BY W. BLAIR. VOLUME M. go tint ticetrg. VE'DE ODOR OLD. - We are growing old—how the thought will When a glayme is backward cast 'On some long Temembered spat that lies In the silence of the past; It may be the shrine of our early vows; Or the tomb of our tears, But it seems like a far off isle to us, In the stormy sea of years, 'Oh ! wide and wild are the waves that part Our steps from its greenness now, And. we miss the joy of many a heart, And theligliy - a -- brow - ; :For deep o'er.raany_ a stately bark _ Have the whelming billows rolled 'That steered with us from that early mark- Oh, friends? we are growing old.!,__ Old iu the dimness of the.dust Of our daily toils and cares— Old in the wrecks of love and trust Which our burthened memory bears. Each form may wear to the passing gaze The bloom of life's freshness yet, And beams may brighten our latter days Which the morning never met. But oh the changes we have seen, In the far and winding way, • The graves in our paths have grown green, And the locks that have grow_. gray! The Winters still on our own may spare The sable or thesold ; Ent we see their snows upon brighter hair, - And, friends, we are growing old! Vs have gained the world's cold wislom now, We have learned to praise and fear, ;But where are living founts whobe flow Was a joy of heart too dear? We have won the wealth of many a clime, And'the lore of many a page ; but where is the hope that saw in time But its boundless heritage! 'Will it come again when the violet wakes And the woods their youth renew? We have stood in the light ofsunny brakes, ' Where the bloom is deep and blue; And our souls might joy in the springtime then, For it never could give us the youth again •Of hearts that are growing old. fflisteUnueous °sending. HOW IT WAS BOUGHT. EY S. A'SNIE FROST. "Papa," said little Busy Weston, climb ing upon her father's knee, "what pleases you so much to-day ? You have been smiling to Yourself all dinner-time." "Something has pleased me to-day, Su sy. If you and Johnny would like to hear the story, draw up your chairs." "A story," said Abs. Weston, looking up from her sewing. "May I hear, too?" "If you will be very good," said Mr. Weston, smiling. "Let me see, how old are you, Johnny?' •"Twelve, sir." "Well, my , story is about a boy of just your age. It is nearly a year since I first saw him. I was .very busy one afternoon last winter, when I saw a little boy corn ing into the store, whose time attracted my attention at once. It was not a very hand some face , but it was earnest and bright; a strong, good face, if I ever saw one.— The boy was poorly clad, but his clothes were clean and whole. " 'May I see the boss ?' he asked. "'I um the boss,' I answered, 'what cart I do for you 2' "I . want to ask the price of a first-rate sewing machine; mot a fancy oue, sir, but a good worker.' "'Well, sir,' I said, can give you a good machine for sixty dollars.' -"Sixty dollars. Well, Mister,' said he, earnestly, 'can I work one out? I have every, afternoon from half-past two till sexen, and I can run errands or do any work about the store. You'see, sir, this is how it is. Father died two years ago, and mother, she wants me to stay at school for a year or two longer, ,but she has to work awfully , hard to keep me there. Fa ther was a bricklayer, and mother owns the little house he almost built himself', but that is all. She sews, sir, and she could make twice as much if she only had a machine. But we never can spare six ty dollars, sir, so I thought I would see if I could earn one." " 'But it would take you a long time,' I said ; 'if I gave you a dollar a week, it would be sixty." "'Will. you give 'me that ?' he said, his eyes fairly dancing. can,come all day Saturday.' "Can you? Suppose we. say a dollar and a half ? and if you do well, you can have the machine at a little less than the retail price. "You see,Susy, I was interested alrea dy in the boy, with his honest, frank face, and resolved, if he was faithful in his du ties, to help him along. So we made an agreement, he to give me all his spare time out of school, Ito credit him each week with a dollar and a half toward the purchase of a machine. "Every day he came, punctual to the minute, rain or shine, and he was the most prompt and reliable errand boy I ever employed. Little by little the dollars roll ed up on the account until one evening in the fall, I was here. after dinner, just before you and your mother came home from the country, when the door-bell rang, and in walked Harry Cummings, my er rand boy. " . `I found this, sir,' Ise said, 'when ' I was sweeping out the store,' and he hand ed me.a roll of bank notes I had thought was safe in my pocket. "Please see if it :is all right, sir,' he said, 'it was under the counter." '"I-counted the notes, two hundred dol lars, and then taking out one twenty dol lar note, said : "'I should have .offered a reward, for this, Harry, if you had not found it.' "'I am glad I saved you that, sir," he answered. bid you good night.' ' "'But you have earned the reward,' I said putting down the twenty dollars, 'will you take it or pass it to the machine money.?' " all that I "Oh, sir, pass it to the machine. You see I'd - have to tell mother where I got all that money, and the machine is to be a surprise.' "I never spent twenty dollars with such pleasure in my life, Susy. I This was a _greatlift_on_the_machine,_and_this after noon, when Harry came,l told him to pick one out for his moter.— "We selected a first-rate one, handsome too, and I promised him one of our best - teachers should go to show his mother how to work upon it. "When it was on the cart, ready to go, I invited myself to go with Harry and see it delivered. He had asked me to write a note telling his mother it was honestly earned; and I told him I would tell her. "So away we went, and when we reach ed_the little house. the cart was justturn- ing the corner of' the street ATLITy op ened the door, very softly, and the men lifted the machine into the parlor. Then Harry led me to the small sitting-room at the back of the house, where a pale wo man in the widow's dress was sitting sew ing busily. She rose and offered me a I could obtain Harres_services_in the store, at . five dollars a week. You should have seen the boy's eyes. "'He can go to eveuing school,' I said, `and I will see that he' has some time to read and study. I cannot spare.hiin now having had his services so long.' " •Rfy afternoons and Saturdays, moth er," Harry said. "I told you 1 was not in mischief, I was earning you a present. Come and see. "And he fairly danced into the parlor, his mother and I following. "'lt's yours,' he said, &neing around the machine ; 'all paid for, and lessons on it, tot. Ain't it s!ilendid "His mother was as delighted as he ex pected, and that is saying a great deal. "'Oh, sir,' she said to me, 'he's been a good son since his poor father died. Ev ery morning, summer or winter, he's up and makes the fire while I am dressing, and while I get breakfast he brings up all the coal for the day, so I won't have to go into the cellar; and every step he can save me he does. But how he ever made all the money to buy a machine out of school hours, I cannot understand.' " got a dollar and a half a week, mo ther, tbr errands, and ten or twenty Anta extra when there was snow to clean off' the sidewalk, or any other odd job, and Mr. Weston gave me twenty dollars.' "'No, you earned that as well as the rest,' I said, and his mother fairly broke down and cried when I told her all about the roll of money. "So, Susy, now you know what pleased me so much to-day. To-morrow Harry becomes my errand boy, and I know lie will be a faithful one . . There is the mak: ing of a noble man, Johnny, in the boy who can work steadily and faithfully'for months for such an object as Harry had, never taking one cent from his hard-earn ed money for his own pleasure, never fail ing, in his self-imposed duties. Harry is a boy only twelve years old, but I honor him.' "But papa," said Susy, "you are ricl, Nchy didn't you give his, mother a mq chine ?" "Because the pleasure would not have been so great to either Harry or his moth er. Think how proud she will be of her good son every time she touches her ma chine, and how glad he will feel that be persevered so well whenever he sees it is a little sunbeam in the dull routine of business for both of them, as well as for me." "Any mother would be proud of such a son," said Mrs. Weston, gently, "and when he has a holiday you must let lira spend it here. We will be glad to'see him, will we not children ?" There was a very hearty "yes, ma'am," and then the brother and sister, thanking their father for the story, opened seliool books and went busily to their duty for the evening, Johnny wondering a little if he could ever have the self-dial, indiiitry and patience of Harry Cummiugs.—#etk °dist. American boys are expected to become manly men. The mother of every boy is expected to teach him to be obedient to parental authority, to the civil lavf, and to acquire au education—a trade, a busi ness, or an art—samething for which be may be adapted and by which he may earn an honest living. This is a privil ege, nay more, it is a duty—a duty to self, 'to family, to friends, to the State, 'to the nation. When this is done, socity has a guarantee for the good conduct and use fulness •of each of her sous. •When it is neglected, the boys grow up in ignorance and idleness, society is taxed for their support, either in her reformatories, her jails, hospitals or asylums. How much cheaper it would be•to have every boy properly educated, trained and disciplin ed, so that be would be a blessinginstead of a curse to the world. He is sun: to be come one or the other. Show me the mantlepiece of s hcuse, ear a sage, and I will tell you what men der of persons reside therein. • A FAMILY NEWSPAPER---DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. ETC. WA.YNESBOROI, FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, MAX 28, 1874. In the city ofllartford, Conn., lives the -hero of the true story I am about to relate —but no longer "little," as the perilousi adventure which made him thmous in his -native town happened s e veral years ago. Our hero was then a bright active boy -of fourteen—the son of a mechanic. In the severe winter of 1835, the father work ed in a facry, about a mile from his home, and eery day the boy carried him -his dinner across a piece of meadow land. One keen, frosty day he found the snow on this meadow nearly two -feet deep, and no traces of the little footpath remaining. Yet he ran on as fast as possible, plung ing through drifts, keeping himself warm by vigorous exercise and brave, cheerful thoughts. When in the midst of the meadow, ful ly half a mile from the house, he sudden ly felt himself going down, 'down ! He had fallen into a well. He sank _down_intoithe_dark,icy_water,b_ut rose immediately to the surface. There be tecLhold_ol dank which had fallen into the well as he went down. ne en. of this rested on the bottom of the well— the other-rose-about- four feet-above -the surface of the water. The poor lad shouted for help until he was hoarse and almost speechless, but all in vain, as it was impossible to make him self heard from such a depth, and at such a distance from any house. So at last he concluded that if he was saved at all he must save himself, and begin at once, as (TUTits getting extremely cold in the wa ter. So be went to work. First, he drew himself up the plank, and braced himself against the top of it and the wall. of the well, which was of brick and quite smooth. Then he pulled oft' his coat. and taking out his pocket knife—he cut off his boots, that he might go to work to greater advantage. Then, with his feet against one side of the well, and his shoulders against the other, he worked his way up r by the most fearful exertion, about half the distance to the top. Here he was obliged to pause, to take breath and gather up his energies for the work vet before him. Far harder was it than all he had gone through, for the side being from that, point covered with ice, he must cut with his knife, grasping places with his fingers, slowly and careful ly all the way up. It was almost a hopeless attempt, but was all that he could do. And here the little hero lifted up his heart to God and prayed fervently for help, fearing that he could never get out alone. Doubtless the Lord heard his voice;.cal ling from the deep, and pitied him. He wrought no miracle to save him,but breath ed into his heart a. yet larger measure of calmness and courage, strengthening him to work out his own eliverence. After this, the little hero cut It s way up ward, inch by inch. His wet stockings froze to the ice and kept his feet from slip ping, but his shirt was quite worn from his shoulders ere he reached the top. He dui reach it at last—crawled out in to the snow, and lay down for a moment to rest—panting out his breath in little white clouds on the clear frosty air. He had been two hours and a half in the well ! His clothes soon froze to his body, but he no longer suffered with cold, as full of joy and thankfulness, he ran to the facto ry, where his father was waiting aud won dering. The poor man was obliged to go with out his dinner that day, but you may he sure ha cared little about that, while lis tening with tears in his eyes to the thril ling story his son bad to relate to him, He must have been proud of the boy that day, as he wrapped him in his own warm overcoat, and took him home to "mother." • • And how that mother must have wept and smiled over the lad, and hisSed him and thanked God for him I have not heard of the "little hero" for two or three years, but I trust he is grow ing up into a brave, heroic man, and I hope he will never forget the heavenly friend who did not forget him in the hour of his great need. There is an old saying that truth lies at the bottom of a well. I trust that this brave boy found and brought up from there this truth : God helps those who help themseives.—Grace Greenwood. ABSENCE.—When a friend dies and is buried, there's an end of him. We miss him•for a space out of our daily existence; we mourn for him by degrees that become mer3ifully less ; we cling to the blessed hope that we shall be reunited in some more perfect sphere; but so far as this earth is concerned, there's an end of him. However near and dear he was, thelime arrives when . he does not form a • part of our daily thought ; he ceases to be even an abstraction. We go no more with flow ersand tears into the•quiet cemetery; on ly the rain and the snowflakes fall there; we leave it for the fingers of Spring to deck the neglected mound. But when our friend vanishes unaccountabl f inthe midst of a crowded city, or goes off on a sea voy age and is never heard of again, his mem ory has a singular tenacity. He may be to all intents and. purposes dead to us, but we have not ]ost him.— The ring of the door-bell at midnight may be his ring ; the approaching footstep may be his footstep; the unexpected letter with foreign postmarks maybe from his hand. He haunts us as the dead never can. The woman whose husband died last night - may marrry again within a cluster of months. Do you suppose a week pass es by when the woman whose husband &- appeared mysteriously ten years ago does not think of him ? There are moments when the opening of the door must startle her. There is no real absence but death. House cleaning is about over. A Little Hero. WAITING ALONE. 'Tie hard to part with those we love— To snap the fine-wrought chain That pure affection's hands have wove, 'Nor meet on earth again, In youth, the heart's soft tendrills torn, Round other hearts will cling; I3nt weary age, when called to mourn, Is aye a lonely thing. Upon the mountain's desert peak Soft summer showers descend; In vain the swelling streamlets - seek A common course to wend ; One dashes down the rocky side, Joins the broad river's nave, Till in the Eastern ocean's tide It makes its gloomy grave. The other, far Western lands, A pleasant fonntaiu glides ; Soon in some mighty lake it stands, Lost 'mid the gathering tides. —But_loLthe_vapers_soon_useentl,_ In clouds surpassing fair; The clouds theirlides - of glory bend, Those streamlets meet iu air. -And-thus i on-earth, we're forced to part From those dear friends we love ; And thus the fond and faithful heart Shall join the lost above. To Bury or to Burn. This is still an absorbing topic, and with all that ,is said against tbriner, the . "Churchman . ' says : Just now the abet is making 'to throw as much obloquy as possible upon inter ment; and by way of doing this, it is at tempted to make it out, that the prejudice in its favor is from religious bigotry. We have been afraid that the well-meaning but mistaken zeal of a few will undertake to put the cause of burial upon a false tooting, and to defend it by untenable ar guments. There is no doubt that during the peri; od of active decomposition there is evolv ed a certain amount of deleterious gases. But that these continue in their virulence forever, and that (for example) a cem-. etery in which during forty years burials had taken place would therefore be at that time forty times as insalubrious as it was at the first interment, is a mode of reason ing which we must perforce challenge.— The facts ought to be ascertained and scien tifically tested, before any vague induc ticins are allowed. This thing is very certain. The Mosa ic law was very precise upon many mat ters relating to health. Its minuteness the Christian would feels that. it can .dis pease with, because of the larger liberty of the Gospel. But the Old Testament and the New alike recognize the practice of interment' Now we contend that this would not have been the case had the practice been necessarily detrimental to the human race. More than this Scrip ture asserts it as the natural destiny of man's body to return after death to the earth. Therefore we cannot believe that any extended corruption of the earths sur face is possible from the continuance of interment. That must be affirmatively shown before the cause of cremation can stand. Vague declamation will not do. Again, it must be shown that the pre cess of cremation does not equally or in part infuse into the atmosphere the same dangerous elements. That. is not yet es tablished. The common notion is that fire purifies everything ; but that is an idea that will not stand for a moment when carefully analyzed. It is possible through combustion to disseminate very deadly ele ments. It was . rt trick of the subtle pois oners of the 15th century to burn deadly substances in chambers where their vic tims were to lodge, secure that, after all apparent trace of the process had disap peared, the poison would lurk in tapes tries, clothe tile walls, and enter into the system of the persons to be destroyed.— Because the evil is not perceptible (and we grant that cremation may obviate that) it does not follow that it is non-existent. Cremation must show affirmatively its positive and decided superiority over buri al, before it can appeal for a. hearing and a trial. We need not say that it is a heathen custom, and thaf the Christian Church decided on its practice against it, when there must have been an overwhel ming prejudice in its favor of the resurrec tion of the body. It is the sign of fellow ship in the Lord's death. It has from the earliest date distinguished the' people of God from unbelievers. We do not say it was confined to: the Israelites any more than now it is peculiar to Christian peo ples, but it has always been a distinction which the Church in each of the dispensa tions has maintained. And when a mode of disposing of the remains of the dead is proposed, which cannot fail to shock the tenderest feelings of nearly all Christian believers, it ought to show a very strong case before it is fairly entitled to 'a stand ing in the tribunal of public opinion. Unless it can do this, it-must submit, as the lawyers say, to a non-suit. A good telescope, with, a three and a half inch aperture, virtually brings the moon within one thousand. two hundred' miles of the observer, or within one two hundredth of its real distance. Lord Rosse's telescope brings it within forty two miles, so that objects two hundred and seventy feet long are discernible.— Baer has calculated that an instrument of ten times the power of Rosse's would be required to briLg the moon within a Ger man mile, at which distance the body of a man can be perceived. Never lose your respect ; if 4hat is lost, all is lost. Undertake•nothing without thoroughly considering it. Flouters weep without woe, and blush vvithoutk crime. Cultivate a Rome Feeling. 0, ye fathers and mothers who have sons and daughters growing up around you, do ye ever think of &our responsibil ity in this regard—your responsibility for keeping alive the home sentiment in the bearer our children? Within the limit of your mss, remember that the obliga tion rests upon you to make their home the pleasantest place upon this rolling earth,to make the word "home" to them . the syn onym for "happiness' " I would not have you import the vices of the outside world into your homes for any purpose ; but I have you go to the verge ofwhat is moral,to provide at home those things which entice young and growing persons away from home. And let me assure you that you had better spend your mony in doing this 1 1 than in ostentation or luxury, and far, far bey ter to spend it thus than to amass afor tune for your children to squander in the future. And not only as regards amuse ment, I lomfort and retinements its, but a, tr - Thave a keen appreciation of these thing— this is much the best pol icy. Don't send your boy to school in ill fitting garments-collar all awry and claf lug his neck, buttons missing, and shoes down at the heel. Don't make a warehouse 'or clothes-press of his bed-room. Don't feed him on sour bread, and tough meat, and dissension and misrule spoil the hours he spends at home. Don't do any of these things if you can possibly avoid it; especi ally don't do them for the purpose of lay ing up meney - foritiafuturense. - The rich. est legacy you can leave him is a lifelong, inextinguishable and fragrant reccillie-7 tion of his home,when time and death have forever dissolved the enchantment. Give him that, and he will, in the strength of it, make his own way in the world: but let his recollections of home be 'repulsive, and the fortune you may leave him will be a poor compensation for the loss of that:ten derns of heart, and purity of life, which not only a pleasant home, but the very memory of one would have secured. Re member this, too, that while he will never feel grateful for your money when once you are under ground, he will go to your green grave and bless your very ashes for that sanctuary of quiet, comfort, and refinement into which you may, if you possess the means, transform your home. A Successful Conundrum. "John has never given you a ring ?" said Katie's sister to her oue day. John was Katie's lover. ,"Never," . said Katie with a regretful shake of her head. - "And he never will until you ask him for it," pursued the sister. "Then I fear I Shall never get one," was the reply. ' "Of course you never will. John is too stupid to think of such things; and as you can never pluck up courage enough to ask for one, it follows that you will never get one." This set Katie to thinking, and to what purpose we shall see. That evening her lover called to see her. He was very proud and very hap py, for the 'beautiful girl by his side had been for several weeks pledged to marry with him as seon as his business could be properly done, and John was a grand, good fellow, too, notwithstanding his ob liviousness to certain polite manners. "John," said Katie, at length, looking up with an innocent smile, "DO you know what.a conundrum is?" "Why, it's a kind of a puzzle—a rid dle," answered John. Do you think you could ask me one I couldn't guess T' "I don't know. I never thought of such things. Could you ask me one? "I could try." Well, try .Katie." "Then answer this : Why is the letter (D) like a ring?" John puzzled his brain over the prob lem for a long time, but was finally fore : ed to give it up. "I don't know, Katie. Why is it ?" "Because, replied the maiden, with a very soft blush creeping up to her tem ples, " We cannot be wed without it." In less than a week from that date, Katie had her engagement ring. A FOURTUNE EN ITSEI.F.—CiVility is a fortune itself; for a courteous man generally succeeds well in life, and that evenwhen persons of ability sometimesfail. The famous Duke ofMalborough is a ease in point. It was said of him by one con temporary, that his agreeable manners of. tea converted an enemy into a friend, and by another, that it was more pleasure to be denied a favor by his Grace than to receive a favor br most men. The gra cious maner of Charles James Fox pre served him from personal dislike, even at a time when he was politically the most unpopular man in the kingdom. The his tcry of every country is full of such ex amples of success by civility. The ex perience of every man furnishes, if we may recall the past, frequent instances where conciliatory manners h tve made the fortunes of physicians, and i udeed, in dividuals of all pursuits. In being intro duced to strangers, his all'ubility, or the re verse creates instantaneously a prepos session in behalf of, or awakens uncon s ions prejudice against him. The pride of mankind is great. A family living in Hoboken was awakened by unusual noises in the house, and on turning out saw the eldest hopeful rush ing around in his suspenders, brandishing a new Weston, and shouting, "There is a man in the house." A lengthy search fail ed to show any foundation for the young. man's warlike demonstration, when be mildly informed the breathless and ex hausted tribe that it was his birthday.— He was twenty-one. - The birds are merry. Birds and Bugs. The entomologists, er bug-hunters, who go about hunting butterflies and bugs, are au institution. Their business is to study the nature and habits of insects, and the necessity of their work is shown by such facts as are to be found in the reports to Congress. The "army worm," after it had given but little trouble fora hundred years, des troyed millions of dollars worth of grain in 1861. The -wheat midge and Hessian fly destroyed several million dollar's worth of wheat in New York in a single year. It is said that Maine could raise 100,000 bushels of wheat a year but for the rayages of these two insects ; and the loss to the Southeib planters by the "cot tonball worm, the army worm," and the 'cli inch bug' is enormous. The "wire worm' - alone — corrscnned in one department of. France nearly a million aollars' worth of grain, and caused deficient harvests for 'ears. In German whole forests were consumed by the larvae of a species of worm, and thousands of fir trees had to be cut down. These are facts that make en tomology on economic studies. The agri culturist classifies-insects into friends or foes of his crops, as they are carnivorous or herbivorous. The work of protection is well done by birds. In France the govern ment extends its protection even to buz zards and rooks, because each of the for mer consume about 6,000 field mice yearly, and the latter an incalculable number of white worms. In Hungary, afterwards in Prussia, to the discomfiture of Frede rick the Great, the sparrows were found to be the farmees best friend. Over fifty species of insects prey upon cereals and grapes, and as many on our field crops These well-known species rav age garden vegetables, and fifty attack the grape vine, and their number is increa sing. About saventyfive species make their annual onset upon the apple tree, and as many the -plami-pear r -peack r and, cherry. Over fifty species infests the oak, twenty-five the elm, ssventydive the wal nut, and ono hundred prey upon the pine. Each year witnesses the attacks .of new enemies. The killing of insect-eating birds steadily increases noxious insects. WOMAN'S ItrouTs.—The following are the opening sentences of an address on this subject by Mrs. Skinner : Miss President, feller wimmen, and male trash generally: I am here to-day, for the purpose of discussing woman's re-cussinrr a her wrongs and cursing the men. I believe sexes were created perfectly equal ; with the women alittle more equal than the men. • I also believe that the world would to day be happier if man had never existed. As a success man is a failure, and I bless my stars that my mother was a wo man. [Applause.] I not only maintain their principles but maintain a shiftless husband besides. They say man was created first. Well, 'spose be was. Aint first experiments al ways failures? If I was a betting man, I would bet $2.60 they are. The only decent thing about him was a rib, and that went to make something better. [Applause.] And then they throw into our face a bout taking an apple. bet five dollars that Adam boosted her up the tree and only gave her .the core. And what did he do when Le was found out? True to his masculine instincts, he sneaked behind Eve's Grecian bend, and said, wrwan't me; 'twas her ;" and wo man has had to father everything mean and mother it too. What we want is the ballot, and the ballot we're bound to have, if we have to let down our back hair and swim in a sea of sanguinary gore. [Sensation.] THE FIVE CRADt ES.-A. man who had recently become a votary to Bacchus re turned home one night in an intermediate state of booziness. That is to say, he was comfortably drunk,but perfectly conscious of his unfortunate situation. Knowing that his wife was asleep, he decided to at tempt gaining his bed without disturbing her, and by , sleeping off his inebriation, conceal the fact from her altogether. Ile reached the door of his room without cre ating much disturbance, and after rumin ating a few moments on the matter; he thought if he dould reach the bedpost, and hold on to it while he slipped out of his apparel, the remainder Or'"'the feat would be easily accomplished Unfort unately for his scheme a cradle stood in a direct line with the bedpost, 'about the middle of the floor. Of courqe, when his shins came in contact with the aforesaid piece of furniture, he pitched over it with a perfect looseness ; and upon gaining an erect positiou,ere an equilibrium was made be went over it backwards, in an equally summary manner. Again he struggled to his feet, and went headforemost over the bower of infant happiness. At length with the fifth fall, his patience became ex hausted, and the obstacle was yet to be overcome. In desperation, ho cried to his sleeping partner : "Wile 1 wife ! how many cradles have you got in the house? I've fallen over five, and here's another afore me!" We let our blessings grow mouldy, anti call them curses. We fear men so much because we fear God so little. Do the duties of to-day, and leave the cares of to-morrow till they come. If, as atheists affirm, creation came by chance, what a sublime chance it was. The sourest temper must sweeten in the atmosphere' of continuous good humor. Dispute and borrowing, cause grief and sorrowing. Costly apparatus and splendid cabinets , have no power to make scholars. 42,00 PER YEAR. NUKBER .50; Mit and Sniok. Why is Sunday the strongest day of the week.? Because all the others are week days. I t Which of the . ve.e.postho wore the largest hat? Tie , e that hail the larV eat head. A St. Paul woman who used to keep three girls, now does her own - work cheer• fully. She found her lasuband thing kisses at them. A Philadelphia, youth was reeeiatl' • married to a girl who, had refused hinti,i eighteen times. Ho wishes nocv he hadn't:, asked her but seventeen. "this summer ladies are "going to dress their hair as they did three hundred years ago," says an exchange. This makes some of the ladies rett,_ P - Why does a cat,-while eating,. turn head first ono way, and ben arijltlier? Because sbe can't turn it. both ways at once. An ox that had beat eating fermented grain, which was in preparation for malt ing ale, became intoxicated, :Ind was of fered for sale by his owner es 'corned' beef. , The yen rof jubilee has come The sew ing machine RV)) of indianapolis irc using each of her as targets tbr pibtol prac tice. Now let other cities follow the ex ample-till-it-becoraes-a-tidal-wave. IT a lady in a red cloak were to cross a red field in: which was a goat, what won derful traustbrrnation would probably take place? The goat would tura to' but- Lr and the lady into a scarlet runner. You may talkyonraelf into a bronchia '•\,\ • airocaon,—iatt .—caX-t-conxincP moat woman thatkthe.o won't be a death • in the family if fili'di.A..eams Of Benin°. o a hen walking u picket: fence. Some man never lose their prmnee of mind. In Milwaukee. last week a maa thew his mother•in-laity out of a window i:n• the fifth..4ory-of'a — burniug and carded a'feather bed down stairs :ti his arMs. A Quarrelsome couple were discussing ' the subjects of epitaphs•and tombstones, , and the husband said : "My dear, what • kind of a stone do you suppose they. will . . give me when I die 2" "Brimstone, my love," was the affectionate reply. John Randolph -met a personal enemy in the street, one day, whorefused to give him hall of the sidewalk; saying that be never turned out for a rascal. "I do," says Randolph, stepping aside and polite ly raising his hat. "Pass on." The average Burlington, lowa salool , keeper must be bad indeed. A. learned divine in that city recently addressed one of them as follows: "Wretched man ! If the hed of the river was hank high with the suds of salvation, and a June lice of piety comhig down the mountains, there wouldn't ise .Bough to wash your feet." Lord Chancellor Eldon, who was well known by the nickname of "Old sags," in one of his shooting excursions unex pectedly came across a person who was sporting over his land without leave. Flis lordship inquired if the stranger . was aware that he was trespassing, or if he knew U, whom the estate belonzred. " What's that to you :" was thereply ; "I suppose you are one of Old Bag,s' keeners." - "No," re plied his lOrdship, "I am Old Bags himself?, It !s related of a certain New England divine 'who flourishednot many years ago, and whose matrimonial relations are sup. posed not to have been of the most agree able kind, that one Sabbath morning while reading to his congergation the parable of the Supper, in which occurs this passage: "And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them ; I pray thee have me excused. And an other said, I have married a wife, said therefor cannot come"—he suddenly paused at the end of this verse, drew otr his spectacles, and looking round oa his hearers said with emphasis : "The fact is my brethren, one woman can draw a an further from the kingdom of heaven than live yoke of oxen !", GRASS WIDOW.—"Sam, did you see dat hors I had last fall?" . "No, I did not . "He var.; a great Loss—l called him um "Prairie Steed." .'"W hat yo;: call him your"Prabie Steed" - for?" , "Cause he eat so much grass." "ii:ow much dui he used to eat?" "Tont sin or sewn acres healick." "He mr..;, have been very expensive." "He %I.:1g, inn hc-Efc- oot:e." "In whatnr.nnel' y was i done "Why, see, ode 'lay look my gal out ;fain O,, alit when we got oat in cic: tuiddi.e ob de praiiie pooh soon 74: :o‘)keil a: - M1:1(1 fltl ;;;V; (kbrai f.:o had coichetl on lire." ‘rliisa you et , re in a pro:lit:llcent." `'NO; SfC wi:s in de ihanie.nil de time.' "How (Id you' got sat'ely ottt?" "11 7 1:y. 1 tiii 7 to tiebileh its hoss and ho eat u 1 ti Ye or Pi::: a;:ies oh tiegvaxi ail around us, but de worst oh all, Ewa, he eat up'de gall" "liortible I" "Ye 3, Sam, he was horrible hungry to. do dat." , "What was the reason he, did so ?"'- 4 .l" . nonfda't find out till I gOt . "What did you find .out then?". "Dat f)e gall was a 61.1Z51