_ - .. • _ ... ...___,... ~.... . .. ...... , , „ . ::,, ', i ' ' ,,. , .. . : 0w... , clhoi,.. .. -.....;- .• " ,i,,,.,,1 J ,:„,: , „,i,.,,,.„:; ~...., .1 ~.....4: „ • :,:„, „.::,,.•„„...., ..„.i.:, , .• . .. .. ~..,1 ...,_ ~,..,.. .. . . • •, ~ f i • I ) ,%.1( 1.,..7 , .1. . 6 . . - , . , ' ... ~. -....• . , 4. ... ;" 3 . . nit .. • ji: i , •,::::, ~1.:',. r .o. I .1, .1...‘• ... „ . J . .. '' .: , . . „.... ..• , . 1 . ' . . " ;•: 4 . •':7 i " : -' •,A li- i,,.. - ::. _ L.: . . 1 . , tt ....... .. ~•. • . _ _ __ ...,..,_,...._ •• .. ' II o ' , I ' r' '' ,' ',. . '' ' . .' - , •1 ' ... .. ! '.. ....., • , .':' I . : l' ' • ' " .'T.:7 - :i 7 : -. ,. -- ,.. f• ... t• , • - ._- -- . -:-...-:---''' _. - 1 ---------_________, ..... __ .... . : ... . . . , . . . BY W. want. VOLUME 26. T WAYNESBORO' VILLAGE REGORE PU El'll 4 l URaDAY MORNING By W. 'BLAIR. I' Eli. ',IIS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50; for each subsequent insertion, Thi r five Cents per Square: A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents pet • line for the - first insertion, Seven • Cents for• subseauent insertions prafessinal Cards. 3. B. AMBERSON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAY.XESBORO'•, rA. Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." Dane 29—tf. Dai,; SORNI PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional services to the pub lic. Office in his residence, on West Main streer, ‘Vaynesboro'. • april 24-tf DR. B.FNer. FRANTZ,. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, lding—near— the Bowden House. Night "ealls should be made at his residence on Main Street ad 'cluing the Western School House. ISAAC N. SNIVELY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO' PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite h . Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. JOSEPH DOUG-DAS ATTOP,NLY AT LAW . , WAYNEt4;OIIO',' PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—lteal Estate leased and sold, anti Fire Insurame e eem uii reason:l December 10, 1871. Oil., A\., H. STEttGiiSLER, (FORMERLY OF MERCERSBURG, PA.,) OFFERS his Professional services to the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity. Da. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, where he ham been prominently.engagedfor a number of years in the practice of his profession. He has opened an 0111 cc in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., 'l.s Father-in-law, where he can be Rata at a] times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.-if. A. K. BRANISHOLYS, RESIDENT DENTIST ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Organs in Use Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his °thee. We being acquainted with Dr. Branis holts socially anti professionally recommend him to all desiring the services of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. HERING, J. M. RIPPLE, " A. H. STRICKLER, 1. N. Ssivrax, " A. S. BONEBRAKL, T. 14. FnuNcn. julyli—tf 3. H. FORNEY & CO. Prgaugg Commigaion Morchants No. 77 NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, M.D. Pay particular attention to the bale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c. Liberal advances maue on consignments. may 29-t I r) A. -17. rrHE subscriber notifies the public that he has commenced the Dairy bu-iness and will - supply citizens regularly every morning with Milk or Cream at low rates. lie will also leave a supply at INL Geiser's Store where persons can obtain either at a ny hour during the' day. no 27-tf BE J. FRICK. 1-1012..5M PERSONS wanting Spring-tooth Hors 3 Rakes can be supplied with a first-class article by calling on the subscriber. He continues to repair all kinds of machinery at short noticeand upon reasonable terms. The Metcalf excelsior Post Boring and Wood Sawing licMhines always on hand. JOHN L. 'METCALF, Feb 27-i Quincy, Pa. Jr. H. WELSH WITH W. V. LIPPINCOTT & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Furs and Straw Goods, No. 331 Market Street. Philadelphia, Pa april 3-11' BARBERING I BAISERING ! r HE subscriber having rec , ntiv re-paint ed and papered and added new furni ture to his shop, announces to his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and make comfortable all who may be pleased to fa vor- him with their patronage. Shaving. Schampooning, Hair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A long experience in the bar bering business enables him to' promise sat isfaction in all cases. W. A. PRICE. sept IS-tf THE BOW DEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A THE subscriber having, leased this well known H 4tel property, announces to public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and others who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive -°n + _ all t imrn h•• ntt:•n:inn:•;•. May 23-tf SAWL P. STONER. flea of - f tA k f% `"-' WEEDS. We call them weeds ! The while with slen der fingers Earth's wounds and scars they seek to cov er o'er: On sterile sands, where scarce the rain-drop lingers, They grow and blossom by the briny shore. We call them weeds ! Did we their forms but study, We many a secret might infolded find; Each tiny plant - fulfils its heaven-taught mission, And nears the impress of Immortal Mind! We call them weeds The while their us es hidden -- Might work a nation's weal; a nation's woe, Send through each wasted frame the balm of healing, And cause the blood with Youth's quick pulse to flow. Weeds !—yet they ho In .on • s e nog • ty ocean ! Their slend Navies hay sink amid its wild commotion— These humble toilers ue'er their vs ork give o'er! And who shall say the feeblest thought a- To bind the shifting sands upon life's beach? Some heart may treasure what we've long The faintest word some soul with power may reach pirallaurous grading. THE REMORSE OF A NIGHT. The last night of the year was about to expire ; the winds, after a day of stormi ness, had .suhsided into slumber; the white earth lay out-spread like a shroud ed map, under the moon ; and innumera ble stars, arose out from the remotest a. busses of heaven, twinkling as britiftlY as though they !ISA• but'then begun their ex istence, and were never to suffer impair ment. Eleven o'cloi.k had tolled from the tower of air ancient Gothic church ; and as the vibrations died away on the transparent air, an Old Mau drew nigh to the windOw of a dark room in the des olate dwelling of which he had been long the solitary tenant, and cast his dull de spairful eyegupwards towards the immov able firmament, and from thence down on the blank waste of the earth, and then breathed a groaning prayer, that those eyes might never survey that firmament or earth again. He was wretched, in truth, that Old Man, beyond all parallel sand beyond all consolation—for his grave lay open for him, as it seemed, by his side; it was thinly covered over; not by the flowers of Youth, but by the snows of Age and when, heartsick of the sight, he looked away from it into himself, he saw that the sole f'ruits that he had gath from a long and eventful lite were sins, regrets and maladies—a decayed body, a plague-smitten soul, a bosom full of bit terness and an old age full of remorse.— The beautiful days of his youth now came again befifre him like ghosts, and resu awned to his remembrance the cheer fid morning upon which his venPrable fit ther had first placed him upon the great Cross road of Life—a road which, trod den on the right hand, conducts the pil grim along the noon-day path of Virtue into a spacious, joyous land, abounding iu sunbeams, harvests, and angelic spirits, but which, followed on the left, betrays him through lampless and miry ways, in to the rueful wilderness of. v ice, . where ser pents foreverswarm, and pestilence chokes the atmosphere, and to quench its burn ing thirst, the sluggish black rivers yield him but slime and poison. Alas! the serpents were now coiled a bout him—the poison was rilliug through his heart! Alas for him he knew too well which rode he had chosen—where he was and what he must undergo—for eter nity—for eternity ! With an anguish, with an agony, with a despair, that language cannot even faintly portray, he uptifted his withered arms towards heaven, clasped his hands, and cried aloud, 0 ! give me• back my youth ! 0 ! my fitther, lead me once more to the Cross road, that. I may . ohne more choose, and this time 'choose with fore knowledge ! But his cries wasted themselves idlor upon the frovn air, for his father was no more, and his youth was no more—both had alike long, long ago vanished, never to reappear. 'le knew this, and he wept —yes, that miserable old man wept; but his tears relieved him not ; they were like drops of hot lava, for they trickled from a burning brain. He looked forth, and he saw flitting lights—wilts-o'-the-wisp-dancing over the morasses and becoming extinguished in the burial-grounds ; and he- said, such were my riotous days of folly I He again looked forth, arid he beheld a star fall from heaven to earth, and there melt a way in blackness that left no trace be hind, and he said, I am that star I—and with that woeful thought were torn open anew the leprous wounds in his bosom which the serpents that clung around him would never suffer to be healed. A PA*ILY NEWSPAPER--DEVOtED TO;TATERATICTRE; ;LOOM :AND' GENERAL NEWS. :ETC. His morbid imagination,'wandering a broad till it touChed on te confines of frenzy, showed him figures of .sleep-walk ers traversing' like shadows' the roofs: of houses ;—the chimneys widdened into fur-; napes vomiting forth flames and monsters —the windmills' lifted up their giant artni, and threatened to crush him--and a forgotten spectre, left behind in a des erted charnel house, glared on him with a, horxible..expression of malignity, and then mocked his terror by assuming his features. On a sudden there flowed out upon the air a deep, rich and solemn stream of mu sic. It came from the steeple of the old Gothic Church, as the bells announced the birth of the New • Year, for it was now the twelfth hour. Its cadences fell with a thrilling distinctness upon the ,car, and heart of the Old Man ; and every tone in the melody, through the agency of that mysterious power which sound pbssesses of reassembling within the forsaken halls of the soul images long departed, brought before his mind some past scene of his life, vivid as a panorr Again he looked around' • honzon and over the fn and he' thought on the opportunities he had for feited—the warnings he bad slighted—the examples he had scoffed at. He thought upon the friends of his youth, and how they better and more fortunate than . he, wcre good men, at peace with themselves —teachers of wisdom to others,-fathers of ess I families torchlights for the world. —and he exclaimed, Oh ! and I also, had Lbut wilkd it I also mi *lit like them, ,ind firm th have seen with tearless eyes, with tran quil heart, this night depart into eternity Oh, my dear father—my dear, dear mo ther 1 I, even I, might have been now happy,, had I but harkened to your affec tionate admonitions, had I but chosen to II I i 4lessinv which on ever New Years morn like this your teu I er ness led you to invoke on my head ! Amid these feverish reminiscences of his youth, it appeared to him as though the specter which had assumed his fea tures in the charnal-house gradually ap proaching nearer ana nearer to .1 r i• :-.• i ::• • :•• , E 0 alter another of its spectral character— till at length, as if under the dominion of that supernatural influence which on the last night of the old year is popularly said to compel even the Dead •to undergo a change of form, it took the appearance of a living young man—the same :young man that he had himself been fifty' years before. He was unable:to gaze any longer: he covered his face with his hands; and,, as the, blistering tears gushed from, his, eyes, he sank down powerless and trembling, on his.kneesand again be cried out, as if his•hcai t would break, 0 come back to me; lost days of my youth ! , --come back,: come back to me once more! And the supplication of the penitent was not made in vain. for they came back to him, those days of his youth—not yet . lost 1 He started from his bed—the blue moonbeams were shining through the win dows—the midnight chimes were announ cing the beginint , of a New Year. Yes ! —all had been but an appalling dream— all, except his sins and transgressions; these, alas! were but too real, for consci ence, even in sleep, is a faithful monitor. But he was still young hehad not grown old in iniquity—and with tears of repentance he thanked God for having, even by the means of so terrible a vision awakened in his heart a feeling of horror for the criminal.career he had beenyar suing, and for having revealed to him in that glimpse of a lan full of sunbeams, harvests, and angelic spirits, the blissful goal in which, it' he pleased, the path of his existence might yet terminate. Youthful reader ! on which of these two' paths in thou ? On the righthand path ? Go forward, then, with the blessing of thy Maker, and fear nothing ! On the left baud path ? if so, pause : be forewarned —turn while yet thou mayest—retrace thy steps—make a happy choice ! I will pray that the terrors of his ghastly Dream may not hereafter be arrayed in judg ment against thee! Alas for thee, if the time ever come when thou shalt call aloud in thy despair, Come back, ye pre cious days of my youth !—unlike the dreamer, thou wilt, but be mocked by the barren echo of thine own lamentation— the precious days of ybuth will never, never come back' to thee! FRETTING.—"The horse that frets is one that sweats," is an old saying of horsemen.". It is just as true of menus of horses. The man that allows himself to be irritated at everything that goes amiss in his business or in the ordinary affairs of life is the man that, as a rule, will ac• complish little and wear out early. He is a man fcr whom bile and dispepsia have a partiCular fondness, and for whom children have a particular aversion. He is a man -with a perpetual thorn in his flesh,, which pricks and wounds at the slightest movement; a man for whom life has little pleasure and the future small hope. LABOR OF LAVE.—There is a perennial nobleness and even sacredness in work.— Were he never so benighted, forgetful of his high calling, there is always hope in a man that actually and earnestly works; in idleness alone: is . their perpetual des pair. Blessed he who has found his . work ; let him ask no other blessedness. He has a work ; a life purpose : be has found it and will ibllow it ! Labor is life; God given force, t l he sacred celestial life essence breathed into him by Almighty God; from his inmost heart awakens him to all nobleness, to'all knowledge, "self knowledge," and much else so soon as work fitly begins.--:Car/p/e. Say little, think much, do more. SBORW, FRANKLIN COTTNTY . ,,PA; t ,TTIOSDAY,'SANUARY 15, 1874. BtAITEFUL"TI'LN6B'.'' ' A gentle voice,;a heartfeltsigh, A mo(iest, blush; a ,Speakingleye. A manner muttfect,e,d, These things are heauif t ful to me. A iiiarY heatt;- A sympathy that's:free froaq art, A real Mend among the few; These things are beautiful: and•true. A joyfol sons, a chorus . areet,,, An, earnest soul and W 43 feet, A day . of peace, a Orglit of rest ; '." TheSe:thinie are lii,intifur and blest. A sister's lOve, a brother's care. , .A,,spoless name, a jewel rare,. A cleanly tonguo, that will not.lie, Thcse things are beautiful 7 .,-snd why? Because.they all aro born of love, *tad emanate. from; God above An earnest of heavenly These tlitpgs are, beantifukon earth Brigham Young on Life Insurance. This great Prophet of the . Latter-Day- Saints is opposed to' ifeinsurance - on pol ygomical principles. In one of his late discourses in' -"the . Tabernacle; he gave' vent to his saintly feelings in• the follow ing •strain : Brethren,. I am down on life insurance.' It is the invention of the same evil'one who tempted Eve in the Garden' of Eden. lie promised to give woman the ,upper hand of her husband, And lite insurance “Mis--tlie—s-irm-e-A-life-insurante . agent hits more brass than a dozen Yan kee clock peddlers. One had the impu dence to ask me to take out a policy for the benefit of my.wives and children, and before I could recover my breath he commenced to draw up an application and 1 believe --- i verily believe would have - filled—it out if he could have crowded the names in. Now I ask you, brethren what would most likaly become of your prophet if in surance on his life were effected to the a mount'of $5,000 for each wife?, I have only thirty, and that would ' make the thances-t-hirtHo-one4litiould_enter. the realms of glory before the end of the year. As a father of Israel„ I have the Gospel 'priviledge of sealing the daugli ter.s.thered,' bat I have no wish that they should seal .my fate. I am ready to as cend to my seat on high, but I do not want to' be sent in an insurance _balloon. The wives of the faithful are too much tempt ed already, and.how•coati they resin the ingenious device of the' Gentiles:' Toueh not, taste ndt,' handle not; my.breihren. Let the Gentile iniurellis life in the big gest•sum for his,wife,• and when she,is a widow, let one of our apostles. make love to her and bring her ;on this aide of Aor: den. I want no life ' terripanies of which I am' not the• presiding spirit.— Life insurance makes-the , wife,indepead:- ent of the ,husbaud. Bhe . feelsthat, if she should by accident drop some strychnine in his gruel, she has something to - fall back upon to 'keep 'her' children from want. Women should •be 'kept under.— They should trust in the. Lord, and not in life insurance. If , they have .a bad husband and an insurance. policy on his life, they are always praying secretly for his death, and if their, prayers are not an swered readily, they hurry up, his predes tination.. Beware of life; insurance. •It is Satan in disguise., Tarn your back up on it, flee from it, as if-from a pestilence; for verily • it, would bring; rebellion into, the land of Mormon." ; WOMAIILTIopEsxv.--11an loveS tie mysterious. A, cloudless 'sky,- the full blown rose, leaves him unmoved ; but the violet which hides its blushing beau ties behind the bush, and the moon, when, she emerges from behincta ,cloud, are to him sources of' inspiration :and :pleaSure. Modesty is to merit,' what shade is to fig ure in painting ; it gives it boldness and prominence. Nothing adds ; more to fe male beauty than .modesty ; it sheds ,a round the countenance a halo of light which is borroied froth' virthe: Botan ists have given the rosy hue whichiinges the cup of the mite the name of the "mai den blush." This pure and delicate hue is the only paint that !Christian-, virtue should use ; it is the richest ornament. A, woman without modesty 7.s like a faded . flower, which diffusei an unwholeSome o dor, and which the prudent gardener will throw' away froth' him. Her. destiny. is melancholy, for it ends in• shame .and, re pentance. Beauty: passes like the flower of the aloe, which bloOins and 'dies in a few hours, but triadesty'giVes the Tel:tittle . character charms which supplies-the place of the transitory freshness of youth. • In the morning of life we paint, with the brush 'of fancy, our beautiful ideal of cloudless skies and • brilliant sunshine, of flower streiva paths and tropic blooms —a .picture where joy and love and friend ship and fame stand holding out their beautiful 'offerings, and we the central figures of the whole. •But how different. the pictures painted each day of life by the brush of pittiless reality ! Not one picture, but' many; for the scenes are ever shifting. The shies are clouded, and thii sunshine faded. The flowers are withered, and hide the thorns no longer. Sorrow steps in where joy had stood; hatred takes the place of love; friendsliip that we had painted with a beautiful fiee; takes on the hideous look of treachery.' At the even-- tide of life we gaze at • the pictures in, the gallery of memory,, and comparing the ones that fancy painted with those stamp-. ed upon our hearts by the stern realities of life, we wonder where fancy got ~its beautiful false eoloring. The completer official returns make the maioritv for the new constitution abou 145,156. London Crystal Palace. . . Que can hardly make anybody who has' never scen"it 'understand the charm of the long nave with its high arched roof, its graceful galleries, its huge marble ba sinsof water-lilies,.edged with beds of the brightest iloiverS great hanging' bask-: ets of delicate plants, its • tropical , trees, its statues,.its bright banners, its delicious music and its glimpses down the crossing tranSepts'Of one of the loveliest'landscapes in.:4ll,England : for these transepts, or crssways you must knoW, are walled and roofed with glass like all the rest of the building. „And • this• is just what you have before your eyes as you go in, but to see all the curious and interesting things would take Weeks. At each side of this wonderful nave, or body of the building, there are beautiful courts, in which one may see exact COpies of famous places all over the world. • For instance, the Pompeian court, where there is an exact copy of a house in Pom peii. the city that was destroyed by burn ing„laya, from Mt Vesuvius hundred of years ago, before Christ Was born. You can'scarcely believe it, I dare say; but it is-true. ' And_ mind I .donl mean the ruins of a house like those to be seen to day in, Pompeii, butjUii as it used to be when that city was a busy', active place. ' And in another court there is a mod el of ancient Rome, with coaches instead of chairs in the dining-room, for you know, among other strange habits, the old Ro mans had a way of lying down at their meals. re -say thnt youhav_e_heard or_the_ Alhambra, the famous and beautiful pa lace built by, the Moors in Grenada. Well in this Crystal Palace you may see for yourselves just how it looked, and how gorgeous the Hall of the Abeucerrages must have been with its wonderful rain buw-colored-and_gold_fretw_ork_dome_ fil led with a soft lilac light. And there are the Egyptian court and the Assyrian court and many more be sides, and also copies of the most celebra ted statues in the world. ouAfford It. Can you afford to work hard all day, and read, study, or court the vagaries of society . ail night, thus wasting your vital ity, exhausting your nervous system, and bringing on a premature disease, decay and.old age.? 'Can you 'afford to eat hastily, and then rush 'to 'study or business, withdrawing the nervous energy_ from the digestiye system to, the brain and muscles, and thus inducing dyspepsia, and in'a few years at mom to scourge and haunt and'make you Miserable for years or for life ? • Can you afford to live on rich or high seasoner foot, eat champagne suppers,,be cause an artificial appetite is thus gratifi ed, rendering, gout, dyspepsia, apoplexy, in the middle of life,f almost a certainty? Can you afford to commit 'suicide thro' the indulgence of appetite and passion, a dopting the 'fools motto; "A short life and a inerry'one?" Can you afford to indulge in fast living, dressing beyond your means, driving liv ery. horses, or keeping a horse yourself, when your income is not adequate to such eipenses ? Can you-lA . l)rd to smoke and chew to bacco, thus spending from five to twenty. pi thirty dollars a month, injuring your nervous system, and•thereby transmitting to children a weakenedieonstitution, mak ing them puny invalids fir life? Can you afford to burn out your ner vous systein and demoralize your whole character by the use of alcoholic liquor ? Can you afford to make money at the expense of, your manhood, your health, your.just,respectability and integrity? Can you afford even to gain the whole world, and make of -yourself a moral wreck ? . Can you afford to rob your mind, to clothe your back with silks and satins; and: gratify a mere love of display ? , Can you afford to be tricky, and there fore defraud your employer of the just service you owe him, even though you get your pay, thus making yonrself a moral bankrupt? Mrs. Livermore, the noted woman's rights woman, in a'recent lecture, said the following, which we heartily approves "In this country our late financial dis tress arose from the desire fur sadden ac cumulatiMr of Wealth. Since the war we have not been content to live moderately like our fathers, but indulge in idle ex travagances; men are itolonger content to make money slowly and are, driven to dishonesty. Her reniedy for the present financial panic •was prudence and coati deircd, The general distrust,'caused large ly by the mania for speculation and fraud. In fact frauds:were so common that they were countenanced thoughtlessly by dood people. She instanced the case of ti relig-, tons newspaper which for $3 would give you a year's subscription. and a chrome represented to be worth $lO. But if you took pains to investigate the matter you would find that the actual price of your chromo was only 25 cents." The Lancaster Examiner says : There resides near Miller's mill, close to the Junction, on the Reading rai I roa d,a couple, man and wife, who are said to be the old. est in the United States. The names of the couple, are Joel and Mary Miller, the former being one hundred and tie latter ninety-six years of age. The old folks are very affectionate toward each other, and are, ready to answer the summons of the Great Father whenever He sees Et to call their' home. Tkere are many deseen4- ents of Mr. and Ws. Miller 'residing in this county. , Our greatest men are generally the homeliest. A Western Parson. A short time since a Missouri 'river steamboat left Fort Benton with a party of rough aud,well-to-do ruiners on board. There were also among the passengers three or four "brace men," and before ar • riving at Sioux. City they had very gener ally cleared out the pockets of the miners The boat stopped at Sioux City to "wood up," and fbund among other persons wait ing to get on board, a ministerial-looking personage with the longest and most sol emn countenance on him you 'can well imagine... He was dressed in a suit of black, wore a whip stovepipe hat and a "choker" collar, ornamented with . a black neck handkerchief. Well, he got aboard and the boat start ed down Stream; For two days he was unnoticed by the other passengers, but one of the sports at last thought he saw a chance to make something out of the sad and melancholy• individual. The latter would once or twice a day step up to the bar ' _and_with-a-voice-that - was as mild and as gentle as a maiden's, ask for "a glass of soda, if you please," and then he would pull a roll of bills from his pocket and take a' quarter from their interior layers. Then he would say to the bar keeper, as if under a thousand obligations; "Thank you sir," and walk off again as if about to commit suicide. This thing had gone far enough, and the gaMbler I have spoken of at last ap proached him. "Would you like a little game of sev en-up, sir?" "seven-up ? What is seven-nu ? Please "Why, a game of cards, you know, just to pass the time ; let us play a game." "My good friend, I do not know any thing concerning cards; I cannot play them." "Well, come along, we'll show you how to do it." And - the mild• gentleman in black after some further protests, at lenglit consented. They showed him bow 'twas done, and they played several games, The gentle man in black was delighted. • Gamblers want to know if he will play poker, five cent ante, just for the fun of the thing.— Gentleman it - lita - ek - says7he-can't-Play' the game, but they explain again, and poker commences. The gentleman in black loses every time. There are slit' men in the game; each one 'deals before gentleman in black; 'and ante .has been raised .to a dollar. Gent in black deals awkwardly, and looks at his hand., Next man to dealer bets five—goes around • find the Bets are raised, to one hundred dollars. Gent in black sees it and makes it rybundred better. Gain blers look surprised, but will not bp bluff. ed. The bet has reached five hundred dollars—a thousand. Gent in black makes it two thousand. All draw out except a plucky Pike's Peak miner, who sees and calls him; "What have you?" "Weal," answers the gent in black, "I heave—let me see, let me see weal, I heave four aces." The gamblers who have suspicioned something , before, now look wild, and the light begins, to dawn in the miner's Mind. He leaned across the table and said in the most sarcastic tone he could command: "Oh you heave, heave you. You gol durned sanctimonious son ofa gun." The gent got up from the table and handed one of thezamblers Lis card.— It read "Bill Walker, New Orleans"— one of the most successful sharpers in the country. Selecting A Wife. We have heard . of this test being . appli ed to several girls, but John Starkley was the man. who applied it to the selection of a wife." The Starkley and Belkuaps had been friends through several genera tions. In the present generation there was, in the Starkley family,' one son and in the family of Belknaps there were five daughters; and it had been arranged be tween the parents that the heir of the Starkleys should take him a wife from among the daughters of Belkuaps. John, the heir aforesaid, at the age of five and twenty; had returned from his travels, when his father bade him select Dom the daughters of the friendly house the one he would have t'or a wife. John was a dutiful son, and his heart was whole; and as the maidens were all fair to look upon, he accepted the situation, and determined to master it if possible. John spent several evenings in the com pany of the • young ladies, and it" . Was difficult to decide which wits the most charming though his fancy rested most lingeringly Upon.the youngest—not that she was the handsomest, but she appeared the most sensible. One day John was invited' to dinner, and in advance of the family he made his way • into the hall and threw a broom upon the ; ..r, directly across the passage to the d' ng-room. By and by summons soun' • . for the meal, and John watched for e result. The eldest daughter step pe over the broom loftily. The second wen. around it. The fourth gave it an •extra kick. The fifth, the "yollngest— stooped and picked the broom•up and took it to the far corner of the-hall and set it carefully out the way. And John selected the meek-eyed, fair-haired maid en who had just stood the test, and he never had occasion to regret the choice. She proved to be a wife who looked well to the. ways of -her household, and her heart had no lack of faith and love. . Lives there, a man with nose so red, who never to himself bath said, "I'll pay before I go to bed the debt I owe the prin- ter ?"-Brandon Republican. "Yes, there'are seam I know full well, but:they; I fear, will go. to—. Well the Ellice wherethere - s no winter.”-7P,an oia Aiai. - . S2;OOIPER YEAR: NIIXBM 81: aud alltzmor. "Among all my boys,"said, an old ffnir.., "I never had but one boy that took af,ter me, and that was my son Aaron he t, after me with a club." • • ' "Good-by, you old 'seokling, red-beaded heathen," wrote a Dubuque man, to his wife the last thing before suickling., the says she'd like to have got hOld of him fir about one good minute. • What is the greatest feat in the eating way ever , known? That xcorded of a man who commenced by bolting a door, after which he threw up a window, and then sat • down and swallowed a • whole story. The St. Louis Christain. Advocate has no ear for music, and complains that a church choir is sacrilegious when the line, "We aregclmhome_to_die-mr-morefis— re-r-idered, "We're going home to Dinah More, to Dinah More, to Dinah More." "Who dares to spit tobacco juice, on, this car floor ?" savagely asked a burly— passenger on the Mobile train. "I dire," quietly replied a slender 'youth, "and I did it." "you're the chap I'm looking for," said the ruffian, "give me a thaw." • A Dutch woman kept a toll-'gate. One foggy day a traveller asked : "Madam, haw far is it, to B—?" "Shocst a little ways," was the reply. "Yes, but how far ?" again asked the traveller. "Sb- "Shoost a little vays, more emphati• eally. "Madam, is it one, two, three, four, or five miles ?" The good woman ingeniously replied: "I dinks it is." At a Detroit hotel recently was a fam ily; going west*. The mife was "continual .ly. badgering her husband for.his method of doing this and that, evideLtly suppos ing that everybcdy else was noticing his unristocratic ways. At the table she passed him the potatoes and he took off a small mountain, and in three .rniqutes held his 'late for more. She" winked at him, but he was determined and sliiiaid,f7 `Elizabeth Jones, you may wink and blink all day,• but I'm going lave.some, •more 'tatera or bust the bank !", He sot some. • There is an old darks down in • Ma •ryland who lately voted for• local option, • as he uaderstood it, but not as the pnblik' generally understand it. The story, a true' one, runs thus: At a recent 'election:a - 'friend asked the old 'man how he waut,i going to vote. . "Oh." he replied, "the Republican tic it et, I always vote that ticket?? "But how are you going to local option?" . • The darkey, looking up asked, "wripOtt, dat?" "Why, local option is putting dayin iquor," was_ the reply. "Lora a Massa," said the darkey, , :,of course I vote for local option; • I.votes to, put down liquor to the old"price, fip-penpy, bit a pint!" , A Short Romance. Into the arid atmosphere of politics and' bread and butter sometimes comes a:bit of romance of melting sweetness. Olsueh is the story of two lovers and a remorse less father, which as it has just been told by a Bostonian, must of course be true.— Ten years ago abeantiful young Boston girl was sent to the Vermont hills to ar rest, if possible, the' indications . of.ap proaching consumption. She recovered her health, and meantime inflicted a' care wound upon the heart of an intelligent and well edos:ated young farmer's son.— Unlike Lady Vero de Vere, she,did not scorn his timid affection, but:returned jt heartily, refering him to her hiller. That traditionally unromantic personage would not hear .of it. Never-r, never-r shall a base mechanic wed my child ! The young man retired, went west and made a large fortune, and the young we- ' man married the man presented by her father. She went to live in France; . her husband died in two years, and her pa.- rents dying, she remained abroad. 'rho memory of her first romance faded with her as with its object, who, though un married, was too busy making money for: tender. thoughts. . Last yeir his business took him to Europe, and one night found _ him on a little steamer plying between Marseilles and Leghorn. A storm came up soon, and a lady, who had riser► from her seat on deck to go below, was thrown overboard by a sudden lurch of the vessel. The "base mechanic jumped aftei., and though in the dark the steamer drifted a way from them, they clutched a provi dential plank and floated until they were picked up by another vessel. During the night, in the cold and the darkness, they discovered in each other the loved and lost of earlier days. The old feeling came back in that fearful hour, and on their arrival at Malta they were married. End of the poetry. DULL AND DREARY.—Despise Dat the• day of small things. Many men and wo• men complain that their , lives are dull and dreary. It is to be feared that their aspirations are too high in regard to,frork: and pleasure: They scorn the small work that is put in their bands. At least, it is free from the anxi,Aies and respon• bilities which attend great duties. They have no time for self-government. To be well fitted for the latter puts them on a. place with Caesar and Alexander. , 441 regard to plenSure, , why slumltt the ) , nu .t cultivatelhesweet though humble ilLiwers• that , growin the gardens around thou,. instead of longing for the,kuxurn!ni,plautti :If the treniez• 9 4r. .. _.....: