The Waynesboro' village record. (Waynesboro', Pa.) 1871-1900, December 18, 1873, Image 2

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    Ntaptsbord *coy&
Thursday, Deaember 18, 181%
—Judge Underwood' died in Washing
ton on Sunday a. week..
Nfir•There are 35a.deer in Druid Hill
Bark, Baltimore.. The old bucks have
damaged . a great number of trees with
their horns, tuulso 45.0 f them were recent
ly killed: "
Th.; abbe : ve
been, found guilty. -They were sentenced
to pay the costs of the prosecution, (a
mounting to about $2,500,) pay a foie of
000 each, to stand la the pillary each one
hour, each to be whipped with tbrty lash
es, and imprisoned for ten years, to begin
on the 10th inst-
Se - Sometime during the -Summer an
account of the atrocious murders comtnit
ted by the Bender family in Kansas was
published. A despatch-from Columbia,
South Carolina, says that the father and
mother, who were residing near Biviugs
vile, Spartansburg county, S. C, have
been arrested, and that detectives are in
pursuit of other members of the family in
:North Carolina.
The old military.prisons at Rich
mon , me u ihg Libby and Castle Thun
der, stand just as they did during the war,
their internal arrangements having been
altered little if any_. They_are both now
used as tobacco manufactories. From the
south wall of Libby still swings the old
sign, "Libby Prison," put up by the Con
federates during the war, and it is propos
ed to let the old sign swing until it falls
by its own weight.
)'Mary Sinith, a colored woman, di
ed- in Baltimore last week rat the remark
able age - of - 105-years. The-Sun-says of
her Until the past year she retained a
vivid remembrance of scenes and incidents
in the revolutionary war. Her eyesight
was good and she had never used specta
cles, and never had a decayed tooth. Un
til three weeks ago she appeared regular
ly upon the streets in South Baltimore,
weather permitting, and was regarded
with some superstition by many people..
min the House, on Wednesday, a
resolution was offered, and referred to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, to the ef
fect that, in view of recent events, hu
manity dictates an early recognition of
Cuban independence ; that the continued
existence of African slavery on the island
is inconsistent with and injurious to the
civilization of the continent, and that it is
the duty of the United States Govern
ment to exert all means for its speedy
ter Among the matters that will en
gross the attention of Congress at the pres
ent session will be the consideration of a
constitutional amendment changing the
method of electing the President and Vice
President. It does away with the Elec
toral College by enabling the voter to
vote direct for the .candidate far Presi
dent or Vice President whom he prefers.
I: also creates a tribunal for the divi
sion of disputes which may arise about
the legality of any portion of the elec
looking to a modification of the law abol
ishing the franking privilege, so far as the
transmission of newspapers through the
mails are concerned, have already been
introduced in the Senate and it is possible
that newspapers may be permitted to cir
oulate free in the counties in which they
are published, as heretofore. A bill has
also been introduced in the Senate provid
ing for the resumption of specie payments
and free banking. Nice-President 'Wil
son having given notice that he would be
absent several weeks, Senator Carpenter,
Republican, was elected President, pro.
A is before the House to repeal the
bill of last March, fixing the salaries for
Congressmen and other' officials at what
they were belbre the passage of that act.
Also providing that at the expiration of
the present Presidential term the Presi
dent's salary shall be what it was before
the increase. The House has passed, by
yeas 141, nays 29, u general amnesty bill
which also repeals the test oaths of 1862.
in-Secretary .Riehardson has address
ed a letter to Mr. Dawes, Chairman of
the House Committee on Ways and
Means. setting forth that th e revenues of
'the Government are not sufhcient to meet
the demands made upon it, and rapist
ing that speedy lefislatiou be had to place
at his disposal the additional tam of for
ty-two million dollars. To meet these de-.
wands he recommends the restoration of
the duty on tea and coffee (which will
yield ohm t4S20,000,000), and an increase
or ten .cents per gallon on the tax impos
ed on , whiskey., tour cents per pound on
tobacco,. and the re-enactment of the law
taxing the gross •receipts of railroad coin
panii, express .corspanies, cox. If this
should not be sutheient to meet the am-
Jingency, he recommends the restoration
.of taxes included in htshedule B of the rev
elte law. All 01 these taxes and &peel
v the duties on tea and .culfce. are such
.tire equally dist ributed among. the peo
ple, awl can be borne v‘ithout hardship
to any On-A. 1t the same time the no
ce.rsity thr re-enacting On in should teach
or ny
.•tt Cr,
WifoLEsomE:lrE4sox.—A, n, exchange,
commenting upon the fate of the ring
thieves in Igew York, whq were lately rich
with_plundr, and laug
timent awl defied the arm of justice, says:
"Tweed sent to the penitentiary for
twelve years, Ingersoll sent to the State
prison, for fiize years ; , and Farrington for
eighteen months" take but little space in
the court reports, but they speak volumes
to. the American people of the dawn of a
new era in which official stealing will find
We hail the dawn of this period with sat
isfaction, for it assures us that the people
have an eye to their own interests, and
that the same rules of morality which gov
ern in private life are to be applied here
after to those' who hold public positions.
Let the fate of the ring in New York be
a warning to all who seek money through
dishonest means ; let it impress upon the
young and the 'ambitious the absolut ne
cesity of dealing honestly with all' men,
sand practicing in every day life that gol
den rule : "Do unto others as ye would
that others should do unto you." Wealth
may be attractive and worth striving for,
but, if got at the expense of honor, its pos
session will bring no enjoyment, but, like
the wealth. of Tweed, prove a curse to the
possessor. Far better the lot of the hon
est laborer; who enjoys the fruits of his
toil, \ Shan the lot of the rich thief who
continually fears the hand of justice.—
_Better be a poor man, eating the bread of
honest industry, then a millionaire on
Blackwell's Island.,
zrOn Thursday night last Mr. B. K.
Spangler, who—resides on South West
street, Carlisle, Pa., together with his fam
ily, came very near being suffocated by
gas from a coal stove in the following
manner : In one of the rooms on the
first floor is a stove, the heat-pipe of which
conn6Eith - theleetiing - appartments - on
the second floor, with a register. Shortly
before the family had retired for the night
the register was opened to allow sufficient
heat, in the rooms to make them comfor
table. Sometime during the night Mr.
Spangler was awakened • by one of his
children making a queer noise, and found
himself and the remainder of his family
almost smothered. Fortunately Mr. S.
had sufficient strength left him to reach
the front door of the house and call for
help. His brother who resides in the
house adjoining, on hearing his cries im
immediately proceeded to the assistance
of the sufferers, and found the sleeping
apartment entirely impregnated with coal
gas, and the inmates almost suffocated.
A physician was procured who adminis
trated the necessary medical restoratives
and in a short time the sufferers had al
most entirely recovered. This was a
most fortunate escape from death, and
should serve as a warning to others to
see that stoves are properly adjusted be
fore they retire for the night.— herald.
giving morning, says the Ebensburg Her
ald, a young married man, named Jesse
Hoffman, who resides at Loyd's station,
iu White township, left his home before
daylight in company with a man, a com
parative stranger in that section, for the
'purpose of visiting Altoona. He bad a
considerable sum of money about his per
son which he was to pay over to a party
in Altoona. Failing to return to his
home after a reasonable laps of time, a
party was dispatched to Altoona to ascer
tain if he was there. The party to whom
Hoffman was to pay the money was firit
visited, when it was ascertained that he
had not been there.
In the course of a week, the stranger
with whom Hoffman had gone away re
turned, and upon being questioned in re
regard to the whereabouts of Hoffman he
stated that the last he saw of him was in
New York. There are other circumstan
ces connected with this affair which are
highly suspicious of foul play, and which
we think it better to be withheld from
publication for the present. They are
sufficient, however, to demand the imme
diate arrest of this stranger, whose name
we have not ]earned. If he has not been
arrested ere this he• should be at once.
The stranger is a Southerner, and is em
ployed in the capacity of a "striker" in a
blacksmith shop at Loyd's station.
Zir Another of the props on which the
wretched Talderzook leaned has been ta
ken from him. One delusive hope still
remains, and when that vanishes he must
prepare to meet his fate with whatever
fortitude he can command. On Saturday
he was brought into Court at West Ches
ter to hear Judge Butler's decision upon
the motion for a new trial, which was
argued some days since. The motion
was cverruled, and the awful sentence of
death was pronounced. The prisoner's
counsel wade some inquiry as to the prop
er form of .a bill of exceptions, to be taken
to the Supreme Court, but it is doubtful
whether this will be done. An impres
sion prevails at West Chester that Udder
zook will soon make a. full' confession.
ger•Aaron Harris who kept a cigar
store in New York, was last week, upon
conviction of perjury; scut to the State
prison for ten years. The crime was one
which has of late been not unfrequent
an attempt to defraud an insurance com
pany. His store was burned, and he Made
clui m . swearibg that he had a large amount
of property in the building. • There were
grave suspicions that he had sot fire to the
u L waL on!y ',.)T.porjory.
Soral :pats .
counts - formbscription
:. T atlvertisingyetc.
are numerous and widely scattered, and
are difficult of collection under present
circumstances, we mike the following pro
positionto delinquents, viz.:
Upon all accounts settled in full, or in
part, before the fret day of January next,
a reduction of TEN PEE CENT. •Vill
made. After that date the costs of col
lection will be added. Those at a dis
tance making remittances will have the
per centage placed to their credit.
—Quo week 'till Christmas.
—Our town is healthy.
—See notice of houses for rent.
—Yesterday was pleasnat,autumn•like.
—The man with the "big feet" voted
for the new Constitution.
—The wheat fields in this section pre
sent a fine appearance.
—There are seven or eight colored mem
bers in the present Congress.
—Scatter crumbs for the little snow
—The weather continues mild for this
season of the year.
—Our county - jail is - said - to bo without
a prisoner.
—Sunday next, 21st, will be the short
est day.
—Pay that account before the beginning
of the New Year and save 10 per cent.
per dollar.
..Tuesday last was the day appoint•
ed for the surrender of the Virginius and
'Dealers in our town are all well
supplied with geods for the holiday sea
—The season, for the legal shooting of
partridges expires on the last day of De
The market for the most impor
taut staples, grain and pork, has just now
an upward tendency.
AGED LADY.—On the 3rd inst., Miss
Sarah Snyder, aged nearly ninety-three,
died at Smithburg, Md. •
SEir As the Holiday season draws nigh
dealers. in turkeys and other poultry are
active. The former commands 10 cents
(live weight) per pound.
Se-Messrs. C. H. Detrow & Co. of
Ringgold, have received their third sup
ply of new gebds. See advt. in to-day's
formed Sunday School will hold a Festi
val on Christmas evening in the Chapel.
The Public are invited to attend.
ili . TOWN.—Sheriii Greenawalt, a clev
er gentleman, but rather unwelcome visi
tor sometimes, was in town on Tuesdat..
Who his victim was, if any, we did not
are just stepping upon the in
clement season of the year, and to many it
looks like "the winter of discontent;" with
but little of sunshine to warm the outer
world or cheer the heart within.
MD .- Praying for the poor is all very
goof, but when accompanied by some
loaves and fishes, it is much more forci
_With the adoption of our new State
Constitution all Border Claims are under
stood "to have gone "where the woodbine
twineth." If so there is one consolation
in it that it finally settles a much vexed
FESTIVAI.—The Trinity Reformed Sun
day School of this place will hold its
Festival on Christmai night, Thursday
nest. The public are cordially invited to
ier At a recent meeting of the board
of directors of the Hagerstown bank, Mr.
Joseph G. Kausler was elected cashier in
place of his brother, Mr. John A. Kaus.
ter, who resigned on account of bad
RELIGIOM—Rev. W. E. Krebs of
Franklin and Marshall College, will
preach in St. Paul's Chapel on next Sun
day morning and evening, also ouChrist
mas morning. • Communion services on
Sunday the 28th, preparatory services on
Saturday previous.
Ifei'The Waynesboro' Brewery and
Dwelling, one of the finest properties in
our town, which was erected only a few
years since at a cost of over $12,000 by
Mr. A. D. Gordon, will again bo offered
at public sale by Mr. Davidson, adminis
trator, on Tuesday next. It will no doubt,
be sold at a sacrifice.
THE LARGEST H0,45.—0n Friday last,
'Mr. John Hicks of this place slaughtered
perhaps the largest hog of the season. If
any of our town or country friends can
exceil its weight—four hundred and seven
eyone pounds—we would like to hear from
—The Building Association at Marys
ville, Pa. has suspended for four months
owing to the stringency in money matters.
to hire. Jay Cooke relinquishes - her
dower right to meet the liabilities of her
e . C; • • a • I : 1874.
The two chromos presented to the subscrib
em 'of !'The Aldine" for 1874 are such
beautifuLandimusuaLworka_ofart-faith ,
ful, copies of actual paintings in all made
by the celebrated artist, Thomas Moran,
from studies of naiure—that we feel justi
fied in calling' special attention to them
These chromos represent scenes charac
teristic of the East and the West: the
White Mountains of New Hampshire,
and the Cliffs of Green River in Wyoming
4 . .14 . 1: s• ;:_L 1 Jt is ::0 rp
beautiful American scenery, it would be
difficult to find two, more picturesque or
charming views, unlike as nature in her
varying moods, yet appropriate companion
The view in the White Mountains gives
the beholder a grand and sublime scene
of the most famous region in New England,
a picture which is filled with the very spirit
of the region. • The top of the principal
mountain is surrounded by clouds of mag
ical beauty, which add life to the scene,
indicating, as they do action. The picture
is one of the elements—earth, air, water
thrown together by' the hand of the great
artist. Such a picture is always fresh, and
never grows dull.
The picture is exceedingly brilliant,
but none too much so for the heart of the
Great American Desert, where this scene
is laid. The foreground of this picture is
very rich, and the study of trees is delicate
and natural. One may carefully exam
in-e=th-eil-fwhole-list=of- chromes offed to
the public, and fail to find elsewhere so
much real artistic excellence as-in these .
two representative landscapes. They are
every way worthy of the great art journal
of America—" The Aldine."
case of Joseph Davis, convicted of the
murder of the miller, Abraham Lynn, in
Governor Whyte has decided the appli
cation for pardon or commutation of sew
tence adversely to the prisoner. The Gov
ernor .has determined that the course of
law shall he carried out, and in conformi
ty with it has issued the warrant for the
execution of Davis. The day fixed upon
is Friday, the 6th of February next. The
warrant is directed to the sheriff of Carroll
county, the county in which the murder
was committed. The Governor has also
issued the warrant for the execution of
Wm. H. McCotter, convicted of murder
in the first degree of his father-in-law, Ro
bert Insley, in Dorchester county, to the
sheriff of which county the warrant is di
ELECTION DAY.—Not much more than
half the usual vote was polled here on
Tuesday, but little interest being manifes
ted in the election. The majority against
the New Constitution was 22.
According to latest reports the Consti
tution has been adopted by a large ma
jority in the State. Had the election been
deferred until the regular spring election
day. a much larger vote would have been
brought out and the result possibly re
Stint will be seen by reference to a
card in to-day's paper that Dr. A. H.
Strickler, Chief Burgess, by authority
from the Town Cimucil, has deputized
Nylin. F. Horner, John H. Herr and Jno.
Fr: Miller, to assist Constable Robinson,
in preserving order upon our streets after
nightfall. At times of late our town has
been very disorderly, and all good citizens
will regard this action of the Council and
Burgess as necessary and therefore com
Such exhibitions of rowdyism as was
enacted on Church Street one evening last
week is a reproach to the community and
should not be tolerated in the future.
Y. M. C. A.—The following persons
have been elected officers of the Young
Men's Christian Association for 1874 :
President—Joseph Price
Vice Presidents--Jos. H. Crebs, Lewis
S. Detrich, Daniel Berlin, W. A. nice,
M. A ; Gordon.
Recording Secretary—D. 31. Good, jr.
C'or. Secretary—M. E. Eyler.
Treasurer--W. S. Aniberson.
NOT TO BLAME.—We stated in our last
issue that the Record addressed to Josiah
Benedict, at Highland, • 111. had been re
fused and that the Post Master requested
us to discontinue it. It, appears about
the time to which Mr. B. bad settled his
account, a year and nine mouths since, he
left that place requesting the paper to be
returned to us, but the P. M. failed to
give us the customary notice. So we ac
quit Mr. B. of any fraudulent intentions.
WHEAT WANTED.—It will be seen by
reference to his advertisment in to-day's
paper that Mr. David Patterson purposes
spending the winter in our midst and will
continue to pay the highest market price
for wheat. N.r. P. has one of finest mills
in the county with capacity to turn out
from 75 to 80 barrels of flour every twen
ty-four hours.
DEAD BEAT.—James B. Secrist of
linois, formerly of Quincy township, is
pretty largely in arrears 'to this office,
which amount he forgot to settle heave
he left the county, about a year ago. Un-
less James foots his bill in time we will
have to class his name for publication
with other rogues on our •"black list."
Im:rho trees are leafless. How dead
the vegetable kingdom lies. Stern winter
spreads her gloomy mantle all around.
To the farmers of Wallington and ad
joining township :-.You are requested to
,27th day of December,lB73 for the pur
pose ot .organizing a Farmers' Club and
take into consideration how to get the
the highest pries for what• you have to
sell. One plan has been suggested, and
that is that 'every farmer give about as
much money each year as his school tax
amounts to, the money to be used for the
go to the city and rent a house, and sell
by retail all the farmers wish to send him.
Let . him give good security, and take a
solemn oath that he will make a true re
-turn-of all that is sent to him, and if there
are any farmers that do not wish to join
the Club let them send their produce and
pay a small commission which will do as
well. To have te sell our butter at 15
cents per pound as many of us had to do
last summer, when-butter was sellingin
the city at 50 cents per pound is not good
'management on our part, and it is not on.
ly so with butter, but it is so with almost
everything the farmer has to sell. The
farmers get 15 cents for making a pound
of butter and the middle men get 30 cts.
for selling it. Almost every branch of
business men have their Societies, even
the miners and railroad men have their
s ocieties and strikes. The doctors have
their societies and meet and fix their pric..
es,-and we must-pay-them if we employ
them. Nearly all the well organized so
cieties are doing well and making money,
while we have to work •hard about six
teen hours out of every twenty-four, and
then cannot make more than. 4 per cent.
out of the money invested. Let every
farmer attend the meeting and if any one
has a better plan he is requested to bring
it forward. . A FARMER.
tg.IL-is_stated_that_Miss_Sipe who an
swered "I will not" in the marriage cere
mony in the church at'Yocumtown, York
county, a few weeks ago, was actuated by
a desire to be revenged upon the would-be.
grocim, Mr. Beltz. B. had been engaged
to Miss Sipo once before, and upon the
wedding•day, had failed to appear. He
then deserted her entirely, until a rival
claimant for her hand appeared, when he
again sought her favor. A slight misun
derstanding having recently occurred be
tween Miss Sipe and her new lover, Mr.
Beltz again renewed his attentions, and
the young lady thoughtlessly revenged
herself by taking him to the public altar,
before a crowded congregation, and there
rejecting him.
HEARTFf AND Horn.--We commend
this beautiful journal to our readers as
one of the ablest, purest, and most care
fully edited of all the literary and home
weeklies. Its stories are not of the trashy,
sensational character, yet are of absorb
ing interest, and will be read by every
member of the family with pleasure and
profit. Its edtorials are able, timely, in
dependent. The best American and for
eigh writers contribute to its columns;
and, take it in all, it is as near a 'perfect
Home Paper as is ptiblished in this or a
ny other country. ORANGE JUDD COM
PANY, Publishers, 245 Broadway, New
giiirln the death of Captain Fry, the
commander of the ill-fated Virginius, we
are afforded a signal example of heroism.
Ready from the first moment of danger
to take either dread alternative, "fight or
surrender," as his comrades might decide,
he never to the last moment lost his cool
ness or his bravery. In his own final end,
he found heart to make a manly appeal
for members of his crew who were innocent
ofany offence. All things possible he ar
ranged for, and when the time came he
marched fearlessly to his death. The
night before his execution he wrote several
letters to . friend's and relatives among
them one to his wife, which we think equal
in pathos and tenderness any composition
we have ever read. Well might any man
wish that in his last hours, if he had dread
ful death staring him in the face, he could
find heart to sit down calmly and say to
dear ones miles away un'!onscious of his
pending fate that he could die as became
a Christiaa soldier, with no regret but for
the pain his death would give his friends
In the death' of Joseph Fry the world
lost a hero.— Climb News.
re Cuba the most beautiful, thelargest
and most fertile of the lest Indian group,
is 750 miles in length, with au average
breadth of little more than forty, with 30,-
000 square miles, and both for its soil and
salubrity is called the Queen of the An
tilles, "the garden of the West, gorgeous
with perpetual flowers and brilliant with
the plumage of innumerable birds beneath
whose glowing sky the teeming earth yields
easy abundant harvest to the toil of man,
andwhose capacious harbors invite the
commerce of the world."
The population of Cuba is 1,500,000 of
whom 700,000, are of European extrac
tion, a sixth of these from Spain. The
slave population forms one-fourth of the
whole. Much of the labor is by free whites.
The present revolt was raised by Cespedes,
a wealthy planter in the eastern part of the
island. Independence is aimed at. The
present revolt was started by 147 men with
45 fowling pieces, 4 rifles, a few pistols,
and Ion , : country knives. In three days
the a • y grew to 4000, and in a month to
900 .
Tt4..Flelp the poor according to your
Mal Lg.'.
(CO e . .
PARIS, December 12.—The decision of
President MacMahon in the case of Ba
zaine is announced this morning. The
- sentence — dewagainst the Mar
shal is commuted to twenty years' seclu
sion. He is to bear the effects of degra
dation from rank, but will be spared hu
militating ceremony.
Marshal Bazaine addressed a letter to
his counsel yesterday, thanking them for
their efforts in his behalf, and concluding
as follows :
la not appeal against the sentence,
not wishing to prolong in the eyes - of the
world the spectacle of such a painful
struggle. I request you to take no fur
ther steps. I look no longer to men for
judgment. Strong in •my conscience ,
which reproaches me with nothing, I
confidently await justification, which will
come with the laps of time and the sub
sidence of party passions."
The Conservative press generally ap
_prove °Nile commutation of the sentence.
The Simla says it will create •a painful
surprise in the country.
TM island of Sainte Marguerite, off Ca
nnes, has been selected as the place of con
fmeinent for Marshal Bazaine, and he will
be sent there this week. The Marshal
received the news of the commutation of
his sentence without emotion.
The Assyrian inscriptions found by
Mr. Smith of the British Museum, have
'Attracted great interest, as stated on Sat
urday. Another expedition sent out to the
Holy Land has just returned. This is the
one organized by the - Palestin - e Explora
tion Society in 1871, and placed under
the command of Lieutenant Steever. It
reached Es Salt on the first of April, and
pitched its camp-soon after at Hesban, in
tne Laud of Moab. From there a com
plete survey was made of six hundred
of one inch to the mile has been filled in.
Lieutenant iii -New
arrived iew Tork
lately and delivered an address, in which
he stated that it was proposed to explore
and map the whole of Palestine. The
cost would be one hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars; divided over five years. We
would then have the Land of Palestine,
in all its peculiarities before us, a thing l i
absolutely necessary to the study of the
Bible in its fullness: The sites of many
towns have already been fixed, valuable
inscriptions recovered, and discoveries on
minor points of much interest made.
im.The Court of Pardons of New Jer
sey has postponed the consideration of the
petition of Louis 'AValdenburger, of Egg
Herber City, until the next session of the
court. It is stated that the prisoner, who
has been confined in State Prison for four
teen years for the murder of his child,
knew that his wife committed the murder,
and would not divulge until after his wife's
death, which took place a short time ago
He was sentenced to be hung but the
sentence was commuted to imprisonment
for life, because the evidence on which he
was convicted was entirely circumstantial.
His petition bears the signatures of the
lawyers who were present at his trial, and
ten of the twelve jurymen, besides a large
number of the prominent citizens of the
vicinity. One of the other two jurymen
is dead, and the other left for parts un•
known ten years ago.
us.. The steamer Denmark took out a
cheese weighing 2,200 pounds net. It was
ordered by ab English firm, and mode at
Oriskany Factory, at Whitesboro, Oneida
county, New York State. It was made
from 21,000 pounds of 'Milk, and at first
measured 26 inches in height, but shrank
two inches in curing. It now measures
14 inches in height by 54 inches in diam
eter. It is surrounded by . two strong
bandages, and stands as square and true
as any cheese ever seen. It was five days
in the press and forty days in curing. It is
intended as a Christmas show in England.
Five other cheeses, each weighing from
1,000 to 1,200 pounds net, were shipped in
the same vessel.
fe — Engiueers say it will take twenty
days to raise the sunken coal barge now
lying before the Spanish steamer Arapiles
in dock at New York, preventing that ves
sel from going to sea. It was a little sin
gular that the barge should sink just
there, about the time the steamer was
was ready for sea. Au the Spaniards are
unreasonable enough to insinuate, that
the "accident" was intended to keep the
steamer safe until the war question was
Its.... Mrs. S. M. Parker has been ap
pointed deputy collector of internal reven
ue for the fourth district of Indiana. This
is the first lady appointed to the position
of collector of internal revenue. The in
ternal revenue bureau at Washington,
has led off in the promotion of competent
and meritorious females, and has quite a
number of third and fourth-clasi female
V63-Isaac Eckert, aged seventy-five
years, one of the oldest iron masters of
the State of Pennsylvania, and one of the
most induential citizens of Reading, died
suddenly on Saturday afternoon of ap
Itm..The German Empire will be rep
resented at the Centennial exhibition at
Philadelphia, in 1876. Prince Bismarck
will appoint commissioners to represent
Germany on that occasion.
slf you want warm. feet don't wear
tight. J110C:-..
Loos ! Low: ! AISD WONDER. -P•
tioetliCh call the attention of the-trade to
their immense stock of new goods. Bought
at. Panic. Prices, arid to be sold at special
low figures, within the nest sixty days.
dec 18-4 t
TAKE NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby giv
en that boys and all other persons engaged
in noisy conduct, and disorderly congregat
ing on the streets, disturbing the peace
_ood order_and_quietof_the-Borough-by-dis
orderly and unlawfully assembling at, and
participating in Callithumpian Bandings,
or disturbing private property—and placing
it in and around the Public Square, or dis
charging firearms, setting off squibs, fire
works,_fire crackers, or any combustible - -
matter within the limits of the Borough,
will be dealt with according to law :
I, therefore, Chief Burgess of the Borough
of Waynesboro', by authority of the Town
Council, do appoint John H. Herr, Wm. F.
Horner, John H. Miller Deputy Constables'•
to assist constable Robinson in preserving
and maintaining the peace, good order and
quiet Borough—during
season, and at such other times as
occasion may require during the present
winter. A. H. STRICKLER,
December 16, 1873. Chief Burgess.
fl ..Flour, Buckwheat and Corn Meal
can be had at
dee 11-tf
FOR TUE Hot maYs.—Just arrived- -
Candy, plain and fancy; Oranges, Lemons,
Figs, French Currants, Layer and Seedless_
Raik, -- Pruens, Citron, Cocoanuts and
Cranberries. Also ehoice Syrups and :New
Orleans Molasses, Brown and White Sugar,,
all the above call be bought at Panic Prices,
for the cash.,
dee 11-tf Ovs►ars—At REID'S Grocery on
Friday evening.
—Fresh Seedless Baisens, Currants, Cit
ron, and choice N. Orleans Molasses at
Fnnsn Srocs.-The subscriber announces.
to his customers that he has just returned
fro - m - tke - Enst - rwith-a-full-stock-of-Christ-_
mos goods, Fancy articles, etc,
dee 4-3tJ
—CnArrEn Iliusns, face, rough skin, pim
ples, ringworm, salt-rheum and other cu
taneous affections cured,and the skin made
soft and smooth, by using the JUNIPER TAR
SYRUP, made by CASWELL, HAZARD 6: Co.,
New York. Be certain to get the .Tuniper
Tar Soap, as there are many imitations.
made with common tar which are worth
less. dee 4-4 w
WANTED—rgerybody to know that
Amberson Bracizbill are selling Kerosene
at 25 cents per gallon cash, 30 cents on cred
it. This kerosene is guaranteed to stand
a fire test of 110 degrees before it will ex
plode and is not halflienzine as some would
like you to believe. In this State there is
a eery rigid law against the sale of nny oil
under 110 degrees, for illumination.
nov 27-3 t
CALL AND SETTLE.—Persons indebted
the 'undersigned by either note or book ac-•
count are requested to calland make pay
ment to 11: M. Sibbet, Esq., in whose hands.
said notes and accounts Have been placed
for collection,
HATS.—Mrts. K G. STOVER has receiv
ed a supply of the latest styles of hats.—
Thankful to the ladies for past patronage,
she solicits a continuance of the
oct 30-tf
In-Call at STOVER. & WOLFF'S, N. E.
Corner of the Diamond, if you want to buy
cheap goods. They are making special in
ducements to purchasers, and discounting
all cash bills, in order to reduce the stock
on hand. Give them a call before buying
elsewhere. July 2i—tf
Mi,.Make Money fast and honorably
$12,50 per day, or $75 per week by at
once applying for a territorial right, which
are given free to agents, to sell the best,
strongest, most usefia, and rapid selling
Sewing Machine, and Patent Button 800
Worker ever' used or recommended by
families, or buy one for your own use, it
i 8 only $5. Sent free by express. Ad
dress t'or particulars Jerome B. Hudson
& orner Greenwich & Cortlandt
Sts., Co., New York.
On the 4th inst., by the Rev. Jno.Shank,
Mr. DANIEL ESHELMAN, of Washington
co.,Md., to Miss SUSA.NNA HORST, dough
ter of Christian Horst, of•Antriui township,
Franklin co., ra.
ANOTHER. I)ot.L►n!—A one dollar "green
back", accompanied the above notice for
which the happy groom will, accept our
thanks. 'Slay fortune smile propitiously on
him and his fair partner and the good things
of earth ever strew their pathway through
On the 2nd inst., by the Rev. H. C. Leah
er, at his residence, Mr. LEWIS AUSHER
MAN, to Miss HANNAH WI:NORM), both
of New Guilford, this county.
On the 11th inst., by the father of the
bride, assisted by Rev. B. B. Hamlin, Mr.
DYSON, all of Chambersburg.
On the Ath inst. by Rev. B. G. Huber,
A. LEMASTER, all of Chatnbersburg.
On the 4th inst.. by Rev. B. B. Hamlin,
LIE STOUFFER, both of Franklin co., Pa.
On the 11th of December, by I:ev. D: Y.
Heisler, Mr. D. B. 1111NKINSO . N, of Lewis
town, Pa., to Miss MARY ALICE SPIDLE,
of Fayettville, Pa.
In Chambersburg, on the 14th inst., by
the Rev. John Fob], Mr. WM. W. YOUCK
EY, of New Guilford, to Miss MARY A.
HASSLER, of Alto Dale. _ .
3D M A.'lll-IS.
On the 9th inst., near Greencastle, infant
son of Samuel and Alice Kuhn, aged 9 days.
On the 10th inst., near Marion, Mrs. t.-
LIZABETIL SHELLER, aged 82 years, G
months and 4 days.
In Washington county, Md., on the ?(h
inst., after a short illness, Mrs. ELIZA
BETH CUSH WA BREWER, aged 71 years,
8 months and 9 days.
On the 10th of Dec., 1873 in St. Thomas,
MAGDALENA SELLERS, aged 82 yearti,
months and 7 days.
On the 11th hest., Mr. fl FO. LEHNER,
in the itrt year of lib age.
F. Founnrstxx