m2r.: ,±6's • : 'WAYNESBORO'MARKET. (CORRECTED WEEKLY.) , - BACON -- -- 6e HAMS 10 BUTTER - 22 .EGGS LARD POTATOES APPLES-DRIED ..A.P.PLES - GuEEN HARD SOAP BALTIMORE, Dec. 15, 1873 FLOUIt.—The market for Flour is firm with an upward tendencyin prices; - Sales Western Family at $7.37i®57.75. WHEAT.—Good white at 170 ®lBO cents; do. choice amber at 185 cents; and do. good to primered at 1701g182 cents, bulk at 177® 180 cents. CORN.—White at 62®72 cents, yellow at '68®70 cents, old at 75 cents for white and 76 ibr yellow. OATS.—Mixed western at 48 cents and bright do. at 49 cents. RYE.—Fair at 85 cents and prime at 90 cents. PHILA. CATTLE MARKET, Dec. 15. Cattle advanced:; demand fair; State and Western Steers $5.500 - 47 for fair to good; s 4 ® .5 for cararnon; $7.75®8 for choice. Sheep in fair demand; sales 9,000; ss®6i. Hogs higher,; sales 7 ; 000, $7,50®7,75. arITIE subscriber offers for rent TWO 1 DWELLING HOUSES on Broad Street, Waynesboro'. One is a two-story frame building; with five rooms, the other a two story Ilrick builtllnz, with five rooms and a kitchen. ALEX. HAMLITON. dec-IS-tf WHEAT WANTED. ,PIM subscriber announces to the farm ;ll- ers of Washington and 9pkic3. town nps tiiihe purposes superintending his milling interests in person during the win. ter season, and will pay the highest market price for wheat delivered at his Mill. When notat the mill he will be found at the Bow den House, in Waynesboro'. •dec 18-tf DAVID PATTERSON. :RINGGOLD STILL AIIEAD ! G - RimAa -, REDUCTION IN GOODS! mrsow fe. YYo Have just returned from the Eastern ci !ties with their third supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Call see them as they are cheap. • Our CURISTNIAS STOCK is fine. Coal Oil 110 ,lire test 25 ets. per gallon, best Rio Coffee 25 ets. per pound. We take in exchange for ; goods, all kinds Poultry, Game and Country Produce of every kind. We want Jlog Hair and Walnut Kernels. We deal in•everything saleable. dcc 18-tf , C. H..DETROW iSz CO. NOTICE. N election for twelve directors of the A Waynesboro' Mutual Fire Insurance Company—for the ensuing year—will be held at the oilice of the Company. in Way nesbto o', Pa., on the second Monday of "January, A. D., 1874, from 1 P. M. to 41'. 3f. JOS. DOUGLAS', dee 11-3 w Secretary. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NTOTICE is hereby given that the under -111 signed has been appointed Assignee of l'eter Geiser, of Waynesboro', Pa., under a deed of voluntary assignment for the bene fit of creditors. All persons knowing them selves indebted to, said Peter Geiser will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them at once to the undersigned. S. B. RINEHART, dee 1,1-'it Assignee. !yALOIDN it E-0 PEN ED. TIMIE subscriber announces that he has I. rated and re-opened the Oyster Saloon connected with the Bowden llonse. Finest Oysters the market will afford can be had all hours during the day or evening. Oys ters also sold by the pint or quart. 14-W4lentlemen with ladies will be serv ed in the Hotel Dining Room. dee 11-tf S. P. STONER. PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber, Administrator of Henry Heuicle, dee'd, will offer at Public Sale, in front of his store, On Saturday the 27th of December, '73, A Tract of Unimproved Land, containing about 13 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, adjoining lands of Dr. D. Frantz, Henry Dunbrake, and others. tel. Persons wishing to view the land will please call on the undersigned. sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by THEODORE IV lESNE , A dm'r. dcc 4--ts Geo. V. Mong, auct. A DESIRABLE HOMESTEAD AT PRIVATE SALE ! IrTIE undersigned offers at Private Sale his property, lying on the road leading from Waynesboro' to Ringgold, about 11 miles from the former and f of a mile from 6arver's Mill. The improvements are a TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, (weatherboarded,) with good Basement ; a]- so Cistern, Cave. Hog Pen, Stable, &c., to gether with a variety of Fruit Trees, such as Apple, Pear, Yeach,‘Plum, Grapes, &c. The lot contains 1+ A eres of Land, which abound in fine Building Stone, Curbing, &c. Special attention is called to the conveni ence of the Mill and School ',Louse. For further particulars call on the subscriber. We'll' not sold it will be forwent the coal. ing year. JOSEkii. F. EMMERT. dec 4-5 w " COACHaILVOIS I BUSINESS RESUMED. . THE subscriber announces to his former patrons amt.thc public generally that he has recommenced the Coach-making busi ness at the old stand, Hamilton & Morri son's, in Waynesboro'. All descriptions of work in his line will be made to order as formerly, in good style and upon reasona; blo terms. Repairing also a•jll receive prompt attention. He will leave nothing undone to give satisfitctlon to all who may be pleased to favor him with their patron age or even a portion of it. aug 21— L. K. MOnISON. 4,nsoLuTE DIVORCES Obtained from Courts of different States for desertion, No publicity required. No charge un til divorce granted. Address M. HOUSE, Attorney, 194 Broadway, V. clec 4—Gm • Notice to Trespassers. THE subscriber informs the public that 5 all persons who trespass on the land of John Leber of C., by carrying off wood or chips will he dealt with to the full extent of the law, w ithout respect to persons A. CORDON. 1818. THAN MV ER lIIIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO'S, 'TANTE just received our second supply of _LIFO and Winter Goods, to which we call the attention RAMC Grocerles, Gil Cloths, Carpets, OIL BLINDS, BOOTS AND:SHOESI - Cassimers, Cloths Lawns, Kentucky Jeans, • Tickings, Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds. CM.Give us a call before going elsewhere and we will convince you we are selling as cheap 1113 the cheapest• AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. dee 4-tf W VER MEMENTO, This first-class chromo will be given to ev ery subscriber to Godey's Lady's Book for 1874. Whether to a Single Subscriber for $3 or in a club of six, for Sl4. Address L. A. Ciodey N. E. Cor. Sixth & Chestnut Sts, Phila., l'a. ItEirSee terms in Lady's Book for clubs."o34 riIAKESONSIGHT. — Litit and-heSt coin; I lunation for canvassers, Agkt:Ond Sales then! Henry Ward Beecher's Wily news paper gives every subscriber a pair of the largest and finest Oleographs—two most at tractive subjectat 'take' on sight-paint ed by Mrs. Anders tn, as contrasts and com paniems for her 'Wide Awake' and 'Fast A sleep.' Agents have immense success ; call it the best business ever offered canvassers. We furnish the lightest and handsomest outfit, and pay very high commissions.— Each subscriber receives without delay two beautiful pictures, which are ready for im mediate delivery. The paper itself stands peerless among family journals, being so popular that of its class it has the largest circulation in the world! Employs the best literary talent. Edward Eggleston's serial story is just begining ;. back chapters sup plied to each subscriber. Mrs. Stowe's long expected sequel to 'My Wife and I,' begins in the new year. Any one wish- '4 GENTS ing a good salary or an indepen-AWANTED dent businesssliould send for circulars and terms to J. B. Ford & Co., New York, Bos ton, Chicago. Cincinnati or San Francisco. $. 201 erd a ' e kge f ts wanted sTO II classes of people of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time than at anything else. 'Particulars free. Address G. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. Teachers, Students, Clergymen, Postmas ters, and wide-awake Young Men, and "Wo men of all classes : You can easily earn a first-class Sewing Machine; or books sufficient to stock a li brary ; or some valuable pictures to beauti fy Your homes; or a nice Stereoscope; or a good Time-keeper (Clock or Watch) ; or a Music Box ; or a Gold Pen ; or a Photo graphic Album ; or a Stand Kerosene Lamp for your parlor ; or a fine Accordeou ; or a Webster Unabriged Quarto Dictionary; or Rodgers' World-renowned Statuary Groups; or a fine Violin, or a Remington Rifle Cane; or a Remington double barrel breach load ing Shot Gun; or a Cabinet Organ worth $1.10; by simply working up your unoccu pied time in a way explained in the circu lars of the M. H. P. CO., 129 East 28th St.. New York. 10 $ TO $lOO in Wall St. often leads to a fortune. No risk. 32-page pamph let for stamp, Valentine Tumbridge 6: Co., Bankers and ;Broken . , 39 Wall St., N. V. I suffered with Catarrh 30 years, and was cured by a simple remedy. ill send receipt and postage free to all afflicted. Rev. T. J. Mead, .drawer 376, Syracuse, N. Y. A DVERTISERS' GAZETTE. SO pagec. /I.Sent by marl for Eye. Address Geo. P. Rowell Co., 41 Peek Row, N. Y. THE subscriber notifies the public that a he will run a Daily Coach commencing on Tuesday the 11th inst., from Wavnesno ro' to Mt. Alto via. Quincy and Funkstown. Will leave Waynesboro' at 5:50 A. M., ar rive at Mt. Alto, at 7:2.0, making connection with the early train for Chambersburg, Harrisburg, etc., by which train passengers can reach Harrisburg by 11:35, A. M.; Phil adelphia 3:30, P. M. New York 6:34, P. M. Will leave Mt. Alto at 6, P. M. and arrive .at Waynesboro' at 7:30, P. M. ell express matter promptly attended to. FA c.—Through tickets to Chambersburg furnished for $l.OO. Persons wanting tick ets will put their names on slate to be found at the hotels and Post Office. may 29, 1573-tf JOS. KEEPERS. OIL CLOTHS. A large lot of Floor Oil Cloths of ilifferept widtlis 4nd pricer-. at Nov.:2S A MBEIZSON,I3In..ta - r CO'S. CHEAPER .of.our customers and the public generally We have full stock of the following ,Queensware, d wa,re GEO. P. POW ELL & CO'S, COLUMN "TRUE TO NATURE." OLD MAIDS I If 0 It STAGE LINE. NEW ARVERITIiSEMENEC 1873. DAUCHY & (O'B.. COLUMN. SAMPLES sent by Mail for 50c that retail quick for $lO. R. L. SCOTT, 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. . • .novl3-4w WENTWORTH'SKey-ring and Check com bined. Ger. Silver sample 15r. Circulars free Stafford Man'fg. Co., a Fulton St., N. Y. _ I,RINGS you free by mail the very beat $3 'Elastic Truss.' Write atone() to Pom roy ez Co., 744 Broadway, N. Y. 4w IPHE MAGIC COME sent by mail to any 11 one for $l. Will change any colored hair to black or brown and contains no poisbn. Trade supplyed at low rates. Address MAG IC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass. 4w IOR three 3-cent Stamps we will send The Aurora (a paper the size of N.Y. Ledger) for 3 months, and as iiremium any one of the following articles: 1 fine Chrmo 1 fine Photograph, 1 fine Bosom Pin, 1 fine set Sleeve Buttons, 1 fine Collar Button.— Send at once to The Aurora Pub. Company, Springfield, Mass. AGNIFICENT; new bible success. One. .I.ll.man just cleared $94 in 4 days, selling the complete Domestic Bible just out. New Type and taking features. SOO engravings, superior paper, .excels every way and sells quick. Big terms to agents. Outfit free.-- For particulars, Addren_Hubbard Bro 4, Pubs., 723 Sansorn St., Phila., Pa. ie an eure o euma ism, c acute, Sprains, Bruises, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Stiff Joints, Strains, Glandular Swellings, Inflammation, Neuralgia, Bun ions, Catarrh, 4ze. Will not grease or stain the most delicate fabric which makes it a luxury-in-exery-faanilyAry-it—and - be - con vinced of its great merit. Price 25 cents per bottle. REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r, 203 Green wich St., N. Y. 4w The Highest Medical Authority of Europe sa he stronlestffonic, rifler_ansille_ae_._ struent known to the medical world is JURUBEBA. It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 16 PLattlit., X. Y. 4w 200 PIANOS AND ORGANS New and Second-hand, of First-class Makers will be sold at lower prices for cash., ,or on Installments, in City or Country, during this financial crisis and the holidays, by Horace Waters & Son, No. 481 Broadway, than ever before offered in New York. Agents wanted for the sale of Waters' Celebrated Pianos, Concerto and Orchestra Organs. Illustrated Catalogues Mailed. Great inducements to the Trade. A large, discount to ministers, churchs, sunday-schools, etc. .50m-IUNJ Agents - Wanted. Samples sent free by mail, with terms, to clear from $5 to $lO a day. Address N. 11. White, Newark, N. J. - dee 4-4 w ..UiMi.TßlN.G.SsllliltiollWit.:'! A Lugo book, full of good *lnfra valuable reacts, and important in fnrniatilln. moiled for two On mput, Address. & CO.. 624 tIiZW Axe., Nore AGENTS WANTED.. A profitable and respectable business il'or men or women who have or can make leis tire time and wish to convert it into mon ey. For circulars address, Star Lamina Ware; 80 Beekman St., New York. dec.l.-4t "'DS YCHOMANCY, or Soul Charming:" How eithei sex may fascinate and gain the lore & affections of any person they choose instantly. This simple men tal acquirement all can posess, free, by mail for 25 cts., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirt, &c. A queer book. Address, T. William & Co. Pubs. Phila. Pa AGENTS WANTED FOIL EVERYBODY'S OWN PHYSICIAN. By C. W. Gleason, M. D. A magnificent volume abounding in important information and elegantly illustrated. One Agent took 100 orders in one week. Price and terms to suit the times. For circular's address IL N. McKinney R. Co., 16 N. 7th St.. Phila„ Pa. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, Use WELLs' CARBOLIC TABLETS • Put uR only in Blue Boxes. A tried and sure remedy. Sold by all drug gists. 4w rcu'lmPZ - ' l 'Fis'XLdi A '::i.NRA-S,F.NN'ICI;Fk:XA,I;.O:. Ds T. P. rt ,- -En• — BehlS mem, saYs, I paduatzl at the Latrersity arm:en In 12.33. and titer ZO years' experience. D perfected r. Plalor 2 a Vegetable Intel= at: a Syrup. I guarantee it an infallible mere for Nerve, Riley sad Rheuzaaged (scam. error's to. this 26th April. Int. F. A. OSEOIMN, Norm/ Pe*, rAikt. norml.o2 won culla bz it, end will satisfranvne writ us.Ror.Thoslif urfsbr, .D..Franldord,Pidla.Rer.cji. Rer..l.S.Dachenen.Clareisee.Tiewa.Rev (LG./3mi th, Pittsford. N.Y.R er..Toe.Regre. Falls Church, Phila.,AntAftlieted sbauldwrite Dr.ritler.Phft,.ferexpla natory Pamphlet & guarantee,mtis.no R earerdlerae. .carablo lemo.No cure no chargoArcality.Sold by druteets. ..._ .. , . _ LAR„ pit'ir- .4 "1r . .: -- • i sf it 1 3 : '.. ' '• tc k-.‘ Es • XT per. -.- ' .., -.. rt . t .EDICAL IOL '-- -- - . - ." Rf ~- - --.=-5 -- : .iscoVE . .• ~ cures alt Humors from the rorstScrohila to a common Blotch or Pimple. From two to six bottles are 'warranted to care Salt itheurit or Tenor, Pimples on racc,Mlcals, Car. buncles, Erysipelas and Liver Cora plaint. Six to twelve bottles warranted to cure the worst Scrofulous Swellings and Sores Pains In Bones and Soro Throat caused by Poison in Blood or mercurial treatment. By its wonderful pectoral properties it will cure the most severe recent or the worst lingering Cough in halt the time required by any other , rneclielne„and is perfectly sale. loosening cong,h, soothing irritation, and relieving soreness. Sold by all Druggists. B. V. nriencE, B.a World's Dispensary, MAMA'. VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber, Administrator of Chris tian F. Bowman. dec'd, oilers at Private Salo the Brick House and lot of ground, on South Street, and nearlv oppobite the resi dence of George Frick, * known as the Barr property. There arc also a fine stable on the lot, a good cistern, etc. The whole is under new and substantial fencing, The buildings are new and the beation a very pleasant one for a private family. For fur ther particulars call on GEORGE FRICK, oct 9-tf Adm'r. "r) _L-^A.- I MR, - Y... I MIIE subscriber notifies the public that he has commenced the Dairy business and will supply citizens regularly every morning with t‘tillc or Crenm at low rates. Ile will also leave a supply at M. Geiser's Store where persons can obtain either at ct ny hour during the day. no 27-tf , BE J. TRICK. LUMBER. 301000 ne w t nt o, ( i l r i different grades 3 ./ by FRICK & CO., mrylstf] S. B. .0 ",,, , TEW WINTER. GOODS now ophjng at AnDEßsus, rENEDLCT 4 `CAMPHORINE" discovery of the age for the re- 1865. UR DLO BEN= LPN! .421.. 111.313111:1 ®offer account of the scarcity of money will illoffer his goods to Cent and Paosiprbuy em, dt a small advance on cost. White and Brown Sugars, Coffee, Tea, New Orleans lUolasses. M5Q!!!!! Mackerel & Herring, .altTConc; - Lye, Kerosene and Safety Oil, Soaps, garden Seeds, Shoe Brushes, Bed Cords, Baskets, &c Candy, niiisins, Prunes. Lemons, Oranges, &c Also Essences and Extracts for cooking purposes. A nice line of Crackers and Fancy .Calices. PIC -NW PARTIES gill find 12 varieties of fancy Crackers and lakes, including the Straw-berry, Macar oon, Lemon Snaps, Lady Gingers Spice Jum bles and Mushroom, Cove Oysters of the best Wands in one and two pound cans, Dried Beef. In short anything wanting in the Grocery line can be found in good stock and at low prices for the "ready money." SErI am still taking applications in the best and strongest Companies in the world —The N. Y. Mutual has assetts of sgo,ooo,- COO. It costs less in this company, and the policy holder need have no uneasiness as to whether the company can holdout—l in sure against accidents in the Travelers of Hartford. june 12-tf PUBLIC SALE. WAYNESBORO' BREWERY. IN pursuance ofan order of the Orphans' Court of Franklin county, Pa., the under signed, Administrator de bonus non of Sue A. Gordon. dec'd, will sell at Public Sale, (without fail) on the premises, ON TUES DAY THE 23D OF DECEMBER, 1873, A YA LU ABLE DWELLING HOUSE AND BREWERY, situated on the corner of West and Main Streets, in Bo7ough of Waynesboro', both of brick and, newly built, the Brew House, being two and the Dwelling three stories high, the latter is finished in extra fine style. They front 85 feet on Main Street. The Brewery has a depth of 40 feet and the Dwelling with back building 60 feet. The main buildings are covered with a TIN ROOF. The whole at rk little expense could be converted into a first-class hotel proper ty or into two dwellings. The Brewery is in complete order with a never-failing well of water in the building, with Two Arched Cellars sufficiently large enough to store 300 barrelg of beer. There is also a NEW BOWLING ALLEY, connected with the Brewery. The Brew ery has one of the finest bar-rooms in the county, with Billiard, Bagatelle and Grain Rooms on the second - floor: Both buildings are arranged according to the latest style of architecture, with a first- class HEATER in the cellar. There iv also on the lot an Ex cellent Frame Stable, sufficient]. large for five horses and two cows ; Carrisge House, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, Smoke House and Bake Oven under one roof, large cistern, &e. Car The Brewery or Dwelling will be of iered together or separate to suit purchas ers. ':. 4 ale to eornmenceat 1 o'clock when terms will be made known by GEO. H. DAVIDSON, Ad in'r, de bonus non. 310 V 2A-tS Geo. V. ?Hong, auct. Ilceosrronv copy and charge advertiser. '' FURNITME! nINITURE!! WORTH SEEING ! THE display i of line Furniture, such as Dressing ureaus, Wash Stands. Bed steads, Extension Tables, Centre 'Tables, Wat Nots, Hat Racks, Children's Cribs, (ke. Everything in the Cabinet-maker line—the ;hest in market, having been carefully and substantially manufitetured out of the very best material—at H. DEntow's, "1 doors East of the Presbyterian Church, East Main St., Waynesboro', Pa. ('all and see his display. Prices low. Thankful for past favors he hopes to be able to merit a still further slm) of the public's patronage. nov 13—tf H. DETROW. NEW MILLINERY 6: 4 00D5. 'fur ISs K ATE STICKLE announces to her .I.Ticnstomers and the ladies generally that she has returned from the -.East, and has now for sale a full line of handsome Millinery Goods, embracing all the latest styles. She solicits an inspection of her stock. nov 6-tf N)01141 171 E S Tic t• nrz . .$ 0 54 j • „ eq. , • 514101 A.. !. -t alLgork.t.s; NAiret.33.t Cs Cie onso FOR CATALOGUE. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., NEW 10111. sept 18-]3t lOT 031 A C HERRING—New and bright in barrels just received. • niav22-tf W. A. REID. INNA MON. nlspice, mustard.cloves.and IL:other spiees whole or ground, • at Grocery 1873. FILL &VINTER. 1871. 1873. lEr AVE Plat opened their First Simply of JULFALL AND WINTER GOODS, and in vite the atttention of the public to their as sortment and prices. .Synws, Molasses, Sugar Cured Ham Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Queensware of all kinds always on hand. BLACK ALPACAS a s.p_eciality—Rememb_er—w_e_keep_exery, thing that von call for in our line.. & HCEFLICH, 2 doors South of Bank, Waynesboro', Pa. REMINGTON EMILY SEWING EMU ! rl'-LE subscriber. announces to the public that he has the agency for the sale of the "Remington_Family—Sewing—MachineL in Franklin county. Having tested its work ' ing qualities and capacity for several months_ he can safely recommend it as the very REST MACHINE; ZZV USE. Its construction is such that it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. In factories where the speed has been registered, over 3000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease. It is strong in all its parts, ..and free from the harsh and jarring movements; and friction, common in inferior machines. A Simple change of the needle and thread and it will sew the finest cambric or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity, of thread thus saving in a great measure the trouble of filling the bobbins. The Remington has no rotary etuns, cog wheels or lever arms to make a 'noise, run hard, or to get out of order. Any girl,of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. The subscriber also informs his customers and the public that he has just opened out his new FALL AND IVINTER SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSEHERES, VESTINGS, andel] otherzoods for gentlemen's wear.— Ile solicits an inspection of his stock. 0ct,16-tf T. J. FILBERT. FILL A.ND MINTER ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS! D. Summers & Son, . QUINCY, PENN'A, Have just returned from the city with a full line of DRY GOODS, Suitable for the FALL AND WINTER Wear. Are offering bargains in CLOTHS, CASST NIERES, JEANS, COTTONADES, REPPS, GINGHAMS, MUSLIN., TICKINGS, COTTON & ALL WOOL FLANNELS, &c. Also a full line of NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they will.sell at low figures. A full • line of Gr Mrt. 4CI 41D E Mt I M . such as Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, f&c., &c., at low rates—your examination.is invited. Yriai - Come, examine our prices and judge for yourselves I oct.o, 1873-1 y THE BEECHER- THE GREAT SENSA - TION. A full and rens- Tll f r N - ble I dal 4is o t o n ri u o . I f io t the o F cv r s e a l t v e i s th t, s c c o a rn n : *WOODHULL prehemive biographical counts of all parties interest ,ielim,cattueisiadnindgilslstietrhviinesisdneett‘t,s: er before published; full history of the Woodhull "Utopia." The sketch of Beech er pronounced the best ever written. What prominent men and women have to pay of this scandal. All about it nill kr_LINV written by a well known au un thor. Not offensive to the most fastidious; about 400 pages. Illustrated. The greatest sellinghook ever offered Canvassers. Exclu sive Territory. It is rapidly tilling up. You must secure it now. Big commission. Pros pectus, canvassing book and complete out fit sent on receipt of seventy-five cents.— Circulars, terms, etc., free. Address THE BEVERLY COMPANY, Wabash Ave. and 221 St., Chicago, 111. nov 27-4 t • TAILORING. rrITIE subscriber announces to his old ens tunierA and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. Ills place of business is on Lei tetsburg street, nearly opposite Beh's Pot tery. JOa. ANDERt, , ON. may 1-tf SASE_ A'LARGE lot of extra stone sing do jaw stor.e.4, LA A. tz. _Moan's saw mill. ta.ty PRICE & IrCEPWCH IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS OF EVERY KIND. Cloths, Cassimeres, Ladies' Goods, Hosiery, Gluveg, Carpets •and kind and at prices to suit customers Oct 2—tf FILL AND WINTER GOODS, COON & STONEHOUSE RAVE just received a large and well selected stock of new Fall and Winter Goods, which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock consists in part of wrI3T - 7;17 - T'Pr'u;pn of the newest and latest styles; Goods of every description for men and boy's wear; Shirting Stripes, it Brown and Bleached Mnslins, Sheeting. Tiekings, Liuen cic Cot ton Table Diapers, • Towels 6: • Toweling, Notions, Balmorals, Ginglnuns, a large lot White Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, er Window Blinds, Oil & Pa a. es ace om s a s, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, Women and Children, . _Linen, Lace_S: Papper Collars -Laces,-Edging-and-Inserting, Bak and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and. Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with •Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON 4.• STONEHOUSE. oct. 30, 1873 Of every 1873. 1 F-Ailii J. W. MILLER & CO Have received their FALL AND WIN- TER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CEDARWARE, BOOTS, Their stock is full in every department and the public are invited to call and EXAMINE GOODS and prices as they offer G4EATER BAR CrAINS than ever. J. W. M. & CO. oct 16-tf War6FERSBEBOXB'S .jV Y STABL.za, WAYNIMBORO% PA. FIIHE undersigned has again resumed the JL Livery business in all its branches, after a suspension of several years, with every thing new and in complete order. His hors es will be found safe and in the best condi tion.. The buggies are all of the latest and best manufactures. Whips, Robes, Blank ets, ice., in abundance and in ample order. In fact a livery not to be surpassed by any in the country. He is also contactor for carrying the U.S. Mail from Greencastle to the W. M. R. R. via of Monterey Springs. The Omnibus leaves Waynesboro' in the morning and returns again in the \ evening. Also a daily line to the IV. M. R. R. via of Monterey. ter All Express matter carefully handled and attended to with dispatch. Attentive hostleri always in attendance and at the services of the traveling public. may L.'9---tf] 3. R. WOLFEESBERGER. WAYNESIIOI:O', PA., April 21st, 1373 NOTICE! A ITER an absence of fifteen years? again locate in the town of IVavuesbero for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also plain suits to suit certain classes of men. Particular attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in eyle. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of Dr. Strickler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic street. By strict attention to business, and a disposition to please all, I hope to receive a liberal share of public pa tronage. .&c. • J AS. A. ISHEaprilß. A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDENT DENTIST. tThl g. ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Organs lit Ise Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his ofh We being acquainted with Dr. Dranis holts socially and professionally recoznineutl him CO all desiring the services of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. litatiNo, J. N. • • A. H. STIUCK.I,I:I?., 1. Is:. SNIVELY, `` A. S. 13oNs.sii.tgz, 'l'. D. EimNcii. julyl7—tf _ _ WON EN Stik.E., min subscriber offers for sale 1430 Cords -IL of Wood, hickory and oak. which is easy of access, • being about a half a mile from the public road. and near Samuel Welty's residence. Sept. 3—tf - t DAVID LOHR. .S it NJ E THE subscriber has now for sale a prime article of Chestnut Shingles, a supply of which he will continue to keep on hand.— lie has also for .511 e .I.lrie lot of Watering Laths. •April 18 6. B. 11.f.NE:IAIIT Table Covers, Calicoes, Irish Linens, 1874. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, SHOES, AND GAITERS, NEW STORE.' BOOTS, SH OES, &C TACOB SNIDER announces to the Mi fzens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has just *returned from the Eastern cities And has opened a first-class BO OTC SHOE STORE in the Oellig building , nn the Dimond where every.desoription of goods Mills line can be found..such as MEN' S BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, CIII LDRENS WEAR OF ALL KINDS, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT POSSIBLE PRICES FOR • Also manufacturing done to order, and all work from establishnivot - will - be . "k, guaranteed. B ALL RIPS SEWED GRATIS aug.2S-tf • AT ELDEN'S -0- kY - alm, Lye Ise - found a full and pr stock of 0-T-S-A-N-D-S-U-Ola -- S - i - HATS AND TRUNKS, PAPER COLLARS WEAR, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, KINDS OF NOTIONS. Sal... Watches and Jewelry repaired. . North East Corner of Public square. Dec 5, 7872—tf HOW IS THIS FOR lIIGII, JOHN FORD in returning thanks to the II public for their patronage announces that he intends removing his shop to the Base ment of Walker's Building, (and not leav ing town .is is the belief of many) where he inten.'s carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS as usual. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash for my stock and must have my money. Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletcher," prowl ing about my shop seeking whom he may devour, &c. Customers will therefore find me at the Basemen'. refered to after the first of April next. ]an 26] JOHN FORD. NEW TIN STORE MHE undersigned would most tespectenlly inform the citizens of Waynesboro', and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover it Wolfl's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a gOod supply of COOK ct COAL STOVES, • MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to • snit the times. All kinds of work done in his line w•itli neatness and dispatch, such as roofing, apouting and repairing. You :will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red- Coffee Pot, Always on • the , post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes.fur a-con tinuance of the same. Yours Regpeel fully % FRET BOOT AND 580EXWif..01G. PEE subscriber would inform the.public that lie is at all times prepared tO make o order Gents Colrse of t ue Boots,":also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding the latest stvlA of lasting, Gaiters.— Repairinz, (lone at short entice„ and measur es taken in private hunmei if desired on East Main Street, in the room i;,rtnerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and ielxi tore. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH WO !CE. rrIHE sub.cribers have on hand and for -IL sale at the Mill of I.'t4er Fahnestock a. gnantiiv of Corn, Eye and Oat.. which they will sell at a small profit for cash. Per. , i ins in want of any or the above nante,l pra'as w ill ilu AVVii h ling IP; a call, and itt trn our price,. as they w ill be such as mil, be satisfactory. April 1.3 . -tf 11.00VER...;.: SUMMERS SADDLE AM) IitRXESS MAIMG. rr'llE•sofiNvriber announces to the pulilic That i:e has lea,ed the rown adjoining the Shoe-in:ll,er shop of .1 ohn.Ford. oppn ritc the Ron den House. whore lie Las con:- mem:et' the ;addle and Harne. , s inak:rtg business. Ile is prepared ti de all worl: :a hi: , line with dispatch and :it rea:onalde price: -- Ile flatters hinn,elf that 1::s Iwl4 experience in the. busint.::s will ona'ile Lint give general satisfaction. 12-tf (;1:.0. A 1111.1. CUES:TN U'l' RA I I,N. SOni INA) Choke Chestnut Rails for UPpost fence forscde, in fropt of Mon treey Springs Iloiel. EnquiroT.A mar. 13-tf li. TINGLING, CORN FOR SALE. URN can now be livid of the bulmeriber, 'wholesale or retvil, :tt 85 centaper barrel Ile WE. Eno Oats for ' ALEX. juy-24 LADLES' AND THE LOWEST E ASH AICD NECK- UNDER-WEAR, AND ALL