical Authority of Europe say the . strongest Tonic - Putifler and Deob- Eitruent known to the medical wotid is • JTYRUBEB A, It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, is Platt St., N. Y. adr7-4w gi SCHOOL Teachers Wanted in each Co. for the spring and summer. $l5O per month. Send for circular, which gives full particulars. Zeigler & McCurdy, Spring field, Mass. mayl4 4t Agents Wanted for the • CENTENNIAL GAZETTEER of the United States. No book has ever been published of such universal interest tcrthe American people. It appeals to no particular class alone, but to all classes ; to men and women of all professions, creeds, occupations and political opinions-to farm ers, lawyers, business men, mechanics, phy sicians, politicians, teachers, students, man ufacturers, salesmen, men of learning and men who can only read, to old and young. All want it as a book of constant reference, and to preserve for their children and chil dren's children as the only complete and reliable work, showing the gigantic results of the first one hundred years of the great est Republic the world ever saw. It is not a -luxury but a necessity to every well-in-. formed American citizen. Agents make $lOO to $3OO per month. Send for circular. Ziegler & McCurdy, Philadelphia, Pa. THE 'GREAT AMERICAN COFFEE POT distils Coffee as clear as amber ; extracti all its strength; retains all its nutritious a roma. The best thing ever offered. Price $2 sent to any address. Call and see it in op eration or send for eircular.Territorial rights for sale. De Witt C. Brown S: Co., 678 Broad way, New York. I)SYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming" How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they pclioose - instantly.--This simple, mental ac quirement all can possess, free, by mail, or 25 cts, together with marriage guide, Egyp tian oracle, dreams, hints to ladies, wed ding-night shirt, &c. A queer }Jodi:. Address T. William & Co., Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa. FREE TO BOOR AGENTS An elegantly bound canvassing book for the best and cheapest family Bible ever -pub sent—iree-of-ehaf4ze-to-any bookagent. lt contains over 700 fine scril)= ture illustrations, and agents are meeting with unorecedented success. Address, stat ing experience, etc., and we will show you what our agents are doing. National Pub lishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. FLORENCE The Long-contested Suit of the FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE CO. against the Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, and Grover & Baker Companies, invoking OVER $250,000, is finally decided by the Supreme Court of the United States in favor of the Florence, which alone has Broken the ;4lonopoly of high prices. The New Florence is the only machine that sews backward, forward, right and left Simplest, Cheapest and Best. Sold for cash only, Special terms to Clubs and Dealers. April, 1874. Florence, Mass. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, Use WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put• up only in Blue Boxes. A tried aad sure remedy. Sold by all drug gists. 4w •-•• ' '; . 'z STIL.: This sewing machirie gives the best satisfaction to. the user, is aid for most readily and is the best of all to sell. ..rf there is no "Domestic" A gent in your town, apply to Domestic S. M. Co., N. Y. WATERS' CONCERTO ORGANS are the most beautiful in style and perfect in tone ever made. The concerto stop is the best ever placed in any organ. It is pro duced by an extra set of reeds, peculiarly voiced, the effect of which is most charming and soul-stirring, while its imitation of tne 'human voice is superb. Terms liberal. WATERS' Philharmonic, Vesper and Or chestra Organs An unique French cases, are among the best made, and combine purity •of voicing With great volume of tone, suita ble for parlor. church, or music hall. WATERS' New Scale Pianos have great power and a tine singing tone, with all mod ern improvements, and are the best Pianos made. These organs and pianos are war ranted for 6 years. Prices extremely low for cash or part cash, and balance in month or quarterly payments. Second-hand in struments taken in exchange. Agents wan ted in every county in the U. S. and Cana da. A liberal discount to teachers, minis ters, churches, schools, lodges, etc. Illustra ted Catalogues mailed. HORACE WATERS A: SON, may2l 4w • 431 Broadway, N. Y. TREES it FLOWERS ! =MEI ir WOULD reßpectfnl}y inform my old ifriends and the public generally . that 1 propose to canvass Franklin county during the summer soliciting orders for trees, FRUIT, SHADE ORNAMENTAL I represent the firm of ATWOOD, ROOT 4: CO., Geneva, IN. Y., who are able to sup ply all the very rare and CHOICE STOCK OF TREES; there is nothing in the market possessing merit, but whet We can supply. Especial attention to Plum and Pear stock is invit ed. Flowers stocks and Bulbs in great Va riety, and all of the new kinds not obtain able elsewhere. ' A. D. GORDON. mayl4 tf BACK AGAIN. THE subscriber informs the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and leased the Basement of the Walker building in which to carry-on the boot and shoe making business. lle will also give prompt attention to all kinds of repairing. A share of the public's pa tronage is respectfully solicited. aprt)--tf THOS. BRINGMAN. MASI, MARKET. TtlE subscriber informs his customers and the public that he continues the butchering business at the old stand, in the eeller on. the South-east corner of the Dia mond, ;tVaynesboro', Pa... - Prime beef, veal and lamb always on hand. A special sup ply will always be provided for Saturday evening. Bologna sausage to' be had at all times. Thankful to the public-for past en couragement he hopes to merit a continu :llion of their pritromgr. npr3o V. STOUFFER. 1874. CHEAPER THAN.EVER ALDERSON, BENEDICT& CO'S. 111 AVE just received our first supply of II Spring and Summer Goods, to which we call the attention of our customers and We have full stock of the following Groceries, Queensware, Carpets, OIL BLINDS, MOOTS AND SEMIS, Cassimera, f14.':1 Lawns, Ticking, Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds. MGive us a call before going elsewhere and . we will convince you we are selling as cheap as the cheapest* AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. apr 9-tf BOOT AND SHOEMAKING ! -, REMOVAL ! -o ®customers after the first of April next 'our licustomers will find us in the toom now occupied by. Wm. Blair as a Printing Office, where we intend carrying on the Boot and Shoe business as usual. From our experi ence in the business in selecting the best stock and workman we hope to merit a lib eral share of patronage. It will be our con stant aim to make a neat and artistic thing boot. We make the best work' in town at prices ranging from $8 and upwards,accor ., din to price of material. We are perman ent located here. e have a few customers that we hare asked often for their bills, and if they do not appear soon we intend putting their names in the paper, so they may not catch others. Oa - Thankful for past favors we ask a continuance of the same. mar s—tf J. FORD & SON. NEW TIN STORE IT HE undersigned would most respectfully I inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wolft's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to sui the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofing, apouting and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, nov 19 CLAYTON M. PREY Viramar.ssolto', PA., April 21st, 1873. NOTICE AFTER an absence of fifteen years I again loc,ate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men. Particular attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of Dr. Strickler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic street. By strict attention to business, and a•disposition to pleas,' all, I hope to t eceiye a liberal share of public pa tronage. Respectfully, &e., • april 24—tf JAS. A. ELMER.. SADDLE AND HARNESS MAIING. THE subscriber informs the public that he has changed his quarters, and can now be found in the room formerly occupi ed by William Blair as a printng office, on the second-floor, where he will con tinue the Saddle and Harness making business. He is prepared to do all work in his line with dispatch and at reasonable prices. He flatters himself that his long experience in the business will enable him give general satisfaction. 2-tf GEO. A. RHA. DAI I% 1r I TE subscriber notifies the public that he has commenced the Dairy business and will supply citizens regularly every morning with 14iillt or Cream at low rates. He will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's Store where persons camobtain either at a ny hour during the day. nov 27-tf LENT FRICK. FOR SALE. A N excellent Compass and Chain; with other necemr3"fixttires. 'Apply to •may 7tf • • A. S. YSIONN. NEW STOGIC. BOUTS AND-SHOES A SIECiAIiTY PRICES LOW 1 GOOD UNSURPASSED IN QUAL .ITY. it i ff ILLER BROS., P.O. Building, Wavnes -151.boro', Pa., would respectfully call the attention of tie pnblic to the flue stock of • MOOTS, • SI - IQMS ofall the various styles for men and boys, :ladies, misses and children, which they-sell picoxt. c,A.smat at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction. They also have on hand a lot of Roots and Shoes of their own manufacture in which they offer • 'EXTRA INDUCEMENTS. • Boots and Shoes made to order from FIRST-CLASS • MATERIAL and warranted to give satisfaction. Repair ing neatly done. • ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS. apr•23tf 1874. the public generally NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! Hardware, Oil Cloths, THE undersigned announces to his cus 1, toners and the public generally that he has just returned from the Eastern cities, and is now opening out a well • assorted stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Ms selections embrace all the latest styles of DRESS - GOODS, --- - SPRING SHAWLS, CLOTHS, •CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, PRINTS, MUbLINS, CHECKS, 'Kentucky Jeans, - , NOTIONS, • HOSIERY, GLOVES, GROCERIES, • QUERNS WARE, Boots and Shoes, 'Hats and Caps, Carpet ing and all articles usually kept is country stores. lOW - The public are cordially incited to call and examine our goods and learn our prices. • . . Country produce taken in exchange for goods. ' O. F. SU.IIIIIIEIS. aprl6—tf QUINCY FOUNDRY' AND ritatilliE :nap IrErE subscriber informs the pUplia,lhat L he has several paterns of Iron Fencing and Porticos, trtiglizt • Boxes, equal to the English , Box; Matz and Self-sharp 4 a'' ':„, ener Mold Boards, Lraf.4 7 `••,,( .9 ' sides, Shears, Cut,' ters tic Points,, ' 'Feed Cutters and ' 'Grinders,' 5 different sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat* '•-• Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye:: •• Plate ; also Separator Castings of different kinds, Horse-Powers and Bevel Jacks ; also the METCALF EXCELSIOR POST. BORING • & WOOD SAVING MACHINE, the shop prices for which are, $50.00 with out , saw, $55.00 with saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws, Shingles. One man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Can be run with water, steam or horse power. Two different kinds of Sausage Cutters and Staffers. ilErAll repairing done in the best man ner and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for past - favors and hope for a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, JOHN L. METCALF, • mar 5-ts Quincy, Pa. NEW GOODS ! rir HE undersigned have just returned from V the eity with a full stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS comprising DRY GOODS, • CASSIMERES • AND CLOTHS, ALL STYLES, ALPACAS & LADIES DRESS GOOD S, cIi? AP, NOTIONS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware. Nails, . Hats, Shoes, Ladies' Gaiters, Drugs, Oils, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, and everything gen rally kept in a country store. We take in exchange for goods or cash, Lard, Bacon, Butter, Eggs. Fruit of all kind, Potatoes, Onions, and everything in the line of marketing. Dar Call and seebefore buying elsewhere as we are slue we can compete with the town stores, apr9—tf DERSONS in want of vehicles of any de l_ scription, new or second-banded, can be supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anything in his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably wish that, of any other establishment in the coun- ty. REPAIRING of all kinds will receive prompt attention. Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in tho april 10-tf Bnn or . 1000 Choice Chestnut Rails fir Vt.rilnst retire for mile, in front of Mon lreey;iprifkg'b oiel. , A mar:l34f Agt, -0- . QVINCY, =l= -0- AT RINICILII X C. H. DETD.ONV & CO COACIIMAKENG. JACOB ADAMS CHESTNUT