-amptsborii*tiillage 'Aittord. Thursday, January 15,1874. adr r itere *re now-, about 34,000. , poet offices in the'United Sintei. Ittiir Governer Hartranft has issued his procrannation. sillpottnriNg that :the New Constitution is now the law of the State. ieL.Brigham Young has ordered all his . missionaries iu Europe to send over no more dolemaidr,oas they are unprofita ble"coulinits. fa - Henry Clews it, Co., of New York, 'resumed their s banking business last week, announcing the fact with a circular in which 'they warmly thank their creditors for their: forbearance, and declare their readiness to pay all obligations in full. cadr•Mr. James, Marshall, of Hagers town, Washington county, Md., who claims to be 70 years old, was preSented with a Christmas gift in the shape of twins by his wife, who'is about 60 years of age. - PEeSinee the death of John Hopkins, tho honor of being called the wealthiest 3 , 11 tn in'lialtimore is believed to rest be tween Ross Winans, Thomas Winans :Ind A. S. Abell, proprietor of the Sun the separate and individual- wealth of each being estimated at from eight to ten millions of dollars. - terThe -- 7 - Rev.lrirrikeuurrvife — of• Lima, Ohio, have just died from pois oning. They were preparing to papet a xootn in their horse, and in tearing down the old paper, which was of a deep green color, a dust was created which was in haled by them. and they wera poisoned by it. 'hey died within* a short time of each other, and were hurried on the same d a v. itEniqatnes Raymond, of Brooklyn, .N Y., was bitten in the hand by a cat six months ago. No serious effects followed the wound until a few days ago, when symptoms of hydrophobia began to mani fest themselves. Notwithstanding the treatment of several physicians the symp toms continued to grow worse until the young man finally died while suffering all the agonies of the disease. 'CS - Attorney General Williams has written a letter to 'the President, with drawing his name for the nomination of chief justice. Since his recommendation for the office by the President, he says that the floodgates of calumny in all di rections have been opened against him and as a public opinion has been created against him, he asked to be withdrawn.--:- The President has acceded to his wishes. Op Friday he nominated Caleb Cushing. This occasioned some surprise, Cushing only recently having been appointed Sickle's successor as Minister to Mad rid. 'The Scientific American publishes a full description of the proposed great town er to be erected in Philadelphia at the Centennial. As to height, any thing, of previous device sinks into insignificant e beside it. The tower of Babelxas a com mon affair, in all probability, and the St. Peter's at Rome, St. Paul's London, an d the Pyramids of Egypt, will "look like pigmies." The tower is to be one thou sand feet in the air, of circular iron ; one hundred and fifty„feet at the base, and thirty at the top, with a spiral stair case for the use of any one who is foolish e nough to attempt to walk up, and an ele• vator for those who are willing to risk a ride. iteV'The rascality of the Post Office Department is exposed by the Postmaster- General in his report. He says: "During 'the year, 802 persons were arrested for various offences against laws and regulations._ Of these, 93 have been convicted, and, of course, sent for longer or shorter periods to state Prtmas and pen iteutiari, and have thus had their characters among men ruined, and all iheir prospects blighted. Twenty have been acquitted, 198 are awaiting trial, 95 giave 'been discharged for want of proof imfricient to insure. conviction." -The num. her of missing letters for the past year is 605, of which 3,980 were unregistered, 2,185 registered. The former contained lxmds currency-, etc., to the amount of $309,123.50. The latter, $70.421.90, Thus about four hundred thousand dol lars were hist in letters. tro..Att applicant tor a tavern license in York county sent Judge Fisher a fine large binnae turkey, as a Christmas gift. 'he York papers have procured a eopy of the judge's answer, omitting the name of the donor. Perhaps it may he well for the public to know the views of the writer on the subject of receiving gifts: • Youv. Dec. 17,1873. Sin: I understand that last evening .a remarkably fine bronze turkey was left st my house by your orders as a Christ mas gift. As I was sick in my chamber, I knew nothing About it, or I would not barcatliowed it to be :eft. I consider it b;gltly improper for a Judge to receive presents from any person, although they le of the smallest value, and particularly if .the party has It suit in court or is, an applicant for license. The court cannot be propitiated or -their good favor obtained Tor such purpose by suck' means. I request yen to send for Ilia turkey immediately, .811. i if not sent 14 I will direct it to be fti von to the .Orphans' Home, for their be vest. Youra rearerthll7,. Eum:RT .5. 171,:inim SES.In . the United, States Senate on Monday,, memorials were presented ask ling the passage orthe Civil Rights bill and for a modification of the Bankrupt ,Act. Mrs. Stanton and Miss Antheuy handed. in, through Mr. Sargent, their petition that the women should have the same rights with colored men. Mr. West presented the resolutions of the Louisiana Legislature, certifying to the good charac ter of Pinch back, the colored Senator, and asking for his immediate admission. Mr. Cameron submitted a memorial from forty thousand Russian Mennonites; who ask as a condition of their settlement in this country that they shall not be inter fered with upon any public lands that they may take up. The Senate then took up the Salaiy bill, and after wrestling with it for the remainder of the day, final ly passed a total repeal of the grab act of. March last. All salaries, compensations and allowances are reduced to precisely the figures they were previous to March, except the salaries of the President and Judges of the Supreme Court, which re main as then increased. It is also provid ed • that no mileage shall be paid for this session of Congress, and that all of the increased back pay that has not been i, drawn or that has been returned by mem bers shall be covered in the Treasury.— kre — bill — rrow - goes — ba - ck — to - th - e — Hmss - e7 where it will probably have a hard strug gle for its life. A.--SPIRITETILL-SENSATION - IN — W - ESTER - N. NEW YORE.—The spiritual excitement or revival in the neighborhood of Roches• ter, N. Y., seem to have culminated in the case of Miss Eleanor Bonney, an a dopted daughter of Mr. Preston, living in or near the village of Avon. The story in regard to this young woman is that she had, since the beginning of last Au tumn, constantly asserted that she would soon leave her body and be absent sever al weeks, returning finally to communi eate_such news of the epiritnal world as had never yet been given to man. This prediction was renewed and dwelt upon until her friends grew weary of the sub ject. Finally, on the 11th of November, she informed them the time had now come and after some preparations with great cheerfulness and composure, lay calmly down, her breath growing shorter and fainter until at 2 A. Ist., life appeared,en tirely extinct: . Six weeks have passed since then, and still the body lies in Mr. Preston's house, guarded and watched over by the little circle of believers who still wait for the re-animating spirit to return. In spite of their 'care, the matter has now become public, the coroner has been called, and physicians have insisted on inspecting the body. The ghastly description given would seem conclusive as to its being really a corpse, but still in deference to title intente desires of the friends, further proceeding have been postponed, and they are still watching for the re-animating body to rise again. Finally the Coroner ordered a medical post mortem examina tion, which after. some opposition on the part of the friends, was completed, reveal. ing the internal organs far gone into de composition, but leaving the cause of death still a mystery. Since then a spir itualist medium has published a commu nication; purporting to come from the deceased girl, stating that at any time during the six weeks she could have re returned to the body, but delaying to a longer time, she found herself unable to re-animate the decaying frame. With this explanation the believers appear to be satisfied. Dear, dear ' MURDER IN PHILADELPIIIA.—God. fried Kuhule, a German baker of Phila delphia, was murdered on Wednesday morning of last week, in the bakehonse, by a German in his employ. The mur derer robbed the house of fifty-five dollars and attempted to kill Kuhule's wife in her bed. He then fled, but has since been captured by the police in a neighboring lager beer saloon. The murderer was an apprentice, known only as Fritz. Ku hole was killed with a blow of a shovel while engaged in leaning into a barrel of Fleur, causing his death instantly. Fritz then went into the room of his wife and attempted to strangle her, but she awoke and a struggle ensued. He heat and hit her, and at* ockpowering her pushed her under the bed, believing her to be un conscious. He then robbed the bureau of all the money it contained, and chang ed his clothes in an upper room. The murderer, who was captured calls him self Frederick Heidenblut, and confesses the crime. The money was found on him: LEGISLATURE.—The Legislature of this State was organized on Tuesday a week, with Butler B. Strang as Speaker of the Senate, Russell Errett Chief' Clerk, and Messrs. McAfee and Cochran Assistant Clerks. Henry H. McCormick, of Alle- gheny, was elected Speaker of the House, and Wm. C. Shurlock, Chief Clerk. The Governor's Message was delivered on Wednesday. It is an able state pa per, but our limited space does not admit of its publication. In referecne to the recent panic the GOv. says ho will co-operate in any -mea sure in which the legislatum may attempt to alleviate the troubles of the working men. He reports the public State debt to be $25,798,821,94 on the first of No vember, and the receipts for 1873 $8,5,59. Sala' Stato. —Thailap are lengthoning, percepts bly, iThe new Court House in, Hagers town is finished, or so nearly so that it is occupied. -teirThoma.4 McAfee, of Mercersburg, recently shot a wild turkey that weighed 28 pounds. Apartost.—Mrs. K. G. Stovar val. have auction on Friday evening, the 23d inst., at 6 o'clock. Smaurn3.—A light 'fall of snow on Monday night afforded tolerable good sleighing on Tuesday morning, the first of the season. PARADE.—We understand the novel spectacle of a Calico Paradeis to be wit nessed in our town this (Thursday) even ing. The Police should be on duty. itm..The "champion hog" of the State is claimed for Lancaster county. It was Slaughtered by a Mr. Moyer, and dressed 900 pounds. , :M.The new Constitution makes women eligible for the office of school director. We should have at least two in our board for the next year. Whom shall we run? —,...—.............1.1 The Walker & Nill Store House, in Hagerstown was sold by the Trustees on Tuesday a week to Dr. J. P. Smith for-the_su m-of-$9,300 A CALL.—Rev. Dr. Keiffer, of Green. castle, has received a call to the churches of the Reformed charge at Gettysburg, Pa. LUTHERAN SYNOD.—We are requested to announce that this religous body will convene in this place on Monday the 26th inst., and continue its sessions for several BROOM FACTORY.—ittention is dine ted to the advertisement of Mr. D. B. Resh. Mr. R. has acquired quite a repu tation for the style of brooms he manufac tures. WF.STERN SUBSCIIII3ERS.--WC have some very prompt paying Western sub scribers as well as some that are not so prompt. Checks or P. 0. Orders from the latter would prove very acceptable just now. Those patrons who had the courage to risk a settlement of their accounts dur ing the past couple of weeks, are entitled to our special thanks. May we not hope that others may become equally courag eous and dare to perform similar feats. FINE FURNITURE.-It will be seen by reference to our advertising colums that Mr. Jos. H. Crebs of this place has made large additions to his furniture rooms.— He claims to have the largest stock of furniture ever before exhibited in our town, enbracing all styles and prices.— The public is envited to call and examine his stock. CALLED AwAv.—We failed to notice last week that Mr. David Patterson had been called to Pittston on acount of busi ness engagements, and that his son Wm. Patterson, had taken his place. The lat ter will continue during the absence of his father to pay the highest market price for wheat. When not at the Mill he cau be found at the Bowden House. . THE WEATHER.—The spring-like weath er noticed in • our last issue, suddenly changed on Monday. Snow now covers the ground to tho depth of several inches ; the creeks and smaller channels are ice bound,'and the angry howl of old Boreas is beard without. This state of things is calculated to shaken faith in all prophe sies favoring an open winter. Weather prophets will have look to their laurels. BASK Mimerms.—At an election held on last Tuesday the following, persons were elected to serve as directors for the ensuing year, viz: Daniel Mickley, sen., Alex. Hamilton, John Philips, William Hammett, Jas. H. Clayton, Daniel Tri tle, Joseph Price, Henry Good and Dan. iel Hollinger. DEBATE.—The Grange question was debated by the Pikesville Literary &Cie ty on Monday evening last. The ques tion was—" Resolved that Patrons of Hus bandry should be encouraged." The question was decided in the negative.— This is supposed to have settled the ques tion, so far at least as that section is con cerned. OUT OF DEBT.—We understand the entire indebtedness on Trinity Reformed Church of this place was last week can celed by the congregation. We further learn that the builder, Mr. Elias Rothe, of New Oxford, Adams county, on final settlement, made a reduction on his con tract of over $4OO. Such acts of gener osity are not often met with among, con tractors. COURT.—The following is a list of the Jurors from Washington and Quincy townships for Court, commencing on Mon day next: Grand. Jurors—Sol. Hertman, Lewis Lecron, Frederick Speck. Traverse Ju rors—John Brumbaugh, David S. Lesh er, Jacob Moan, Wm. A. Reid, Henry Walter, Clayton Frey, David Gilbert, Alex. Johnston, JarlVes Knepper, J. A. Niccxlemus, Gen. W. Stephey i Henry Fit; J. H. Gordon, Wm. Harshman. Samuel Hoeflich. Calvin T. Krone, D. F. Rha, H. M. Sibbet. Ax IsposrrioN.—There is perhaps no religious society in our county . more im posed upon by "tramps" or vagrants, than the Seventh-day Baptists, near this place. In a conversation the other day with Mr. Samuel Snowberger, Manager of the'So- ciety, he informed' us that they had lodg ed and furnished meals during twenty nine days of December and January , to sixty-eight persons of this character. The two days which would make out the month he thought would increase the number to upwards. of seventy. These people are notectfor their hospitality, the rules of the society, we believe, not allow ing them to turn off any , person who may apply to them for longing or meals. This seems to be very generally understood a mong the class to which we refer. Con sequently they are repeatedly called up on to entertain the most unwelcome visit tom who are not at all worthy 'of charity. SPRING ELECTIONS IN FEBRUARY.- Spring elections have heretofore been held in March. Under the new Condi tution they will be held on the third Tuesday of February. Every male citi zen twenty one years of age or over shall be entitled to vote at elections if he pos sesses the following qualifications : First. He shall have been a citizen of -the--United-States-at-least - one - mon . Second. He shall have resided -in the State one year (or if, previously having been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have remov ed—therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceeding the elec. tion. Third. He shall• have resided in the e lection district where he shall offer to vote at least two months immediately preced ing the :election. .Fourth., If twenty-one years of age or upwards he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months, and paid at least one mouth before the election. NEWSPAPER CRANGES.-7,-Thßt spright ly little sheet, the-"Hagerstown Daily," published by Mr. M. W. Boyd, appears now with the title of "Daily Free Jess." 'An improvement, so far as appearance and contents are concerned,' are also no ticeable. The young publisher has Aar best wishes for the future success of his enterprise. The "Star of the Valley," 'published by J: B. Morrow, Esq., at Newville, Cumber land, Co., Pa., oue of our most valued ex change, also made its appearance last week enlarged to an eight page paper and otherwise improved in appearance. The times considered, we regard the outlay thus incurred as quite a venture on the part of our cotemporary. PERSONAL.-Mr. John S. Harper, the popular Manager of the "Mansion House Hotel," Baltimore, spent a couple days among his friends in this place last week. Persons from this section visiting the city will find Mr. H. a clever gentleman and the Mansion House Hotel a pleasant stop ping place. Don't forget Harper. Mr. Abrm. Shockey, son of Isaac Shock ey, Esq. of this vicinity, arrived on Satur day evening from Elkhart City, 111., af ter an absence of about five years, two years of which time he passed in Califor nia. Mr. S. gave us quite an interesting account of his adventures in the Golden State. We have added the Wayneeboro Vil lage Record to our exchange list and give it a most fraternal welcome. The Record is published at Waynesboro Franklin Co., Pa., and, under the management of our old Mend Blair, is one of the spiciest weeklies in Pennsylvania. ligu.We give place to the above more -than merited "complimentary" from the Shenandoah, Democrat, published at Wood stock, Va., of which a young friend, Mr: W. G. Campbell, eldest son of Rev. J. F. Campbell, is Local Editor. Mr. Cf will be remembered as one of the school boys of our town some eleven or twelve years ago. Judging from the local department of the Democrat this interval:of time in his case has not been misapplied. tkrWaynesboro' boasts some of the prettiest ladies in the county, marriage& ble years ago. Why this continued state of "single blessedness ?" Are young men and "spry bachelors" too timid to ven ture so simple a proposition as that of matrimony? In view of this state of things which is not confined to any particular locality, a tax on all bachelors over thir ty years of age, the funds to be applied for the relief of indigent old maids, would certainly not be out of place. The effect would be, we think, to diminish in num ber this selfish class of society in all cm raunities. At best, they are only half way members of society. Let the deficien cy then be made up through taxation. FatEar/wt.—On Tuesday last an elec. tion was held fka. Directors of the Waynes boro' Mutual Fire Insurance Company for the ensuing year. The following gen tlemen were chosen : Simon Lecrou, Jacob Hoover, David R. Miller, Samuel Frantz, Geo. J. Ws.' ley, Jacob J. Miller, B. F. Winger, F. B. Shively, Jos. Doughlas, A. H. Strickler, Samuel Hoe6ich, J. W. Miller. A statement of the operations of the company will shortly appear showing it to be in a highly prosperous condition. Beirl3enj. Grosh one day last week de vided a water mellon with the editor of the Williamsport, This was certainly a streak of luck for mid• winter. of which few editors can boost. COMTE or LEcrunts.—The first lec ture, for the benefit of Trinity Reformed Church, will be delivered by the popular and eloquent Rev. Thos. L. Poulson, of Baltimore, 3141., on the 27th inst. We are sure the course will be high-toned in style. Rev. Poulson is an orator and instructive. He lately lectured in Wash fngton city. It is to be hoped he will have a large and appreciative audience. Single tickets 35 cents. Family tickets, admitting lady and gentleman, 50 cents His subject will be announced nest week SUDDEN DEArs.—Mr. Daniel W. Stouffer, one of the most respected citi zens in the neighborhood of Mt. Pleasant, died very suddenly of heart disease on the 31st ult. He was standing near his house watching a team of horses that his son had hitched up, and, apparently, in his usual health. In an instant, without a moments warning of the danger, he fell dead, without making, as we are inform ed, the least motion of a limb.. His fu neral took place on Sunday last.—Boons boro' Odd Fellow, ita.,50,000 copies of Fowler's Sexual science sold in a very, short time. If heed ed its instructions will send blessings into many families, and sate many from ruin. _lt_contalus-930-pages:AEThe - instruction on a few pages are worth the price of.the bOok," says a prominent gentleman in business in Waynesboro' Leading men -subscribe-for-this work. D. D. Fahrney, Teacher, is the regular and solo author ized agent for Antrim, Guilford, Wash ington and Quincy townships. "EUROPE VIEWED THROUGH AMERI CAN SPECTACLES."-Mr. C. C. Fulton, Editor of the Baltimore American, will accept out thanks for a beautiful bound volume of his travels through Europe, en titled, "Europe viewed through American Spectacles." It is one of the most enter taining books of the kind we have ever read. The price is only $1.75 bound, and $1.25 in paper. It deserves to have a large circulation, and is getting it. Ad dress C. C. Fulton, Baltimore, =-On Monday last, says the Opinion, Samuel Knisley retired as Treasurer of the county, and H. M. White, Esq., his successor, was duly installed and entered upon the duties of the office. Mr Knisley filled the office with great credit to himself. He was a capable, upright and accommo dating office. The finances of the county could have been placed in no Safer hands. He goes out of office with the good opin ion of all who had intercourse with him, and the consciousness of having served the county well. Air The First Series of the Gettysburg Building Association will close with next Saturday night's payment of dues, being exactly six years and eight months from the time of starting. Annual. profits a bout thirteen per cent., the entire mem bership having an equal share in them. The Second Series will run about six years and ten months. - So says the Com piler. THE SEriz STEER.-A gentleman of our acquaintance has been to see the big steer owned by Tobias Seitz, near New ville, and gives us the following dimen sions: length, 10 feet, 6 inches; height, 6 feet, girth of front shOulder, 9 feet 6 inches. The animal is six years old, and has not been moved from his stable for over two years and when this takes place a por tion of the building will have to be remov ed. The steer is valued at $BOO. The owner has refused $7OO. One hundred and ten persons called on his bovineship on Christmas Day.—.Nezva. FIRE IN THE COUNTY JAIL.-A fire broke . out in the jail on Tuesday night of last week which originated fromia de fective flue. When discovered some of the partitions were burning, but with the prompt arrival of the engines on the ground, the flames were soon extinguish ed. 'The loss will amount to several hun dred dollars.—RepositOr9. liar Oleomargarine is the name of the artificial butter which, having had such an extensive sale in London and Paris, is now becoming popular in New. York and Boston. There are two of these oleomar garine factories in New York, one in Fifth-sixth street and one in Twenty-ninth street ; They produce daily: nineteen thousand pounds, which, with' the pm duet of other factories in the vicinity of the metropolis, makes the yield more than tWenty 7 three tons per day. The buttes is made from the yellow, tasteless and odorless oil that is obtained from beef suet. This oil is placed in churns, with one-fifth its weight of sour milk, and churned until an emulsionis formed, an-. atto being added to give it the required color. It is then cooled and worked and salted like common butter. It is estima ted that four thousand tons (eight mil lion pounds) of this artificial butter have been consumed in this country during the last eight months. HAnBtSBURG, January 9.—The State Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, closed its session to-day to meet at Williamsport a year hence. In the business transacted was the adoption of a nkw constitution, in which was defined thoSe eligible to mem bership. A number nf additional depu ties were appointed to. constitute subordi nate grang es , and resolution were adopt elzktuktcd to nrganic, thrrniu cvcrr farmingcc-rnniunity in theConarnon wealth. MASKED ROBBER9.-A robbery of most daring and extraordinary character was committed Tuesday 'night of last week, at the house of Mr. Wm. K Soutter, in West New Brighton, near Sailors' Snug Harbor, Staten Island. Mr. Soutter is a banker of New York city, and his house, which is very handsomely furnished, had been left for the winter in charge of ser vants, much valuable property, including silver ware, having been left on the premis es. The New Yortc. Sun says: "The house was broken into on Tues day night, the servants bound and gagged, and everything carried away. A party of masked men entered the house and after binding the servants, including the wait ing man, three girls in the service of Mr. Soutter; and two others employed by Commodore Osborne, who were spending the evening with their 'friends, they ran sacked the house, and being unable to open the iron safe in' which the silver ware was kept, blew it open with gun powder. The stable was also visited and the silver mountings removed from the harness. They then took the gold heads of two walking canes in the hall wan tonly destroyed much property too cum bersome to be removed, and quit the house cautioning the servants not to make any attemptto stir before daylight. Mr. &ut ter carefully estimated * the total loss, which he said is .upwards of $12,000.- 1 The pollee could give no clue, for the servants could not describe the burglars, and were uncertain as to the number; some say there were eleven, others twelve. ca...We were pleased to see, not long since, in one of our exchanges, some pret ty severe remarks addressed to several persons who, during an interesting lee ture by Rev. Jac). S. C. Abbott, kept up a continuous-coughing; which prevented many from hearing' People who can not refrain from coughing, had better stay away from such places, or else take a bot tle of Johnston's Anodyne Liniment with them. The importance of giving Sheridan% Cavalry Condition Powders to horses thas hare been out in the cold rain, stood in cold, or drank cold water, cannot be over estimated ; no man should be without them who owns a horse. BUS/NESS LOCALS. LADIES' WEAR.—Jacob Snider, Oel lig Building, Public Square, is selling La dies' Shoe Wear at Panic Prices. Call and see for yourselves. jan 8-3 t ss.so.—Coarse home-made boots are sold for $5.50 at Snider's Store, Oenig Build ing, Public Square. jan S-3t ON HAND.—A full stock .of boys Boots and Shoes at Snider's Store. jan 8-3 t „. Sfr DiENDINEL—Boot and Shoe Mending done pomptly and cheaply at Snider's Store, Oel lig Building. THE PLACE.--If yoU want a pair of fine home-made boots for $3,50 go to the cheap Boot and Shoe Store of J. Snider, Oel lig Building, N. E. Cor. Public Square. janB-3t POSITIVELY THE LAST NOTICE.-All Taxes remaining in my hands, if not paid without delay will be collected with costs, as further indulgence cannot be given. Pay up and savc costs. I mean what I say. ]an 1-St W. F. HORNER, COL. STOVER & WOLFF, IZEMOVED TO THEIR NEW STORE ROOM, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDIA:G teD - Call and examine their stock be- fore buying elsewhere. Fon RENT, in a good neighborhood, Saw Mill and Grist Mill. One of the best water powers on the Antietam. :No opposition within three miles. A good hand with small capital can make money. For par ticulars call at this office. dec. 25-3 w LOOK ! LOOK ! AND WONDER.—Price Hoeflich call the attention of the trade to their immense stock of new goods. Bought at. Panic Prices, and to be sold at special low figures, within the next sixty days. dec 18-It -CHAPPED HANDS, face, rough skin, pim ples, ringworm, salt-rheum and other cu taneous affections cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using the JCNIPER TAn. Svuttp, made by CAswnt.t.. HAZARD & Co., New York. Be certain to get the Juniper Tar Soap, as there are many imitations made with common tar which are worth less. dec 4-4 w rat... Make Money fast and honorably $12,50 per day, or $75 per week by at once applying for a territorial right, which are given free to agents, to sell the best, Sronget, most useful, and rapid selling ewing Machine, and Patent Button Hole "%Yorker ever used or recommended by liunilies, or buy one ibr your own use, it is only $5. Sent free by express. Ad dress ter particulars Jerome 13. Hudson & Co., Corner Greenwich & Cortlaudt Sts.,. New York. ID =_A_TIIS. Near Greencastle, on the 10th inst. Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of Mr. Samuel speck, and daughter of Mr. Henry Jacobs of Wash ington township, dec'd, aged 33 years, 9 montlic and 5 days. On the 3rd inst., near Mereersburg, MA RIA, wife Robt. S. Robinson, aged 60 years, 10 months and 9days. _ . December 16th, near Clearspring, DANIEL HELLER, aged 94 years, 3 mos. and 9 days. In Blur's Valley. Washington Cn., December:6lst, CH.RISTLIN HAUBECK ER, aged 70 years, 6 months and 14 days. • [Fos nu: nr.conD. muss BIRTHDAY. "Wee, winsome Willie," as this is your birthday, I send you my love and a kiss; And "many happy returns" I would wish , you, If such a bright day as this. Dear lithe boy, how I wish I could' guile' you, Over life's dark thorny way, That never sorrow or care should betide. you, And life be one long perfect day. Dear little hands! how I wish I could light ten The load that you maybe must bear; Dear little heart! how I wish I could brigh en Your way through this world of sad care. May the Good Shepherd who loves little children, Bless little Willie to-day ; • Spare his young life to be useful and happy, For this we trust Him and pray. And when to manhood's estate he -has geown, May he be honored and wise, Be a bright star in the pathway to glory That glory that leads to the skies. Or, if the shepherd in mercy should call him Ere the rough road has been trod, Then we would know that our Willie. was happy With the good angels and God. AUNTIE CLEYELAXD, Onto, Jan. 4th, 1874. MARRIAGES_ At the residence of the bride's father, on the 31st ult., by Elder Andrew Cost, My. B. F. FOLTZ, to Miss SAVILLA K. FAHR- N EY, all of Washington comity, Md. At the resh 'Race of_his sister„on-the-2.4th tilt.. by the Rev. H. Baker, Mr. JACOB 0. FREET, of Altoona, Pa., to Miss MARIA E. MOYER, of Roaring Springs, Blair court ty, Pa. It -A one dollar "greenback" accompa nied the above notice, for, which we make special acknowledgment, and wish ou r young friend and his fair bride a Mil com pliment of matrimonial felicity ; and may temporal bleFsings otherwise crown their wedded lives. I=2 MA-Zl5:. _A_R. , i'-:: 1 P., r.r S _ W ESBORO' M*l KET • (conitEci•ED wEcm.x.) BACON ' HAMS BUTTER. EGOS LABD... POTATOES APPLES-DRIED. APPLES-GREEN HARD 50AP..... BALTIMORE, Jan. 12, 1874, FLOUR.—The market continues ac tive and firm, with an upward tendency. Extra to $8.65@59. Howard Street $9. WHEAT.—Western amber at 180 cents, do. good Pennsylvania red at 182 cents, do. Maryland white at 180@187 cents for fair to prime; do. amber at 190 @192 cents.' . CORN.—White at 83 cents for damp and 88 cents for dry, and do. yellow at 70 cents for blue-eyed, 82 for damp and 85 cents for drv. OATS.-58 to GO cents. RYE.—Market firm at 98@100 cents per bushel. PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKET, Jan. 12.—Cattle moderately active and firm; sales 7@7i cents fcr extra State and Wes tern Steers; 6@6i for cents for fair to good; 3i®5 , 1 cents for common. Sheep in fair demand; sales 5@7 cents. Hogs firmly held; sales $8@8.37i. FURNITUIIE I FURNITURE I I LARGE STOCK! LEE subscriber informs his customers and the public generally that he has greatly enlarged his business and has at present the largest stock of FURNITURE ever offered for sale in Waynesboro'. His stock consists of Dressing Bureaus, of every description, with or , without marble tops; Wash and Parlor Stands with marble tops, Plint, Tepoy, sin gle and double Drawer Stands, Exten sion Tables, ranging from six to fourteen ft. in length ; six-kg Dining and four-leg Breakfast and Between Tables ; French Bedsteads, full and half Jennie Lind, do., Cottage Bedsteads of various kinds and a large stock of common Pop lar Bedsteads; Wardrobes, Walnut and Poplar Safes, dif ferent styles and prices, Sinks, Hat Racks, Brackets, Hanging Hat Racks, different kinds, Chests, Doughtrays, Etc. PARLOR FURNITURE : Full Parlor Suits, Chamber Suits, Lounges. .Mattresses, &C., &C. CHAIRS, &C. Cane Brace Arm Rocker. Cane•back Arnt Rocker, Large Cane-hack Rocker, Ladies' Dining Chair, Bent Rim Dining Chair, Bent Rim Office Chair, Douglas' Arm Chair. English Parlor Brace Arm Chair, Walnut and Imitation Marble-top, Cottage Tables alai Stands, • Round• Corner French, do.; Parlor Chairs Tete-a-kW, COFFINS : The Casket and Pittsburg Coffins always on hand, besides a large stock of his own man ufacture. Prompt attention will be given to this particular branch of his business. He returns thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage anti invites one and all to call and examine his stock and learn his prices. - Satisfaction guaranteed in all miser. JO:tiEPH H. CREBS, West Main Street, Waynesboro', Pa. FOB. SELitat.T..s =:;Ell THE frilbscribPr ham for sale. Hay by the ton and Apples by the bushel. Jan .I.—tf ALE.X. HA3HLTON.