BLIC L'E OW VALU.S.BLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAE undersigned Administrator of Jos. F. Rohrer, dec'd, will sell at Public Sale at his late residence, near Welty:sChnrch, On Wednesday the 25th of• February, '74, on the road leading from Smithburg to Ringgold, miles from. the former' and 2 miles from the latter, all the following pro perty, to wit: 8 lIRKITOFIVORK - HORSES; ---- 2 good family horses,l extra wagon leader, 3 good plow leaders, lblood ware with foal, 1 two yearling colt, 12 HEAD OF GOOD CATTLE, 6of which are good milch cows, 2' heifers with calf, 1 large bull, the balance young cattle ; 32 HEAD OF GOOD HOGS, 3 brood Sows with pig, the balance thriving shoats, 11 HEAD OF SHEEP AND LAMBS; 3 FARM WAGONS, 2 broadtread, 1 three inch tread, 1 two-horse, wagon and bed, 1 spring do., ; 2 carts, (one new).l two-horse family carriage,(nearly. new) 1 falling -top buggy, 1 sleigh, 1 tight wagon bed, 1 pair wood ladders, 1 lime bed, 3 pair hay carri ages, (one small pair) 1 wheelbarrow, 1 dung sled, 2 sets dung boards, 1 LARGE M'CORMICK REAPER, — lcurby reaper and mower combined, 1 spring-tooth rake, 1 grain drill,l water via on, 3 grain cradles, mowing scythes, 1 grind stone, 1 emory stone, for grinding sickles, 1 SEPARATOR AND — HORSEPOWER, _ (Geiser's Patent) 1 jack, 1 wind mill, 1 roll ing screen, 2 cutting boxes, 1 bag wagon, a lot grain bags, 4 barshear plows, , 3 double and 2 single shovel plows, 3 harrows, 1 — corncoverer, treble, double and single trees, I jack screw, 1 fifth chain and spread er, 2 spreaders, 1 baring chain, rough lo log chain, butt, breast and cow chain forks, rakes and shovels, 1 hay knife, 1 f trough and bucket, 2 dung books, 3 pair breechbands, 4 pair front gears, 6 pair of plow gears, collars,' bridles, halters and chains, 6 housens, 7 flynets, 1 wagon saddle, wagon and plow lines, 1 set heavy double iiarners, 2 sets single liarness, 2 pair cheek linen, I ridding saddle, 2 riding bridles, 1 SET OF BLACKSMITH TOOLS, carpenter and other tools, 1 work bench, I screw plate, 1 dinner bell, 1 pat. bee box ; I cross-cut saw, 3 lime measures, 1 set tools for burning lime, 1 stone sledge, crow-bar, mattock, picks, axes, saws, wedges, &c. HAY BY THE TON, lot cider vinegar, lot Miller seed, 1 cider mill and press, lot old casting and iron, and many other articles too numerous to men- Also 17,000 prime staves. 2200 lap shin gles and lot cord wood at Private Sale - Sale to commence at half past 8 o'clock on said day when a credit of six months will be given on all sums of $5 and upward; under $5 the cash will be required, the pur chasers to give notes with approved secu rity, and if notes are not paid within ten days after maturity interest will be charg ed from date. No property to be removed until settled. ELIZA BETH G. ROARER, JOHN H. ROHRER, Administrators, Daniel Stouffer, suet. jan 29ts PUBLIC SALE. ITU:IE subqcriber intending to quit farm ing will sell at' Public Sale at his resi den ve, about 3 miles from Waynesboro' and 2 miles from Marsh Store, near the road leading from the former to the latter place, On Monday the 16th of February, 1874, the following personal property, to wit: 4 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, two of which bre fine brood mares with foal, three of them plow leaders ; 3 colts, two rising 3 years and one rising 2 years; 13 HEAD OF FINE CATTLE, 4 of which are much cows, 5 heifers, 2 bulls and 2 steers ;_ 2 brood sows, 14 shoats; 1 FARM WAGON, 1 'one-horse wagon, 1 light w ton tongue, 2 wagon beds, 2 pair hay ear ri Lges, I shifting-top buggy, 1 sleigh and 1 REAPER AND MOWER Combined, I grain drill, 1 spring-tooth rake, 1 wheat fan, 2 cutting boxes, 1 three-horse and 2 two-horse plows, 2 single and 3 double shov el plows, 1 corn coverer, 2 harrows, 1 sprea der, treble, double and single trees, 2 seta sets dung boards, 1 wheelbarrow, diging i ron, stone sledge, mattock, log chain, breast butt and cow chains, 2 grain and 2 clover seed cradles, 1 mowing scythe, forks, rakes and shovels, bushel basket, half bushel, feed bucket, lot grain bags, I band and 1 wood saw, augers and chisels, brace and bits, maul and wedges, 2 double-bitted axes, "2 sets breechbands, 2 sets front gears, 2 sets plow gears, 2 sets single harness, 2 riding saddles, 1 wagon saddle, 2 riding bridles, 4 housens, 4 blind bridles, 5 collars, 4 halters, 5 fly-nets, 1 four-horse line; 1 COOK STOVE AND FIXTURES, ten-plate stove and pipe, 2 tables, 2 sets chairs, 50 yds. carpet, 10 yds. matting, 2 bedsteads and bedding, 1 eight-day clock. 1 iron kettle, 1 churn and buck, 1 barrel vin egar, 2 heaps bees,applebutter by the crock, potatoes by the bushel, canned fruit, tubs, barrels, lot books, lot old iron, and many other articles not nepessary to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said flay when the terms will be made known by GEO. W. CARBAITGH, jan 29th G. V. Along, auct ADO n AEU MIA I=l NEW FIRM! I=l THE subsetibers would inform the citi tens of Waynesboro' and Vicinity that they hare leased the stand recently occupi ed by C. Ruthes, one door east of the Post Office building, where they propose to con tinue the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES of every.deseription: len's Boots made to order at prices .ranging from $5.50 upwards. Fine sewed Boots for $9. Ladies' Shoes at - prices from $2.50 upwards, and Alen and Boys' Shoes at prices corres pondingly low. SM.:Repairing done with neatness and dispatch, and all work warranted to give 'atisfaction. Persons wanting anything in their line will find it to their advantage to give thelu eall before purchasing elsewhere. jan 2fitf MILLER S BRO. FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale two miles East of Waynesboro', on the road to Hope well Mills, 2.000 twelve-foot Chestnut Rail& jau 294 w DANIEL BONBRAKE. Fr:. S. te) ot >l:ir .11 9 1 71 F, subscriber offers at Private Sale 1 Lap shingles and Cooper Stuff. Terme reaionabie. _ J EREM IA II GoRDON. jan 15-tf PUBLICSA . E. rTIHE undersigned intending-to discontin- AL ue farming, will 'sell withent:reserVe at his residence, on the' Mansion farm of Sam uel H. Barr; 4 miles. west of .:Waynesboro' and 1 mile Smith of Waynesboro' and. Greencastle turnpike, on the road to the Marsh Store,:: On Friday the 20th day of February, '74, the following personai property, to wit : 7 - HEAD OF HORSES, • among which are 5 work horses, 4of th • - fine leaders,--2-colts,- one two and- one o year old ; 15 HEAD OF CATTLE, among which are 4 good Mich Cows, 3 be fresh by the time .of sale, ltine yo bull, 7- flne young steers, the balance yo heifers; 2 PLANTATION WAGONS, 1 four-inch and 1 three-inch tread ; 1 bed nearly new; 1 grain drill, with gd pat. holster attachment ; 1 spring-td raker-Ilpalirluty - Carriages, 1 fodder c 1 REAPER AID MOWER COIIBIN Ball's patent; 1 wheat fin, 3 barshear p 4 doable and 2 single shovel plows, rows, 1 corn coverer, treble, double an gle trees, fifth chain-and-spreaders, 2 log chains, breast, butt and cow ch stable cleaner, 1 large grindstone, 1 horse bob sled, 1 new feed trough, cutter, manure hook, forks, rakes, mat sledges and hammer, crow bar, shove hoes, - grain - eradles - and - mowing - sey large dinner bell; 2 sets breechbands, front gears, 6 sets plow gears, 6 fly housens, 7 blind bridles, wagon 11 whip, wagon saddrea4 - ' - iod — as - tio lars, jockey straps, lines and halters ; 1 SET OF BLACKSMITH T( 1 shifting-top buggy, 1 sleigh and 1 large jackscrew,-2-sets-manure-pl stocks and dies, one large and one one; also 3 bedsteads and bedding, feathers, 2 dining tables, 1 eight-da3 1 corner cupboard, I safe, 1 churn any 1 ten-plate stove and pipe, 20 crock plebutter. 25 brooms, Resh's mak ware and earthenware, lot of ca grain bags, vinegar by the barrel, potatoes ; also 30 ACRES OF GRAIN IN THE G and other articles not necessary to Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on sl when a ere_dit_of_l2 months will bi on all sums of $lO and upwards. JOHN A. BAI G. V. Mong, jan 29-ts PUBLIC SAL HE undersigned intending t I quishihrming ,_7ill offer at Tub 1 on the premises of S. S. Winger, between Mt. Hope and Quincy, on t i day of February, the following p property, to wit: 3 HEAD OF WORK HOE' two of which are brood mares and 1 one with colt by her side ; 9 HEAD OF CATTLE, two of which are good mulch cows, the balance young cattle ; 2 good sows, 1 boar; 1 FOUR-INCH TREAD WA 1 I for three or 'four horses; 1 good tw , wagon, 1 wagon bed, 1 pair hay ca 1 spring-tooth rake, 1 wheat fan, 2l?: plows, 2 harrows, 1 single and 2 shovel plows, 1 corn coverer, 3 ch ders, single and double trees, jockey 1 dung hook, rakes, forks, shovels, grain cradle, 1 mowing scythe, butt, and cow chains, 1 dinner bell, 1 goo basket ; 8 SETS OP GOOD GEAR two of which are breechbands, thre• and three plow gears, 4 flynets, 5 co • Wind bridles, 1 set single harness, ne on saddle. whip, 1 five and 1. fon line, 3 plow lines, 2 lead lines, 1 Mart; and many other articles too tedious t tion. Sale to commence - at 10 o'cl • said .day when a credit of 11 ixontl be given on sums of Wand up and MARY 800 AdOns, jan 29ts PUBLIC S TE'subscriher will sell at at his residence, on the from Waynesboro' to the Ma miles from the former and 3_ the latter place, adjoining W On Thursday the 26th of Fe the following property, to wit -, 5 HEAD OF WORK j three of which are brood mar ing one year, 2 head Mulch which will be fresh about the 1 sow and pigs, 2 shoats, 1 FOUR-INCH TREAD N GO good as new; 1 wood bed, 1 p hay era, 1 cutting box for stravor fod wheat fan, 1 three-horse barsiear p single and 1 double shoveljow, 1 drill, front carriage of broad-tend treble, double and single trees e tets h bands, 2 sets front gears, 2 sOplow 1 SET OF SINGLE ONE 2 pair flynets, 3 blind bridle i 4 coil: housens, 1 four-horse line, 1 Or spre. Also Household and Kitche Ft= consisting of 1 corner cup rd, stove, 1 patent bee box, and her a not. necessary to mention. I Sale to commence at 10 ink, w credit of 6 months will be en on of $5 and upwards, jan2OLs a taa rrii E subscriber would Mks tii • re f turn thanks to has custiers fo the patronage bestowed on him Mle in 'ay nesboro`, and also to give Jice the be will close up his business obr abo the 20th of February. All wholve wok on hand to be finished or whoisire Pilhires taken previous to his departE, will 'lease / I call at as early a date as pos le. Res tfullv, I C LIISRF,Y. lEMeI EttSSOLUTI NOTICE is hereby give nership heretofore e. J. Burns Amberson and L. der the firm name of Amer Was dissolved on the ]oth - 1874, by mutual consent. Mai ms agtinst the firm shall be presented,ll all acctunts due the firm will be coile by J. rns ),I Amberson. We urge a spe settlem tof all our accounts that we b no diffi ulty in satisfying claims agains elves. AMBERSON di.R CKBI .. jan 22-3 i i . SHORT EE IHAVE for sale tw A LVES of the lienti Durham strain. Sire am ners. For Feddigree an address L Fairview, IVI jnn 22-3 t $7;11111Q a;ws k to ageritEl.' Fastest selling articl e e Thu) samples for 10 cts. J. Bride; 767'Broadway, N. Y. : 4 in SYCHOMANCY - , or Soul Charming.'' How either .eeic may fascinate and gain the love & affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple men tal acquirement all caiposese;free, by mail for 25 cis., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt &c. A queer book, .Address, A. Co. Pubs. Phila. Pa. Table Shields, Plate, Water Pitcher, Tea di and Coffee Pot Stands, &c. Send $1 and re ceive prepaid a sample of this elegant and useful Plated Table Furniture, round or o val. Every family needs and will buy these goods. Agents are making money. More wanted-ladies and gentlemen. Star Lamina Ware, 80 Beekman Efts, N.Y. F ood ano , oth ter, WELLs', CARBOLIC TABLBTS Put up only in Blue Boxes.' A tried and sure remedy. Bold by all drug gists. 4w 1 ILS, Ills, 1 ilt,-2 small lot of lock, buck, of ap ; tin t, 25 t seed relin- Sale tutted 20th , soma _Eor_only_2s_cts—fre_e_hy_ma7l. An elegantly perfumed Sachet. Odor delightful,_ sure to please. Agents Wanted. Make big_par. Flechere, Perfumer, 141 Chambers St., N. Y WOR three 8-cent Stamps we will send .12 The Aurora (a paper the size of N. Y. Ledger) for 3 months, and as premium any one of the following "articles : 1 fine Chrmo 1 fine Photograph, 1 fine Bosom Pin, 1 tine set Sleeve Buttons, 1 fine Collar Button.— Send at once to The Aurora Pub. Company, Springfield, Mass. The greatest discovery of the age for the re lief and cure of Rheumatism, chronic and acute, Sprains, Bruises, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Stiff Joints, Strains, Glandular Swellings, Inflammation, Neuralgia, Bun ions, Catarrh, Ltc. Will not grease or stain the most delicate fabric, which makes it a luxury in every family. Try it and be con vinced of its great merit. Price 25 cents per bottle. RE OBEN HOYT, Prop'r, 203 Green wich St., N. Y. 4w The Highest Medical Authority of Europe say he strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deob - struent known to the medical world is J URUBEBA. It arrests decay af vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., N. Y. 4w iorse ages. hear luble fen i ekt es, ;react rout • re, 5 wag •iorse gale, I nen • .on will S./500 A YEAR made with our splendid Combination Pros pectus. It represents sample pages and style of binding of 30 intensely interesting and useful books, that sell in every family. Best thing ever tried by Canvassers. Agents to make permanent business on these Works. Send $1.50 for Prospectus, the only outfit needed, choose territory and com mence at once. For illustrated circulars and liberal terms, address John E. Potter & Co. Pubs., Philadelphia, Pa. jan 8-4 w Sale ding e, 1} . roni rove übi cad I St mile, FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! THE display of fine Furniture, such as it Dressing Bureaus, Wash Stands, Bed steads, Extension Tables, Centre Tables, Wat Nots, hat 'Racks, Children's Cribs, &c. Everything in the Cabinet-maker line—the best in market, having been carefully and substantially manufactured out of the very beat material—at H. DErsow's, 3 doors East of the Presbyterian Church, East Main St., Waynesboro', Pa. Call and see his display. Prices low. Thankful for past favors he hopes to be able to merit. a still further share of the public's patronage. nov I3—tflL D.TITROW. • arrm •r, 1 )W,l • rain gon, ech are, PERSONS in want of vehicles of any de scription, new or second-handed, can be supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anything in his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably With that of any other establishment in the coun ty. rturAttinto of all kinds will receive prompt attention. era. ure coal jicles PETER ORIT G. V. ong, a Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in the future. JACOB ADAMS. april 10-tf VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT • PRIVATE SALE. r ir HE subscriber, Administrator of Chris tian F. Bowman, dec'd, offers at Private Sale the Brick abuse and lot of ground, on South Street, and nearly opposite the resi dence of George Frick, known as the• Barr property. There are also a tine stable on the lot, a good cistern, etc. The whole is under new and substantial fencing, The buildings are new and the [ration a very pleasant one for a private family. For fur ther particulars call on GEORGE FRICK, oct 9-tf Aduer. t at the i lart ng be Ten t rackbi tin & Brac,,bill, of Jiuiiary, MOM FAOTRY, HE subscriber thankful for past favors rp informs the public that he still contin ues to manufacture broonisat somewhat re duced prices. 'rERMS:-( Everything found but the brush.) Extra heavy double inside long braid, 4 strings 13 cents, No. 6 long braid 3 strings, 12.4 , cents, No. 6 short braid 2 strings, 12 cts., No. 4 ringed only 2 strings, 11 cents. Wisps 10 cents. 1 cents allowed for old handles. ififirAll broom corn not in on the first of March, or in time to be manufactured be fore out 'Work commences, will he charged half cent per broom more jan 15-4 t RNS 'LL n or dor !•aatifu) t T Short 111 aloe prize renne, call ' SNIVELI Igton Co., NEW:, ABVENTMEME'Idt DAUCTIT• & 00 B. 00LITNIX., STAR .LAMINA WARE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and' ll Throat Diseases, Use NJ_\CNS ..%\IIOIiMA °DLL P. lrtrax....-Thrhuf wen, Ism I graduate! la NA Ifelverslty ofPoan's fa 103. and after SO 'ono' ermine% Warted Draritler , s Vogiptalble Itkenjestio Syrup., I guarantee It en lorallible mire for Nen°, lid aorardaLeuinagie d imam &wont to. this' 21lth 1871. F. A. OSBOURN, Notary Pegg; PAR% Tarelfaftetnel latjani - wiltagtWahLonelar teem ev.Thon.Niarpb_y,o.o.,Frantzferd,Phila.Uer.o.ll. Ewing, edie,Pa. Rer..T.S.Ruchanan.ClaraneLtrin.Rev. o.o.Smitb, Pittsford, N.Y. Rev.JonEl Fag Chwrh„ Phila„,&e.AfElieted ahouldwrite Drl'ither_ *mewls, into Pamphlet & guarantee,gratis46o Rewind foram i witrableeneXeenrenotbargtorealttig.Sakt bydruggiata. GIVEN' AWAY ! ! "CAMPHORINE" WORTH SEEING ! COLCIII9ILtKING. 1873. HA .N EVE R AMBERSON., BENEDICT & CO'S, lIAVE just received onr second supply of Fall and Winter Goods to which we call the attention We have full stock of the following Groceries, OIL BLINDS, BOOTS AND SEIOES, Cassimers, Lawns, Tickinge, VA.Give us a call before going elsewhere and we will convince you we are selling as cheap as the cheapest• AMBERSON, BENEDICT Sc CO. dee4-tf FAMILY SEWING MACHINE! pliE subscriber announces to the public IL that ho has the agency for the sale of the "Remington Family sewing Machine" in Franklin county. Having tested its work ing qualities and capacity for several months he can safely recommend it as the very 11,037 HAGLUND IN D.E. Its construction is such that it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. In factories whore the speed has been registered, over 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in ail its harts, and free from the harsh and jarring movements, and friction, commonin inferior machines. A simple change of the needle and thread and it will WV the finest cambric or the . heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread thus 'saving in a great I measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. The Remington has no rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a, noise, run hard, at to yet out of order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. The subscriber also informs his customers and the public that he has just opened out his new FALL AND WINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear.— He solicits an inspection of his stock. oct 16-tf T. J. FILBERT. FILL AND WINTER ARRIVAL NEW GOODS 1 D. Summers & Son, QUINCY, PEN 'A, Have just returned from the city with a full line of DRY GOODS, Suitable for the FALL AND WINTER Wear. Are offering bargains in CLOTHS,.CASSIMERES, JEANS, COTTONA DES, REPPS, GINGHAMS, MUSLIN., 'TICKINGS, CO MON & ALL WOOL FLANNELS, , &e. Also a full line of NOTIONS, GLOVIES, lOSIERY, SUSPENDERS. FATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they will sell at low figures. A full line of a - 11. CD CD 31EI 11. x . such as Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, &c., &c., at low rates—your examination is invited: te'Come, examine our prices and judge for yourselves 1 . oct.lo, 18731 y A. It anammun For the best and most popular et gans in use. Organs always on exhibition and fur sale at his ofliee, for cash or oh monthly payments. Organs also fur rent. July 24—tf APPMENTICE WANTED. TIIE subscriber 'wishes to employ a boy from 15 to 49 years of age as an appren tice to the tailo....ring busines , ;. JACOIS Tounstown, Pa. P. B. RESII jar 2:2 3t CHErIPER of our customers'ana the public generally QueeasiNare, Hardware, Carpets, Kentucky Jeans I.adies Dress 'Goods of all kinds REIVIINGTON AGENT PUBLIC SALE. 1873. TE subscriber intending to relinquish -111: faituing, trill, Sell at public, saleo,st his residence, along the Waynesboro' and tereburg turnpike,- one and a half miles from the latter tind three and half from the form er, ON WEDNERDAY THE 18TH FEBRU ARY,IB7.4, the following personal proper ty,' to wit:. 9 . HEA.p OF WORK HORSES, among which are 1 fine brood mare with foal; 3 colts ; one three years old, 1 two years old, 1 year4ng; . 10 Head-of-Horn-Cattle, 6 ofwhieh are good milch cows,-three with ealrea by their tides, the balance young cattle ; SEVENTY-TWO HEAD OF HOGS, of which are brood sows ; THREE WA GONS, one new six-horse broadtread with bed, one narrow-tread and one spring wag on, 2 pair hay ladders, 1 sand bed, 1 guano drill as good as new, 1 good Mower, 1 Horse Rake, 1 corn crusher, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 sleigh, 2 strings of bells. 1 new carriage and pole, 2 sets dung boards 4 - 1 SET OF BLACZSMITH TOOLS, 2 screw plates and augers, a lot of , old iron and casting; P. sets breeching good as new, 4 sets front gears good as new, 6 sets plow cruppers and traces good as new, 6 blind bridles, 6 housens, 11 collars, JO halters, I six-horse and 1 four-horse line, 2 plow lines, rwagein-SaiddliSTl 2 sets of Single Harness, 6 Fly-nets, a lot hames,'g barshoar plows, 2 two-horse plows, le and 2 single shovel plows, 2 corn coverers, 2 harrows, 5 double, 3 treble and 21 single trees, 1 fifth chain, 2 stretchers; I carrying chain, 3 log chains, 12 cows chains., butt races_and_ather chains, 2 rough I o_cks h iacz._ key sticks, jackserew, cutting box, straw knife, 1 barn wagon, 2 brier hooks, 2 mat tocks, 3 shovels, 1 set blasting tools, 2 sledg es, .‘2. stone hammers, digging iron, crowbar, two ladders, forks, rakes, 2 dung hooks, 2 scoop shovels, 1 wheat fan, half bushel, maul and wedges, Oil Cloths 2 GOOD GRAIN CRADLES, 1 c l overseed cradle, 3 mowing scythes, 30 grain bags, 1 - wooden vice for work - bench; 1 good broad axe, 1 foot adze, 2 pole axes, wood saw _hand-saw,2-meat-saws,2 - bushe! baskets, 2 horse buckets, 1 saddler bench, 1 fish net, 1 side saddle, 1 dinner bell, 1 iron kettle, pot rack, pair quilting frames, large dinner table, fruit, chest, 2 pie cupboards, ice cream churn, 1 corner cupboard, 4 bed steads, jack plane, augers, chisels," 3 meat benches, 1 LARGE COOK STOVE, -(w-ith-revolving top) boxes, barrels, a-lot-of kitchen chairs, pair steelyards, 1 rifle, Johnston's make, }lay by the Ton, lot of cornfodder, and other articles too tedious • too mention. Sale to commence at 0 o'clock on said day when a credit of 5 months will be given on all 8111.013 of $lO and upwards. JOE'S S. FUNK. jan 22-ts G. V. Mong, auct. WAYNE.SIIORO', PA., April 215t,.1573, -NOTICE! A FTER on absence of fifteen years I again Allocate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men. Particular attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of 11r. FArickler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic street. By strict attention to business, and a disposition to please all, I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. Retpe,ctfully . , April 24-tf WAYNESBORO' CONFECTIONERY ! r'B undersigned informs the public that slie will continue the confectionery bus iness at the old stand opposite the I3owden House, where can be had at all times the choicest Candies manufactured of the pur est white sugar wholesale or retail. A always on hand a well-selected stock of Or anges, Lemons, and other tropical fruits; Cakes of every descriptiol baked to order and fresh ones constantly for sale. Figs, Raisins, Citron, Dates, Prunes and Nuts made a specialty. Thankful for past favors he hopes to merit a continuance of the same. Feb GAP JOSEPH FRANTZ' ttatilQiNAKllll 1 BUSINESS RESUMED. T HE subscriber announces to his former patrons and the public generally that be has recommenced the Coach-making basi ness at the old stand, Hamilton & Morri son's, in Waynesboro'. All descriptions of work in his line will be made to order as formerly, in good style and upon reasona ble terms. Repairing also will receive prompt attention. He will leave nothing; undone to give klatisfactlon to all who may be pleased to favor him with their patron age or even a portion of it. nug 21- • L. K. MORRISON. FIRE rirtzIATIDL, Insurance Co. of North America, Philadelphia, $2,000,000 Pen.n'a. Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, $1,230,316 Farmers' Mutual Fire Inf. Com., York, Pa., $791`641 Lancaster Fire Insurance Corn., Lancaster, Pa., e 1616,135 100-Inswranee effected in the above first-eines Companiet at current ratm. jar) S-tf EXECUTOR'S NOTj. f~TOTICE'ia hereby given that 'belie. I Testimentary on the Estate of ChriAte, rot Kohler, late of Wisdiington township, (1 0 61, have been granted to the undersign ed. All persons having claims against said estate will present them properly authenti cated fin. s'et.tlement ,and all per4ons ind,ht ed to the same will please make immediate payment. M. HESS, jun 8-6 t Executor. SALE NOTES. 'IIE snbseribor notifies r.ll persons who j gave their notes at his F ale on the 2d or Atigia4 lust, they will µ•ill be due on the 2d of February next. Prompt privinent will be expected. N. IL .12ICOBS. jan 293 t WHEAT WANTED 1011 E sub.criber announces to the farm " ers of Wa::Liz:gten and Qeiney town ships that be staperin:e;eling his milling intere:te rn perkon dernex the W in• ter season, and h ill pay the higlie-t market price for NS heat delivered at his mu When not et the mill he v. ill he fund the Bor. - den Ilmtsc, in Waylte-lr)n)'. dee 1:: tt DA VIP I'ATTELSON. ood as new ; 1 !laxness net, 4 ?I' • . A sszrs JAMES H. CLAYTON, gent NEW STORE. BOOTS, SHOES, &C J ACOB SNIDE 4 announces to the iens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that be has just returned from the Eastern cities and has opened a first-class BOOTS SHOE STORE in the Oellig buildinm, on the Diamond_ bra every description of goods in his line can be found. sncb nq MEN' S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, LADIE% •ND CHILDIZENS WEAR OF ALT WHICH WILL , DE SOLD AT POSSIBLE PRICES FOR THE CASH. Also manufaetwing and-all-work-from done-to-order his establishment will be 'uaraiiteed ALL RIPS SEWEJ3 GRATIS au; 2S-tf =:= A.l7_ nlways_be fouu(La_ fall_aml prime stock of ---- • BOOTS .ND. SEIOEN HATS AND TRUNKS, PAPER COLLARS WEAR, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND CLOCKS, WATCHES, JI:WELRY, KINDS OF NOTIONS fte,..Watehos and Jewelry repaired. North East corner of Public Square Dec 5, 1872—t! HOW IS TIIIS FOR RIR TOHN FORD in returning thanks to the public for their patronage announces that be intends removing his shop to the Base ment of \Ulcer's Building, (and not leav ing town es is the belief of many) where he intents carrying on the BOOT AND SIIO BUSINESS as usual. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash for my stock and must have my money. Don't want to see the face of that nnwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletchar," prowl ing about my shop seeking whom he may devour, &c. Customers will therefore find me at the Basement refered to after the first of April next. jan 20] JOHN FORD. NEW TIN STORE rirHE undersigned would most respectfully V inform the eithiens of Waynesbom' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wolin; Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to sni the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as rootling, Apoutilw and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big lied Coflct Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the s.tune. Yours P.espectfully, CLAYTON M. FI3.F.Y 41. -1157174nrETWINSF71 . 4. • IH?. subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarse or 1: us Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest st - v - of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice„ and measur es taken in private tunnies if desired Skop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a Lour and feed tore. TIIOS. J. lIOLLINGSWORTH 110TECM. subscribers have on hand and for eale at the Mill of Peter Fatinestuck q:1:1 a thy of Corn, I; ye and Oats, which they s ill sell at a small profit for cash. Persolki 1.1 want of any of the above named grains wiil do well by giving us a call, and_ lain' oar prices. as they will be bUeil as will be sath,factorv. MU= ICE AXD HARNESS EAKING. r HE subscriber announces to the public I, that he has leme-ed the rounm adjoining the Shoe-makcr Shop of John Ford, oppo site time Lowden House. where ho has com menced the iaddle and Harness making 'business. lle i 3 prepared to do all work in his line whim dispatch and at reasonable price. lie fh.tters himself that his long experience in th- busineEz will enaNe him give general satisfiction. 2-tf GEO, A LHA. vifaua roft SALE, subscriber offers fur sale 160 Cords .s'. of Wood, hickory and oak, which is easy of access. being about a half a mile from the public road) and near Samuel residence. • Sept s—ti DAVID LOUR. --1 CD IZ SAVE_ A 1• ATZGE I,•t or ON iistoic siliA do jhrn 'Stone at A. S. M•nu'l: savt rain. 11.:ly THE LOWEST AND-NEGK UNDER-WEAR, AND ALL Boole and Shoal, Groceries, Quoensw*re of all kinds always ou BLACK ALPACAS a Speciality. Remember we keep every thing that you (-all for in our line. PRICE tt lICEFLICH, 2 doors south of Rank. Waynesboro', Pe. REDUCTION IN GOODS! Co IL DEZUO , Iir t CO. rave pist roturned from the Eeptern ci ties with their third supply of FALL AND WINTER:GOODS. Call and see them as they are cheap. Our CHRISTMAS STOCK is fine. Coal Oil 110 fire test 2 cts. per gallon, best Rio Cofre e 23 cts. per pound. We take In excllan , go fur goods, all kinds Poultry. (.Tame and CoTillery Produce of every kind. We want Hog Hair and Walnut Kernel:, We deal in everything saleable. dee C. H. DETROW & CO. tTI subst-riper notifies the public that he will ran a Daily Coach commencim.; on Tuesday the 11th inst., front Wavtiosor , _ ro' to Mt. * Alto via. Quincy and Funk:Aottot. Will leave Waynesboro' at 5:50 A. 31., ar rive at Mt. Alto, at 7:1:0„ making connection with the early train fur Chamber,burg, Harrisburg, etc., by which train passetart+H elan reach 1 - larrisburg by 11:35, A. M.; Phil adelphia :3:30, I'., M., New York 6:34, P. M. -) Will leave Mt. Alto at 6. P. 31. and arrive tit Waynesboro' at 7:30, P. M. ttll.expres, mmter promptly attended to. I ... ARR.—Through tickets fn Charnherslam; furnished for $l.OO. Persons wanting tick ets will put their name, tCL slain to he fitand at the hotels and Post Ofliee. may 20. 1573-tf JO?. KEEPER:;:. TZIF subscriber announces that he has rested itud re-opened tint flyhaer Saloon connected matt the 13014 den House. Finest Oysters the market will afford can be had all hours during the day or evenii.g. Oys ters also sold by the pint or quart rar'Oentlemen with ladies will be Fe rv ed in the Botel Ihning Room. dee 11—tf t 4. P. STONER. Ili It T THE pubscliher off-r, for r4ur. TWO DWELLI`,Ci 1101:01.> , on Broad Street, Wavnesburo * . One is. si tv§u-r , t , ry ,ranee building K itLi f . c roocis, thtlier r. two- Etcry fiV;t:r kitchen. LI:X. ILA.NI.II.It.S. dee 1.5-tf FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! LAFICE STOCK! =::::: rrillE subscriber informs his cultomors 1 and the public generally that he has greatly enlarged_ his business and has nt present the largest stock of FURNIV_TRE -- ever - ciffed for .sale in — Waynesboro'. Ms stock consists of Dressing Bureaus: • • of eve, description, with or without marble • tops; Wash and Parlor Stamla with marble tops, Flint, Tepoy, sin gle and double Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft in length ;- Dining and four-leg Breakfast and Between• Tables ; French Bedsteads, full and half • Jennie Lind, do., Cottage Bedsteads of various kinds and a large stock of rommon Pop lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes. Walnut and Poplar Safes, 'tiit"- . ferent styles and prices, Sinks, Hat Racks, Brackets. Hanging Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests, Doughtrays, Etc PARLOR FURNITURE: Chamber Suits, Lounges, Mattresses, &c:, •&c . CHAIRS, &C tram - km - R - 6a! er, Cane-back Arm Rocker, Large Cane-back Rocker, Ladies' Dining Chair, Bent Rim Dining Chair, Bent Rim Office -Chair, Donglas' Ann Chair, English Parlor Brace Arni Chair, Walnut and Imitation Marble-top, - Cottage Tables and Stands, Round Corner French, do.; Parlor Chairs & Tete-a-tetes, COFFINS : The Casket and Pittsburg Collins always on hand, besides a large stock of his own man ifactitrm---.l.ompt atte - n - non will The given to this particular branch of his business. He returns thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage and invites one and all to call and examine his stock and hears hie; prices. • EXtf . Satisfactioll guaranteed in all case:. JOSEPH H. CRIBS, West Main Street, Waynesboro'," Pa. =BEE 184, FALL &WINER, 1874, SaF t CIAL- SALES ! DRICE & HOEFLICH call the attention _IL of the trade to their second supply of Winter Goods, which is unusually large and will be disposed of at Panie Prices, during the next sixty days. ' IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRIP GOODS OF EVERY KIND Cloths, .Ciw,simeres hosiery, le Glovos, Carpets and Oil Cleii.s kind and at rices to suit customers ec 25-tf RINGGOLD STILL AHEAD I a-=_A_'T STAGE LINE. tsI~LLOY'N LC r....orEtv a:D. Ladies' Goods, Notions, Of every