The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, May 28, 1874, Image 2

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    Viaryitsboro' Off* getout:-
TMtrs or, May'28,11.874:
itirThe Beiiate had adopted a ,COii;
"curreent iesolnitea to adjdera sine die un
the 22d of Jane next.
_ le—dolin Kilpatrick, ir•hllc drank at
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Frida3r night, shot aid
killed his only son; aged 10.
se r ..The fifth annual reunion kof the
Niuth,renbsSiVania ea•lralr'y will be held
in Carlisle di Thursday, June 4. '
itga-The jin'y in the dee of Peter 0.
Fox mho sued the Lousville and Nashville
railroad for the loss of a leg, claiming
"$150,006 damages; gave the plaintiff $35,
• ilfifi`Got. Moses of South Carolina, was
. arrested for larceny on Tuesday. He at
first Misted the warrant, and defended*
his hObse with colored troops. the ad
'Vise: of his counsel, he i dded; End—gave
tts-Samuel Hartzell, aged 44 years,
'died. in Baltimore, ladf. Monday week,
while under the influence of chloroform,
administered by physicians previous to
setting a dislocated sbbulder jOiirt.
has finally consented to Gen. Sherthan's
ioni entertained desire to have the head
---iluarters of the army removed to St. Louis,
and that such tran'sTet gill be made abbot
the first of June.
i&The weather in the Holy Land. has
this Spring been Unprecedentedly severe,
the various ioadg to -Jerusalem being
blocked with snow: Notwithstanding this,
a vast number of Greeks and American pil
grims, besides many English and Ameri
can tourists, are now in Jerusalem.
__ll9-Thn ucw_constitution-baving-iiiefeai
ed the number of representatives frbm 100
to 200, the old desks it► the ball of the
House for over half a century haVii been
removed, preparatory to placing in their
stead new and more convenient wits for
—the accoommodation of the ltdditional 100
Civil .Rights bill carts passed
by the Senate on Saturday Morning after
an all night section, bYa 'Dote bf 29 yeas
to 16 nays. A Washington despatch says
it is doubtful Caether the bill will be
reached in the HouSe - df Representatives,
althonglf there is a elohr maj6rity irk favor
of it
*®'The New York Comptilsory Edu
cation bill, which has recently received
the assent of the Governor; requires pa
rents and guardians of children between
the tigd of 8 and 15 years tti give theta,
in a eeitobl Or at Mime; at least 14 Weeks
bwilar instruction every year, in reading,
writing, arithmetic, English grammar, and
geography. It prohibits the employment
of children within the ages named at any
labor during the time ,when the district
Schools are opened, and s - thool officers are
given authority to see that it is enforced.
kill/Pile following touching incident of
the rectdit flood in Massachusetts is told
tof Dr. E: M. Jdhnson; whose wife was a
i%liss Heindtead, of Montgbrheiy co., Md. :
"Most pEolifinetit airibng the fictiins at
Williamsburg, was Dr. El. M. Johnson,
thirty-six years of age, the Village physi
cian. He was seen rushing out of his
house toward a plate of safety, with two
of hie three little children,. his wife carry
ing the other, but the whole family were
. by the flood and drowned to
teL.Twenty-one years ago a daughter
Of Peter Hawk; Esq., of Stroudsburg, Pa.,
Was bitten by a mad dog. Although cat
tle bitten by the same dog were seized
with hydrophobia, the girl did not show
any symptoms of the 'disease-. She grew
to womanhood, and was married. tee:el-li
ly, as she Was raising a glass of water to
her lips, a shudder ran throUgh her; and
in a few minute's she khs seized with hy
drophobia in its Worst form.. A number
of physician's here called, but they could
do nothing foi. her; She died in great ag
net... The Centennial Commissibh, at it
meeting in Philadelphia on 'Friday, took
stock to their intentions and their means.
The chair Min Of {lie Finance Committee
reported that the bon tracts for the art
gallery and museum will soon be given
out. This will cost $1,500,000, provided
for by appropriations of the city and State.
The conservatory, to *cost $200,000, I'S pro
vided. for by city appropriation. The Ma
chinery hall, costing $BOO,OOO,iS also pro
vided for, The maid exhibition - building
'will cost 82,000,000, and the agricultural
$250,000. The latter is only partial
ly provided for, which, with the grading
and'bontingencies, make the total unpro
vided fbl'nearly $3,000,000. A resolu
tion was presented by the committee au
thorizing the 'dbandonment of the plans
for the main. building and the adoption of
a modift4 pittn for the same. After dis
cussion the whole reporrwas recommitted.
DEsraoYnici BIRDS' NEsts.—Last week,
a man named Peeples, of :Lancaster coun
ty, was arrested upon the charge of de
stroying bird nests. He agreed •to settle
the matter by paying the cost, ambiniting
t 0 4030.59. This prosecution was made
under the Act of 1889, and amended itt
1873, imposing a penalty of $lO for the
wilful destruction of each and every nest
'of an insectivorous bird, which in this
.case woald have reached 'the sum of $590
rexchlsive.of costs of suit.'
[Published by Request
On the Nt page of the Record of last
'Week, friend Editor you published .4 .
"Card" taken. from the Reformed Chuith
Messenger. It is .calculated' to produce
an etioneous impression, hence the lequest
to insert also for the benefit of Star read
•efs the following: The MoithlY did not,
make Dr. Gerhart say iti his Trdet No. 3
what the Card insinuates, as will appear
a, the article below: :Mat Dr. Gerhart
now says the Refer:Wed Church always
tenaciously held in opposition to the Mer
cersburg Theology. • The Pastor of Trin
ity Refornied Church of this place never
asserted anything else when preaching on
that vital question, "How_eloes the_ainne
receive an interest in the saving ben flits of
Christ Jesus," but that "All the benefits
of Christ are received, that is, appropria
ted by us and thus made our own; not by
baptism, not in the way of any sacrament;
al transaction, but by personal faith, and
by the exercise of personal faith exclusively."
But the article in reply to the Card from
the Christian World speaks for itself :
The Mercersburg writers; it is well
known; have put themselves forward as
great reformers; and as oracles in theolog
ical lore. They affect to teach by author
ity. They assume great learning. They
are thoroughly acquainted with the mod
ern theology of Germany, and in accord
with it. They understand the Heidelberg
CathechiSna far better than did Ursinus.
They are "the Church," and whoever
dares to call_ in question, their_ Oracular
deliverances; opposes "the Church," etc.;
etc. '
And yet the suspicion has been gradu
ally creeping through the Church that
their theological knowledge is not quite
so overwhelming as they seem to assume ;
that it is quite prudent to examine and
try their utterances by the Bible and the
Cathechism, and that at best they are ire:
ry unreliable guides ; nay, that in assunt
ing to teach all modern Christendom it
would be well if they Would become learn:
ers for some time yet,to as to know where:
of - they affirm.
This suspicion will be confirmed by a
recent exposure. On the iliabject of bap
tism which has been their bobby for years,
on Which"they have preached at times in
numerable, and written interminably, it
new appears that they' have no definite o
pinion at all, and that so far as the very
marrow of the matter is concerned; they
are on both sides of the question.
This will become plain to every Olio by
rearling two deliverances; both by Dr.
Gerhart, and which we give here, side by
side, so that everydne can compare them :
Dr: Gerhart in Tract I Dr. Gerhart in Messen-
No . 3. t ger:
"In holy baptism "All the benefits of
grace is this same Christ are received,
divine life bf Christ I that is, appropriated
given by the new f• by us and thus made
creating power of our own, not by bap
the Holy Spirit to tisni, not in the wuy
those NI , ho are by I
of any sacramental
nature dead in sin, transaction, but. by
in that by baptunt l personal faith, and by
they arc engrafted into the exercise of personal
Jesus Christ, and are faith exclusivity."
therefore made partak
ers of Christ and all
ht.§ benefits:"
"There is no exter- I
nalwashing with wa-
ter withouithe inter-
nal washing with the ,
1. Dr. Gerhart will not call into ques
tion the genuineness of these quotations.
The first is taken from his Tract No. 3,
published, we think, in 1870, the second
is taken from a card lately isublished by
him in the Messenger. Dr. Gerhart will
pass this contradiction by in dignified si
lence; which is at least convenient.
2. The twb at:lien:tenth' taithilt plaugibly
be reconciled. Because (to use his own
language) the one "asserts just the Con
tradictoky opposite" of the other: The one
asserts that all the benefits of Christ "are
received" or "appropriated," not by bap
tism, but "by personal faith exclusively."
The other affirms that "we become par
takers" of all the benefits`of Christ by
baptism, and the Tract urges that this is
done by baptism exclusively. But there
is no difference, as every one can see, be
tween "to receive" and "to become par
takers of." In the case of the benefits of
Christ,he who "becomes partaker of them"
must hate "reeeited" theta.
3. These are no accidental utterances
of Dr. Gerhart imperfectly expressed.—
That sentiment taken from Tract No. 3
is the burden bf the whole Tract. The
Tract is nothing else than a statement, it
eration and reiteittion of this one propo
sition, in various fottas, as e. q., that we
are saved by btiptisM, (ltat we become the
children Of God by baplizbn, that we are
creitted in the 'linage Of Gbd by baptism.
that we are cleansed from the pollution of
sin by baptism, that we become partakers (f
the merets Of Christ by baptism, 'etc.; all ex
pressed ih the most positive and bracular
tnauner. The other (contradietory) sen
timent, seems drawn up with the niost es
pecial care, so as to express his as
he wishes other denominations to under
stand them, and here it is that the bene
fits of Christ are received by personal faith
4. Both Oritilifints barthot be true.—
The latter is in steordanula 'With the Ilei•
delbergCathechism (question 20) the dee
trine of the Fathers and the Bible; the
former is a vagaty br the AlieteerShurg
5. lilercersburg pf‘ifees lotidly to idsch
positive theology. Which of these posi
tive propositions are we to take as er
pressing the real views of the Mercershurg
School ? Are such guides reliable ?
Would it not be well to become clear as
to their own views, before urging them
upon a long-patient Church.?
P. S.—Dr. Gerhart's proposition, given
in the right hand column above, is his
latest revi:sed statement on baptism, tak
en from his card in the last Messenger.
We should be very glad to learn that
Mercersburg will abide by that statement.
As regards the card; it is calculated to
make au erroneous impression, as though
Dr. Gerhart hr.d never tittered the send.
meet ascribed to him in Dr. Schne'ck's
'book. The extract given above (left hand
dolemn) 'shows that he has, ih tubstance,
given utterance to the sentiment he now
repudiates. We have examined into the
Yriattei 'and find that Dr. Schneck did
make an error in giving said sentence as
a quotation , from Dr. Gerhart. How he
came to Make this error- we .hnow not,
anil D. Gerhart •hair a perfect right there
fore to correct it. The sentence complain-.
ed of was not printed in the Monthly in
quotation marks (aii'd therefore the Month
ly is not to blame); but is contained in,an
article written: by the undersigned (in the
January 1.87.1.; number of the Monthly),
reviewing said Tract No. 3, and given as
a summinq up of what we understood Dr.
Gerhart to teach. That summing up was
correct. This we unhesitatingly affirm.—
Dr. Gerhart did teach that doctrine, if
the English language has any definite
meaning. The single extract given above
wilt prove it.. But the matter, is examin
ed more at length in an article sent on
for the June number of the Reformed
Church Monthly, to which-interested read
era are referred.
We regret that Dr. Sehneek made the
Mistake, BM the only Mistake wasin the
quotation marks. That sentiment (now
complaibed of and now repudiated) is the .
whole Widen of the Tract Po. 3, written
by Dr Gerhart. That Tract was publish
ed in.full iii the Monthly, ember'7o.
wheat is heading
—Orphans' Court—next Tuesday, Jthie
toa.Reir. Dr. J. Swartt, of Williamsport,
Pa., has been elected Pastor of the English
Lutheran chtirch of Qhathibersburg.
Se-Messrs. Amberku;Benedict & Co,
will this week receivitheirsecond supply
of summer goods.
Ihe Republican County Conven
tion will meet in Chambersburg on Tues
day the 9th day of ihne to nominate a
ticket for the fall election.
tiBts will hold their annual meeting and
communion services at, Piice's Church,
near this place, on Wednesday-next, Juue
HAIL.—A very severe hitil storm is
said to have passed over Frederick and
Washington counties/ Md. On Monday
htst, unroofing houses and doing consider
able datitage to the growing crops.
DITIDESD.—The Board of Directors of
the First National Bank of this place have
declared a semiannual Dividend of six
per cent. clear of tax, which is now paya
taXeveral refreshing rains during the
pttht week have contributed much to the
growth of both grain and grass. The
broad acres juat now present a charming
appearance, and farmers' spirits are no
ddubt revived in consequence.
ARRESTED.—The Valley ,6"pirit, of this
week announces the arrest of Levi San-
ders; formerly df this place, at Niagara
Falls. The particulars of his case are so
familiar to our readers that we deem fur
ther comment in reference to the unfor
tunate affair unnecssarv.
Accr DENT.-A little boy, about 11 years
old, :=on of Mr. John B. Eberly, fell off
a loaded wagon near Franklin Furnace,
in this county, on Saturday last, one of
the wheels passing over his bc.dy and kill.
ing him almost instantly.
CA LL ACCEPTED.—Rev. Wm. C.Scheaf
fer, a recent graduate of the Theological
Seminary at Lancaster, has accepted a
call from St. Paul's Refbrmed congrega
thin in ill's place; and will cuter upon
his pastoral duties about the first of July.
NUNNERY ATEerdsG.—The annual mee
ting of Snow Hill Society on Sutiday last
was not ns numerously attended as form
erly, owing tb the fact that there Were
several similar gatherings not Jill' off.—
Fortunately, howeber; good Order preimil
ed among the spectators.
FAIII.I tfactib
ney, of Philadelphia, prepares an excel
lent family medicine, an advertisement
of which will be found in to-day's paper.
We have used his preparaticiu and have
no hesitation in recommending it tb the
.The Mechauicstown Clarion says
the first inBtalment of summer boarders
from. Washington city passed through
that place oti Thursday last, en route for
Frederick Mclntire's beautiful Retreat at
Fountain Dale: Mae. has things cozy,
no doubt.
VS-Saturday next; 30th of May, will
be Decoration Day. It has been set a
part as a legal holiday thr the decoration
of soldiers' graves. Will the mounds
that mark the resting places of, our de
parted soldier friends be again neglected?
ve...The Music of the Sabbath School
Festival in• Trinity Reformed Church on
last Sunday evening is said to have sur•
passed that of former occasions, each part
being creditably performed. The Solo
by Miss Van Lear, one of Miss Miller's
pupils, was especially charming.
LARGE ORDERS.—We are pleased to
learn that the prospects for a. large trade
by the Geiser Manufacturing Company
was never %ore encouraging than the
present season: They are in receipt of or
ders daily fir their celebrated Grain Sep
arator. A felt days since they received
one from Richmond, Va. for nine ma
iteirThe strongest glass will sustain 2,-
000 pounds to the square inch. It also
has beeu known to twist a man's leg so
that he couldn't walk.
—Paris eats heady 5000 horses every
'POTATO Buds.—Those destructife pests,
the Colorado Potato BtigS,have this eat'.
ly in the season made their . appearance,
and. fads are entertained that great dattv
age to the
. potato crop will riecessair
ly unless some means for their del
struction is devised, D. B.lkussell, Esq.
the other day gathered several dozens
from his vinek in this place. Paris Green
having been recommended for their de
struction, a drag Saliition was made and
the bugs put had it for a minute or more
time, but it proved ineffectual. Ker. ,
tnene was afterwards used and even that
failed to destroy them. Mr. R. thinks
the best plan to get rid of them is to go
through the vines once a day with small
paddles and, thus destroy them. It is
stated that these Vogs confine themselves
to the same locality' tor only three seasons.
A correspondent of the Hagerstown Her
ald thus describes them :
"The eggs are deposited on the under-
Side of the leaf in diamond shaped patch
es, ate of light orafte color of about the
size of a pin's head.; The old bug is oval
in shape, about three-eights of an inch
long, six legs, body bard and crusty with
alternate stripes of lemon, green and light
1-32 inch in width running lengthwise of
the body. It would appear at first sight
to be Only a horny•like shell entirely des
tittite of wings;
but on a more careful in
spection it will he fotind that the shell of
the back is in two pieces forming a sort
of shield which is capable of being raised.
Under these shields will be found cateful
ly folded - gossamer-like wings by which
the insect makes its journey. I have nev
er yet seen them use these wings: When
ever disturbed they fall as if dead.
"The full grown larva attain the length
of ato inches, 5-16' inches in breadth.
They are of a dark liver color with two
rows of black spots On each side low dOwn
The number cf these spots• in each tow
is by no means nnifofm, sometimes 6 and
Bor 8 and 10, two ftiws on a side. The
color of the larva seems to change sonic.;
times nearly red, then shade or orahge.
_There will be no danger of mistaking be
identity of these pests ,When they come
"The juice of the larva and bugs is
poisonous and care should be taken that
it be not communicated from the hand to
the eyes. I have known several persons
who were rendered nearly blind for a time
by the poison 'thus communicated."
These bugs, as au army, it is asserted,
have for the last ten or twelve years beet.
steadily moving eastward from beyond
the pocky Mountains.
Editor of the Reed i 4 :—Having read in
Yolit paper a few weeks ago an importipA
addieas of Mr. Smith, Cofinty Stteig:iten l
dant of Common Schools, whielftoes great
credit to his head and heart ; and should
be read by every school director—by ev
ery teadher, by all the parents and a copy
of the tame suspended in every school
room to be seen any read by the scholars.
By liberal appropriations of our Legisla
ture and other accumulative means we
find ample support for a system of com
mill Schools in Pennsylvania not surpass
ed in any other state or government.
The office of shool director is one so
honorable and-so responsible that no one
should he invested with the lionois 4ho
is iidt willing to give time and attention
t i discharge the duties of the office. And
yet we find lamentable deficiencies in bur
schools. The many illiterate and rude
children on the street shows thlii their ed
ucation has been defective—sned upon en
tering a school room where there is con
fusion, and the teacher to enforce 'obedi
ence says i'On. must" or—"gblt nzus'nt"—
and "if OM do so, strap ilbu," or with
a coaxing; niduing, babyish strain strives
to constrain children to a cdnipliance—
we couciede Stich teachers should be class
ed with those ea former centlift:
As the ivhble community is deeply in
terested in the matter of our public schools
we subedit these suggestions and will be
pleased if ycitf Viablish them with the ac
companying article taken from a late is
sue of the Lancaster Express.
It is perhaps tacit generally known that
the annual publication bf a statement of
the financial proceedings and condition
of each school board in this State is re
quired by the school ht*; and that it is
the imperative duty bf each board to com
ply with this proviSibm It has not been
generally complied With, mainly because
school officers knew nothiOg of its exist
ence, but sometimes for reasons of adiffer
ent character. In order to avoid trou
ble, direttors shothl be careful to attend
to this Ivise and important part, of the
school lat; This published statement
should be Made by the old boards.
The Department will withhold.the State
apprbpriation from all districts that fail
to make the annual public statement. In
order td receive the amount appropriated
by the State to each school district, the
president of the respective boards must
appear before a Justice of the Peace. and
swear or affirm to the following ; That
the schools have been open and in opera
tion, according to the requirements of the
school law, for'the term of not less than
five months during the school year ; that
no teacher has been employed for or had
charge of any of the schools of the dis
trict during the year specified, who had
nut at the time a valid certificate -from
the County Superintendent.; that, the ac
counts of the district, treasurer and tax
collector for the year specified hare been
settled, and statements in full of the fi
nancial operations of the district publish
lished, according to law. This affidavit
made by the president must be counter
signed by the secretary, both officers of
• the old board, and, together with the "an
nual district repoit, h must be for Warded
by the new board tb the proper:County
The section of the kw reqairino. b an an
nual statement is as follows : "It shall be
the duty of the board of directors td pub
lish an annual statement of the antount
of moneys received and expended; and
the attionut due froni e'ciilectors, and set
ting forth all ...the financial , operations of
the district, iii:not less than ten -;written
pr printed
,handbills, to be put up iu the
most public places,in the district."
Socr4tities will find , si\cOn4enient and
snitable forfn of therequired annual state
ment of the district, accounts on .pagts
1954 rid 190 of the late' copy" ,of School
tanri said decisions..
Intr.Err ft A lionsE.-=Early one
morning last week the dead body of Geo.
Boren was found, in the. stable of Mrs.
Annie • knode on Potdmac street, and
from the wounds upon the head and other
portioni of the body of the deceased it was
evident that he met iris death by being
kicked and afterwaids trampled upon by
a horse in close prectimity to where he
was found. The Unfortunate man was in
the habit o sleeping in the stable, and it
is supposed that he laid dowit !fear where
he was found, and that the horse, in' aris
ing in the morning, struck him pith one
of his hoofs, as blood was fou•n thereon.
—Hager:sloth:. Ttti+s64- frisk
since Miss Mollie Flanagan, daughter of
Mr. Wm. E. Flanagan of this town,whiht
walking in the garden trod upon an iron
rake one of the prongs of which ran into
and through one of her feet. So complete
was the puncture runt the iron, after pen
etrating the sole and, passing , through the
foot, projected tout 6f the top of her shoe.
We are pleased to state that the young
lady is doing well, though su&ring bad
ly, and with good hopes of speedy recov
ery.—Twice A Week.
NZ - Street cleaners should be careful
where they - deposit the dirt or scrapings
hereafter. Last week a large quantity of
dirt • and rubbish was conveyed to the
premises of Mr. John M. Bonbrake at the
end of ChurCh street and piled ttp in
close proximity to his houso as to' he any
thing but satisfactory to Mr. B. The ve
ry inconsiderate party, whoever it may
be, should be required to remote the nui
sance to a more suitable locality:
Mahe dftse of March, R. R. contrac
tor; vs. the Franklin Railroad Company;
which was removed to Westminster;
was tried last week and resulted in a ver•
diet for March fur $15.000. Mr. M. was
cdntractor for the construction of the ex
tension of the road to the Potomac, and
thramit.wasin consequence of unpaid and
diSlitited estimates claimed to be due him.
19...0ne of our apprentices took "french
leave" since our last issue without notify
ing us of his intended departure: We
have since been compelled to take his
place at the ease, and- consequently haVe
not had the time to look up our usual lo
cal varieties: We expect to 'hate anoth
er hand in his place in a day ai two, when
our business will once move tight for us.
*Erne negro, TalHeifer°, who out
raged and murdered the little girl at Fall_
ing Waters Va.,last Summer, has been tri
ed and 4bUrid guilty of murder in the first
degree, which means hanging. He has not
yet been sentenced.
g-We should hot litisitate to recom
mend to any friend of ours, Parsons' Pur
gative Pills; they are scientifically prepar
ed, and are adapted to all the purpose's
of u good purgative medicine.
:€o,..Decidedly, the best remedy that has
ever been discovered for rheumatism,swoo
len or stiff joints, flesh wounds, sprains,
bruises, cuts, and burns, is Jonson's Ano
dyne Liniment. We use it, and always
recommend it to our friends.
-120 eggs a year is about the limit of
a public spirited hen.
—Phil. Sheridan is yet in the forties
and as boyish as ever.
—Ladies' Slippers s fancy, at Millet
Bros., P. 0. Building. may2B
—Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies'
Foxed Gaiters, just received at Miller Bros;
—Ladies, Misses and Children's Tip
ped and Trimmed Balmorals, received this
week, at Miller Bros.; P. 0. Building.
—Pearl and B'smark Lace and But
toned Shoes for children, all sizes, at Mil:-
ler Bros., P. o.Building. may 28
—Buff, Buttou and Lace Shoes for chil;
dren, a large supply, just received at SniL
der's Store
VEGETABLES.-A: full line of vegeta-
Wes ; Cabbage, Beans,Peasiltadishes,Straw-;
berries, &A:. at M. Geiser's Store. may2B3t
—Glance at our advertisement next
week and get an idea of all the leading nov
elties of the season.
may2B Pater & Hor.rmen:
—Mr. Joseph Price is again in the
city, purchasing our second supply of Sum
mer goods. Goods open for inspection next
—A splendid assortment of French
Worsted's and English Cassimere Suitings,
at Price & Hoeflich's. - may2l 3t
—Victoria Lawns, Piques, Swiss Grass
Cloths, Pettitles arol all kinds of Summer
Dress Goods in great vstriety at Price 6:
H may2l 3t
terCall and examine their stock be
fore buying elsewhere.
PRICE tt HoEFLicii
. .
—The "Getitleman- in Black"' fthois
the tutelar demon of dram-shops, assumes
his sourest aspect When the rapid progie`ss,
Of Vinegar Bitters is reported 'down below.'
The People's Vegetable Tonic is playing the
mischief:with his bitters Bred with rum,
All diseases whith those demoniac nos
trutns aggrairate, under. pretense of reliev
ing, such as indigestion, sick-headache,
constipation, rheumatism; gout and inter-
Mitent fevers are cured by it. may= 4t
. On the isth by the Rev. S. W. Ow
en, 11.1 r ., Ti AS. DUTROW and Him SUSAN
GRAY, both of Wash. to., Md;
Near this i)lace, .on the 11th inst.., CAR.;
RIE E.. infant daughter of Jacob and Ma.;
ry Middour, aged 4 months and 23 days.
Near Chambersburk-, May 20th, SARAH,
daughter of Samuel .bry; in her 24th year:
In Ohambersb'ufg, May 21st, Mr. JOHN
MILLER, in his 64th year.
On Monday, the I.lth• inst., near Mt: Car
mel, Md., Mr. GEORGE STUBS, aged 73
years, 5 months and 28 days.
Near Greencastle; May 8; Mrs. ELIZA
BETH McDOWELL, aged 65 years, 6 mos.
and 22 days. .
Near Babillasville. MIL., on the 15th inst.,
DANIEL BARBAUGH, aged 73 years, 6
months and 9 days.
BUTPER ... . .......
HARD SOAP. .... .
BALTIMORE, May 23, 1874:
FLOUR.—Western Family at $6.75; and
do. ut $7 ®7.'.1 1 5 ; Howard Street common to
fair extra, at $6®6.25 ; do. Family at Vig
WHEAT.—The sales to-day were priine
Pennsylvania red at 16 , cents; Maryland
amber at 175 cents.
CORN.---Sales of white at 92693 cents,
and do. yellow at 86 cents.
OATS.--Bouthern at 72 cents, and west
ern on truck at 62663 cents.
RYE.—Prime Pennsylvania at 110 cents,
and fair at 105 cents.
prIF the Auditors of Washington township
vt_Jgiving the Receipts and Expenditures
of said township for the year ending, April
11th, 1574:
Rate of taxation, 1i mills on the dollar.
Whole amount of tax
Surplus money frlur
last year
Total receipts,
Whole amount of work done,
Percentage for collecting, tax, '
Paid note of Samuel Rinehares,
it 46
Jacob Z. Keefer's,
" due bill of 1). Potter's,
" Supervisors for attendance
at settlement,
Attaitorg pay for attendance at
Clerk's cirry,and other expenses,
Room rent,:,
Total expentlituresi c
Money on hand,
Account of Daniel Potter, Supervisor.
Amout4 of tax as per duplicate,
Received from Auditors,
Total receipts,
Amount of work done,
Percentage for collecting tax,
Paid for plank fur repati,ng
Pain for dressing tools,
Itooin rent,
Attendance at settlemEnti
Total expenditures;
Paid to Auditors at settlement;
Account of Daniel 0: Crum, Sirpervisor
Antolini of tax as per duplicate, 875,9 S
IteCeived from Auditors, 138,39
Tatcl receipts,
Am' tint of work done,
Per '.ntage for collecting tax,
Pali for lumber for bridges,
" I " dressing tools, .
dance at settlements
over to Auditors ]
oda of Charles West, Supervisor.
et of tax as per daplicatei 445,94
ftera Attditors; 88,39
t of work done,
itage for collecting tax,
lumber for bridges,
dressing tools,
handles for tools,
spikes and nails,
two shovels at $1,25
1 nee at settlement,
Paid f
a a 1
' r to Auditors;
tarns •
e of M, Holatans;
Total e
Paid ov
Paid no
of George Waddle. Supervisor.
f tak as per duplicate 353 ; 16
Irom Auditors, . 88,89
ipts, 441,53
f work done, 891,23
e lb, collecting tax, 14,12
lumber for bridges, 19,52
ressing tools, 8,e5
•e at settlenienti 2,00
Total re
Paid ibr
14 64
nditures, 435,82
to Auditors, 5,73
t MAN ,ship
Total ex.
Paid ove
mad• 2S
DR, NOB FAillat'S
THE prapiiethr of this medicine is a grad-::
uate of Jefferson Medical College, of
Philitdelphitit .1835; since then he has
made chronic' diseases his special,study—
has had good success in the treatment of
such diseases, which has induced him to
put out this medicine before the public.—
A medicine which ought to be in 'every fain:-
ily in the laud. Those' vho haVe used it
speak of its great merit. is composed of the'
in the Materia Medica, and compounded
with great care by the proprietor, under his
own supervasiou and made in a scientific
tnanner. The
and in a short time it will become a.`
Acts on the Liver, Lungs and Kidneys
Gobd for the following diseases, such as
Liver Complaint,
Sick•Headache i
and Chronic Diseases generally ; very good
for childten ininuall doses, being mild and
pleasant. Try it and convince yourself of
its merits, then commend it to your ft iends.
Also makes his celebrated FAMILY BIT
TERS which have stood the test for a num
ber of years. Good for indigestion, Low
ness of Spiiith, Dyspepsia), Foul Stomach,
Cramp, Colic, &c. Try it.
Prepared only by
Philadelphia, Pa.
• 70
• • 06
• 120
Sold by Dr. J. B. Amberson, Waynesbo
ro', Pa:, Dr. Carl, Greencastle; Pa., J. S. Nix
on Chambersburg, Pa. may2B-ly
Consulting Office, No. 22 West King St.,
a few doors irom the Court House. Observe
the sign on the side' of the' door. Office
hours from 10 A. M. to 12 and from 2 to
to 4 r. nC., and 6 to 8 in evening.
The Doctor's long and successful practice
at Hagerstown, Md., and the past five years
at Martinsburg, W. Va.,
_and nearly four
yOrs at the bedside in the different Ilospif
als of the large cities enables him to give
full satisfaction to the afflicted, without the
us of that deadly poison Mercury, and oth
er powerful Minerals that annually send
thousands to a premature grave.
All Nervous 1 iiseases speedily cured. Let
the weak and nervous bear in mind that
when they have symptoms indicating ma
ny other iliscases, it originates principally
from the nerves.
This dreadlul scourge of su &ring human
ity, brought on from unnatural habits of
youth, or learned froth etil companions at
school or while alone. Both sexes, old and
young, are guilty of it, and it is hastening
thousands to that bourne from whence no
trawler returns. For all such Dr. Jones
has discovered a never-failing treatment
that will soon bring about new life and ful
ly restore enfeebled manhood.
This disease strikes With terror to the
boldest heart, where it is soon discovered
in the roof bf the mouth and throat, with
discoloring blotches over the head and bo
dy, last betraying the unhappy victim,deai h
ending the suffering.
Make an early application, and be cured
witlmit any change of diet or hindrance
from btrsiness or detectibn of friends.
Without the dangerous medium of an oper
of every . form speedily cured.
Affection of the Kidneys and Bladder,
and all kinds of Chronic Diseases, ii;) mat
ter how long standing, speedily restored.
Dr.- Jones can be consulted by letter de
scribing symptoms, age,and how longstand
ing. All letters strictly confidential._
The completion of the Cumberland Val
ley Railroad to lilartinsburo will make it
convenient for patients frein e 'lllaryland and
Pennsylifarda to call and consult with the
Doctor. .
:I ,bll
Dr. Jones will not tisit patients except
where they are nor able to consult him at
hii office. His family practice at Martins-,
burg is sufficient evidence of his success.—
U 1 letters must be addressed to
D. W. JUNES, M.D.,
• Martinsburg, W. Va.
Inay2l ly
Nothing contributes
more to beauty of the
features than a PER-
CLEAN SET OF TEETtlmirile a neglected,
fllthy,dibeased mouth
disgusts &cry Deb°ld
or. Such things are
noticed now -4- days
Much Mere than formerly; and good teeth
and a sweet breath are •
considered indispen
sible to every LADY
BLWAEE of all preparations which are
highly recommended
for WiIITENING the
teeth. They contain
an acid which des
stroys the ENAMEL. Dr. Forrest keeps con
stantly on hand of his
oliTn Preparation a su
perior TOOTH POW:.
DER,which keeps the
Teeth absolutely clean, leaving the color of
the Ermine' just as na
ture made it. For the
eonvenience of my pa
the patent i tOOtII POWDER BOTTLE, so
constructed as to distribute the powder
nicely on the BRUSH, and can be carried
when traveling and several may use front
the same bottle with propriety. Having
had art experience of over seven years in
the manufactureand adniinistration of Ni
trous Oxide Gass, I am prepared atall times
to administer this popular Anaesthetic,
either to children or adults for the extrac
tion of teeth, without pain or any unpleas
ant effects. Insertion, Filing and Filling of
Teeth carefully executed. Office next door
to Bishop's Att Gallery, Main St., Cham
bersburg, Pa. H. FORREST, D. D. S.
N. B.—Teeth that have become discolor
ed, I tun prepared to bleach and restore to
their natural color. , Prices very modera.e.
T WILL sell at private sale, at my resi
dence, %Vest end of Waynesboro': 2 bu
reaus, 2 side-tables, (cherry) wash stands,
parlor carpets, (new) 2 stoves, 1 cane set of
chairs, looking-glasses, bedsteads, vinegar
by the barrel, barrels, kegs, 1 large iron
kettle, small kettles, skillets, lard cans and
tubs, 1 Italian bee in Laugsworth hive, fer
tile queen. strong stock, imported from Mas
sachusetts, 12 good hives. excellent finish,
ready for swarms, with frames, a lot glass
supers, queen hives, c:c. Call soon to get a
bargain. D. 1). F.IIIItNEY.
tuar2l 3t