I'i=EMIII ~q ,a . h.', .: ~~_ ».,; .t~~',~s r' ~J', fir. p*:*l NEW DISCOVERY /In Omitlical slid Medic*, SClalice. - Pr. E.. F. GARVIN'S SOLUTION AND COMPOUND MIR 1113r1 3.;' 1 2 441., FIRST AND ONLY AOLIITTO.N evfr maze in one mixtnrcsof ALI 4 THE. TWEL WE vsinable Active principles of the well known putative went, PINE rru.m, SPECIFIC FOR CONSUMPTION ! This all-powerful vegetable prepartitien expels from the lungs end air passaged the mueus and uieo-pus produced by pulmonary millatnui.ition i heals the irritated membranes, and reuomide every organ winch utilizes the breath of life. It nontaind ki..ww...lxliastmam: - ful medicine. The nip - airi un artaunty with vibieh ANNIHILATES A. COUGH is astonishing. Its effects go deeper than the mere' syniptorn9 of pulmonary disease find discharge they c:.ase from the system. It relieves the lungs, chest and throit from the tienlana which optee*s them, thus wresting Coh"iniprion Junl Bcnueltitis in the ger., hen we they reach the more dangerous stages. T.hc meat: aced mutterer' • 33.ita''.1•143,INGr , • with. the mest terrible scontge of inat*Tininfe will And DU. ("All VIN'S TAU IIE3IBIFY "n pent ally. and ii,mredly the ligift a 1 . ," inerhig strictly to this balsamic medicine. .13y-ii : s ViT PURIFYING' ane. lileCtS upon ale gun. ral .istem, it is rel. vain:a:lona in all • DISEASES OF 'ENE BLOOD: Including rle, owls and L'rupriuns uc c so clan..7.)ya ya.psia. Inseives of tee Liver and' lig:in:y.o, itelirb 31.sease, and (lateral Debility. 'fie CASES NOW ON RECORD' in which it has been administered with entire caw cess ns a remedy for every variety of roolrents which affect the respiratory functions, iimoubt td 'l' MI ' 0 "CT S at the present date, and yet the preparation is only in the infancy - of its usefulness. The great - defect of all Expectorants introduced is that they ere simply expulsocy. Hence they are useless; tor, un le,a the causes of the acrid sem:Hens which are coughed up are removed. and the ruptured, inflamed or matemtml surfaces-healed-mid zesti,red-te-their natural tone, a cure is impossible. DR. GARVIN'S TAR REBREDOES, accomplish these objects. The mucus and mum pus which are the consequences of Lung - Diseases, are thrown off by,thent, while at the Same 4140 they soothe and tnyr e mato the weakened tisanes. .a. 4 STERLING 'REMEDIES for coughs, colds, inflnenzs, bronchial difficulties, catarrh, asthma, diseases of the heart, jiver, stom ach and bowels, an female weaknesses, diSerlst.s of the akin, inflammation of the lungs, and all dis orders of a pulmonary nature, they have never been . equalled. Send for Circular of POSITIVE CURES iP your Druggist, ur to L. P. HYDE & SOLE ,:295 Seventh Ave., New lurk. December 19, 1872-ly. 1872 Tali STOVER & WOLFF, . DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, White Goods, Embroideries and Laces Q,n3cNcravaure, Boots & af't' Tiartlwaru f :‘,(41, , , 0vpm tnient. consists in VuiVpart 441 i . ,, BlRek Etriprw,z , Cloth. Japune , e h.:, Mointirs, Poplins, Lusp.'es, l.;;Avnb, embracing everything in the Dresb tiuods line offered to the trade.— A. FULL STOCK OF M.E.NS WEAR. ,n ( ass i incr . ; , u:.11 , , tun:, )...-I(in§, Coraurky6, CaSsimert 'and Cloth n,l '. 1 :11i3O Goods of every variety, and inserting., Ruffling, kt , soey Co tub Quilt,, (,74)::- , :tii, • Lace a id Limn ( :I:.a I,l,l,il,:tm'oli IMEIMMINIEIIII >lll t . for (:tsnroonon, , kiuy,and Chihiren. (•onAantly on band everything tti ,t c G retoilatod stxac.. . t:at .cud pi be- 111111=11 '.li,', - 1:1 ,', \yOLFP. lgr t .* LTV -A 'l4O § .le I • the public that confecl iunery bus t 7 .1., upposite the Bowdon ilk , that at all times the \ :1E171..1 =ME ni.lnufactuxed of She pur b t\ n?i5 , •" , !...7 retail. A/No ).; w•;11-: , ,Ii•cted stuck .0 Or -1.1 her t:opical*.fruits; •le-,:ripihdi baked to order , fflistantiv fur sale. Figs, •Tines and Nuts :,):'past favors lir hopes r,o ine - Lit a coal ii cclt.•C ot the same. salt ti-if ' '36'6El'll 1211.1NTZ. TEE ii: d Waal UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and .-SETYINO MACHINES! .$25 cheaper than any other. For Shnplicitst, Durability and Beauty, they stand linripilleg I. For Stitching, Hem ming, Tucking,. Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering sir Siiwing on gathers, they are unexcellod.— Warranthd. _ A. E. IVAYNANT, S, E. Corner Diamond, Waynesboro' ra. Mar. 30, 1871 COILCIII3.I.4ii II Ai G. • • ItSakS in want of veltichts of any de new or second-handed, can be at. the old "Waynesboro' poach eartory" nn Clitirch stroict. The stib.ierib ' r•i• ..ort!,i;:ily invites those desiring anything ..t,tno io ;•all arid exaininci lib; stock. :,tlfl !e,::% p: ;Ie a which lie feels warran , te! ill compare tlivorably with Of ,cuy ••it her establishment in the COUR- ty. n EP.% ; of an kinds wilj receive prompt /ft*, 7:011 to tin , poinic for rust potri - mogo h?, sinitits a (..,onlinizzaion Oi t KIM(' in toe a.:lril 10-tf 1 e6.7 EW IVINTE.E. GOODS now opentffr nt 0 A:N/BETN, & CO,S ffisrW=EY'd Ms MOW TOWN HALL STORES BOOTS HATS . ' s ,lINBEEt4AS A. full line of Zephyrs WorstedNee4les, tn'so SC4rEs, —Gore Corsets. LADIES, MISSES • AND CHILDREN'S II S .7d - R• Gentlemen's • Hosiery. • . Bow Ties,. Suspenders,' Collars and. Cuffs, Toilet Soaps, &c. Our stock of these goods is complete and we recommend them to the attention of our customers. Oct. 15 1872 Fall jar..l , .'" . ~ •• IN VALDS a DO e N fo ' u T D d ESPA_l a ß ndThousindg hvn relief, '', r • s a • hmainds w ill turn to this Medi. „rc.t.'".••• eller exhausting their purses ' `..' '''' and c l u e, patlenee in search of health. ' •"" . - Wanness of the head, dullness of the mind, mild breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains and weak ness in the ,tomaell, enlarmanent or the /iver, yellow -110,3 of the skin, commit , . fever and thirst, o Ith a total disteilsh for business; plemmre or any kind of employ ment. FAur.NEY's PANACEA, If taken and persevered In for a tee data, will remove this whole class of symp toms. Thefluids or the body become' pure, and mind Clear, the ?notion:li strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite Improved, and the whole system so benefited that disease, in had weather, is less liable to Millet you.. Dr. P. FAHRNEY' tS 3:. .... _ _ . _ Celobrated • Blood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the Panacea Is, I; every way, caleulated to take the place of the endless variety of drugs which are annually sold fur that purpose, and which are often very injurious, A medicine wit pos.. stases the qualities of a cathartic as well as s mbd alter ative, and - which is capable of arra:tins , disease without the least Injury lo the child; Is of it.....alculablo value to every mother. As a' cathartic, it is very ellective, yet it does not, if given in proper quantities, cause nausea or distress to the stomach or bowels. It is very pleasant to the daste. which Is a very important feature as a medicine for children. As r preventive of disease It Is unprecedented, as it acts din etiv upon this digestive or gans and the blood. In all scroThloun diseases, It Is the most ellebtive medicine ever mien:a to the pulAle ; and, LYgiven regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive dis eases so eonnuou to oidlciren may be entirely eradicated. --d-!!.."1 Prenarad bitl r .. a.. Fahrney ' s ilnd •„. . f F.iiW.l;t a lrA: rti 'North Dearborn St., CIIICAGO. Price $l2ll per bottle, • - .ls , '4: tor sale by 'Wholesale taut Retail . 4 16 " 'dealers. Anti by F. Fortinnan, J. B. Arnbersrm, 11t., D. and Dr. A. S. likmbrake, Vaynesboro'; Router Bulirman, !'Ua. ,18714y.S WiregINEBORG' LIVERY., - Ival. H. FUNK having retired from the V livery business, the subscriber informs his old customers and the public generally that he has resumed business with a new complete outfit. Horses perfectly safe and gent le, either for riding or driving. His v - hides are ne\v and suitable for all purposes. He will take pleasure 'in accommodating the public at all times at reasonable cash rates. An attentive hostler always on hand. Call at the saddler shop of Wm. P. Weacley. FRANKLIN WEAULEY March 6, 1872-tf C.. 33 P.i.A.C3i3II_,MJ, PHOTOGRAPHER, S. E. Corner of the Diamond, WAYNESBORO'," FA., 131 - AS at all times a fine assortment of Pie -I_llLtures Frames and Mouldings. Call and eaq soecitneu pictures. June tf. BUTCHERING 1 • - rirtHE subscriber having bought out Weag ley 4: Kurtz, will continue the butcher ing business at Marsh Market, where per sons wanting Beef and Veal can be suppli ed with the best the market- affords. He will have a supply regularly on hand every Monday evening and Tuestmay morning and Friday morning and Saturday evening. april./.0-tf CHRISTIAN STOUFFER. NOTICE. THE subscribers havo on hand and for sale at the Mill of Peter Fahnestock • a qua atit vuf Corn Rye and Oats, which they will sell at a small profit for aish.• Persons in want of any of the above named grains will do well by giving us a call, and learn Our prices, as they will be such as will be satisfactory. April 18—tf HOOVER & SUMMERS LICE:LI VI ' TILE subscribers inform their customers and the public genurallj• that they have on hand a prime article of wood-burnt limo for ilastering 411ili White-washing purposes and that t hey will continue to keep a sup ply on hand du ring the season. Terms rea sonable. Kilns 23, Wiles East of Waynesbo no. 11E66 & BRO. mar 20 Cm A- '1" School Books, family Bibles, Note Paper, Cap Paper, Pencils, — lnk, Ald Germantown Wash Nett Crochet Needles Ladies and Gents, Embroidered PATENT SELFRERULATIIN GRAIN SEPARATOR CLEANER DIGGER AM) POWERS • No implement more 'lmportant to the fanner than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so speedily. The above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built under the-immediate_eye of the old inventors thermielves, with all the additional improvements made during ttie pase'.lB years, and•now with • iTRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this Machi.:..e just stands high above all o its class. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any . exist ing Machine. This. is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really < can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh arid clean gram fit for market. Rut the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain directfrem any oth: • machine,-settle' the 't_super riority as.a cleaner over all • ImparT tial judges at all the State and !Air ity Fairs where it was thoroughly , and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines,. always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ill machinery—more du- rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is •sold for • less moLey according to capacity.. These facts are - farther - attested - by - the - thousands - a - pu r- - chasers, some of whom have had them in mire for the last 18 years. To supply tog wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power, with rifts ranging from $l9O to $340, With Out ver. We-aLso-maire the lt • • • • • ~riple-geared Horse Powers, suitable 'for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. •For further information send for circular and .price list. - - Responsible Agents ifi - Territory not in troduced. Address, ' SFIOES VALISES THE GEISER MANUFAC'G CO., Warzasnor,o', Franklin County, Jan. 21-tf Vict Ala TWITLE, Offers at low prices a large number of No. I Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in market, also the Celebrated Morning Glory Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other lase Burn ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heaters, the best in mar ket, all of which he will yarrant andsell at less rates than any Stove Howe in Waynes boro' \ • He is now prepared to put up at short no tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin pressed and iron-ware roofing and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call and see hiS stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. HOW IS THIS FOR lIIGE JOHN FORD in returning thanks to the public fur their patronage announces that he intends :moving his shop to the Base ment of Walker's Building, (and not leav ing town 03 is the belief of many) where he intent 9 carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BIiSINESS as usual. Ali persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash for my stock and must have my money. Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome visi tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletcher," prowl ing about my amp seeking whom ho may devour, 4:c. Customers will therefore find me at the Basemen', refered to after the first of Alai' next. jan 26] JOHN FORD. . ITLORSM pERSONS wanting Spring-tooth Horse Rakes can be supplied with afirst-class article by calling on the subscriber. He continues to repair all kinds of machinery at short notice and upon reasonable terrus. The Metcalf xcelskor Post Bering and Wood Sawing EcMhines always on hand, JOHN L. METCALF, Feb 27-t Quincy, Pa, tc l 3 l al G - = a 0 re4=l Pennsylvania. oix4d .ice: , ~11 ;-21. etc., etc., GO ro TO FOURVIIN4II'9 ~~x~ir~~ 5~:1'=i~i~~~~~~~~ Waynesboro', May 21, 1871. " Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World." Harper's Magazine. NOTICE OF THE PRESS The ever-increasing circulation of this ex cellent monthly proves its continued adap tion to pupular desires and needs. Indeed when we think into how many homes it penetrates every month, we musi consider it as one of the educators as well as enter tainers of the public mind, for its vast pop ularity has been won by no appeal to stu pid predudices or depraved tales.—Boston Globe. SUBSCRIPTIONS.-1873-TERMS HARPERS MAGAZINE, 1 .0 Extra copy of either the kaanziNE, WEEKLY or BAZAR will be supplied gratit for every club of FIVE SUBSCRIBERS as $l,OO each ; in one remittance ; or, Six co pies for $2O, without extra copy, Subscriptions to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, WEEKLY and BAZAR, to one address for one year, $lO,OO ; or two of Harper's Periodicals' to one address for one year, 57,00. Back numbers can be supplied any time. A complete set of ILtaysn's 11.1 . .w.tztxu now comprising 45 volumes, in neat cloth binding; will be sent by express. freight at the expense of purchaser, for $2,25 per vol ume, Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, $3,00.- Cloth cases, for binding, 5S cents by mail, postpaid. The postage on HARPER'S MAGAZINE is 24 cents a year, which must be liaid at the subscribers , post-office . Address, HARPER BROTHERS, Nevr York. "A Complete Pictorial History of the Times." "T7ce best, cheapest, and most successful family paper in the Union. Harper's Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED. Notice of the Press. The WEEKLY is the ablest and most pow erful illustrated periodical published in this country. Its editorials are scholarly and convincing, and carry much weight. Its illustrations of current events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best design ers. With a circulation of MAO, the WEEKLY is read by at least half a millon of persons, and its influence as an organ of o pinion is simply tremendous. The WEEKLY maintains a positive position, and express -1.1.; decided views on political and social problems.—Louisville Courier-Journal. SUBSCRIPTIONS.-1873.—TzRms I.l..turEn's IVEDKLY, one year .$4,00 Address, HARPER BROTHERS, New York. AZ1025111/101111THIN1 LANE t riIHE subseiiber informs the public 1 ho runs a coach from Waynesboro' to Waynesboro' 'Station, 3 times a day daily, Inakina connection with all trains on. the . W. M. It. It. Leaves Waynesboro' at 4:60, A. M., 11 A. M., 5:30, P.M. Arrivesat Way ne sbro' at 6:40, A. M., 1:30, P. M., 3:34 P. M., and 8:30, P. 31. All express matter *Jill receive prompt attention. Faro, 75 cente.• mar J2O-ly M. C, CRILLT. D. B. Ruturfaat, ~~~ D. B. RUSSELL & SON at the sign of the Big Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Stoves and Tinware. • COOM 'SrrOV - MS (rarrantetl to give satisfaction.) TINWARE, -lIARDWARE, BRASS WARE JAPANNED WARE, HOUSE FURNISHLNG GOODS TUBS, BUCKETS, CHURNS, KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOONS, LADLES " _LARGE IRON AND COPPER KETTLES. Aninther useful articles at the sign of the RIO- RED HORN, Wayn,esboro', Pa., where a large assortment of COOK STOVES, .PLATE STOVES, :PARLOR STOVES, • _ COAL STOVES &C., ofthelatestimprovernents,-the-very-bestin the market, at the Cheap Tip and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSE-L & SON. EVERYBODY THE IMPROVED 'B4SE BURNER, Slod at Retail by D. B. RUSSE L L a, & SON Sign .of the Big Red Horn, Waynesboro', Pa TIZTVTA,IRM made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the • "BIG RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large. assortment of all House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kero sene Oil and a large assortment a Lamps. WASHING MADE EASY ! by calling at the sign of the "Fig Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. Ita„Persons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c., can get full value for their. money by calling on D. B. RUSSELL S. SON, Sign of the "Big Red Horn," • IVaynesboro', Pa. ROCK. Forge Shop. THE subscriber informs his customers and the public generally that he con tinues to repair all kinds of Machinery at the Rock' Forge Shop, 3 miles from Way nesboro', near Antietam Junction, and man ufactni es to order WAGONS, PLOWS, HAR ROWS. CIDER PRESSES and farming im plements generally. He employs none but experienced mechanics and uses the best material, and is therefore enabled to'gn.4,r antee all work to give satisfaction. He has now ready for purchasers, Wagons, two horse, three-horse, four-horse and six -horse, Motz and Self-sharpener Plows, Cider Presses, &c. &c. ow Castings always on hand. He assures the public that any of the above ar ticles can be had at the lowest price. Per sons wanting anything in his line are in vited to call, see and satisfy themselves. He also takes this occasion to return thanks to his friends and patrons for past encourage ment. JOHN S. DAYHOF.E. July 2,,T—tf TAILORING. • THE subscriber announces to his old ma tomers and the public that he has again taken up his residence in Waynesboro' and will be pleased to receive a share of public patronage. His place of business is on Lei tersburg streot, nearly -opposite Bell's Pot tery. • JOS. ANDEB:zON. may I—tf 40 BARRELS OF CIDER VINEGAR, rrIIE subscriber offers for sale in gnanti- I ties ranging from five gallons and up wards, about forty barrels of pure cider vinegar.• Warranted a genuine article. April 2.5—t! B. F. FUNK. T. TT AS - IPe. 1' T Feet of different grades of 30,000 Fine Board Lumber for sale • by FRICK & CO.. . ravylstf] B. Work.s takes this anetbed of iulfonnai.his, • ers and the public the he h: REDUCED TIIE PRICE O} is I• E from ten to twenty,per centlOwin to the advantages he has over nthe menu' turers he can anC will sell Furnitue at a price than any other 31Ianufactuar, State, HAVING THREE STORE 003 E, filled with every variety'oiFurni re, from a plain, common article, todie finest in use, he feels warranted in saying Mit he can please all unites. EiF.A.NENE 'LIST Cr PIaCES. Cottage—/mitatlon of Walnut $5. • 8,7, to 8 Solid Walnut 8,9, to-1.0 . Benny Lind-3-Arch Top Panel, . Walnut " " 44,16, to 18 3-Arch Top_Panel, . . 'lmitation f 10, 12, to 1.4 Round,- Curter-foote,--4-Ba4els-1, Carved " Foot, Ow Walnut Antique—New Style Fine Antique Chant; e-all-3,1 Cot. Chamber Suits Solid Walnut Suits BUR. Im. WM. 4 drawers, wood to e . Im. Nal. 4 drawers, with class, i Marble top .) 7, 18, to 30 Solid Nal. 4 drawers, witb.glass wood top 20,, , 25, to 32 ,i g, Marble top 25„ , 32, to 60 Imitation Walnut 0, 12, to 34 =-,. - - TABLES. - Pining Table, six legs, Breakfast do., four legs, Mar. do 20 dill: paterns, Extension Tables per foot Windsor or 'ane seats (i doz;) 9 10, 11k, 2i, to 30 (Have over 600 of the abeve on I and.) Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, . ,25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 Willow Seat Rocking Chturs„ I'2 to 10 - Spring . Seated Chairs, trpholstelFed in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep and Terry, ranging ill price per half dozen from . b 5 1- - trackitturs uphok as abr.— ' _.6eking - Chairs uplag. as above 9 to 15 (,1 Tete-a-Tetes, upiml. '. above, (each) from 20, 22, 25, oto 75 Box or ' , lain Sofas, f m 18, oto 30 Loungea upholsters in Hair Cloth, Brocatel, ltep, Terry and Da- i mask, Spring seats (each) from 1 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12 to 30 It* AND SEE CRIENT.IL WAR t ROBES. Imitation Walnut, for $lO, 12; 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, for 15, 18, 20, 25 to 60 lIM.AIso, side Boards, Wash Stands, flat ,tress es, and in fiat everything in the Furni ture line. The limits of an adyeitisnment is entirely too narrow to give a fulldist of Furnitnre 'made at this establishineo CALL & SEE FOR YOURSELVES. IMieruember the place, • I. H. WHITMORE, • Greencastle,!Pa. Dec. 1,1371 ItIYNESBORO' 1111113 FIRE INSURANCE COMPA Y, • WA YNESBORO', PA., INSURES AGAINST:LOSS OR DAMAGE By On all safe class property at reasonablelrates W. S. AMBERSON, President. ' SIMON LECRON, Vice President. JOS. DOUGLAS, SECRETARY. Jos. W. MILLER, Treasurer. W. S. Amberson, Simon Lecron, Dr. A. H. Strickler, Jacob Hoover, Jos. Douglas, Jos. Price, Jacob J. Miller, .1 . 45. W. Miller, D. R. Miller, D. B. Russell, Geo. J. Baits ey, Jacob Good. - • DAVID M.. GOOD, Agen ] Waynesboro', P. jtme 16, '7 which ne last any 0 where. . 506 Corn Sept 12 Gorge CH • Z & UNGER, Proprietors. NION has been entirely. refit nished in every department, a • supervision of the present p no effort will be spared to deser -hare of patronage: tables will be spread with t Market affords, and their ys . contain the choicest Liquo of the public solicited. ivp Stabling and attentive Hostle c. 14-1-y The and re-f under tl prietors a libera Their best th will aim' The fax Exte TUE INGTON COUNTY PLOI IHD' justly Celebrated Plow former ma nfactured by Moatz & Barkdoll ci now bi had of Barkdoll &, Newcomer their uthorized agents. All Plows wa rante to give satisfaction. BARKDOLL & NEWCOMER, RINGOOLD, WASIIINGTOi.: CO., M emirs.—D. H. Stonebraker, Cavetow M. 0. Bellman, Hagerstown, Md. S. .11nehart, Waynesboro', Franklin Co., P March 28, 1872—1 y NEW SPRING GOODS. MS KATE STlCKLEanneunces to he (Iv friends that she has just open() out a full line of new Millinery Goode, en bracing all styles and prices. The ladi are invited to call acid examine the nel btQck. may S-tf '1 , BEDSTEADS ',57,50 to 9 5 to 6 9, 19, 12,t0 15 - 2to 3 CHAIRS. 1 10 X' 3EL MII OFFICERS : DIRECTORS: BLATCRLRIT 4 IMPROVED CUCUlinft IMOD 11, es Tastless, Durable' Effic nt 2 - , and Cheap. The best p ) i. for the least money. At ,n -i‘ tion is especially invite( 14 Blatchley's Patent Impro d Braket and New Drop Ch k Valve, which can be w, '- drawn without removing e IPump or disturbing thejoi Also the Copper Chami 1 . cracks or scales, and. will ~ er. For sale by dealers eve .ad for Catalogue and Price- '. as. G. BLATMusy, 3Pfr. 'rce Street, Pltilada., Pa. 1872-ly HOTEL. of Main lb Queen St BERSEIURG, Penn'a. THE WAYNESBORO' VILLAGE RE 011 PUBLISHED EVERY. THURSDAY Nonlslitie • kiy W. BLAIR. ! .i ~. i i 6 within the year; Two Dollars and - Fifty cents after the expiration of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS—:One Square (10 ' lines) three insertions, $1,50; for ' each ,subsequent insertion,,Thin. • five Cents per Square. A liberal • " • discount made to yearly adver, • •. , Users. LOCALS.—Business Locals Ten Cents per line for the first insertion, Seven " Cents for subseauent insertions 'Vroftssionai (ards. J. B. AMBERSON, M. XL, 'PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO I , - PA. Offieo at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." ' pane 29—tf. SRL 101114411AUPPlik------- PHYSICIAN: AND SURGEON, Offers his - professional - services - to - the - pub. lie. Office in his residence, on West Main street, Waynesboro'. april 24-tr Has resumed the practice of Medicine. OFFICE—In the Walker .Building—near • te—Berwth•L• Hoabe. • ,• • •. • . • made at his residence on Main Street' ad , oining the Western School 'House. July 20—tf SN-1-vm-Lar, PIIISICIAN AND SURGEON. WAYNFSBORO' PA. Office at his residence, nearly opposite he Bowden House. Nov 2—tf.' ,TOSTPI-1 DOTTG-I_LA,S, ATTORNEY-AT-VIW, WAYNESBORO', PA Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. • N--11---Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insitrance effected on reasonable terms. December 10, IS7I. DEL A. Cr STRIMMLERi, (FOIDIERLY OF 31ERCERSB17RO, Ps.,) ®citizens his Professional services to the I...Ycitizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. DIiSTRICELEII hias relinquished an exten sive practice at Alercersburg, where Ile has been-prominently engaged for a number of ears in the )ractice of his rofession. - e as opene an I 'ice in Waynesboro', at the residence of George Besore, Esq., '1 Father-in-law, where he can be fount' .at times *hen not professionally engagel July 20, 1871.—tf. G THE subscriber informs the public that he continues the Barbering business in the room next door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times prepare to do hair cut, ting, shaving,s Lampooning etc, in the best style. The patronage of the public is respect, fully solicited.' Aug 23 IS7I StttNIGILES TAE subscriber has now for sale a prime. P article of Chestnut Shingles, a supply of which he will continag to keep on hand.— He has also for sale a large lot of alasteriag• Laths. April 13 MILLINEIa GOODS! TO THE LADIES ! R.S. C. -L..HOLLINBERGER:' has just LVA.reeeived a full supply of new Millinery foods. Ladies are invited to call and examine ter stock, BARS WANTED L. S. FORNEY ill pay the highest market price for 5.50 cords of Rock and Black Oak Bark delivered at their Tannery in Waynesboro. Hides•and Skins taken in and weighed at the cellar of C. Buthes' Shoe Store, for which the highest market price will be paid. WHO Ma SALE, MIRE subscriber offers for salel6o Cords A. of Wood, hickory and oak, which is easy of access, being about a half a mile from the public road, and near Samuel Welty's residence. Sept s—tf COUNTY TREASURER. - T OFFER MYSELF as a Candidate fOr the loffice of county Treasurer, subject to the decision. of the Repubßean County Nomina, ting Convention. WM. HAMMETT. 'Waynesboro' April 1,, 187„3-tc BOOR AND SHONEAKILSTG. THE subscriber wcuild inform, the public. that ho is at all times prepared to make o order Gents Coarse. or• f no; Boots, also coarse or finer *ork...foi Ladies or. Misses, in cluding the latest stida of lasting. Gaiters.— Repairing done at'short notice,„ and mensal,. es taken in private famines it desired Shop on East Main Street, in the "room formerly occupied by J. Eldon, as a finer and tted tore. THOS. J. HOLLINGSWORTH Iphe subscriber announces to his friends and the public that he has purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engaged m the above bus iness, on Main Street, - at the East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing rr" , -9 but the beat workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a share of patronage, All kinds of new work on hand orders filled promptly. .Jan. 14 tf. COAL GEO. B. HAWKER RT-7TT;T7 '. 73r n ::I7N . MI 'THE subscriber notifies the' public' that I he hag opened out a Wagon-maker Shop on the corner of Main and Broad Streets; where heis prepared to do all kinds of work in that line ; also'all kinds of buggy repairs •done at short - notice and'reasonable terms.. Having an experienced workman he hopes he can give satisfaction to all that give him a call. ! - ISRAEL HFSS. mar 20-3 m - • • THE 'BOWDEN HOUSE MAIN STREET, WAYNFSBORO', PENN'A. THE subscribe* having leased this well: known 11,te1 property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re,pain. ted and papered it, and is now amply pre. pared to accommodate the traveling public and others who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hostler will at all times he in attendance. May 23-tf SA3PI. P. STONER.. .r•ruiri to w . 4 5 C . X,. .74 - - Sooor 1000 Choice Chestnut Bails for post fence for sale, in front of Mon treey Springs Hotel. Engnire of • • • afar 13-tf 11. YiNULIING, ACT. W. A. PRICE S. B. RINIIHART DAVID LOHR