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RECORD 'PUBIAMED-ETEBY- THURSDAY . MORNING By W. BLAIR. TEEMS—Two Dollars, per Anndm if paid within the year; Tgn Dollarsand Fifty cents after Che.expiration • of the year.. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Si ._.n=: - ITell e ion: , '. 2 . I ; each subsequent insertion, Thir ' five Cents per Square. A liberal disco3.lat made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.—Business Loosls Ten Cents pe line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subseouent insertions Iprofessional (arils. J. D. .a.MBERSON. N. D., PHYSICIAN AND' SURGEON, WAYNESBORO% PA. Office at the Waynesboro' "Cotner Drug ore." • pane 29—tf.' RUPPLE t PHYSICIAN ' AND. SURGEON, Offers his professional Services to the pub lie. 01liee in his residence, on West Main 'street, Waynesboro'. april 24—tf DR. RENJ.:FRANTZ, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowden House. Night calls phould be `_race_-at his residence on Main Strwt. - ad-, pining the Western School House.' July 20-tf ISAAC N. SNIVELY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO' PA Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. JOSMPII-1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold,, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, IS7I. , OBi_., lk., Hl., STRICKLEftv (FORMERLY OF MERCERSBURG, PA.,) niFFERS his Professional services to the Ificitizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Dn. SrarcaLan has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg whore he has been prominently engaged for a number of years in the practice of his profession. He has opened art Wilde in Waynesboro', itt the residence of George Besore, Esq., "i ie Father-in-law, where he can be lona at al 'times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 184,5-tr. " • A. K. BRA . NISHOL TS, RESIDENT DENTIST ALSO AGENT 'For the Best and Popular Organs In Use Organs always on aF hibition and for sale at his office. • yr We. being •acquainted with Dr. Ennis bolts Sotially anti professionally recommend him to all desiring the services of a Dentist. ' Drs.. E. A. BERING, J. WRIPPLE, ". A. H. STRICKLER, 1. N. SNIVEL; " A. 5". BONEBRAKE, T. D. Flaxen. julyl7—tf 3. H. FORNEY & CO. Prallge ea=n1i851.4212 Ner(3kants No. 77 NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MI). Pay particular attention to the sale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c. Li berfa advances made on consignments. . may .29-tr D . _A_ 1 P., - 1 7- ! tHE subscriber notifies the public that he has commenced the Dairy business and will supply citizens regularly every morning with Milk or Cream at low rates. He will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's Store where persons can obtain either at a ny hour during the day. nov 2.7-tf BENJ. FRICK. WHEAT WANTED. frPHE subscriber announces to the farm ers of Washington and Quincy town ships that he purposes superintending his nailing interests in person !luring the win ter season, and will pay the highest market price for wheat delivered at his Tdill. When not at the mill he will be found at the Bow den House, in Waynesboro'. dcc 38-tf DAVID PATTERSON. J. H. WELSH w. v. LIPPINCOTT & CO, STIIOLFSALE DEALERS IN liats, Caps, Furs uid Straw Goods, No, 531 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa april 3-tf BARBERING 1 BARBERING 1 . , rpir subscriber having recebtiv re-paint ' ed and papered and added new furni ture to his shop, announces to his custom ers and the public that be will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and make comfortable all who may be pleased to fa vor him with their patronage. Shaving. kehampooning,-Hair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A long experience in the bar bering business enables him to promise sat isfaction in all cases. W. A. PRICE. sept ]B-tf THE BOWI)EN HOUSE MAIN sTnEET, WAYNESBORO', TILE subscr;ber having leased _this well known Hertel property, announces to the public that he. has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and ienow amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling,public And others who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hostler will at all times be in attendance. .IQty P. STOICi.' tua- pottrg. I BY ALFRED 0 ! take -me, friend, oh! take me where Hard times none ever cry, Wheire bread and butter grows on trees And sausage close by ; Where oysters dwell in-constant stews, And dcvil'd crabs fall out, Where clams come ready cooked to hand And cooks can never pout. Oh take me to some wilderness, Far, far away from town, • Where turkeys roasted run about, With gravy dripping down ; Where people never have to work, As some do, night and day, Where one can get just what one wants, And nothing have ti) pay! Oh ! take me where no wicked still Of strichnine whiskey's found, Nor where champagne fills every rill And cognac doth abound; • But where the most delicious fruit The eyes have ever seen, Spontaneous-rolls from mountainsdown, And every hill ice cregn. Oh 1 take me to the land of peace, Where never comes a dun. Where people never go to law, And lawyers never come ; Where crops are good and never fall, And each one gets his share, Where one may eat, and drink and sleep Without an anxious care. Oh, take me, do, where all the folks Get plenty clothes to wear ; Where fashions never change, and pante Do never burst nor tear; Where satins, silks and bonnets all May have a fu!! supply ; Where children are obedient, And babies never cry. ' Take me where wives good-humor'd grow And gossips never talk, • And parson less by preaching judg'd than by their daily walk : Where doctor's charges are unknown, Where none grow grey and old, Where chills and fever trouble not, And quinine is not sold. Oh, take me, for I'm awful sick, Far, far from banks away, Where ne'ei another note I'll give, Or have a bill to pay. Oh. take me to some wilderness, Where all these things m e found ; Oh, take, take me quickly, for I'm almost run aground. fflisullantrats Pading. POWER OF IMAGINATION. THE STORY OF A. SNAKE. . The following incident, which happened to the writer long years ago, is of such a thrilling nature as to cause the blood to run cold iu one'e veins at the bare men tion of it. The account is founded on facts, and can be vouched for by witness• es of undoubted integrity. sauntering out one morning thro' an orange grove bordering on one of the bayous of Louisiana, and where the war ning hiss and rattle of that most veno mous and deadly species of the reptile tribe are not frequently heard, I came up on an inviting shady nook, and being weary and fatigued by exercise and the heat of the sun, I sought repose by stretch ing myself at length upon the grass, and while lying there, dreaming day dreams and being refreshed by gentle breezes, deep scented with the fumes of the lus cious Louisiana orange, I naturally yield ed to the seductive.influence of Morpheus into whose arms I gracefully resigned my self: I did not lie long thus, however, before I was awakened by the sense of a cold pressure about my neck. I glanced down ward to ascertain the cause of my disturb ance, when, oh, horror !, What met my' gaze but a huge rattlesnake, lying with his head resting as complacently and as serenely as one can imagine, upon the back of my hand, which I had carelessly thrown across my breast ; the rest of his body being drawn over thy shoulder and wound around my neck. His piercing black eyes "looked daggers" into mine, and the diabolical expression of his coun tenance generally, looked, if it did not say in as many words : "the gage is up with you now, my boy," which to me was pain fully too apparent just then to entertain the least hope of escape. Fortunately, I displayed gloat presence of mind, and I knew that to stir or to make an audible noise was instant death to me. I thought that while there was life there was hope at least, and setting my wits to work, I began devising schemes by which I might make a coup d' elate on his Fnakeship and effect an escape from my impending.doom. Ali I the thought struck me, I had a sharp penknife in my pocket ! could I but slyly ease my band down into my pocket, get possession of the knife, and by a raphlmovement sever the head from the body, I would be free ! But no ; the knife was in my right hand pocket, and I dared not move that band from under his head to get it. Then could I not clutch him by the neck and body ;and hold Liza ? That would not do eith er, for were I to choke him he would choke me. There :was but one recourse left me, and that was to lie perfectly . quiet and" let events develop themtielves ; perhaps some ohe would" chance to pass this way and frighten the monster away. I remained wrapt , thus within the serpent's embrace a few moments, which seemed ages, when I heard the rustling of grass as of ay vusciung—tolJtstzia—A—Vat „-Acain otWe now entered my - mind. - Perhaps it was some one sent by Providence to rescue me, from my perilous situation. I was doomed to disappointment a this time also, as my anticipated rescuer was nothing more than a powerless hog, which passed by within a few paces of where I lay unaware of and unconcerned as to the agony under which I was suffer ing. A -drowning man will catch at straws in order to save himself, it is said, but I actually invoked the intercession of that hog in silent prayer. I prayed that he would come nearer me in hopes that his presnce would frighten. the serpent off ; but he only gave a grunt of recognition and went his way. The noise caused the snake to move and draw himself tighter about my neok. I shudderecl_froin_ or hope, I know not which. I had by this time grown very weak; my blood seemed to be getting as cold as that of the snake itself and I lay there perfectly powerless, and, as it were, dying by inches—staring grim Death in the face, while his 'icy hand encircled my throat. My physical strength could endure no more, and I swooned away from sheer fright and exhaustion. The supreme moment had now arrived.. In reviving, from my,fainting spell I suppose I irrita ted the 'snake in some• way, as he had loosened himself from My neck, and coil ing himself upon my breast, with his omnious forked tongue darting forth, stood ready for the attack. I uttered a yell, at which he sprang at my face with terrific force, and as I felt his jaws close on me, and his poisonous sting enter my flesh, IL—awoke from my horribledream, in a state of cold perspiration, amid the merriment and.laughter of several of my lady acquaintances, one of whom had been tickling my neck with a straw. Unhallowed Resignation. What a habit we have of crediting all our ills to Providence ! We are never willing to admit that our own inactivity, fully and self-love have wrought out the dire results over which we mourn. We only hear shipwreck of our lives; we only hear the voieei of:the storm, and in stead of owning that it was our indifferent and unskillful navigation that brought our craft upon the rocks, we fold our ,hands and cry 'out, blindly, "Strange and mysterious are thy ways, 0 Providence!" It is well to have faith and trust. It is well' to be resigned, to trials that cannot be aVoided;,but it is not well to hide our talents in a ''napkia, to take our fill of ease and pleasure,.and bow down to the gods of pride and fashion, then shrine: back from the consequences and say that the work is none of ours. Some of us really imagine"that we•are suffering the will of the Lord, because the flour barrel is empty and our coat out at the elbows when a little more energy, a little more 'self-denial, a little less folding of the bands for rest—these would raise us out of the slough of poverty, and set us on our feet, crowned with the gift of a godly heritage. We eat rich, unwholesome food, keep late hours, transgress all the laws of health, and when we pay the pen alty with shattered nerves and broken constitution, we wonder why we are not strong and vigorous as our neighbor who has lived moderately all his days. Be cause the neck and arms of our tender infants are soft and white and dimpled, we' let them go bare and unprotected, then, when some day we leave the little one out under the snow, we murmur that our .Father bath been unkind. In too many such cases, with a little more flan nel the . family circle might he kept un broken for 'many a year. THE EFFECTS OF THE PANIC.—"Many a man wishes he was a farmer about these times," remarked a distinguished lawyer during the recent financial panic. "No doubt about that," replied a prom inent banker. Only ,a few weeks ago one of these men, himself a farmer's son, spent. some time on our farm, and from casual re marks that he made it was evident that he congratulated himself that he was not a farmer. "After all," we observed, "the prosper ity of the country depends to a great ex tent on our agriculture. Bankers and business men will find, sooner or later, that anything which hurts the farmer will them. It is slow work digging mon ey out of the soil, but successful agricul ture is the true road to national wealth, and we are in great danger of overlooking this well established fact." • We . shall all suffer more or less from the panic. But the ultimate effect will be beneficial. 'lt will clear the atmos phere. Financial men will realize that farmers, who are getting only from ten to thirty cents a bushel for corn, cannot buy railroad bonds. As our readers know, we have repeatedly predicted the present condition of affairs. We regret the loss and suffering. But it is well that we should all occasionally touch bottom, and realize whence our wealth and strength as a nation are derived.—American Agri. culiterist. The father of ex-Gov. Johnston is still living, in.Westmoreland county, and is now one hundred years old. Until with. in the past two years he was in the habit Os 1.14. y •au •ag vat ja Nal. vamkta. Travel in Russia: A correspondent of the London Daily 'Telegraph,. en route from Berlin to St. Petersburg, writes as follows : - Thevery cars are made fora realm of ice and snow. Built after the American fashion, they are divided into. a number of separate compartments, connected by a long narrow passage running right thro ' - e - wesmed - byTiWtres fed from the piles of wood logs stacked up in front of the stove. A Moujik, who appears.to turn up from nowhere, and sleeps outside upon the steps, keeps feeding these stoves from hour to hour. .The carriages are lit' up with short, squat wax candles,3vhich never getreally_alight,_afid_itrealviays_ guttering out. Very few' passengers get out ; and fewer still get in ; and altogeth er a sort of phantom air hangs over the whole journey. The day is well on before the gray, dim light struggles-through the icicle-befrosted windows, and then for some half dozen hours—rather less than more—the dull, dreary landscape of a Russian plain, where the meow lies deep upon the ground, shifts steadily before our eyes as we journey slowly northward. * * * vie expanseof . snow, broken by patches of pine forests, whose dark sombre leaves are crested with white flakes, forms the never-changing back-ground of the scene. Throughout the whole 560 miles which separate St. Petersburg from the Rusisan boundary line, there _is neither embankment, nor cutting, nor curve. >A-• cross a dead waste of snow the line stretches as far as the eye can reach. The roadside houses 'you pass in that long dis tance might be counted on the fingers of your hands ; the number of roads you see from the carriage windows, is scarce ly greater. At regular intervals, usu ally some twenty Miles apart, the train stops at some roadside station. No town, or even village, is visible in the distance. Half a dozen sleighs stand outside the sta tion ; a score of sh ..cpskin-clad peasants loiter on the platform ; a sentry, with fir ed bayonet, stands 'at attention all the time the train stops ; nobody gets in or out. The sole object of the halt seems to pile up anew the stacks of logs with which the engine's tender is provided. The names of the stations are unintelligible to the western eye, and the queer combina tions of unknown; contorted, blue letters with which the walls of the railway wait-' ing rooms are covered, bear little or no analogy to the Germanfield 'versions pro vided by the timetables. Koschedann and Swentziany seem in Russian to be spelt with much the same letters; and ev en the difference between either of them and Ostrow is barely perceptible. Nor is there much iu the outward as pect of these stations to distinguish them from another. They are all alike, only varying in size. A long:low, wooden, barn-shed building, planted in the middle of a waste of snow is • their invariable type. The train jolts slower and slower for some quarter of an hour, then at last comes to a full stop - ; the doors at the end of each long railway car are thrown op en, the double windows lowered, and a mass of figures, swathed in furs and sheep skin, disgorges itself upon the platform. Out of the frosty air you pass into the re freshment-rooms, whose atmosphere is hea ted like that of a bake-house oven. There is a long table in the middle for travelers who wish to dine, a bar resplendent with colored bottles where all kinds of schnapps and drams are dispensed •, a side table full of glasses of tea, presided over by a woman in peasant's dress. The waiters are dressed in black, with white ties and white Berlin gloves. As the larger por tion of the travelers are foreigners, there is a good deal of pantomimic language and action, and you constantly witness the spectacle of two. persons jabbering fiercely to one another in different lan guages, each of the speakers being per fectly aware all the time that what he says is utterly unintelligible to the other. The. Bothersome Flies. The following froin an exchange may not be without value: Let me give you 'a piece of my experi- ence with the troublesome flies. My room, with a southern exposure, and the window open day and night, has been free from flies all summer, though in the adjacent kitchen and dining•romn there have been millions. I explain this by the fallowing observations : 1. Flies hate light. -You can find them in dark corners, dark passages, dark holes never in blazing sunlight. 2. Flies hate a draught. They are at- tracted by. effluvia, , and like close air, while wind beats them about and gives no promise of anything to eat. Set up a tent on the prairie, making a little oasis• of darkness and dead air, and in an hour it will.be . full of .ffles. Where do they come from ? From dawn in the grass were it ia dark and Still. In England I have seen multitudes in the close lanes, overshadowed with trees and branching hedg-rows, of which there are so many in that country. But you never find them in the open air and light. 3." Flies like all kiods of dirt, particu larly decomposed organic matter. A kit• then full of scraps and grease, a dining room with, an unctuous cloth and steam ing viands, a sick room; full of pestifer ous odors and effluvia of every sort are their paradise. Where there is perfect cleanliness, flies, if they come at all, will lie torpid, as they do in unoccupied rooms during hot weather, and because there is nothing for them to eat in such a place; they will leave as soon as light and wind are introduced. The discovery of what is true, and the practice of what is good, are the two most lavortfint ;;I:j - -tE, of life. . IJYEIC OF ACTION.: , ':GIs the part of a coward to brood O'er the past that is withered and dead ; What though the heart's roses are ash- es and dust ? What though the heart's music be fled? €till shine the grand heavens o'erhead, When the voice of an angel thrills clear - on the soul, "Gird about thee thine armor, press on to the goal !" If the faults or the crimes of thy youth Are a burden,too,heavy to bear, , What hope can bloom on the desolate waste --Of-a-jealous - and - craven despair ? Down, down with theletters - offear - ! ' In the strength of thy valor and man hood arise, With the faith that illumes and the will that defies "Too late !" through God's infinite world, FroM "HIS - tliiline to life's nethermost fires— • "Too late 1" is a phantom that flies at the ' dawn Of the soul that repents and aspires. If pure thou hast made thy desires. There's no height the strong wings of im mortals may gain Which in striving to reach thou shalt strive in vain. Then up to the contest' with fate; Unbound by the past which is dead ! What though the heart's roses are ashes and dust? What though the heart's music be fled? Still shine the fair heavens o'er head; Abd sublime as the angel who rules in the sun Beams the promise of peace when the conflict is won Stephen Girard's Will. In a recent lecture before the Mercan- tile Library Association of &ston, Dr. Cornell, gave the following interesting ac count of the opening of Stephen Girard's will The old man lay dead in his hoouse on Water street. While the public out of doors were curious enough to learn what he had done with his money there was a smaller number within the house, the kin dred of the deceased, in whom the curiosi ty raged like'a mania. They invaded the cellars of the house, and, bringing up bot tles of the old man's choice wines, kept up a continual carousal.: Surrounding Mr. Duane, who had been present at Mr. Girard's death and remained to direct his funeral, they demanded to know if there was a' will. To silence their indecent clamor he told them there was and • that he was one of the executors. On hearing this their desire to learn its - contents rose to a fury. In vain the executors remind ed them that decency required that the' will should not be opened till after the fu neral. They even threatened legal pro ceedings if the will was not immediately produced, and at length, to avoid a pub lie scandal, the executors consented to have it read. These affectionate relatives being assembled in a parlor of the house in which the body of dieir benefactor lay the will was taken from the iron safe by one of the executors. When he opened it and was about to read he chanced to look over the top of the document at the company before him. No artist that ever held a brush could de pict the passion of curiosity, the fivrisy of expectation, expressed in that group of pallid flees. Every individual among them expected to leave the apartment the conscious possessor of millions, for no one had dreamed of his leaving the• bulk of his estate to the public. If they had ev er heard of his saying no one should be gentleman on his money, they had forgot ten or disbelieved it. The opening para graphs of the will all tended to confirn\ their hopes, since the bequests to existing, institutions were of small amount. But the reader soon reached the part of the will which assigned to ladies and gentle man present such trifling sums as $5,000, $lO,OOO, $20,000; and he arrived ere long at the sections which dispoied of millions for 'the benefit of great cities and poor children. Some of them made not the slightest attempt to conceal their" disap pointment and disgust. Men were there who had married with a view to share the wealth of Girard, and had been waiting vear*for his death. Women where there who had looked to that event as the be ginning of their enjoyment of life. The imagination of the reader • must supply the .details of a scene which we might think dishonored human nature, if we could believe human nature was meant to be subjected to such a strain. It had been better, perhaps, if the rich man 'in his own lifbtime, had made his -kindred partake of his superabundance,.especially. as ha had nothing else that he could share with them. They.attempted, on grounds that seemed qtterlq frivolous, to break the will, and employed the most eminent counsel to conduct their cause, tut with out effect. 'They did, however, succeed in getting the property acquired after the execution of the will, which Girard, dis regarding the opinion of Mr. Duane, at tempted by a postscript to include in the will. "It will not stand," said the law yer. "Yes it will," said Girard. Mr. Du ane, knowing his man, was silent ; and the courts have since decided that his o pinion was correct. • EDUCATION.—No more truthful sen tence was ever penned by man than the following by Chancellor Kent : "The pa rent who sends his son into the world un educated, defrauds the community of a lawful citizen and bequeaths to it a nui sance." These words should be written in letters of gold over the entrance of etw ery school in tile laud. How a Merchant was Sold. , Among the solid merchantkof Boston two generations ago, none ,stood higher than Mr. Hensha,w. Ho 'was as fine a specimen of the old time Boston merchant as could be found ; shrewd and far seeing in his business operations, exact in all his transactions, be , was withal very lenient with au unfortunate debtor, especially when he thought the tmcortunate was honest and meant to be honorable. One day a country merchant who had been doing business in. New Hampshire, and who was owing Mr. Renshaw about $l5OO, called upon him and with pallid face and tearful, .eyes, told him he had dentist - paper' had worth of his stock alized enough to liquidate his liability as endorser and that everything was gone ut-a-farm-of-150-acres-which-he-owned free of incurabratice, and "Here," said the debtor, "is a deed of that which I have drawn and duly executed conveying it to you, here is the abstract of title lily certified, and the papers am all recorded. It is all I can do, and I have come to ask you to accept it and give me a release." And what do you propose to do ?" ask ed the kind hearted merchant. He an sivered that he was going to WI his house hold furniture, and with the preceeds, take his wife and child and go west, enter some land, and try and work out a new home. This "touched the spot," and seiz ing him by the hand, Mr. Henshaw said,: (the tears, meanwhile streaming down his benevolent face). God bless you for an honest man 1" and once executed the re lease, and then taking his check book, wrote a chec - for $5OO, and presented it to the hank upt, saying, "Take this, it will help you o start in your new home, and I tell you, sir, that I never in my life signed a check with more satisfaction." So with a fervent "God speed" from the generous merchant, the man withdrevir.— This occured iu the fall of the year, and when the roads "got settled," the follow ing spring Mr. Henshaw thought he would take a trip to New Hampshire and see his farm, and either rent or dispose of it, some way. He accordingly took the l stage early in the morning, and a little after dark arrived at the village in sight • of which the honest bankrupt had stated the farm was located. Taking his supper he retired to rest. The nest morning he was up with the sun, and walked out upon the steps of the inn, where he seen the object of his visit, he produced the deed, and asked if he cuuld tell him the exact location of his farm, as he proposed to take a look at it after !breakfast. The jolly landlord, up on looking at the precious document, smiled audibly, and said: "Yes, Squire, that's all right. Your title is clear. lam the Town Clerk, and know all about it. , But, Squire, I guesi you won't care to go over the place. You can see it all from here." "Where ?" asked Mr. Henshaw. The old man pointed to a high ledge of rocks, covered with loose boulders, coinpis:ng, without doubt, a full 150 acres, upon the whole area of which a single goat would have died of starvation, if limited to' the products of that farm for sustenance. "Good heavens! You mean to tell me that that pile of rocks is my farm?" "Just so, Squire, and it has been prof itable farm to more than one purchaser, I can tell you." "How so ?" "Wall, you see, Squire, nobody round here is fool enough to pay taxes on it, and every two or three years it is sold for taxes, and is allus bid in by some mer chant for a dollar or two, and he keeps it until he fails, and then goes to Bosto❑ and uses it in settling with his creditors. Why, I suppose, Squire, that that air pile of rocks has paid more'n $5,000, of debts, owin' to them smart Boston mer chants. But there's the bell for break fast. Won't you take a little rum and tanzy, Squire?" It's a real good thing to brace a man up when he feels a little down in the mouth." Mr. Henshaw took the return stage for Boston, and before placing the deed of his farm in his safe he wrote on the back of it, SOLD. STERN REALITY.-It may seem strange, but it is nevertheless true, that alcohol, regularly applied to a thrifty farmer's stomach, will remove the boards from the fences, let cattle into crops, kill the fruit trees, mortgage his farm, and sow his fields with wild oatiaud thistles. It will take the paint off his building, break the glass out. of the windows, and fill them .with Tags,-. It will take the gloss from his clothes and the polish from his manners, subdue' his - reason, arouse his paSsions, bring: orrow and disgrace upon his fami. ly, and topple him into a drunkard's grave. It will do this to the artisan and the capitalist, the matron and the maiden as well as to the farmer; for, in its dead. ly enmity to the human race, Alcohol is no respecter of persons. BOYS BF: SPnucE.- 7 •Boys be spruce.— Al woys strive to look neat and clean. Black your shoes and, brush your clothes. Never let people see you with your hair like "Old Nick' in a wind," or with your hands and face the color of mud. Slovli ness and dirt tell against you fearfully.— Speak up, and never hang back when peo ple ask you queitions you ought to an ewer. Promise only what you can and will perform. Be _prorppt. Keep your appointments to the second, and never put. off things. ' Tell the truth invaiiably. These rules well attended to will make you manly, and giali you the opinion of the world. ADVPItTi" I ii .the "Brother Beecher, " says the venentblei;,7 Dr. Bacon, laying hie hand on the gret4.4 preacher's' shoulder, "Brother , Beechei*, I fear the devil whispered in your ear just"y now, -that this was a very tinelecture: "0 no," replied lir. Beecher; ,heleft.'4,, - ; that for you to do." We never did - believe much in ileitaV_ relics, but if we must have .them - 101e,r, ought to be in the shape of somethiuv worthwhile. A Nashville man' hai a•ret:,:k , is there is no discount on. 'ltis a bet L."• bug preserved in alcohol, which wits::' caught in a bed in which General Jack • ' son slept. • Romance is not confined altogether to populous cities. A beautiful incident has, - lately transpired iu a neighboring village, the particulars. of which are worthy to compose a first-class story; During the the cruel, bitter days of the late war, a private soldier who was stationed in this county, approached an unpretending farm house, and asked -fiirsomething to It was readily, given; and on leaving,ifilte soldier offered to pay for liis ineal.'kft the good host refused compensation. , The farmer had a good looking lass, with bright eyes and rosy eheekS, and the soldier could hardly tear himself .from her charming society. As he wasleaving the premises he shouk her hantl and gave it a gentle squeeze, as much as tO say "I love you," which was answered by a blush that told a short but sweet tale.. Before another interview the 'regiment was or dered to the front, and amid the 'din - and carnage of war he did not forgetnhe - 1* from whom he had raart(td. The War closed, and found` the soldier a. cripple.— The old love still lingered, but'his condi tion unfitted him to take charge of family, therefore he bad' never sued for the . band' that • was so dear to him. ,But a few weeks ago a relative passed over the flood and left the young man a well stocked and valuable • farm. -pc took possession of the farm with a proud heart. His only dread was concerning the Wash ington county girl, whom he feared .was beyond his reach a s the wife of Another. He accordingly. jumped on a' train and visited the section in which his ideal lived. Upon inquiring he learned that she was• still alive and unmarried; that her father • had died; that the old farm leidlced sold; and she, with her aged motlfer, was living in the village. Ile at elm sought her presence, promptly offered to her his. heart, and his home , and to the mother a' comfortable refuge for her last days.— The girl remembered the soldier and ac cepted the .civilian, and a few mornings tince the Cumberland Valley train 'took the happy little tinnily to their western home. Our 'hope for a happy life cheer ly follows them.--Hagerstown. Daily Hews. • Love all, trust a few, and wrong no one. . - rriendship. like iron,. is fragile if ham mered too thin. —Never speak loud. one another, unless the house is on fire. " In Tesige money tliiis ofding •'- 4, nud aaniner. . , What is that which by losing an eye has only a nose. left ?—A noise. " 'A man has. beeri arrested for.takiitt, , .; .Lings as they come. Our housekeeper is certainly a. most generous woman., She has just volunteer ed 'to give an eye to a - domestic Nth - 61as j lately joined the establishment. • "An Indiana paper says girls should be taught that God made them in His own image, and that no amount of tight lacing --- )rove_the_ =die. 'erkins, so called, froze his ears in . thoweboodkry, but it is a comfort to know that he has plenty left for Alm 's frnst_to_work_on • Titusville had a marriage of a wornatt to her step-son. And now comes Altoona with a case wherein a son marries his mother. The eon was a eleryman, holf ever, and, married his mother to a farmer, "Paddy," said a joker, "Iv* don't you have your ears cropped ? they are entire ly too long, for a man." "And your:4," replied Pat, "ought to be lengthened; they are too short forAtn ass." • It is stated that the heart of a man weighs about nine ounces, that of a woman about eight. As their age, increases, a man's heart grows heavier and the wa man's lighter—some girls lose theirs at sixteen. A Chicago man wrote to Agassiz that he had au apple which he bad preserved for fifty-three years, and When Agassiz wrote for it, the joker said twa.s . the ap• ple of his eye. • One feeble clergyman asked a brother, preacher if he was never troubled about the doctrine of the "perseverance of thet saints ?" The more robust brother drily rerlied, "Not a bit of it—the perseverance of the sinners is all that troubles me!" At a recent Cattle Show, a lot of black pigs, breed not stated, classed as 'less than eighteen.month,' weighed about 800 16s. each. They are described as being, sitfat that it was necessary to place blocks of wood under their snouts to keep them from choking. . • A Romance. X : 444, ,X47!: 7 +l,Y4X.,„;'' ,q 1.,X "• % •".." :lir., •11 rfr, • • .*AR: Eit 42.