'ER WAVNEnour - VILLAGE 4E6121 PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MCHISING By W. BLAIR.. TERMS—Two Dollars per Annum if paid within the year; Two Dullarsand Fifty cents utter the expinitkin of toe your. ..DVERTISEMENTS-7 One Square (10 lin e s) three inser Lions, ; for eat: a su Lnsequcitt insertion, Thir live k'ents per Square. A liberal discount made .(.) yearly mixer tisers. LOCILS.-I.IIISiIIe9SLOZMIS Ten Cents per lin for the first inserti on, Seven . Cunt. fur tvilisenuent insertions 0 f OF; t 3 i trl .ll • • • • :1 - 3..a.N.8i11';:e..50N, M. D., I t_V .12+7) S G EON, W.ll NES1101:0', 01 1 .1.. e, at the Waynesboro' "Corner Drug ore." fj:Lne . A. IT '2 1 : 1 , -Ins resumed the practice of Medicine. OFFICE-4n the Walker Building—near ;he Bowden House. Night calls should ue ;,ado at his ye ddence oa Main Street, •au juiriu tneiNeuera School House. .1 lily 20-tf • PirISICIAN AND SURGEON. • WAYNF.SIIORO' PA. °MCC at his residence, nea'rly opposite he 11..mrdon :Nov L.—tf. _T0•3.E.T.1 -- 1 IDOT_TO-1.,.A,5, W A si."...NESP.OIi(/', PA. Prae:l , ses in the several. Courts of Piaui:lin ;lni adjacent Counties. E:state leased and sold, and re Insurance eilc.teilun reasonable toxins. J)ceember 10, 1871. A 0) - k y, (FofMEnLY OF MERCERSBURG, PA.,) IFEER6 hi. 3 Professional services to the k.Yeitizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity. 1)n. STRICKI,LIC has relinquished an exten sive practice at 3lereersburg, where he has been prominently engaged for a number of year.; in the prinawe Of Ins profession. 11 e tras - o 'erred-a-n-01E ce-i n_W_a_y_aesbox.o' :It the residence of George Besore, Esq., Father-in-law, %%here he can be lona at al times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.-tf. 11.. J. M. RIPPLE. DR. A. S. BONEBRAFE RIPPLE dr, BONERAILE,- WA): SllO R. (Y, PA liaving associated themselves in the prac tice of Medicine and Surgery, offer their profe - ssional services to the public. Office in the room on the oral East Cor. of the Diamond, formerly occupied. by Dr. John J. Oellig, dec'd. Jnl y 18, 1572-1 y A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RE SIDENT DENTIST AYNESB 0 RCV, gri : be found in his office at all times, .lw here he is prepared to perform all Dental operations in the best and most Nkiliful manner. We being acquainted with Dr. Dranis holt s.,ocially and professionally reconinieni: Lino to id Meshing the sorvices of a Dentibt. 1) s. E. A. lIELING, " J: 11.11.)L . L.F., " A. it. 4TIZIC'K..I:II, J. I!,,KMBETZSON, " 1. N SNIVELY, A. S. BOYEIZA KE, " D. FitENCII, .- _LK. P., 33 HI T-.,' liro- I V l ll 11E s1:1)-teribor informs the. hnhlir.thatlie routinlies the 11 t it; rain s l ..‘or to :\ir.lZoi.l'stirocerySLorP, :ludo time; prep:tie to do hair lutnip“oniiig etc. in t iv ! F.4t I'4 ronage of the public is rotpe.:l - tig . d l.sil Wr. A . ICE 'L'F. G. S"I'OVEII . , ba.; roce:ve(l. tt:.l -upply of - Hillery Cr )(ills. 1 , 7 de to (,1,1 , .•r. fur .In'uroikunilig uno ti) or- May 3.6----tf 123'3T .21.N.b-SHOMIEING. f7'll wonla inform the 4 t hat 11(. 1.; at an times prepare , ' to make n t..:0ar,0 o t' lioois, at.-o en.tr ‘..• er line work for i„t•Itc•;.: or I.tte: , l )1 . LiNtin g (ißicers. I:en.ii7iin . t (bine at short nur e. anti Einiilie, if de•dred Shopi in the room. fornii.rly •eirried byd. Eiden, as a flour and feed 1101,LINGSWOIITIL a'. 11 . -1. ro.rzwrfr a.-, Co. Cg 12.11,411.:31G1Z o. 77 -.."(.11?..1211:5T1ZEET, 13ALTIT.‘101ZE, Per :):,riie1:1:11. nitt•ntion to the sale of 1872-Iy 11 I. e: GORDON anununlN , 'n it 11:ttn•m; of IV.tyoosb.)ro' • .•ei;iity 1?„vo jit-t rvootved 4.)t e'.6l Wi::ter •rnl ood)rnriTt •ill ttic , htto:t aro i•‘v , .t.e,l to Call 111.1 ree their goods. 11-1. :;,1 —if TO TIIE•L.k.DIF.S! /FRS C. L. TIOLLI';TVCRGI.7.I tr‘s just it_roceives I:I s , ipply of now 3tillinery L.atiws are i :tlltti ..01....11.411d examine iie -.to,•k. In:-tlfl.:Y,? , - , 72/1,7: 3,9L::*':4"; ! N' 0 ar z c A Matter of Importance to Parents ! We arc s.‘".li , n; Aenool books from ten to IV m per runt les than they eau be (.I , Pw`lorc. • - •;opt 26-41 BR ICKIIILL & GEISER S . tt t ril QL E , fl s , illseriber has now for sale a prime • a rtiole la•-taut ,-zilingles, a supply of v. !del) he will eaminne I: , ep on hand.— ll• • li•ts fir sale a large lot of ( flustering I l•~ri11C B. ART IS A_ YR; WA.NTEi roPNEY& S,ONS i!i prire for (>5O •' - P WayfiLmbOro. Bite:, arid taken in and Irei , :ched at the cellar of C. Rnthes' Shoe Store, for which .the hi;:bost market' price be paid. 7410%._";..: P7TALID3DaN'T DESPAIR! ',1i.," -- Ik e 1; 'rhotteaners have found relief. and 6' 4 ' l ~ r ~...„..,„..,4 t,...... 1011 turn to clic.; WWI- • ji < 4 . ; 4 A , eine, aner eAutust lug their pm , es , . . 1 .-.)'‘. and patience in eearch of health. .eit.. R l.iddine-s of the head, clnllne.s of the mind. 1'..11d breaz.ll, cowed temme, 10.9 et noperi,e, puini and weak- Ite,s in the ,tentach, enlargement of I tin liver, yellos. , ne , l of the skin. con tan' lever and third, v l'h a toot! dl-rellah Orbit -Ina's. plead:re or any hind of employ ment. FAIIUNEY'S PAN.idzw, if taken and per-o‘cred in toe a few dae.t, will remove this m bole Oa> i of bymp lomt. The fluids Of the body become pure,. and muted clear, the womach streng.hened, the tongue clean, the am , et he improved. and the %Arnie erq tent co billet:tett that titsetke, in bad weather, Is less liable to alllict you. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated Hood Cleanser or Panacea. As a medicine for children, the 'Panacea is; in every sear. calculated to take the place of the endle,s variety of drugs which are annually sold for that purpose, and •u bleb are of .en very injurious. A medicine wh eh pos., se; ;tithe qualities ore cathartic as v ell as a mhd alter. Mire, and which is ea; , able 01 arre.timr disca , e without the lea. t injury to the child, is of '1:-..olculahle value to e;cry mother. A 4 aea !taste, It is very e , . m v itre, et it floes not, ifairen in proper quantities, catt.-e nam...en or di.dre,s to the ,tootaelt or bohels. It Is very plea•ant to the mite, IA !dell is a very important featnre as a 'medicine for children. As i preventive of di.case it la 'unprecedented, a.; it acts dirt ell, upon the digestive or gans and the blood. In all scrofuloLs disews it is the most Minn N e medicine ever,o':eral to the pub lic; and, If given regslarlv and per•everin^4v, those eruptive dig. eases t.o common to children may lie entirely eradicated. 1 0 '41- 4f, Prerared by P. Vahrney's Bros. it 1 , .".„. ,_,.: 0 • 5 . : .50 A ... a l l va zz r z. n( v . , .1) 0 210 .0, w P o a r . , T. h a n i g ea D r r b . r. P. , i....:teii .„.. 'Y . ei f St., CMCIAG O. PrICC $l:5 per hot t le.--.N.. ri.1.4 dea l er s bA n W by leale and letal l.4,r, ~ Forth wan, J. D. Amberson, M. D. and Pr. A. S. Bonhrake, Waynesboro'; Ronzer. ;Dec : 8, 1871-Iy, CitAND O!bPLAV r j.v 4 . 41 a 4. "r 4 TOWN MALL STORE BOOTS UMBRELLAS “ VALISES MEI , t full line of Zephyrs Worsted Noedles, Ladies and Gent til'se Scarfs, LADIES., MISSES 0 S I :TT:, , liu-deri Collars and Cuffs, Toilet Soaps, &c. ttc Our tor.lc of thr,•e goods is complete and NV(' recommend them to the attention of our en:owners. Oct. 15 ItUNESBORINTIAL .FIIU INSURANCE COMPANY, INU'RE'S AGA INS''' . LOSS tat 1) 3.1 AGE BY I MIL JM' On all safe class property at teasonable rate W. S. Ali BENSON, President Sr 'no; LEYRON, Vice Pre:7 itient. is. )UGLAS, SECRF.TAIIV. Jut,. W. 11.n.txtc, TruasuFpr: - ' W. S. Amberson, Simon Lecron, LONViS :.. 'Forney, Jacob Hoover, Jos. boliglas., Jos. Price, J.toob J. Miller, Jos. \V. Miller, Itenj. E. Funk, D. B. Russell, Levi Sande.r.-, Jacob Good. DAVID M. GOOD, Agent, june 16, '7o] ' Waynesboro', Pa fC:101: r1" 1 1.1E subscribers would inform the pub lie tintt they have now• for sale a good rticle of brick and will continue to have a Supply on hand during the summer sea- sor. , B. F. d: 11. C. FUNK. .11the I3—tf • TEED CaTr:4ll.. VII: a good Fodder. Hay or Straw Cat ter or lir:rider, men on or address Oct 24—tf :Li_ . P":E - 6..4A-CL.71311_,1_ 7 PHOTOGRAPHER, S. E. Corner of the Din moral, WAYNE'S:IORO% PA., rir AS at all times a tine assortment of Pie t? 9. tures Frames and Mouldings. Call and e•+s .necitnen pictures. June tf.. MUM fj, i / as.ev liarres rind. bugar uo d'Jfur I,:tle GroverF: ACON—Cozatry tides for sale by Juue .I.ltE ID School BqokS, Family Bibles, Note Paper, Cap Paper, Pencils, Ink, and Germantown Yarns, Working Canvas Wash Nett Crochet Needles, Embroidered —Gore Corsets AND -CHILDREN' Gentlemen's Suspenders, WA YXESBORO', PA., OFFICERS DIRECTORS JOIN L. METCALF, Quincy, Pa E'Arb>r - Ar4lolo - 111LT - E-MSSO.. . TRIM Oilers at low prices a large number of 1 Cook Stoves for coal or wood the best in market, also the Celebrated Morning (Bon , Stoves, with and without ovens, at reduced rates. Also a number of other Base Burn, ing Stoves—also Parlor Cook Stoves—Par lor and Fire-place Heaters, the best in mar : ket, all (If wl4ch he will yarrant andsell at rates than any Stove 4 - wise in Waynes: boro.l lie is now prepared to put up at short no r tice First Class Brick Furnaces and warrant them. On hand a stock of nine-plate Stoves and small coal stoves. A large stock of Tin. : pressed and iron-ware rooting, and spouting of the best tin. Repairs done promptly and at prices that none can complain. Call- and see his stock as it will pay you for the trouble, and it is right these days to keep posted. 14—tf 111111111 111111 MIAMI ina ipw.tlo' PIMP lIVIIIWILIUMWVI IMP MI rr HE subscriber, informs the public that he has contracted for the U. S. Mail from the C. V: R. Y.: at Greencastle, to the W. M. R. R. at the Blue Ridge Station, (via Monterey Springs,)' a .distance of ld miles. He still continocs to ran the Omnibus line with good liaises and a first-class four horse Coach and is enabled to convey pas sengers to and fro with c.cmfort and conve nience. His Bus will leave Waynesboro' at 7 o'clock, A. M., arriving at Greencas tle, fit 81, A. M. making quick time and sure connection with the first passenger train at 9 o'clock, A, M. Leaves Greencas tle, at si, P. M., arriving at Waynesboro' at 7 o'clock. He is proprietor, contractor and dri-ver,-delivers_AdaMs_Expre matter to and from Greencastle. All Express matter expressed the same morning, express through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives at Greencastle. Persons wishing to send goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this route. He has sub-let the Eastern end . ot the route to B. F. Barr, which will be run by him with a good two horse Coach daily. Leave Waynesboro' at 9 o'clock, A. M., arrives at - IF - o'clock - at the W. M. R. R. (via Monterey Springs.) He returns thanks for past patronage and solicits a continuance of the same. J. R. WOLFERSBERGER. June 27,1172=4 SHOES ROW IS THIS FOR TORN FORD in returning thanks to the ftli public for their patronage announces that he intends removing his shop to the Base ment of Walker's Building, (and not leav ing trmn As is the belief of many) where he intents carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS as usual. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle their ac counts immediately, for I pay cash for my stock and must have, my money. Don't want to see the face of that unwelcome vi; tor, the Deputy from 'Fort Fletchar," prowl ing about my shop seeking whom he may devour, &e. Customers will therefore find me at the Basemen', refered to after the first of April next. jail 261 JOHN FORD. LIVERY ! LIVERY ! II E undersigned informs the public gen erally that he has purchased the Livery heretofore owned by Frank. Weagley, and is fully prepared to meet the wants of the community in his line of business. lie has . hati all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted, and his horses are safe, gentle, and fast travellers. Parties conveyed to any point desii al, accompanied by a care ful driver. Office at the Waynesboro', Hotel, where an attentive hostler will be in attendance at all hours of the night and day•. `,I Igo ef l'ort will be spared to accommodate all who -lay patronize him. Dec. 17, is WM. FUNK. WASHINGTON COUNTY PLOWS, 'HIS justly celebrated Plow formerly manufactured by Moatz & Barkdoll can now be had of Barkdoll & Newcomer or their authorized agents. All Plows war ranted to give satisfaction. DARKDOLL & NEWCOMER, AGENTS.-D. H. Stonebraker, Cavetown, 1%1(1. 0. Bellman, Hagerstown, Md. S. B. Rinehart, 'Waynesboro', Franklin Co., Fa. March 2S, 1872-1 Y BARBELS PCB SALA rrIlE subscriber informs the public that he keeps constantly on hand Barrels for packing flour or Apples. Sept 26 3m ISAAC RIDDLESBARGER. FOR 5A.2...iF.t A NEW HOUSES in Pikesville. Terms easy. . P. ROUZE:p.. 2°-4.m CLOTHS. A.large lot of Floor .oil 'kJ! Cloths of different Fiatlts and price's at No 7. lIMBERSOIF, pENEDICT d: CO'S T 11 E RINGGOLD, WASHINGTON CO., MD R. R. R. BAO . WAY'S' READY RELIEF COXES THE WORST PAINS in from One to Twenty , Minutes. ' NOT ONE HOUR nf ter reading' this advertisement need any one SUFFER WIVE PAM. xtii.Dw4rs READY ER RELIEF IS a CURE Fos EVY PAIN. It was the first and is The Only t'eln livnted:v, .tbat instantly (stops e most excruciating pains, allays Inflammations, and cures Congestions, Whetter Of the Lungs, Stomach, Dwells, or other glands or organs, by Ulue application. Hi FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, , no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Beitrldden. Infirm, Crippled, Nervous, ,Tieuraigic, or prostrated with disease may suffer, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EA sF„ INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. INFLAMMATION 4)F THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS. SORE THROAT, DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, DIPHTHERIA. CATARRH. /NFU - REZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM. COLD p CHI c LLS , AGUE CaHdlyL LRS. pa Th wh p re a ho n plu th or ß culty ex e is l t i s e w ioaffe r p d art or ease and comfort. Twenty dope In half a tumbler of water will in a few moments ergo CRAMPS, hPASMS, SOUR STOMACH, HEARTBURN, SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC. WIND IN THE BOWELS, mid all INTERNAL PAINS. • Travelers should always curry a bottle of Radway's Wady Relief with them. A few drops In water will prevent sickness or_rmins from change of water. It la Ic.ter than French Brandy or Bittern as a stimulant. FEVER' AND AGUE. FEVER AND AGUE cured for fifty CeIlLB. Thereto not tt remedial agent la tills world that will cure Fever .a.ll Ague, and all other hfalarlous, 13Ulous,Scarlet, hold, Yellow, and other Fevers (aided by RADWAI S TILLS) so quick as RADWAY'S READY 1 Fifty cents per bottle. Sold by DruggiSts. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND PURE RICH. BLOOD-TNCREASE OF F'!.,ESNAND WEIGHT-CLEAR SKIN AND . _ . . ' • I k 901 . DR. RADWAY'S SABSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT 2I AS MADE THE 2.105 T ASTONISHING CURES SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY 'UNDERGOES, UNDER THE IN FLUENCE OF THIS TRULY {WW2/11UL Every Weight Increase In Flesh and ls Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAFARILLIAN`RESOLV. Mil' communicates through the Blood. Sweat, Urine, mull other fluids and Juices of the system the vigor of life, for itrepah's the wastes of the body with new and sound material. ofula, Syphilis; Consum_ptlon, Glandular Ulcers le the Threat; Mouth, Turners, Nodes In too Glands and-other parts of the system, Sore Eyes, Simmons Discharges Dom the Ears, end the wend 1017118 of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald :Bead, Bing Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne, Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh. Tumors, Cancers In the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm, and all wastes of the life princl 'mie, are - within the curative range of this wonder of Mod. ern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any 'Terson upping It for either of these forms of disease its yotent lifter to cure them. • if the patient, daily becoming reduced by the wastes And decomposition that is continually progressing, suc ceeds In arresting these wastes, and re the same with hew material made from healthy b ood.—and this the SARSAPARELLIAN will and does secure. Not only does the BAZSAPAIULLIAN RISOLVICSIT excel all known remedial agents In the cure of Chronic, Scrofu lous Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it to the only os s ye curela Ilfddney & Bladder Complaints, Urinary, and Womb diseases, Gravel_Diabetes, Dropsy, 'Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright's Dls •case, Albuniltinria, and in all cases where there are brick dust deposits, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg or threads like white -silk, or there lad morbid, dark, billoev appearance,and -white bone•dust deposits, and when there In a pricking, burning sensation when passing water, and pain In the Small of the Back and along the Loin. Price, er.co„ WORMS.—The only known pod mire Remedy for Worme--Puz, Tape, etc. Vomor of 12 Tears? Growth Cured bylhielwat's Resolvent— Barsair. Maw., July 18, 1889. Rangy :—I have had OVIZII4I Tlllllor la the ovaries and Dowels. MI the Doctors geld " there wee no help for IV , I tried every thing that was recommended; bob nothing helped ma. I raw your Resolvent, and thought I would try It; but had no faith fu It, beware I had suffered for twelve years. I took els bottles__ f-the-Reeelvor4 — and - one - boref - Radwari - Plaid fin, bot tles of your Ready Relief 1 and there Is not a sign of tumor lo be wen er felt, and I feel better, smarter, and happier than I have 'for twelve yawl. The worst tumor was In the left eld•of the 'bowels, over the groin. I write thle to you for the benefit of other.Pon out publish It V you choose. HANNAH P. KNAPP. DR..RADWAY.'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly ,tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum. purge,regulate. PurifY, cleanse surf strengthen. B,ad. ways Pills. for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver. Bowels. Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Mamma Headache, Constipation, Costiveness. Indigestion, Dyese elge, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Ingammation of the Bowels, Piles and all Derangements ofthe Internal Vis cera. Warranted.to effect a poaltive cure. Purely Vegeta ble,containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs,. t Observe the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs: , Constipation, lowan! Piles, Fullness o f Blend In the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Disgust of Food, Fullness or 'Weight In the Stamm:h. Soar Froe'tations, Slakinges Fluttering at the Fit of the Stomach, Sedmming of the Head and Milord% Breathing, Fluttering at theHeset, Choking or Saffocatlng Sensation* when Is. a Lying Foetus.. Dimness of Won, Dons or Webs before the Sight, Fewer and Dolt Pain In the Head, Deflefency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin sod Eves, Palo in the Side, Chest, Limb., and sudden Flushes of Hest, burniug io the Flesh. A few donde of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the sys tem from all the above-named dkerders. Puce, as cents per box. SOLD BY DRUGOISTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter stamp to RADWAY & CO., No. By] Malden Lane. New- York. Information worth 0.101134/1118 will be sent you. WA II ! • WAIL ! WA II ! CRILLY & ERVIN HAVE issued a declaration o iwar again st the high prices of Groceries and have their permanent head quarters at the old stand, on East Main Street, opposite, the Post Office, where they have constantly on hand and for sale, cheaper than the cheap est, a FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, Queensware, Glaesware, • Cedarware, ish, • Bacon, Dried and Canned Fruits, Candies, Spices, &c. &c.. They have Coffee of the best grades, Sugars of the finest quality, Teas that does excell in flavor. Spices that are all pure, and Sprups delicious for sweetness. . . Of Queens ware they have a full line, their Glass ware is a complete and full stock, and they make this'part of their trade a speciality, Decanters, Tum blers, Fruit Jars, Dishes, &c. &c. Fish of all kinds in season Highest price paid for all kinds of Coun try Produce. They invite trade and being determined to please all customers they feel cute of being able to give general satis faction. - June 20: 1672—1 y CARPETS ! CARPETS ! L H. WHITMORE. has just returned from New York and Phil adelphia with the largest and best assort ment of . CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS in the County, Consisting Of New Styles and Paterns, ENGLISH lIIILIJSNE.LS, Extra super, superfine and Cotton Chains, and X§ITIZIV CARPET, OIL CLOTHS all widths, 44, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, 10-4, Oil and Linen WIN - DO - 77 SHADES, Drugget and Crumb Cloth, Rugs and Mats, China Matting,, Rope Matting, &e. EVER OFFERED 'GREENCASTLE, PA. Rag Carpet 9, constantly on band and made to order. Selling lower than any other house in the County, call and see my large stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I am selling at old prices, at wholesale and retail March 14, 1872 -- FOR SAM' VMS, nye, Oats, Clover-seed, Hay (Cloy 'tier and Timothy) delivered In (mantles to snit purchaserE. TeITIIR Cash. April 4—ti J. H. CLAYTON. WATERV Crackers„ ginger snaps, and fancy crackers at Reid , s Grocery B. BusaiM, 0. B. Ituam,r.. NEW D. B. RUSSELL & SON at the sip. pf the Big Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment 'of Stoves and Tinware. COOK STOVS (warranted to give satisfaction.) TINWARE, HARDWARE, ' BRASS WARE, • JAPANNED WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS 13U.CKETS, CHURNS, KNIVES AND F,CRKS, SPOONS. LADLES, LARGE IRON AND COPPER KETTLES BlGother useful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa., where a large assortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, PARLOR STOVES, 'OA - L -- STOVES-: if the latest improvements, the very hest in he market, at the •Cheap Tin and Stove _Aare of D. 8.. RUSSE,L & SON EVERYBODY THE IMPROVED BASE BURNER, tvs. • ffF7 , -3, '• PrI"'114.11::'!"!';1; •!, • 74,,VPi • • !! • MIN ~'~i:.~'.:% v'v Slod at Retail by D. B. RUSSEL:L. & SON Sign of the Big Red Horn, . Waynesboro', Pa IFAI: L IE& ... made of the best Tin in the market, and warranted at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL keeps Constantly on hand a large assortment of all Rouse Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kero sene Oil and a larg' assortment c" Lamps. WASHING MADE ELAY by calling at the sign of the "rg Red Horn' and getting • the best Clothes ringer ever made. .Persons in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, Fo. &c., can get full value for their money by calling on D. B: RUSSELL & SON, Sign of the "Big Red Horn," Waynesboro', Pa. ROCK Forge Shop. THE subscriber informs his customers and the public generally that he con tinues to repair all kinds of Machinery at the Rock Forge Shop, 3 miles from Way nesboro', near Antietam Junction. and man ufactin es to order WAGONS, PLOWS, HAR ROWS. CIDER PRESSES - and farming im plements generally. He employs none but experienced mechanics and nses'the best material, and is therefore enabled to gum.- antee all work to give satisfaction. He has now ready for purchasers, Wagons, two horse, three-horse, four-horse and six -horse, Motz and Self-sharpener Plows, Cider Presses, &c. &c. Plow Castings always on hand. He assures the public that any of the above ar tides can be bad at the lowest price. Per sons wanting anything in his line are in vited to call, see and satisfy themselves. He also takes this occasion to return thanks to his friends and patrons for past encourage ment. JOHN S. DAYHOFF. . July 25—tf WAYNESBORO' BAKERY • AND COIMMOTIO_Iq HE subscriber announces to the citi zens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has fitted up a room in the dwelling house of Mrs. Brotherton. opposite the Ho tel Of S. P. Stoner; (formerly the Bowden House) as a Bakery and first class Confec tionary, where persons can be supplied with the finest Confections and Sweet Cakes of all kinds, Nuts, Fruits, &c. He will also supply Ice . Cream in season, Lemonade and other mild drinks. Sweet Cakes bak ed to order if desirCd, and candies manu factured and sold wholesale as well as re tail. As he purposes keeping on hand a well assorted stock of articles in his line, he hopes to merit a liberal share of public pa tronage. April 18—tf J. H. SLEASMAN. rrHE subscriber has corn for sale by the II barrel or shelled. June 13—tf ALEX'. HAMILTON. Vinegar Bitters are not a vile Fancy Drink, made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and sweetened to please the taste, called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but are a tree lifodiczne, made from the °native roots and herbs of Cal ifornia, free from all A Icoliol ic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Purifier and a Life-giving Pnnciple, a Perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring the blood to a healthy,conc: tion, enriching it, refreshing and invigorating both mind and body.' They are easy of administration, prompt iu their action, certain in their results, safe and reliable in all forma of disease. No Person can take these Dittoes accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means,And the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Dyspepsia or bull meat lon. liemilche, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Diz• sines, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, glad Taste in the Month, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the offsprings of Dyspepsia. lit these .complaints it has no pqual, and one bottle will prove a better guar antee of its merits titan a lengthy advertisement. For FORIBRIO Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon percep tible. • , remertist..Pr j r aautl ,Chroulo Rhett.. smitlittal and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevgrs, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blond, which is generally produced by derange ment of the Digestive Organs. They are a Gentle Primaries as well a• a Tonle, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent itt relieving Congestion or Inlism matins of the Liner and Visceral Organs, and iu Bilious Diseases. . _ For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt- Rheum, Blinches, Spot; Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Rig-worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Ery sipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration's of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system M a short time be the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convince the moat incredulous of their curative effects. Cleanse the Vitiated plead whenever you find its impurities berating through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it whets you find it ob structed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure. and the health of the system will follow. Grateful thousands proclaim Vnetr,qa it BIT- 1 4 Tags the .ost wonderful Invigurant that ever sustained to sin m sys em. Plot. Tape, and! other Worms, lzrking in the systent of so many thousands, are effectually de stroyed and removed. Says a distil' wished phystol• ogisir: TherelfTwcarcely an individual upon t e f4ce °film earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not mum the healthy elements of the body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors and slimy 'deposits that breed these living monsters of disease. No system of ➢l edicine, no verinifilges, no antheimin itics, will free the system from worms like these Bit ters. Neebasket Diseases. Persons engaged in _Paints and 2linerals t such as PI hers, Tyre-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as Ilw-advatite-orlife-.--wrlt— be subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To gu.trd against this take a dose or WALKER'S VINEGAR. Bll.lllRb once or twice a week. as a Preventive. — l3lll -94 Iniertnltte COME - ANA SEE, lone, Remittent, AIM Intermittent Fevers, which are so prevalent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Missisoippi. Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, Red, Colorado, Brains, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Roan oke, James, arid many others, with their vast 'Mint, OM, throughout our giffire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably acc partied by extensive derangements of the stomach and his or, and other abdominal viscera. There are always inure or less obstructions of the liver, a weakness and irritable stale of the stomach, and great torpor of the Loivels. being clogged up with vitiated accumulations. to their ti eat ruent, a purgative, exerting a powerful influence upon these cannot organs, is essentially necessary. There rs no cathartic fur the purpose equal to DR J. Wasattic's Vtsn ale Ilrrviras, as they will speedily remove the dark-colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions iii the liver, and generally restoring tire healthy functions of the digestive organs. Scrotal., or King , . Reit, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goiter, Scrofitlons Indolent Inflammations, hi ercurial Al fections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sine Even. etc., etc In these, as or all other consiittitinn ri Dis- CAWS, WALICKR'S VIHRG le BITTURS have shown their great curative powers in the must obstinate and intract able cases BMId Dr. Walker's California' Vinegar Bit t ors act on all these cases to a similar tinnier. liy inlaying the Blood they remove the cause, and by resolving away the elects of tha inflammation (die tubercular deposits) the affected parts receive health, and a permanent cure is effected. The properties of DR. WAI.KRRN VINEGAR Elirrses are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutntions, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-Irri tant. Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-flilious. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of DR. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS are the be4t safe guard iu all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic. healing, and soothing properties protect the humors of. the lances. Their Sedative properties allay piths in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from inflammation, wind, colic, cramps, etc. Their Counter•lrritant influence extends, throughout the system. Their Diuretic properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Anti-Kith:lin properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary ducts, and are superior to all remedial agents, for the cure of Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, etc. Fortify the body against disease by puri fying all its fluids with VINEGAR Brenta& No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. The liver, the stomach, the bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are remitted disease-proof by this great invig orant. Direetions.—Tak. of the Bitten on going to bed at night from a half to ono and one-half vone-gla.sfull Eat good nourishing food, such as beef steak.mutton chop. venison, roast beer,' and vegetables, and take out-door exercise. They are composed of purely veget able ingredients, and contain no spirit. J. WALK ER, Prop'r. It. 11. BloBIONALD&CO., Druggists and Gen. Agts., San Francisco, Cal.. and cor:of Washington and Charlton Sta., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. BLATCRIM'S g ,• .. 1 IMPROVED COCUIERR MOOD PUM, .:3 Tactless, Durable Efficient C) -' and Cheap. The best Pump for the least money. Atten tion is especially invited Lo s Patent Improved fr 4 Braket and New Drop Check Valve, which can be with , ..,4 04 drawn without removing the I Et Pump or disturbing thejoints Also the Copper Chamber, which never cracks or scales, and will out last any other. For sale by dealers every where. Send for Catalogue and Price-list. CHAS. G. BLATCHLEY, 511'r. 506 Commerce Street, Philada., Pa. Sept 12, 1872-1 y BANK NO CE. XIOTICE is hereby given that applica -11 tion will be made at the next session of the legislature of Pennsylvania for the charter of a bank with general banking privilegeg, to be called the Waynesboro Bank, and located at Waynesbciro'Frank lin county; Pa., with a capital 'of Fifty Thousand Dollars, with the right to in crease it to one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars. July 6, 1872-6 mo. • NOTICE. rpHE subscribers have on hand and for 1 sale atlhe Mill of-Peter Fahnestock quantity. of Corn, Ry e and Oa th , which they will sell at a small profit for cash. *Persons in want of any of the above named grains will do well by giving us a call, and learn our prices, as they will be such as will be satisfactory. April l&—tf HOOVER dr SUMMERS. VEII3I HOTEL Cramer of Next ot Own 6 . 16., CHAMBERSBURG, Penn'a. LANTZ & UNGER, Proprietors,. The UNION has been entirely refited and re-furnished in every department, and under the supervision of the present pro prietors, no effort,. will be spared to deserve a liberal share of patronage: Their tables will be spread with the bust th= li ar k et a fford', emit their Bel. will always contain the choicest Liquors. The favor of the public solicited. Extensive Stablingand attentivegnstlers, Dec : 1.4-1-y 'X' II E NEW DISCOVERY Em Ob t endcal and medical Science. CCI .4. .1 .1 _ 4 4 a -,41 Dr. I. T. GART'IN'S SOLUTION AND COUOUND ELIXIR. I . l°. 7.4*-"`• FIRST AND ONLY SOIXTT )Nr etPr mule in one taixtnre of AEI. THE TWELVE active principles of the well known carat it e "r11.F.:30 'TA 11. SPECIFIC FOR CONSUIIPTION 'I This all-powerful vegetable preparation expeig from the lungs and air pa,anges the in M. , 1•4 ant mnee-pus pro. Meed by pulmet my mtl e irritated membranes, Etna rein,. nt, s every organ V, filch utiiii. 4 a the bre.si h of life. eon. 3/11S no btipelynts; p aamt t and is in all re.peet,- a ful medicine. Oho raphiity 'and certainty nitb which it ANNI 111LATES A COTTGII is astonishing. Its effects go depper than the morn symptoms uf pulmonary tllst.a, uud d ',hill 12, the cause fmna the syst eta. • It relieves the phe,; anti throat from the burdens witn.l2 on! teen then., tons arresting' Consamption and iSrnl , olll2* 2.1 ti r germ before they p. 31.42 the laurel t.mtgeroui stay, ea r Tito emaciated sulk rue 13A'11"1.17.i FOR LIT' In with the most terriV , '.e scourge of oar climate And LIC. 4JARVIN':I TAB. REM ..DY r v.oet.c allS.and and e,e , usruly Nvln the Lo 1114 stri.tly to this bal.eymie meaietne. By 1 , 1 I 11.- IZINIY, PURIFYING-and trIIAITTLA "IN; rd-cry upun gea.ralsy6tem, It i4rau.a...,.1) in all DISEASES OF THE L`i:.vaOZ). Inc:l4ller tieto,uht and Lruptions of DTA-. pepsoi..llisewf-i of the Liver 111,4 Kidn*a, 11,urt Dideue, and tfuuerul Lehiliry. , the 'CASES NOW 011 RECORD ( in which it has been adminiqtered wish emir•", sue was ma remedy for every variety of litallULlC4 111..u1t affect the rebp:rat cry fulictiollei,aulutuit dee and •et the prepr.rareao o n ly in the lIINTIey of its n.ie e new .0 • e. of all Expectorants naluenl is thnc thr y art simply expulsery. hence i hey are oeeles..; kw, uz- - less the cate , t4-Of -the -ae• id-St el et hnl" , whi• h hr.• coughed op ere 'realm. ed awl tle• i/ I rv,.. , .1. or 111.1U:rated. FAlrttlee. 11(tIlot !V .A. 14.4iur....1 natural tone, a cure is impu.ible. DE. GARY iNN . TAR REMIEDIEC, these objects. The - mtvemi — at,tl aro tltiO are throwit of by them, NAtate at the name they soothe alai atvigoraLo the Weil...eat:a ussues. STERLING DE." , 3 for coughs, colds, mfluet7 catarrh, aschwa, die.a, `I of •'te Lo:art, mat bowels, all tenut.e t 01 the akin, uitholunithen of tits longs, Lod all ito. or hers of a.pUlrucstutry thy Lo,.e it owl ailed. cowl dor Circular of posfr.i.vv. your Druggist„ or to SOLE 23.13.P..t'E" 195 Sererith. Ave., _Yew DecembOi 10; 1872-ly STAGE LINE. 'THE subscriber informs the traveling 1 public that he is running a Daily Coach from Wayilesboro' to Blue Ridge bun - Milt, leaving Waynesboro' at 9 o'clock, A. M., arriving at Boilitiful View Springs at 10 o'- clock, A. M., at 31onterey at 11 o'clock, A. M., at Blue _Ridge biunanit at 12 M., making con nection with the 12:25 train on the W. M. R R. from Baltimore. Ekpress matter from Baltimore for Waynesboro' should be seat to Blue Ridge Station as it will come through to Waynesboro' the same day.— The train for Baltimore leaves Summit Sta tion at 2 :41, P. M., arriving in Baltimore at 6:30 P. M. , B. F. BARR. July 11, 1872—tf INSURE IN THE MICIC7TICTBMs . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. F. S. WINSTON, President. The oldest and strongest Company in the United States. Assets over $50,000,000 in cash. W. A. REID, Agent. Feb 22—tf Waynesboro', Pa. TEE DEW MUM! UNDERFEED SHUTTLE and SEWING MACHINES! 825"chosper than any other. For Simplicity, Durability and Beauty, they stand unrivalled. For Stitching, Hem ming, Tucking, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering Jc Sewing on gathers, they are unexcelled.— Warranted. A. E. IVAYNANT, S. E. Corner Diamond Mar. 30, 1871. Waynesboro" Fa. The subscriber announces to his friends and the public that he has purchased the Coach Factory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engaged in the above bus iness, on Main Street, at the East end of Waynesboro. Haying a knowledge of the business, and employing 1. -, " but the best workmen, and by strict attention to busi ness he hopes to merit a shire of patronage. All kinds of new work on band orders filled promptly. Jan. 14 tf. GEO. B. HAWKER WICKEY'S CHOLERA MEN NE. 15 subscriber informs his customers the public generally that ha has now or sale the genuine Wickey Cholera Medi - ine, in different sized bottles. He has manufactured the article for years a - Al could, if necessary, furnish iumerous certi ficates from persons who have used it and who attest its genuineness. A bottle should be in every household at this particular season of the year. 'VA VU) MORT. • August fi—tf ii iii 'Do:fall 0 oks 101,w MAIN STREET, WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. THE subscriber having leased this well known Hotel property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and others who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hostler will at all times he in attendance. May 23-tf SAM'L P. STONER. 40• BARRELS OF• CIDER VIXEN, . rTIFIE subscriber nflara far snle in quanti i ties ranging from Jive gallons anti up wards, about forty barrels of pure cider vinegar. Warranted a genaine article. April 25—tf B. F. FUNK. 111; -1- cxi