BY W. BLAIR. VOLUME 26. TUE WAYNESBORO' VILLAGE RECORE, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING By W. BLAIR. TEEMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dollars and Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—One Square (10 lines) three insertions, $1,50; for each subsequent insertion, Thir ' • five Cents per Square. A liberal discount made to yearly adver tisers. LOCLlA—Bnsiness Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven Cents for subseauent insertions Proftssional ollzards. J. B. AMBERSON. M. D.. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA. Office at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." Dane 29—tf. EUL 10 ,NJ MfJ., Rffti v PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offers his professional services to the pub lic. Office in his residence, on West Main street, Waynesboro'. ' april 24—tf DR. BENJ. FRANTZ, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OFFICE—In the Walker Building—near the-Bowden House. Night calls should be made at his residence on Main Street a-d -oimng t e es ern - School nous:. July 20-tf ISAAC N. SNIVELY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO' PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf. JOSEPH DOITGI.u3S ATTORNEY AT LAW. WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Couits of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leved and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, 1871. UR, C til... STRAGRAEIIiv (FORMERLY Or MERCERSBURG, PA.,) OFFERS his Professional services to the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. Da. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersburg, where he bat, been prominently engaged for a number of years in the practice of his profession. He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., .1 is Father-in-law, where he can be fount' at al times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.4 f. . _ ar. H. FORNEY & CO. Prcduca Calarcissign merchants No. 77 NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Pay particular attention to the sale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c. Liberal advances made on consignments. may 29-tf PERSONS wanting Spring -tooth Hors?. Rakes can be supplied with a first-class article by calling on the subscriber. lie continues to repair all kinds of machinery at bilolt. antiCealld upon reasonable terms. The Metcalf excel,) r r",t, Boring and Wood bowing EcNihines always on hand. JOIIN L. METCALF, Feb Quincy, Pa. IMIALIMERY Milt I', MRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER now loca- IVlted at 37 Pearl Street, Baltimore, Md., has opened a new Stock of the best and most fashionable Millinery Goods, Orders from the country promptly filled at prices which will give entire satisfaction. °et 30—tf J. H. WELSH 'WITH IV. V. LIPPINCOTT & CO, WUOLESALE DEALERS IN Eats, Caps, Furs and Straw Goods, No. 531 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa.. april 3-tf BARBERING! BARBERING I 9 , HE subscriber having rec-ntiv re-paint ed and papered and added new furni ture to his shop, announces to his custom ers and the public that he will leave noth ing undone to give satisfaction and make comfortable all who may be pleased to fa vor him with their patronage. Shaving. Schampooning, Ilair-cutting, etc. promptly attended to. A lung experience in the bar bering businc: , s enables him to promise sat isfaction in ail cases. W. A. PRICE. sept IS-tf THE BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. METE subscriber having leased this well known Hitel property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and others who' may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hostler will at all times he in attendance. May 23-tf SAM% P. sToNE,II. COACI4I9IAKIIG. PERSONS in want of vehicles of any de l.. scription, new or second-handed, can be supplied at the old "Waynesboro' Coach Factory" on Church street. The subscrib er cordially invites those desiring anything in his line to call and examine his stock and learn his prices, which he feels warran ted in saying will compare favorably with that of any other establishment in the coun ty. REPAIRING of all kinds will receive prompt alien lion. . Thankful to the public for past patronage he solicits a continuation of the same in the future. JACOB ADAMS. april 10-tf ,Ys , titt# VortiT. WORN AND WAIT. A husbandman, who many years Had plowed his fields and sown in tears, Grew weary with his doubts and fears. "I toil in vain 1 These rocks and sands Will yield no harvcst in my hands; • The best seeds rot in barren lands. "My drooping vine is withering; No promised grapes its blossoms bring; No birds among its branches sing. "My flock is dying on the plain, The heavens are brass—theyryield no rain; The earth is iron—l toil in vain l" While yet he spice, a breath had stirred His drooping vine, like wing of bird, And from its leaves a voice he heard : "The germs and fruits of life must be Forever hid in mystery ; Yet none can toil in vain for me. "A mightier hand, more skilled than mine - Must - hang the-elusters on a vine, - A - nd - make-the-fields and,harvests_shine— "Men can but work ; God can create ; But they who work, and watch, and wait, Have their reward, though it come late. Look up to heaven ! behold and hear The clouds and thunderings in thy ear— And answer to thy doubts and fears." He looked, and lo! a cloud draped car, With trailing smoke and dame afar, Was rushing from a distant star. And every thirsty flock and plain, Was raising up to meet the rain That comes to clothe the fields with grain And on the clouds he saw again The covenant of God with men, Re-written with his rainbow pen : "Seed time and harvest shall not fail. And though the gates of hell assail, My truth and promises shall prevail. sjlistellatteous geading. A QUEER ELOPEMENT. Percy Van Rapp, by his own saying, was of the purest blood of the Knicker bockers. It was like listening to one of the Mosasac genealogies to hear him trace back his lineage to old Rip Van Rapp, one of the vertiable old Rips who built the town of New Amsterdam of bricks bro't from Holland, before it was known that bricks could be made of American clay, or cheese from any but Dutch milk. Percy was spending the season at a fashionable watering place, and was the heaviest swell there ; unless we accept Adrian Dodge, a young gentleman of great reputed wealth, and more than av erage pretontion. Great rivalry existed between these two. Which could wear the sleekest hat, and dance in pumps of the finest kid, was the daily problem of: their lives—and they put their whole minds to it till Kate Wily came and gave their' something else to think of: Rate was a beauty and rich. This was her first season, and she at once became the centre of attraction. Foremost a mong her admirers were Percy Van Rapp and Adrian Dodge whom this fresh rival ry might any day have personally em broiled had either known how great a coward the other was. The truth is, in this matter, both were deeply in earnest. Mr. Van Rapp's- for tunes were little short of desperate ; and Mr. Dodge's notwithstanding reports— chiefly of his owti circulation—were in condition not much better. Kate's case would be a new lease of dissipated life to whichever of them could manage to get it. Kate received their advances coolly at first, but after a time they seemed to a muse her. What impressions they final ly made we must let our story tell for it self. Neither suitor bad room to boast over the other. If Kate had any choice be tween them, she kept it to herself. There were times when each would have count ed the day his own had he not felt that his rival had equal grounds for confi dence. It was impossible. that things should long continue so. Percy Van Rapp de termined to know his fate at once. Ac cordingly he seized his first opportunity of laying bare his heart to Kate, only suppressing mention of a few private mo tives which lay at the bottom of it. When Kate blushed and stammered something that didn't sound like No, Percy could have stood on his head for joy. 'But my aunt," said Kate—she was in the care of a maiden aunt, who had a sharb eye in her head—"my aunt, I fear, will never consent." "Aunts have no authority to com mand the affection," was the lover's re ply. "True " she murmured. "Then fly with me," he exclaimed, "we will find some spot where, we can be hap- PY Kate paused, as if irresolute. "My aunt," she said, "already suspects. A TA.MITAT . NEWSPAX O ERDEVOTtD TO LITERATCRE,tOOAi.AND GEMUM NEWS. ETC. 'W4 'ski : alt Ikr tak _0 _II: I can trust the coachman however. Dis. guised in mail attire,"—she blushed pret tily. can leave the - T:hotel unobserved, and John will be in readiness to take me in the carriage to a rendezvous, agreed upon. Meet me there, and in half an hour we can reach the house of a neig• boring clergyman, an old acquaintance of my father, whose aid we can invoke, and —and what a little plotter I am !" "You're an angel 1" cried Percy !". "But you_ must promise one thing," said Kate. "Anything darling !" "Not to speak a word when wa meet, nor until wer'e married—everything here• abouts has ears." "I promise," he said solemnly. The time and plaee were fixed, and Per cy Van Rapp rose to take his leave. He already beard Kate's dollars jingling in his pocket. "One thing more," said Kate. Percy bowed obsequiously. "It will be the night of the fancy ball. Let us both wear masks. If we are-see' it will excite no remark, and we'll thus• escape recognition." "Capital," he exclaimed pressing her hand at parting. • At the hour and place appointed Percy was in waiting, closely masked, and peer ing thiough the night with the watchful impatience of an anxious lover. The sound of wheels was heard present ly, and in a few moments a carriage stop ped on the spot agreed on. The driver alighted and opened the door. Percy en tered without s eaking, and the coach man, who ha , evi, ent y receive, ins ruc tions, resumed his place and drove off iapidl). In the darkness, Percy could barely dis tinguish the outlines of a figure with a masked face. He could hardly refrain from clasping it in his arms, and giving, vent to a torrent of tender eloquence; but remembering his promise, he restrained himself. His capacity to do so was at the point of giving out, when in deep bass, he heard the words : "Dearest Kate !" "Dearest thunder 1" he shouted, who the mischief are you ?" "And who the fiend areyou?" exclaim ed the other. "Adrian Dodge! by all that's amaz ing !" yelled Percy. "Percy Van Rapp ! by all that's infer nal !". shrieked Adrian. "Villain ! you shall pay for this !" roar ed Percy, springing on his rival with the ferocity of a tiger. Cowards fight desperately when corner ed, and here both were. The uproar a larmed the coachman, who stopped and called a policeman. The combatants were dragged out and summarily marched off. Next. morning they were discharged, and by that time the truth having come out, .they took the next train for the city, thus relieved Kate of a pair of unwelcome sui tors, whose selfish designs her aunt's eyes had been quick to penetrate, and for whom she herself felt nothing but contempt. The way in which the two lovers came to find themselves together was this : Be fore the interview between Kate and Percy at which the elopement was planned, Kate had received a call, the same morning. from Adri•un Dodge, who; being interrup ted in the'ruidst of a tender declaration by an inopportune visitor, made an ap pointment to return in the afternoon.— Meanwhile Perey had come and laid bare his heart, as we have seen, when it occur red to Kate to rid herself of the two ad venturers by a harmless strategy. How she enticed Percy into the trap we have already shown. In. the afternoon, when Adrian returned, he was lured into a sim ilar snare—the only difference being that he was to bring a carriage and find Kate in waiting, the conditions as to silence and disguises being the same. Before the year was.out Kate was mar ried . to one who had known and, loved her, and whom she had known and loved from childhood ; and the happy couple often laugh over the queer elopement, whose story we have attempted to tell. How MONKEYS ARE CAVORT:7-MM keys are such cunning creatures one would suppose them much more difficult to catch than any wild animal. Pitfalls will take a lion, and the famished monarch of the desert will, after a few days starvation, dart into a cage containing food, and thus be secured. But how are the monkeys caught? The ape family resembles man. Their love of liquor. In Darfour and Sabaar the natives Make fermented beer, of which• the monkeys are very fond.— Aware of this the natives go to the parts of the forest frequented by the monkeys, and set on the ground calabashes full of the enticing liquor. As soon as the mon key sees and tastes it, he utters cries of joy that soon attracts his comradei. Then an orgie begins, and in a short time the beasts show all degrees of intoxication.• Then the negroes appear. The drinkers are too far gone to distrust them for larger species of their own genus. The negroes take them up, and they immediately begin to weep and cover them with kisses.— When a negro takes one by the hand to lead him off; the nearest monkey will cling to the one who thus finds a support, and endeavors to get off also. Another will grasp at him, and so on, until the negro leads a staggering line of ten or a dozen monkeys. When finally brought to the village they are securely caged, and grad ually sober down, but for' two or three days a gradually diminishing supply of liquor is given them, so as to reconcile them by degrees to their state of captivity. The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand ; the angless come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone. Pay the Printer his dues. A MI'S 10BEVIE. --EY KATE. PUTNAM 08GOOD. The mulberry flower came drooping down Sweet o'er the two that stood together, Parting there by the gateway brown, Still and sad in the soft May weather. lie held her close for a last long kiss : "I wait for you, dear," she said, "forever ! No later hour shall be false to this ; , For mine is a love that can alter never!" The mulberry flowers drop down once more Sweet o'er the two that stand together But not the two that stood before, Parting sad in soft May weather! , For the earth has changed its bloom again And the love has changed that could al ter never, 13ut a year her, come and gone since-then--- And that is the length* of a girl's forever. Helping a Boy. he Danbury News tells a good story of a New York party. named Reynolds. who bad been spending the summer at Danbury, who, during the apple season, was stroling for his health, when he ob served a boy trying to pull a kite from an apple tree where it had logded. As Mr. Reynolds came up the string broke, leaving the kite up there. With the natural promptings of a humane heart the gentlemen gave his coat in charge of -the-noyand-crawling-over-thelence,-was soon up the tree. The boy felt pretty bad about-the accident-to-his-kite, but on taking-a--seeoncl—look-at—the-toat, , _whic was almost new, he dried his tears and scampered off with it unperceived by Rey nolds, who was trying to take an obstm• ate twig from the back of his neck. Af ter considerable difficulty he reached the kite, and was stretching forth his hand to take it when the limb he was on snapped suddenly in two, and he fell some six feet, splitting one of his pantaloon legs half way up, and running a twig into his nose with such violence as to make that organ bleed. Fortunately he was saved from further mishaps by catching on a strong. er limb. _ He stopped then to'feel of his nose and meditate on the accident, when a rough voice from below demanded what he was doing there, and looking down he saw a shirt-sleeved, bald-headed man with a pitchfork in his hand and fire in his eye. Mr. Reynolds explained about the kite. "That won't do," said the man. "I've had too many apples hooked from that 'ere tree, and now that I've got the thief, I intend to make him dance.' And the man looked ferociously at Reynolds' fa cilities for dancing. • The unhappy Reynolds referred to the boy for endorsement of his story. "What boy ?" asked the owner of the orchard. "I don't - see no boy. There aint no boy here. Reynolds looked out in the road, but there was no boy in sight. He shouted "Bub !" two or three times, but there was no response. The color deserted his face and a look of mingled astonishment and horror spread over his features. "This is very extraordinary," he said. "Very," coincided the farmer, with great dryness. "That boy has stolen my coat, and I must pursue him and recover it," said. Reynolds, suddenly becbming frantic over his loss and preparing to descend. "Oh, come down and catch him," said the farmer with biting sarcasm, chewing his tongne to show how calm he was, and placing the fork in such a way as to take in the most valuable portions of Mr. Rey nolds' body. That gentlemen saw the preparations in time to stop. "Why, you wouldn't run that fork into me, you old idiot ?" "Who are you calling an old idiot, you miserable whipper snapper ?" shouted the old chap, as he insanely danced a round the foot of the tree, and glared fiercely at his victim. "Come here and rob me, you villain, will you, and then stand up in my own tree and blaspheme me? Run the fork into you, will I ? Yes, I'd run it into two hundred of ye." Mr. Reynoldswas shocked. "What do you want me to do ?" he said, despairing of reasoning with the owner of the or chard. "I want you to pay me five dollars, and get out of this orc hard as fast as your ras cally legs can take you." Mr. Reynolds hesitated. It was bad e nough to lose a coat and ruin his pants to help an evil boy out of trouble, with out being bombarded with epithets, and chargtd five dollars for the performance. He thought he would jump down on the old man and crush him, but he looked at the fork and repented of the design: Then he drew out a - five dollar bill and dropped it to his enemy, and humilitatingly slid down the tree, reaching his feet just in time to avoid a kick the irate man aimed at him. He was helped out of the or chard with the fork handle, and immedi ately started for the hotel, d which he afterwards reached in a condition of ner vous prostration that at first threatened to result seriously. An active search has .been made for the boy, but neither he nor the coat has been discovered. HoPE.—A strong mind always hopes, because it knows the mutability of human affairs, and how slight a circumstance may change the whole course of events. Such a spirit, too, rests upon itself, it is not confined to particular objects, and if .at last, all should be lost, it has saved itself its own integrity and worth. Hope awakens courage, while despondency is the last of all evils, it is the abandonment of good, the giving up of the battle of life with dead nothingness. He who can im• plant courage in the human soul, is its best physician. The Boy who Conquered. Two or three years ago a lad who was left without parents, of good natural abil ities, went to New York, alone and friend less, to get a situation in a store as an er rand boy, or otherwise, till he could com mand a higher position; but this boy has been in bad company, and acquired the. habit of calling for his bitters occasional ly, because he thought it looked manly.— He smoked cigars also. He had a pretty good education, and on looking over the papers he noticed that a merchant on Pearl street. wanted a lad or his age, and he called and made his business known. "Walk into my office, my lad," said the merchant, "I will attend to you soon." When he had waited on his customers be took a seat near the lad, and espied a cigar in his hat. This was enough. 1134--boy--"-said-he i vant-a-smart, honest, and faithful lad, but I see you smoke cigars, and in-my-experience of-ma ny years, I have ever found cigar smok ing m lads to be connected with various other evil habits ; and if I am not mista en your breath is an evidence that you are not an exception. You can leave; you will not suit me," John—for this was his name—held down his head and left the store; and as he walked along the street, a stranger and friendless, the counsel of his poor mother came forcibly to his mind, who, upon her death bed, called him to her side, and placing her emaciated hand upon hiS - head, said, "Johnny; dear boy, - I am go ing to leave yon ; you well know what disgrace - and • misery your father brought , , ' t before-his-deatid-l-wmit-you to promise me before I iiie that you will not taste one drop of the accursed poison that killed your father. Promise me this and be a good boy, Johnny, and I shall die in peace." The scalding tears trickled down John ny's cheeks,' and he promised ever to re member the dying words of his mother, and never to drink spiritous liquors; but he soon forgot his promise, and when he received the rebuke from the mechuat he remembeeed what his mother had said, and what he had promised her, and lie cri ed aloud, and the people gazed at him as he passed along, and boys railed at him. He went to his lodging, and throwing Cm self on the bed, gave vent to his feelings in distressed sobs that were heard, all ov er the house. But Johnny had moral courage. He had energy and determination, and ere an hour had passed he made up his mind never to touch another. drop of liquor nor smoke another cigar so long as he lived. He went straight back to the merchant, and said— "Sir, you very properly sent me away this morning for habits that I have been guilty, of; but, sir, I have. neither father or mother, and though I have occasional lg failed to follow the good advice of my poor mother on her death bed, nor done as I promised I would do, yet I have now made a solemn vow never to drink anoth er drop of liquor, nor smoke another ci gar, and if you, sir, will try me it is all I ask." The merchant was struck by the decis ion and energy of the boy;' and at once employed him. At the expiration of five years this lad was a partner in the busi ness, and is now worth ten thousand dol lars. He thus faithfully kept his pledge to which be owes his elevation. Boys, think of this circumstance as you enter upon the duties of life. CuT THIS Our.—Every person should understand how to treat a flesh wound, because one is liable to be placed in cir cumstances, away from surgical and veter inary aid, where he may save his own life, the life of a friend or of a beast, simply by the exercise of a little common sense. In the first pia( e, close the lips of the wound with the hand, and hold them firmly together to check the flow of blood until several stitches can be taken and a bandage applied. Then bathe the wound for a long time in cold water. "Should it be painful," a correspondent says, "take a panful of burning coals and sprinkle upon them common brown sugar, and hold the wounded part in the smoke. In a few minutes the pain will be allayed, and recovery proceeds rapidly. In my case a rusty nail had made a bad wound •in my foot. The pain and nervous irrita tion were severe. This was all removed by holding it in smoke for fifteen minutes, and I was able to resume my reading in comfort. We have often recommended it to others, with like result. Last week one of my men had a finger-nail torn out by a pair of ice-tonges. It became very painful, as was to have been expeoted. Held in sugar smoke for twenty minutes, the pain ceased and promised speedy re covery." COMPLETION . 01" Tip HOOSAC TM*. —This great engineering work—a rail road tunnel for a distance of five miles through the solid rocky heart of a granite mountain, is at last so far completed -to let daylight shine through. On Thanks giving Day the last remaining piece of rock which separated the two working parties in the western shaft were removed, leaving a clear passage from end to end, and completing a direct way from Boston to the west. There has been about twen ty years work upon this enterprise, and the actual cost is very nearly ten million dollars. A hundred and thirty-six men have been killed by casualties in the course of the construction of the tunnel. Though the hole is made through the mountain, its preparation for trains will require some months' more labor, and it will probaLly be nearly a year before the line can be fairly put in operation for through business.. Young ,people who lisp are requested to say ".Mis Myth Smith.". Sayers and the Drayman. A noted divine in the course of some remarks at a meeting of a huniane so ciety in Scotland relates an anecedote of this well known• pugilist, which is as follows: "Some few years ago, as I was walking down a street in London. I saw a brewer's drayman cruelly ill treating a horse which was for the time under his control. The poor creature, evidently possessed of great power, 'but not understanding quite what the man meant, did not do exactly what he wished, whereupon the biewer's dray man treated the animal in a way which excited the indignation of all the lookers on, of whom I was one. However, no one seemed disposed to come into active col lision with the man, a strong bulky fellow; and all that was done was to shout out, 'Shame! shame!' But just at the time a • tle-gig-drove-up,-in-which-were-seate. two persons, the driver being a smallish man-with:a-white hat-and-coat:lie Stop ped his vehicle, and joined in the remon stances of the crowd, but with no effect; the brewer's drayman saying, with a surly growl, 'lf you come down, I'll serve you in the same way. No sooner was this said than the little man handed his white hat and reins to the other person in the gig, and, alighting on the street, in the course of a very few minutes inflicted such punishment on the brewer's nravman as gave joy to the hearts of all the humane bystanders. His anger being satisfied, to the great mortification of the drayman, he got' up into his gig, and drove - away ail bystanders cheering-himrand-shout iug, 'Bravo, Tom! bravo!" I turned to one otrcriders, and asked 'Who is Tom?' —'Why, don't you know?' said he, 'that's Tom Sayers". Well, I must confess, though I had heard of his doings a few months before, I took off my hat and shouted, 'Bravo Tom !" to the retreat ing hero, with the best of them: VANDERBILT ON REuctos.—Burleigh in the Boston Journal tells the following story : "While I am on this matter I will re late a little incident told me by a steam boat captain. He said : 'l'm an elder in the Presbyter jail church. I made a profession of reli gion when young. Vanderbilt employed me to run one of his boats. It was con sidered a great thing for a person of my age to have such a position. I was proud of it and tried to do my best. One Sat urday the agent came to me and said : "You must fix up your boat to-day, for to-morrow we are going to send you up the North River on an excursion. , " I thought the mater over. I was a young man, and did not wish to lose my position, yet I could not run the boat on Sunday. I said so to the agent in a let ter, tendered my resignation, and prepar ed to ga home. I met the Commodore on the Battery. Be said : "Come down and dine with me to-mor row, my wife wants to see you." "I cannot," was the reply, "for I must go home. I have got through OD your line." "What does this mean . ?" said:the Com modore. I told him the story. "That fellow is a fool. We have got men enough to run that boat whose prin ciples won't be hurt. You go about your business. If anybody interferes with your religion, send there to me.' TWEED IN PRISON.—To record the fact that William M. Tweed, lately know as the master of the city of New York, Pres. ident of tht Department of Public Works. Manager of its Politics. Senator of the State, a pampered, pompous millionaire, whose stables are palaces adorned with costly paintings, and whose houses are furnished beyond the abode - of kings :to announce that this man is a convicted thief, imprisoned among the vilest of men for twelve years, is to record one of the most astounding and gratifying facts that we ever put upon paper. We rejoice in h as a substantial triumph of justice ; an indication that in the midst of abounding corruption, there is yet virtue to maintain the right, to punish scoundrels in high places, and that even jurors may yet be found who are faithful to their oaths and their country.—New York Observer. EntoßTALrry.—Turn whitheraiever we will, we find the belief in immortality. In every nation ever known, in every race that has ever lived, in every age of this changing world, we find it. • Every Jan. guage known to man, as now or heretofore spoken among the babblers of the earth, is constructed in accordance with it. In all ages, men in dying have looked on. death as simply the soul's putting of its tabernacle. There are exceptions, but they are so few that they hardly attract our attention, and do not destroy the practicle accuracy of our statement. The belief in immortality is one of the universal convictions of the race. CURE FOR A FELow.—As soon as dis covered, take some spirits of turpentine in a cup,. dip the finger in it, and then hold the hand near a hot fire till dry; then dip it in again and repeat for fifteen minutes, or until the pain ceases. The nest day, with a sharp knife, pare off the thick skin and you, will find something lake a honeycomb filled with clear water; open the cells and the felon is gone. If the felon is too far advanced for turpentine, oil of origanum, treated in the same way, will cure. If too far advanced for either to cure, the felon will still be beneftld, or it will be less painful. Never draw it. "Bidy, darlint, wud yeez like a shanty, a cow, a pig, wid me, and a few childers in the bargain ?" "Och, Padiy,"' don't be fazing 1 It's the praist we be want ing." $2.00 PER YEAR. Mit out 31rtmor. When is an army like a tuck in a lacy dress? When it is hemmed in. Why is a a selfish friend like the letter I?—Because though he is the first in pity, he is the last in help. Mrs. Partington will not allow Ike to play the guitar. She says he had it once when Le was a child, and it nearly killed him. A little fellow not very far from here was recently heard to ask : 'What do Charlie bite Emma for and her dont ?" Take care girls, when little broth ers are about. A woman went into an Illinois river the_other_day,_intending_to drown herself, but a lot of rude boys threw mud at her, whereupon she came out in great wrath and had them arrested, and declared she'd "live to see them sent to the State-prison." "Vhy ish der Broosian and der Vrench en ii. der late var like vleae on ein hock's pack ?" "Roost pecause dey makes it pooty lifely in der Rhine ; ain't it T' Our little fellow has just learned to re• peat the foll Owing : • Tobacco is a nauseous weed-; It was the devil sowed the seed; the pockets, soils the clothes , It_dram: And ma "Charlie," said a preacher to a little boy, "can you tell me who made the mon key ?" "Oh, yes I can," said Charlie. "Well who made it ?". "Why," said Charlie, "it was the same person as made you. A preacher in a border town took up collection one recent Sunday, and found when his bat was returned, that there wasn't a cent in it am glad,' said he, turning the crown of it with his hand, 'that I have got my bat back from this congregation.' 'A youth who was taking an airing in the country, tried to amuse himself by quizzing an old farmer about his bald head, but was extinguished by the old man, who solemnly remarked, "Young man, when my head gets as soft as yours I can raise hair to sell." Always there is seed being sown silent ly and unseen, and everywhere there come sweet flowers without our foresight or la bor. We reap what we sow, but Nature has love over and above that justice, and gives us shadow and blossom - and fruit that spring from no planting of ours. Just as an auctioneer was saying .'Gone!' a few evenings since, his audience went through the floor into the cellar, but happily without hurting any of them. The auctioneer, as soon as he found his legs, remarked that the accident would enable him to sell lower than before, and called for a "bid" and they bid him "Good-night." A cotemporary eays that in most cases of fevers we have no doubt that an attack might have been prevented and the pa tient well in a few days without a parti cle of medicine, by rest, partial fasting, and free use of lemons and lemoade. The virtue of this article in billions attacks and incipient fevers has been tested with the best results, and we commend its ,use as a preventive of these diseases. A young man who professes to have travelled says that the only difference in the whiskies of the principal cities of Cal. Ca lifornia is that, after taking a drink of Sacramento's chain lightning you imme- diately make a short cut to the rail. road and go to sleep on the track ; where. as, after imbibing a little of San Francis. co's bottled insanity, a burning desire takes possession of you to steal a horse and buggy. . BEAUTIPUL.—In Wilmington, Del, a man was detected hurrying away from a butcher's stall with a steak, which he bad stolen, under his coat A policeman fol• loved him home, and peepimg, D through the window, saw him give the steak to some children, who devoured it raw. On learning this, the butcher, instead of pros ecuting, sent the starving family a large basket of meat and a little cash to buy woodlo cook it. There is a Justice of the Peace in lowa, before whom a citizen had . prosecuted his daughter's lover-for ejecting him from his own parlor the Sunday evening previous, who solemnly decided as follows: "It ap- pears that this young feller was courtin' the plaintiff's gal in plaintiff's parlor, and that plaintiff intruded and was put out by defendant. Courtin' is a necessity, and mist not be interrupted. Therefore the laws of lowa will hold that a parent has no legal right in a room where courtin' is afoot, and so the defendant is discharged and the plaintiff must pay costs." A gentleman who frequented a circus, noticed a buy among the audience who was sound asleep every time he happened to be in. Curious to know why the urchin should resort to such a place for somnifer ous purposes, our friend went up one evening and accosted him. "My little fellow, what do you go to sleep for?" "I can't keep awake," rejoined the boy; "it is a terrible bore to see them doing the same thing-every night." • "But why do you come?" "Oh, I can't help it—l must come. I have gut a season ticket."