. . . ~. : t .... . 1 ", A • • • • 6. -1 . . , J : L $ 111 . 4 " r n . : . { •' . 1 , . • t _ ~ ‘.. .... W. BLAIR. • . • . ' - A FAMILIrNEWSPAPERtrivoTEn TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND.GENERAL.NEAIS.'ETC. .. .. ..,,, • : - .. .... VOLUME 26. eittt pottrg. BEADS, NEWS AND MX Heads that think, and hearts that feel, Heads that turn the busy wheel, Make:our life worth living here, In this mundane hemisphere ; • Heads to plan what hands can do, Hearts to bear us bravely through, Thinking head and toiling hand Are masters of the land. When a thought becomes a thing, Busy hands make hammers ring, Until honest work has wrought Into shape the thinker's thought, Which will aid to civilize And make nations great and wise, Lifting to a glorious height" In this age of thought a4WJight. Miracles of science show With their light the way to gn ; Touch a tube of gas, and light Blossoms like the stars of night: Touch another tube, and Jo ! Streams of cystal waters flow ; Touch a telegraphic wire, And your-thought-has-wings of fire. Hail to honest hearts and hands, And to the head that understands ; Hands that dare to truth subscribe, Hands that never touched a bribe; Hearts that hate a deed unjust, Hearts that other hearts can trust; Heads that plan for others' weal, Heads poised over hearts that feel Stisuilaneou% gtading. AN INCIDENT OF THE WAR. About twenty years ago; or in the year 1854, a planter living near Houston, Tex-• as; was inspired for adventure 11 the cur rent stories of wonderful gold-findings at Pike's Peak, and importuned from his wife her consent to his departure. While ostensibly thrifty, the plantation was real ly encumbered by debt, and some new fi nancial departures seemed necessary for its redemption. Perhaps this was the fi nal reason inducing Mrs. Du Bose's as sent. At any rate, the planter started for the distant mining-country, after tax ing the family means severely for his out fit, with hope of finding enough of the precieus ore to return in a year or two as a rich man. Neaily always a desperate game of chance, gold-diging is a particu larly perilous hazard for the adventurer of mature years who stakes the very home of his flesh and blood upon it. Du Bose was not successful in it. His letters from the Peak told of continued disappoint ment and hardship, though ever express ive of a determination to fight the battle yet longer. What k . time his patient and devoted wife, and an infant son,. born a year before the amateur miner's departure, knew many denials At home in the exigen cies of the embarrassed estate, and• could not only respond to the discouraging mes sages of the husband and, father with love and prayer. Such was the story, told in much inter rupted correspondence, back and forth, until the memorahle tumult and disrup tions of war in 1861 cut off all postal communications whatever between the warring sections of the nation. Before that time Mrs. Du Bose had been obliged to sell the unlucky plantation and remove with her little boy to the neighborhood of some of her relatives in New Orleans ; and when hostlities bean the mother and child were guests of Mrs. Jennings, a sis ter of the former, in the Crescent City.— Borne down by her sorrows and the pub lic anxieties of the time, the poor lady died soon after the battle of Sumpter, and the young orphan fell to the charge of his aunt. And now this boy becomes the hero of the tale. Left chiefly to his own resourc es after his mother's death, the little fel low passed much of his time in the streets, and thus, when the national forces occupi ed New Orleans, became a familiar of va rious barracks. One day Colonel Vance, of the Forty-seventh Indiana, whose quer ters he had infested for nearly a week, was induced by his handsome face and neglected appearance to question him of his history. As his childish replies sug gested no definite idea of a good home, but did reveal his orphanage, he was ta ken• straightway to the Hoosier officer's kind heart as a waif worth saving. In short, the Colonel's imperfect understand ing of his circumstances, and his own ju venile eagerness to go with the soldiers, resulted in his summary adoption as a son of the regiment. Almost immediate ly thereafter the gallant. Indianians were ordered Northward and took their protege with them ; and from thenceforth to the end of the war the little Southern rode a black pony beside his Colonel's charger, and had a thorough baptism of fire. With that same ending of the war came back thejnisguided miner of Pike's Peak, who, while cast off from all hope of South ern return or home letters by war's wall of flame, had wandered to California and there made the long•sought fortune. In N. Orleans they told him of his wife's death and his son's disappearance. Whither the • lad had gone none could say; he left his aunt's house one day to look at the Yan kee soldiers, and never returned. As may be imagined, this intelligence Ailed the self-accusing man's cup with grief. But he would not believe the missing boy was dead. In the New Orleans and oilier papers he advertised large rewards for the return or news of his straying child, and visited all his own and his late wife's re latives and friends throughout the South for tidings or counsel. Numerous impos ters answered the advertisement ; but when. 'put to the test of question, as-to the family-names, &c., were found wanting. Disgusted at these attempted impositions, as well as disheartened otherwise, Mr. Du Bose at last disappeared again—going back to California it was supposed—and the search rested. In the meantime the lost heir, upon the resumption of peace, Trent home• with his Col. to the latter's home in Portland, Jay county, Ind.; and subsequently, when his Western-friends-broke-up-housekeeping, betook himself to Atchison, in Kansas.— lx was about four years ago, while pre paring himrelf for, future self support by studying at the Circleville College, in Kansas that some friend of Colonel-Van ce's remembered having seen his father's advertisement in some paper, and told the student, thereof. But the paper could not be found ; the details were very indistinct- Irecalled;and only lately .has young' Du Bose,' now a clerk in a hotel at Indiana beeome;aware of all the circumstan ces of the paternal search and failure. Ac cOrding to the Indianapolis Sentinel, which relates the whole romance in admirable style, the son is now as much at a loss to discover the whereabouts of his father as the latter formerly was to reclaim him, having traveled all over the Southwest in-vain pursuit of some recent clue to the ex-planter's 'place of abode. He has se cured ample proofs of his own identity, however ; believes that his missing sire is somewhere in California ; and doubts not that due correspondence with California post masters, and advertisements in prop er journals,' will yet restore him to the paternal arms land a fine fortune. Success. ; There are a great many kinds of success. One man devotes the whole of his life to the amassing of wealth. He aims 'at the miser's success. He wants money and he gets it. In order to get it he gives up his „family. Nothing in , the household is so dear to him as money. For the sake of money he gives up friendship, and high and honorable intercourse, and public. spiritedness, and generosity, and liberality. He gives himself up to money making and money saving. And when he has be come rich there is for him no honor that comes from public spirit, no pleasure that friendship affords, and no joy of the family. His better feelings are all dried up, and he stands like a mummy in a king's tomb in Egypt. With his money-bags and priceless jewels around him, he is bonda ged in his own success, behind which be is forever grinning: There is many a rich mummy and there are many live monkeys that go past him and wish they were just like him—young men who do not know how to look inside and see what is the reality and secret of life. lam ashamed of men who thus slander human nature. Oiler men seek pleasure-success. They 'say : "My life is keyed to pleasure, and I mean to have it "• If they seek it as the end and aim of their lives, they will probably get it; but they will get noth ting else. Others seek power success, and others praise-success; and they may gain the success which -they seek, but they will lose other things. . . Whatever men seek ,they may have; but they must have it with its limitations, with its results, and with its bearings upon their eternal 'destiny. THE SLANDEROUS TONGUE. The tongue of slander is never tired. In one way or another it manages to keep itself in constant employment. Sometimes it drips honey, and sometimes gall. It is bitter now and then sweet. It insinuates or wails 'directly, according to the cir cumstances. It will hide a curse under a smooth word, and administer poison in the phrase of love. Like death, "it loves a shining mark." And it is never so a vailable and eloquent as when it can blight the hopes of the noble-minded, soil the reputation of the pure, and break down or destroy the character of the brave and strong. What pleasure man or woman can find in such work we have never been able to see ; and yet there is pleasure of some sort in it to multitudes, or they would not betake themselves to it. Some passion of soul or body must be gratified by it. But no soul in high estate can take delight in it. It indicates lapse of tendency towards chaos, utter depravity. It proves that somewhere in the soul there is weakness, waste, evil nature. Educa tion and refinement are ro proof against it. They often serve only to polish the slanderous tongue, increase its tact, and give it suppleness and strategy. ' • CULTIVATE FLOWERS.- Why is it that so few persons cultivate flowers ? They are so beautiful, and teach such excellent lessons, that the time spent in giving them attention is put to most beneficent use. In many towns and villages in various sec tions ground is cheap, and where yards are large, there might be such a display of flowers that the streets would furnish prominades of tempting pleasure. The influence of a home is always helped by a profusion of firers, and children who grow up breathing the perfume of but ros es and pinks which were trained by a mother's hand will . derive a benefit that may be everlasting. So plant flowers, cultivate, water, cull them; anal thank the good Father that he has sent.tbem as messengers of his mercy.— United *Presby terian. Nearly all beginnings are difficult and poor. At the opening of the hunt the hound limps. , WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, Pk, THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1874. THE' NEW CRUSADE. Great enthusiasm, is manifest in some quarters over the praying women's cru sade against the liquor deniers. The evils of the retail trafic in alcoholic drinks can not be measured or numbered. Human sufferings arising therefrom tare most at _palling. God only knows bow great is the sum of sorrow and wretchedness that must be charged to the account of strong drink. Hence, the Christian and philan thropist as well as the innocent victims of these sinful misfortunes will take every proper method to suppress the evil. Zeal to root out the very deepest source of its growth may be most worthily aroused.— But-even-here all things should be done decently and in order. Not only what is lawful, but what is expedient, it to be the law under which we act. It is right to pray for the success of perance and the suppressionjoin in of g rog I shops and doggeries. tis right to in a united effort to this slid. It is well to awaken and educate public sentiment to the threatening and wasting evil. It is wise to call in the aid of combined sym pathy in order to reach more effectually a great good, a radical reformation. Yet no . man is crowned except he strive law fully. We regard the praying women's 'cru sade as aiming to effect a good in a wrong 'way. It will fail , in the end. It invades civil rights. No true Christian piety and right philanthropy will ever wrong our felltowmen in the effort to attain a, benefit for our race. The whole teaching and spirit of the New Testament is against the course of those women who take forcible possession of another's nremises in order to pray and brow-beat him into decency, sobriety and total abstinence. The mov ing, singing, praying, fanatical tide roll ing irresistably toward the dramshop, oL structing the sidewalk, crowding the door, filling the saloon, surrounding the count er, stops, at least for the time, the nefari oun,husiness. Sprinkled and squirted with ;beetitud swill water, denounced with idt predatory oaths and blasphemies, threat- StkOd; ,. ."‘a.p empty bottles, axes, and naked ibbicilOsardish exposure; all in vain, for they. continue to worry the soul of the of fender into full submission. It is a little worse than the old pugilistic preacher who in a square fight knocked down the bully and then pounded grace into him with his two fists. It is not moral suasion. And it is still more doubtful whether it be, after all true Christian faith and godliness. It is just possible that those who kneel in the mud. dy gutter or on dirty sidewalks, or filthy floor of the beer saloon to pray and sing in the temperance crusade are not the most truly pious and godly people of the town. We believe that the. time and breath spent in devout prayer to God in the dos. et, or in the church, would be as well spent. And God would as likely bear and answer, too, such prayer. Wo are admonished not to cast pearls before swine by Him whose devine •mission was not to cry or lift up His voice in the streets. If He tells us that the., kingdom of heaven suffereth violence when the violent take it by force, yet it never does violence to men. So we cannot afford to aim at reaching a good object by using a^ wrong, or even questionable means. Many pious persons are missled by what only seems pious. It is a good thing, for instance, to pray for the safety of persons exposed to the dangers of railroad acci dents. But if a company of singing and praying women were to get on the•track before the train and obstruct its passage by continued hymns and supplications, refusing, persistently, to give way, they would be interfering unduly with the civ il rights and priviledges of others. And this could hardly be justified by the mere fact that they are piously engaged, and that. their purpose was to secure a bless; ing on the travelers in the cars. The pi ety and propriety of the crusaders would better appear, if they left the track un obstructed, and would do their praying at home or in the church where it would not interfere, with the railroad company or the passengers who go freely on board the train. A few years ago we were requested to invite our congregation to join in a whole day's prayer in the Baptist Church, Broad and /loch Sts., Philadelphia, for the shutting up of the drinking places on Sunday. Here was a great evil to be suppressed. And praying is good, even if from 8 o'clock A. M., till night, But to this we said : Nay. We have laws a gainst the evil. Officers bound to enforce them. The Courts are ready to punish offenders. Now, it is not quite pious to shirk the duty of informing on trans gressors and having them brought to jus tice ; and instead, taking the more easy course of simply praying to God to do it all for us. For our part we think it is more reasonable and religious to enforce the laws. If they are not just what we would like them to be, let them still be used as far as can be, for a terror to evil doers. While we have detectives and police officers to restrain crime, it is not the beat evidence of piety to ptay that God would become our mayor and con stable. Besieging the low liquor dens with force and arms, under the guise of piety, where the incense of prayers and hymns is mingl ed with the fumes and stench of the pot house, is of a piece with that zeal which a few years ago thought the gospel would be more efficacious in the theaters and dance houses than in the churches. That has been tried, and notwithstanding ex ceptional cases of good, it is found want ing. So will this new phase of the temper ance revivial, no doubt, also soon run its course. Permanent results can only come from true Christian freedom and faith. Our Church Pape•. I'LIIT A BOIL Young beginners in I:fe's morning, . Don't forget the rainy day; Sunshine cannot last forever.' Or the heart be always gay. Save the dime, and then the dollar, .Lay up something as you roam— Choose some blooming spot of beauty, &Imes fair lot, and, "plant a home." You, too, having babes around you, Coming, up. to take your place; ' Give something to Femember— Homestead:memories let them trace Would you feel the pride of manhood, Let the sun your dwelling greet— Breathe the blessed air of freedom, Own the soil beneath your feet: "Keep the Gate Shut." An English farmer was. one day at work in his fields, when he saw a party, of huntsmen riding abbut his farm. He had one field that he was specially anx ious they should not ride over, as the crop was in a condition to be badly. injured by the tramp of horses. -So he despatched one of his workmen to this field, telling him to shut the gate, and then keep watch over it,, and on noaccount to suffer it to be opened. The boy went as he was bid den ; but was scarcely' at his post, before the huntsmen came up, peremptorily or dering the gate to be opened. This the, boy declined to do, stating the orders, he bad received, and his determination not to disobey them. Threats and bribes Were offered, alike in vain, one after an other came forward as spokesman, but all with the same result, the boy remain ed immovable in his determination not to open the gate. After a while, one of no ble 'presence advanced, and said in com manding tones : "My boy, you do nut know me: lam the Duke of Wellington, one not accustomed to be disobeyed; and I command you to open that gate, that I and my friends may pass through." The boy lifted his cap, and stood. uncovered before the man , whom all England de lighted 'to honor, then answered firmly : "I am sure' the' Duke of Wellington would not wish me to disobey erders.. must keep this sate shut„nor suffer any one to pass but with my master's express permission." Greatly pleased, the sturdy old warri or lifted his own hat, and said - "I hon or the man, or boy, who can be neither bribed nor frightened into doing wrong. With an army of such soldiers I could conquer aot only the French, but the world." And handing the boy a glitter ing sovereign, the old duke put Spurs to his horse and galloped away, while the boy ran off to his work, shouting at the top of his voice : "Hurrah ! I've done. what Napoleon couldn't do—l've kept out the Duke of Wellington." Every boy is a gate-keeper, and his Master's command is "Be thou fiiithful unto death." . Are you tempted todrink, to smoke or chew tobacco ?" Keep the gate of your mouth fast closed, and al low no evil company to enter. When evil companions would counsel you to break the Sabbath, to lie, to deal falsely. to disobey your parents,' keep the gate of your ears fast shut against such entice ments ;. and when the bold blasphemer would instil doubts of the great truths of revelation, then iieepthe door of your heart locked and herr& against his in famous suggestions, remembering that it is 'only the fool who "bath said in his heart, there is no God," PADDLE YOUR OWN CANOE. —Judge . S. gave his son $l,OOO, and told him to' go to college and graduate. The son re turned at end of the Freshman year with out a dollar, and with several very ugly habits. About the close of vacation the Judge said to his son : "Well, William, are you going to col lege' this year?' "Have no money, father." "But I gave you one thousand to grad uate on." "That's all gone, father." "Very well my . son I gave you all I could afford to give you ; you can't stay here ; you must now pay your own way in the world." A. new light broke in upon the vision of the young man. He accommodated himself to .the situation, he left home, made his way through the college, and graduated at the head of his class, studied law, became Governor of the State of New York, entered the Cabinet of the Pres ident of the United States, and made a record for himself that 'will not soon die, being none other than Wm H. Seward. THE AIITUMN OF LIF . E.—It is the sol emn thciught connected with middle life, that life's last business is begun in earn est, and it is then, atidway betweep the cradle-and the grave; that a man !Aging to marvel that hellet the days of youth go by so half enjoyed. It is the pensive autumn feeling, it is the sensation of half sadness that we experience when the long est day of the year is passed, and every day that follows is shorter, and the light fainter, and the feebler shadows tell that nature, with gigantic footsteps is hasten-- ing to her winter grave. So does man look back upon youth. When the first gray hairs become visible, Wheri the un welcome truth fastens itself upon the mind that a man is no longer going up the hill but down, and that the sun is always wes terning, he looks back on things behind.. When we were children we thought as children. But now there lies before us manhood, with its earnest work, and then old age, and then the grave, and then home. There is a second youth for man: better and holier than the first, if he will Lox on and not back. SubzcriLe for The Record. * - .Mother Killed by Grief. The Indianapolis Sentitiel gives the fol lowing:eocount of an incident which "hap pened,", ,it. says, in . Crawfordville, Ind., on Sunday last : "The depot had keen broken into that noon - and some money and a quantity of ticketslitolen from the office and things generally upset by a, party of boys. Warrants - were issued and among theta one for. a boy named. Mike McNeal. About midnight the McNeal family were 'called upon by the officer of the law, and information that - the boy Mike was-wanted, at the same-time-read ing the warrant. Mrs. ,McNeal, was- as tounded, and said there must' be a mistake. None of her boys would be guilty of that, she knew; and it *se all a tniatake._ , %ler feelings overcame 'berend she filited.— The-officer hofrever,-betiritt the *arrant bad IN other course'to pursue, ,but, to de- Mand the boy. The mother again faint ed; and when she was 'restored to 'eon. sciousness the officer agreed to let the boy remain until' they had sera thepar ty, by whom the warrant had beeri sworn out. "Milke" proved'to be 'the °se; they would return to- the house; if not, he would not be arrested. The officer found, however,- that•except in name. "Mike" was , not the boy. The real dub prig was a Mike McNeal a cousin of the former. The officers returned to gladden, as they supposed, the mother's bead, by telling her the boy 'via's' innocent. To their horror they;'reache d the house and found 'Mrs. McNeal dead. The shock and grief combined had been so great as. to kill her. The affair ceased considera ble epitement in town.- Made Him ariEmpegor. There was once a German nobleman who led a foolish and dissipated life, neg lecting his people, his family, and his af fairs, drinking and gambling. He had a dream one night which vividly impress ed him. He saw a figure looking at him with a serious face, and pointing to dial when the hands 'marked the hour of IV. The figure looked at him sadly and said these words, "after-four,' and dissap peired. The nobleman , awoke. in ,greA terror, thinking the vision ' foreboded speedy death. "After four l" What could it mean? It, must mean that he would .. die in four days. So he set his house in order, sent for the priest, confessed his sins, and , received absolution. He' also sent for his family and begged,their for giveness for past offenses. After snapp ing his affairs with his man of business he waited for death.. The four days. pass ed on and he did not die. He then con cluded the vision meant four weeks. He did all the good he could, but at the end of four weeks he was still alive. It is plain now, ' he said , the vision meant four years,and.ihe neat.four years he gave his whole life and fortune for the improve ment of his people, Ms neighbors, and the poor, taking an honorable part in public affairs. At the and four years he was elected Emperor of Germany. HAVE ANIMALS A FUTURE LIFEI— following is taken from 'Recollections of Mary Somerville :' I shall regret , to; leave, at death, the sky, with all , the changes of their beautiful covering; the earth with all its verdure and flowers; but far. more shall grieve to leave animals who have followed our steps affectionately for years without knoWing for certninty their ultimate fate, though I firmly believe that the living principle is never extinguished:` Since the atoms of, matter are.indestpc tible, as far as we know, it is difficult to believe that the spark which gives to their union life, memory, affection, in telligence and fidelity is evanescent. Every atom in the human frame, as well as that in animals, undergoes a pe riodical change• by continual waste and renovation ; . the abode is changed, not its inhabitant. If animals have no future the existence of many is most wretched multitudes are starved, cruelly beaten and loaded dprin g life.; many 'die under a barbaious vivisection. I cannot believe that any creature was created for thicOm pensated • misery; it would be contrary' to the attribute of God's mercy . at djriv tics. I am sincerely happy to, find.that' I am not the only believer in the immor tality of the lower animals. WORDS OF Lennovet.—The ability to find fault is considered by some people as a sure sign of superior insight, when in the majority of cases it is only an indica tion of shallowness and ill nature. One deserves as much credit for seeing the merits of a picture as its defects, for find ing out the lovely traits in a character as for lying in wait for its imperfections; in deed, he who steadfastly and on principle determines ,to see all the _good , there is in any person is that person's greatest bene factor, and can do most to lift •him' up in to what he might be. Following this vein a little further, if we love our friends not only for what, they. are, but for what they are capable of being, our very love will assist in transforming them into the refill. ration' of the ideal for which we love them, and thus the constant outpouring of our affections toward them will act as a per petual lever, lifting them nearer and near er to the realisation ,of their desires. Let no one doubt the triithCof this; it has been proved by practicaLdemonstration. Let us not be chary of complimentary and appreciative utterances, but forget ting seat, 'and remembering those dearer, .or who should' he dearer, in assuring their happiness and success most surely secure ahem own. , . , Busy not thyself in searching into other men's lives ; the errors of thine Own are more than thou : cant answer for. It snore concerns thee to mend one fault iu thyself, than to find out a thousand in others.—. Bishop LF4ghion, About Dogs. Bev. Dr. !ratans Prime, of New York, writes as follows to- the—Observer :-- My son came home from Princeton, where he had been reading Divinity, and brought redog 10 which he was fondly at tached, and his affection was fully rocated. The dog slept on s' rug beside hit master's bed. When my son was mak ing preparations to go to Europe, the dog manifested great uneasiness, watching the packing with evident' anxiety, and listening eagerly to the conversation of -the family.. The day of departure cow. The dog was shut up in a room alone, and howled while the master went away.— Night came and the dog wandered about the Muse, up and down stains', though his rug was lying ready 'for him by his master's empty bed. He had disturbed met,in,gie early part of the night by his whip? as he sought his master in vain. In the Meriting I went into his room and found him asleep on his rug. Ile never woke "epic - The dog was dead. ~Gen. James Watson) Webb, :formerly er, the. .Courier and Enquirer, before be went to AuStria as American , Minister, gaie a little dog to the child of Mr. Spal ding, then one of the editors of the same paper, and afterwards of the World and the 2imes. The child and the dog be came tenderly attached to each other.— The child was taken ill. The dog lavish ed itnitffections on' its friend, carressing itim constantly, and showing the strong est anxiety. - The child died. The dog walked away from - the bed to the ether side of the room, layed down and died al so. CARING FO4 A. PASSENGER.-A well known Philadelphian went to Pittsburg a' few days ago; and when he entered the sleeping ,car the thought struck him that he,might get•to walking about during the night *le asleep, as he was something of It'soniriambulist, and walk off the platform into a hitter world. So he went to the brakeman and gave him a dollar with strict instructions that if he saw him walk ing ,ztroupd the car in his sleep, to seize hiak;,l4ti:force him back at all hazzards. Then' th Philadelphian turned in . and soon hurreverberating snore echoed the soreech.ofthe locomotive. 'About tyro o'- clock : Loomis awoke, etudes the air,of the. car see med stiaing , he determined to go on the platfdini for a fresh, breath or two. Just ar he got to the degir 'the 'brakeman saw him, grasped him and held him &A.m. When: the Philadelphian recovered his breath; he indignantly, exclaimed, "What do you,mean ? Let me up, I tell you,; lam as ivide awake as on are. But the brakeinin put another knee to his breast and insisted that the man was asleep, and then he called another brakeman , and af ter . a terrific struggle, during which : the unfortunate received ,bumps sand, blows_ innumerable, the railroad man jammed him into' a birth, 'put - e. trunk and eight carpet bags on him, and then sat on hun to hold him down until morning. • A „itirrespondent writes: "While ll* porting the proceedings of the Republican State Convention at Dallas, Ga., r a colored preacher who from a habit he has of:commencing:his addressee with the exclaination I thrice repeated, "Come :to the Reck,"„bas acquired the name - of COnie4a:the-Rooh Ben." On one occasion, white Viieixiber'of the Legislituie; he ad vanced:to thee Front of the Speaker's' desk, and, taking • two "rocke t " as small stoma are called here. he struck them together, exclaiming, "Come to the rock, and pro seeded in a vigorous speech to address the House. His name is Benjamin Will.. iams, and he his deservedly won the high regard of many in the State. Hie elo quence is of.a very high order. He is* colored Robert Collyer, having all the earnestness and pathos of the Yorkshire blacksmith, 'with more natural dramatic talent. During a period of temporary confusion in the Convention he gained the door, and having exclaimed, - ;'Come to the reek—the rook of Republicanism and .good-, fillowship," delivered a brief and and 'magnetic speech whichrestorod order and harmony. Some day I hope to hear and 'to report to you one of his sermons. He , iira man whom kindly circumstances might lave made famoue,.and , whose life work,- though quietly; done; must be very fruitful. , We may live without poetry, music and art; We may live without conscience, and live without heart ; We may live withoutlriends, and live without books ; But civilized men cannot live 'without cooks. We may live without books--whatis knowledge but grieving? We may live without hope—what is hope but deceiving? We may live• without lover-whatls passion but pining? But where is the man that can live without dining ? The Siamese twins were excellent far. mere, and superintended all the work upon their plantations. They could hoe and plow, and were very -dexterous in .using the axe. They built several log cabins themselves, and could put up the earner of a two-story house as quickly as any other two men. As traders, especially in live stock - , they won quite a reputation. In making a bargain .they would obtain all . the points in the case and then with draw, and under the plea that two heads were better than one, consult with each other us to the beat course to pursue. Ia tile-lOOS) option. town of lisizelton, Luzern° county, ,liquor, is said to be dis• Tensed from seventy bars. 1,13 it ind Sumer. •What is invariable the beginning of love ? The letter L. • • Felt slippers—Those felt by children . in their rude young days. A pair of lovers will sit up half the night, and not burn as much kerosene as the family uses in an hour daringthe ev ening:, Latest Arta music: , I wish I was a,igranger, And with the farmers stand, 1„, A clover blossom in my hair, A pitch fork in my hand, Legitimate business.—A: doctor went out for a day's hunting, and on coming home complained that he hadn't killed anything: "That's bcc.ause you didn't at tend to your legitimate business," said his wife. "Doctir;" said a lady to her physic hut "don't you think the small lxintiets that the ladies wear, nowadays have a tenden. cy to ,produce congestion of the brninl" "No madam. When you see one of those bonnets, there are no brains to 'con = gent." A dealer in horse-flesh sold to a gen'• tieman of little experience in such mat. ters a steed as "perfectly without huh!' Next day the buyer came back in great fury, because his groom found out that the alleged "faultless horse" was blind in the right eye. "Why," replied the sly dealer, "that is not the horse's fault; it is only his misfortune." "What do you sell those fowla.for l" in quired a person of a man attempting to .dispose of some chickens of questionable appearance. "I sell them for profits," was .the answer. "Thank you for the information that they are prophets," re sponded the querist ; "I took diem to be patriarchs." Who puts oup at, der pest hotel, and Bakes his 'oyster on der schell,, iand, der hauling cuts-a schwelll l Thildrini; • user. • Who vas it ,goes into Any sehtore, drows down his pundles on der, vlonr, and never Shut der' door? Der drummer. Who dakes me brder,handt upd my: 'Und goes for - peestket righdt avart Der drummer: ' • • " • Who upbraids , his samples' in a trice, Ind dells me 'goo*, uud se,e bow Weer' trod says I gets !'der bottom price?" DEX drummer. Who nye der tinge yea eggetr vine "Vrom .Sharman y, und- on der Rhine" and sheets me den dimes out of nine ? Der drummer. Who 'del lei how,sheap dergoats vie bet ; mooch lee as vot I gould iinbOrt, but lets dam go as be vas "short 1". - Dor drummer. . - Who varrante all der goofs In suit gas timers nbon his route. and 'van day, gomes de vas nogostr Der druminer, .f Who ernes atom& yen I been ondt, MOE* mute , beer, and eats mine knout, and kiss Katrina in der snout ?" Der drummer. ' Who, ven he gomes again die vay will hear vot Pfeiffer has- to say, nod mit a plank eye goes avay v.. Der drummer. While traveling in the South a few weeks since, I, was amused at . the' fellow ing incident: On board the train was a colored family, consisting of father , mother, and three children. The two eldest ranged fronsfif. teen to seventeen, the youngest about eight. The , two eldest were black as an ertoine of midnitr zo the youngest was of the brightest sad lor. An old gentle man of inquiring mind asked the mother whose children they were. "De 's mine "answered the old Dinha. "What, all t hree ?"queried the old gent. "Course day la," said Dinah. • • "Well, 'who hi their father? .asked the old gent. "Dere is dere fader ; dat's my old man, " said aunt Dinah.; pointing to an old grey haired and, decrepit darkey sitting near. "Why," %aid the old gent, "you don't pretend to tell MG that he is the father of all three ?" "Course he is de fader ob oil free ; he is My old man, he is," said Dinah, some. what impatiently. • "Well, now." said the old gent, last tell me this; how does it happen that those two are so black, and this one is so white ?" "Why,". de Lord love you, honey," re turned Dinah with a grin, "don't ye know dem ,two old uns was dun . boned for de war in old reb times ; dis yere one," pointing to the young zream•color, "was born since we is free.' The man of inquiring turn of mind .was silenced if not, convinced. A cubic inch of gold is worth . one hun dred • and forty-six dollars; a cubic foot, two hundred and eighty:eight dollars ; and a cubic yard, six million eight hun dred and seventy-six dollars. The quanti ty of gold now in existence, estimated to be three thousand millions of dollars cimld be contained in a cube of twenty-three feet. The oyster beds of Virginia cover an area equal to six. hundred and forty thou sand acres, and those great mines of sub marine wealth are estimated to yield an Annual money value of ten millions' of ,of dollars. One firm in Harrisburg has recently received 20,990 bushels peanuts. . . YEAR.