BLIC= SALE: A Y.IT .li)BA)g,f) ) . - 1313,FfW EBY. TN,pprsnatice ef an' coider.of the Orphans' -11-Court`OfErinilin'eqamV;ra,-theirnder -" signet': Adrainietrator i detbohtia.non of Sue A: Gordon, ideekl,'llli:lriell:afrublic Sale, without fail) on the 'premises - ON TUES DAY T4E 23D'OF 'DECEMBEiIa;:IB7"kA TALTTABLF4 `' ' a:TELLING HOUSE • , situated' On the corner 4of Westand. Main •Strikts; in Borough of: Waynesboro', both of brick and newly built; the Brew House, being-two: and , the -Dwelling. three...stories high, the latter is , finished in extra fine style. They front 05;feet Mein Street. •The Brewery has a depth of 40 feet and the Dwelling with back building 60 feet. -'iThe inairt:buildiue :Are deli..4td;',Witig,e; TIN ROOF.. The whole at a little expense could be converted into a first-class hotel proper. ty or into two &Veiling& The Brewery is in.' complete order with a never-failing well of water in the building, with Two Arched Cellars ' stifficiently large enough to store 500 barrels of beer. ~ There-is also a . ' NEW BOWLING 'ALLEY, connected 'with the' Brewery.' The Itiew ery• has one of the finest lar-rooins in the county, with Billiard, Bagatelle and Grain Booms on the second floor. Both buildings are Arranged according to• thelatest style of . architecture, with a-first- cIaeaHBATER in the cellar.' ` There is also ontlie - kit an Ex cellent Framet-Stable, sufficiently largetfor five horses and two cows ; Carriage House, Corn Crib, Hog Pen, Smoke House and Bake Oven under one roof, large'cistern,.dre. 116rThe Brewery or Dwelling will be of iered together or separate to suit purchas , ere. sale to. comulenceat l•o'clock when terms will. be made known 'by ••• • • • , 'GEO. H. DAVIDSON, Adm'r, delionua non. nov 20-ts Geo., auct. ROPOSITORY copy and.pharge advertiser. ASSIGMES t SAZ,V.OF REAL ESTATE! IrHE • tindereigned, Assignees of.A'.. S. f Idenn„-will-silLat_Publiefstle,on Thurs •.day the 4th of December, 1873, in the vil lage of Quincy, county of Franklin, State of Pennsylvania, the following described Real $ll • : NO. 1, THE. UNIONHOTEL, .situate in the' village of Quincy, riow occti __pied_by_Gideon.Burger,:46:Vsafeet,_contsin- ing 16 rooms, with-good basement and fine large hall; four stories; elegant stabling, two wells of good water 'ne garden, alien --closed-witlt-neW-and-geTiOd-fene • . No-'2, HOTEL known as the , ANDERSON PROPERTY, situate in said village, on the north-east corner of Quincy,.a fine, large and •commo dious House, with elegantfz.ztabling, fine as sortment of good Fruit,•Wood House, Bake House, Wash House, Hog Pen, Corn Crib; in fact, a full and complete set of outbuild ings, all enclosed with good fence and two •wetla ofwater. - N 0.3, The FINE SAM MILL PROPERTY, -on the road leading from Waynesboro' to Quincy, three miles from the former and one from the latter place, containing 15 or 38 acres of good land, Chopping:Mill, Shin gle and Lath Saws, Hay Scales, good-_ COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE, with necessary out:buildings, gar'dens, &c., -Cooper Shop, two large Hay Sheds large e .nough to hold 40 tons of hay, all in good or der. • No. 4, Consisting of about 10 ACRES FINE FARMING L AND, situate on the Tomstown road, - one-half• mile east of Quincy. This land is in a very high state of cultivation and wilrbe•isoid in' whole or parts to.suit purchasers: 1• o. 5, • , . 8 .1312.11.4:11.1inv ' . Lots, in Quincy, moth of the Union Hotel, front ing on the Waynesboro' road, under good fence. N. B.—lf any .of the above properties are not sold on the slay of sale the same will be rented on said day, possession to•be giv en on the let day of April, 1874. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day, when due attendance and a reasona ble credit will be given by GEO.'J. BALSLEY, WM. B. ItABY, Assignees. • John Duller, auct. nov 20-ta PUBLIC SALE ! THE subscriber.' intending to remove, will offer at public sale, at his residence en• East ?Jain Street, Ou Saturday the 22d of November, 1873, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following personal property, to wit: IEXCELSIOR PENN Cook Ntowe and Fixtat'es, 1 Morning Rai. Base Burner. 1 Walnut Bed stead, 1 Cottage do., 2 Cotton-top Mattress .tri' Windsor Chairs, 1 Cane Rocking do., 2 Breakfast Tables, 1 Wash Stand, 1 Sink, 2 Tubs, 1 Rubber, Buckets, .Axe, Shovel, Digging Fork and Rake, - , Tin and Crockery Ware, Soft Soap, 2 Bushels Turnips, Boxes, Barrels, &c. Also about 1+ tons of Coal and 11 cords of good Hickory Wood, sawed. TERMS.:—A credit of six months will be given on all sums over $5,00, except Coal and Wood which must be cash. Purchas ers to give notes .with good security. All sums of $5 and less must be cash. C. H. STEINER. John,ll. Herr, auct. no♦ 20-ts AIJUITOR'S !DIKE. Tundersi,gned being appointed by A. the Court of Franklin county, Pa., to Audit and distribute the balance in the lands of Jacob S. Good, Esq., Administra tor of Michael Gender, dec'd, to and among the creditors of .said deceased, will meet .said creditors at his office in Waynesboro', .on the 22d day of,Decetnber, 1873. nov 20-3 t H. AI. SIBBET, ,Auditor. .5.4 1 4.1_1M NOTES_ THE . subscriber notifies _persons who gave notes at his sale on the 7th of last March that; the same will be due December 7th. Prompt paymqnt is requested. .nov2o-3t, JOHN PRICE. Sr. NOT — ICE • PARTIES who gave their notes at the Assignee's sale of George Lackens on the 6th of March last,. are notified that the same will ;be due on the 6th,of. December next. Prompt payment is requested. The notes are in the hands of Chas. West. ALEX. HAMILTON, • CHARLES WEST, nov 13-3 t. ' :ASsignees. BAN ;;ELECTION: THE regular Annual Meeting of Stock.;, holders of the let National Bank ofWay nesborni, for the election of nine directors, to serve for the enscuingyear, will be held at the Banking house, on Tuesday the 14th dr,rof January next, between the hours of o'cict k, A. M., and 2 o'clock, P. M. nov 13-4 1 3011 N rinurs, Cash. PUBLIC SALE:.; HE subscriber, Ast3ignee'of•David (pipe, AL will offer at Public Sale, on the prenuis- On Sntindaithn-29th day of 141Coveniber the following described Real Estate, situa ted about I of a mile from Waynesboro', on the road leading to Quincy, to wit ; Q,N,E ACRE; more °Mess; of land. The initorove: merits are a Two-story ta CO 1:31- gc• tr 3EI , Weatherboarded, Weih House, Smoke and Bake 'House under one roof; also Frame Cooper Shop; an excellent Stable large e nough to stable 2 hor,ses and 3 cows„Carri l age House andCern a fine Hog Pen, Cisteins, one ee the bon*. and-Uneat the. barn.. The buildings are nearly as good as inew and in good order. There are all kinds :of Choice Fruit on the premises including .grapes. This property is pleasantly and de sirably located Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made kbown by. CHARLES WEST, AssigPee. nov 13-ts • 0. V. Hong, a u ct. PUBLIC SALE. lINHE subscriber, Assignee of Jacob .S. 1 Stull, will sell at Public Sale, On Friday the 28th • day of November, the followitlg described Real Estate, situa ted in Tikesville, Pa., to, wit: A story and a half LOG DWELLING Housip, and LOT OF GROUND. The house is 'new and in good order. There is a well of water in the yard, Choice Fruit Trees on the lot, the whole. eing enclosed with good fencing. Any person wanting a property of the kind could not make choice of a more desirable one as regards convenience of location, &c. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock.on said day when the terms will be made known. The above property can be, bought private ly on or before the day of sale. GILBERTi-Assignee-- 1 G..V. Mong, auct. nov FEIIMTURE! FURNITERE!! . WORTH SEEING 1 of fine Furniture, such as cesstng, Buregt --- Wltstr - Standsr-,Sed= steads, - Extensian 'Tables; Centre' . Tables, Wat Nots, Hat kicks Children's Cribs, &c. HE displit. best in market, having been carefully and substantially Manufactured out of the very best material—at H. DETROW'S, 3 doors East of the'Presbyterian Church, East Main St., Waynesboro l , Pa. Call and see his display. Prices low. Thankful for past favors. he hopes to be able to merit a still further share,e€the-publies-patronag• . 'nov 13—tf ' H. DETROW. VISIT THE IN MAN PHOTOGRAPH COMPANY, NOW LOCATED FOR THREE MONTH& IN WAYNESBORO', PA. Read the following Price List 36 'TINTYPES ONLY 75 CENTS, 9 FERRO CARDS FOR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ONLY 75.0ENTS, 4 FERRO CARDS (EXTRA LARGE) FOR PHOTO. ALBUMS 75 CENTS, 1 LARGE . PICTURE FOR Bxlo FRAME EOR ONLY 75 CENTS. Carte de Visiti, . . Berlinlieada, • Rembrants, • Cabinet Portraits, and Medallion Photographs executed in the best style and at - low prices. Call and see._ ' C. • E. LIBBY, nov 13-3 m Mahager. NEW AD mrzsrafEsTs. GEO. P. ROWELL & CO'B. COLUMN. $2500 A YEAR MADE WITH OUR SPLEN DID Combination Prospectus. It represents sample, pages and style of binding of 50 in tensely interesting and useful books that sell in every family. Best thing ever tried by canvassers. AGENTS WANTED to make a permanent business on these works in ev ery county. Prospectus sent post-paid on re ceipt of price $1.50. For circulars and liber al terms. address John E. Potter & Co, Pub ishers, Philadelphia, Pa. . 4.w YOUTH' OMPANION YOUNG PEOPLC FAIVRY THE COMPANION aims to be a favorite in every family—looked for eagerly by the young folks, and read with interest by the older. Its purpose is to interest while it a muses; to be judicious, practical, sensible; and to have really permanent worth, while it attracts for the hour. ' It is handsomely illustrated, and has for contributors some of the most attractive wri ters in the country. Among these are : Edward Eggleston, Dr. I. I. Hayes. Prof. Jas. DeMille, • Louise C. Moulton, Louisa 11. Alcott "Sophie May," Rebecca A. Davis, C. A. Stephens, C. W. Flanders, Ruth Chesterfield, S. S. Robbins, M. A. Denison. Its reading is adapted to the old and young, is very varied In its character ; sprightly and entertaining, It gives Stories of Adventure, Stories of Home and School Life, Letters of Travel, Editorials upon Cur rent Topics, Tales, Poetry, Historical Arti cles, Selections for Declamation, Biograph-. ical Sketches, Anecdotes, Puzzles, Religious Articles, Facts and Incidents. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 81.50. Specimen copies sent free. Address PERRY, MASON & CO., 4w 41 Temple Place, Boston, Mass. RICII'FARMING LANDS! For sale very cheap. THE BEST INVESTMENT! No Fluctuations I Always improving in value ! The wealth of the country is made by the advance in Real Estate NOW IS THE TIME I Millions of acres of the finest lands on the .continent in Eastern Nebrasky, now for sale—many of them never before in the market—atprices that defy competition. Five and Ten Years credit given, with in; ' terest at six per cent. The land grant bonds of ta ken at par for lands. They can now be pur. chased at a large discount. Full particulars given, new Guide with new Maps mailed free by addressing O. F. DAVIS, land ,Co,n2missioner U. P. R. R. Azaata, Nth. V : • ~.....MIH.INo'S 11.0117, ~ A . or rOriPießtri; ' ":. ',dice. ~4 ‘ - 1.0%.1 i t teetliAglinit .-; :- :, . dente 'vei . .Mieelttlietadi46ll , .' e bait- ' 'kit ery member of a deliberative body, and the authority in.4,,,the States. "The , most au thorative .exPOrinder of American', parlia roentary IaNV?."-Ctias,. Sumner.. . Price, 65 cots: Sent by, mail on receipt of prlce. AddreSs;• Thompson,' & Co., :Boaton, Awl: .',. 2' , -;.;:';'• „ , ..‘ , :x.-..-.'.', Oe., • 41.414;L;111D , Send :efititicigue.'•troniestin' Sewing Mnehine Company; 'New . - 4w To meet the urgent.demand Of the times the Florence Sewing Machine ,Co. have deter mined, to REDI3CETRICES and Will here 'atter sell their $65 niathine for $45 and oth er styles ,in s proportion.. "The FLORENCE Is the only, sewing - machine that feeds the work backWard'andlorward;oito right and left, :as the • Parchaier na'prefer. „it been greatly improved and siroplilledinnd is far better than any other machine in the market. ls ' now the 'cheapest ,Florence, Mass,,Nccv. 1,1.973. Agents Wanted. ' FIRESIDE Hinge Cone Burner For Sun ,S Chimneys, made by Plom & Atwood, prodUces-the largest-light. Can be used on any coal oil lamp. For sale by all lamp deal ers. INTOMEN, Men, Girls and Boys wanted to V V to sell our Frencb:and American Jew elry, Books, Games, ikc. _in,their own local ities. No capital needed: Catalogue, „Terms, &c: . sent free. F.D. Vickery 4 Co„ Augusta, Me. D SYCHOMANCY, .or Soul Charming." How either sex may fascinate and 'gain the love and effections of any person they choose, instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can posess, free by mail for 25 cents ; together with a .marriage,guide, Egyptian oracle, dreams, hints to lathes.. A queer-book-100,000_sold—Address3,1_VILI LIAM & Co., Publishers. Phila. 8 Zi d AT. guaranteed ivan t a to c a or a i l a d u d f e s s t s . Baltimore, Md. AAA -• EY made rapidly with Stencil & .IV.I Key Check out-fits. Catalogues and full particulars free. S. M. Spencer, 117 Hanover St. Boston. .$412 3 80 in olf - ir wee:B canvassing one agent's pront on Eryant's Libra- The Hcusekeeper's Manual, by Miss Beech er and' Mrs. Stowe. An active man or wo man can have an agency. J. B. Ford & Co., New, York, Boston, Chicago and San Fran cisco. n0v134 _NEN_AaVERTESEMENTS,- DAUCIFY. & CO'6. COLUMN. SAMPLES sent by mail for 50c that retail quidk for $lO. R. L. SCOTT, 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. novl34w D RNGS you free by mail the very best 11$3 'Elastic Truss.' Write at once to Pom ioy & Co., 744 Broadway, N. Y. 4w /SHE MAGIC COMB sent by mail to any I one for SI. Will change any colored hair to black or brown and contains no poison. Trade supplyed .at low rates. Address MAG IC COMB CO., Springfield, Mass. 4w , 1 _ 1 /~ An article long desired and sought for by every lady. Sent for two stamps, address 4w MRS., C..HENHY, Hanover, Pa. EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL 1 T. S. Arthur's last and greatest work, CAST ADEI Fr is selling by thousands notwith standing the times. It is intensely interest ing and is low in price, thus having many advantages over higher priced and heavy books. A life of the author presented to ev ery subscriber. An agent who had never sold a book before cleared $lOO last week.. Discounts to suit the times.. Circulars free. J. M. Stoddart & Co., Pub., 720 Sansom St., Phila. • 4w • "CA.3IPHORINE7 The greatest discovery of the age for the re lief and cure of Rheumatism, chronic and acute, Sprains, Bruises, Pain in Chest, Back or Limbs, Stiff Joints, Strains, Glandular gwellings, Inflammation, Neuralgia, Bun ions, Catarrh. "&c. Will not' grease or stain the most delicate fabric, which makes it a luxury in every family. Try it and be con vinced of its great merit. Price 25 cents per bottle. REUBEN HOYT, Prop'r, 203 Green wich St., N. Y. 4w The Highest Medical Authority of Europe say he strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deob struent known to the medical world is J URI3I3EBA. It arrests deearbi vital forces, exhaustion of the nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood removes vesicle obstructions and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price $1 a bottle. JOHN. Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St., S.' Y. 4w A NEW THING UNDER THE SUN. Sixteen Oil Paintings in a. book I _Never before was such an idea attempted for book illustration ; every one who .has seen it pronounce it superb. Mrs: Harriet .Beecher Stowe's latest work, "Woman in Sacred History," is a. series of narative sketches, drawn from scriptural, historical, and legendary sources. Illustrated with 16 choice Oil Chromos, after paintings of the -most celebrated artists of the world, giving a rich and magnificent variety of Oriental Costume and Beauty. Mrs. Stowe in her charming style has writtc'n a book full of interest, and without a.dull page in it, which even if illustrated would sell rapidly ' • but A l ta the britli t oil pictures make it one of the most uni e, original, remarkable books ev er Were . The • pictures, if published sepa rately would readily sell for $2 each—or $32, while the entire book, with the sixteeb pic tures, together with sumptuous bindings of the volume, can be had for one-fifth of that amount The book is making a tremendous sensation among agents and salesmen, be cause it is absolutely new and has money in it. To get.pleasant work and good pay, send for terms, &c., to J. B. Ford & Co., New York, Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, or Cincinnati. novl3-4w KUAINT,'KUBER AND KURIOUB, Is the valuable book we give to all. Full of facts, figures and fun. 64 pages, 50 pictures. Mailed for two stamps. Address G. BLACK IE 5,7, CO., 746 Broadway; N.Y. • 4w QTAR STOVE PLATFORM SILVER Ll7B. QTRE, highly ornamental. A perfect'pro teetor to put under stoves. Ask your dealer for it. Circulars sent free. Address, STAR PLATFORM, 80 Beekman St., N. Y. 4w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE CENTENNIAL GAZETTEER OF THE UNITED STATES : Showing the gigantic results of first one .hundred years of the Republic, a book eve rybody wants. Send for circular. Address, ZEIGLER & DIcCURDY, 518 Arch St, Phil .adelphia, Pa. 41v Coughs, Colds,, Hoarseness, and all Throat Diseases, Use WELLs' , CARBOLIC TABLETS ' Put up only in Blue Boxes. tried and sure!remedy. Sold by all drug ,giste. 4w PA PER "ASH I .4.6023.te1 SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 301EIRIC 8107;1'6 MINE COMPANY, MURK. ' . , +. l 2.o.qielk /kV it,,swe To meet the urgent demand of the times the FLOSENCFAIEWING'ULVATI'MVO. have rilditeknhied 4.6 REIDUCIEFPRICEISpand Will hereafter sell their $65 machine for $45 and other styles hr proportion. The Flor ence is the only Sewing Machine that feeds the work baci9vvd,and forward, .or „to right and le ft , a& theppichiderinity` It has beer}gre atly improved. and simplifled.„ and istir tter than any otherniachine in the market. It is now the cheapest. Flor ence,Atissi,lsov.-473; ?WANT -4w DR;;PIEFtces ALT .,. .c X T. t irt4EDiCAV:. H-aoLDEoPt--:- awes all Humors from the wont Scrofula to a common Blotch or Pimple. From two to eix boUles ,are.warranted to cure Salt IFllgnian er Tette'', Pimples on IFtiect. Boils, Car. buncles, Erysipelas and Elver Com.. plaint. -• Six to twelve bettles.warranted to cure the worst Serofnlous Swellings anti Sores Pains in... Bones and Sore Throat caused hy.Polsoll - in Blood or mercurial treatment. Ity, its wonderful - Pectoral tkroperties it, will cure the most severe moon& or the worst lingering Cough in half the time required by any other medicine and is perfeetly satfej loosening cough, soothing imitation, and melleving soreness. Sold by all Druggists. B. V. PIERCES /IL Da Wears Dispensary. BuiDth, "TAXES' , ON SIGHT. Last and Best combination for canvass ers, agtnts and salestrien ! Henry Ward Beecher's family newspaper - starts its Fall campaign, giving subscribers a pair of the largest • and 'finest OLEOGRAPHS,—two most attractive subjects "take" 'on sight— painted by Mrs. Anderson, as contrasts and companions for her "Wide Awake" and "Fast Asleep_." Agents have, immense suc cess; call it the "best business ever offered canvassers:' We furnish the lightest and handsomest outfit and pay very high com missions. Each subscriber, old,or gew,-re ceives without delay two'beatitiful pictur- Full : supply-ready-for-deli very,. ' itself -stands peerless among nals;•Being so popular that of it the largest circulation in, the 1 ploys, the best literary talent. gleston's great serial story isjin back 'chapters supplied to each Mrs. Stowe's long eipected sec Wife and I" begins in the new y_ tring - atood-saary-or--4-0- independent business 'shoulfittv & CO., New York, Boston, Chicai nati, or San Francisco. A '4B PAGE ILLUSTRATE LOGUEof money making books .sent on receipt of stamp; including the Idlest and best books for agents. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Broadway, N. Y. ' PUBLIC SALE:. OF A VALTIV3LE SIRLL FARM & PERSONAL PROPERTY. ri"HE undersigned will , offer at Public Sute r , on Saturday, November 2.2 d, 'the FARM upon which he now resides, situated on . the public road leading froniltinggold to Smithburg, in Washington county, Md., one-fourth of a mile from the,former place, containing 25 1-2 ACRES 01 LAIIR; The improvements are a TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, Log Barn, Wash House, -Hog Pen, Corn Crib, and other necessary out-build ings; also a well with a never-failing stream of water in the yard, Apple Orchard of choice fruit arid a Peach Orchard contain ing 200 trees, all bearing. Also the follow lng, • .PERSONAL PROPERTY, to wit :-1 one-horse wagon, 1 spring wag on, 1 two-horse barahear plow. 1 harrow, shovel plows, cultivators, 1 hand cider mill and' press; la, variety of carpenter tools, such as band saws, bench planes,, a variety -of bead and. moulding planes, wood screw cutterso also a lot new furniture, such as so fas, chests; stands; bedsteads ; slot of pop lar and pine scantling, 25 locust posts, and a variety of other:articles too tedious to mention. Mt„,Sale",titf.commence at 10 o'- clock on• said day when the terms will be made known by ISAAC GARVER. The subscribei - willalsd sell at the same time and place thefodowing property, viz : 1 new two and three:4l°oe wagon, 1 spring wagon, 1 new One-hpir wagon. 2 new three-horse barshear plow, a lot of Wagon- Maker Tools. JACOB MOTZ, nov 6-ts A DESIRABLE -HOMESTEAD SALE ! F 0 R THE subscribe roffers at Private Sale his wadable homestead, situated on Fan cy Hill, in Waynesboro'," Pa. The House is a large Brick over, two stories high and has connected with it by a large double porch - a large two-story Wash and Bake House, (Brick) including in the same build ings three pure water hydrants, large but teries, two complete cellars; one of which is arched. Also in immediate connection a large two-story frame Wood and Coal House with Work-shop, .46:c. The surround ings of these buildings conveniently arrang ed, with paved walks, sodded yards, choice shrubbery, &e. The lot, CONTAINS 2 ACUES, and is set with choice fruit trees and the soil is in a high state of cultivation, lying on the sun side of the hill s and is particu larly adapted to the'quick growth of both early and late vegetables. The situation of this property in all respects is perhaps une qualed in the county. It is especially desir able on account of its elevated location and the fine surrounding scenery, in view. Per sons are invited to call on the undersigned and view the premises. nov '6-tf . VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY PRtVAI,E. ..$ A L E. TTIR intbseriber, Adniblist rotor of Chris fian,F,' Boirman,•dec'd2nffers at Private Sale the Bilk flotise lbt of ground, on South Street, cind:ni3arli. opposite the resi dente_ pf George Frick,: known as the Barr property... There' ore also a ..tine bta,ble on the tot, a good cistern ':Eitc., , '.The whole is under.-new., and ; substantial. fencing, buildings,,are pew and - the lication a very pleasiant one iota, private ,fautily. For fur ther-particulars call on - • • ; . 'GEORGE FRTCK, • octfl-tf s'" " " • • Adm'r. PUBLIC SALE. be ‘ subsciibec will sell at Public Sale, on L the farm of Mulch - or Snively, about tof a mile.southShady•Grove, ON SATUR DAY THEI2D DAYOP NOVEMBER., '73, 150 CORDS OF WOOD, Oak, and Hickory, well seasoned. At the same time he will offer a story and a half weatherboarded lOW ELLIN - 0 HOUSE, which is so arranged that•it can be -easily removed, and, a large shed 213 feet long by 19 feet in width. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day,„ when a credit of 10 months will be givemon,2ll sums of,slo and 'upwards, QEO. SXOLER. • to.ct.-23d-ts 44" - Rp' WarETBSB B Y STAB / • 04 , -..koroit-o. .04 firSlDianderirignegnaitijain it slifittirthe „I. Livery, business in all its branches, after a suspension of several 'yeari, with every thing new and in complete order. His hors es will be found safe ac i d in the best condi tion. The buggies are all of the latest and best manufactures., Whips , . Robes,-Blank ets, hie.; in abundance arid in ample order. Inefecta liVery not , to be ourpassed by any in the country. He is also contactor for carrying the U.B. Mail from Greencastle to the W. M. R. R. via of Monterey Springs, The Omnibus leaves Waynesboro' in the morning and returns again in tlis evening. Also a daily line to the W. M. R. E. via of Monterey: ' • ,'All Express matter carefully handled and attended to with dispatch. • Attentive:hostlers always in attendance and at the services of , the -traveling public. may 29—tf] J. H. WOLFERSBERGEit. STAGE LINE. THE subscriber notifies the public that he will run a Daily Coach commencing on Tuesday the 11th inst., frOm Wayneabo 'ro' to Mt. Alto via. Quincy and Funkstown. Will leave Waynesboro' at 5:50 A. M. ar rive at Mt. Alto, at 7:20, making connection with the early train for Chambers burg, Harrisburg, etc., by which train passengers can reach 11:35, A. M.; Phil adelphia 3:30, P. M., New York 6:34, P. M. Will leave Mt. Alto at 6, P. M. and arrive at Waynesboro' at 7:30, P. M. /ll express matter promptly , attended to. - Min.—Through ticketsto Chambersbur , " furnished for $l.OO. Persons wanting tick ets will put their names on slate to be found at the hotels and Post Office. may 29, 1873-tf JOS. KEEPERS. W® L MINALIEDLYZ For the best and most popular Organs in use. Organs always on exhibition and for sale at his office, for cash or on monthly payments. Organs also for rent. July 24—tf VALUABLE PROPERTY AT ' „ IR/ I _& SALE. rE undersigned offers, at Private Sale h l is property. situated in Leiteraburg Dis arid, Washington county, Md., one mile South of Ringgold, near the Leitersburg road, adjoining lands of Benjamin Garver, Mentzer, Dayhofi, and others. The proper ty contains 15 ACRES first quality . LIMESTONE LAND, The improvements are a good HOUSE, BARN, WASH-HOUSE, and all other ne cessary out-buildings; a cistern Mad a good well of water near the door. There are al so a large orchard of tehmoJaewriwoso3rata toscipoor:l also a young orchard of fruit of every de scription. The property-is well fenced into small fields; and well adapted for frtit-grow ing or trucking. Persons in want of such a property would do well to call and examine it. For further information call on or address the subscriber at Waynesboro', or, call' on Aaron 0. 'Wingert, living riftr the premises. aug 2-tf • L. v . WINGERT. TRACT OF LAND AT PR IVATE. ,SALE. /ARE underidgned (Wore at Private Sale's lialuable.tract of unimproyed land, lying one, half .milalrogi Mt. Hope, in Qunacy townahip;Fraiiirlin edinity, Pa ;on•theload leading to Charnbersbarg. The tract con tains 31 ACRES AND 5 PERCHES good quality of limestone land, 10 Ores of which is heavily timbeted, 4 acres of good meadow land, through whieh passes a finial' branch of the Antietam Creek. The remainder is good farming land s which .has lately been heavily limed, and is in a good, state of cultivation. There is sufficient good building timber upon the premises with which to erect suitable buildings.— There are in the village adjoining a good Merchant Mill, Blacksmith Shop, Shoemak er Shop and Store, and a good Saw-Mill within one mile of the premises, which al together make it a very desirable and con venient property. Any person or persons desiring to view the premises with a view of purchasing will call on the subscriber liv ing in Mt. Hope. aug 28-Sm • SAMUEL PFOUTZ. 0 Esr 'F'4l` ; , 1; 1 _16 4 1 . 1,1 0 141% .a,georitsi 1 , SEND FOR CATALOGUE. BOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., NIT I W TORE. sept 18-13 t FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned offer at Private Sale the farm of George Wiles, deceased, ly ing. two ,miles from Waynesboro', on the Leitersburg pike. Any iierson desiring to buy can do so now for it, most be sold.— Call on John Wiles, residing on the prem ises. D. H. WILES, JOHN WILES, • Attorney's in Fact for the Heirs. wept 11-tf SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKING. riltlE subscriber antiounees to the public that he has leased the room adjoining the Shoe-maker Shop of John Ford, oppo site the Bowden House, where he has com menced the Saddle and Harness making business: He is prepared to do all work in his line with dispatch and at reasonable prices. .He flatters himself that his long experience in the - business will enaslo him give general satisfaction. 2-tf GEO. A. BHA. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT • RINGGOLD P' . MD. . TIRE • undersigned • are now receiving . their second supply of • PALL AND" WINTER GOODS, which' will 'be sold 'at low -filmes for cash. We will sell best Rio Coffee at 23 cents per pound, Sugars 10, 11, 12 and' 14 cents per pound, Best Orleans Molasses at $l,OO per gallon, and everything cheap. Give us a call before going elsewhere. No trouble to show goods. . oct 9-tf IVAYLTEBBORO', PA. A GENT DU:IItOW & ;CO.. R E N G 7'o N ' I FIMILY SEWING IRACIIINII! HE subscriber announces to the public that heliiis the. agency far the. sale of the "RemiugtoWFamilySevilng Machine" in Franklin county. Having tested its •wdrk ink qualities and capacity for several months he can safely recommend it as the very B. ATAIGNINg EV USE. Its construction-is- such that, it can be run at a higher rate of speed than any shuttle machine now in use. In factories •where 'the speed has been registered, over 1000 stitches per minute have been attained with ease., It is strong in all its parts, and free from the harsh and . jarring. movements, and friction, common in inferior machines. A simple change of the needle and and it will sew the finest cambric or the heaviest leather. The shuttle carries a large quantity of thread thus saving in a great measure the trouble of tilling the bobbins. The Remington has no rotary cams, cog wheels or lever arms to make a noise, run hard, or to get out of order. Any girl of ordinary intelligence can keep it in order without the least difficulty. • Th e subscriber also informs his customers and the public that he has just opened out his ntw FALL AND WINTER. SUPPLY of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, and all other goods for gentlemen's wear.— He solicits an inspection of his stock. oct 16-tf T. J. FILBERT. FILL BD WINTER GOODS, COON &a STONEHOUSE uAVE just received • a large and well .11.1 selected stock of new Fall and Winter Goods; which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock/consists in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS _of_the_newest and latest styles ; Goods of for men an, every description Shirting Stripes, Brown and , Bleached Mullins, Sheeting, Tickings, Linen & Cot . - ton Table Diapers, Towels & Balmorals, Calicoes; . Irish Linens, Ginghams, EL large lot White cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points & Shalls, -•- = - a large lot of stockings, Hai►dkerehiefs for men, Women and Children, Linen, Lacel Yapper Collars Laces, Edging and Inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Triming4s of every description Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, • and everything else in notion line Boots, Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden \Vare, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. oct. 30,1873 1873. FALL dicAVINTEB. J.W.MaLLER&CO Erstve received their FALL AND WIN TER STOCK OF DRY GOODS, t NOTIONS, QUEENSIVAREi CEDARWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, Their stock is full in every department and the•publie are invited to'call and EXAMINE. 'GOODS and prices as they offer GREATER BAR (.41117.1S than ever. J. W.'M. ec•CO. oct 16-tf • , . 1873. Fall .& Whiter. 1873. Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Flard*are, Queensware, Bell's Pottery Ware, School Books and Stationery, Floor and Ta ble Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Fixtures, Groceries and Confections. For safe by C. W. GOOD,' Quincy, Pa A.K.' BRANISHOLTS,. RESIDENT DENTIST -441 V1 ALSO AGENT For the Best and most Popular Organs in Use Organs alwats on exhibition and fc;r sale at his office. We being acquainted with Pr. Branis holtssoCially, and kofessionally recommend him to all desiring the services of a Dentist. Drs. E. A. lixstso, J. M. RIPPLE, "" A. H. STRICKLER, I. N. SNIVELY, " A. S. BosuaaAßE, T. D. Fussell. jillyl7—tf MUMNIERT 60002 9 lEns. C. L. HOLLINBERGER now loca ted at 37 Pearl Street, Baltimore,. bid., has opened a new 'Stork of the best and most fashionable Millinery Goods, Orders from the country promptly filled at prices which will give entire' satisfaclie ort 3G—tl CORN FOR SA.Z.3 . fIORN can now be had of the tAlltqcriher, %.....'wholesale or retail, at 85 cents per kiarre). Ile has also Oats for sple. ALEX. 431.11.T05.. July-24. • oy s wear; Skirts, 1874. TOHN FORD in returning thanks -to the publie for their patronage announces that he intends removing his shop to' the nage ment of Walker's Building, (end hot leav ing town as is the belief of many) Where he intents carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS as usual. - All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and :settle their is counts immediately, for I pay cash for my, stock and must. have my money: , Don't want 'to see the face of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletcher,' prowl ing about my shop seeking whom he may devour, &c. Customersi . will therefore find me ae the Basemeie, refered to after the first of 'April next. jan 26) GROCERIES, HARDWARE, AND GAITERS. He returns thinl. tu the puh'•ic. fur past favors and hopes It, rece: roa lib. end share of it; . he foul re. oct 16—tf Pli :.IP WIESNER. ar HE subscriber would inform the public I that he is at all times prepared to make o order Gents. Coarse or fne Boots, A - 4e coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses, in cluding. the latest stvip of lasting Gaiters.— Repairing done at short notice„ and measur es taken in private tamales if desired Shop on East Main Street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Bldeu, as a Hour and feed tore. THE subscriber informs the public that he has opened a tirst-class Eating Saloon in the Basement of the Walker building, which has been. thoroughly-cleansed and repainted. He will be regularly supplied with. Oysters, Tripe, Eggs, and other art i dles ill season. He will also keep a good ar. tide of Sweet Cider. augl4-3m NEW .E;TORia BOQTA, SHOES,4,4;C: TACOB SNIDER, announces- to tbe citi zeus of Wayneaboro'And vicuity,Ftlutt he has just returned from ti . ac„Eastern cities And had opened , u first-class ": BO OT&S.110E STORE n the Oel lig building, on five Diamond, whom every deseriiitien of gvudsirilLi line can be found. such at:; ..MEN' S BOOTS‘ • :;' ' GAITIMS, LADIES' A.Nry CHILDRENS WEAR OF ALL KINDS, WHICH.WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES F O R-T Also ma.nufacturing,.. done to order, and all work from his establishment, will. be guaranteed AT RIPS SEWED GRATIS. ang 2S-tf AT ELDEN'S _.- MAY always be found a full and prime tock of BOOTS AND SIDOES,, HA.TS_AND Ps&PEIt COLLARS NVEA.II, GLOVES, SVIIFENDERS AND CLOCKS, WA.TCEIIB, JILMT,LRY, r.117D8 OF U!al,!2aA aql.Watebes and Jewelry - repaired. North. East Cornor of Public Square Deo 5,'1872—tf HOW IS THIS FOR MGR, MARSH STORE! NEW NM t NEW Rows I /PIM subscriber annonnces to hie custom ] ers and the public that he has just re timed from the East and is opening out a • ull line of new FAZAZ AND TUNTZIe GOON comprising all articles usually kept, u country store. He invites speci. I attention to his stock of Ladies' Dress Goods; also to his assortment df CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, &C., BOOT AND SHOIIAEXNG. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH. EATING SALOON NOTICrs: • THE subscribers have on hand rind f-r saleat.theiklill of Peter Fahns , zoqii quantity of Corn; Rye and Oats, whit:h th(•,‘,• will sell at a small profit for cash. Perr,ol,3 in wilt of anY of the above namad grain"; will do well by giving m-t, and 1,•::rn our prices. as they will be such as - bo satisfactory.- April 18—t . Vf 1100 FR uc., STMIN ERA BOGIE' olb rut 0 CMAKI G rrinE snbccrihers annonnro to the inittl;.t IL that the.y Ittutiiitgancia tad thernseirr• - gather for the pnrpo-e of ear cOta on "" J:3oot and Slytetaa;%ingalugi ace— a. i'i, a. All hinii.t of . custom work will tut tatit! , .• order pro at ptl:- . ttepa i ring Igo :Li to with gicipatch and nig )11 TC:l* tillAt• ter., ;. THOs. T,' 11. F. 1113: _EY oct •76—t•f AND NECK- AND ALL JOHN FORD. C. lIOFFMAN