_ /I: FORNEY & CO. -Protittoo dorterataskin Morohisata 110: 77 'NORTH STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Pay particular attention to . the sale of Flour, Grain, Seeds, &c. • ' Liberal advances made on consignments. may ,29-tf • "THE HERCULEAN LIFTING JACK," TrAVING purchased from the -patentee, 11l Mr. John Riddlesbarger; his right, ti tle, and interest for the United States in his Naluable improvement in lifting jacks, (the same being secured by letters patent) I will sell Township, County and State Rights. J. N. SNIVEL g , may 29-tf , Waynesboro', Pa. J. R. WaLFERSBERGE4PIi LIVERY STABLES, WAYNESBORO', PA4 TTIE undersigned has again resumed,the Liver 3, business in all its branches, after a suspension of several ,years, with every thing dew and in compl e te order. His hors es will be found safe and in the best condi tion. The buggies are all of the latest and best manufactures. Whips, Robes, Blank eets, 4c., in abundance and in ample order. In fact a livery not to be surpassed by any in , the country. He is also contactor for carrying the U.S. Mail from Greencastle to the W. M. R. R. via of Monterey Springs. 'The Omnibus, leaves Waynesboro' in the morning and returns again in the evening. Also a daily line to the W. M. R. R. via .of Monterey. liar All Express matterearefully handled and attended'to with dispatch. Attentive hostlers always in : attendance ,and at theservices of the traveling public. may .2.9:--tf] J. R. MWLFERSBERGER. STAGE LINE. .93 HE subscriber. noti4es.the public that J. he will run a Daily ,Coach commencing .on Tuesday the mil inst., from Waynesbo ro' to Mt. Alto via. Quincy and Yunkstown. Will leave Waynesboro' at 5:30 A. M,, ar rice at Mt. Alto, at 7:20, making connection with the early train for Chambersburg, Harrisburg, etc.,loY which train passengers .can reach Harrisburg by 11:35, A. M.; Phil adelphia 3:30, R. M., New York 11:34, P. M:. Will leave Mt. Alto at 6, P. AT. and arrive at Waynesboro' at 7:30, P:M. 611. express matter promptly attended to. FARE.—Through tickets to Chambersburg furnished for $l.OO. Persons wanting tick ets will put their names on slate to be found at the hotels and Post Office. may 29, 1873--tf JOS. KEEPERS. GIVEN AWAY. PINE GERMAN CHROMO. 'WE SEND AN ELEGANT CETROMO, MOUNTED AND _ READY_FOR_ERAMiNG,TO_EVERVAGENT.SOR_ UNDERGROUND OR, LIFE BELOW SURFACE. BY THOS. W. KNOX. 042 Pages Octavo. 130 Fine Engravings. Relates Incidents and Accidents beyond the Light of Day; Startling Adventures in , all parts of the World ; Mines and Mode of Working them ; Undercurrents of Society ; and its Mirrors; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of. Wickedness; Prisons and their Secrets; • Down in the Depths of the Sea; Strange Stories of the Detection of Crime. The book treats of experience with bri gands ; nights in opium dens and gambling hells; life in Prison ; Stories of exiles ; ad. ventures among Indians ; journeys through' Sewers and Catacombs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy ; tortures of 'the inquisi tion; wonderful burglaries; underworld of the great cities, etc., etc. ' AGENTS WANTED for this work. Exclusive territory given.— ilAgents can make $lOO a week in selling this book. Send for circulars and terms to a gents. • J. R. BURR & Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. may. 29; 1873 MILLINERY GOODS! PRICES REDUCED!! MRS. STOVER offers Millinery goods at reduced prices. .I.4lies will find some good bargains in Sash Ribbons, Flowers, Feathe s &c. &c. Call and examine. may 1:.;,--tf WAN . TEII-30 First-elass Agents to sell V V territory for the "Herculean Lifting ;lack," I.•N F SNIVELY, may 29—tf] Waynesboro', Pa. PUBLIC SALE. THE undersigned will sell'at Public Sale at the late telidencc of Henry G. Green awalt, dec'd, in Quincy townthip, one-half mile west of Mt. Hope, at OA Hill School House, ON FRIDA). THE 30111 OF MAY, 1873, the following property, t? wit : TWO HEAD HORSES, both five years old, one a gool leader ; 1 Milch Cow.; 1 two-horse Wagok, 1 Falling top Buggy. 1 set of Harness 1 1 , , ,et of Plow Gears nearly new, 2 collars, Harness, 1 pair new breast chains,, 1 two-horse pbw, 1 har row, double and single trees, 3 riding sad dle, 1 new sleigh basket, 1 rifle, hi of,brick, 975 shingles, 1 well rope, 3 ladders, 2 grain begs, 2 barrels, a lot of iron, 1 peice sheet iron, I pick ; 35 bus. Oats, 75 BUSHELS OF CORD, more or less, 30 Barrels of Corn, ald other articles not necessary to mention:. Sale to commenee at 1 o'clock on said thy; when a credit of 7 months will ,be given on all sums of $5 and upwards, purchaser* giving their notes with approved security. JOHN P. HESS, JULIA A: GREENAWALT, may 22-2 t Adrers. SWEET POTATO PLANr." The subscriber wishes to inform hb.cus torners and the public generally that le has all the leading varieties of Sweet Nato Plants, 'including the Southern Queet for sale at his hot beds, }•qf a mile Northeast ,of Waynesboro'. D. S. LESEIT.R. may 22-3 t sweet rotato - The subscriber has now ready for market the different varieties of Sweet Potato Plaits including red and yellow. may 22-- ) 3t BENJ. F. FRANTZ • Mgr icar.... far filta,lek. THE subscribers would inform the rb lie that they have now for sale a god 'article of brick and will continue to ha'e supply on hand during the summer set. B. $. & H. C. FUNK. June 13—tf COUNTY TREASURER. ENCOURAGED by the ,flattering sup port received for the office of Count- Treasurer at a former Convention, I agar; offer myself as a candidate fox that office subject to the decision of the Eepublica3 Nomin ati n g convention. W. 11. DAYISON, Greencastle, Dec. 28, i 872. DOTOM AC Ht, RING—New and . brigh „IL. in barrelsjust received. may 22-tf "AIL CLOTHS. A large lot of Floor Oil, Cloths of different widths and prices at v. 2S. AMB ERSON, BEIVEDICT STATEMENT . OF :THB COUNCIL 'OF the Borough of Waynesboro', front May .2, 1872 to May 9, 1873. LIST OF, DRAFTS ISSUED. • M H Stoner for stone ' . North Street, •• • - ' . $ 14'2g. Peter Long breaking stone North St., , . 4, 20 ,1 Zimmerman remov ing nuisances, 2 10 D M Good, jr. services . . at election, . . . 1 00 C C Rhoyual services . • at election ' 100 Thos. Robinson serwil ces at election, 1 00 W A Reid services at . . election, '.- - • •.1 00 F Forthman sundries, " 623 Joe. Douglas services- ' ' ' ppening Streets and alleys, , 40 00 J Breneman remov ing nuisances, . • 13 60 H Snider serv. supv'r ~ , . . 39 09 H Dowlin breaking stone West St. . 21 70 John Null 4breaking stone West St. ' . 17 50 J. Breneman 1 month Police duty, .8 iOO L C and W L Burket . breaking stone 20 231 .1 Null breaking stone 14 49 H Peters " 66. 22 63 W•L Burket " " 10 33 H Dowlin " L C Burket " " Jno Stoner " " H Snider - 6 " 315 J-ICErvin_quarrying 182 perch stone • 63 93 W L'Burket breaking stone 5 35 D Stoops break. stone 14 01 .J Beckner " • " 11 97 D Cordell " - 4 ‘ 550 H .Dowlin " 598 H Peters ••` "2 20 • .Jno Secrist sundries 9 25 E Diffendarfer on con,- tract pik'g S. St. 200 00 E Hess repair'g alley 3 25 J Beckner break. stone Stricklees cross'g 5:25 15 Snider 308 perch. .of • stone find hauling • 182 perches 279 27 E Diffen,darfer,contract 250 00 111 H Stoner break. stone 14 H Snider work and sex. , • vices supervisor 80 75 Jrt Ervin for stone • • .24 83 J Breneman removing nuisances E Diffendarfer con'tr J Brenenian 3 months Police A B Stoler Suryeying • Di ffendarfer build g bridge and filling .South St., Sic. J_Ballunilton_assess'• and seet'y'e sal. &c• E Diffendarfer contriet I) Rider work on Me, chanic St. crossing H Snider services,. &c.. E Diffendarfer contr'ct J Breneman 3 months Folks M Walker rent hog pen A E Waynant oda''r of estate Geo Bender for costs of Burgess W CT . Smith and A 8 Bonbrake for fast driving A B r Stoler surveying Alex Hamilton stone J Breneruan2fmonths Police J Bren f ern burying nui nces W I Bic le councilman E Diffen arfer con'tr W F Gr. e councilman W F Gr. e mason work W G S I•ith Tilting in Oa— at Hall, &c M Han -tine repairing Pub is Pump . H M Si ~ b ett services at ele. ion, swear'g of . fic • s, &c. ZV F H. riser State and ceu ty tax & serv ing notices, &c G W inlet' repair in, Hall . F Fun • stone to repair all. y at Suively's E Diff ndarfer repair in:alley F Fort • man glass and pu ty Wept: boroManufac tu ing Co., stakes H Lose er attend'g cl'k H C .nk inst on d'rt, G IV fcGinley servi- cc: as councilman F For hman services a councilman A D lorganthall se:- v ces, councilman A D lorganthall ens secretary W F 1 orner 4 per ct col t ting $1,557,60 J W Tiller•sundries W F orner exonera t sns Xll amount issued of Tax Duplicate $1,568,60 o Treasurer • 1,649,98 in Col'tor's hands $18,62 TREASURER'S ACCOUNT •nt rec'd from • rmer Treasurer • collected est :per et. Divid'ds n JO shares of Vaynesboro and faryl'd State Line urnpi ke Co. St'ck reo'd of Collector " of Beaver & acobs for rent rec'd.of A Leeds or engine rec'd of I3urgess or sundries t,borrowed It of drafts paid by Treasurer $2,329 ' t of int. on drafts 47 in Treasury 13,05 $2,342,53 RECAPITULATION. not of drafts out, stand'g May 2, '72 $ 249,70 t of drafts issued iuce May 2, '72 am't canceled by Treasurer 2,329,01 fts ontstand'g pay able -s outstand'g pay able tract far piking ct Grading S. St.— ffendarfer $1.750,00 am't pd. by drafts 1,237,28 Balance Total liabilities Less ain't in collector's hands Less amount in Tress urer's hands W. A. REM NO indebteclnens of the Borongh . TNAVAILABLE ASSETS. Town Hall, $3,000 'l6/ shar'S Waynesboro ' andlid. State Line - Turnpike Gesto'k par value ,$5O per share 825 Total assets ' $3,825 Less outstanding drafts and notes payable 1,202;31 Assets over Liabilities $2,622,69 NEB GOODS T'![ NEW VIHIDS THE FIRST IN TOWN . FASHIONABLE-MERCILAST -TAILOR llllik.VEiust received a full supply of Fall Winter Goods, the finest assort ment for Gentlemen's wear ever brought to Waynesboro', consisting in part of English Xereeys, Full Line of French FURNISHING GOODS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING in Whole Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Tests, at, prices to suit the times. All Goods sold by the yard CUT FREE OF CHARGE. Satisfaction guaranteed• in fits and the reputation of the Old Stand fully kept up. CALL AT THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE AND EXAMINE GOODS AND GIVE ME A TRIAL. G. B. 2 45 5 00 37 29 500 4 75 1873. 1873. J.W. MILLER & CO Have received their SPRING STOCK of DRY GOODS, • NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, WEENSWARE, CEDARWLRE, BOOTS, SHOES,' AND GAITERS, Their stock is full in every department and the public are invited to call and EXAMINE GOODS and p_rices as they offer G.TIVTIR6BO - than ever. may 15-tf $2,600,58 $ 74 i 2 150 00 5 18 'AT EL DEN'S n A to y always be found a full and prime ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND TRUNKS, PAPER COLLARS AND NECK WEAR, GLOVES, ' SUSPENDERS AND UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND ALL • KINDS OF NOTIONS. etches and Jewelry repai red. North East Corner of Public Square. Dec b, ] S72—tf 41 25 1549 98 $2,342,53 2600.53 $2.850,28 $521 27 NOTICE is hereby given that Letters .of Administration on the Estate of Henry H. Greenawalt, late of Quincy twp., .dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims present them fully authenti cated for settlement. JOHN F. FIF:99, • J.LILIA A. GREENAWALT., may 15 -fit Administrators. FA)I PTV Molasses B a rre' .s and sugar do for idle at Rekt's Grocery. • $512 71 $1,233,98 51,20!!,31 ' W. F;GROVE,.. A. D. MORGA*THALp, Coifed. Secretary., May. 22. , -0 • 0 G-E©_' 33CE'RiNTER, English ➢Holton, Worsted Suitings, and and English Cloths, "cestings, etc., Also a full assortment of Gentlemen's Adrainfatiateroi Notice. FILL AND I NTER GOODS, COON & STONEHOUSE just received a large and well selected stock of new Fall and Winter Goods, which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country at the lowest cash prices. The stock consists in part of , • LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest and latest styles; Goods of every description for men and boevear ; Shirting Sthpes, B wr_t and Bleached MMllins, • •Cheeting, Tickings, Linen & Cot ton Table Diapers; Towels & Toweling, Table Covers, Balmorals, Skirts, Calicoes, Ginghanis, Irish Linens, a large lot White Cotton • . Quilts, Fery cheap, • Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points & Shane, • a large lot of Stockings, • Handkerchiefs for men, . Women and Children, Linen, Lace & Papper Collars, Laces, Edging and Inserting, Silk and Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description, Kid, Silk and — Cotton Gloves,. and everything, else in notion line Boots, Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden ,Ware,' Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON Sr. STONEHOUSE. • Nov. 14, 1872 WAYNESBORO', PA., April 21st, 187.3 NOTICE ! AIFTER an absence of fifteen years I again locate in the town of Waynesboro' for the purpose of carrying on a first-class Tai loring Establishment. None but the best of workman will be employed t and clothing made in the most fashionable and durable manner. Also. plain suits .to suit certain classes of men. Particular .attention paid to cutting men and boys clothhig all in style. Scouring and renovating done up e qual to any outside of the cities. My place of business is in the office of Dr. Stiockler's new building, adjoining the Besore proper ty, on Mechanic 'street. By strict attention to business, and a disposition to please all, I hope to receive a liberal share of publispa tronage. respectfully Sze., april 24-tf JAS. A. FISHER. Butchering Again. 9 1 1 HE subscriber announces to - his old .cus tomers and the public generally that he has recommenced the Butchering business, and will be able to acccommodate them as formerly at the cellar in tne Walker build ing. Persons wanting prime Beef, Veal, etc. can rest assured that his cellar will be the place to get it, as he is determined to slaugh ter the best quality of stock only. Feb 27—tf T. CUNNINGHAM. A WORLD OF CHANGE. Walt XL3111.1330 NirISITLFG to make some Change In his busineN3, and on account of the scarc ity of money will offer his goods to CAsa and Paompr buyers, at a small advance on cost. Particular attention called to Glassware and Queens Ware. So long as his "banner hangs on the outer wall" he will keep a full line of Statue Gro ceries; White and Brown Sugars, Coffee, Tea, . Syrups, Molasses, New Orleans Molasses. Rice, Cheese, Mackerel dr, Herring, Salt, Cone. Lye, Kerosene and Safety Oil, Soapi, Garden Seeds, • " Shoe Brushes, Bed Cords. Baskets, &c Candy, Raisins, Prunes, • Lemons, Oranges, &c. Also Essences and Extracts for cooking purposes. A nice line - of Crackers and Fancy Cakes LIFE & ACCIDENT INSURANCE, MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK. ) MUTUAL RESERVE OF NEW YORK TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT OF HARTFORD, CONE., Having in the aggregate 900,000,00'0. Accident Policies good against death or wholly disabling injury, for one year or less granted on application to me. No ma chinist, no mechanic's, no farmer, no pro fessional man, nor any other man or wo man ought to let a day pass Without hav ing an Accident Policy. We pay weekly indemity for disabling injury and if death results fro n 2 the Accident In 90 days the whole amount of Policy iusured for is paid pronaptlyin cash. June 20. 1872—tf W. A. REID. NEW SPRING GOODS. 1141 SS SATE STlCKLEnnnonnees to bar .13'1.1stiv friends that she has just opened out a full line of new Millinery Goods, em bracing all styles and prices. The ladies are invited to call and examine the new .may S-tf SPRING GOODS AIUBERSON BENEDICT & CO'S, HAVE just received• their first supply of SPRING to which we call the attention Groceries, DRY GOODS, OIL:BLINDS, Cawimers, Lawns, Ticliings, GIVE USA CALLBEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE AND WE WILL CON VINCE YOU THAT . OUR GOODS ARE AS CHEAP AS ANY IN THE MARKET. AMBERSON, BF,NEDICT & CO. april 17. THE undersigned would most itspectfally inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a nevi Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover & Wolft's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK & COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to suit the times. All kinds of work done in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofiing, spouting and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the same. BARE CHANCE FOR MERCHANTS, BY virtue of a deed of trust executed to the undersigned by John H. Gehr; they will offer at private sale at the store in Ringgold, Washington county, Md., the stock of general merchandise *belonging to said Gehr. To those desiring a good busi ness location this offers a rare chance, it be ing rarely excelled as a country stand. The storeroom and house will be for rent as soon as the stock is sold. For further particulars call on or address DANIEL. ROW, J. D. BENEDICT, may I-tf Trustees. Repository, copy 3t and send bill to this office. Sugar Cured Ham • CO-PARTNERSHIP. PEE subscriber announces to his patrons land the public generally that he itas as sociated with him in the Boot and shoe bu , iness Thomas M. Gans. and that the business hereafter will be conducted under the firm of Euths Clcetz. Thankful for past favors he respectiully solicits 'for Ihe new firm a share of public natronaA•e Work of any description will be promptly furnished to order. As it is it eees , ary that the old books should be closed all indebtod tt - fe requested to call and settle m i.hout.delay. • april 10-tf C. PUTHS. FRANKLIN KEAGY, ARCHREGT ARO MUER CHAMBERSEURG, PEXNA. Designs, Plans, Elevations, Seetions and Details of Private or Public Buildings, of Quantities; Estimates of Costs; Drawings of Inventions for Applications of Patents, &c. Chaves moderate. arty 15-1 aumaa •of our customers and the public generally We have full stock of the following Queensware, Hardware, Carpets, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds NEW TIN STORE Yours Respectfully, CLAYTON M. FREY NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS N If yon want goods that will give you sat isfaction. If you want goods at fair and reasonable prices, and if you want goods that are cheapland serviceable, buy them of ' C. W. GOOD, at the Corner Store, Quincy. A fall line of NIW GOODS just received and now offered to customers and the public. AlPare invited to call and examine quality , and be convinced that goodtfcan be and are being sold in Quincy at least as cheap and as good for the price as in Waynesboro', Greencastle and Chain bersburg. • Come for your Cheap Sugars,- Your Cheap Coffees, and especi- Ally for your Cheap Cotton Goods, Price them and see if you can buy Cheaper and better anywhere else. • Especial effort made to keep Up a stock of goods that will give . Satisfaction. No goods sold on time And consequently customers can Expect to buy, cheap. Good heavy Muslin 1 yard wide at 121 cents, Splendid line of prints, Bargains in Mens Clothing,. Notions made an especiality. Drugs warranted pure or money re- Fun. e. :es innamo 0: Wrights, Ayers, Schencks, Motts, Hertick's and the famous Gardour And other Pills always on hand, Scores of Patent Medicines •, Tinware, Earthen and Queensware, • Table Set, granite ware, (48 pieces,) Warranted for five dollars, 3000 pounds, Bacon, 50 Hams and as many Shoulders and Sides, nicely cured and &I -ed. Come, see, and you will not regret. april 10,1873-1 y C. W. G. GOODS CARPETS ! CARPETS 'I. H. WHITMOR,E. bas ,just returned from New York and Phil adelphia with the largest and best assort ment of „ CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS in the County, Consisting of New Styles and Paterns, ENGLISH BRUSSELS, Extra super, superfine and Cotton Chains, and MEN CABPEir s , MS MOMS all widths, 4-4, 54, 64, 8-4, 104, Oil Cloths, Oil and Linen WINDOW SPLAMMS, Drugget and Crumb Cloth, Rugs and Mats, China Matting, Rope Matting, &c. &c., • EVER OFFERED GREENCASTLE, PA. Rag Carpets, constantly lon hand and made to order. Selling lower than any other house in the County, call and see my large stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I am selling at old prices, at wholesale and retail. March 14, 1872. 'Kentucky Jeans, FIRST SPRING ARRIVAL ° OF . NEW GOOD . S D. Summers & Son; QUINCY, PENN'A,. Have just returned from the city with a fnlf line'of DRY GOODS, Suitable fcr SPRING AND SUMMER Wear. Are offering bargains in CLOTHS, CASSTIVIERES, JEANS, COTTONADES, REPPS, • GINGHAMS, MUSLIN.* TIMINGS,. COtTON & ALL WOOL FLANNELS, &c. Also a full line.of NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, .SUSPENDERS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which they will sell at low figures. A full line of 42:4- C, 3EI PL 3Z3 . such as Sugars, Coffees, Syrupti, Molasses, &c., &c., at low rates—your examination is invited. 'Come, examine onr prices and judge for yourselves I agril 10, 1873-1 y• AtULEDi 1 So 04 1 , • MANUFACTURER OF SASH; DOORS, FRAMES, MAN . TLES, BRACKETS, MOULDINGS, &C., AT THE ANTIETAM FACTORY. — o — shall continue the manufactute of all kinds of Building Material as heretofore. Particular attention paid to furnishing Stairways, Newel's Balusters and. Railing of hard or soft wood. Prompt attention given to orders; hiso Grist Chopping. Post Boring and. Bill Saw ing at short notice. TO THE PUBLIC Thmiaful for past favors, we ask you for a continuance of the same. Factory tulles South of Waynesboro',Pa. april 10-tf A. M. G. SMALL PROPERTY 'THE undersigned offers at private sale the II following, described property, situated a bout 21 miles North of Waynesboro', near the Greencastle turnpike. The Lot con tains 7 ACRES, more or less, with a com fortable TWO-STORY NEW LOG . 11013 1 SE, twenty-one by thirty feet, a good Frame Stable, sufficiently large for 2 horses and 2 cows, Hog Pen thereon. There is also a se lection of Choice Fruit 'Trees on the prem ises. The land• is of the best quality of limestone. For further particulars persons wishing to purchase will please call on the undersigned. SARAH SCOTT. may B:3m THE subscriber has corn for safe who:de sale or retail, Prom one barrel to one hundred barrels. Also a lot of old , eern shelled. ALEX.IIAIIIILTON. may I—tf LUMBER. 30,000 Feetne Board a d r i l t ifu e m nt bnr es sa c le f by FRICK & CO.. • mrvlstfl S. E. & B. Works. A LARC4F, lot of extra stone uillQ and it jam stones,lit A. S. Monn's saw mill. may 1-tf lIAD AND HERRING.—Mess. Shad' and Potomp.c Herrin 'n bbls. for sale by W A. It MU W.. 4131FOICIT), QUINCY, PENNA. FOR SALE CORN FOR SAi.LE. X'ol2, SALE. FRICK:et CO, PROFS. cum. inucs, WAYNgSI3OISO: STEAtENGBE AND MIR WORKS pariatym-t-e• r 1 1853. STATIONARY AND PORTABLE ETEAM-ENENET, KRUK Portable Saw NJMI, • and all other Machinery made to order. —:o: The above cut represents our Horizontal Engine with Improved Side Bed. This de sign makes it strong, neat and durable and upon which we have made.some valuable improvements, especially upon.the.workin . g parts making them durable and economi cal. - - We build Horizontal Engines. with boa beds of different sizes and designs and up on the most improved plan. We also make 'Upright Engines of differ ent sizes and styles, and where economy of -:space-is-an-object,—they-have-seme advan tage over the Horrizontal, also isr the wear of the Cylinder,which is always.equal in an Upright Engine. A special point of advantage in these En gines is our (A. 0. Frick's) recently invent ed and jmtent self-adjusting BALANCED SLIDE VALVE, suited to all Steam Engines and Locomotives. It leaves the :Engines as simple in operation as those of the ordina ry plain• slide valve class. We direct spec ial attention to this superior valve, and in vite correspondence. We give special attention to Portable Engines and Saw 'Mills; also Agricultural Engines for threshing grain. and for fanm . purposes generally. Also • STEAM .33011M12.05, of all sifts. Further information may be obtained from the manufacturers, ' FRICK. & COMPANY, Waynesboro!, Franklin Co:, Pa. may 8-tf 1873. SPRING. 1873. PAIIIE . et BOUM Have lust opened their 'first supply off' Dry Goods and Groceries. An examine of their stock and prices is solicited. Do mestics a speciality. PRICE & • S.R. or. Public Square, Waynesboro' April 10, 1873. DEPORT OP THE AIIDX ORS of Washington township, fur the rear ending April 19th, 1873. RECEIPTS Amount of money in the hands Of Auditors from settlement of April 27th, 1872, Amount of tax for 1872, $1904,24 EXPENDITURES. • Amount of work done on roads, $1566,48 Paid for collecting tax at 4 per et., 43,76 Auditors fees and other expenses, 10,05 Paid to Supervisors for attendance At settlement April 19th, 1873, • 6,00 Amount in the hands of Auditors, April 19th, 1873, $1979,85./ aip ,`2,4 THOS. H. WFzra'y ToveushiP,Clerk.. Amount of notes and outstand ing account, THE CHAMPION REAPER AO MOWER, MOWERY & 11AUGH HAVE the agency for th sale of ea . hove Reaper and e Mower in Washington and Quincy townships, to which they call the attention of farmers. For a trial test they are Willing to put it in competition 'with any other machine in use. Reapers .and Mowers fully repaired in all parts,wootA , or iron. Orders for repair castings to in sure getting the work done in time should .be 'in by the first of' May. Platforms and •rakes put on any machine and the new cam :h& put on stiff or with joint tpr. Rauh ets and boxes for all kinds-of Reapers and Mowers furnished to order, also sections guards, rivets, etc. bI. & H. WAGON-MAKING. The F überiber announces to the public that he has commenced ,Watron-mak in:: and all kinds of wood work for farmers in the above shop, East end of Wayne , horo'. He has a practical and experienced workman and is.enabled to supply any article in hi. line at f• ho rt notice.. All wood repairs a bout reapers and flowers promptly attend ,ed•to. The coopering business continued -as heretofore. DAVID GIT'E. • April 17-Stu IVATER Crackers, ginger snips, and V fancy crackers at Reid's Grocery $810,04 194,30 11626,29