theMitrket' fOu:Flunr; 4110: Continue dull and generally . me& Howard Street .do. at $6; Western,extm at ,67.50, and Howard Street Family at $8.25. War-Am—The saleszeported *ire good Western red. at 183 cents, and several -small lots Southern at from 190 to 203 cents for good , red to amber. Cow —White at 72 cents, an advance .of 1 cent per bushel. prime yellow at 63 cents, and inferior do. at 60 cents. OsTs.—Southern 50®.54 cents forinfe. xior to prime, and mixed Western at 49 @5O cents. - RYE. — We quote fair to prime at 85® cents. ' NULL. CATTtE MARKET, June 4.— Beef cattle dull ; prices favor buyers; sales .extra Pennsylvania and Western Steers 7iaB cents; fair to good 61a7 cents; corn own 5a6 cents. Sheep unchanged ; sales At boa cents. Hogs in fair demand; .sales at $8a8.25. ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS' AAPOLIO is a substitute for soap for all household purposes, exeept - washing clothes. SAPOLIO for cleaning your house will save the .labortof one cleaner. Give it.a SAPOL IO for windows'is letter than wa ter or whiting. No removing curtains or carpets. • ,S-APOL JO cleans paint and wood, :in fact the anti. e house, .better than soap. No slopping. Saves labor. You cant afford to be without it. :S-APOL JO for scouring knives is better ; and cleaner than bath brick: .Will not scratch. S.A POL JO is than soap and sand for polishing tinware. Bright ens without scratching. SA 0 L 3 l 0 polishes%brass and copper uten sils better than acid ur oil and rotten stone SAPL I 0 for washing :dishei.and glass ware is invaluable,_Cheape than soap. S APO L I. :( ) removes stains from marble mantels, tables and statuary., from hard-finished walls, and china ana porcelain. :SA.POL IO fr remoxes stains and grease from -carpets and woven fabrics. 'There ,no tone article known that mill do so many kinds pf.afork and do it 128 well as Sopo lio. Try if. HAND 'S A P 01, I 0 a new and wonderfully ef fective toilet soap, having no equalin this country or abroad. HAND SAPO L' I 0 as an article for the bath, `•reaches the foundation" of all dirt, opens the pores and gives a healthy action and brilliant tint to skin, HAND SAP OLI 0 cleanses and beautifies the skin, instantly removing i any stain or blemish from both hands arid face. HAND SAPOLIO is without a rival in the world for curing or preven Ling roughness and chap ping of either hands or face. HAND SAPOI4.IO removes Tar, Pitch, Iron or Ink Stains and grease; for workers in machine shops, mines, ac., is inval uable. For making the skin white and soft, and giving to it a "bloom of beauty," it is unsurpassed by any Cosmetic known. :LAND SAPOLIO costs 10 to 15 cts. per cake, and everybody should have it. You will like it. Dont Fail to try these Goods. Buy it of your merchant if ho has it or he will procure it for you. If not, then write fur our pamphlet, "All about sapolio," and it will be mailed free. ENOCH HORGAN'S SONS, june 5-ly 2C) Park Place, N. Y. .DOWN.! DOWN! DOWN!! OOD Family Flour, Barrel and all, at J. LP Wen's, for $9. But mind it must be ,cash. No other way. Also 26 pounds for $1,25. Corn,,Oats, Stuff of all kinds, Coffee, Sugar, .Corn Meal, Cracked Corn and Screenings, Potatoes and Salt, Dried Fruit, and lots of Ober things-cheap for cash, .cash, caqh—all the time. june 5-3 t • J. ELDEN. ardikkeas FMB &TALE: MAE subscriber has for sale on the most terms two UcCormick Reap ers, ono large and the other medium size, almost as good as new, having been in use only two seasons. Persons wishing to pur chase can call on the subscriber, or on Da vid R. Fitz, on the Good farm, near 'Way nesboro'. HENRY GOOD. June 5-tf iAr 3;. rrWO MACHINJSTS used to Agrieoltnr 1. al and Engine Work, TAYLOR MANUFACTURING CO:, June 5-3 t We tminster, 314. MACKEREL—A choice lot , i ii quarter barrels, for sale by june 5 'VM. A. AIEID. I I • OTOMAC HERRING-llalf barrels sold june by 5 AVM. A. ktEID. • QALT SHAD—Good Salt Shad for sale by ►J June b WM. A. REID. ATIIL CLOTHS. A large lot of Floor Oil "...f Clothe of different widths and prices at' y. 2S AMBEENON, BENEDICTCO'S. is 1 Q ND SUMMER NSW NEW GOODS !! 10 -- - Eng la BERNER pio Di :D G , TAILOR, a and for sale a full line for gentlemen's wear er, such .as nAS now of NEW 1;0 for Spring ail CLOTS`I ELEGANT S DI: EEO GENTS F teitiqui4sl of every •des 11, of which will be . ,it the times and sold at pr made t dei, pith neat- ss Also :a BEADY M d dispatch to assortment of E CLOTHING Aselected stock of k y , R-W, lts DR ', , ' 11.0SIERT, COLLARS, His la4ge, SHIRTS, CUFFS, NECK TIFil LOVES, IVALED. ' t ion guarantll in all cases. Call hie the Sprin d Summer Styles. eto show go . Remember the th-east Cornr Public Square. 1873 G. B. and ass No trou place, S I* T OF THE C'.l ITION OF THE Nations). Bank Waynesboro', Pa. • f business,•Ap 5, 1873: RESOUR S. Id Discounts, $70,395,41 fts, 182,72 nds to secure ci ation, 75.400,00 ids & Securities hand, 23,650,00 icks Bonds and tgages 2,979,49 redehming Agts, 7,008,09 Nat. Banks, I 7,299,61 State Banks & Bikers, ' 2,121,88 Expenses, 814,56 • s (including sta s) 90,35 I at. Banks, 2,529,00 rrency,including ickels 453,60 -nder Notes, r 14,540,00 wi rs, at close Loans Overdr U. S. B U. S. Bo Others Due fro .4 St Curren. Cash it• Bills of Frac. Legal LIABILITIES _ S ~_ $207,461,71 Stock, . i $75,000,00 Fund, 1 15,000,00 t, Exchange, Inter" 4,371,85 ion outstanding • i 64,940,00 d Checks, I _ 127,00 Capita Surpl Disco Circul Card?, Tndivi Due to, Due t Bills d ea' Deposits, I 39,195,51, i at. Batiks, , 4,620,86 . tate Bks. & Bankers, 1,829,18 yable, e 2,380,31 Pennsylvania, f l S. 7. in County 'Sohn -hier of the First Natnal Bank of I . sboro', do solemnly sw,.r that the a .tatement is true to th best of my • dgo and belief. JNO. PHIIPS, Cash. eribed and sworn to biore me this first day of May, A. D 4873. H. M. Snume,. J. P. rrect—Attest:--Joseph :rice, Wm. ett, Daniel Trifle, Diretnrs. ips, C Way., bove kno. rizanistratoes Moe. ce is hereby given that Itters of Ad r ration upon the estate ODavid Ja late of Washington towdaip, teen granted to the undettned. All .s knowing themselves idebted to state will please make imrpdiate pay and those having claims tll present properly authenticated for,cttlement. M. H JACOBS, Adm'r. mini cobs halt: pers said me I thee' TORE FIXTURES FOR RE. E Shelving. Counter, &c., itthe store •om occumed by Stover & 111 ff, in the .ellows building, is offered ir sale on ost reasonable terms. Ear applica -hould be made as the builditg will be down nest week. 5-1 t WAYNESBORO' M'EG. Co. VILLINERY GOODS I PRICES REDO I I RS. STOVER offers Millinery cods at reduced prices. Ladies will tid some bargains in Sash Ribbons, lowers, hers, &c. &e. Call and exami y2a—tf COACHMAKING- RSONS in want of vehicles o y de [ eription, new or second-hande s can be shied at the old "Wa.ynesbord Coach ory" on Church. 'street. The sibserib .rdially invites those desiring aisathing is line to call and examine h tock learn his prices, which be feels yarran in saying will compare favorably with of au.y other establishment in tbi conn , PAIRING of all kinds will receive #ompt tiou. ankful to the public for past pate?' nage elicits a continuation of the same in the JACOB ADAMS. NNAMON, alspice, mustard,cloves skid ther spices whole or ground. eid's Grocery MPTY Molasses Barres and Sugar do for sale at Re:d's Grocery. I .NCAVE CONVEX spectacles, Er-1"-; ETA WINTER GOODS now opening at AMBEESON, BENEDICT S Co'S 1873., • 1873. & CO • r Have received their SPRING STOCK. •of DRY GOODS, . k NOTIONS, , * • GROCERIES, HARDWARE, • OATEENSWARE, CEDARWARE, BOOTR, SHOES, .AND GAITERS,. Their stock is full in every department . and the public are invited to call and EXAMINE GO6DB and prices as they offer GREATER BAR AIrAIICS than ever. J.' W. M. & CO. may 154 f 1873. VESTINGS- AT ELDEN'S ANAY always be found a full and prir6 I.7lstock of , SOOTS AND SHOES, PAPER COLLARS SCR-Watches andgewelry repaired. North East Corner of Public Square. Dec 5,1872—tf ,4r,C. AC, B. WMPERSBERGEIPS LIVERY STABLES, WAYNESBORO% PA. Yr HE-undersigned has again resumed the Livery . business in-all its branches, after a suspension of several years, with every thing new and in complete order. His hors es will be found safe and in the best condi tion. The buggies are all of the latest and best.manufactures. Whips, 'Robes, Blank ets, &c., in abundance and in ample order. In fact a livery not to be surpassed by any in the. country. eis also contractor for IL ,\;„ carrying the U.S. it from Greencastle to the W. M. R. R. via f Monterey Springs. The Omnibus leaves c!.ynesboro' in the 'morning and returns am in the evening. Also a daily line to th W. M. R. R. via of Monterey. . SerAll Express matter carefully handled and attended to with dispatch. Attentive hostlers always in attendance and at the seiviceS of the traveling public. may.29—t 0 • J. R. WOLFERSBERGER. SpAGE LINE. THE subscriber notifies the public that he will run a Daily Coach commencing on Tuesday the 11th inst., from Waynesbo ro' to Mt. Alto via. Quincy and Funkatown. Will leave Waynesboro' at 5:30 A. M., ar rive at Mt. Alto, at 7:20, making connection with the early train for Chambersburg, Harrisburg, etc., by which train passengers can reach Harrisburg by 11:35, A. M. ; Phil adelphia 3:30, P. M., New York 6:34, P. M. Will leave Mt. Alto at 6, P. M. and arrive at Waynesboro' at 7:30, P. M. All express matter promptly attended to. FARE.—Through tickets to Chambersburg furnished for $l.OO. Persons wanting tick ets will put their names on slate to be found at the hotels and Post Office. may 29, 1873-tf JOS. KEEPERS. $207,464,71 GIVEN AWAY. FINE , GERMAN CDROM°. WE SEND AN ELEGANT CLIROMO, MOUNTED AND READY FOR FRANENG, TO EVERY AGENT FOR UNDERGROUND 'OR, LIFE BELOW SURFACE, BY THOS. W. KNOX. 942 Phges Octavo. 130 Fine' ngratings. Relates Incidents and Accidents - beyond the Light of Day; Startling Adventures in all parts of the World ; Mines and Mode.of Working them •, Undercurrents of Soeiety ; Gambling and its Horrors; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wickedness; Prisons and their Secrets.; Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treats of experience with'bri gands ; nights in opium dens and gambling hells; life in Prison ; Stories of exiles ; ad• ventures among Indians; journeys through Sewers and Catacombs ; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy ; tortures of the inquisi tion ; wonderful burglaries ; underworld of the great cities, etc., etc. AGENTS WANTED . for this work. Exclusive territory given.— Agents can make $lOO a week in selling this book. Send for circulars and terms to a gents. J. B. BURR & HYDE, Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. may 29, 1873 NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of Henry H. Greenawalt, late of Quincy twp„ dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persond indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them fully authenti cated for settlement. JOHN F. HESS, JULIA A. GREENAWALT, may 15-6 t Administrators. "THE HERCULEAN LIFTiNG JACK." LTAVING purchased from the patentee, CI Mr. John Riddlesbarger, his right, ti tle, and interest for the United States in his valuable improvement in lifting jacks, (the Same being secured by letters patent) 11 will sell Township, ,County and State Rights. I. N. SNIVELY, may 29-tf Waynesboro', WANTED --03 First-class Agents to sell ter:ital. , / for the "Hercu.len Lifting Jack." I. N. SNIVELY, may 29—tfj Waynesboro', Pa. WATER Crackers, gingersnaps, and rY fancy crackers at Meld's Grocery RATS AND TRUNKS, WEAR, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, KINDS •AF NOTIONS Actrainistrator's Netico. FALL ANDI NTER GOODS. COON .& STONEIIOIISE RAVE just received a large and well • ■ selected stock of new Fall and Winter Goods,: which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' • and surrounding country . at the lowest, cash prices. The stock cons ists in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest and latest styles ; Goods of every description for men and boy's wear ; Shirting Stripes, • Brown and Bleached Mublins, .Sheeting. Tickings, Linen & Cot ton Table Diapers, Towels & • Toweling, -- Table Covers, Balmorals, Skirts, Calicoes, Gingbams, Irish Linens, a large lot White Cotton 'Quilts, very cheap , Table 44r, Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points eic Shall% a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men, Wo en and Children; Linen, Lace & Papper Cellars, LaqEs, Ed g.and Inserting, jclSilk dCotton fringes and • . . rimings of every description, • ,Silk' Cotton Gloves,. - a verything else in notion line Boots, Sh and Straw Hats, Ladies and Children Gtjaters,Shoes and Slippers, to gether with . roceries, Hard vare, Wooden Ware, Que are, Glassware, and Wall Paper. all and see. our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. Nov. 14.1872 AND NECK- AFTER an absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workian will be employed, and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also plain, suits to suit certain classes-of-men.--. Particular-attention paid to cutting men and boys clothing all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of Dr. Strickler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic street. By strict attention to business, and .a disposition to please all, -Lhope to receive aliberal share of public pa- - tronage. April 24-tf JAS. A. FISHER. AND ALL Butchering Again. THE subscriber announces to his old cus tomers and the public generally that he has recommenced the Butchering business, and will be able to acccommodate them as formerly at the cellar in tne Walker build ing. Persons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc. canrrest assured thathis cellar will be the place to get it, as hells determined to slaugh ter the best quality of stock only. Feb 27-tf T. J. CUNNINGHAM. A. WORLD OF CRIME. VITNIC .A... 3EVEXIa IESUING to make some change In his usiness, and on account of the scarc ity of money will offer his goods to CASIC and PROMPT buyers, at a small advance 9n cost. Particular attention called to Glassware and Queensware. So long as his "banner hangs on the outer wall" he will keep a full line of Statue Gro ceries ; White and Brown Sugars, Coffee, Tea, • Syrups, Molasses, New Orleans Molasses. Mackerel di Herring, Soaps,vGarden Seeds, Shoe Brushes, Bed Cords.'BaSkets, &c. • Candy, Raisins, Prunes. Lemons, Oranges, &c. Mao Essences and Eitracts for cooking purposes. A nice line of Crackers LIFE & ACCIDENT INSVRANCE. MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK. LWa . !EMa . j .. l . 3iMZMa .i ' TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT OF HARTFORD, CONN., Having in the aggregate 060,4Dcr0 000. Accident Policies good against death or wholly disabling injury, for one year or less granted ,on application to me. No ma chinist, no mechanic's, no farmer, no pro fessional man, nor any other man or wo man, ought to let a day pass without hav ing an Accident Policy. We pay weekly indemity for disabling injury and if death results from the Accident in 90 days the whole amount of Policy insured for is paid promptly in cash.' June 20.1872—tf W. A. REID. J. H. .rortzrEr & Co. 1 1 20400 e Ogaandasigia Moraluarts 77• NORTH STREET, kALTIMORE, MD. Pay particular attention to the sale •of Flour, Grain, Sande, &c. Liberal advances made on consignments. irtity 29-tf WAYNESBORO', PA., April 21st, 1873. NOTICE! Rice,'Cheese, Sugar Cured Ham Salt, Conc. Lye, Kerosene and Safety Oil, and Fancy Cakes aaav .32a1130 SPRING GOODS MASON MEM & 001, HAVE just received their first supply of SPRING GOODS to which we•caall the attention of our customers and We have ,full stock of the following: Grroceries, Qneensware, Ca.rpets, DRY GOODS, OIL BLINDS, BOOTS AND Cassimers, Lawns, Tickinga, Ladies Dress Goods of all 'kinds. GIVE US A CALL BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE AND WE 'WILL CON VINCE YOU THAT OUR GOODS ARE AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE MARKET. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. april 17. NEW TIN STORE IT HE undersigned would most iespectfnlly I inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover d: Wolfi's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofing, spouting and repairing. You will find it to yourinterest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the ,post.— Thankful for past favors he hoped fora con tinuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON AL FREY .BARE CHANCE FOR AIERCIIANTSs BY virtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by John H. Gehr, they will offer at private sale at the store in Ringgold, Washington county, Md., the stock of general merchandise belonging to said Gehr. To those desiring .a good busi ness location this offers a rare chance, it be ing rarely excelled as a country stand. The storeroom and house will be for rent as soon as the stock is sold. For further particulars call on or address DANIEL ROW, J. D. BENEDICT, may l—tf Trustees. Repository, copy 3t and send bill to this office. CO-PARTSERSHIP. THE subscriber announces to his patrons and the public generally. that he has as sociated with him in the Boot and Shoe business Thomas M. Goetz, and that the business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of Ruths Sr. Gcetz. , Thankful for past favors he respect;ully solicits for the new firm a share of public patronage Work of any description will be promptly furnished to order. As it is necessary that the old books should 'be closed all in&btod are requested to call .and settle without delay. april 10-tf C. PITHS. FRANKLIN KEAGY, ARIGRIFFECT AND EtttLEIER4 CLIAMBERSBURG, PENNA. Designs, Plans, Elevations, Sections and Details of Private or Public Buildings, Bills of Quantities ; Estimates of. Costs• ; Drawings of Inventions for Applieationeof l'atents, &c. Charges moderate. • may 15-tf just received and now offered to customers and the public. All are invited to call and examine quality and be convinced that goods can be and are being sold in Quincy at least as cheap and as good for the price as in Waynesboro', Greencastle and Cham bersburg. Up a stock of goods that will give Satisfaction. No goods sold on time And consequently customers can Expect to buy'cheap. Good heavy • Muslin 1 yard wide at 14 cents, Splendid line of prints, Bargains in Mens Clothing, Notions made an especiality. Drugs warranted pure or Funded, Best Cinnamon 5 cts. oz.,' Frights, Ayers, Schencks, Motts; -Herrick's and the famous Gardour And other Pills always on hand, Scores• of Patent Medicines ; Tinware, Earthen and Queensware, Table Set, granite 'ware, (48 pieces,) Warranted for five dollars, •3000 pounds Bacon, 50 Hams and as many Shoulders and Sides, nicely cured drl- . ed. Come, see, and you will not regret april 10, 1873-ly C. W. G. the public generally CARPETS 1 CARPETS ! Y. H. WHITMORE. ilas just returned from New York and Phil :adelphia wi r the largest and best assort me --;* OIL CLOTHS in onsisting of . New styles and Paterns, El% 't MESH BRUSSELS, Extra super, superfine and Cotton Chains, and - MEN CARPET; OM CZOTIIS all widths; 5-4, 6.4, 8-4, 10-4, Oil and Linen ___ • Drugget and Crumb 'Cloth, Rugs and Mats,•China Matting, Rope Matting, &c. &c., • EVER OFFERED GREENCASTLE, PA. Rag Carpets, constantly on hand and made • • to order. Selling lower than any other house in the County, call and see my large stock be-, fore purchasing elsewhere, as I am selling, at old prices, at wholesale and retail. March, 14, 1872. Hardwate, Oil Cloths, Cloths Kentucky Jeans, FIRST SPRING ARRIVAL' OF NEW GOODS ! • D. Summers & Son; QUINCY, PENN'A, Have just returned from the city with a full; line of DRY GOODS, Suitable fcr SPRING; AND SUMMER Wear. Are offering bargains in CLOTHS, CASSTNIERES, JEANS, COTTONADES, REPPS, GINGHAMS, MUSLIN 6, TICKINGS, CO rroN & ALL WOOL, FLANNELS, Also a full line of • • NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY,. SUSPENDERS, HATS,'CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they will sell at low figures. A full line of Gr - RL CO C 5 IEI L 13153. such as Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, &c., &c., at low rates—your examination is invited. far Come, examine our prices and judge for yourselves! april 10;1873-1Y • saw, MANUFACTURER OF • SASEEMOORS, FRAMES, AIIAN TLES, BRACKETS, MO ULDINGS, Ake, ---o— • I shall continue the manufactuze of all kinds ofßuilding Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furnishing Stairways,Newel's Balusters and'ittiiling of hard or soft wood., Prompt attention given to •orders ; also Grist Chopping,, Post Boring and Bill Saiv ing at short notice. TO THE PUBLIC Thavacful for past favors, we ask you for a continuance of the same. Factory miles South of Waynesboro', Pa. april 10-tf , A. M. G. THE undersigned offers at private sale the folloWing described property., situated a bout 21 •miles North of Waynesboro', near the Greencastle turnpike. The Lot con tains 7 ACRES, more or less, with a com fortable TWO-STORY NEW twenty-one :by thirty, feet, a good Frame Stable, sanciently large for 2 horses and 2 cows,'Hog Pen thereon. There is also c a se lection of Choice Fruit Trees on the prem ises. The land is of the best quality of eliniestone. For further particulars persons -wishing to purchase will please can on the. undersigned. . SARAH SCOTT. may 8-3 m THE subscriber has corn for sale whole sale or retail, from one barrel to one hundred barrels. Also a lot of old corn shelled. ALEN.. HAMILTON. may 1.--tf The mibseriber has now ready for market the different varieties of Sweet Potato Plants ineluding xed and yellow. may 22-3 t BE J. F. FRANTZ. FORS _A_ 1.1 - T.A.Ear kt of extra =tone /ikon stones, at A. S. MOllll% saw mill. may 1-tf `"HAD AND HERRING.-31ess. Shad and 01'otoz!mac ilerthn n bbl'. for sale by W A. REID NEW GOODS! NE GOODS!! GreloC).lD, QUINCY, PENNA. If yOu want goods that will give you sat isfaction. If you want goods at fair and reasonable prices, and' if you want goods that are cheapland serviceable, buy then?. of C. W. GOOD, at the Corner Store, Quincy. A full line of NEW GOODS Come for your Cheap Sugars, ' Your Cheap Coffees, and espegi- Ally for your Cheap Cotton Goods, Price them and see if you•can buy Cheaper and better anywhere else. Especial effort made to keep AT THE ANTIETAM FACTORY. SMALL - :PROP.E.Et,TY FOR SALE I VO G DOUSE, CORN FOR Si%LE. Sweet Potato Plants. FEICK h cO., MOPS. GEO. macs, SUPT. WAYNESBORO'.,' STEAM-ENGINE AND BOILER WORKS ESTABLISHED 1853. STATIONARY ANDI_PORTABLE STEAMINGENES„ BOUM Portiible Stim BEMs, and all other Machinery made .tn.order, I=ll2=l The above cut represents our Horizontal Engine with Improved Side Bed. This de sign makes it strong, neat and durable and upon which we have 'made some valtiable improvemi•nts, especially upon the working parts 'lnaltleg them •durible and economi cal. del ,build Horizontal Engines with box beds of differont sizes and designs and up on the titost improved plan. We also make Upright Engines of differ ent sizes and styles, and where economy of space is an object, they have some advan tage over the Horrizontal, also in the wear -of-the Cylinder,which is always equal in an Upright Engine. A. special point of advantage in these En (A. 0. 'Frick's) recently invent ed and patent self-adjusting BALANCED SLIDE V:ALVE, suited, to all Steam Engines and Locomotives It leaves the Engines as simple in operation as those of the ordina ry plain slide malse (lass. 'We direct spec ial attention to this supefior valve, and in vite correspondence. We give spatial .attention to Portable Engines and Saw Mills; also Agricultural Engines for threshing grain.and for fart purposes generally. Also STPLAME. DE3CD/i.MB..S, of all sizes. Further information may be obtained from the manufacturers, • FRICK & COMPANY, Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Pa. may 8-tf 187 'SPRING. 1873. PIM a NEMO Have 'just opened their Dry Goods and Groceries. .of their stock and prices. is mestica a speciality. PRICE iS:I - 10EFLICH, • B.*E.cor. Public Square, Waynesboro'. April 10, 1873. THE CHAMPION REAPER AND MOWER, .MONVERY • et. HAUGH HAVE the agency for the sole of the a bove Reaper and Mower in Washington and Quincy townships, to which they call the attention of farmers. For a trial test they are willing to put it in competition with any ether machine in use. Reapers and Mowers fully repaired in all parts, wocou or iron. Orders for repair castings to in sure-getting the work done in time should be in by the first of May. Platforms and rakes put on any machine and the new cam head put on stiff or with joint bar. Each ets and coxes for all kinds of Reapers and Mowers furnished to order, also sections guards, rivets, etc. M. 4.t. H. WAGON-MAKING. The subscriber announces to thepublic that he has commenced - Wagon-making and all kinds of wood work for farmers in the above shop, East,end of Waynesboro'. He has a practical and experienced workman and is enabled to supply any article in hit. line at short notice. All wood repairs a bout reapers and mowers promptly attend ed to., The coopering business continued as heretofore. DAVID GIPE. A rill7,3ux •d.. H.. WELSH WITH W. V. LIPPINCOTT & CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Fars and Straw Goods, No. 531 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. april 3-tf SWEET POTATO P.LANTS. The subscriber wishes to informlis cus tomers and the public generally that he has all the leading varieties of Sweet Potato Plants, including the Southern Queen for sale at his hot beds, of a mile North-east of Waynesboro'. 1). S. LESIIER. may..22-.3t • =-F - Ipiipm.ii - raliF - eqwPl ,, /,ir-m rft"K.Z subscribers would inform the pub lic Mat. they have now for sale a article of brick and will continue to CI a supply on luirOlinring the annunc.•* an son. - • * •B. F. &H. C. FUNK. June 13—tf I. 30'2031. 1 e HERRING—New and bright in barrels just received. may 22-lf W. A. REM first • supply ...cif An exafainu solicited. Do-