BY W. BL./14R,: VOLUME 26. THE WAINESBORO' . VILLAGE ;REGGAE PUBLISHED EVERY' THURSDAY MOaNING By W. BLAIR. TEEMS-Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two DollUrs and Fifty cents after the expiration ' of the year. ADVEILTISERENTS--One Square. (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50; for each subsequent insertion, Thir - five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver ' LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven . • Cents for subseauent insertions Vrofessionai Olards. PHYSICLiN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. , . Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." [jane 29—tf. ORI., SOHN 'OIL RIPPLE', PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional services to the pub lic. Office in his residence, on West Main street, Waynesboro'. april 24—tf DR. BENJ. FRANTZ, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the Bowda - House. Night calls shOuld be made . at his residence on Main Street ad oiuing the Western School House. July 20-tf ISAAC N. SNIVELS, • PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, - WAYNESBORO' PA. • Office at his residence, 'nearly opposite he Bowden House. • Nov 2—tf. JOSEPH DOTTG-1.4A-S ATTORNEY AT..L.A.W, WAYNESBORO', PA.. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent CountieS. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. DR,. C R,. STRWILLEaiv (FORDIERLY OF DIF f ECEILSBURG, P. 1.,) FFERS his Professional services to' flit Nficitizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. St'RICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, where he has been . prominently engaged fora number of years in tie practice of his profession. He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., is Father-in-law, where he can be found at al times when not professionally engaged. • July 20, 1871.—tf. A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT. DENTIST Is ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Organs-In Use Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his ofilee. We being acquainted with Dr. Branis bolts socially and professionally recommend him to all desiring the services of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. IlsraNO, J. M. RIPPLE, " A. 11. STRICKLER, I. N. SNIVELV, " A. S. BONEBRAKE, T. D. Faxxcn. jal y 1 7 —tf . a. H. FORNEY & CO. r 9.417.4! a 0.9412W:65- iFin Mom/matt 0. 77 :NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Pay particular attention to the sale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c. Liberal advances made on consignments. may 29-4 f DAIRY 1 rriliE subscriber notifies the public that I he has commenced the Dairy business and will supply citizens regularly every :rimming with Milk or .Cream at low rates. He will also leave u supply at M. •Geiser's Store where persons can obtain either at a ny hour during the day. no" 27-tf BENJ. FRICK. PERSONS wanting Spring-tooth Horse Rakes can be suppliedwith a first-class article by calling on the subscriber. He continues to repair all kinds of machinery at bhort nbticeand upon reasonable terms. The Metcalf excelsior Post Boring and Wood Sawing EcMhines always on hand. JOHN L. METCALF, Feb 27-* Quincy, Pa. J.•s.. WELSH WITH W. V. -LIPPINCOTT & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Furs and Straw Goods, •No. 531 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. april 3-tf BARBERING ! BARBERING I Ft' HE subscriber having rec.. ntiv re-paint ed and papered and added new furni ture to his shop, announces to his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and make comfortable all who may be pleased to fa vor him with their patronage. Shaving, Schampooninz Hair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A long experience in the bar bering business enables him to promise sat isfaction in all cases. W. A. PRICE. sept 18-tf 010.11 MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. MITE subecriberlaving leased this well known HAel property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and•is now amply pre pared to accommodate The traveling public and others who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive li.outler will at all times be in attendance. May 23-tf SAM'L P. STONER. eta pottrg. INFANTILE CONUNDEITIS. ERNEST'S TWILIGHT TALE "Mamma, how did baby Find the right way From the angel's home That summer day ?" Said little Ernie At eventide, As he nestled close Down by my side. "Did God send her soul On a silver cloud ; Did he call to you - So very loud, "Here's a baby dear For you to love, Coming down from heaven Like . a gentle dove?" "I think an angel Came just before, To show the baby _ Our papa's door, 0, say, mamma dear, Did you hear her sing, And then let our, Dear little baby in ?" "And did she have wing* . When she came that day That you've taken off And put away Did the angel tell you To lay them uy Till God should call her Again on high?" "If I hear Him call her I'll quickly say, Dear Heavenly Father, 0, please let her stay ! You've babies enough In your heaven above c , And we've only ono Little sister to:love !" fflisttilattfous FIGURES WON'T LIE. "To-morrow is the twenty-fourth, isn't it Mary." "The twenty-fourth," answered the young wife sadly. James Carroll knocked the ashes from his cigar, held it carefully between the thumb and fore-finger of his left hand and looked thoughtfully into the fire. • Mary's tired fingers showed no signs of weariness, but. turned the hem of a sheet mechanically, and then proceeded to baste it for sewing. "Belle will be three years old !" he said interrogatively. "Three, James," replied Mary, without the trace of a bright smile lightening up her pretty face: James gave a few more whiffs at his nearly consumed cigar, but he did not seem to enjoy it much. A lis tener would have pronounced Mary a cold, unloving wife, that the gentle pres ence of her husband, or the return of her baby's birth-day, failed to please. Lookers-on and listeners do not always look into the depths of the heart to see what struggles are there. So in this in stance. Another- woman whose life tea's all sunshine would have pronounced Ma ry heartless. Poor thingi She bad too -much heart for this world's trials. Her wedding day was a blissful one ; her hus band the ideal of manly mrfection. His love, unaccompanied by wealth, was worth more to her than all the treasures of earth, But a cloud arose to dim the brightness of her- sky. She soon made the discovery that he was.human ; and that 'the love of wine and possibly some thing stronger, filled 1116 heart, as well as the love of his wife. He vas not what the world would call an intemperate man —one glass a day does not constitute a a drunkard why should she fear? At the end of three years he took at least two glasses a day. What had she to hope for in yea! s to come. "I wish, Mary; I was able to make Belle a present every birth-day in her life, but you know that it is all can do to get along as it is." • " I know it, James," meeklyreplied the wife. James was ill at ease. Something in Mary's manner disturbed him. "What makes you so solemn and qui et, Mary? Why not sympathize with me, and say you know I have a hard time to get along, and that Belle can do with out presents better than we can afford to give them ? Fox gave me a wood bill this morning, and Jones wants to know when the grocery bill is to be paid. I don't like to bother you with these things only I want you to understand that as much as I love our little girl, I can't af ford to make her presents." Mary's color came and went. Tears stole into her violet eyes and her heart beat quick and fast. Her .trembling fin gers guided her needle unsteadily, and her stitches were long and irregular.— Three long years she brooded alone over her husband's weakness without a reproof and much 'as she dreaded to speak she knew her time had come. "I wish, dear James, I could economize in something and save money to buy our darling a present. It seems cruel to neg lect her birth-day so soon." "I know nothing ycu could be more prudent in Mary, and you know I am as A FAMILY NEWSPAPER -- , DEVOTED: TO 'LITERATURE, ;icipAr. AND GENERA'. NEWS. ETC. WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1874. economical as possible, don'i; you." It was very hard for the lips that had uttered only 'the loving words of praise to say no ; but a strength not her own cause to her aid, and with a sweet, sad smile, the wife uttered her first rebuke. "No, James, I am grieved to say that in some things you are too extravagant. It must be a sin of ignorance, for I know if you realize it you would never wrong your wife and child." James started from his seat. His - eyes flashed and his cheeks paled. "Mary, are you crazy ?" "Not crazy, James, but clear-headed for our happiness." After the first shock passed, and he has prepared to' listen, she went on, and in a clear concise manner, laid before him the cause of her bitter words ; "During_thelast_year_you-haxe-drank at least two glasses of liquor a day, hav en't you?" "Why, yes, I suppose • so. What of that ? Only ten cents a glass—that can't - rui a man." "Three hundred and sixty-five days, which multiplied by twenty cents amounts to 'seventy-three dollars. And three ci f,. aars day which I know is far below your average of smoking, will amount to. as much more, which makes one hundred and forty dollars. Forty dollars would pay our coal', and grocery bills now due, and leave a balance of ninety-six dollars for baby and me. You know too that the time spent in drinking is worse than wasted, for tobacco and liquors poison the system, destroys the health, soften the brain, weakens the nerves, and bring ruin to thousands of happy homes. There is a lack of tenderness for Belle and me when your nerves are excited by drink.— I forgive you freely but the sting is left in my. heart." • Nary's effort overcame her and she fell into a passionate fit of weeping. The strong man trembling. "Am I blind? Is it possible. I have wronged my dearest treasure ?" They mingled their tears, and talked' till a late hour, laying plans for the fu ture; and James begged forgiveness of her he had wronged. "It is not too late to save my health and strength," said the penitent man, and so it proved: - In one year from that day two beauti ful silver cups were brought home by the happy father, one for Belle's fourth birth day ; and the other for his wife who had saved him. "Mary's bore the inscription : "An an gel saw me and lifted me up." On Belle's was neatly, engraver] : "A little child shall lead thew." Years have passed since then, and the happy, couple in the vigor of life, o each recurring birthday of Belle, who is now a young lady of eighteen, tell to •her the little trial of their married life, and the great happiness that has grown from self denial and justice. The good wife and mother has kept the silver-bright, and not a meal has been eaten at home but the cups are on the table where James could be reminded of the promise he had made and so faithful ly kept. Pennies, like minutes are often thrown away, because people d 6 not know what to do with them. Those who are econo mists of the time, and all the great men on record have been so, take care of the minutes ; for they know that a few min utes well applied each day will make hours in the course.of a week, and days in the course of a year ; and in the course of a long life, they will make enough of time, if well employed, in which a man may, by perseverance, have accomplish ed some work useful to his fellow 'crea tures, and to himself. Large fortunes, when gained honestly, are rarely acquir ed in any . other way than by small say ings at first ; and savings can only by ha bits of industry and temperance. A sav ing, therefore, while he is adding to the general wealth, is setting an example of those virtues, on which the very, existence and happiness of society depend. There are saving people who are misers, and have no one good quality fur which we can like them. These are not the kind of people of whom we are speaking, but we remark that a miser, though a disa greeable fellow while alive is a, vet.? use ful person when dead. He has been com pared to . a tree, which, while it is growing can be applied to no use, at last furnishes timber for houses and domestic utensils. But a miser is infinitely more useful than a spendthrift, a mere consumer and west er, who, after he has, spent, all. his . money, tries to spend that of other people. . ABOUT SAVING.—There is, perhaps, no one in this world more to be pitied than the poor rich man—the man who has got into the habit of saving until he saves from sheer delight in seeinc , his wealth increase, and counting every dollarof ex penditure as though its loss was some thing that could never be repaired. Yet it is the duty of every poor man to save something. The posession of a few dol lars often makes all the difference between happiness and misery, and no man, espec hilly with a family dependent upon him, can be truly independent Unless he has a few dollars reserved for the time of need. While extreme carelessness as to the ex penditure of money will make a rich man poor, a wise economy will almost as cer tainly make a poor man rich, or at least make him to a considerable extent inde pendent of the caprices of employers and of the common vicissitudes of life. Noth ing is more important to the poor man than the habit of saving something; his little hcard will soon begin to grow at a rate which will surprise and gratify him. Savings; A CHAT 'ABOUT -SLEEP A very thin lady, ofthout twenty years with a promising beau, came to consult Me about her "skin and bones." I had freqnently met her when sheieem- , ed even more emaciatedi;ibut,.now the would ,"give the world to bp *lnn." Sit ting down in front of me she began with— " Don't you think doctor'; that I look very old for twenty ?" ' I admitted that she looked • rather old for twenty.. ' "Can anything ,be done for me ! What can, I take, for ' it ? I should be ' willing to take a hundred bottles of the worst stuff in the world, if I only could get some fat on these bones. A friend; of mine' (her beau) was saying yesterday that he would give a fortune to see me round au4 plump." ry ould you be willing to go to the Cliff' spring in. Arkansas•?" . "I. would start to-morrow." 'But the waters are very , bad to drink.'? isaid. "I don't care how bad they are, I know, lean drink then." "Lasked you whether you are willing to go to the Arkansas springs to test the strength of your purpose. It is, not neces sary to leave home. Nine thin people in ten become reasonably' plump without such a sacrifice." "Why, doctor, .I •am delighted to hear it but I suppose it is a lot of some awful bitter stuff." • "Yea, it is a pretty bitter dose, and has to be taken every night." • "I don't care. I would take it if it was ten times as bad. What is it? What is the name of it?" "The technical name of the stuffis ted ibus Nine o'clockibus.' " • "Why, doctor, what an awful name! I am sure I shall never be able to speak it. Is there no common English word of it?" "Oh yes. The English of it is, "You must be in bed every night by nine o'clock. We doctors generally .use Latin. Bedibus Nine oclockibus' is the Latin for 'You must be in bed every night; by' nine o'clock.' " "Oh that is dreadful. I thought it was something I 'could take.? "It is. You must take your bed every night before the clock strikes nine." • "No, I thought. 7 That's the Way with all of you. One person eats enormously of rich food till hii stomach and liver refuse to budge; then he cries out, O'h,• doctor, what can I take. I must take some thing." Another fills, his .system, with . tobacco 'until his 'nerves ' are ruined, and then, trembling and full or horrors, he exclaims, 'Oh, doctor, what shall I taker I write a prescription for him—RuitOus Chuleibus et Smokeibus. I will suppose my patient is not a:classical •scholar, translated it ioto'Englieh. He cries but at once, 'Oh doctor; I thought you Would give me something to take.' Another sits up till thirteen and fourteen o'clock,leads a life of theatres and other disSipations, be tees pale, dyspeptic and wretched, slick flies to the doctor, and cries, 'Oh doc tor what shall I take? What shall..l take?' Now, madam, you are distressed because your lover haS been looking at your 'skin and bon& " . "But, doctor, you are entirely—" • "Oh, well, we'll say nothing about him, then. But, tell me, what time do you go to bed?" , . - "Generally abOut twelve o'clock."" "Yes,'l thought so. Now, if you will go to bed every night for six months at nine o'clock without' making any other changino• a in your habits, you will gain ten pounds in weight and look live year; younger. Your skin will become freSir, and your spirits improie wonderfully:". "I'll do it. But when I have company and during the opera I can't do it." • '"lt is regularity that does the buisness: To sit up till twelve o'clock three nightS of the week, and then get :to bed af nine o'clock four nights, one might think would do very well, and that atany rate it would' be 'so far so good.' I :don't think this• every other, night early and every other night . late, ismuch, better than, every night" late. 'lt is regularity that Is Vital in .the-case; Even sitting . up one night a week deranges the nervous system for the whole week. - I'have sometiines thought that these people who sit up'to eleven or twelve o'clock every night get on quite as 'well as those who turn in early , six nights, and then sit up once a week till midnight. Regularity in sleep is every, whit ,as im-, portant as regtd4ity in food." At length my patient exclaimed, "Doc tor, I will go to bed every night for six months before nine o'clock, if it kills me, or rather; if it breaks the heart of. all my friends." She did it. ' Twenty r one pounds Yas the gain in five months. Her spirits were happily enlivened, and • she spent half her time in telling her friends of her delight, with the new habits.', She had no further cause, to complain of skin and bones, and she had the special gratification Of appearing more attractive in the eyes of her lever. He like a sensible man when he saw the good effects of the nine o'clock to bed arrangement heartily ap proved of it, and became a convert himself. A ramarkable Jew, claiming to bo the, Messiah, has recently appeared in Arabia,' where his fame has spread far and wide. He came forth Irottt i the desert, where he has spent many years mortifying the flesh, and he pretends to Work wonders and perform miracles, and give the esti• dente of his divine mission. He has a melodious voice, remarkably brilliant eyes, and fascinating appearance, and; is winning followers. Mrs. Stanton protests as vigorously as ever against tight lacing. She is right. The pressure of a broadcloth sleeve is the only pressure a. woruzu's rib eau sustaia without injury, IJ .- .CARIIEVJ S. AD BE'SS. Hurrah ! hurrah ! fo 7 the New Year, Met rily ring the bells; Oyer the towns' crovided street, Where joy and sorrow daily meet. Over the country, through the town; And crown • With joy . the hills and dells. r Merrily shouting the chorus, , Your caller comes to-day, Wishing you' all for sev'nty-four Blessings rich; a bountiful store. , Comfort, prosperity, and. peace Increase, • And with you , ever stay. • Merrily singing, for Heaven, Sb4ersi2its-blessinge-down, Over . the rich, about the poor;'' Who rugged ills oflife endure,. Bidding them who in darkness gropes llave hope ; 'Bl or A. e . aster's crown Good bye, good bye, to the old year, Many ita deeds of love, Many an =lli OA% too'was dirk, Unfit, =cheered by my or spark, ,Through it all we.have come, and now , • W boiv In thanks to God above. It is over now, and gladness, Conies with the bright New Year, Sweep out of the-heart its sorrow, -No grief from the past we'd-borrow, Let joy alone each bosom fill, , . It will Drive from the heart its fear. Forgive,,aa we'•d be forgiven.' The New Year start iri peace, 'With new resolves for holy deeds; Bigotry spurn,• unbound by creeds. Faith•in our manhood, faith in God, Who trod The earth for man's release. Freedom stilt is.,moying onward, 443 on the wings of light. Tymny, blanlgng . its fetters, Is reading plainlY,tha letters Written across tie burnished sky ' • • ' • 'On high,' "Might, thou su.m.yield,to Right." Earth's sovereigns are its people, Justice its only throne, • Progr,eas. bespeaks oppressions doom ; While knowledge dissipates all gloom. • Each year' man's shackles weaker grow:. The, , , blciw" Ig 'shuck by' man alone:' theni shout aloud for the dawning . ' Of eighteen sevinty-four Let; the glad peen span the earth, . Shout aloud for the New Year's birth. Ltt man rejoice he livearta,day, • And pray For freedom. evermore. Over all our Selds.and valleys • IFloatelltoui flag in peace. North ,0ut.14 ~ast,llrest one brotherhood; May we be great a,s i truly. good, • Freedom's our nation's Fatherhood. Then should .Prosperity increase. May the year on - which 'we're entered Glide down the stream.oftime; • ' , 11.Taking , us feel that its hours Ilatre hplped develope noblest powers; While man, far better then than now, Shan boil, And Own s life is sublime. ' And now, dear patrons, one and all, In bidding you good bye, Again we with merry. Cheer, You a glad New Year, We trust you all will be alive • In sey'aty-fivo. . The time will quickly. fly. Decayed Greatness. The famous and at onetime initnensely popular hotel,,the Danforth louse, Pithole City, which cost $28,000, was sold recent ly for a ten dollar note, and the furniture, wltich•cost $3,000, brought less than nine ty dollars... And that leads to specula tion on the rise, the glory, and the fall of that once' .famous 'city. ' Within' one month from the completion of the first hpuse she had an $BO,OOO .hotel. In two months she had a daily papen - tilia• a fast one it was T top. In three months she bad a theatre. (That theatre went. to Pleas antville, thence to Lawrenceburg, thence to Parker's , Landing, thence .to where the woodbine twineth, iu the,second great fire at the Landing--last winter.) In four months she had another theatre and an academy of music. In five months she' had her celebrated mud fire-extinguisher, sired by a live Yankee, and d—cl_by ne cessity, for the city that had no water— the, people all drank whisky. In .six months she bad seventy-four 'hotels and boarding houses where the substitute for water was dispensed: ,In seven months the Miller' farm pipe line was completed,, which event titre* 4,000 men and 2,000 horses out of , employment, • and Pithole City had reached the zenith of her glory. She bad pt that time 15,000 inhabitants, elabOiate wale! works, te,nd all the para phernalia ofti . city goveinment. She has ndw no theatre, 'no newspaper, no hotel, no telegraph nificei (the telegraph office , was, elosadfortimeand etern i tty-last week) and bntnine families out of all that mul titude:'-The Pithole OleaPolis. railroad runs but One 'train of one car .per day, and that only to hold the charter.—Pittsburg Dispatch. A visit must be . returned in like twin ner, eventtiho' no intimacy is iniqdecL A Laiicl of Midnight Sun. Mons. Paul 8., Du Chaillu lectured in the Rev. Dr., Duryea's ghurch, Brooklyn, on Thursday. -He said 'that he grew•tired of the equator and .went to 71° 50' north latitude, where for three months the, sun does not set.. .14 continued : The Swedes and Norwegians are fine people : the coun try the grandest I have'ever traveled in. There are evidences that it was once cov ered withl.ce. The mountain rocks are smooth from this cause, and the valleys show the effects of ice floes.. In May, June and July the sun shines all the time. It is.a slander to call the Seandinairians barbarous. They are civilized—all read and write, they are compelled by law to attend school. Their religious faith is protestant. They esteem their churches highly, and revere their graveyards. When a man dies his body is interred in •ft graveyard if it has to be . carried one hundred miles. The people are honest and moral. I was never robbed of a, cent, hough-with - them - three - years - ; -- why; -- the women put their jewelry in my room_ to show they were not afraid of me. When in Stockholm I had a desire to see the king, so I wrote to the secretary of state. I was politely informed that his majesty had gone visiting, but would re turn in two days. When he arrived I was invited to call on him. I went up stairs' unchallenged, and at length inter cepted a servant by whom I was directed where to find the king. "Good'mornlng," said he. "Good morning," I responded.. And this was our introduction. In less than three minutes he asked me to have a cigar , and then showed my books which had been translated. I felt proud, it was an honor to have them in his language. He asked me to come and spend the next .day with him. I went and roamed through the palace in search of its own er. Finally I halloed, "Is there any one about ?" and succeeded in arousing some one who pointed me to a room. I entered it, and found the king just putting ou his coat. He had been at work painting.— When about leaving I requested some of his portraits to give to the girls in Brook lin. , He pleasantly complied, writing on them at my sOlicitation,_his_autograph— "Now," said he laughing, "You must send me some portraits of Brooklin girls." At last I ; got to. the land of the Mid. night Sun. I watched it throughout the first night and remained there nearly sev en weeks. It bothered me to know when to go to bed. I discovered the birds re• tired at 11. p m., and got•up at,2 a m.— Some of the farms have. as many as forty five houses. There are houses for cheese, and butter, and this thing and that thina -1 don't know what all. Each farm has twotwo dwelling homes, one fbr winter and another for summer. Houses can ted fbr $5 a year. Carpenter's wages are fortrfive cents a day, and yet they strike. EVerybody works. There are no -markets;- •nothing is sold. Whoever !ma . niore than he wants for himself ho gives it to whoever needs it. The people are healthy. They do not have consumption and you never See au emaciated form.— You never see a beggar ' either. If too poor to !ive they are too proud to beg, and not Olean enough •to steal. The subsis tence is sour milk, coarse bread, meat twice a week, and fish. NOVEL TEUPERANCE CRITSADE.-:-A dispatch from Fredonia, NeW York gives the follosving account of a grand' rally for temperance in that place thatbas created much excitement. We take no stock in the result, as wenave little faith in re forms, religious or temperance; that are subject to • fits and starts, anti generally die out as they rise. Temperance brought about gradually •by careful teaching and training, will stand when others fail, the trouble being, however, to make 'such a sentiment universal in a community.— The dispatch alluded to says: Our quiet village has been thrown into a high state of excitement for a few days past by a novel crusade against the liquor selling interests.. Dr. Din Lewis, of whom all your readers have doubtless heard much in'the last ten years, lectured here on temperance on last Friday night, and on Sunday spoke from some of our pul pits on the same subject. :He preached a new gospel of temperance, and, on . I .klonday the yvomen of the place met and organ ized for their campaign. Their husbands, fathers and brothers very generally seconded, their plan, and pledges of assistance by a pro rata assess ment on $30,000 was secured, to provide what funds might be required. it is not probable much will be needed. To-day. about 150 of the newlporganized society, ladies, met and proceeded to a liquor sa loon, entered, at, least as many as could, and appealed to the proprietor to close his traffic. -One' offers prayer, another exhorts. and all join in singing. They are not chilled by rebuffs or disheartened by indifference After appealing to one saloon in this way they go to another, and so .on through the whole list, hotel keepers, druggists and all, And they are going , to keep it up till the liquor selling is done for, or it is demonstrated that the plan is not ef fectual. eublie sentiment is in their fa vor. To show 'you who these crusaders are I mill mention that Mrs. Judge Baketlis oub of.the foremost. The 'chief spoktfs woMan is Mrs. Tremaine: Her gt•eat lasteis prayer. Those who - have , heard her offer prayer in the sa'oon to-day Are astonished at the great gift 'she posa,4tme in this tlirection. What will be the.out. come is the.question .on every, lip. • ' A letter must ,be answered, _tiniess'Yoit wish to iotimate,to the writter - that - he or his object islieserith. your trace: ' 82,00 PER YEAR NUMBER.3O• Wit and Zimor. A girl near Waynesboro bas gone in sane from being kissed in tbe dark: • The panic has reached Utah. Busi ness men are reducing the number of their wives. • "Death lurked in every, , ner of that darkened. room—Satan hoWlo at , : every crevice," is the way they report the death of a saloon—keeper in Omaha. "Pray,. Miss Cr-," said a gentle man one evening, "why are.ladies so fOnd of offices?' "How stupid," replied Miss C--; "is it not' natural and proper that a lady should like a good offer Sir ?" • We heard of a young man whose ser vices were declined to "see a r,nprig lady home,", a few evenings since, who since asked her permission to sit on the fence an see •er go 9* win. • "How much are these tearful bulbs by the quart ?" asked a maiden of -a grocer.. He stared at her a moinent, recovered himself, and said: "Oh them isiguns; 8 cents." A Colorado spring has such extra ordinary virtues that the thinnest women after drinking its water for a few months, have no further occasion for wadding of any sort. It is known as the anti-coT= and bustle- spring. An ambitious young lady was talking very loud about her favorite authors, when a literary chap asked herif she lik ed Lamb. With a look of ineffable dis gust she answered that she cared very lit tle about what she eat compared with knowledge. • A sneer is the weapon of the weak. Like other evil weapons, it is always cunningly ready to our hands, and there is more poison in the landle than in the point. But how many noble hearts have withered with its venomous stab, been fettered with its.subtle, malignity. Don't be stubborn' unless you can afford it. Right in the midst of . the late panic"an lowa man chose to be. perversely ohstinate. ' His daughter wan ted a • 'ninety 'dollar silk dress and. hd would'ut get it, and he losCsikty , by the operation. She took cold poison, and the funeral expenses were a hundred and fir ty dollars. How THE 01.15 GENT WAS •CAHGHT.- A gentleman, the other day, saw his little daughter dipping her doll-baby's dr es s itt to a tin cup, and inquired.; "What are you doing, my daughter.?" '"l'm coloring my doll's dress red." ' ; '"Witl.what ?" "With beer.!! . "What Rut that notion in your . head. child ? You.ean't 4or red with beer!" -"Yes, I can, pa'; 'le'eause ma stud it ,was beer that made your nose so ied 1" And, then the gentleinan had ~business thdl, t'estaio him'down' town fin-mediate • • : . - The following conversation is 'reported between two bad boys at the Fjfth 4,ve nue Hotel; New York : Pat asks Mike : "What's this suspension of the banks !" "Hist ye 1" 'Mike replies. "1.11.te1l ye. Suppose ye have'five cents," 4iyis.// "Leave it 'wit' me." i‘ yie "Next day ye want it, and• ye ax mo for it " "Yis." • "I tell ye : No, sir, I've used it ,me •Eelf." A Des Moines druggist sent his clerk out to drum for sales of oil. He call, up en a tradesman, and tossed' a card upon .the counter saying that he represented that establishment. The man . picked it up, gave it a steady look, and - said it was a ;fine establishment, and was informed by .a clerk that he bad represented it about , three years, whereupon he remarked to the youth that he supposed he would soon be a partner. The youth said he would Abe pleased to sell him some coal oil, and that his establishment handled more oil than any other in Des Moines. The trades man took anotfier look at the card, and 'asked the boy if he wasn't mistaken. He blushingly guessed he was, as he return- , .ed the girl's picture to his ,pocket. WHAT I BEGIN TO BE,LIEV.E.-I begin to believe, now-a-days, that money makes the man, and dress, the woman. I begin .to 'believe, that the - Purse is more potent then the-sword and pen together. I.begin to, believe that those wbo sin the most • during the week .are the ,most devout on Sundays. I begin to believe that man was not made to enjoy life, tut keep himself mis erable in the pursuit anti possession of riches. begin to believe the surest remedy for hard times .and tight moneyanarket, is an extravagant expenditure ,ou the part of , individuals to keep the _money moving. I begin to believe that piano-fortes aro more necessary in a family then meat and potatoes; to beliove that a boy' Who does' 'not,swear, smoke and chew tobaceo„,may be a very good bey., but is naturally very stupid. I begin to believe if the devil should 'die.ane half would bothrowu .out.of employmeut. I begin to believe be has most merit who makes the most noise in his own be half; and tbat when,Gabriel comes T uot lo be - behind the-tie - Ifs—he teo; - plow . his owl horn pretty loud. at young man wi ou are sure