PUBLIC SALE PERSONAL PROPERTY, rrEERE will be sold at Public Sale,• at the ,esidence of Henry Reed, on the road leading from-Funkstown to Quincy, miles from either•place, On Wednesday the Bth day of April, `Z4, the following valuable personal property, to wit: 8 HEAD GP HORSES, among which are 4 good leaders, 1 mare heavy wi • • . - 10 HEAD•OF HORN CATTLE, 4 of which are milch cows, the balanCe young cattle ; 16 HEAD OF HOGS, . 3 breeding sows with pigs; 8 HEAD OF 'SHEEP ; 2 PLANTATION WAGONS, 1 one-horse wagon, 2 pair wood ladders, 2 pair hay carriages, 4 Three-horse plows, 2 two-horse plows, 7 single and double shov el plows, 1 corn coverer, 2 new harrows, 1 NEW McCORMICK REAPER AND MOWER combmod, self-raker, run one season, 1 spring rake, 1 carriage, 1 cut ting box, 1 grain drill, 1 fanning mill, sin gle, double and treble trees, fifth chain and spreaders, log chain, R halters and chains. 10 cow chains, 2 pair breast chains, 2 pair butt traces, 2 sets breechbauds, 4 sets front gears, C SETS. PLOW GEARS, .5 fly-nets,l blind bridles, 1 six and 1 four horse line, 1. set harness, plow lines, 1 wag on saddle,' wagon whip, riding bridle, 2 grain cradles,.shovel, pick, crow bar, stone sledge, blasting tools, forks, rakes, grain Shovel; 30 grain bags, keg of tar; 50 chest nut posts, a lot of barrels. 1 meat vessel, 4 new clothes wringers bon and lard by the pound, a lot of household and kitchen fur niture ; CORN BY THE BARREL, WILEAT. RYE AND OATS by the bushel , 300 BUNDLES RYE STRAW, 25 ACRES GRAIN IN THE GROUND, and also the one-half of 28 Acres of Grain in the Ground, a lot of lime and stone coal partly set up. lot of joint and lap shingles, and other articles not necessary to mention. Fales-to-commence-at 10_o'clock_on said day_ when a credit of eight months will be giv . en on sums of $lO and upwards by the un dersigned, assigneds of Henry Reed. • • JOHN WALK, GEO. BENEDICT. George V. Meng, auct. mar 26-ts BUTOMICERI. r - • rrn E subscriber will commence the butch ering business in Waynesboro', at the Coon Cellar, April 3d. Persons wanting choice beef and veal can be supplied with the best the market affords. He will have a supply iegularly on hand every Tuesday evening and Wednesday mornytg, and Fri day evening and Saturday numMing and ev ening.. He has imployed an experienced butcher, Henry Dickle, and, by strict atten tion to business expects to have a share of public patronage. This will be the place to get choice cum. Don't forget Coon's cel lar. JOHN A. BARR. mar26-tf Advdaistzugaem at ti XTOTICE is hereby given that Lettere of 1.1 Administration on the estate ofJerome lieaver, late of Marysville, Perry county, Pa., deceased, have been granted to the un dersigned residing at Duncannon, Pa. All persons indebted to said estate aro request ed to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. marNiait JNO. A. SHEARER, Adm'r. FRISK UNE!, mliE subscribers take this method of in- I forming their customers and the public gen,erally that they will have fresh wood burnt lime at their kilns on and after the inst., for finishing, whitewashing, plas tering, &c., which will be kept during the reason and sold at reasonable prices. Kilns three miles east of Waynesboro'. mar 26-3 m HESS Sr. BRO. --------- PUBLIC SALE Livery Stock MHE . undersigned will sell at Public Sale a at the Waynestmo' Hotel, ON SATURDAY THE 28TH MARCH, '74, the following described personal property, to wit: 3 GOOD HARNESS HORSES, one is a mare with foal to the famous thor ough bred horse, Star-light, owned by L. B. Kurtz; 3 FALLING-TOP BUGGIES, nearly new, and in good order; 1 two-seat ed carriage, 1 SPRING WAGON, 2 buggy poles, 2 basket sleighs, (new) 2 sets double harness, in good order, 4 SETS OF SINGLE HARNESS, in plod order, 4 buffalo robes. (good) 3 horse blankets, 3 fly nets, as good as new, 3 riding saddles, all in good order, 3 riding bridles, 1 good cutting box, 1 large sign lantern, 1 large stable lantern, 3 stings sleigh bells, a lot of buggy whips, and many other ar ticles too numerous to menion. Sale to commence precisely at 1 o'clock on said day, when a credit of six monthe gill be given by JOHN STONER. mar 12—ts G. V. Moog, auct. ATTENTION, EVEMODI ; =MCI VILE right into the Diamond Photo Gal lery and have ,your Pictures taken. You can be sure to obtain good work at a low price and satisfaction guaranteed. Speci mens now on exhibition. •Frames and eve rything pertaining to'the Photo business tnay be found them. READ PRICE•LIST • 0 Ferro Cards only 75 cts., 4 Ferro Cards large size 75 cts., 1 large Picture ter frame 75 cts., Photographs of all sizes at LOW RATES. ffzirThe Gallery will remain open but a short time, so come early. Respectfully, H. F. S l El'T, Prep'r. mar 12-4 w HOME LIFE IN THE BIBLE. By the author of "titanr SCENES is THE M ALE" and "Ova FATHER'S HOUSE" Of which nearly 200,000 have been sold. "Hems Lars" ,is.comruerled by ministers of all churches ,as •"the author's hest book," "full of pre cious thoughts, " " "Truths precious as gems," • "a.choice book for every family," &c. Steel ,engravings, rose tinted - paper, rich binding and for rapid sale unequalled. Agents young Men. Ladieq, 'Teachers and Clergymen, Ivanted in every counts; $75 to $lOO per month. Send for circular. ZEIG LE R. & M'CtRDY, 51s Arch Street,, Am:-- • EXECUTOR'S SALE OF' YALUABLE - • " • EAL. ESTATE:. IHE undersigned. Executor of John . J Ervin, dec'd; will afar at Public Sale, • n Saturday the 18th day of April,lB74, ho following desirable real estate, situated ne mile west of Wazneaboroi, along the ?arnpike leading to t,reencastle, and•ad 4eining lands of John Funk and others, con-• slating of 3 lots of ground, contained in one ;tract of 21 ACRES, AND &PERCHES, iz : LOT No. I—Containing 2 ACRES AND 156 PERCHES. This is a very desirable meadow lot, hav ing RUNNING WATER thereon. LOT No. 2—Containing 9 ACRES AND 0 PERCHES, on which there are several hundred well selected young fruit trees, embracing differ ent varieties. LOT No. 3—Containing , 9 ACRES AND 2 PERCHES, well set in clover and timothy, and under good outside fence. Also at the same time 2 BUILDING LOTS, each 41i feet front by 264 feet deep. These loth are known as lots No. 17 and 18 of Ham ilton's addition, and are valuable for the fine limestone quarry thereon. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known and pos session given on compliance' with terms of sale. JOHN PHILIPS, Ex'r. mar 19-ts G. V. Meng, auct. PUBLIC SALE REAL ESTATE ! MILE subscriber Assignee of Levi Young trill sell at Public Salty at the residence of said Young, On Friday the 17th day of April, 1874, the following real estate, containing 15 ACRES, room or less, of land, part of it well timber ed,. together with a house, and a lot of im proved land, lying and being situated at the South Mountain, half mile east of Water loo, in Washington township, adjoining lands of Jacob S. Good,' Christian Sheckey and others. Also at the same time and place-the-fol lowing personal property : 1 steel spring rake, 1 WAGON AND BED, a lot of wheat and rye in the ground. Dale to commence at 10 o'clock on said ay-when—the-terms will be made known by ISAAC ISHOCKEY, Assignee. marlo-ts G. V. Mong, eruct. THE GEM IsILICROSCOPM I The Gem Microscope lathe most wonderful scientific production of the nineteenth cen tury. It furnishes the power of a high-pric ed instrument fora mere trifle, and exceeds in usefulness any microscope ever inveilted. It reveals the hidden wonders of minute creation—as Eels in 'Vinegar, Animals in Water, Butterflies' Feathers, the golden marrow of a Hair, Insects' Five, the Pads, Claws, Joints and Hairs of a, makes Ropes of Fibers of Cloth, a crow-bar of a Needle's Point, and so on indefinitely. It furnishes hours of instruction, entertain ment and amusement for the young and old, and every family should possess it. It is invaluable to students, professors, teach ers, paysicians, in fact everybody, and es pecially in the home circle it is a gem. It is sheep, and at the same time of great value. Price $1.50. Mailed postpaid to any addresi on receipt of price. A FAVrAKE FOR AGENTS.—Men and women, boys and girls. Whole time, or lei sure moments and evenings. It works just as well by lamp-light as by day-light. Par ents buy it for their children. Liberal cash commission paid. Exclusive territory. Con genial employment. It excites the curiosity which produces a desire to have it, and re quires no talking by the agent. Complete outfit mailed, postpaid, on receipt of $1.50. Circulars and terms free. Send fur it and make money. Address, The Beverly Com pany, 978 Wabash ave., Chicago, 111. THE PHOTOGRAPH FAMILY RECORD! The Photographic Family, Record is an ele gant Oil Chromo, photographic Album and Family Record combined, tend as its name indicates is designed for the insertion and preservation of the pictures of the family as well as the names. It is something en tirely new, combines beauty and utility, and should ornament every home in the land. All who see it pronounce it superb, and are lavish in its praise. The faces of dear ones appear in a tasteful setting of gold and beau tiful colors, and it is at once and forever a household treasure. And its low price plac es it within the reach of all. Send for it and you will be gratified when you shall see it. It is something long needed, but never before attainable. Size 12x15 inches. ]'rice $1.50. Mailed, post-paid, to any ad dress on receipt of price. $2OO a month clear profit made easily by agents. Agents wanted everywhere. Alen and women, boys and girls. Entire time, or spare moments ; day time or evenings. Ev erybody wants it, and every family will buy it. Big cash pay. Pleasant employment.— Exclusive territory. In fact, the best agen cy ever offered. Circulars and terms free on application. Complete outfit mailed, post paid, on receipt of $1.50. Send for it and make money. Address, The Beverly Com pany, 978 Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111. mar 19 BOOT AND SHOE ! I=l REMOVAL ! -o ti after the first of April next our NJcustomers will find us in the room now occupied by Wm. Blair as a Printing Office, where we intend carrying on the Boot and Shoe business as usual. From our experi ence in the business in selecting the best stock and 'workman ws hope to merit a lib eral share of patronage. It will be our con stant aim to make a neat and artistic tiling boot. We make the best work in town at prices ranging from $8 and upwards, accor ding to price of material. We are perman ently located here. We have a few customers that we have asked often for their bills, and if they do not appear soon we intend putting their names in the paper, so they may not catch others. OW - Thankful for past thrors we ask a continuance of the same mar ri-tf • J. FORD d SON. CHESTNUT HAILS. 800 or 3000 Choice Chestnut Rails for post fence for sale, in front of Mon treey Spring; Hotel. Enquirmr.A mar. 13-if li. YINGLING, Apt. SHINGLES, &C. • `III: stibseriDer offers at Private Sale j Lap Shingles and Cooper Stuff. Terms reasonable. JEUE3IIAII GORDON. jati 13-tf FURNITURE FURNITURE LARCE STOCK! IE subscriber informs his customers and the public• generally that he has greatly.enlarged his business and has At. present the largest stock of FURNITURE ever offered for sale in Waynesboro'. His stock consists of Dressing ThareauS, of every description, with or without marble tops; Wash and Parlor Stands with marble tops, Flint, Tepoy, sin . gle and double Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft in length ; six-leg Dining and four-leg Breakfast and Between Tables ; French Beddeads, full and half Jennie Lind, do., Cottage Bedsteads of various kinds and a large stock of common Pop lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes. Walnut and ',Poplar Safes, dif ferent styles and prices, Sinks, Hat Racks, Brackets, Hanging Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests, Doughtrays, Etc PARLOR FURNITURE: Full Parlor Suits,.Cliambar Suits, Lounges, Mattresses, &e., &c. CHAIRS, &C Cane Brace Arm Rocker, a...ane-back Arm Rocker, Large Cane-back Rocker, Ladies' Dining Chair, Bent Rim Dining Chair, Bent Rim Office Chair, Douglas' Arm Chair, English Parlor Brace Arm Chair, • Walnut and Imitation Marble-top, Cottage Tables and Stands, Round Corner French, dn.; Parlor Chairs & Tete-u-tetea, COFFINS The Casket and Pittsburg Coffins always on hand, besides a large stock of his own man ufacture. Prompt attention will be given to this particular branch of his business. Ile returns thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage and invites one and all to call and examine his stock and learn his prices. --miy-Satisfaction-guaranteed-in-all-caser.-- JOSEPH 11. CREBS, - West Main Street, jan 15.1874. Waynesboro', Pa. WAYNESBORO' 3S/ITITT ‘ J'A.T_J EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY v WAIWES73OItO'. PA:, INSURES AGAINST' LOSS OR DAMAGE BY P' X XL 3E3 On all safe class property at reasonable rate Assets liable for losses, March 2, 1874, $101,831,29. Policies issued on cash or mutual plan,,a gainst loss or damage by fire or lightning. OFFICERS : SIMON LECRON, President. JAcon lioovEn. Vice President. Jos. Douoi.xs, SUMMARY. Jos. W. MILLER, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. Fiamuel Frantz, Simon Leeron, Dr. A. H. Strickler, Jacob Hoover, Jos. DouglaN B. F. 'Winger, Jacob J. Miller. Jos. W. Miller, D. R. Miller, F. B. Snively, Geo. J. lialteley, . Samuel Hoc:filch feb 26,'74] - /Adrainfatratorat Natio°. NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Henry Fits, late of Washington township, Frank lin county, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are regdestexl to make immediate payment, and those having claims will pre sent them without delay, properly authen ticated for' ettlement. DANIEL ROWE, SOPHIA. FITZ, Adm'rs mar 12-Gt Adcztoistratorso Notice. icroncE is hereby given that Letters of J.N Administration on the Estate of Eliza beth Fahrnev, late of Washington township, deed, have been granted to the undersign ed. All personsindebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them without delay, in proper or der for settlement to D. 11. FAIIRNEY, I'. FAIIRNEY, marl2--Ot Adm'rs. DISSOLUTION. XTOTICE is hereby given that the firm of Btaver 4: Jacobs was dissolved by mutual consent on the 6th inst. The books and accounts of the firm are in the hands of the undersigned for settlement. The business will be continued as here tofore. Thankful for past patronage I hope by fair dealing and strict atteation to busi ness to merit a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, mar 19-3 t ACOBS lIISSOLUTISti. NOTICE is hereby given that the firm of A Summers R. Son was dissolved by mutual consent on the 28th day of January, 1874. The business will be continued by the 'undersigned. The books and' accounts of the firm are in the hands of D. Summers, upon Ivhorn all persons indebted arc re quested to call and make settlement on or before the Ist of March without fail. feb 12-tf 0. F. SUMMERS. ROUGE TO TAX PAYERS' t • AN abatement of 10 per cent. will be made on all COUNTY TAXES PAID AT THIS OFFICE on, or before, THE 3RD DAY OF APRIL NEXT, and no longer. ' 11. M. WHITE. ' jan 2910 t Treasurer. Administrator's Notice. T FETTERS of Administration on the Es 14tate of Barbara Newcomer, late of Way nesboro', dec'd, have been granted to un dersigned, and notice is hereby given to all claimants upon said estate to present their demands, and to ail indebted to said Estate to pay such im!ebtedness without delay. DAVID NEWCOMER, JNO. N. NEWCOMER. fcl, 12 6t A :1 rr st r,:t ors. 1873. 1873. CHE.IIPER THAN EVER kiIBERSON, BENEDICI& CO'S. TjAVEinst received our second supply or o • Fall and :Winter Goods to which we call•the attention of our customers and We have full stock of the following Groceries, Queensware, Carpets, OIL BLINDS, • BOOTS AND SHOES. Cassimers, Lawns, Tickings, Ladies Dress Goods of all kind.t 118 a call before going elsewhere and we will convince you we areselling as cheap as the cheapest• AMBEBSON, BENEDICT Fe CO. dee 4—tf REMINGTON ROILY ,SEWING. MINE! TIIE subscriber announces to the public that he has the agency far the sale of the "Remington Family Sewing Machine" in Franklin county: Having tested its work ing qualities and capacity for several months he can safely recommend it as the very RES V MACHINE 1:13 Its construction is such that it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. In factories where the speed has been • registered, over 1000 st itches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in all its parts, and free front the harsh and . Jarring . movements, and friction, common in inferior machines. A simple change of the needle and thread and it will sew the finest cambric or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread 'thus saving in a great measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. The Remington has no rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a noise, run /Lard, or to get out of order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. The subscribe!' also informs his customers and the public that ho has just opened out his new FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear.— Be solicits an inspection of his stock. ' oct 16-tf T. J. FILBERT. WAY:Mliono', PA., April 2/et, 1573 NOTIECE AFTER an absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town, of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishnient. None but the best of workman will beemployed, and clothing made in the most .fashionahle and durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men. Particular attention paid to cutting men and iboys clothing all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outride of the cities. My Mare of business is in the office of Dr.S.triekler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic street. By strict attention to business, and a disposition to pleas., all, I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. ltespeetfullv, april N-tf JAS. A. PISHER. Butchering Again. THE subscriber announces to his old eus tomers and the public generally that he has recommenced the Butchering 'business, and will Ire able to acccomtnodate them as formerly at the cellar in tne Walker build ing. Persons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc. eSIL rest assured that his cellar will be the place to get it, as he is determined to slaugh ter the best quality of stock only. Feb 27—tf T. J. CUNNINGHAM. .11101USEPI WOK St T. PHI: subscriber offers for rent TWO DWP,I.LING HOUSES on Broad Street, Waynesboro'. One is a two-story frame building with five rooms, the other a two story brick building with five rooms and a kitchen. ALEX. HAMILTON. (in lr-tf • the public generally Hardware, Oil Cloths, • AGENTS HINTED FOE THE HISTORY OF THE GRANGE MOVEMENT _ 07a, WX - 131 WIENS WARAGA T IN_SLMOBOROLIES. Being a tall and authentic account of the struggles of the American farmers against the extortions of the railroad companies, with a history of the rise and progress of , the=Order-of-Patrons-of-Husbandrylt-sells at sight. Send for„ specimen pages and terms to agents, and see why it bells faster than any other book. Address, National Publishing Co., Philadelphia; Pa. Cloths ICent i ncky Jeans, Paws ! Agents! And learn that our new book is just out. "EVERYBODY'S FRIEND," Josh Billing's Pen, illustrated by Thomas Nast's Pencil. Of course the book will sell like oysters at a general muster. Every body's hungry for it. Send for circular and see what a chance we give to agents. Ad dress, American Publishing Cu., Hartford, CL znarl24w BUILDERS send for a catalogue of new booke on Carpentering and Building.— 4. J. Bicknell & Co., 27 Warren St., N. Y. Camphorine Campborino! Camphorine! Campborine I For sale by all druggists. IL lloyt, Pro prietor, New York. • The Highest Medical Authority of Europe say the strongest Tonic Purifier and Deob struent known to the medical world is JURITBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleausesvitiated blood removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and SPleen. Price Si a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. Y. febl2-4w (RAND OFFERS :—The "Ladies' Own Magazine" a year and two $5 chromos for $2. To 'A.gents sample Magazine and both Chromes postpaid for 60 cents. Best cash terms to agents ever offered: Agents make $3O to $5O a week. Read this: The Chromes "Just One" and "Old Oaken Buck et," given with the Ladies' Own Magazine, are first-class Chromos, equal in all respects to any $5 ehromo in my "storo."—S. Gott wals, Wholesale Art Dealer, Chicago' Ad dress, Ladies' Own Magazine, New York. Millions of Acres RICH FARMING LANDS NOW FOR SALE VERY CREAP TEN YEARS CREDIT. INTEREST ON LY 6 PER CENT. Descriptive Pamphlets, with Sectional maps sent free. a homestead Illustrated paper, containing the Homestead Law mailed free to allparts of the world. Andress, 0. F. Davis, Land Commissioner, tT.P.,;It. R.,Omaha, Neb. mar 12-4 w PRIVATE SALE. OTTIE subscriber, Administrator o? Chris / tian F. Bowman. dec'd,ooffers at Private Sale the Brick llouse and lot of ground, on South Street, and nearly opposite the resi dence of George Flick, known as the Barr property. There are also a sine stable on the lot, a good cistern, etc. The whole is under new and sulstantial fencing, The buildings are new.and the hcatiou a very pleasant one for a private fatally. Folk fur ther particulars call on GEORGE FRICK, oct 9-tf Ad na'r. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE: NTOTICE is hereby given that Levi 111 Young and Wife, have assigned their property, real and pemounl, unto Isaac Shorkev for the benefit of creditors. Per sons inaebted are requested to make imme diate payment. Those having claims will please present them properly antlien flatted for settlement. ISAAC iIIOCKEY, mar IJ-(it Assignee. NEW MIVERMEMENTS, DAUCIIY 6:. CO'S. COLUMN' sl,gia %yea to agents. Fastest selling article out. Three samples for le cts. 3..1 ride, 767 Broadway, N. Y. 144 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED to engage during the spring and sum mer in a business paying $l5O per month in their own counties. Address, Zeigler & McCurdy, Philadelphia, Pa. W()WONG GLASS, Male or Female, $30.11 week employment at. home, day or evening; no capital; instructions and val uable paekage.of goods sent by mail. Ad dress with six cent stamp, M. Z ouug & Co., 173 Greenwich. St., New York. frHE GREAT AMERICAN COFFEE POT 1 distils Coffee as clear as amber; extracts all its strength; retains all its nutritious a roma. The best thing ever offered. Price $2 sent to any address. Call and see it in op eration or send for circular. Territorial rights for sale: De Witt C. Brown & Co., 678 Broad way, New York. 4 11SYCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming.' How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and effections of any person they choose instantly. This simple, mental ac quirement all can possess, free, by mail for 25cts, together with a marriage guide, Egyp tian oracle, dreams, hints . to ladies, wed ding nightshirt, &c. A queer book. Ad dress, T. William Sr. Co., Pubs. Phila. Agents Wnxited for 'EVERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN* By C. W. Gleason, M.D.• Invaluable for ev ery family , elegantly printed, bandeomely bound, 480 pages, over 250 engravings.— Trice 1055 . % Terms liberal. Circulars free. One agent sold 27 copies in 1 day. Address lFNTltlcKinney - kCo. - ;725 - Sattsom - st - Phil. -1 adelphia. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, Use WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS Put up only in Blue Boxes. A tried and sure remedy. Sold 'by all drug gists. • 4w rii -- . .-iiiti*C . e. L ff '":- ExI oE . p . I..CAL : 11 01 P c7 : Discoi/ERY •cares ail Burners tamthe Worst Scrofula to ,common Blotch or Pflnple. From two to eta battles are warranted to cure Salt Rheum or letter, Pimples com Face, Beilih k _Car. bundles, •Erysipelas and Liver Vont.. plaint. Six to twelve bottles warranted to cure Me worst Scrofulous Scrolling. and Sores Pains lin Bones and Sore 'afloat .caused by Pelson in Pec t oral ercurial treatment. By Us trenderful _yroPetßra ft will =re th e most severe reuse or tue worst lingering Clough In halt the time required by any other medicine and is pertEetly We. loosening cough, earthing irritation, and eorenese. Sold by all Drageista. B. W. PiEUMR, as. D. I.Y94dt. Dispensary. • mar Zt - lw in 'Nebraska TIIE PIONEER VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY 1873. 1874. FALL it WINTER. J.W.MILLER& CO Have received their FALL AND WIN TER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, QUEENSAVAIZE, CEDARIVARE, BOOTS, 6110 ES, AND GAITERS. ' 'Their stock is full in.every department and the public are invited to call and EXAMINE GOODS ant icesas they offer GREATER — BA - It — GAINS than ever. J. W. M. dr. CO. oct QUINCY FOUNDRY ,ati,DillinE 211 AP T IVIE subscriber informs the puplic that .11 he has several paten's of Iron Fencing and Porticos, Wagon . Boxes, equal to the English BoX'; Motz and Self-sharp ener Mold Beards, Lan- _ sides, Shears, Cut ters & Points, Feed Cutters and Grinders, 5 different sized Kettles, Skillets, Flat Irons, Dutch Ovens and Lye Plate ; also Separator Castings of different kinds, Horse Powers: and Bevel Jacks; also the METCALF EXCELSIOR POST BORING & WOOD SAWING MACHINE, the shop prices for which arc, $50.00 with out saw, $05.00 with saw. Will saw from 20 to 25 Cords of Wood per day—also saws Shingles. One man can bore from 250 to 300 posts per day. Can be run with water, steam or horse power. ' Two different kinds of Sausage Caters and Staffers. ger All repairing done in the best man ner and charges reasonable. I feel thankful for past favors and hope for a continuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, JOHN L. METCALF, mar 5-ts Quincy, Pa. NOTICE TO THE KU !, -0- TTIE subscribers announce to their cus tomers And the public generally, that they have secured the right fgy Franklin county too build the Kelsey paint harrow, and are now prepared to put them up to order. They are recommended by those who used them last season. One harrow ing equal to two with the common .harrow. The draught not harder and easier manag ed over rocks. They are also prepared to do vll kinds of Blacksmithing and wagon making generally done at common shops, on short notice and reasonable terms.— Thankful to the public for past patronage we solicit a continuance of the same. Shop on the corner of Etta Main and Broad Sta. ISRAEL HESS. mar 12-Gm 1). H. McGINLEY. LATEST FROM TOMSTOWN ! NEV GASH STORE t -0- mHE subscriber respectfully informs the 4.. public that she has just received from the city, a new clean stock of goods, consist ing of staple DRY GOODS, 'GROCERIES, NOTION'S, QUEESSWARE, Il A RDW ARE, BOOTS; SHOES, AC., which are offered at low prices for CASH ONLY. A share of the public patronage is solicit ed. Highest price paid for all kinds of country produce. C. A. MARTI... war 5-tf Tlll,'p :(,)IWfr THE sttbscriber would inform the public that he is at all times prepared Yo make o order Gents Coarse or fuo Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest stvlo of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice„ and measur es taken in private fitnimes if desired Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed tore. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH SADDLE AND HARNESS EKING. rg' TIE subscriber announces to the public that that helms leased the room adjoining the Shoe-maker shop of John Ford, oppo site the Bowden House, where he has com menced the Saddle and Harness making business. lie is prepared to do all Work in his line with dispatch and at reasonable prices. He flatters himself that his lung experience in Lilo business will enable him give geaerai satisfaction. :!-tf GEO. A. BHA. COACI-11.2....A=1NG% rpbe subscriber announces to his, friends Ji and the public that he has purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engaged in the above bus iness, on Main Street, at the East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing ne,?, but the best workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness ho hopes to merit a share of patronage. All kinds of new work on hand orders filled promptly. Jan. 14 tf. CEO. B. HAWKER. ASSIGNEES' NOTICE.— • DERSONS in 'want .of vehicles of any de- Wr OTICE is hereby given that the under- IL scription, new or-second-handed. ran he LI signed has been appointed Assignees ofl supplied nt the old "Waynesboro' Coach David \V. Miner, of tlaynesbore, Pa. under Factory" on Grarch etre.ei. The subscrib a deed of voluntary assignment fur the ben- er, cordially invites those desiring any-thing etit of creditors. All persons knowing then. in his line to call did examine his stock selves indebted to said Aliner will plolise, ,and lea= his prices, which lie feels warran make iminediate payment, and all having; ,4gd. iu saying mill compare favorably with claims, to present them at once to the tan, •.• - gflay o'..her estathdlunent in thecoun cle rsig n ed. (iE.OI:GE J. B.II.SLL Y i - -.:., ';, vtlY-41-,f' - .3. R. WULFER.SBERGER; '''. '• '' 4.; :Sli/Wo °fall Linds will receive prompt mar 10-Ct Assi'mees. •• ' I. ffiottm • 7 1'1"-hilliktitte the public fur past patronage ( IINNA MON, rdp,pi cc:mustard ,cicveX 212 , 21 lle:Eolivits a c..intil:='.i . :ll of the Lame in the I...)other spices wlv!e .)r g'"uud, I frjture,,z,*!."__ -_ _ - J ACQI: 1'... rv. :,.: S. nt R r. :l 13eid** tirocery _ I 3 , -1 2L".: . -, FILL MD TETER GOODS, farAVE jest received a large and well .k.Lselected stock of 'new Pall and Winter Goods, which they offer tO• the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices: The stock consists in part of s I 3 i ifjt - [uje) jJ _~ of the newest and latest styles ; ° Goods .every description for men and boy's wear Shirting Stripes, Drown and Bleached Ml:tains, Sheeting. Tiekings, Linen do Cot ton Table Diapers, Towels & Toweling, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Balmorals, Oingharns, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very oheap, Table & Floor - Oii Cloths, Oil d; Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points Shalls, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, Women and Children, Linen, Lace & Pepper Collars Laces, Edging and inserting, silk. and Cotton fringes and • Trimings of every description Kid, Silk and cotton Gloves, and everything else in notion lino Boots, Shoes and straw Hats, Ladies and (...:1111drens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard rare, Wooden WitreQueenswareti-lassware i -and Paper. Call and see our goods before buying-elsewhere. COON &STONCHOUSE. oct. 30, ]873 IHREER'S PERIONCILS FOR Harper's 'Magazine. There is no monthly 111hig.azine an intelli gent reading family can attbrd to be with out. Many Magazines are accumulated.— Harper's 'is edited. There is not a Maga zine that is printed IN hich shows more in telligent pains expended on its articles and mechanical execution. There is not a chea per Magazine published. There is not, con fessedly, a more popular Magazine in the world.—New England Homeztead. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE .$4.00 Per Year. Harper's :Weekly. JOI.IIIAL OF CIVILIZATION. The best publication of its class in Amer ica, and so far ahead of all other weekly journals as not to pormit of any comparison. between it and any •of their number. lts columns contain the finest collections of reading-matter that are printed. * * Its illustrations are numerous and beautiful, being furnished by the chief artists of the country—Boston Traveler. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $l.OO Per Year. Harper's Bazar. A REPOSITORY OF FASHION, &C It is reallitheonly illustrated chronicler of fashion in the country. lts supplements alone are worth the price of the paper.— While fully maintaining its position as a. mirror of fashion, it also contains stories, poems, brilliant essays, besides general and personal gossip.—Boston Saturday Eveninp Gazette. • SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $l.OO Per Year. For further particulars, &e., Address HARPER & . .B.Rur HERS, .N e w York. jan 22—tf Improved Cucumber Won't Pinup, Tasteless, Durable, Efficient and Cheap. ' Tho best pileup for the least men- Attention is especially invited to Matchley's Pat ent Improved Bracket and Drop Check Valve, which can be withdrawn withog removing the Pump, ordis turbing the joints. AlaWitie copper chamber, which never cracks' or males, and will outlast any other. For Kite by dealers and the trade genendly. Inqui. (- for Blatchley's Pump, and if not for sale-in. your town, send direct to CHAS. G. BLATCH LEY. Manufaelgrer,' 506 Commerce St.,.PhiladelPtilV-Pa.' mar 12-3 m . , FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! THE display of fine Furniture, such as Dressing Bureaus, Wash Stands, Bed steads, Extension Tables, Centre Tables,. Wat Nets, II at ltacks, Children's Cribs, Everything in the Cabinet r maker line—the best in market, having been carefully and substantially manufactured out of the very best material—at 11. person's, 3 doors East of the Presbyterian Church, East Main St., Waynesboro, Pa. Call and see hisdisiday. Prices low. Thankful for past favors lie hopes to he able to merit a still further share of the public's patronage. now 13—tf 11. DETROW. TALMAGE SPURGEON. T. De Witt Talmage is editor of THE CHRISTIAN AT WORK; C. Spurgeon special Contributor. They write for no other paper in America. Three magniti cant chromes. Pav larger commission than any other paper. ""verornos now roa .l4D sectarianism. So sectionalism. One agent recently obtainee ISU subeerip lions in eighty hours absolute work. Sam ple copies and circulars sent free. • AGENTS WANTED.. 11. W. ADAMS. Publisher, 102Chninbers Street, New York. jan S-tf COON & STONEIIOIISE Table Covers, Calicpes, -Irish 'Linens, 1 0 7 4L". --0- -o*-- BLATCHLEY'S WORTH SEEING COACIDIAKING -, Skirts,