11911 . 11 aztaa NEW GOODS 111IBERSON BENEDICT & CO% larA FALL AN VE just D received ttleir second supply JUL WINTER to which mTE,csffi-the-attention' of our customers au . We have full stock of the following roceries, Queenswar Carpets, GOODS, 'DRY ,OIL BLINDS, ,BOOTS AND SHOES, CasSimerth Lawn.,, Ticking, Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds. GIVE lIS . A CALL BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE AND WE WILL CON- VINCE YOU THAT OUR GOODS ARE AS • CHEAP AS ANY IN THE MARKET. AMBERSON, BENEDICT & CO. nov 28 1872 Fall STOVER & WOLFF, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, White Goods, Embroideries and Laces Groceries, Queensware, Boots & Shoes, Cedarware, Hardware OUR cloods Department consists in part of Ladies Dress Goods, Black Silks, Black and Colored Alpaccas, Empress Cloth, Japanese Cloths, Mohairs, Poplins, Lustres, Percales, Lawns, embracing everything in the Dress Goods line offered to the trade.— A FULL STOCK OF DIENS WEAR • English, & Amercan Cassirders, Linens, Jeans, Denums, Doeskins, Corduroys, Cottonades, Blk. Cassimere and Cloth. Notions and White Goods of every variety, Hamburg edging and inserting, Ruffling, Honey Comb Quilts, Napkins, Hosiery, Gloves, Corbets, Lace iiid Linen Collars and , Handkerchiefs, Piper Collars, Suspenders, Head nets, (!.;c. A full line of Shoes and Gaiters for Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses, Boys and Children. We have constantly on hand everything usually kept in a well regulatd store. We ask an esaininatlon of goods and prices be fore purchasing elsewhere. STOVER & WOLFF, May 16,1872. TOWN P KOPER 1 V PUBLIC SALE! THE subscriber intending to remove to 2. the West, will offer at public sale, on SATURDAY tint UM DEG. A LOT OF GROUND, situated on Church Street, in Waynesboro'. The improvements are, a new tw•o•story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, a good Cistern at the door with Hanstine Forte: Pump in it, a collection of choice fruit trees, new fencing, etc. • The above property is very pleasantly sit uated for a private residence, commanding a fine view of the town and country. 'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when • terms will be made known by • L. P. THOMPSON, Dee 12-ta G. V. Mop& Auct. Assignee's Notice,. xroncE is hereby given that Geo. B. .1 Hawker, by a deed of voluntary assign ment, has assigned all his estate to the un dersigned, in trust for the benefit of Credi tors. All persons, therefore, indebted to said Geo. B. Hawker, will make payment to said Assignee, and those having claims or :demands will make known the same with out delay. JAMES P. WOLFF, Dec 12-6 t Assignee. NOTICE, All persons are hereby cautioned against trasspassing upon the premises or the bub o :riber for the purpose of gathering leaves, etc. Dee. 14-3 w JOSEPH H. GILBERT. IF. 081 LITE, NETER LEIS! • AND Asi:OW ALIELMIA.3O - '0; ALIALS • D. Sumthers &' Son. •N.., QUINCY, PENWA, ' Have just returned from ilia eity math a fall - ' . line of • . , .Suitable for FALL AND W/NTE.II Wear. Are offering bargains in - • • CLOTHS, CA s 'CERES, J EANS, CO . T J.N A DES;SEPTS, GINOHAiIw, .IVIUSLINo; TICSINGS, CO CTON & ALL 'WOOL-FLANNELS,-&e. Also a full line of - - - - NOTIONS. GLOVES; HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS. HAIS, CAPS, HOOTS AND SHOES, Which they will sell sJt low figures. A full like of such as Sugars, Coffees, Syrups, Molasses, &c., &c., at low rates—your examination is invited. tliaY"Come, examine our prices and judge for yourselves! .Nov. 14, 1872-1 y COON & STONEHOUSE HAVE just received a large and well select. d stock of new Fall and Winter Goods, which they offer to the People of Waynesboro' and surrounding country . at the lowest cash prices. The stock conslats in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of the newest and latest styles; Goods of every description for men and boy's wear; =hi - rtiog - Strrpe , GOODS the public generally -Balmorals, a - large - lot - White - Cotton Quilts, very cheap, Table & Floor Oil Cloths, Oil & Paper Window Blinds, Ladies Lace Points & Shalls, a large lot of Stockings, Handkerchiefs for men,' Women and Children, Linen, Lace & Papper Collars, Laces Edging and Inserting, Silk and - Cotton fringes and Trimings of every description, Kid, Silk and Cotton Gloves, and everything else in notion line • oots,_Shoes and Straw Hats, Ladies and Childrens Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, to gether with Groceries, Hard vare, Wooden Ware, Queensware, Glassware, and Wall Paper. • Call and see our goods before buying elsewhere. COON & STONEHOUSE. LNov. 14, 1872 Hardware, Oil Cloths, Cloths, Kentucky Jeans, DEUBB. 1872 Pall mit 10 ro X Co I .24 - zar 0 $ kx 2 D/R - kA II - 4 1 -1-. X:!•_.tt_ ; x4 llo l4 l - 40 EX , - THE BOWDEN ROUSE ri - HE subscriber having leased this well known H Ael property, announces to the public that he has refurnished, re-pain ted and papered it, and is now amply pre pared to accommodate the traveling public and others who may be pleased to favor him with their patronage. An attentive hostler will at all times be in attendance. May 23-tf SAM'L P. STONER. • 40 BARRELS Of CIDER VINEGAR. subscriber offers for sale in quanti- I ties ranging from five gallons and up wards, about forty barrels of pure cider vinegar. Warranted a genuine article. April 25—tf B. F. FUNK. (CINNAMON, alspiee, mustard,cloves and spice fi whole or ground. at Reid Grocery DRY GOODS, FILL AND IVINTER GOODS, Bleached Minding, 13heeting, ' Tickings, Linen &. Cot- • ton Table Diapers, • Towels & Toweling, Table Covers, Calicoes, irish—Liaens RIDS £;c., &c., GO; TO TO roußnamms Waynesboro', May 21,1871'. DIAIN STREET., WAYNESBORO', PENN'A. NEW GOODS ! NE GOODS !! poi ialutmlooksorilksi BOWED 6 APPSNZELLM FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS, HAVE just received a full supply of Fall and Winter Goods, the finest assort ment for Gentlemen's wear ever brought to Waynesboro', consisting in part of English Kemp, English Melton, Wi3rsted Suitingerand- Full Line of French and English Cloths, Also a full assortment of Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS AND READY-MADE CLOTHING in Whole Suits, Overcoats, Pants, Vesta, &c., at prices to suit the times. All Goods sold by the yard CUT FREE OF C Satisfaction guaranteed in fits and the reputa Old Stand fully kept up CALL AT THE SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE AND EXAMINE GOODS AND GIVE US A TRIAL G-MISEBIS PATENT SELF-NERULATNI GRAIN SEPARATOR • CLEANER, BAGGER AND POWERS ! ISo implement wore important to the farmer than a First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so speedily. The. above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional Improvements made during the past 18, years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this Machi - .e just stands high above all of its class. As a thresher it is equaUto the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any oth er machine, settles the question of its supe riority as a cleaner over all ethers. Impar tial judges at all the State and County ,Fairs where It was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is sold for less mokey according to capacity. These facts are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply tat; wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power, with prices ranging , from' $l9O to $369, withont power. We also make the latest impproved triple-geared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduced. Address. • THE GEISER MANUFAUG CO., WAYNE:BI3ORO% Franklin County, Jan. 21-tf Pennsylvania. PUBLIC SALE ! On Saturday the 21st of Deb "72. THE undersigned Attorney for W. G. Hoke, will expose to public sale, in front of the Waynesboro' Hotel, on tho 21st day of December, all that valuable LOT OF GROUND, situated on East side of Church St. in Way nesboro', bounded by Church St., Public Road and lot of John Neal, on which is e rected a fine new comfortable two storied BRICK DWELLING ROHE, and all *thet usual .out-houses. The lot is well stocked with young fruit trees, alto gether making a very desirable residence. 129..5a1e to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when terms will be made known by E. ELDEN, Dec 6-ta Geo. V. Mong, .Auct. FOR, RENT. The subscriber offers for rent his Ice House, which is in good repair. Dec 12--tf E. W. W.I.S.HABAUGH. Neat IMMURE •Win:MBE • Wholesale and Retail.Daider, and Manufac : trim of ' , • .• - HPUSE . FURNITURE , AND T.T I= l ' I-1 0 1-IS'1" GREENCASTLE, Pa., takes this method of informing. his custom • ersand the public that he has REDUCED THE - PRICE• OF FURNITURE from ten to twenty per cent. Owing to the advantagge he has over other manufacithers he can an( will sell Furniture at a less price than any other Manufacturer in the State. HAVING THREE STORE ROOMS, filled with every variety of Furniture. from a plain, common article, to the finest in use, he feels warranted in saying that he can please all tastes. . gX.A.MINE LIST OF PRICES.' BEDSTEADS. • ' Cottage—lmitation of, Walnut $5, 6,7, to 8 Solid Walnut . 8,9,, to 10, Jenny Lind-3-Arch Top Panel, '. Walnut " " 14, 16,t0 18 • 3-Areh Top Panel, /natation 10, 12, to 14 Round, Corner -foot, &Pantile Walnut, Carved— •' • •25t0 30 " " Foot, Oval Panel • Walnut, Moulded 30, 35, to 40 Antique—New Style 25, 30, 35, 48, to 60 Fine Antique Chamber'Suita, Fullalarble ' 130 to 175 Cot.-Chamber-Suits - 35, - 33, 4045,7t0 - 60 -1 Solid Walnut Suits 60, 75, to 85 BUREAUS. Im. Wal. 4 drawers,. with glisa, -wood top • 14, 15, to 16 drawem„with glue, 17, r4to-30 Solid WaL 4 drawers, with glass wood top . 20,22, 25;t0 32 " " Marble top 25, 30, 32, to 60 Imitation Walnut 10, 12, to 14 TABLES. Dining Table, six legs, $7,50 to 9 Breakfast do., four legs, 5 to 8 Mar. do 20 diff. patenas, 9, 10, _ 12 to 15 Extension Tables per foot 2 to 3 CHAIRS. Windsor or Wood seats (rdoz) SSTS, 7 to 10 Cane seats (k doz.) 9, 10, 121_to 30_ (Have over 600 of the above on hand.) • Wood Seat Rocking Chairs, 1,25 to 5 Cane Seat Rocking Chairs, 2 to 7 -W-Mow-Seatzileolang-Chains, 2-to-10- Spring Seated Chairs Upholstered in Hain (:loth, Brocatel, Rep and Terry, ranging in price per half dozen from _Rocking Chairs uphol. as above. Tete-azTetes, uphol. as above, (each) from 20 ; 22;26, 30 to 75 Bal or plain Sofas, from /8, 20 to 30 Lounges upholstered in; Hair Cloth, Brocatel, Rep, Terry and Da- Imitation Walnut, for $lO, 12, 14, 16 to 30 Solid Walnut, for 15, 18, 20, 25 to 60 , t. W• ah s • misota - treat es, an • in fact everything in the Furni ture line. The limits of .an advertisement is entirely too narrow to give a full list of Furniture made at this establishment. CALL & SEE FOR YOURSELVES. ..Remember- the place, B. lc A. Dec. 1,1871. Now Ready for Fall Trade J.W.MILLER & CO. • TAKE pleasure in informing their fridnds that they have now in store their first supply of Fall and Winter DRY GOODS, . NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, Boots, Shoes, Gums and Over Shoes, • ' Blankets, Robes and Spreads, Shawls Nubies and Gloves, Carpets, Oil Cloths and Rugs, and in fact every thing usually kept in a well regulat ed Dry Goods Store. Their stock was selected with care and will be offered at prices to suit the times. An invitation is extended to all to call and examine goods and price. J. W. M. a CO. oct 24, 1872. AT ELDEN'S m Ayr i ltiv of ays be found a full and prime stoo ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND TRUNKS, - PAPER COLLARS AND NECK WEAR, GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND UNDER-WEAR, CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND ALL KINDS OF NOTIONS. Re—Watches and JewelrT repaired. North East Corner of Public Square. Dec 5, 1872—tf American Agriculturist, MONTHLY, FOR THE Farm, Garden, and Household, INCLUDING A SPECIAL INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN & YOUTH. The Agriculturist was established in 1342. It.is a large periodical of 44 quarto pages, filled with plain, practical, reliable, original matter, including hundreds of beautifuli and instructive ENGRAVINGS in every annual volume. ANNUAL SußschipTioN TERMS (always in advance) : 31,50 a year. Printed in En glish or German. Address, ORANGE JUDD & CO, Punusnrats, 245 Broadway, New York. rkIL CIOTHS. A large lot of Floor Oil IL" Cloths of different 'widths and prices at ov. 28. A9IIIEB:i0N, BENEDICT & CO'S 25 to 75 9 to la 7, 84, 10, 11, 12 to 30 WARDROBES. I. H::WHITMORE, Greencastle, Pa. 113 1 ARIL IIL 4E: 311&. - dar 3113C CD AL/Er __Nita 553 STEAM ENGINE AND • BOILER WORKS, Wa.3rxkotarksc:orc) , F aa:Litac.ll33. Ocitz.ixtp. Pa. • STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES Bo'lers; Tanks, and Sheet-Iron Work ; Machinist's Tools, Wood Working Machinery, Shafting, Pulleys and Hangers; Gear Cut ting, Portable Circular Saw-Mills, Felloe-Benders, Laundry Furnaces. Also, - Heater,Lime Extractor -anc-Filter;-combined*Cameron-&-Co!s-Special-Steam Painp_;_Saws of all kin( ) Iron pe and Fittings; Brass Work; Gum and Leather Belting; Manufacturers and Engineers' Suppl lowest Retail knees. :UT kinds of Foundry Work—heavy or light, Iron and Brass Castings—made to or iy done. Ikir'For fdrther particulars, send for Catalogue and Price List.wak MCI OEFLICII ERG 1 En T HIS firm call the attention of the Trade their Fall and Winter Stock o ' DRY GOODS A N" "JD GROCERItS, Which have been selected With great care and at The very Lowest Figures. We keep all the ma.e.l3...imaT NCIO 9 P-MMaT3C3O.IS , in connection with a full Line of Everything Kept, In a first Class Dry Goods REMEMBER WE KEEP A GEN ERAL VARIgTY AND TAKE PLEASURE IN SHOWING OUR STOCK. PRICE as 1110EFLICJI The Merchants. Oct 3, 1872-ti PIANOS! 'ORGANS! THE undersigned announces to the Pub lic that he is engaged in the sale of . PIANOS, ORGANS, IDF DIFFERENT FAMORIEB;) MELOD ONS, GUITARS, • BANJOS, VIOLINS, Violoncellos, Gerrdan and French Accor deons; Violin, Viola and Violoncello Strings Band Instruments of the best American Manufacture. In short all kinds of Musi cal Merchandise furnished at short notice if not on hand. All Instruments guaran teed to give satisfaction, before payment is required. PIANOS, ORGANS --AND MELODEONS WARRANTED '5 YEARS. . The "New Encland Organs" are now con sidered the best and cheapest Organs now made. A session of instruction given free. Will visit Waynesboro' Ist and 3d Saturday in each months The undersigned having an experience of fifteen years in the business • feels confi dent that 'he can give perfect satisfaction to any person wishing a good instrument.— Repairing instruments done at short notice. • Orders may be left and reference had at W. L. HAYS Book store, near Washington House. Address I. B. SECRIST, Hagerstown, Md. May 9—'72, ly • smir HELFER* CAME to the premises of the subscriber, near Bear's Fact Airy, on the 14th of Oc tober last, a Red Heifer,. about ,one year old, with small horns and star on forehead. The owner is requested to prowl property, pay charges and talc° her away. I)ec s—St DANIEL OLLER. NEW WINTER a 00'D3 nnw opening at Nov. 23 AMBERSON, BENEDR.,'T & CO'S IV OE ED-OFTWI VIi73VIC. .A., MUJOIS) WISHING to make some change in his business, and on account of the scarc ity of money will offer his goods to C/LiFI and PROMPT buyers, at a small advance on cost. Particu ru ttention-called-to Glassware and Queensware. So long as his "banner hangs on the outer : " lie-will-keep-a-full—line-of St.que_ .- ceries ; White and Brown Sugars, Cdffee, Tea, Syrup; Molasses, New Orleans Molasses, Rice, Cheese, Sugar Cured Hams Mackerel & Herring, Salt, Conc. Lye, Kerosene and Safety Oil, Soaps, Garden Seeds, • Shoe Brushes, Bed Cords, Baskets, &c Candy, Raisins, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, &c. Also Essences and Extradta for cooking purposes. • A nice line of Crackers and Fancy Cakes - LIFE & NWT INSURANCE, MUTUAL LIFE OF NEW YORK. MUTUAL RESER"E OF NEW YORK. TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCIDENT OF HARTFORD, CONN., Having in the aggregate 600,000,0 00. Accident Policies good against death or wholly disabling injury, for one year or less granted on application to me. No ma chinist, no mechanic's, no farmer, no pro fessional man, nor any other man or wo man ought to let a day pass without hay ing an Accident Policy. We pay weekly indemity for disabling injury and if death results from the Accident in 90 days the whole amount of Policy insured for is paid promptly in cash. June 20. 1872—tf MoriSitidStoA,Dl fr HE undersigned would most iespectfrilly I inform the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover 4: Wolfi's Dry Goods emporium, and keeps constantly on hand a good supply of COOK idt COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc., at prices to suit the times. All•kinds of work done •in his line with neatness and dispatch, such as roofiing, spouting and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call be fore purchasing elsewhere. The sign of the Big Red Coffee Pot, Always on the post.— Thankful for past favors he hopes for a con tinuance of the same. Yours Respectfully, . • CLAYTON 31. FREY WIREBSROIIO I COACH .FACTORY; fIEO. W. HAWKER having withdrawn VII from the firm of Adams & Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the eoachmaking business in all its branches, at the old stand. Ho will at all times have a supply of new Bug,gies, differ ent kinds, on hand also second-handed ,ve hides; Repairing none at short notiee. He uses the best material and employs good mechanics. Ire returns his thanks to ,the public for their liberal patronage, and by at tention to business and a:disposition to ac commodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the samo in the future. • Jan. 14—tf JACOB ADAMS. Building Lot Por Sale. THE undersigned offers at private sale a desirable corner Building Lot, situated on Leitersburg street, Waynesboro', with a large Barn, carriage flutist+, Hog Pen. &c. thereon. There is also on the lot a variety of Choice Grafted Fruit Trees. This is one of the most valuable lots, on the street. . , . . A tine Lemon Troo with lerocnis, - ;,,,Wit2is also oared for solo. • CAT. ARV:M.A.:E. GANS: - Dec 5-3 t Ci 5N— o)tint ra• eider fore4.xli; by ' - LI Juuo 3J. %Y A.ItEID Waynesboro', Franklin County, Penn's, October 23, 1872. .A.LLE M. GOOD. MATIIM mann SAN AM NM MEM Z JUST WHAT YOU WANT ices to suit Times and Quality ! YORK TrARRANTED Mono:—Quick Sales and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our line of business, At P W - e - tilao - contract - for continued Rail Stair Ways, Newel's Ballusters, &c. &c., furnish to order or put into buildings by the best, of workmen ; Sa.wing, Chopping, Poast Boring, Grinding, Turning, &c. &c. In short any -thiug-you-want-call-for-itTif-not-ou-hand-wo - will make it. As reference we can show you buildings.in the country or in Waynesboro' where you can judge for yourselves, (we can't recommend material, it must recom mend itself) also see the quality of our ma - tred-with-that-olother-shops,-- TO THE PUBLIC Thauaful for past favors, w•e ask you for a continuance of the same. FneLory 1j milds South of Wunesboro',ra GOOD & METCALF, ' may 18, 1871. P. S. We are also prepared to furnish Framing material at comparatively low rate. G. Sc N. 4 - - A NOBLE OILARITT. O . IIIAHA LOTTERY IN AID OF THE ' Nebraska State Orphan Asylum. To be drawn in Public, Dec. 30th 1872. Tickets $1 Each. Or six for $5. Tickets sent by Express C. 0. D., if desired. 1 Grand Cash Prize $75,000 1 Grand Cash Prize 25,000 1 Grand Cash Prize • 15,000 1 Grand Cash Prize......... 10,000 r Cash Prize ......5,000 1 Cash Prize 4,00tV 2 Cash Prizes, $3,000 each 6,000 4 Cash Prizes, $2,000 each 8,000 2 Cash Prizes, $l,OOO each .2,000 For balance of Prizes send for circular. This Legal Enterprise itrendorsed.by the highest authority of the State and the best business men. The limited number of Tickets on hand will be furnished those who apply first. All Prizes will be paid in full. AGENTS WANTED. For full particulars address J. M. PATTEE, General Manager, Omaha, Neb. Nov. 21-Ow ALIPBOCK N 1 1% ; • FOR TIIE GREAT tristIIIOSTRIES OP THE UNITED STATES ; AN HISTORICAL SUMMARY OF THE ORIGIN, GROWTH AND PERFEC- TION . OF , THE CHIEF INDUSTRIAL ARTS OF THIS COUNTRY. W. A. REID 1300 Pages, 500 Engravings Written by 20 Eminent Authors . , includ ing John B. Gough, Leon Case, Edward Howland, .Tos. B. Lyman, Rev. E. Edwin. Hall, Horace Greeley, Philip Ripley, Al bert Brisbane, F.. 8. Perkins, etc., etc. This work is a complete history, of all branches of industry, processes of mann facture, etc.. in all ages. It is'a complete encyclopedia of arts and manufactures, and is the most entertaining and valuable work of information on subjects of general interest ever offered to the public. It is a dapted to the wants of the Merchant. Man ufacturer, Mechanic, Farmer, Student and Inventor, and sells to both young and old of all classes. The book is sold by agents who are making large sales in all parts of the country. It is offered at the low price 0f53,50, and is the cheapest book ever:Ad by subscription. No family should he with out a copy. We want agents in every town of the United :States, and no agent can fail to do well with this book. Our term, aro liberal. We give our agents the exclu.6.; , right of territory. One of our agents sold 133 copies in eight days, another sok: in two weeks. Our agent in Ilartt'otti 397 in one week. Specimens u 1 the work sent to agents on receipt of tqamr. . For cir culars and terms to agents addre,s the pub- Usher& 3. 13. BURR & HYDE, lia7tford, Ct. Chicago. M., or Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct 24, 1872—1 y DA NI; 1474 7 :431 C MITA Ili[IHE regular Annual Meeting of Stot holders of the Ist NDtional Bari: of Waynesboro' for the eketion 4 of tors to Sen . :: the ensning, yell% Grill behl at the Banking. House on Tuesday the,lith day of January next, between the .hours ten and two olelock. Dee 1"-4t JOHN PHILIPS, C:sb. ,T"1,,. HE subscriber offers for salelo2 Corgis -.h. of Wood, hickory and oak. Arhi,-7t is easy of access, being :rout a half.ac from the public read, and near S:MILiel Welt y'b re, idcncc Sept s—tf LEM .SIIUTTERS, MANTLES, STAIRING, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Vi QO , O Ettili S'A,U., DA'V'ID LOH CO2. VEX ispeetacied, • =2t